Michael Vaughan: 3 Years Missing - What's Next?

Published: Jul 27, 2024 Duration: 00:44:02 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] somewhere and my hair now be alone it's much too be and you don't care and I won't play alone I'll C you in my sight I keep all the way you said to me I get you get you get you get you on your knees reind all the things you said that I should be I'll get you get you get you now you beg me please hey [Music] Michael Vaughan Update hey hey everybody hope you can hear me okay put a one in the chat if you can hear me testing testing today is July 27th 2024 3 years three years that Michael vaugh has been missing and there is a little bit of an update that I can give you uh from a multitude of different um sources but definitely JD Huff from Fruitland PD who is the chief of police has given an update is um some things haven't changed at all but there is a little bit of a difference this time in the wording meaning they're more confident it seems um in their thoughts of what happened to Michael but they're still actively investigating Michael Von's disappearance and we'll get into why I think that they have a more solid it just feels like there is more confidence backing up what they've believed right they say hi to everybody before we jump right in it's been Wild on these YouTube streets I mean you think that I would be out of these out of the dumps right um but I love the dumps I like dumpster diving sometimes and I will not deny that I am a fallible human being who likes to go into these uh communities in YouTube and just kind of observe right it's kind of I a train wreck now I'm not talking about ones that you'll see me in chat the ones that I'm talking about you won't you don't know where I'm at um so that's not who I'm talking about that's where I've been though trying to recover from a multitude of things so hey little Texas tornado Jeep girl Maggie pie Brooke ogod been here for the longest Chris good to see you deal you wo Miss rub buug Long time no see glad you're here uh who else we got who else we got Carrie you better behave in this chat Carrie but good to see you love and if I miss anybody my apologies go ahead and hit that like button while you're here if you're watching the replay hit that like button it's free because this is about Michael Von today very important um content that I have covered for Michael vau in the past now I have not been everyone's favorite cup of tea or cup of joe or flavor of whiskey if you will on this case that's okay that's all right what matters is is that people need to be aware of what's going on currently in Michael Von's case right there's not a lot of updates that come about so that's what we're just going to stick to that plus with a little bit of information that I know of um that you wouldn't get anywhere else so let's just go straight into the words of JD Huff on the uh Fruitland uh police department's page go straight to the source here we go all right update 7272 Police Chief Update 24 Michael has been gone for 3 years now and the case remains very active while we have already submitted our case to the payet County prosecutor our primary goal is to continue our e efforts in solving this case finding Michael and thoroughly following up on every tip and lead by using every investigative tool at our disposal as such the national Center for missing and endangered children whom we partnered with shortly after Michael's abduction has developed an age progression photo and made it public despite the possibility of confusion listen to that despite the possibility of confusion we find it necessary to make the photo public as an additional resource in the search for Michael who is yet to be found I think everyone who probably read this who has been invested in this case had to reread that like me all right hey cyber ninja Sip and shine curs curiosity good to see you guys Roxy place so I'm glad you're hear curse with curiosity really honestly I am um because I might have a question for you and I'll let you know when that is okay so again this despite the possibility of confusion we find it necessary to make the photo public as an additional resource in the search for Michael who is yet to be found so let me just finish it and then we'll go back to that that's very important we believe we have a firm understanding of the events that occurred on July 27th 2021 when Michael went missing near his home around 6:40 to 7 p.m. allegedly all right but It ultimately depends on the payak County prosecutor to assemble the case and move it forward It ultimately depends depends on the payet County prosecutor he makes the decisions Mike Duke the Fruitland Police Department is thankful for the community's unwavering support and encourage those who have information that may help us recover Michael to reach out to us that's all they I believe I I believe they'll take any tips right of course they would but I'm thinking that that is exactly what they are wanting how can we find him so that we can move forward with those charges right so tips can be sent to the Fruitland police department at 20845 23110 tip tip tipsters excuse me may remain anonymous at find Michel atr.org or to Crimestoppers at 343 cops.com future updates will be released on this page as they are available missingkids.org poster is here for Michael vaugh Age Progression Photo and his age progression photo is here please do not manipulate this in any way shape or form do not put logos on top of it and share it amongst anyone at all on social media or in your community leave it alone leave it be and share it that's it hey Rocco so again just to recap this the basics here this photo was the latest and greatest before he went missing I believe a month prior to his