Notre Dame Depth Is A Major Asset, If Used Correctly

Published: Aug 19, 2024 Duration: 00:35:31 Category: Sports

Trending searches: notre dame depth chart
all right final topic for today we're going to talk about depth at Notre Dame this is not a general okay is Notre Dame a deep football team or not this is about a shift that we're seeing happening at Notre Dame right now and why I think that's good and why I think it's necessary but also that there's some potential pitfalls like with anything if you don't apply it correctly it won't have the benefits that you hope right and and so that's going to be kind of where we're going today and looking at this Notre Dame team and listening to comments from Marcus Freeman listening to comments from Al golden listening to comments from Mike den brck and just watching practice you realize they're gonna play a lot of guys this isn't this isn't like the past where it's like okay this is our our three to fourman rotation at receiver and that's what we're rolling with I mean Marcus Freeman said something like seven or eight guy I think he said seven or eight that he wants to go into every game with you know you're gonna see three Running Backs play every week if not four you're gonna see five linebackers play they've already made that clear they're gonna play at least three corners at least three safeties if not four and I think coach coach Dem Brock or coach gold might have said something like that Al Washington's got like a 101 man rotation he plans to play with it is a little like it's just a like they went from like this Lane to like all the way over to that lane when it comes to depth on their football team and and there's a reason there's a lot of reasons why it's happening and there's a lot of reasons why I think this is going to be beneficial and and so some what are some of the the reasons that this is happening and what are some of the benefits of it number one in my opinion you you look at it and say Hey listen it this is about keeping players happy in this day and age you can't ignore the notion of okay guys can just jump in a port whenever they want we've got to make sure that that some of our younger players that they have talent that we find a role for that's number one that's at the bottom of the concern list okay so I'm going to go least important to most important in my opinion number two Marcus Freeman and his staff have recruited extremely well in my opinion and we've talked about this before a lot of your best athletes are in your freshman and sophomore classes not all of them I mean Benjamin Morrison's not in that class right Chris Mitchell's not in that class jarian price isn't in that class Riley Leonard's not in that class there's Xavier Watts isn't in that class but a lot of a lot of your best just Elite athletes are freshman or sophomores there are some big-time football players that have come to their name the last couple years on both sides of the ball and so now by playing a deeper depth chart you now are in position to where you can utilize more of your talent I remember sitting there in 2018 and and people talking about you know I think the receivers are wearing down a little bit and the conversation was yeah but you know that's the best you got I'm like hold on a second you got Kevin Austin and Braden Lindsay and Lawrence Keys just sitting over there on the bench not doing anything you can't you can't find a role for them to play 15 20 snaps a game you can't you can't find a role to to get Brad lindsy the football the way chip long did in 2019 like like come on now Like You Got Talent use it and and so when you've got young Talent use it how do you justify going into a game and saying okay Jack Kaiser and and Drake bow and jayen Cedar are three starting at linebackers all right cool so you're just gonna leave Jaden Albury King cevil onama ASA just sitting over there just twilling their thumbs all game because they're not starters you know let's say Drake let's say that Christian Gray and and and Benjamin Morrison are your starters a corner you got Jaden Mickey sitting over in the sidelines or flip Jaden and Christian Greg Jaden starts he's going to leave him over there because he's not a starter this isn't 20 years ago you know like this is this is a different era but also Beyond just the era you have a loaded football team Lou Holtz played a lot of guys in 1988 go back and go back and watch games they play like five running backs in 1988 and and so when I look at this team it's like look you have to play this many guys because you you have too much talent not to use do you have to play Bryce Young no you don't have to play Bryce Young Young from the standpoint of you don't need to play him he's talented and I mean but you've got RJ Obin you've got Josh Burnham you've got Jordan Junior uh Jordan bjo you've got buba cart you've got J you don't have to play him but you're going to play him because you need you've got to find a way to get that Talent on the field and when you have the talent Nim has and and the unique players Nim has you have to find roles for him you're you otherwise you're wasting talent and I think that's a big thing too and then also you get into the more important part of the modern era which is you now are in a