Rapid Fire: Riley Leonard/Steve Angeli CFP Confidence, Leonard On Transfer Portal, Cassandre Prosper

Published: Jul 08, 2024 Duration: 00:47:09 Category: Sports

Trending searches: riley leonard transfer
all right Vince are you ready for Rapid Fire are we there already yeah let's go baby we are we are we're gonna continue we're gonna continue quarterback talk in Rapid Fire scale of 1 to 10 what's your confidence in Notre Dame as a playoff team with Riley Leonard as quarterback and what would it be if Steve Angeli was the starter with no Leonard on the roster I mean nothing is an absolute so I'm not going to go 10 out of 10 here at the beginning but it's like nine out of 10 then Notre Dame's a playoff team with Riley Leonard it I I have a hard time not seeing them as a playoff team okay and so it's like a 9.5 like I I see this as a playoff team with Riley Leonard if he's healthy for 12 games if Steve angelli was the starter I would drop that to 5050 uh so five out of 10 because like I said before I think the ceiling is 10 wins and a 10 and two Notre Dame team is going to need help to get in in my opinion and so I will they get that help you know I what what were those losses where were they when were you know all of those different things how bad were they what were the wins like you know there there there's so many so much that goes into it yeah that a 10- win Notre Dame team I think might be on the outside looking in so it's 5050 so that's why I got to give it a five out of 10 that's exactly where my numbers are nine with Riley Leonard with would be my confidence five would be my confidence with angelly they will be they they would if there's no Riley Leonard and it is just Steve Vaneli they would be in the running for a college football playoff spot but it's essentially going to come down to how they perform at Texas A&M sure you know Louisville Florida is a question I I still feel really confident I do too in the Louisville game this year but Florida State and USC I mean it's ultimately going to come down to those three games I can see angelli winning at least you know much more confident in USC until we see what their defense is going to be like this year with a new defensive coordinator but I feel much more confident there than either of the other two because you've got to go on the road to Texas A&M to open up the season you know like when you talk about experience huge factor with with Riley Leonard obviously and then you know what it's going to look like against Florida State at home as well yeah I look I obviously I like nerd's chances going into A&M with a quarterback who's got 19 starts under his belt I think is what Riley Leonard has you know and he's played in big games and he's he's done big things right and so I feel real good about him going in there leading this team offensively and and all that the defense is going to shut out the noise I'm not worried about the defense and you got a kicker who's literally played at Texas A&M before and so yeah I I feel pretty darn good about Notre chances there the starters they're going to play no again you know and and like it it essentially boils down to those games like like Riley Leonard's ability to win those games that's why they again that's why they brought Riley Leonard to win games like that them to the playoff and if they didn't think that that Riley Leonard was going to give them a huge leg up in games like that they never would have brought him in but that yes you know again like Texas A&M on the road to open the season was going to be a tough game anyway between the environment and the defense that elco's going to throw out there on the field but if it's Riley Leonard as your starting quarterback or Angeli as your starting quarterback those are two completely kind of games and again yeah you know your your confidence that Angeli can make plays down the field and and be a true you know playmaker for for you in that kind of game in that kind of environment that's why you've got Riley Leonard y yep he he they went and got him for a reason yeah let's just put it that way and it's look it's a mutually beneficial marriage there's no doubt about it I mean he he was he was a Darkhorse first round NFL draft pick going into his junior year and then got hurt and now he's going to use Notre Dame's roster and Notre Dame's image and Notre Dame's everything else he watched it happen with with Hartman right as far as all the off the field stuff and any quarterback worth of Sals me like I can play better than he did and so I can take Notre Dame to the promised land like why would I not do that and then he will automat if he does what we think he's capable of doing he will Vault himself into the first round of the NFL draft right so one of the Riders from the athletic was down at the Manning Passing Academy and he talked to several different quarterbacks who are down there about the transfer portal and Riley Leonard was one of them so here's the question that he asked Riley Leonard is it the norm now for a quarterback to almost expect to have to transfer at some point Leonard responded I think that's a tricky question because it's not something I like I never wanted to be a transfer quarterback I never see myself as a guy that would turn my back on anything so it's really hard to make the best decision for yourself while juggling the fact that there are so many people you're going to leave behind I don't know if it really still sits well with me or any of these guys like none of us are like oh