disappearance it was taken and he was last known to be wearing a light blue T-shirt with a Minecraft logo on it depending on what who and when you ask either dark blue or black boxers with lime green stitching which is to me I believe the mother said is the most accurate and sandals flip-flop sandals so I want to know real quick do you a lot of people have had their issues with Summer walls' age progression photo I personally do not that I am an expert I know nothing about that age progression stuff however the common sense and logic side for me and a lot of others in summer wells's photo she looked older than people would think she would look like in the age progression I I agree with that I would love to know what you guys think about the age progression photo of Michael vaugh here is it kind of the same situation do you feel like it would it seems to to be accurate um for an 8-year-old I I would say it looks a little too much older for sure than eight like I'm seeing this kid and I'm thinking 9 10 11 uh that's just me a lot of people have said the same thing at the end of the day it doesn't matter because at least they have done this to for if there is a potential that he looks like this or similar to this um people will have it in their minds and if they see someone that they think might be Michael they'll be more than happy to help you know find them if that's who they think they saw but then we have to go back unfortunately to what was written today despite the possib possibility of confusion we found it necessary to make that photo public as an additional research uh resource in the search for Michael and you know what I this is what I'm I'm going to say my feeling on that is because they have a firm grasp in their words right firm understanding rather not grasp of the events that occurred on July 27 2021 that day that day day which remind I'm going to remind everybody they had no earthly idea at least the first six months they had no idea said from the families said from um in December of 20121 when they had the radio Mr Miller I can't remember his first name they they did a radio show at a um car dealership and people were calling in that were from the community and that was you know government within the community and leaders and they said there was just no sign no nothing at all no direction of travel nothing but now currently they have a firm understanding of the events so events meaning multiple situations not just one right not abduction and then boom right there there are layers as Mike Duke said whenever he said you know we got to charge it and I was like what do you mean it you don't charge things you charge people that whole outrageous thing hey Ruby Rose so how do why do they have a firm understanding now have they always had a firm understanding of the events um of that day did it come come because of the four suspects does that kind of connect the dots why didn't they know about the four suspects had they had known about them already and they were just waiting for that moment it's very hard to say and we're not going to know until a trial happens right but I think getting back on track I I believe that this photo being public was not only for the obvious reasons that if he is out there blah blah blah but because they have a firm understanding that they believe he was in the backyard of the uh wanders at one point and then moved it's to grab at either the heartstrings of someone who knows something to the perpetrator or perpetrators to get more tips and to get more information as to where to find him because when you look look not that I would ever know but if you put yourself in the shoes of someone who knows somebody about a 5-year-old boy at the time and you know something happened to him and you see that photo of what he could be doing and how he would look at this moment in time I think that it might have a chance at least of pulling some heartstrings and making someone feel bad enough to talk or start rumbling or start mucking up because they have some sort of issue with this right so I think that that's my honest opinion as to why this is released because they had to decide on it obviously summer wells's photo came out two years what to the day I believe or right after that this one took a little longer three years not two so maybe there were some issues with I don't know that I'm just speculating on that but that's just my feeling from the wording of JD Huff let me check him in chat before we move on it's a very 3 years it's really heartbreaking because I didn't think we were going to be here I really thought that it would be on the way to having someone charged or the perpetrator charged or some something I feel like we're just stalling but 70% accurate I can't go more than that yeah that's where I probably draw the line of 60 but you know I don't know we don't really know we're not professionals unless somebody else has some knowledge on age progression but hey Mr Eve yeah he looks older than a that's how I feel but I think that it is like Cur curs with curiosity said earlier in the chat it's enough to where you could at least keep that in your mind right and if you did see you know Michael it would connect the dots I do believe I do believe that I mean that's just me so Ruby Rose says I feel like uh law enforcement is playing some angles here with this as well as the name suspects I still believe T is involved and they know it I mean that's you have every right to feel that way and I'm glad you were respectful in chat about it I I do um appreciate that a lot of people feel like you know there's more to it than meets the eye uh with family members it's okay to feel that way but there is still the looming question of four suspects being named put on a billboard