situation where to be a champion at Notre Dame you've got to win 16 games that's a lot of games a lot of games and you're also in an era where you look at this team and say it's I mean this game and say it's not just about the number of games that you play but it's also about the number of plays that you now run and you're in this era now where you're you just even with the new rule changes you're still seeing a lot of plays being run you're still seeing situations where you look at your football team and you say man like we're you know to to to win now to to to get through a game nowadays you're you're facing you know thousands of plays a year and to get to 12 games now you got to play 16 games and it's just it is it is just a lot more taxing in my opinion from a play standpoint and back in the day you'd have some air raid teams that get over thousand plays but now it's like it's much more common for you to be that way the pace is so much quicker than it used to be and so to handle that over the course of 16 games you have to be willing to go and play a deeper roster the counter to that the the other part is you have to have a deeper roster to play and and so to me this is where noted aame is you have a deeper depth chart you need a deeper depth chart you've got to utilize a deeper depth chart and I think it's it's important I think when you've when you've got unique specific talents Drake Bowen very talented Jack Kaiser very talented Jaylen Sneed very talented King ofam also very talented they're all for very different players from each other some guys have strengths in other areas than that compared to other guys utilize it this guy's better at this than this guy is utilize it and and that's really where Notre Dame is yes not Dame could win a lot of games if it's only Chris Mitchell and Jaden greous and Bo Collins and Jaden Thomas and Jordan fison are the only receivers you use you can win a lot of games that way but why not find a role for Jaden Harrison why not find a role for KK Smith why not find a role for one of your freshmen Micah Gilbert cam Williams If Logan salate proved himself ready why not utilize their skill sets you don't have to do it 30 snaps a game but why not utilize it yeah okay back in the day you had your number one back okay Jeremiah Love let's say he's number one back or jarian Price number one back okay but why not use the other one why not use kedrin young who's very different one of things I'm going to kind of joke about in the show tomorrow is you know 20 22 you had a really good Twan rotation with with Diggs and estimate it was kind of thunder and thunder right you the old thunder lightning was Thunder and thunder well now you look at the 2024 group and it's like it's kind of lightning and lightning but you still got some thunder in number 21 who you can use if you need to use them there and and so like why not use it and so for me I I I think it's smart that they're doing this very smart that they're doing this it's needed also it's not just smart it's also you have to do this but the issue is it can be done incorrectly like with a lot of things you can do it incorrectly at times last year they actually played a lot of skill players on offense the problem was they would literally rotate after every play and not even Personnel grouping not like okay a tight end comes off and a third receiver goes on or you know a third receiver goes off and your second tight end goes on your second back goes on I even talking about that that's part of the game I'm talking about after a play you'd stay in 11 personnel and you'd run three receivers off the field and bring three receivers on right and then after that play two receivers would come off and then two two new ones would come on the field and that that's not the right way to do it there were times in 20122 when they'd come out in games and you'd have literally six or seven of your second team players on your front seven on the field together and then you're shocked that the other team goes right down the field right like there's a right and a wrong way to play depth and it's not the same for every team this year I may not be as concerned if six of the seven guys in the field or second team defensive linemen and linebackers it's a different situation there's not as big of a drop off this year as there was last year and and so you but you've got to make it work and so the the big concern for me that I have when I think when I hear about this team playing eight receivers or 11 D linemen or five linebackers in in theory none of those things bother me four running backs doesn't bother me three tight ends doesn't bother me good use all your talent but it's got to be done right and it's got to be done in a way where you're not limiting your players from getting into a rhythm you can't change a quarterback spot every series there's a lot you have to learn about your opponent that you can only get by having some sort of Rhythm in the game if you want to rotate offensive an offensive lineman every series I get it it takes work to get it there but you can't do it like in the middle of a series you have to have some continuity to what you're doing you have to have some certainty to what you're doing now that can happen in two ways and I'll