we're going to go in the portal we're going to go and do this it's tough it really is I hope that people aren't going into programs thinking if I don't get the job I'm going to transfer but it's also crazy seeing all this movement and guys are having to play politics in the locker room start this guy in the spring so he doesn't transfer and this and that that's a quote from Riley Leonard so what do you think about that Vince I think he's answering that about as honestly as he could possibly answer it you know when he went in to Duke in 2021 he wasn't thinking he's going to transfer like that was never even a thought if he doesn't get hurt he's in the NFL right now that that's how I see it and so he wasn't ever thinking about transferring but the the the opportunity presented itself and he took it I think the mentality in 2024 is different than it was in 2021 because of the way the transfer portal is being used and because of nil and and all of those different scenarios I think I don't know if any quarterback I shouldn't say any I don't know if most of quarterbacks commit to a school thinking that they're going to transfer I I just don't think the mentality is that I think it's maybe in the back of their mind like if things don't work out I can always leave kind of a deal but I think any kid that any kid that commits to a program is thinking I'm going to be the guy that takes this program where we want it to go sure you know what I mean so I don't think anybody goes in with the intent of transferring I just think they know they've got that trapo if they need it now I also think it's very interesting his last part there where he started talking about we got to start this guy in the spring so he doesn't transfer right right I I feel like the politics of everything is a very interesting topic and I wonder how the kids you know the players feel and the coaches feel and all those different things you you know if I was a conspiracy theorist I could make the argument that they're keeping Stang jelli at number two right now because they didn't want to transfer abely I mean it's the first thing that I thought of when I saw that it's like wow that's you know it's like whether he intended that or not but I mean it applies to the situation that was going on potentially you know like again we right like you could apply it if you wanted to how much of that was going on I don't know just saying I mean he's right there in the thick of it so he could be referring to a topic that he's talking about you know that he's experiencing right now or it could be hypothetical that he's hearing other guys talk about I mean he was down there with a lot of other quarterbacks lot of them transfers right you know and so I'm sure he's heard a bunch of stories but it did it get you thinking no for sure and I mean you know look the situation that he's in he had kind of it seems like made up his mind before the season even ended before Mike Elco pulled the trigger and and took off to Texas A&M that he was going to go into the portal you know I think that that you know ultimately a program like Duke probably peaked with with where they were and you know what Mike Elco was going to be able to get out of it and obviously Elco does go to Texas A&M and here comes Riley Leonard now there's some similarities though obviously between a guy like Riley Leonard and a guy like Sam Hartman both performed in the ACC both have performed against Power five opponents but they've also both outperformed what their recruiting ranking was coming out of high school like they they they both elevated that you know somewhat similar to to like Liza Carlin the Notre Dame women's basketball player who coming out of like we talked about the portal a little bit when I had her on the show a few weeks ago about the biggest difference when you're getting recruited into the portal is okay now teams have a sample size on you they see what you've actually done against much better competition over an extended period of time so like like Leonard obviously isn't transferring because he was going to lose a starting job to anybody he's transferring because he can his his status is now elevated compared to when he was coming out of Fair Hope Alabama going to Duke a couple of years ago and it's just like with Sam Hartman his profile is going to be raised exponentially as well because of the fact that he is at Notre Dame instead of a duke or a Wake Forest so there's there's there's obviously a lot that goes into it he's gonna legit have a chance to win a National Championship or at least play for a national championship you know in the college football playoff that he's going to have by being at a place like Notre Dame as opposed to Duke at a very minimum and then what you said like his draft status he's going to have a chance to to Just Jack right back up there as well because he's going to be playing with a lot you know a lot more around him and now in an offense that's that's that's gonna be you know just so Juiced up compared to what he was in when he was at Duke as well yeah for sure all right this next question Jay Layman he is a uh at least a somewhat regular listener viewer of the show I saw him tweet this last week Notre Dame fan is there a Notre Dame football player we're not talking about right now but we will be talking about by the end of the season and I thought this would be worthy of discussing and I know I can see the torment on your face because like when I when I threw this out to you you were like we