Stats & Cohn: Christian McCaffrey is Putting Pressure on the 49ers

Published: May 28, 2024 Duration: 01:01:01 Category: Entertainment

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is Jed York going to continue to pay for the 49ers to be good and we got the biggest example yet of how a Super Bowl hangover could affect the 49ers in 2024 we'll get to all that more on today's stats and [Music] Cone what is good everybody Welcome to Stats and Cone here on the gold standard podcast Network I'm Rob stats Guerrera he's Grant con Grant you're nodding your head do you approve I like that that was a really nice intro man gold standard is leveling up congratulations thank you you know we're trying to do some things here that was nice we'll get to an article from Tim kyami that I think is kind of a big deal rant was texting me he's poo pooing so we'll get to that that was Private plus uh Logan Ryan had a really interesting comment on the herd which I would love to play for you but if I do I won't be able to monetize this video so that is not going to happen I'll just tell you what he said anyway smart move get right to it Tim kakami has an article in the athletic about Jed York and will he continue to pay for the 49ers to be good and in the article which I can drop a link to uh in the chat you know he talks about how when you give guys signing bonuses and guaranteed money you got to pay that out of your pocket and it's a it's a big check and and to his credit as Tim points out Jed has been doing that right we we know the names Nick Bosa Fred Warner Christian mcaffrey Trent Williams Yad y yada but Brock's contract is due and this was the thing that stuck out to me Grant throw Christian mcaffrey in there like like it's just a given that mcaffrey is part of this considering the cost of what will get auk and mcaffrey on board for this coming season the huge dollars the 49ers have already committed an aling Prospect of a mega deal for Brock py next off season will York make the vast Financial commitment necessary to keep most of this core together for a few more years or will the Niners go through more problematic negotiations and high profile departures in order to keep the costs from spiraling he throws mcaffrey in there like it's just a given that he's sitting out OTAs because he wants more money well I if you read the article it's a lot of like interesting questions and hypotheticals uh it's it's right on it's right on the money in terms of what needs to be talked about right now and I think the most uh the best point that Tim brought up is the Eric Armstead release how the Niners handled that and the effect that would have on other players like Eric armed was making almost $20 million a year he's a captain he was respected they asked him to take like like a 200% pay cut right it was like go from making 18 million a year to six and he said absolutely not and then made just what he thought he was going to make on the open mark market so if the Niners would do that to Armstead who won't they do that to I think a lot of vets approaching 30 probably looking at their contract thinking God they could do that to me if I miss four games due to injury or whatever happens so I think you see people trying to secure the bag so to speak and I know there's a lot of people out there I'm sure they're in the chat oh Christian mcav no it's not about money he he's planning for his wedding he's got a wedding coming up it's it's not that look there are professional wedding planners okay they're paying people to handle that and also there's no reason why Christian mcaffrey can't go to OTAs in the morning or the afternoon and then come home and help with the wedding in the same day it's not like well I did practice that's it I can't do any planning wedding planning it's a ridiculous argument people just don't want to think that the 49ers have to pay Christian mcaffrey more money and I think it's hilarious especially as someone who has planned a wedding and has been married for 15 years it's not that hard okay it's just not were you listen sorry I had to unplug the phone it was talking to me oh well but did you hear what I said about mcaffry and the wedding planning yeah I totally agree with you you know what I mean like I've been through that you've been through that uh if I would think mcaffry has a lot of money and has a lot of help and isn't doing that much like he's probably being like yeah I like that decision that's a good one yeah let's go with that also as as uh my friend Valerie on Twitter has pointed out mcaffry is colorblind so you really taking his advice on wedding stuff is that true yeah apparently according to his fiance she put in a in an Instagram video that Christian mcaffry is colorblind because he was looking out the window saying oh look at all the colors and she was like you can't see the colors anyway and he was like well there's light gray and dark gray okay well look I think look the the main points that Tim's talking about in this is not not just what Eric Armstead situation did to the locker room but also Jed hasn't necessarily given out guaranteed money like this this is new for him this is like the new NFL and they G I think Nick boso was a record for guaranteed money uh Nick brenon I's going to approach that it's going to be about $70 million