get into that the other part is the concern can be if you're using certain players and when they're in the game you have very clear tells so when this guy's in the game he only plays eight snaps a game but when they do that they're in this coverage every time they're going to react to most this way every time they're going to run this concept every time they'll never run this concept when that guy's in the game and after three four games you can get into situations and say okay as an opponent I'm picking up on these tells when number 55 is in the game at defensive end they run this when number seven's in the game at linebacker they're going to do this this is the only two blitzes that they bring and they bring it a lot okay well now I got a plan for you Seven's in the game I'm up top I see it I know exactly what play calls we're going to it's on my sheet all right my my big old play sheet when seeven you know seven package right Seven's in the game we're going here here here and here right because I you've developed some tells with what you do so there is there is a level of you've got to use guys to do what they do best without getting obvious tells and this is true on both sides of the ball so those those are the two potential pitfalls to playing a deeper depth chart guys don't get into a rhythm you know receivers are running on and off the field which can wear you down right so all the all the energy I save from not playing as many snaps I lost because I'm constantly running back and forth off the field 30 40 times a game I'm running off you know back off the field four five times a series I'm running on and off the field as a receiver a running back or a DB or a d lineman like no that's too much it's like dude I'm doing more running to off the field that I'm doing when I'm playing so you've got to be careful there you've got to be careful there those are the two potential pitfalls so how do you make it work how do you go into a season and say okay we're gonna play a lot of guys what's a right way and a wrong way to do it number one have a plan whatever your plan is you've got to have a plan whether it's series to series whether it's you guys are my 12 Personnel like here's an example at receiver okay so I got eight receivers I'm going to play how in the world that have earned it they they eight these eight guys have earned a chance to play okay how do I make this work well part of it is going to be just a hey you know you know I'm going with you next series at X okay that that's part of it the other part of it is is going to be you've got to think about is it better for for us is it better for our players at receiver is it better for our quarterback to say okay we're going to use these four guys for this package these four guys for this package and so these four kind of work together over here and they run more stuff out of this package these guys kind of be over here and they run more out of this now there's some crossover but in 12 Personnel I really like this group so when we go 12 unless told otherwise you two know you're running on the field 12 personnels one back two tights two receivers so when we go 12 Personnel you guys have to jump on the field you guys have to go play all right and then if we're going to rotate you otherwise we rotate you otherwise and when you look at at you know that's an example of something you could do when we go as an offense you know 11 personnel this is our base 11 personnel package but we're going to have our 11 big person we're going to have our 11 speed Personnel so teams use like NASCAR jet heavy whatever 11 heavy 11 whatever that means okay it's Micah Gilbert I mean it's it's Bo Collins Jaden Thomas and say Micah Gilbert are in the game together I'm putting Jaye Thomas a slot Bo at boundary Mike at Z or something like that right like that's our heavy El Personnel I may say i w 11 speed Personnel when we're in 11 speed it's going to be uh K Chris Mitchell or KK Smith at z uh actually let's let's have some fun with it we're gonna go uh KK Smith at Z Chris Mitchell at X and we're putting you know Jaden Harrison or Jordan faon in the slot right we're going fast when I go 20 big 20 heavy okay I'm going kedin young and jadarian price when I go 20 speed it's it's Jeremiah love and jadarian to where there's some there's some consistency to it because when you have those type of packages it's a lot easier to practice okay we're going to run 11 heavy we know in practice whenever we run 11 heavy or we 11 11 speed you know who's on the field and then of course there's some normal rotation out of our base and and so I think that's something that you could consider doing when you have unique skill sets to say Hey listen and you may not do it for all of it they're just maybe a couple packages like listen Micah Gilbert's only going to play 10 15 snaps a game but we really like him let's just say hypothetically Micah Gilberts emerged as a really strong blocker and on top of being a good pass catcher so you know what Bo Collins and Jay Thomas are ahead of him in our base package but man in this 12 look I really like Micah because he can give us great blocker but he's a guy that can also go out there and win one-on-one he's a good enough route Runner he's got enough speed he's