Grenfell inquiry, 'sectarian Islamist politics' & the Christian hijra? | Muslims Uncensored

Published: Sep 03, 2024 Duration: 00:47:03 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: islamist
Intro bam alayum and welcome back to yet another edition of Muslims uncensored which I'm sure you've all been waiting for with great anticipation I'm here of course Robert Carter and I'm also joined by my sidekick rosan s our crazy editor here at Five Pillars uh welcome ran thank you very much for joining me once again as you do every single week uh it's good to see you again yes uh we have a lot to talk about uh it's quietening down the news but I think with what always happens with Muslims news is there is still a lot going on high stakes so the stories that we do have are pretty like impactful so I'm G to jump straight on in because it seems as if there's a really worrying Trend happening in the UK right now where the state is really UK silencing pro-Palestine voices cracking down and going after some pretty prominent Pro Palestine voices uh anti-terror law is being used against uh these activists and indeed some journalists as well have also been caught up in this uh charges uh which may be brought against them or have been against some of them include things like um voicing support for a prescribed group the latest example is Sarah Wilkinson uh who is a very well-known Pro Palestine activist here in the UK I'll bring her up on screen now uh you can see her here in the image so sah Wilkinson is the latest to be arrested uh she was arrested in August and basically her home was raided by people wearing ball clavas this was anti-terror police they smashed down they wanted to smash down the door she let them in she was detained for a period of time she's had her devices seized you know this is pretty standard procedure for anyone who's perceived to be in breach of Terror offenses here uh but she's not the only one uh the uh co-founder of Palestine action who's also in the article he's been charged on the same day for offenses including some breaching Terror law among other things uh uh apparently he's also been accused of um trying to inspire people to cause criminal damage so this there's there's all sorts of ations here a journalist earlier in the month as well Pro Palestine journalist Richard medhurst was plucked off of an airplane at he airport uh you know he's controversial on other areas uh our readers will probably highlight that but the fact is he has been outspoken no he was arrested for his Pro Palestine activism exactly so there's a worrying Trend here uh and it's magic Freeman as well frean M Freeman another proes activist he was arrested and his face uh charges of this nature as well I mean who else I mean I'm sure there's more I mean probably more we don't know about Palestine action have 16 members Behind Bars and 10 of those members again were held for long a long stretch of time under terrorism legislation anti-terror legislation excuse me so this law and these laws are being used according to these activists potentially As Weapons to to silence Pro Palestine activism that's the what that's what they're saying that's what they're saying the authorities would say with Palestine action is that they're responsible for criminal damage that because they're attacking weapons factories and causing criminal damage but that's separate to the terrorism and the terrorism thing yeah that's a different matter uh now this is because there are laws on the statute books which prohibit support for certain Palestinian and other organizations anti-israel organizations ations um which are fighting Israel at the moment or you know some would say resisting against Israel at the moment um and it's considered terrorism a breach of terrorism laws to express support for those groups now I would say that there are certain groups on the um terrorism list I think it's political I think they need to be looked at again um so for example we had hisb on the terrorism list uh which is you know a peaceful Islamic organization uh but it's considered to be a terrorist organization and it's on the same list as Isis and Al-Qaeda so Hamas and hisb also on that list um but I think a lot of these laws came in during the Tory government uh which we know is basically committed to protecting Israel um and um I think they were political decisions rather than decisions based on right or wrong um so I think that they need to be looked at again but ultimately these laws are now being used to crack down on Pro Palestine activism so if you uh Express support for an organization which is fighting against Israel then you're considered a terrorist in this country whereas you can openly support Israel in this country which is committing a genocide and no one will will bat an eyelid so there seems to be a contradiction there in the eyes of many pro Palestine activist so I think these laws need to be looked at again you know who is exactly on that terror terror list because it's clearly being used now to crack down on on propal sign activism and and and send Shivers through propal sign activist because they'll see prominent people being arrested and I think the natural reflex of many pro Palestinians even those that might not support certain organizations will be to not talk about Palestine anymore um so yeah it it is an issue and obviously Huda amori from Palestine action says that you know we should double down on support for pal not stop talking about don't give them what they want but uh yeah it's it's quite concerning you know and these these these arrests are I think Huda said in her interview which you must watch it's on our Twitter feed and our social media she said that the authorities aren't going after everyone they're going off to prominent people famous people in order to send out a message yes let's play out a little snippet not the whole interview but I will give you a a taste of what HUD has said when I met her uh when was it yesterday in Bradford and it's obvious that what's happening is um so many people are