guaranteed and then God knows how much guaranteed money Brock P's going to get and this is going to be all within a couple years of uh you know back to back to back so this is the Yorks digging deep into their pockets for cash to put in escrow uh to keep this going and you think they will cuz they always have but then you look at the arm said situation you think well hm although I I completely agree with what the niners did with Armstead I don't think that was necessarily a financial move I think that was the right football move uh you know I think it's what Bill Walsh would have done you get rid of a guy a year too early not a year too late and they might have got rid of armet a year too late so so I could see why vets are a little nervous but I still think I'm not even a York guy I think they like being in the playoffs they like being a marquee franchise I think they're going to pay look at it as an investment I agree I think the 49ers were right to do with Armstead what they did stinks for him and I get like he didn't want to take the pay cut I understood everybody's actions on both sides there um Lee Ving says the team is worth six billion with 622 million in Revenue in 2023 is Jed going broke uh no not even close AB abolutely right the but if he starts cutting corners and making financial decisions team people will look at the ners a lot differently all of a sudden they won't be the Cowboys of the West Coast they won't be a marquee franchise they'll be a penny pinching franchise that's content to be in the mix so I think this is a critical moment for Jed and how he approaches it is going to uh color how people view the franchise especially because it's easy to Shell Shell out a lot of money when it's not quarterback money because quarterback money is different quarterback money is a lot more frankly Brock pie you know is going to sign a contract that's going to pay him4 to $50 million a year that's more than Bosa or Warner or you know anybody else at the 49 or Trent Williams at the 49ers have paid so that is a different I think that's kind of Tim's point of the article is like this particular situation has not really come up with this group before right um and I think it's clear the Niners are like eager to give Brock P's money Jed York's already come out instead he's basically ready to do it it uh and I don't think they're going to make Brock pretty waight I think they'll probably give it to him as soon as the offse starts like they did with Jimmy garoo so long ago um no no wait till till July and August right grant I don't think they're gonna do that they didn't do that with Jimmy right they didn't do with Trent they got that done because those guys are I don't understand I really don't understand why the Niners drag got these negotiations I don't think it helps them at all but they want with Brock and I think the Niners are eager to spend all that money they'll be proud to spend all that money and to say have a franchise quarterback but that could squeeze out certain players and I think you're seeing it with Brandon auk like Niners are like do we really have it do we really have it can we really give him whatever he wants or do we have to negotiate over a couple million dollars um and if that's the case with Brandon then Christian's being like damn like am I a cap casualty who's a cap casualty Debo everyone's talking that Debo could be gone next year right well who showed up to OTAs in great shape Debo one he was there and you know what we last time Debo's money was going to be affected was 2021 and he had one of the best seasons any wide receiver has ever had so true let's get that Debo again this year the other part of the kokami article that I thought was interesting is there's a lot in there about mcaffrey and what mcaffrey might quote unquote want Tim says specifically the final two years of McCaffrey's deal guaranteed plus another year added on then there's a lot of paragraphs in there about how important Christian mcaffrey is to the 49ers offense and and all this stuff and I can't help but wonder if Tim's got a source within McCaffrey's people that's feeding him a little info that's trying to get him to put a little pressure on the 49ers to take care of Christian mcaffrey and my evidence for this grant goes all the way back to just before Christian mcaffrey was traded to the 49ers I point to this article in the athletic Christian mcaffrey and the 49ers are a natural fit as the trade market heats up this was just before the mcaffrey trade went through and the whole article is all about how Christian mcaffrey fits with the 49ers why it could work why if the 49ers included a second round pick they'd be able to trade for Christian mcaffrey and I said at the time and I remember thinking this why is Tim kakami taking all this time to write this article unless he knows that Christian mcaffrey is about to be traded to the 49ers and what happened like two days later mcaffrey got traded to the 49 you love guessing about people's sources maybe Tim has a source on this one he kind of seems like he does but I look I just I don't think you need a source to understand where where Christian's coming from here like he's he just won the offensive player of the year he is pretty much universally regarded as the MVP of the 49ers offense if not the