for the world to see right and maybe there is more to it on both sides there have been cases where for instance a a little girl was actually abducted but the father had passed out because he was high on drugs and he didn't want to admit that and he fell asleep noted off and because of his negligence in that the daughter his daughter was actually abducted by going outside and being uh lured away there's other cases where straight up it was a cover cover up a false deduction there are are also very rarely but there are cases where they are in fact abducted and either or never found and just there is no justice to this dat and vice versa sometimes the most rarest of cases they're alive they're alive and they're out there and and that's the point is to keep looking no matter what keep hope but no but no the realities the possible realities Sarah caused all of that then charges dropped later yeah so you're talking about when she screamed God just told me who did it basically what's in the probable cause for her to be arrested for failure to report a death yeah and then they dropped it and the case law that they used it was so odd to me which we'll get into I've already been through that a few times but just to recap the case law was about a woman who was who had overdose in a bathroom on her own accord so she overdosed on her own accord no one hurt her but herself but because the drug dealers didn't want to um get busted because it was their drugs that they dealt to her where she ended up overdosing you know the drug dealers order Ed these two ladies that were actually her friends at one point or knew her and got rid of her so they charged um one of them with failure to report a death and they dropped that charge because it was unconstitutional because you're not supposed to WR on yourself it's an unconstitutional law even though I get it if you fail to report you fail to report and I agree that that is that should be a crime but the Constitution rules period so in my opinion I do agree that it's an unconstitutional law to be charged with failure to report a death where you're going to be telling on yourself it's a constitutional right Le the fth right Ruby says I often wonder if hey Hakuna good to see you love I often wonder if law enforcement regrets jumping on naming them as suspects since no one's charge hint zero evidence I in my heart of Hearts my gut I do believe that they jumped the gun on that I do but it also it also made me believe that they knew there there was a connection between the event or the events right and where Michael is where they had hoped to find him or get to that point they have said pretty uh I would say a year and a half into it it was kind of hinting to the fact that they knew at that point they were starting to piece it together of what happened that day because they had always been asking for leading up to that time they wanted to know the events leading up to his disappearance they wanted to know what happened they were always asking people to come forward with that then you saw you saw that kind of Stu right and then the suspects were named and they jumped on that like we know this is it but I think they didn't have enough information that they thought they had and I do believe that it is coming slowly potentially could be wrong I do believe they jumped the gun though and I do believe that they were fighting with constitutional rights being violated in Idaho which is not unheard of I'll tell you that I do believe they were fighting that at some point because of what I've seen in the in some documents we'll say that's just what that's just where I'll stop with that Lit incense for mjv that's awesome I did that earlier like a candle thing I have blue candles yep I did the same it's made it did make them look a little little [ __ ] sketch that's for sure so what about Stacy wandra Sarah wandra Brandon shirtliff Adrien Lucine the four suspects well Sarah is still in prison she's still sitting there riding out her sentence until I believe 2026 February of 2026 is when she is eligible for parole um and then we have Stacy wander who's in jail for violating probation uh release terms and these are federal supervisions of release and he he did two things okay two things I'm G to I'm going to pull them up for you to see so that you I'm not lying to you guys but it is important to kind of look at it Chris says Eve I thought there was Court this week for who where are the two that aren't in jail good question now Brandon has been very busy posting on social medias for the longest and I do think that this is very interesting and I'm kind of getting irritated and it could be just me and and no fault of his but I do find it very strange that he is posting I'm in the mood to delete everything and go missing for a long time maybe forever sir you're a suspect even if you aren't even if you're innocent you're still a suspect a named suspect and you're going to post that not smart not smart and it kind of rubs me the wrong way when I'm thinking about Michael vaugh who has been missing for 3 years as of today so I don't have any sympathy for you suck it up innocent or not those kind of things just really chat my ass so let me pull up his there's his warrant for arrest when he was found doing some [ __ ] [ __ ] on on his supervised release so he violated two things apparently it was a sub a controlled substance I guess he popped hot on a piss test and then also speaking to another felon on Thanksgiving of 2023 which was obviously Sarah wandra he admitted that he admitted that on a live I think and to me for sure so he got in trouble for popping hot I guess on a on a a drug test and talking to Sarah on Thanksgiving because I do not believe they're supposed to be speaking to each