strong enough even as a freshman that he can help us so he may not play a bunch in our 11 set but he's going to get a ton of reps when we go 12 Mike is the starter on a 12 Personnel package so he's out there with whoever else you want to put out there you know you may say Hey listen um this guy's you know jayen Harrison is not maybe as good at some of the regular stuff that we do as Jaden gr or Jordan Faison but there's some stuff that we like to package with him so we may communic say look we're just going to put him in on the series and run this package or it may be like hey he's really good in this set because out of this we run more of this stuff so maybe he's a starter in that set that's a way to do it and and this is true on defense as well and I think this is something that we've learned from we've seen from Al golden last year is like look Jay Jaylen Sneed may be a guy that's not ready to be an every down linebacker but when they went to certain packages he was going to be on the field that that that's where he was going to be a and so you you can have some Hey listen when we're in dime you're a three technique you're a starter at when we go when we make this dime call you're a starter you run out on the field unless we've told somebody otherwise and and so that those are important things that you have to do but the re another reason you have to practice it is because players need to know where they are they need to know what they're doing on offense the quarterback needs to have a good sense and a good feel for hey when we're in this Personnel I've run a million plays with this group out of this I've run a bunch of plays with this group out of this it can get very confusing for your quarterback when it's like okay Micah Gilbert runs this route a whole lot different than than Bo Collins how do you know that unless you've thrown it to him a bunch of times getting those reps in practice and and or or or KK Smith's better at this route than Chris Mitchell is or vice versa so I you know he likes to win this way those are all things that you look at and say quarterback's got to know that from experience how do you get that without work when you have that many guys it can be difficult to work if you don't have a plan in place and so they need to have a plan last year receiver it just it was just like I don't know what they're doing it's like you took that guy off the field to put that guy in to run that route that's the dumbest thing I could you took whatever you think it's Tobias Merryweather you took him off the field to run a go route against Louisville to Rico Flores Rico does a lot of good things running go routes ain't it guess what happens interception right like that was dumb there's no purpose to it it made no sense there was a lot of that last year this staff has to avoid that this staff has to avoid sort of the the issue issues that they had last year there was no Rhyme or Reason and no continuity to what they were doing that can't be the case at receiver it can't be the case at DB it can't be the case at linebacker or even dline you've got to have some level of we know what you're good at we're going to put you in these situations and then there's also the the the normal rotation stuff the last piece to that the more guys you use the more risk you run of having too many or not enough guys on the field your communication has to be excellent so if you don't practice it during the week your coaches in resp that are responsible for personnel changes and that that happens every game whether it's analysts gas or full-time coaches there are coaches that are responsible for making sure this is on the field Al golden as a d coordinator for example is responsible if you have 12 or 10 people on the field in regard to you didn't have a plan in place he's not responsible in my opinion for when a package goes on the field he's looking counting he's got to be locked in on what's going on making his calls being ready for what's comes next he needs to communicate to his staff they need to be responsible for making sure that things are going wrong going right and make sure the right people are on the field that you have 11 number one and that you have the right 11 okay if you don't practice that Monday to Friday it's a whole lot harder to have Flawless execution because one one mistake of not having the right people on the field can result in something like I don't know you don't have you have 10 guys on the field for the final two plays of the Ohio State game where you lose you have a 12th guy on the field against Navy in 2016 he has to run off the punt team he doesn't get off in time the punt gets made instead of it being your ball they get the ball they go down the field on a long drive and score and you lose by a point you guys remember that what happened in 2016 right mistakes like that can prove very costly and if you're not repping it Monday to Friday then it can hurt you on Saturday so when I see at practice Notre Dame doing a lot of this rotating doing a lot of this stuff where they're putting kind of wholesale waves of people I'm like you know what they have a plan now it still needs to be tinkered with and worked on but I like the fact they have a plan I don't know fully what it is yet but it's