being reported actually they're being docked online by Zionist groups and if they're not being docked there are Zionist groups out there going through people's social media going through speeches reporting people to the counterterrorism police and the police are being very political about how they go about these arrests and these charges in the sense that they are not um arresting everyone who's being reported but they are slow was surely going through the people that I believe they see as having either influence it's in the case of Sarah Wilkinson she had a large social media platform reaches a lot of people on the topic of Palestine or people that they see as H significant or will be seen as significant to the movement and because Richard is a co-founder um me and him and others founded pal on action four years ago then they believe that they can try and use him I believe to try and set an example um to the rest of us but this is such an important time in history and such an important time when we look at what's happening in Gaza but also when we look at what's happening to activists here and now we have got to push back and fight back because they are trying to set a new precedent with these terrorism laws so there you have it echoing what you've already highlighted basically I think uh you know as someone who is from this country a British citizen as you Britain weaponising anti-terror laws? are as well I think it's just we live in really scary times we live in scary times I mean imagine for example I wanted to as a British citizen discuss something going on elsewhere in the world you know related to Israel or something else and then I'm in a situation now where I feel like I might get sent to jail or have my home raided for saying the wrong thing about something going on in another part of the world I mean this country is supposed to protect me right it's supposed to protect my right to talk about things I mean can you imagine for example uh if people were having their homes raided by men in balaclavas because they said something about America's war in Iraq being evil for example because America's an ally of Britain we have British police raiding my home for saying something like that that's what it seems like is happening I mean this this feels like a police state situation it's been mentioned by many people online it feels like we in a police it also feels like this has been planned uh over many years that the certain you know pro-israel groups knew one day that they were going to commit a genocide in Gaza and they were preparing for that day so that when it actually happened Pro Palestine activists would not be able to express themselves freely um and to argue against Israel's genocide that's what it feels like it feels like they've been looking 10 years ahead or whatever to a day when they were going to try to eliminate the Palestinian people and they've got laws in place to prevent resistance to that that's what it feels like to me yeah absolutely and uh I think it's it's just worth noting as well that although Palestine action has 16 members Behind Bars they refer to them as political prisoners by the way just because they have them behind bars they weren't uh sent down because of breaches of terrorism law no criminal damage it was criminal damage so although some of them were held under uh the terrorism act yeah um they weren't uh jailed for anything like that so it's it's worth mentioning sometimes these uh terrorism charges are thrown at activists it seems the cas Terr chares but they're not actually um yeah they weren't actually sent down for that and obviously when you're held on terrorism charges they can do things like hold you without charges so although you're not charged of anything they can still hold you and question you and take away your devices and things like that so you know it's it that's why I think it's so controversial holding activists under the terrorism leg it's also um an interesting debate over about breaking the law obviously we don't encourage anyone B breaking the law but the fact is that if you look at 1960s America what did Rosa Parks do by you know sitting at the front of the bus or whatever she broke the law what did anti-apartheid activists do in South Africa they broke the law um so there's an interesting debate to be had over whether it is actually the right thing to do and you will be proven right by history by breaking the law when it comes to extreme examples and obviously the Palestine Action Group would say that literally Israel is committing a genocide companies are complicit in that genocide and therefore they're taking direct action breaking the law for that reasons absolutely well let's move on because we're talking about uh laws and law makers perhaps well there are a group of lawmakers in this country uh Pro Palestine uh Muslim 5 pro-Gaza MPs: Performance review MPS who have teamed up with Jeremy Corbin these were the independent the one in the latest general election that we reported on extensively they've teamed up to form a new independent Alliance in Westminster uh so this is now a group of five MPS all Independents and they're basically trying to you know get their voice heard more so in Parliament and they actually I think have enough members now that they rival reform UK uh the dup uh in the number of uh members that they have so you know they're forming their little force in the corner of of Westminster there and they're trying to push their thing one of the things that they uh criticized the government on recently was the uh arms um sales which were suspended to Israel I think it was it was just a symbolic gesture the UK made clear that they're not going to suspend all arms to Israel but some of these MPS did at least highlight that fact and said well ideally we should completely suspend all arms to Israel but what do you think of their performance so far because they've been in office now for a couple of months yeah uh not much I I don't think I'm I don't rate their performance very highly uh I wasn't expecting too