other at all I don't know how he did it I think he just called up there so that's why he is going to spend eight months in jail as of March 26th so that's coming up in November that he would be eligible if he is not doing anything stupid like punching somebody in the face like he did in 2020 uh is it two or three believe 2023 when he punched that guy in the face so November is when he's going to get out now I have not seen a lot of activity with the news covering Michael's case so I can't really tell you anything else on that front except to say that a little birdie you know I have a community birdie and I will never reveal my sources okay no matter what you do um that there is some talk that things are in motion right now now have I said that on this platform before in this case yep but I did back it up with receipts that there were things going on because I request the 911 call logs when necessary and I've shown you guys things along the way but I'm not just talking about things are moving in motion like another one of those situations I'm hearing things are really amping up people are getting lawyers paperwork's being filed okay people are hearing actual movement in the legal sense so there are things going on Beyond just another rabbit hole lead that didn't get the police anywhere I think this is this is the beginning of the end for real this time I really do and hopefully once I can get into diving more into this case again I will obviously update you guys I have always said that Halloween has always been a thing for me in this case where I I Always Feel Like H around the Halloween time something big happens you're just sitting there commonly eating your Cheerios and then Wham there's an update in the Michael Von case that takes everybody um by surprise I've always said that and I stick to my story wow it's been a long time it has it has I remember jumping into the case in uh March in April of 2022 and then taking it to YouTube in April and moving forward with that it has been a very long time of worrying wondering and I'm sure obviously um nobody cares about that and why should they because the family is the one that needs the answers the family um so let's take a look at one thing that I did see in eyt today um I'll just go ahead and tell you while I pull it up so in 2024 I think May or March of 20124 one of those my good friend who might be in the chat right now um found that there was some movement in the ey Court in Idaho um a case with Stacy wandra and it's two people I'm not going to dox them but Raymond and Chris okay Stacy is has a civil suit against these two people and I believe it might be like payments that they were promised now look I have no idea who those people are where they're from if they're creators if they're neighbors ex- neighbors I have no earthly idea but he's suing somebody it's on the it's on the uh I Court website and I don't know what that's about but I thought it was very interesting that he's suing somebody while in in the jail in In the FED actually in adaa County that's that's where he's at so I don't know anything about that thought it was interesting I think let me look and see how much it's supposed to be for if you want to look at it yourself case number is zv1 d240 8225 go look for yourself it is in payet County yep Stacy plaintiffs Raymond and Crystal small claims court filed May 14th 2024 and I'll just put this up here regarding permission and partial payment of court fees summons issued and filed on the 28th of May there was a summons that was unserved and that's where it lays I do not know anything else so there you go I guess you can sue in the jail you have a lot of time to look up how to do that I guess pop off but I don't know why he needs commentary money well I bet he does everybody does Amen this case has broken my heart it's I I will never be the same as a human being because of especially Michael Bond but also um many many others that have we have covered because it keeps getting worse and more mysterious and more unsolvable and I don't know why in the in the age of technology that that's the case I think it boggles everyone's mind mind because you can't track a child that you has you know the only people that know the whereabouts of a child are a family or a parent and the possible Predator whoever that is who harm that child very hard to track that especially when they're young enough to not have technology on them like a cell phone or Apple watch or whatever it may be it's harder to to find out what happened still find it interesting that Brandon shl's Mom's family own that Green Cemetery in leadore where deor is that where he went missing at that I didn't know it does change something inside you absolutely I agree that'll never be the same especially when you have such little information and your brain will definitely over run you your yourself with all of these different scenarios and then I I couldn't imagine the family and how they how they feel and process that I couldn't I could not imagine I'd probably die of a heart attack to be honest with you what else do we have oh there was a news article that kind of gave more information about JD hff's quote unquote interview I don't know what interview he had and with who I guess it was just like the media off the Record but there was something he said I it just really struck me so Idaho Statesman it's been three years oh damn you Idaho Statesman did you do it through a pay wall really really oh I was gonna get really upset on that one okay so as the threeyear anniversary listen [Music] here the Fruit l boyant Michael Von's appearance arrives forensic artists have helped fpd release the age progression picture which we've seen um we already know that so we're doing everything we