Real fast jet QFI demos Tinker AFB Hi-ILS 18 in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Intro & Autopilot Setup hey guys welcome back to the channel Chris here CG AV this time in The Amazing F35 Microsoft Flight Sim and in this video I'm going to use my thousands of hours of the fast jet flying instructor ex tornado GR4 pilot and somebody who's flown for 3 years in American airspace to show you the Tinker High ILS Runway 18 full procedure yes an absolute mouthful and it certainly is when you're talking to a traffic about it here we are in the cockpit I'll show you the full setup we're going to talk about autopilot talk about routing talk about tan ILS nose doors you name it it's going to go in to it I'll put chapters down below so you can skip ahead here is some of what you'll see along the way I've got navigraph overlay and OBS is going to help me to Overlay that for you and you should see when we get closer the little pink triangle that is my aircraft going around the procedes so how cool is that so I'll try and remember to toggle that on and off as we go first things first I'm single seat so I'm going to use the autop pile as much as possible it's a little bit buggy sometimes it doesn't work but we'll work our way through it on the FCS page you can see the master autopilot is aot here autopilot if we enable that in fact we don't need to enable it let's turn it off for now if we go to speed hold 350 knots and speed hold you don't need autopilot for the speed hold to work and you can see S350 up here and the throttles are responding happy days we can then go to I'm going to put autopilot on First and see if this works heading hold 040 or heading select that's working nicely altitude select 10,000 initially yes there we go so it works if you do autopilot Master mode first and then the variable in afterwards that works out charm that's aut pilot in America because we're up above 18,000 we' be on U 2992 or the standard pressure setting I'll keep pressing the b key I can set the altimeter over on the right hand side here got 2992 at 1013 now I'll press the b key a couple of times as we go to make sure I've got the latest but I think that's what the q& is we'll we'll find out wind wise we're showing 256 at 17 up to the top right and I want to put my sork in as 4577 that's my preferred sork cool uh we're kind of guessing on our navigation here so let's do something a bit more detailed so we can look at the map just to give you an idea of what it looks like and we'll turn off that head up display as well just so it's not distracting for now interesting when I turn that off it turns off the range Rings you see that maybe I'll leave it on for a minute uh so we can see the map we are coming up alongside Oklahoma City there's Tinker here and Ellis is our initial approach fix on the uh chart you can see top right Ellis that's initial approach fix kind of unusual you expect geese to be the inial approach but it's not it's Ellis and that's where we're navigating to so on the left hand side you can see we've got a tan which is uh already set to Tinker 105 and we've got tick as Waypoint one which is the same as the GPS location for it more on that in just a sec so let's set ourselves up let's Frequencies turn that off we'll turn off the HUD now for a minute and we'll set our frequencies up so we'll click on this button up here we've got 105 in here we're just going to do it for demonstration purposes one5 you can change the band here attack and receive that then makes the blue arrow come up the course bar is now blue it's the tan I can change the tackan center line here so I'm setting that to the inbound radial for the hold with through 177,000 ft I definitely should be on the regional pressure setting I pressed it and it's now updated Happy Days uh so that is working so tackan is all set up ILS we need uh one one 13 is up we can you can see the details already populated pink need you can see it's pointing to it which is a bit unusual I'm not sure if that's regular but we press ilsd the needles come up pink and we can set the course to 177 for our inbound track on the ILS so now all we need to do is toggle across the ILS and it's already set up some reason that's disappeared now hopefully it'll come back later and we've got the way points here we're going to change the Waypoint because what we'll do is we're going to substitute the tan for GPS coordinates so we're going to use this GPS coordinate as our range during the ILS which is kind of unusual but that's the way we're going to do it today and that is all we need to do for now we'll change it back to tan Happy Days and we're also going to steer to Ellis just to show you that so now you can see the Green Arrow is pointed to Ellis but we don't want to go direct to Ellis because if we do that won't leave us much space you can see at the top top right we went direct Alis we'd have to do a 180 on the spot we don't want to do that so I'm going to change the heading here to 030 we're down through 14,000 ft for 10 I'm going to change the altitude down to in fact we'll change the speed is 250 knots so through 10,000 ft you should be less than 300 knots for a fast jet 250 knots I think for an airliner correct me if