much I do think we need to give them a bit of time um to settle in and we shouldn't rush to judgment too quickly I personally think that these MPS were invite were elected to Parliament on the back of the Muslim vote and because of Gaza that's why they're in Parliament um as we speak um they're not particularly in Parliament I wouldn't even say to represent their constituents by attending some of atates or things like that that doesn't interest me I know that's part of an MP's work but I think what we're expecting from them is a bit of fire and brimstone in Parliament you know we're looking for them to to Really uh hammer home the issues especially which it comes to Palestine and I haven't seen much of that yeah they've issued a few statements here and there but I'm I'm expecting much more from them and frankly I've been disappointed however it is early days they do need support I also think that uh the the Muslim MPS are not really clued up when it comes to Palestine I think from the public statements that I've seen them it seems to me that they're they're not really experts on the issue um they have a Layman's knowledge probably a better knowledge than the average Muslim even but to be an MP and have that platform to speak I think you need to do a little bit better so for example when when they gave this when David Lamy gave that speech in par the other day and he basically said that we're going to keep on arming Israel but we're going to take away a few licenses you know as a symbolic gesture um you know one of the MPS had the chance to speak responding to that and he said something really weak where he should have said this is not enough we should cut diplomatic relations they're committing a genocide for God's sake you know we should stop all arms you're completely immoral this is what the kind of rhetoric he should have been using but instead of that it's he stood up he didn't really know what to say so I think these MPS I think when we if we're going to go through this process again of electing MPS to Parliament then there needs to be a stronger vetting process so that we get the best candidates in there that really know what they're talking about that going to really represent the Muslims and their constituents so I've been a little bit disappointed it's a bit of a damp scrib so far what do I think about this Coalition with Jeremy Corbin I think it makes sense to have a unified voice so that they can get more contributions in Parliament um if they if they work as a block I'm a little bit concerned that they're under the leadership of Jeremy Corbin because obviously he's you know he's a he's a he's a an atheist Lefty um with many good positions but also many bad positions so I hope that they're not going to tone down their rhetoric on certain social issues for example uh just because Jeremy Corbin's leading them so I think I think it makes sense to have a loose Coalition yeah but I don't think they should have Jeremy Corbin as their leader I'm not saying he is their leader I get the impression that maybe he is or he's giving them he's giving them a lot of Direction so I think they have to uh keep an arms length from Corbin while working in a loose coition which makes sense what you Reon uh yes I agree uh basically I think that I have hopes still that we could Corbyn's track record have some good performances from these guys so I think um you know I I I think that they do still deserve a bit more time cuz I think I think all of these guys are new to the politics game absolutely so I I must admit if I if I were in their situation I would hope that people would give me a bit more uh room well about three months and and Parliament had a had a month's recess so yeah it is too early to judge I think so I think so obviously I've got high hopes but high expectations people are going to give maybe they're going to criticize me for going in too hard but they have been elected now so I don't think we should necessarily be too easy on them either yes and we have high expectations of them that all I'm trying to do is um you know maybe sound a bit bit of a warning shot and that this is what we expect as Muslims yeah absolutely and and I'm I'll be very happy to eat my hat eat my words and be proven wrong as well because I want these guys to do well absolutely no I totally get that point I think and I think you're right to say it you that's totally valid point of view uh I am concerned I agree with you on the concern for Jeremy Corbin's leadership because I think that these guys obviously are new to Westminster politic IAL game and it's it's a it's a sewer you know so I don't even know what they're going to have to deal with in that place especially because I think the establishment already is probably conspiring behind closed doors how to get rid of these guys they don't like them we saw the comments by uh what what was that Tori k bedok k bed Bok uh she she's basically saying look this this is the islamist V and she's attacking them on that basis yeah Satanism is boat uh not the not the fact these guys were elected because of the anti- genocide vote no it's got nothing to do with that apparently these are all islamists and there's some islamist plots take over Britain I don't know islamist they're they're under attack for that on this issue uh so basically my concern is that look Jeremy Corbin is a guy who uh failed as labor leader yeah uh they're now following his leadership in this Independence Alliance uh not a good track record there also this is someone who backstabbed a lot of his mates in the early days Ken Livingston jumps to mind so again like do you really want to rely on this guy as a mate uh hopefully he won't St them in the back I don't know but basically again I think uh I hope that they're going to look at this as you say not just falling behind loyally behind Jeremy Corbin and his leadership I hope they'll challenge him on a few things too if he's doing something wrong on social issues you know I think although this is an alliance it should be an independent Alliance I don't