talk about everybody how can anybody even fit this bill so this is sort of like who's at least somewhat below the radar right now a few weeks out from training camp who we could be talking about in a much different light do you at least have some candidates we can throw out in debate yeah I think I mean I think I think I've got some candidates for sure you know I think surprisingly who was the first one that came to the top of your head we don't talk about Mitchell Evans very often because he's injured and I think he has potential of being an All-America candidate at tight end partly because of what he I think his stats are going to be and I think what his uh role is going to be on this team and the fact that he plays tight end at Notre Dame I think all those things play into his favor we don't talk about him very much because obviously he's been injured and I think you could say the exact same thing for Eli raran see he was gonna be the tight end that I was gonna say like because because of because of Mitchell Evans coming back it's like you know Mitchell Evans got to get out there a little little bit in the spring but not a whole lot because he is coming back from the injury but I think that because Evans is coming back there's at least more conversation on him than there is a guy like Eli ran for example yeah yeah so I kind of like ROM was the one I was thinking about tight end fair enough another guy that I don't think is getting a lot of love because I think everybody just thinks he's going to be returning kicks is Jaden Harrison I think I think we could be talking about him I feel like they're going to find a way on offense to get him the football and I don't think he needs more than four touches a game on average you know but I think those four touches could be dynamic and I think we could all be talking about Jaden Harrison and his impact offensively not just in the because I think he's gonna do great in kick return game and you know all of that I think he's going to be great but I think Cur has a wide receiver yes I I think that we're kind of and I fall into this category as well prior to the spring but we saw him do some things in the spring because of you know the fact that Jordan fison wasn't at practice because he was doing lacrosse he had some opportunities to do some stuff with the football in his hands offensive I was like okay like I don't think you can ignore the talent that He has and I feel like he's kind of a forgotten man a little bit right now I think that's a really good one I think that he might like cuz like I didn't even think about him I I thought about five or six different guys but again like this is hard because we do this five days a exactly you know and sometimes multiple times a day yeah that's right that's right Brian's doing it we're doing it you know there there like so many different guys who we end up talking about that I think it's hard to like for us yeah to truly find a below the radar type guy but I think that that Jaden Harrison purely as a wide receiver is a really good one because I mean even when they C when he came in the door first thing they're saying was like look this is gonna be a kickoff guy and he's electrifying kickoff guy and he's received yeah received some preseason All-American honors he was an All-American at the end of last season yeah at Marshall now you know just you do have to wonder a little bit because the level of competition both for him and Chris Mitchell is going to be elevated like how much how much difference that potentially makes I guess we'll find out but I I think that I think that's a good one from a purely offensive standpoint because I don't think any of us have like a real idea of just how much Jaden Harrison is going to be involved in the actual offensive game plan this season exactly I think that's a huge piece of it I I I feel good about it because of Mike Den Brock and who he is and all those different things but I am very curious to see what they do because look they've got Dynamic slots already on the team I mean right you've got Jaden great house you've got right and and you got Jaden Thomas who has been the most effective in the slot to be honest with you right and so and I'm not saying that's his primary position but when he's there it's a matchup nightmare right and so it it's kind of stacked up there and you got KK Smith who I believe as a slack guy so there's a lot of bodies there and so how do they jug that you know what I mean well and that's like the receivers I thought of again I think that yours is probably even better by going with Harrison but Jaden Thomas and Dion KY because of the fact that you've added Bo Collins and Chris Mitchell to be outside guys and and especially Bo Collins you know they're on the boundary like with t you know like that's where we expect Jaden Thomas to play more that's where Deon ky's best position is at the boundary but Bo Collins has proven much more than either one of those other two guys that he can go out and be the guy so maybe he ends up being that but you know for that reason it's definitely there's there's not nearly as much expectation on either Thomas or KY I feel like going into this season that's a good point that's a good point and I think because of their history I think they're already kind of forgotten about unfortunately you know what I mean they both have a ton of talent they got a ton of talent and if they can stay healthy and they can you know fix some off the field stuff and you know just check all