entire team and he's looking at 8 point 11.8 million this year not guaranteed while players who most people would agree are inferior to him are pouting and complaining about only being able to make 14 plus million dollar this year so I I could see I mean look the Niners are eager to give Brock pie like 50 something million dollars a year Christian mcaffrey was third in the MVP voting this year pie was fourth so he understands he's not gonna be making Brock py money but I think on the other on the other hand he probably feels there's an argument that he should be making a lot more considering everyone agrees he's the most important player on the team on the offense I I would agree I mean you look at how the offense got better once he arrived whether it was Jimmy Garoppolo quarterback or Brock p a quar matter the offense was immediately better when he got there uh and I think we all know why he's incredible he puts stress on the defense all that stuff one more thing yes it's funny how Brandon auk's trying to put a little pressure on the Niners by not showing up like let's see what my absence does as this offense I think a lot of people feel the Niners would be okay without auk no disrespect to auk he's a great player a very good player but I think a lot of people feel the Niners would be just just fine on offense without him you take mcaffrey away though that's a we don't know what that looks like and it's an interesting it's like okay Brandon you wanna I raise you I raise you I'm out too let's see who really who really moves the needle here it's an interesting point and I think that would certainly U quiet some of the Brock py critics if mcaffrey did stay away and the Niners offense did have success without him um yeah we don't know what that are we've never seen Brock without Christians so we don't know what it would look like we I would fight anyone that says that Brock P has just like Jimmy Garoppolo I think Brock has been better than Jimmy Garoppolo in a lot of ways so I think the offense even without Christian mcaffrey would still be better than the Jimmy Garoppolo offense without Christian mcaffrey how much better I don't know particularly if auk isn't there too now you're really getting down to the nitty-gritty does it feel a little bit like auk has kind of set sort of a almost a negative tone for this year like the theme of this year is what am I worth how important am I and am I getting properly not even compensated but like am I getting credit for what I do here and once auk has put his sort of like flag in the ground like no I'm Elite and it doesn't matter that you don't give me the ball or that I'm the fourth option sometimes I'm freaking Elite and that's how you're going to pay me it seems like other people on this team are following suit like yeah yeah it's time it's time we've sacrificed we lost we're still here I need to get paid what I need to be acknowledged for how good how important I am and it's like that's not team building that's not really what you want it's not what you had last year it's the reality of the success that you've had that's inevitable you can't have the kind of wins and playoff runs and Super Bowl runs that this team has had without that becoming a thing it's just the reality of the sport that they play and I do think part of it for auk is okay okay you're not going to give me show me the Love by giving me the targets and the catches and the opportunity to produce like these other wide receivers well you're gonna show the world that you do think I'm just as good as those guys not with what happens on the field with the way you pay me and I think that's part of it I think he does want credit and recognition and I don't know that the 49ers are going to give it to him to be honest with you it's just interesting how like all these players have sort of kept it quiet for a while because they had a goal of winning the Super Bowl and now it's like you see all the Grievances come out like auk doesn't get the ball enough so he wants more money mcaffry doesn't have that issue gets the ball as much as he can physically handle but he's paid less than all the he's paid less than KD and you know like enough is enough he was third in the MVP voting this isn't fair anymore and it's like man Jan Jennings has a grievance no one cares no one cares but even he has a grievance like wow that that's sort of the vibe around the team right now yeah Joan Jennings hasn't signed his restrictive free agent tender God love you Jawan Jawan and I said this last week like this is a bold move they drafted a wide receiver in the first round and you're not showing up to otaa it's like dude they don't care if you're not there they have Ricky Piel and Jacob cowing like that is it's like if I dropped like a rap disc track the same day that Drake and Kendrick did like dude no one paid attention to you why don't you pick another day to pick your make your stand the Farah faucet died the same day Michael Jackson died died and no I didn't know that of course you did corah yeah died yeah we got this super chat from Shawn Barn the Niners will extend mcaffrey when he stops fumbling in the Red Zone that's pretty harsh considering I Believe Christian mcaffry had like two fumbles all year and the one against the Chiefs in the Super Bowl was not in the Red