know I'm not say like there shouldn't be one key leader of the group they should be like they should they should all be leaders of that group and they should all say what they have to to say I hope they're not just going to fall in love whereever they they're independent MPS so they must remain independent yeah absolutely that's it they must stay independent and they shouldn't be Waring down any rhetoric on certain issues just because one of the other guys don't like it yeah and also let's not uh I think they might end up because if they get attacked by the media and we know what that's like when the media goes after you and they start accusing you of all sorts I think Under Pressure some people bottle it and then they start to backpedal so if they're accused of being islamists for saying something about Islam that the media don't like they'll start watering it down going oh sorry about that no I didn't mean that uh no Islam's all about uh peace and blah blah blah no no no we need to make sure that you're prepared to stand up and fight for your beliefs when the media comes after you and I and on Islam especially that's where we're going to weigh in on this because if they start watering down Islamic opinion in order to please liberals in the media or uh islamophobia then be fair G they won't do that so inah they won't do that but yeah I but also the fundamental issue also is that no one voted for these uh MPS to to actually form a political party that's not the platform they stood on uh so I do think it makes sense to have a loose Coalition but they they have to remember they were elected as Independents and they must stay The 'Islamist vote' independent yeah absolutely and I think yeah let's just let's just own it you know if if they're going to come after us because of Muslim mobilization that's what this is they want to break Muslim mobilization for future elections you know they're calling us sectarian even though there are there's pro-israel Lobby groups there's Christian how many MPS are labor friends of Israel conservatives friends of Israel it's ridiculous isn't it it's such a stupid narrative but I think we including the MPS and everyone else in the community we need to look at this and go okay you want to attack us on Muslim mobilization I'm going to defend Muslim mobilization you know let's not claim like oh Muslims aren't mobilizing or no it's mobilizes I mean do you know what they keep saying like oh uh islamism political Islam in this country or Islam in this country is a bad thing we need to deport Muslims anyone who practices Islam too much is bad well I believe that Islam more Islam in this country would help this country do you know what I mean so if someone's going to ask me on GB news well what do you want everyone to embrace Islam I'll probably say yeah that would be great do you know what I mean if they choose to embrace Islam that's beautiful that is a beautiful thing cuz do you know what my religion is not a terrorist religion go sh going to heaven yeah exactly exactly save eles save yourselves so this is what I want to hear okay this is what I want to hear is just a defense and if they want to condemn Muslim mobilization all right I call for more Muslims to mobilize in the next gener how this turn into how did this go from Muslim MPS to trying to convert the whole country to Islam it move mov quite quickly into that didn't it well you know what they should do dow in Westminster man they should do D in that's a great idea man why is that a bad idea why is that a bad idea still hookers on Friday in parli yeah man in the house of do the call to prayer during pmqs during pmqs if it's time for pray viral on social media just do that do you know I mean but they might turn at us and go oh oh look at you like causing trouble so what like cause a bit of trouble yeah push Islam onto these people do you know what I mean especially because they push if Shaquille was elected to Parliament he'd definitely do the advance oh man see he would have passed the voting process if I was Voting you know I mean he's an ideal candidate but that's the that's the thing R final point for me I think uh the attitude perhaps will be oh Westminster we' you know it's so serious and we've got to wear our ties and dress sharp and go there and do do the process you know Westminster is a sewer and if you can't force a change for Palestine and we have to be honest we we're Limited in the ability that we have to help Palestine even though we've got some MPS in there because ultimately they're a minority and this establishment is gunning to push genocide on the Palestinians unfortunately and his pro Israel everything else then okay if we can't affect meaningful change if this system is so corrupt that it will never change for the good it's not a Force for good on the world stage let's just mock it let's just go there for a spanner in the works upset everyone's daily routine you know just like you know just like you know just just block cues to the canteen you know way you go with this I disassociate myself with all these comments by the way one official five position block the block the toilets in Westminster yeah but you know I mean just like okay if they're not going to take uh the human rights of Palestinians seriously then I'm not going to take Westminster seriously that's what I would be if I was an MP that's the attitude I would show up without shoes on I just idea I would just I would just cause a I would just upset the daily routine of MPS Rober didn't Tak pills this morning if that's the best we could do you show up without shoes on what's that I don't know just like upset people just like why is this guy not following the rules do you know what I mean that's a massive stand for isn't it no shoes well it's it it's a message to Westminster I'm going to upset things okay I'm going to I'm going to Ratt cages your smelly feet will certainly upset things I'm going to wear a THB I'm not going to wear a suit I'm going to wear a th you know they do get when they get that parliamentary time that five