the boxes they could be a huge part to this rotation there's no doubt D DK says KK Smith I mean I think that that's valid as well because of these other guys unless which I do think this will happen like Jaden greous as we talked about before he's not just going to play slot he's going to play on the outside as well so like you've got Chris Mitchell over there and KK Smith theoretically anyway the number two behind him but is he is he going to get more opportunity or you know like does does great house maybe take some of those opportunities away like if he's out there instead I don't know KK Smith is a he's a very talented kid and and I think his time will come at Notre Dame because they are going to lose a bunch of guys after this season I just think he's got a a lot of bodies to jump over to get on the field and be a productive member of the offense this year it's definitely possible but I I think he's got his work cut out for him I'll just I'll just put it that way right I feel like defense is almost even tougher to come up with some names over there jberry maybe you know but I don't know what exactly his role is going to be since he's kind of playing two positions floating around all over the place yeah yep I mean he he's a super talented kid and I think he can help this defense and I think he's going to be in some sort of a rotation but are people not talking about him because I feel like we are you know like is your average fan talking about Adon Schuler because I think he's going to be an intcal part of this defense but he started he was he was getting starters reps all spring so like is he really a kid we're not talking about but that's also because Rod herd wasn't here absolutely so you know like how much how much is that going to it'll it'll definitely impact Adon scher's reps or whatever he gets but I do still think that that Schuler ends up out there on the field like I think that there there'll probably be some times where we see three safeties out there on the field this season we'll see all three of those guys ERD watts and Schuler out there that would be that's kind of what I'm thinking right now but like Schuler you know finished the spring really nicely he like gave us something to T like you mentioned Osberry what's weird to me is is for as much as as everyone talked about Jaylen Sneed his first two years you don't hear nearly as much of that now that he's legitimately in line to get more playing opportunity this year like we haven't talked about him nearly as much as some of these other guys I feel like this off season that's an interesting that's interesting I didn't think about that look at you I drop should I just leave the show now off with the top ropes that's right it's good stuff I'll I'll give it to you ah yes I got a bell I got a bell but Josh burnam you and I think I think it's funny because like I've been sitting here looking at the chat and I saw you know like a name or two kind of thrown out there but like I thought we'd see you know more people kind of throwing I think that just shows how difficult this really is because you know you know again it's like people who tune in to the shows on the regular they've seen all these names kicked around like they're just it that's what makes it so hard to I think come up with some of these guys unless they're true freshman walking in the door I think it's really tough but like what about a guy like Josh Burnham I know we've said Josh Burnham from time to time but he's got RJ Obin over there as well I still feel like Josh Burnham can be a guy who provides at least pretty good impact for the Irish this season you know in in tandem out there not at the same time obviously but you know on the two deep there with Obin at that big defensive in spot what do you think yeah I mean that the thing is I think you're G to see a rotation of about 11 guys on the defensive line this year and and it could swell to even more than that but I think you know there's 11 guys that are going to play on the defensive line pick one you know what I mean like I I think we're at one point Or Another We're going to talk about all 11 of those guys all of them and I think you could make a case that Burnham or Obin or you know name a defensive lineman isn't getting enough talk because there's 10 nine to 10 other guys that are also going to be getting time so the defensive line is a is kind of an enigma in my opinion because there's going to be so much rotation there because the talent is that deep they're going to go 11 deep man like that's I agree that's heal I agree Tommy is saying the bo show of course Tommy saying the bo show people are talking about Bo Collins plenty I think he's going to be a starter I think we're all talking about him I'm surprised I'm surprised salty hasn't said we don't talk about Jaden Grouse enough yeah exactly well and here here's the other thing I think and I'm not saying people aren't talking about him because they're talking about him but all for all the wrong reasons everybody thinks Drake bone is going to get passed up and not be a good middle linebacker they they just all think King is going to just come in and just push the young aside true he has been over for a guy who had as much hype as he had coming in Drake Bowen he really all the talk is about Kingston vamu ASA that's for sure which I get it he deserves all the hype that he's getting but did we forget Drake Bowen and what he's going to be able to do on the field like right he's gonna be really good folks he's