very clear that they're doing it so you have to rep it every day you have to have some purpose to what you're doing and what you're saying you have to be able to say Hey listen uh if you're not like if you're not doing it with intentionality it can create more problems than it helps that's that's a big key the other things is you know you need to make sure it's not too frequent you can't be subbing every other play we saw that last year I don't like that it doesn't work I just it it it it can't just be a consistent thing just it can't be can't be a consistent thing the other part is you've got to make sure that when you're putting guys in the game that you're not asking him to do things they're not necessarily good at that's where the intentionality comes from as well look I have to have purpose to who I'm putting on the game because I'm not gonna ask Micah Gilbert as a freshman to do this thing that I may ask Jaden Thomas or Boon to do as a senior or I'm not g to ask Bryce young to play this Advanced thing the way that I asked 60-year senior RJ Obin right or hey Bryce is really good at this so I'm not gonna ask RJ to do that because RJ just isn't physically the player that Bryce is and so I you know all those type of things so you if you're not repping it every day as a play caller you can get into situations where you're making calls that don't necessarily that may on paper and in the game plan looked great but on on third on Wednesday when we kept ripping the defense up with this look we were practicing with these three receivers but on Saturday because we weren't on the same page we did it with this group of receivers and it doesn't work as well so there there's a lot of that that has to come down to where if you have a plan it makes it a lot easier to call games and make sure that when you are when you do have guys on the field that you're utilizing them for what they do best there's no point of just throwing guys on there and just we're going to run the same stuff no matter who's on the field why to a degree there's always truth to that but but be maybe we're a little heavier here a little more of this here without creating obvious tells that's going to be the key and then the final piece to make it work is you've got to be willing to shorten it when it's not working when the other team has a matchup advantage over a certain part of your rotation and they're exploiting it you've got to be willing to say hey we're going to go with you more this game because you present in a better matchup hey they can't cover this guy on on their defense can't cover this Receiver right now we're going to make sure that we're leaning more into that so and so has the hot hand at running back and and you've got to lean into okay we gotta even though the plan may be here this guy's hot we're gonna go with him we had a plan for this this rotation to DET tackle so and so's not playing well so and so's banged up thisch match up gives us a better opportunity we can exploit them more over here this all works better like you've got to be willing to to you have a plan in place but when you get to game sometimes you got to say listen we got to shorten the bench a little bit in this game for whatever reason it can just be you're playing a better team and so maybe there's two three guys in the back end of your depth chart that you'll play in nine games but then not the other three against the three best teams you know that stuff's part of it too it also could be in game this just isn't working for us let's shorten to Ben a little bit you've got to be willing to do that to where you're not just doing it every week where you practice all these guys and you're prepared for all these guys every week and you're taking reps away from certain guys but then you're not playing those guy those younger guys or those bottom of the- dep chart guys in your rotation on Saturday it's wasted reps shorten your bench on Monday on Tuesday to Friday Monday to Friday because if that's all you're doing on Saturday but even if you are practicing you have an intention you also have to be Savvy enough as a play caller on both sides of the ball to say Hey listen this is what we planned on doing but it's not going how we thought sometimes that could be a good thing sometimes that can be not a very good thing we've got to shorten the bench because this gives us a better shot in this game and those are all aspects of of of what you need to do and then the final piece to me is where can a more frequent rot rotation be best where is it you got to be careful and where should you just not do it uh best places to do it running back wide receiver tight end on offense I think dline is is a great thing to do on the dline those are positions where I'm just waves just throw waves at people totally fine with it you know have a plan always have a plan but I'm okay with it cornerback and safety needs to be more intentional linebacker needs to be more intentional I'm okay playing Five linebackers you got to be a little bit more intentional there's a little bit more of a need for linebackers to get in the flow of the game in my opinion than a wide receiver or running back there's a little bit more of a need of a corner to kind of see all that's happening than there is