minutes they have or whatever to make a speech they can literally say anything can't they so why don't they just quote from the Quran or read it read the quranic verse out something like that in beautiful Arabic that's a beautiful idea that would go viral man and that would be that would be like better than you know four years of speeches wouldn't it do you know that would be history in the making the Quran being reced why can't they when they speak why can't they quote from the Quran in the Quran it says verse whatever chapter Sur verse it says this then do your speech that's deep be unashamed about it unashamed yeah you call me Muslim MP I'll show you who's a Muslim M yeah yeah you want a bit of Islam do you yeah here you go H that's that's actually a really great idea by the way I know brothers and sisters do you know what put your suggestions in the comment section about how these MPS can actually give back you know we gave them our votes I didn't vote vote for them cuz they went in my area but you know what I mean uh they we we got them in and uh give them some suggestions how can they be awesome Muslim independent MPS that's that's good okay critic we want to help based on their Twitter feeds what I see at the moment I don't know what's obviously happening behind the back behind the scenes maybe a lot is happening um but what I see is not relevant to me um as a Muslim who campaigned for them um and I think they need to do better yeah fair enough let's put some comment suggestions in the comments section how they can be awesome push a bit of Islam maybe that's my suggestion uh okay let's Grenfell inquiry report move on this story is very very serious it's actually kind of breaking now uh prior to the show it's the Grell Tower fire uh report findings that have been released uh 72 innocent Souls were lost as a result of the G gfell Tower fire uh which caused in 2017 including 42 Muslims including 42 Muslims so majority of people that were lost were Muslim or they were from the black and brown community in general so minorities in this country were the biggest victims of that but obviously you know everyone there it was horrific uh regardless of what they look like uh or what religion they follow but the fact is that the report findings are quite astonishing and actually have created some really serious headlines I've actually got a few listed here which I'll read out so some of the key findings of the report a toxic relationship fueled by mistrust has existed between the res presidents uh and the Kensington and Chelsea tenant management organization who are responsible for running grenfell uh successive governments under David Cameron and Theresa May had received numerous warnings about the dangers of certain cladding materials between 2012 and 2017 but failed to take heed or take any action on it these deaths were preventable that's what was mentioned in the report and uh the in the aftermath the local authorities as well as the government's reaction to help the victims to help the community was quote muddled slow indecisive and peace meal with little done to cater to the people from diverse backgrounds such as providing halal food for Muslims observing Ramadan and those are the victims so the survivors the family members many of whom were left sleeping on uh in grassy uh Parks or in their cars after the incident because the authorities were so slow they were slow to help them after this horrific tragedy had happened I'm going to bring up an image of the victims I'm going to leave it right there I hope you can see this obviously I'm sure many of you have already there are babies in this picture okay there are Mothers Daughters kids uh Brothers fathers loved ones uncles grandads it was heartbreaking it was heartbreaking do do you remember both we both covered it didn't we yeah we did I went down there after the incident yeah absolutely yeah I was while I was there on the morning of the incident um I think it's just a symbol of Tory Britain isn't it how they govern on behalf of the the rich it certainly wouldn't have happened in a rich area and uh unfortunately I mean especially for kind of foreigners watching this podcast and maybe Muslims in America and elsewhere Muslims in this country uh tend to be poor um we we are on the lower end of the socio economic ladder in everything when it comes to housing uh health education jobs everything um where whereas I think Muslims in other countries especially in the west they tend to be kind of more affluent so a lot of us live in Flats especially in big cities like London which is so expensive we live in in in Council flats or Housing Association Flats uh you know in cramp conditions and that was grenfell that's why this is a Muslim story people don't look at this is a Muslim story but actually the majority of people that died in that in that horrible fire were were Muslims and the rest as you say were were ethnic minorities from from poor backgrounds it's just a symbol of Tory Britain you know we have a government that takes care of its mates and takes care of the Rich and I would I would say that that's the labor government as well you know uh they're not much different and they neglect the poor they don't care what conditions the the poor live in and they ignored warning after warning because literally these people didn't count in the eyes of you know David Cameron Theresa May these rich Tory Grandes and their their mates in the financial sector in the media in all the establishment you know severes of society and it it's just a this should be the symbol of Tory Britain and where's the consequences I mean has there been any I don't think there has excuse me that's the that's the frustration Robert is that how many years on is it now is it five or six years on yeah at least no seven years on Jamal yeah so no one's been held to account no one's gone to jail for this you know and um and that's the frustration I think what you've got to remember as well especially for people outside of the UK who might be watching this this was such a