going to be really good you need to throw the baby out with the bath water because eventually those two are both going to be playing at the same time you know it's it doesn't have to be one or the other exactly exactly um I'm trying to think of other potentials like treyo or you know like bbac cor Tori you know again he's been brought up to some extent but I think a lot of it is just because people are kind of over Jordan Batello at this point in his career it's still put up or shut up right now I think you know as far as most people are kind of thinking with batelo and so you know by default I think tayori has got some talk but we still don't really know maybe what to expect from him this year but we wouldn't be surprised if we saw big things from tayori just based on what we saw from him in the spr I think so yeah the kid kid's a physical specimen I mean he's just super long super athletic I mean he's gonna make plays there's no doubt about it should we be talking about one of the freshman Corners at this point possibly yeah I mean there's there's there's a lot of talent there so I don't have a problem talking about them you know what I mean I don't know realistically how much playing time they're going to have um I mean the only thing that gets them any sort of meaningful playing time is if the Morrison injury goes longer than they're saying it might go right right yeah I it'll be I hope that they don't have to how about that I hope they don't have to but I do want to see them get some playing time because if you think about what the secondary is going to look like going into next season they're gonna have to play so I want them to get time this year so they're not coming in completely cold but I don't know that we're necessarily going to be quote unquote talking about them you know on a regular basis hosy says what about our big b bad Aussie punter I mean like I hope I hope I hope you're joking I hope you're like being a little sarcastic because like has there been a punter who has had more hype on him than James rendle the Thor whatever you want to call him you're not kidding man like he stole all the Thunder from the 30-year-old kicker that's for sure right um yeah no kidding because he's actually gonna play which is would be the difference but I look I hope all the hype is legit I really do but I need to see him kick a couple of balls before I jump on the hype train I'll just leave it at that right you know there's plenty of big big athletic looking dudes that I've seen walk on into a camp situation you know at all these kicking camps and they're terrible and I'm not saying this kid's going to be terrible but what I am saying is kicking and punting are not get off the bus and be impressed positions you know what I mean because I can tell you right now the most athletic looking kid is sometimes the worst and the goofiest looking mfer is usually the best it's a I mean it's it's amazing well look at Blake groupy you know like the guys kicking in the NFL Ser he looks like Opie Taylor right I'm I'm telling you man you just you just never know now if I had the the to pick I would love for my kid to be like 62 220 because he can get you know all of his ass into it and get the ball going but that's not always the case let's let's not let's not get into physiques and your kid and and all let's go down that road again not what I me that's not what I meant at all but I'm just saying like he looks the part there's no doubt he's like straight out of Central Casting when you're talking about like an Aussie football player you know coming over to the states to play football you know the whole thing straight out of Central Casting I just hope he can produce that's all yeah yeah I mean bottom line is I feel like under the radar guys are just really hard to find right now yes because this roster is so deep yeah you know this roster is so deep and we know a lot about it and we talk about a lot of guys and kind of like the quarterback sort of like everyone's got their pet guy I think who they're like more interested in the others and really you know wants to see them go and like even gerby Lambert like the fact that you've got a true freshman coming in and you know if you pulled the you know like the uh the fan base you'd probably get a very high you know one and like like the die hards who are watching this show of course they know who gerby Lambert is they're like they're watching this show they're watching Brian's show they you know they listen to Ryan and they're paying attention to the recruiting of course you know who kirry Lambert is but other wise like you know fan base at large might not be as up on him but there's a high percentage of people who are obviously expecting Lambert to come right in and compete for that right tackle spot right away maybe he does but he's not going to be below the radar because plenty of people have talked about him and thrown his name out there already he yeah he's talked about a lot by the recruiting recruit Nicks and all of those different things you know yes salty making the point with his own sarcasm really do any of us have one particular player on whom we focus excess I like your proper grammar by the way and by the way I don't know how I said bbac car's name earlier uh Tommy you know was correcting me crap about it maybe I said bbac cor I don't know maybe it's because of the tuna you know that I like albacore you know that I had for for lunch today I don't know but every once in a while I just feel like a tuna fish