Zone oh it was close to it though I mean you could argue that that fumble was the biggest play of the Super Bowl or the most impactful play I mean wow they had if he hadn't fumbled there they' probably scor in that drive it's probably a different game but it happens people I Know Rich Madrid I've been arguing with Rich Madrid about that exact thing how much that had he certainly thinks it was the most important play of the game um but it was early it was early um yeah and look mcaffrey we remember his fumbles right because he had won in the Red Zone against the Cowboys in a game which by the way the 49ers destroyed Dallas but he did fumble going into the end zone and then he fumbled in the Super Bowl but like he doesn't have a fumbling problem well it's just interesting how he fumbled ray ray ray fumbled and you're you're tough we are tough on Ray Ray because it's like man you had one job don't do that but with mcaffrey it's like shouldn't he be held to a higher standard that's the offensive player of the year like the game plan was give the ball to Christian let him be Terrell Davis and bring this Championship home and he couldn't do it well not like that like he didn't he didn't cement himself as an all-time great hall of fame running back he's still excellent excellent A+ but but he had the opportunity and he couldn't do it and he fumbled and he averaged three and a half yards a carry like I'm sure he's still pissed about that as he should be but the reason we're more harsh on Ray Ray McLoud is because Christian mcaffry had 21 touchdowns last year true that's true that's true that's true TS in his career to reach that so I I happen to think and stop me if you disagree but I think Christian is a better player than Ray R I do I'll say it on your show on our show yeah right that hot takes man but I'm a clickbait guy you know what I mean I'm always going for that controversial take yeah you're always out there you know just throwing out the wild takes Christian mcaffry is better than Ray Ray who man yeah I know that's gonna make some that just takes courage to say in public um so we'll see you're saying mcaffry is gonna stay away do you think that just guaranteeing his contract for the next two years is enough or you think they got to give him more than that I don't know I mean if so interesting like how many players are you going to need to appease now because you cut Eric Armstead like so whatever Christian wants whatever Brandon wants whatever Jawan wants like where do you draw the line and like how with Bosa you you you kept negotiating until early September are you going to do that with Brandon are you going to do that with Christian like they're in a tough spot obviously you don't want to do that you want to have these guys happy and here because this is an all-in Super Bowl year this is as much as an all-in year as last year was it doesn't feel like it though so the the ners have to decide what they want to do do you want to win the Super bowl or do you want to win these negotiations if you want to win the Super Bowl I think you need to make Christian happy probably need to make Brandon happy and if that hurts your future you know what the Rams were willing to do that they hurt their future they mortgage the future for one real run at the Super Bowl which they got and I think maybe the Niner fans or n of people look at them like oh the Rams that was so silly like no they're Champions and they wouldn't trade that for anything and maybe if you want to be Champions get Brandon the hell into Camp the hell into the off season didn't help with with Nick Bosa last year that was my question Rob what do they gain from this long drawn out process it seems like every time they do it the player is a Down Season they would argue that they save money I guess good for them what's the goal I mean how much are you really did they save money with Nick Bosa though that's the thing they gave him $34 million a year you didn't save money even if you did so okay you're not paying him 35 30 like is it you know is the cost of EX having down year right worth the millions you save I don't I guess that's answer by the way just real quick Rams didn't really mortgage the future they missed the playoffs in 2022 they had massive injuries they were a playoff team last year right they they rebuilt pretty quickly they got a bunch of new young guys they drafted well so yeah I don't I know Niner fans look down their noses at the Rams but they're Champions it's it all worked out for the real I don't think change anything about how that whole situation worked out you you talked about and you brought up the guys that want to get paid and whether that Vibe is affecting this year I heard Logan Ryan with Colin coward yesterday and Colin asked him do you remember your first day in the 49ers facility and he was like yeah it was a Tuesday and I went there and there were 30 to 40 people on their off day in the workout room and they were stars it was Debo kiddo it was Brock they were all there working out and and Logan Ryan said when I went home I told my wife like damn this team is g to be a special team because that's not a common thing he said we only had that a couple years with the Patriots when the Patriots were kicking ass when we talk about a Super Bowl hangover the way that