traumatizing experience at the time uh no one could believe their eyes people were live streaming themselves trapped in the building because they they didn't know how to get out they were calling for help help online my wife actually watch she my wife's Arab there was an Arab woman trapped in the building and she couldn't get out she couldn't get out so out of desperation she went live I think it was on Instagram or something like that and she was live streaming and she was begging for help she said please I'm trapped in this Inferno this Tinderbox building going up I can't get out I need help someone saved me and she basically didn't make it so she live streamed and then eventually just C out and she she was incinerated along with the rest of these poor poor people uh this was appalling this was so appalling you know it you know we're all traumatized from Gaza right now it's not a comparison Gaza is aw one has been going on since 1948 but for on a local level this was really really traumatizing and the fact that no one has lost their job the prime minister at the time Theresa May like what she's still got a pension she's still got a career she she wasn't forced to resign was this not a a a a a crisis that would have forced people to have resigned it was outrages to this day there's no consequences and all of these innocent people have died and not one person has faced a day in a day in court have they Roan they don't care about poor people in this country simple as that Robert I mean you know this country is now I mean moving on from grandf but in the same kind of ballpark it's becoming unlivable you know for for poor people and middle class people and you're leaving London right soon uh I'm sorry if uh you know I'm divulging your personal information but you know uh you know we're not poor by any means um you know but but but we are being priced out of the capital you know um because we can't afford uh you decent place to live and and and there are so many millions more people in worse situations than us um you go to the supermarket now you get ripped off you pay your taxes you're getting ripped off accommodation ripped off and every single element of this Society poor people in this country are being totally ripped off and we can't live a a decent lifestyle so many people are thinking about leaving the cities going somewhere cheaper or leaving the country even um this country is becoming a place for rich people uh even middle class people now are feeling the pinch um you know what's czy as well like if a crisis like this happens a Calamity a disaster of this nature happens normally a country would spring into action to make sure these people are well taken care of as well after it at the very least the government would spring into action and take care of these people and take the criticism later on there are like regimes around the world where the UK condemns them for human rights abuses but if there's a crisis of this level they help their people out do you know what I mean they they put them up and take care of them and house them and give them some kind of compensation you know I mean I'm talking about even some uh countries like Saudi Arabia for example yeah uh there was a guy who risked his life to save people from drowning recently and he was gifted all kinds of elaborate things by the by the the by by the uh Crown Prince or whatever um because at least they kind of take care of their own and and we don't take care of our own they this country see acts like they're better than other countries but we don't even like sort these people out they're like left to sleep in their cars you know it was it was uh I think they appealed to the public to get Aid to these people because the government was so slow the local Council there are good people in this country but we are run our leaders are rich people who are in the pockets of elite lobbies that govern on behalf of those lobbies not on behalf of the people that elected them that's how this country has run absolutely and it's it's like I remember Andrew Feinstein saying on Dilly's podcast recently Tony Blair for example so when he's in office he does all these kind of favors for his mates these Lobby groups and then he cashes in after he leaves office and now you know he's worth a 100 million or more that's how this country is run the people that governers are in the pockets of Lobby groups they're the ones that control them and they're not working on behalf of me and you well those are the main topics I wanted to discuss today there is another Crazy Christian peforms Hijra one I'm not even sure how we're going to handle this Calin it's old father Calvin or whatever he is he's a deacon I don't even know what that is I think he's he even a he's not even a proper priest I don't think yeah I don't think he's recognized as a priest by the church of England or anything like that yeah exactly so anyway might be wrong on that but we'll check for anyone who doesn't know this guy is uh a Christian guy uh based here well he was based here in the UK he's basically performed HRA Christian HRA yeah I don't know how else to describe it basically for our Muslim audience this guy's decided to uh up sticks and move from his he's a blatant islamophobe and he said some crazy stuff about Muslims G xgb news presenter was he yeah and he got five from GB news I'm not sure why I kind now he's just he just targets Muslims mainly on social media yeah he calls Muslims muhammadans for some reason I know that's that's an old orientalist it's a term used by people who invaded Muslim countries and okay try to justify the in orientalist basically just trying to justify the subjugation of Muslim countries deliberately misleading so that people will think that we worship Muhammad um not not not Allah so obviously Muhammad peace be upon Him is our Prophet the most import important and the last prophet uh but we don't worship Him he is our our master and our teacher but we don't worship him we only worship Allah he knows that but he's trying to deliberately mislead people