sandwich yeah Tommy thinks Thor is going to force two fumbles I don't want my punter anywhere near a tackle if the punter's making tackles and forcing fumbles got a big problem you got a big big problem on your hands I'll just say that yep that's for sure all right which is the bigger deal Howard cross and Xavier Watts getting first team pre-season All-American honors or Notre Dame women's BAS player kasan Prosper playing for the Canadian Olympic women's team you're not going to like this but I'm going the football way you're allowed to go with you throw this out there open up my reasoning is is this no Notre Dame has had people on their Women's Basketball team on Team Canada in the past it's a great honor it's awesome but they'd be fools not to have her on the team so I I almost feel like it's understood and it should just happen the other guys I just they deserve it I think it it is a big deal that they're there you know this preseason stuff is kind of a name a name only kind of a deal like nobody cares at the end of the year who the preseason lists were you know what I mean and so the end of the day you didn't really win anything is just kind of a nice thing to have and I'm I'm like basically talking myself into go the other direction here that's why to me yeah C earned it she's actually on the team the way you're going now like the only allamerican teams I care about are postseason after this season seon stuff it's nice but it's it's basically like oh it's out there right now you you know you're preseason and stuff like that yeah yeah so I just talk myself going into going the other direction back the other direction yep well and what I would add to that one you got an active player who is on the Olympic team and two like for prosper specifically it's I think it's even doubly good that she's able to play on the Canadian Olympic team because she missed all but five games last season with an injury so the fact that she is able to get back up and play at full strength is huge news right now because that means you know obviously assuming nothing you know knock on wood nothing crazy happens while she's over there in Paris she gets to go back to Paris by the way where she started you know the college season last year I just actually even thought about that but look at you the fact that she's healthy enough to play I think is a great sign for Notre Dame sure she gets back from the Olympics and and gets back in with the team because she was injured almost all of last season just makes that dep chart that much deeper yep just one more piece I feel bad for Neel she's got a lot I don't feel bad for her because she's got a final four roster but that's a lot of people that deserve minutes you know what I mean and I don't know if there's enough to go around and Cass specifically Prosper like what she does for them defensively when she's out there with that length that she provides at the top and that wingspan she covers so much space out there that is just huge to be able to get her back and that was something that was missing obviously for a great deal of season fill in the blank it's blank that Cal football will travel 24,000 miles for its five Road games this season against Auburn Florida State Pittsburgh Wake Forest and SMU in its first season as a member of the ACC hilarious I think it's hilarious and I think that is the downfall of the stupid conference expansion and one one of my friends put it very concisely nobody Force you in there nobody force you to the ACC you know so don't complain I don't know if they're complaining because somebody else I I believe the alternative is you're trying to make it go of it as an West or or in the Mountain West or whatever with the other leftover Pack 12 teams right right and so you know this is what you get man like you made your bed now you get to fly over it I don't know it's I believe they I think the Tweet said something along the lines of the highest circumference of the world is 24,400 or something 24,900 okay there you go so yes fortunately they're not making all these trips consecutively there is it's there and back and you know you know nobody's making them go to Auburn for example you know like I would love to see the travel that like the track team is GNA have and the baseball team and the volleyball team and the soccer team everyone's GNA have a lot you know that's just yeah I realize football gets the you know the publicity but how about all those other schools and most of our teams excuse me those other teams and most of those teams played during the week yeah so um interesting yeah we haven't seen like when like you're talking about basketball we haven't seen the like the final basketball schedules come out this year we do know like from the women's perspective they will not go to like to the the West Coast for Ken Stanford this year it'll be next year Dallas as well but a lot of these other schools are going to be in that same boat like you're just looking at them you know like there they're going to be a lot of others that are going to be in the same boat when it comes to those because they're going to have to make that trip out west to play K and Stanford and they're going to have to play at SMU in the same season and you know like Notre aame potentially next year will have to go to the West Coast to Dallas and also to you know maybe at least least one of the Florida schools either Florida State or Miami yeah for example so yeah all these other lower Revenue sports are gonna have to make a