I'm wrong and I'm going to change the altitude to 8,000 because that's the altitude for the hold cool at this stage before I made that turn I would have requested a turning room to the west and that would allow them to pretty much give me own navigation and I can uh use the airspace as I need to to get aligned with the inbound radial of the tacken of the hold Happy Days you can see way point 2 is Ellis up here you can also use the range ring so you can see 10 mil on the Range ring here if I went down that shows 5 miles so the way I've worked it out and I'm not going to talk about one in 160 rule here but if you're really interested I might do a video on it but at 20 miles which is where Ellis is I know I need um 18° turning room to turn back around I'm basing that off the fact that my ground speed is going to be less than uh 300 knots so it's going to be about 2 and 1/2 miles as my turn radius I take my ground speed divide it by 100 that could my turn radius and if I'm doing a 180 then I double it so about 5 and 1/2 miles is my turn radius so I can make sure if I'm 5 miles offset 5 and a half I've got enough space to do it so that is working out the other thing that will tell me is actually I'm steering to Ellis so when I get a beam when the green arrow goes down to 1 120 and if that's 5 and 1 halfish then I'm at the right right point and based on the radial so I'll go back full circle to the radials uh that I mentioned because the tail end of the course bar or the outbound uh radial is 030 for the hold I need 18° to the left or if it was the case 18° to the right if I got turning room to the right or to the east that would give me enough space at 20 mi uh to turn back in all of those things combined together to give me uh give me the space we're now leveling off at 8,000 ft I'm going to take off the heading hold let's remove you and now what I can do with this aircraft is it'll still fly the altitude it'll still fly the speed but I can use the stick to steer it how cool is that I look at the navigraph you can see the Pink Arrow which is the aircraft up to the top you can see the tail end of the blue needle which is the tackan is almost at 012 so that is showing me good spacing and the green needles coming around still showing 8.5 to my initial approach fix which as a reminder is aess happy days I think we've got everything sorted I think it's working out all right and the weather the weather's actually cleared up I was hoping it's going to be a little bit worse but this is absolutely fine once we get to 20 mil outbound uh so 20 mil on the tan then we can take our right hand turn back to Ellis and we could be inbound for the procedure Now in America they generally clear you nice and early almost well before you got to the hold it was a bad day and they haven't got much traffic they will clear you all the way in so you don't have to talk to them again now if it's a better day and Tower is open then they might push into Tower final clear it let me do a quick demo for this nose door we got 17 miles for 20 and I want to give myself enough turning room cuz I know at 18 miles I need to start turning to get to the DME more on that in just a minute if I click the nose door less than 300 knots which Nose Door Demo & Hold Entry we are nose door open confirm open see the door's now open because that's where the ILS aerial is and it also helps out air traffic cuz they can see you a bit better when dirty up the aircraft okay 19.8 on the tack here we go we're passing a beam LS it's 5.7 here we go using the stick now 30° angle Bank can use the tick marks over here or I'll use that as a reminder to put the autopilot back on bit hard to see the HUD with the bright background you can see the tick marks up there you can also see lower right see 105x giving you all the uh radial information in England you'd typically still be on flight levels at this stage 103 I'm just going to press the b key as well just to make sure I've definitely updated it I have cool it still be on flight levels until the point at which you leave the hold and you'd also at this stage be telling a traffic you're inbound for the procedure and then that would be a prompt for them to clear you for the ILS or the the procedure so as the blue blue end of the needle so here's the arrow see the blue end of the needle comes around to match 030 which is where my course bar is that blue line will start coming in the course deviation bar as it has done now put CDI on want to tack and so that will also you can see in the HUD show you that same Arrow it's a little bit small to use realistically but it's good enough a 20 M attack and deviation bar takes a while to come in and what you'll notice is Ellis will trip over to the next Waypoint H look at that it matches K tick fair enough so it's gone over to K tick but I don't want it to do that want I use the tackan position in GPS as my substituted range for the ILS yes complicated I know but that's what I want to do so what I'm going to do is keep an eye on this whilst I'm doing this I'm going to change the manual to atis it doesn't change over I'm going to change this back to tick so now you can see we've got tick it won change it'll hold that and I'll get continuous