Assassin's Creed 3 Could Have Been So Much Better - A Fan Rewrite

today I am here with resident historian Nate the man who did not completely disavow the existence of yazak and his entire ethnicity of people when Assassin's Creed Shadows was announced so you know what kind of person Nate is over here we're talking about Assassin's Creed 3 today because resident historian Nate thinks that his little history degree means that he somehow knows anything over here I know all and has some kind of statement that he want to make about remaking Assassin's Creed 3 and because I have a degree everyone has to listen to me ooh cool you're like a professor at College except less of a degree I guess so anyways we're going to talk about Assassin's Creed 3 today and what we would kind of do to rework some of it because I think a lot of people even people who wear Assassin's Creed 3 is their favorite AC game which it I think it was for you until Origins came out right yeah it's my second favorite and it's one of my favorite I have a really hard time with like my top three it's also my third favorite video game of all time yes wow I love this game so two of his top favorite video games are Assassin's Creed I have to throw down the credentials at the start of this video so it's like anti-red denials at this point with how much people hate AC anyways we know that Ubisoft is certainly not perfect that's like an understatement of the year we know that this game has come and gone and it's probably not going to happen but if we were doing Assassin's Creed 3 now with 2020 hindsight there are a couple things that I think we would have changed changed and by a couple I mean quite a few if you enjoy today's video you want to leave a like subscribe let us know what you think in the comments down below we do make assassin's creed videos I think this might be something like our 65th video on Assassin's Creed so it's actually quite a few and we also have played through some of these games over on our let's play Channel degenerate plays the link is in the description down below when this goes up I think we're kind of in the last stretch of ac1 and I did have a very brief question of the day for you which is is there anything you would change in Assassin's Creed 3 what would it be I'm interested to hear that down below so I think for me the biggest thing with this game that frustrates me this is just me is the friendship with George Washington and I know Nate you had some thoughts on this too because you've read some of those documents that George Washington was you know sending in terms of like at the time obviously the ones that have been preserved historically a lot of them didn't and you know some of the history of the Revolution even more than I do something that bums me out about this ties into a point you made which is the fact that in the latter stretch of the game Connor just loses interest in the revolution which I I understand but it leads to a lot of events being missed out on and I would argue that it also kind of leads to a lack of buildup with this friendship with George Washington that the game pushes almost like Connor and George Washington were like these really good friends by the time a Tyranny of King Washington their friends again you know enough that George trusts Connor to contact him you know to basically say hey look this apple is messing with me please take it even things like you know the Benedict Arnold stuff which played into the story but I feel like a lot of the George Washington element is told and not shown you know you're told that Connor's a better friend with George than you're ever shown that he is like ever in this game and that kind of bums me out yeah I think that's a good point I the frustrating thing to me about Assassin's Creed 3 with George Washington is they act like they're good friends throughout the game and and I know there's like a rocky relationship throughout the game like especially in the middle part of it MH uh between the two of them but then they make up at the very end but they do act like they're friends they want to help each other out they have mutual interests in the Revolutionary War even though there is kind of some Rocky Relationships there but you don't really ever get to see them together they're together like like you as the player are playing with him you know not like you're told about it or something or you just see it in a brief cut scene yeah exactly so I think that's one thing that I would have changed about Assassin's Creed 3 is first of all have you with George Washington more mhm but second of all well wait before before we go on when you say with do you mean kind of I mean like the biblical no like James panon like that kind of with yeah with like Yaz being able to be with men type thing yeah okay cool yeah I'm not judging that Resident historian right I'm okay with it yeah um the second thing though about this is is and this is one of my biggest frustrations with the game the game is based around the Revolutionary War but because you have three sequences of haym at the beginning of the game which is literally a fourth of the game MH uh it doesn't really leave a lot of time for you to play during events of the Revolutionary War now I do want to point out before I further this point I do think it would be a little ridiculous if Connor was just at every single possible Revolutionary War event that wouldn't really make much sense if he was just at all of them but I do want to see at least few more of them like we never got to see like theor Washington Crossing the Delaware into the Battle of Trenton even though there was promotional imagery showing that like official imagery of Connor there helping him cross the Del yeah why didn't we get to play as that it's one of the most important events of the Revolutionary War but I do think that like you mentioned