for a receiver and so I think those are all things that that that you that that factor into why those positions are just hey throw waves throw waves of people at this position this position maybe have some more intentionality to what you're doing from a rotation standpoint uh a position where I'd be really careful with it as I said is Corner that's probably the one defensive position that I would be the most careful with my rotation the other on offense it's o line I'm actually not opposed to rotating I've said this in the past I'm not opposed to rotating an offensive lineman or even an offensive side line side hey we're gonna have waves of the left side just hypothetically let's just say hey look we're gonna have our Roco Tosh Duo and our Pendleton nap Duo okay we'll see if it works but if you're going to try it it needs to have purpose and it needs to be done this is exactly how we're doing it we're doing it this way rotating every series or whatever the case may be and you got to practice that every single day they did not do that against Louisville last year yes Billy shra got some work with the ones but they weren't told until I was told this by multiple people that they basically told them on the day of the game okay we're gonna rotate can't do that Harry when Harry hean did it he said this is what we're doing we're gonna practice it Monday we're gonna practice it Tuesday we're gonna practice Wednesday Thursday and Friday and then we're going to do exactly that on Saturday everyone's going to know who's going to be on the field to the point where I shouldn't have to tell you that you're on the field you should already know everybody should already know that's that you've got to have a plan got to have a plan if you're G to do on the o line and and you only do it in one of two cases one is you have a unique Duo there that no one's really ready to be the guy it's not ideal but you can kind of do it that way the other reason is is if you have a younger player that's just he's too good not to play but maybe he's just is not ready to play 60 snaps a game and that's kind of how it was in 2024 or 20 2017 that like krammer was really good hany was really good I don't know that either of them were necessarily Head and Shoulders above the other where it was obviously going to play one so they're both good they both do some things this guy's better in this stuff this guy's better in this stuff so we're going to use them both but there was always a plan and they rept it every single day so I would be okay doing that at that position if you have a plan and you do it rar and only on unique occasions like if the middle of the Season gerby Lamers is too good not to play and they got to come up with some kind of rotation okay that's fine but you better come up with that plan on the weekend and implement it on your first practice of the week and do it every single day and every single period whether it's inside run half Line run half-line pass one-on ones team Red Zone team coming out team third down team short yardage team whatever the case may be you're work that rotation in with a plan every single time to where on Saturday everybody knows who's going to be on the field and when and you've got that communication down so uh that's I would do it there but I would not I would just be a little careful to do it and then the one position where I don't think a rotation Works all's quarterback that's not going to be an issue at Notre Dame the only time I'm ever okay with it is if you have a quarterback with a very different skill set that's going to come in really with one purpose Tim TBO coming in in 2006 for FL for Florida made total sense he wasn't coming in to take Chris leak's job he was coming in because he's going to run at you you know like how they use Tyler Buckner in 2021 I had no problem with that because he had you knew everybody knew exactly what was happening when Tyler was in the game they knew the plan they knew when he was going to do it the times when it didn't work as well is when times when they maybe didn't have as good of a plan have a plan hey Tyler you're going in on series three and you're G to do this you know if if if if you get du Knight and he signs another name you know just let's say he does and said not feeling great about that but let's say he does hypothe ically say hey look every third series you're going to go in and we're going to run some this or that okay fine have a plan have a plan and everybody knew exactly what Tim tblo was going to do he knew the package he was going to run and that was his role Chris Lee knew when he he was going to come in he knew when he wasn't going to come in and Tim Chris leak wasn't looking over shoulder because they had a plan in place jack Cohen wasn't necessarily looking over shoulder early eventually did because of the way they handled that situation but you've got to have a plan in place that's the only time I'm ever okay with a a quarterback plan more is if you have a situ where it's a unique athlete that's coming in for a specific purpose for a series or a play or a short yardage hey every time we get in third down or you know second or third down and we go with our you know our power package we know we're putting our our you know young athletic