range to my tack hand position so I like that we're inside 20 mi we're at Ellis perfect the deviation bar is working nicely next to Bent in order to give myself turning room here we go here's the chart it'll take me let me see ground speed is 286 that's 2.8 turn radius so about 3 mil just under 3 mil for a turn radius a 15 M Arc I'm going to start turning when this gets just under 18 miles so any second now sweet so a rate one turn about 30° that'll do and inside 17 Mar 2 miles from The Arc I'll start descending I need to take off my altitude hold I'll also deselect my autopilot autopilot so down we go now from a Start Descent calculation and it is a complex calculation you need at least 7° well we need a 7° descent gradient in order to lose the 4,000 ft need to by the time you get to the lead radial and turn it back inbound so it's quite extreme 7,000 ft for 4,000 there's a couple of extra things I want to do now we've just rolled out slightly wide with 15.6 6,500 ft for 4,000 so I'll just turn inbound a little bit so I can wash a little bit more range off I'm going to change the tackan center line 185 that gives the tail end of 005 so when this course bar comes back in line that's my lead radial so that works to get this range sorted coming down 5,200 for 4,000 I'm just turning in so I'm pointing a little bit more towards it the other thing I need to do is open the nose door so we'll do that bur that open 4,700 ft just shallowed off a little bit you can see how this lead radial is catching me up 15.5 miles that works right 4,000 ft happy 154 miles on the Intercept ILS tan let's have a look what that looks like on navigraph I I've got a bit of a sweat on and there's lead radial now so 30° back turn I'm going to set IL less there's the is nose door eyess and the CDI bars to uh on I'm a little bit high angle bank but I'm expecting the ISS to come in very soon want to climb don't want to climb Joker Joker Joker acknowledged okay here comes the ILS I'm just going to roll out and just let that trickle in on the right next event is going to be on here it's going to be at 12 miles based on tackan is when I can leave 4,000 descend to 3,000 I'm looking down at this screen cuz actually it's a little bit clearer prob on my owner not recording I perhaps use the HUD a little bit more we're inside 12 miles we're nicely established on the localizer put the nose down to 3,000 ft I put the nose down to 5° and then achieve 3,000 ft right you can see on the chart now if I put that up you can see that the top of drop if it's clear enough you can see it's 5.1 miles 3,000 ft on the center line 5.1 mil and I'm going to configure maybe a mile prior to that so at 6 miles I will configure now there's a slight bug with the the fly by wire system if you configure you can actually set it to manual mode where you have to trim which is a bit weird for an F35 or you can uh set it using uh some settings up here menu and then pmdr you can set it so that it stays in fly by wire but then you have the bug at 50 ft that the controls lock up and go a bit sluggish so uh I will be trimming a little bit was a bit weird but hopefully it won't be too unusual 7.2 miles love a quick look on the chart right down the slot I like it let's take this speed hold off throttle throttle okay six Gear Down miles below 250 gears coming down Glide path coming in looking about 175 180 I think there's the ILS we got three greens and we are on our way down working out nicely the E bracket next to the velocity Vector so that's nice I'm using the horizontal line for the Glide slope about 2 and 1/ 12° so I'm keeping the velocity Vector around the 2 and 1/ 12° and you can see to the left of the HUD there's actually a small Arrow just left of the Velocity Vector that's actually your Excess power so I'm a bit fast now if I pull the power you can see that little arrow go down that means you're slowing down which is absolutely genius okay 2,500 ft for 1467 which is my uh MDA no decision altitude what I meant don't quote me all right are we stabilized we're doing all right we're doing all right I've kept that navigraph thing up so let's turn that off oh my goodness well I hope this has been relatively informative there's lots going on play it back ask me any questions you've got down below if there's something you'd like to see procedurally in America or in England then let me know in the comments and I'll see if I can put that in one of my future videos but I've been working hard in this video and I hope that has uh borne some fruit for you getting distracted okay crack shift idle flare those in America that fly uh fast jets with tiny wings know what that means so I'm now going below the Glide slope I'm putting the velocity Vector on the threshold being cautious of the rais lighting in the undershoot crack the throttle shift the aend point now go to idle look to the end of the runway and bit Twitchy but we're down I'm looking to the alpha on the left hand side I can pull to 12 eror breaking oh yes and then blow 100 knots lower than nose nice if you enjoyed that I'll throw up some links to other videos where I've done procedural stuff but until the next time take care

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