the crossing of the Delaware I don't remember if you mentioned this or not but the Battle of Trenton the Battle of Yorktown those are major things and canonically I believe he did have something to do with the Battle of Trenton I think he was there yeah canonically speaking but we never got to see it right well the the yeah yeah right exactly the Battle of Yorktown I don't know if he is in there in Canon I have no idea my understanding in Canon from some from what I was reading was that and I I guess I hadn't seen this when I played the game so I don't remember if it's shown in like supplementary material or whatever but my understanding was that assassin recruits were taking care of some of the Templars Direct the Battle of Yorktown okay but that Connor was not actively battling at the Battle of Yorktown see I think it would have been very cool to have Connor be at the Battle of Yorktown and this is my big problem with the game is you know it's all based around the Revolutionary War but I like the content we have like I love the Boston Tea Party the the Paul Rivers ride battle Bunker Hill like I like the content we have but I want to see more mhm and I think one of the big problems with the game is we have three sequences of ha which probably should have been one yes let's be honest here it probably should have been One Max of two mhm but you have three sequences of haam you could have at least taken one of those sequences and add in a couple more events during the Revolutionary War so you actually get to experience the Revolutionary War and I think an idea that would be even better than that would be something like they did with freedom cry or AC Liberation where you actually take hayam and give him his own game yeah that would have been awesome maybe not a huge one but you know because if you gave him a Prelude game maybe something to tied people over kind of like how Metal Gear did metal gear solid five ground zeros where it was kind of like you're at this base and it's a playground type thing and it was it was basically introducing you to the world of Metal Gear Solid 5 letting you play those characters and stuff I would have Lov to have seen something like that with AC where maybe you have a game that comes out before AC3 it's a smaller game it's focused on haam you're Desmond and then in the end you get the reveal wao this guy was a Templar yeah and then maybe in the very beginning of AC3 it Recaps those events again in a cut scene the same way it recapped Altier and Etso and what happened to Desman I think that would have been great and actually you could have given uh you know haam more time then because obviously his game wouldn't just be two or three sequences it would probably be like five or six yeah you can make it 10 10 15 hours of the story and and I think that enough then he would be even more humanized when you get to the world that Connor is in but you know you to your point yes you have those sequences as ha but then you have a whole sequence basically of Connor as a kid and an adolescent teen before he even becomes an assassin so which I still think that should be in the game right but maybe that should have been the beginning yeah that should have been sequence one kind of like how we got Etso being a civilian for a sequence right exactly I get that but like why it being like sequenc I believe 4ish four is child Connor yeah so you're all the way up to sequence 5 before you're playing as adult Connor yeah in a 12 sequence game which means seven of the 12 sequences are the Revolutionary War and no not even all of them because they lost interest not only did Connor lose interest in the Revolutionary War it felt like the writers lost interest by like sequence 10 right you know the stuff going on with Charles Lee in the very end of the game it's like Connor doesn't care what's happening with the revolution he's like yeah I don't care I'm dealing with Charles Lee and haam yeah which is kind of the weird thing to me is is the middle part of the game is you and the Revolutionary War uh which the game does talk about it being important for Connor like specifically Conor and his people and so on and yes I know Charles Lee is mainly involved in that and whatever but the game acts as if Connor is very interested in the revolution war it's mutual beneficial beneficial for him and George Washington and then by the end of the game he like doesn't care so my thing is like why why have a game based around the Revolutionary War if the writers don't even care really about the Revolutionary War like by the end of it yeah you could have easily have had Connor maybe he's losing interest in the revolution war that's a fine storyline but still have him participate in these battles which is why I think the which is why I think the Battle of Yorktown was a necessary part of the game you're experienc of Revolutionary War why don't you have the ending of it showed well it doesn't even help that some experiences in the Revolutionary War are fun but like they're not what they showed in the promotional trailers remember the trailer where it's like Connor ducking through like all these fights and ducking through trenches and then like coming up and killing an officer and stuff yeah that was amazing and it was it was amazing I think that's kind of what people expected to an extent right within reason we know it's not going to be a cinematic trailer yeah it's drama sized but like we expected that to be like the sole of what was maintained I think and instead a lot of the participation in the Revolutionary War is like now Dodge cannon fire right now run well that's what the Battle of Bunker Hill is it's literally like hey there's those uh cover rocks or whatever over there run over there once the cannons go off it's like oh you're at the Battle of bun Grill was that fun yeah but you're not really fighting