that shows up instead of just being something we say the way that that shows up is guys on a Tuesday saying you know what I'm so tired playing deep into the playoffs I'm really tired I'm kind of banged up I could go to the facility and work out but I just I'm just going to go home I just can't do today and instead of 40 or 30 guys there at the facility maybe it's 20 maybe it's 10 and by the way that doesn't make those people bad people doesn't I'm not saying it makes them human beings yes yeah but there is a cost and a toll that being this good for this long takes and it's really hard to get your ass in that facility again another week for another year it's just very very hard to do yeah it's not baseball it's it's sacrifice and pain it's football and it's like you can't sustain this level of extra giving 110% all year and like so what drives you to do it when you do it players they think it's a Once in a-lifetime opportunity right man I'm never going to be on a team like this again Chase young gets here Logan Ryan get like Logan Ryan got out of retirement to be on this team like man we're going to win a championship this is one of the best this is a great opportunity and not only will I you know make money but I'll be a legend like I'll be this will cement my legacy I could go to the hall all these things and then it drives you to the Super Bowl and you get this close and you lose and I how do you do it again it's like well it wasn't a once in that was the once in A- lifetime opportunity now it's the next year and we did that last year all the extra stuff you could possibly do and it didn't really pay off the way we hoped it would it's deflating it's exhausting and I think it's hard to be like all right let's do it again let's climb the mountain again like you know what not today like there is not everybody's the kind of person that can go 120% when there's no guarantee of a payoff right like if you knew for a fact hey you're gonna make an extra 20% if you do another YouTube video Grant you guaranteed book it it's a lot easier to do your third fourth fifth YouTube video of the day if you know that 20% is guaranteed but if it's not guaranteed and it you may get that 20% you may get 50% or you make it zero it's a lot go golfing right it's a lot harder yeah do another video and that's what it is with the 49ers is you got to work that hard and do all that stuff and you still might not get it as they just saw last year it's rare to have a team like what was Logan Ryan saying like it's rare I was on the Patriots we didn't have that all the time so like what teams can harness that for a year teams like the Niners last year teams it seems like the Packers this year it's like teams that are good but maybe you're on the way up and feel like they have like they missed their opportunity last year and they're not going to miss it again you know it there's only a few teams at a time that even feel that way it's not teams like freaking Arizona they know they're a year away Seattle knows they're a year away it's a it's a team that feels like there's some urgency this is the year and I think when you lose the Super Bowl it's hard to feel like this is the year it's more like well that was the year and we freaking blew it and it hurs I think a little extra motivation for the Niners last year was the way the 2022 ended right it was our quarterbacks got taken away from us our was stolen we gonna prove that we should have been in the Super Bowl and we were going to win it and we were the best team we're the best team and I think that was extra motivation that was oh my God it's all the motivation they need I mean it was great and now I mean that's that's the kind of motivation the Packers are saying right like oh we let him off the hook we're going to prove it this year yeah yeah you may or may not but like that's the right attitude whereas the Niners this year like the leader of the team is Nick Bosa he's the highest paid player in the organization person in the organization and he was talking about the Super Bowl hangover or you know coming back off of that and what he said was now the p in the past are ready to move forward that's the attitude of the team I mean and that's what more can you say what more can you there's no there's no galvanizing way to look at how they lost that game it's over it happened got to move on like that a gut punch as opposed to we were robbed we were freaking robbed there was a holding there was an injury there was a this there was nah man that sucked what happened it freaking sucked and we got to move on we were robbed is a lot more of a motivating factor than we weren't good enough and last year and I don't even that's why this team is so interesting is that what they tell themselves when they look each other in the eye in the in the locker room you know what guys dog gone it we weren't good enough or or is there a little bit of Kyle did it again Kyle's fault Kyle didn't know the rule Kyle didn't go for on fourth down Kyle's offense scored x amount of points you know what I mean like is this team that's been coached by him for almost two presidential terms finally looking at him like man you need you got you have a pattern you have a pattern you have some culpability here I wonder I don't I guess we don't know I don't think so Grant