yeah absolutely he's just he's just being a rude uh yeah Christian I don't know what else to call him a deacon whatever he is but basically he's leaving the UK now and one of the reasons among many was that he basically feels unsafe here he's a bit of a weirdo I think uh and he's he's he's he's a bit of a hypocrite as well because he keeps talking about how the UK needs to go back to its Christian Roots and that Islam is taking over and this is outrageous what does does this Brave Crusader for Christianity do he he leaves when he gets an opportunity to go and work somewhere else I mean he's a total hypocrite uh and he's no Crusader by any means if if that's a what a crusader is he's got his eyes closed as well because obviously Christianity is dying in this country oh yeah AB you told him that to his face didn't you yeah yeah and even the he didn't say anything he's got no answer to that because obviously the official statistics say that this is now a minority Christian country we can see the churches are empty you know the pews are see they're being turned into mosques or into flats and don't don't blame Muslims for that don't blame Muslims for that they should blame themselves for that yeah yeah exactly I mean I must admit if if if the Christian leadership is as yellow bellied and as uh soft and weak and weird as he is then I understand why it's colling where is he going I mean he's not saying where he's going I don't know no one cares I assume he might be going to Africa or something because obviously Christianity is quite alive in Africa I'm not sure where else it's alive because he's saying he's going somewhere where people are still ready for the fight I think those the words that he used but um he's also trying to buy an island isn't he for Christendom oh yeah so this is this is the hilarious next bit of the Sectarian battle for a Scottish island story so basically um okay so bear with me on this because this story gets a bit weird so there are there's an island somewhere off the coast of the UK and it's up for sale I think it's about 1.5 million pounds if you have that lying around you could buy this island uh basically some uh crazy Looney uh sect which claims to be Muslim uh they're uh they extreme Shia extreme Shia yeah and they they they they Cur yeah yib and he he curses the sahaba may Allah be pleased with all of them um all the time in a very provocative way even many Shia that I know think that he's a complete nutcase I remember this guy his name is yasa khabib he's known locally asabi that's the name that many people give him nickname yeah this guy is you know Arabic he'll know what I'm talking about yeah this guy is very sectarian he was booted out of Kuwait because he was sectarian he's now taken up residency here in the UK and he's been doing all sorts of sectarian things for years creating trouble he was behind the lady of Heaven film he was behind the lady of Heaven movie which sparked massive protests across the UK rightly so because it was a disgusting nasty film a blasphemy sectarian film which misrepresented the beautiful prophet and his family there's no doubt about that it's a disgusting un Islamic film but unfortunately he gets described as islamist all the time a Muslim all the time so anyway this character before you go on cin Robinson knows none of that Nuance he just sees him as a Muzzy I know yeah that's the problem with these guys it's a bit like the ahmedia uh cult whatever you want to call them uh they go around saying we represent Islam and sad L non-muslims accept that so the BBC if ah is are Muslims then I'm a banana yeah yeah exactly and uh I self-identify as a banana that's the problem and it was it was exactly the similar situation to this lady of Heaven movie it was described as a Muslim movie yeah um and obviously every Muslim in this country pretty much apart from a few crazies hated it uh for legitimate reasons but anyway uh I won't go into that anymore so anyway this guy is buying it this crazy guy and uh this other Christian guy who hates uh muhammadans as he calls them now is trying to raise funds to buy it himself so that the island is not bought the same island uh the same islandize so he's trying to buy the island so that this guy won't buy the island does that make sense so should we try and buy the island as well or basically so basically this story is hilarious already um but I think what we should do as the responsible player in this we should now try and buy the island so basically we got to save the island from these two Nutters by buying it so my appeal can we share it actually I wouldn't want to share it cuz you'd have crazy Christian fundamentalists oh yeah no we're not going to share it no I couldn't live with them it be it couldn't be a three-state solution yeah we don't believe in two or three state Solutions no no if we bought it it would be for the Muslims it'd be for the umah that's how I would pitch it 5Pillars shariah island purchase appeal uh if you give us your money we will buy it responsibly we will Implement yeah why not it's our yeah it's our Island we can interpret Sharia and implement it see how we the briti authorities have anything to say about that it's our Island Roan do you know understand we still be under jurisdiction of the British law wouldn't we I don't know about that to be honest with you but it's my Island you're not bother about legal nuances hang on a minute so if I buy my home yeah I can do what I want in my home right yeah as long as I'm not doing but if you if you're such CH people's hands off then that British authorities might have something to say about that cuz as we all know that's what Shia law is in the eyes of yes okay so we won't go with Roan's interpretation we'll have to go with another interpretation but anyway let's buy the island to save it from these loonies because I think it's a it looks like a beautiful island off the co weather is bad though isn't it you think we need to on a on a on a it's just 1.5 mil everyone come on just give us a pound each spare change pocket money