many people doing anything yeah you know and and you I don't know like my thing is I like the parts that are in the game yeah I have no problem with them I have no problem with the Battle of Bunker Hill you just told us one don't though well I I do have a problem but I'm saying I'm fine with it I think our problem is more that that's all there is like think we would have a problem with it if that was one aspect of it but then there was also aspects that maintained that soul of like go into this area and kill as many of these British soldiers as you can then move over here there's a Templar type thing right exactly but they don't really have that a lot of your participation in the Revolutionary War is running errands for people I know you know it's that like Sam Adams wants you to deliver this [ __ ] right hey Paul Rivier wants you to drive him while he screams yeah it's like I get that the Paul Rivier like riding you know is is interesting but I'm saying like it's just another example of like you doing someone else's Dirty Work yeah but not actually having like fun objectives yeah the only part where you're having fun is like the the Boston Tea Party a couple you're actually grabbing the tea and dumping in the water and there were there was a battle or two like you know that were interesting right but I think that it says a lot that the battle parts were actually less fun than the normal assassination gameplay of like going into a fort on your own mhm that was a blast yeah just like doing the Forts and that was part of the Revolutionary War but in the story it doesn't even matter yeah cuz they they don't do anything with it so I think to recap the point what we would rather have is take the three sequences of haam so first of all make haam its own game love that just have that being its own game you don't have to have them in this game well you do for like the villain purposes but not as a playable character right take the three sequences of haam add three more sequences to the Revolutionary War uh specifically Battle of Yorktown the crossing the Delaware just because H lost interest I don't think that means the writers should lose interest in the storyline yeah exactly cuz that's what people want to see people want to see the story line whether he's there or not I don't care even if it's a cut scene I don't care so that that's kind of what we're saying take those three sequences add them into the so we can see three more sequences worth of Revolutionary War content that's that's what we're here to play if they ever remade if they ever remade AC3 I personally think this is the one I can think of the most off the top of my head that had so many missed opportunities i' like changed oh yeah whereas like AC4 I'm looking at it and I'm like I'm good with that the way it is yeah it's a good game like I don't and I love AC3 too but there's there's it's just I love it so much that I want it to be better right that's the thing whereas AC4 is already so good we're afraid they'll screw it up I know right I know I think it's funny the dichotomy between those it's like please fix three don't touch four this is already perfect stop stop yeah the other point we had too was where are all the founding fathers in the game yeah so I'm trying to remember cuz I played through this game very recently but it was probably a few months you know six months ago does Connor ever meet Ben Franklin in the main story cuz there's a bunch of Ben Franklin in the athm part and in the no not even a bunch in that you meet him like once and he tells you about find my Almanac PES which there's another thing once you do that because you're probably going to finish it years later as Connor doesn't even matter nothing comes of it yeah nothing at all right doesn't matter but secondly mainly Ben Franklin is just in the Tyranny of King Washington which is like an alternate reality Vision yeah I don't I don't know if Connor ever meets him if he does it's like once right if he does it's not memorable cuz I was trying to remember and I don't remember that I remember Sam Adams actually matters yeah Sam Adams does George Washington Sam Adams are really the two that matter for founding fathers yeah and by the way where was John Adams well that that's what I wanted to get at let's look at some founding fathers here Thomas Jefferson yeah a big one and he's only in the he's in the Tyranny of King Washington uh James Monroe dang it I thought James Madison for James Buchanan James Buchanan where was him don't say that John Adams actually somewhat makes sense because he spent most of the Revolutionary War over in Europe he was actually an emissary to like Holland uh he was Emissary in Britain France things like that so he' kind of makes sense Ben Franklin was back and forth between sleeping with women in France and pretending to get help Thomas Jefferson was also in France too but he ALS he came back to the United States and I think Ben Franklin did too Ben Frank did also yeah he wasn't there Thomas Jefferson Ben Franklin came back to the United States John Adams spent most of the time not all the time but most of the time over in Europe during the revolution war but you could still have them in the game right you know it's not like John Adams is just non-existent but James Monroe James uh Madison you could easily have them James Monroe literally fought with George Washington he was a soldier in the Revolutionary War he's actually at the Crossing of the Delaware who the thing we don't get to see yeah so it's like where where are these people yeah this is like such a John Hancock another one dude like by the way look at look at AC4 I know I keep going back to it but a lot of notable events in kind of the decline of piracy happened in that game even the death of Blackbeard you're present yeah they're show but for this it's almost like they allude