lot more sacrifices because they're going to be doing it during the week as well not just one day a week on Saturdays so but like you said I mean the alternative is you're either playing in a lesser conference or you know you're doing what Oregon state is trying to do and you're independent right now so I mean that's that's what it took to keep you kind of you know among the upper echelon and the power four whatever so right right got to dance with it yep back to more basketball fill in the blank Caitlyn Clark and Angel Reese making the WNBA allstar game which will pit the all stars against the US Olympic team means blank it me this is a tough one for me because I'm trying to figure out a good way to say it within the confines of the question it means they have an opportunity to prove to the Olympic selection committee that they shouldn't have been left off the team how about that so I I'm EXC I think this is a great format because it gives it gives these ladies who were left off the team an opportunity to shove it right back in their face and I think that's awesome that's what sports is all about yeah I mean it's the two best rookies in the WNBA this season angel breaking the record for all the double doubles in a row and Caitlyn Clark over the weekend also I don't know if you saw that the first WNBA rookie ever to have a triple double you know and she there was all the controversy Caitlyn Clark got left off the Olympic team well now she gets to play against the Olympians in an All-Star game so I think it's pretty I think it's pretty appropo it's pretty cool that they'll both get to go out there and do that so I think it's I think it's awesome frankly yeah I I actually might tune into to that game be the first WNBA game I would have watched all year I roll up on some of the Caitlyn Clark do you from time to time yeah we' only won nine games Sean like yikes I think that's the last thing I saw on the state but it's already I believe an improvement from what they did last year well they they were picking first so yeah and they've also they've played they've still played more games I believe I don't know if it's it's still but at least you know as of a couple of weeks ago they had played more games than anybody else and they had also played basically they're playing a TV schedule because the fact that they have Caitlyn Clark you know so they were front these games against you know big competition New York and Vegas and you know all these different playoff type teams all right Vince when you go to a baseball game I'm curious where does popcorn rank among your food choices pretty low to be honest with you it it is uh I'm not really a huge popcorn at a game guy I don't know why I I I think in my brain my because you and I are both popcorn fiends in general like I Love pocor Popcorn right I think in my skewed brain though popcorn is for the movies like I love like too much love for the movie theater popcorn situation so I I I one thing and one thing only at the Ballpark peanuts I love shell and the nuts because it keeps me busy yeah and it's a good snack you know obviously have like a a a beverage a cold tasty beverage uh but I love shelling the peanuts throwing them on the ground eating the peanuts and keeping score like that is my routine when I am at the Ballpark I was thinking about this when I was at that game in Toronto when we were on vacation a couple of weeks ago because I saw saw these big old buckets people with big old of popcorn and it looked good but I'm thinking the exact same thing as you it's like we're obviously conditioned for what kind of food we're going to get based on where you are when I'm when I go to a movie I've got to have my movie theater popcorn you know like my wife will smuggle in some of her own popcorn from time to time but it's like I want the movie theater popcorn when I'm at a movie when I'm in a ballpark that's one of the last things that I want the peanut are a good one I actually bought a bag of peanuts when we went to the game there in Toronto nachos are at the top of the list for me yeah do you get all the crap on the nachos like the the the jalapenos and like maybe some meat all that stuff as much as possible do you okay yes definitely the jalapenos which by the way when we were in Toronto there were only four concessions of all the concession SS you know that they had on the main mezzanine level only four that sold the nachos and we had to walk all over the place to find them wow we asked for jalapenos and you know what they came back with like the sliced fresh jalapenos not the pickled jalapenos like out of Jar so it's like raw jalapenos basically which I just threw away there's no way I was eating those dang Canadians but yeah jalapenos are at the top a br I like a good br every now and then if I can find it deping on where we are but I've had like like a Philly cheese steak at the Ballpark like that kind of like I've done that kind of stuff before but you know that's expensive man those sandwiches are crazy you know what I haven't had at a South Bend Cubs game which I hear really good they've actually got Philly cheese steak nachos out there oh interesting South B Cubs game which I'd still like to try sometime but I never have we need to go to a game is what needs to happen we we should go to a game because I want to take my kids I don't know that they would actually sit there they they would go off and do the kids stuff but like I would like to sit there keep score watch the game you know do the whole