yeah come on the um's got bare wealth in it let's just get this island bought save it from these guys you know I on another note I do think that Muslims need to buy some land um so that we can have Retreats uh you know where my mother lives um in in North Wales should we buy that uh there what just buy North Wales yeah no there's a retreat for Jew for Jews the Jewish Community have a uh they bought a mansion and it's a retreat and it's it's run like a hotel but I I'm guessing either free or heavily subsidized so Jewish groups go there they enjoy the facilities and the Beautiful North Wales Countryside we should do do something like this I think we should get out of the cities and have places where we can go that are owned by the Muslim Community that we can use as Retreats um you know on a time share basis or whatever we need these places so we can we can be together as as a community and and live as Muslims we need that space away from the horrible polluted cities and stuff like that and um yeah who knows maybe someone with very very Deep Pockets we can actually buy an Ireland somewhere but with good weather not north of Scotland yeah I guess so uh I mean do you know what's really interesting this actually isn't the first time that Muslims have done this in the UK right there was a Ottoman capture of UK's Lundy Island time I think the Ottomans actually managed to grab an island do you remember this that's a great story but there's a great story about they basically planted a flag yeah go on go on you you tell it then I'll tell it I think you know something I don't cuz because you're going to tell it in a sanitized version I'm going to give you the real story but go on were they were they taking British people and selling them into slavery oh I was going to say that oh yeah so I there was something like that I knew yeah it was basically a part of Britain do you want to tell it or sh no you tell it cuz yeah there there's a part of Britain he's very excited about this yeah there was a part of Britain that was actually colonized by the Ottomans uh I'm not sure what century it was I'm thinking Elizabethan times yeah 15th century 16th century and um they took it for a period of I don't know 20 years or something I think it was called is it Barry Island in South Wales and they actually occupied it and this was the time obviously when everyone was going around occupying each other and they occupied this island for about 20 years and they used it as a raiding post and they actually took slaves like white Christian slaves um and they raided the mainland took them to this island which they controlled and then they shipped them over to North Africa so they they actually took British slaves it was uh Lundy Island Lundy Island uh from 1628 to 1631 so was that Elizabethan times or I'm getting my junor times right or something yeah yeah it's around that time um so Lundy Island was occupied by the the the Turkish Ottomans I think it was the north Africans that um they were vassel state of the Turkish Ottomans and they invaded Lundy Island yeah there's a really good YouTube channel uh we know the brother Tariq treker yeah if you go to YouTube he's actually done a series on this which I'm playing out so this would be really interesting to watch again to refresh information but yeah basically the Ottomans took this island Lundy Island and it's a really interesting story to be honest with you it's a really interesting story what what what point are we trying to make here are we uh obviously we're going to be accused of encouraging the slave trade or something the slave trade and the Muslim invasion of Britain to be honest my are you making that point Robert no I was I was planning on just having a nice little island where I could just sit and like chill chill I mean a bit Sharia yeah just have like a little mashid there and do some Feelgood stories I wasn't expecting to go to the slave trade I I think it's just my my vision is just we're not to take take white slaves and sell them in the markets of North Africa to to to the Turks or something no no no it's it's more just of a place where we can be Muslims and chilled out we don't have to hear all this filth and be bombarded with all this nonsense that's going on in the west yeah absolutely and um while still enjoying all the benefits of Western Society yeah we would we would have saved space where we can practice Islam in the west but uh yeah keep our women in the cars and all that oh God this episode is just spiring out of control but yeah I think uh just to summarize so the the point I wanted to make was let's save this island if we can should we do a five pill fundraiser tell us what you think in the comment section below would you back that fundraiser not but another Island I think we should save the island I think we should get involved in this particular story cuz what we could do them I yeah exactly let's derail their plans cuz do we really want a crazy lady of Heaven style Looney island off of the coast of the UK I don't think so uh and I think whoever sell in this island couldn't have realize that he was going to spark a bidding war between extremists all right well uh do you know what that might be the next journey I take is to this 20 million I don't even know where this island is or if there's anyone living on it do you think there's anyone living on it there a couple of sheep I think yeah poor poor sheep all right well let's see tell us what you think in the comit if we if we get it those sheep could be halal meat that's dinner for you first night there you go killing sheep well brothers and sisters I think we've reached the end of the uh OUTRO program uh we've gone to some interesting places towards the end but I think we'll end it there uh please let us know what you think in the comment section below uh please like share and subscribe it helps the channel immensely and I guess until next time we will catch you on the next episode of Muslims uncensored but for now Salam alayum for now

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