and here's why I know we've got a couple super chats I'm going to get to them trust me because we haven't seen anybody on social media in a sub tweet anybody criticized Kyle for the overtime coin toss decision or not not going for it at the end of the game willly sne took some shot well but not at Kyle though I mean not not about you're right you're right you would think that if there was some of that in the locker room that we would have seen it in some way how would they have kept it under wraps if that existed that's a good point now my theory is that this could be new this could be uh resentment and the team really hasn't been together so let's see if this pops up during a losing streak this season if they have one it's something to keep in mind I'm not saying that they're like out on Kyle but it seemed like for seven years they were very very much in on Kyle like this is our guy we believe in him we play for him and we trust him that he's going to get us to the Finish Line I wonder if there's a little bit of like wavering in that belief at this point and it' be yeah I would love to go into the 49ers workout room in the first off day are there still 30 people there and to Kyle has been able to sort of galvanize the team even when they were losing in 2017 and 2018 they were all in they were behind him it's hard to maintain that for this long like what does George KD really think of Kyle sanah handon now you've known him for eight years you went to two super bowls with him second time you went he gave you two passes what do you really think of Kyle now I'd love to know I'd love to know cuz I mean what what KD thinks kind of matters he's one of the longest tenard players in the team we've been talking a lot about Tim K kami's latest article in the athletic hot fat guy Club says Grant what's your professional relationship with kokami like it's professional I've known him since I was about 22 years old see him all the time I'll see him today I'll say hello you guys are not going to the French Laundry together no although I've had dinner with Tim any number of times not oneon-one but you know in a group who paid my dad when I was a kid well done yep uh Red X 916 says Eric Armstead leaving shows that he doesn't think the ners will win the Super Bowl which I agree with they lost their only chance that's an interesting point too because again in the past it was a whole culture of let's sacrifice this team's going to win it doesn't really we can worry about the money down the money will take care of itself we'll be Champions it'll all be good but now it's like you'd rather play for Jacksonville than the 49ers is all the same that's a vote of no confidence and maybe it's not all on Kyle but it is kind of like a we had our chance and we're not going to be better than that team last year I look at that as more Eric Armstead knows that's probably the last deal he's gonna sign and you know what I went to two Super Bowls we took a shot it didn't work out now I gotta make sure I get the bag the last chance and Tren balky is gonna give it to me baby I don't know what you want me want me to say I feel him on that like I know Trent balky he's going to give me the bag it's going to be a bad decision for him but I'm going to take it I don't blame armed for doing that by the way if you like what think of your options make a lot more money or take a massive pay cut with the 49ers it's a no-brainer in fact also like when the Niners come to you and say he want you to take a 200% pay cut that really hurts your ego Mo first and foremost and to be able to like Trump him and say well actually I'm leaving to a taxfree state that's gonna pay me more have a good time with Malik Collins toou like that that feels good right that the Florida thing I think is a real I think that's absolutely real this is my last chance to get the bag I'm gonna maximize it and maybe he's like hey maybe we maybe we will win the Super Bowl who knows but I I don't think that Armstead leaving was just purely all about doubting the 49ers chances of winning the Super Bowl hey if Jag if the Jaguars get to the Super Bowl they do happen to have a head coach who's won1 so I don't know they got a chance yeah I don't think although he's not that he could he could he's he's on the hot seat right now Doug Peterson right now yeah I don't think so especially because you haven't gotten the play out of Trevor Lawrence thought you were gonna get I'm I'm out of Trevor Lawrence I think we've seen enough to know that he ain't it but I I think there's a little bit of like a coach killer and Lawrence and Herbert like they're really talented and so the expectations are that they should be winning and throwing for 5,000 yards and if you can't get that out of them as a coach you're fired fired coaches usually the one that pays for that so yeah so we'll see about that I thought the Logan Ryan comments on the herd yesterday were really interesting he also said he still thinks the 49ers are in the window uh which I think we all agree they can make at least one more run at it I just want to say one thing the Niners better get their crap together they're having a real like leisurely start to the off season and it makes sense because they're an older team that had a longer season but the Jets are not playing around that's a