thing so we need to make that happen before the end of the summer we should do that like within the next probably a couple of weeks we need to look at the schedule because probably true training camp starts in three weeks so let me ask you this okay you're a movie guy right are and I don't know if I've asked you this before and if I have well you can just repeat it it's good content okay uh are you going to see the Kevin Cosner Western that's out do you have any desire to see that you know what I was it's funny that you mentioned that because it's a three-hour movie by the way I know I like I I wouldn't say I loved Kevin cner but like in his prime you know bul Durham obviously Sports movies are huge love them great movie yeah like all the sports movies that he was in uh you know went to see it like um the untouchable I'm sure you have you seen that at some point long time ago long time ago no way out really good kind of underrated one of his first big big movies from the 80s you should check that out at some point it's like a spy kind of Thriller but I mean and then Dances with Wolves of course like that Kevin cner mid 80s to probably mid 90s I was always and I I haven't I don't know something about him I just haven't been as in on like you haven't watched yellow St either no I haven't no I haven't that needs happen westerns I like but like a three-hour Western with Kevin cner I just that's a lot and I know it's part one oh that's right because it's not even like part two is in August I just don't know so like I don't know if I I kind of want to see it because there's really not a whole lot else out there right now that that is that making me want to go see it you know what I mean and but I don't know if I want to commit myself not only to the three hours for this movie but then the additional three hours in August when you know things ramp up a little bit in my life in in the fall for obvious reasons so I don't know I just don't know if I'm if I'm ready to to go all in on it or not do we know what they're doing in these costra movies that us87 says the reviews have not been great like are they are they rustling cattle or are they I don't know ble like what supposedly supposedly this is like his passion project like this is something that he's always wanted to do it's he spend his own money like the whole thing like this is his like it's his baby but I have no idea what the plotline is I have no idea yeah like a three-hour Kevin Costner Western just is not pushing my button right now see Joe Allen says Tuesday $6 movie day might make it worth it if you go to the theater in Niles it's four dollar if you go at like 10:30 in the morning Josh is in the same boat as me liked him I just I just I don't know all right I don't know he seems like a different Kevin like older Kevin Costner is a much different Kevin Coster well if you watch him in Yellowstone he is a much different Kevin cner let me tell you okay now he he lacks a little bit of morals say that man hassi says uh completely fair and unbiased he says the concession food at guarant rate night and day better than the food Atley white socks right yeah it has to be it's the only way to get anybody in the door very true I'm sorry but like are you okay I realize the Cubs are in last place and so are the white sock but the Cubs have won I think 20 more games than the white socks so what are you going to White Sox games for you're not going for the baseball so you got to be going for the concessions so at Cleveland and I can't think of the name of what the actual name of the field that you know used to be Jacob's field when we've been there to some games oh Jessie yeah they've got this awesome nacho it's like a nacho bar and like you go through okay and you can get them in the helmet like the batting helmet and they've got like different meats you know like you can get pulled chicken and beef and steak you know whatever you can get different Meats different cheeses different Salsas all this different stuff like your choice as you go through the nacho bar it's probably the best wow best nacho scario meal that's a meal it really is it really is see I could get on board with that not a huge nacho guy but if you're gonna smother it with that kind of stuff like now you're talking like a meal situation I I could get on I'm not I'm not like a a jalapeno guy but if you're gonna put like steaks and stuff like that on there all right let's go got a little crunch to it okay yep it's really good I highly recommend it if you ever uh get over to a game in Cleveland so if the Cubs are ever in the World Series in Cleveland I went to one game and it was the World Series and we made sure we ate before we we went in because everything was so expensive I [Laughter] bet all right well I think that that is going to do it for tonight we will wrap it up with that a lot of good stuff in the show today I heard from uh some different people than we've heard great before as well so all right training camp three plus weeks away we are counting down July 31st that's crazy here we go hit the like button and of course we appreciate you whatever platform you happen to watch or listen on we appreciate it just uh keep doing so we've got a lot more coming up as we get closer to Notre Dame football training camp Ryan will be in tomorrow and uh the unfortunate news of the day will come up on tomorrow's show so tune in tomorrow till then we will talk to you then on IB Nation Sports Talk

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