quarterback in the game and and we're not going to have another quarterback in the game and we're just running that second in one play and we're going to execute these three or four Concepts and then we're going to roll we get short yardage or goal line and we make we make this call everybody knows we're putting so and so in the game whether it could be I mean we see that like with running backs put an extra running back on the field don't care just have a plan and do it if he's a unique athlete I don't think they have that on the team this year so I'm not worried about that for not in this year but in theory that's something how it could work so look if this works for their Dame it's going to be huge they're gonna have a lot of talent playing they're gonna have guys happy it helps in the recruiting Trail it helps with this team it's going to help keep guys fresh it's going to allow you to utilize different players it also gives some younger talented players that may not be ready for fulltime enough opportunities to where if they can answer the Bell maybe they then become more full-time so I think the plan is great I hope the ndame executes it effectively I think so far I've liked what I've seen and then heard about how they're going to do it there seems to be some intentionality to it but now we've got to find out if they can do it when they're game prepping it's easier to be structured with that type of thing during Camp when you're not preparing for a game because it's like hey this is first team the second team but when you start getting in a game week then it can become if you don't do it right a little bit more challenging so we'll see how they do it the next couple weeks but you know so far I I like the plan I I think it's smart I think they have the talent to do so I think it's a necessity for this team because of the talent I think it's also a necessity for this team because of the reality of a 16 Game season if you want to win a title and you have to play 16 games then that's something that you need to do so um that's why I think the depth of this football team is so impressive it's why it's one of the strengths of this team and I love the fact that this team this coaching staff has a plan in place to say look we're going to maximize this I love Drake bone as a player and Jack Kaiser as players if then I know the nerame coaches do but we can't just have Kings cvan maasa sit on the sidelines all day you can't have just Jaden allsbury and Jaylen sne sit on the sidelines all day I don't care how much I love those guys why does it got to be neither or it's both we play both of them and utilize them to to make sure that we're effective I think that's good for Drake I think that's good for Kingston I think that's good for Jack I think that's good for Jaden it's good for all of them if it's done correctly and that's going to be the big key if they can do it correctly this is going to be a huge thing for no name because they're just gonna be able to throw waves of players of people and I and I especially think it could be effective in the opener because A&M's not going to know exactly who's in the game doing what and when and so there will be no tells in game one you very rarely have tells in game one especially when you have so many new faces and and that's something I think could really help Notre Dame a lot in that opener is yeah you may think you know what we do in our base defense but we're we're a little different this year because of this guy this guy this guy but what are you gonna what what is your thought when we throw this guy in the game or this guy in the game or this guy in the game or this guy in the game same thing in receiver you may think we like this concept but when these three guys are in the game we got something for you that you haven't really seen yet and we're coming at you with speed or size those are all aspects I think can be really beneficial uh for this notame team especially in the opener and it's something that A&M's going to have to be prepared for so that's it everybody uh that's Today's Show I'll be back tomorrow actually I do have a couple super chats real quick Anthony Solomon with us thanks for the show Super Chat thank you Anthony I really appreciate that Ryan Elliott also with a super chat thank you also Ryan I appreciate both you guys very very much uh but that's going to do it for today's show everybody have a great rest of your day hit that like hit that subscribe hit that notification Bell share this podcast give us a five star review join me on the message board at boards. we're going to continue this conversation it's going to be a a lot to talk about these next couple weeks and uh join me tomorrow 1:00 p pm. tomorrow I'm going to be on with Trevor trollbridge that's the plan as of now um and we're g to have some fun to talk about like said we got the two topics we're going to discuss we'll either add a third topic maybe do the biso hold we'll see about that I got to figure out a couple things but either way we're gonna have a lot to talk about it's gonna be a lot of fun and we're g to get going at one o'clock so join me tomorrow on the Irish breakdown podcast have a great rest of your day everybody

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