can to get this case solved Michael has been gone for three years and the case remains very active our goal remains to follow up on everything and use every investigative tool we don't want to leave any stone and turn which he said from the beginning today we are celebrating the day so this is what Brandy says on his birthday on Michael's birthday today we are celebrating the day that Michael brought joy and love into this world so our family will have his favorite chocolate cake and his baby sister is going to open his presents for him and that's really sweet we know that our images are an important tool says Nick Mick in the search for missing children and we hope that the age progression photo leads helps lead investigators to find answers about what happened and again how could that be if they presume if they think that he is presumed dead well tugging at somebody who knows something tugging at the heart it's very haunting I would be heartbroken as a mother to see this photo I really would um so my heart goes out to the family on this cuz it could you imagine imagine somebody showing you your missing child's photo of what they could be heartbreaking no matter what no matter what you think or feel heartbreaking but that's not the update that I was thinking of was it Argus maybe it was Argus was not Argus one sec guys I do not like listening to Big Country news because they muck up those um articles they'll put their own little spin on it and I don't like it it's just like misinformation well I will I will I will look at it later at the end of the day I will say this Mike Duke the prosecutor for payet County who has the control over how this um how the criminal charges are brought and whom right there was something interesting that happened earlier this year he went to the um city and asked for funds to have an intern in his office to look at crime statistics for Michael's case specifically for Michael's case and I think that that is very telling in the sense that um I think that they're trying to find activity to show where Michael is at this moment wherever he was put or placed I think that that is what he was wanting to invest in um he was wanting to invest in software that kind of gives Crim statistics and I'm thinking to myself me and a few other ladies already did that if you want to get some of our Excel spreadsheets you know CU because we did I mean we sat there and requested every single um call log you could think of 911 call log and there are a lot there was pretty much an estimated four grand month of crime 911 clause in payet County 4,000 and we requested from May 2021 all the way to now so just think about all of that data going through everything trying to figure out what what was going on without being too intrusive in people's lives because they don't deserve that but at the same time there's a missing child right you do anything for that for them so hit me up Mike hit your girl up because I can tell you exactly where the crime was not about Michael necessarily but what was going on in that neighborhood and what was going on around it and from afar as well Caldwell Plymouth Oregon onario hit me up but but and serious this I'm glad that he is investing in Michael's to to find him that's amazing so they are working at it obviously they are still trying to find him they're not just waiting for the tip like we all thought and felt for a while so that's good I wish I could say my whole Theory here but I won't accuse without proof right and and that's a hard lesson right it's a hard lesson because even even though you might not feel like I'm going to say this person is innocent or guilty and I've tried very hard not to say one or the other but you hint at it right um no matter what you're going to be accused so either do it all the way with your whole chest to what you think or not at all just words of wisdom from me the whipping post of Michael Von's case Lenny oh oh no worry son I'm glad you're here so I wish that I could give you some bombshell information but there isn't and we're not really going to get that until that until that charge or charges are brought forth I do believe that it's not one-sided here though I stand on that 100% I don't feel like it's going to be you know um it's going to be a collective effort of parties from all sorts of sides in my opinion on what happened to Michael vaugh I believe that whatever happened and and whatever was uh whatever took place for his abduction whatever state he was in when he was abducted I believe that there are multiple players in this absolutely will stick by that I just don't know and we will not know what or who that is it's impossible impossible to know but I really hope that there's not a fourth year that we have to go over this information I really don't for for everyone for Michael for family and for the public and for the community and for the community and to know what happened so that they can do some preventative work in the in the community and so that investigators can learn from the case you know the FBI the doj all of those those authorities learn from these things but not the unsolved mysterious cases that's important too so everyone um heart blue hearts for monkey in the chat please uh everyone send your love and and thoughts and prayers to the family and to the community and to law enforcement cuz that's what they need they they deserve that and Michael deserves to have his case covered peacefully right so please do all right guys much love to you justice for Michael vaugh we will find him and he will be brought home have a great great weekend drink your water hug your babies hug those fur babies and I'll see you on the next live bye everyone e only

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