to it and they're like ah you wouldn't want to see yeah it's like yeah that's why I bought the game to see that I want to see that that is what I want give us some Thomas Jefferson I think the biggest examp selling Hemmings okay so here is one that we just thought of what about Betsy Ross with the creation of the American flag you don't even meet this woman right you don't meet her at all there's like so many characters and again I understand that oh well how many characters can you meet we have a suspension of disbelief here we're talking about a game where a specific man who is a Native American which by the way if this game came out now it would probably be called out for this like it would probably be a controversy helped ignite and Fuel and continue the American Revolutionary War and met a bunch of founding fathers and was participating in and you know around a lot of key events like you have to have some dis suspension of disbelief whenever you have these things same with Etso helping perfect coffe recipe right and like same with Alti being at certain events you know like these characters are made up we understand but our point is they're already made up why not mix in some real history with that too and instead we get very little of that it's just you get some really cool blurbs in the codec mhm but like I want to see that stuff I want to be there I want to participate in it yeah and that's the frustrating thing to me is the three sequences we look at that the three sequences of haam and we go this is wasted stuff I mean it's it's important to the story but it should be own game should have been a buildup game or at the most two sequences in the game and give us a full sequence more of Connor at at the very least yeah you know so yeah it's all this interesting cool things that happened in the Revolutionary War we don't really get to see like literally 34s of it I did have one final point which to me is one of the most important ones but like I'm already okay with the way it is because I played all the side content a lot of Connor's character development of being a person outside of the very end of the game and post game like going to Achilles grave and stuff like that a lot of his character development is missable it's things like that like you know going to visit Achilles grave and there's like specific dialogue that humanizes Connor further and like gives you an insight into him as a person not just him as like a force of nature killing people or things like the homestead missions the homestead missions and you know recruiting people for that and working with them and kind of building up almost a family there like a found family storyline or even different things like uh doing some of those uh Daniel Boone story lines you know some of those side missions where you were kind of going around as a Frontiersman a lot of those things are what humanize Connor as a character so I think that those are already great and I think that a lot of this criticism comes from people not playing those because Ubisoft has so much side content in their games that it's overwhelming MH but I do think it's fair to say why wasn't more of them just in the main story cuz Connor in the main story is much more stoic he doesn't show nearly as much emotion a lot of things happen around him and I think a lot of people don't get to see the more vulnerable side of the character because they didn't take time to do those side missions right I get that like hardcore people who love the game like us could say well then they should have played them sure people should play them I think they're great but I do also think that it says something that characters like Etso got those kinds of moments in both you know in the main story and in the side missions whereas it seems like for Conor they kind of locked most of that behind side missions right or for example the Benedict Arnold Mission which I believe was either a store exclusive Mission which was stupid or it was a DLC like pre-order bonus I don't remember which so that kind of thing too where it kind of showed some humanization of Connor we don't it's it's just all optional I don't think that stuff should be optional yeah right and that would have helped if you had one or two more sequences of Conor exactly instead of it just being that side Conta yeah so anyways I and Resident hack historian Nate have come up with our ways that we would improve this game and completely humble uh Ubisoft Executives like e gont and several other people why why are you laughing over there that's how he pronounces his name very clearly okay got it you guys can let us know what you think in the comments down below we like this game very much the way it is but I really do think it could have been a lot better so less don't what you think if there's anything you change if you enjoyed this video you want to leave a like subscribe for more content we appreciate you very much we do have our own store which is Cosmo bunny. shop where we actually sell repurposed comic book and manga and magazine resin pieces from paper that is going into usually landfills it's usually not even getting recycled what we do with this is we take it we save some of that art we create transformative art for your home and then we make sure the rest actually ends up in the recycling so you know something for you something for us something for God's green earth it's all uh winds all around Plus we make like no money on these channels so support of that goes to help us and finally speaking of that we have our own fortnite code which is DJ a y123 plenty of other channels in the description down below like degenerate plays where we actually play through Assassin's Creed games and lots of other games so we hope to see you there have a fantastic day and as always everyone stay

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