team with an elite defense and a Hall of Fame quarterback who should be healthy for that game I don't know how long he could stay healthy but he should be healthy for that game they have an maybe not an elite running back but like a tier two running back they better be ready for that this is a whole different test than Pittsburgh week one last year I think oh I completely agree with you be reck I mean it's a really good team the guy that hurt Brock now plays for the Jets and the guy that hurt Rogers now plays for the ners God help us if they both get hurt Leonard Floyd is the guy that tackled Rogers that popped the how about that so in your face Aaron everybody gets through that game healthy is Aaron gonna be playing in that game or is he running for president I don't technically it was vice president oh sorry give him four years he seems like he's really got the pulse of the nation would you be shocked at this point um no I I hope they like somebody asked uh we were going through the schedule last week on one of the shows and somebody asked if there was one game that you could guarantee the 49ers win on this schedule during the regular season what would it be I think it's that game I cannot stand Aaron Rogers I I just think he's such a phony I think he's a hypocrite and so I think I would take that week one win it's my favorite story so when I go They're gonna be in Green Bay this year and I'll be there and when you finally make it to Green Bay it's a kind of a small town near Canada it's way up there it's hard to get there you take Ubers I like it I'm a journalist all be asking questions so like so are you from Green Bay how long you been here it's like have you ever met Aaron roggers a lot of people say yeah he's a jerk so the whole little town knows about you huh yeah I guess it's weird it's very strange with the 49ers like let's be honest if Aaron Rogers was drafted by the ners in 2005 they probably have a Super Bowl by now I I would argue that they would have probably just one but I think they would have a Super Bowl by now if the 49ers had a different coach other than and Kyle Shanahan they might have a Super Bowl by now they might not be simply by not passing on Mahomes but they might have one like it's really weird how The Road Less Traveled by the 49ers even though they might not be better off as a whole they probably would have had a championship I I think it is interesting though that the the franchise that's known for quarterback play and has two of the top 10 quarterbacks of all time passed on Rogers and Mahomes that's r and the re and Tom Brady let's be honest well yeah but it's like the Rogers and Mahomes year it's like you needed a quarterback they went in round one you looked at them and you were like not for me like o That's that hurts for Generations that really hurts right you looked at not only did you look at both you looked at them like side by side right you were directly comparing Aaron roggers and Alex Smith and Aaron Rogers is such so much more talented throwing the football than Alex Smith that is not even he played at Cal he was there like I mean I'd seen him play in high school everyone knew he was great how did you you took the guy from Utah Utah Rogers wanted to be a 49ers he time he would have taken a discount because remember there was no rookie wage scale back then right you had to pay these guys like crazy guaranteed money he was gonna even take a discount and Mike Nolan still said I don't like maybe he just pissed him off during the evaluation well now we see what he's like I could I could see being turned off by 22y old old version of Aaron Rogers are you kidding yeah that's true as opposed to Alex Smith who's just relentlessly kind incredibly nice oh and not just nice but like an upstanding gentleman who could like you know be like a CEO or someone you could trust to run something as opposed to Aaron Rogers who would just talk [ __ ] sorry I'm curious Cory SoDo says you're big despite the Super Bowl losses as an epic epic era guy which is true but what is your limit when do you say we move on from Kyle um I gotta tell you I don't know I was on the air for ESPN Radio this week on Monday and we were talking about the NBA and the Conference Finals and we were talking in the Conference Finals just about there's a frustration with the Celtics because they've been close they've gone to the finals they've gotten to the Eastern Conference Finals and they haven't gotten it done and I felt like that was very similar to the 49ers but in the NBA I feel like you don't win because you're not good enough way more than the NFL which I feel like honestly it there's a lot more luck involved in the NFL and the Super Bowl the Chiefs recovered what was it six of the seven or six of the eight fumbles in the Super Bowl like there is a and because it's a oneandone situation rather than a series I do think it comes down to luck a lot more than people want to admit and so my my tolerance for Kyle shenan and head coaches and quarterbacks and stuff and cores of teams is a lot greater in the NFL than it is in other sports those are fair points at the same time he doesn't have a lifetime contract and this is a franchise where George Seafort coached for eight years and Bill Walsh coached for 10 and they won multiple Super Bowls and Bill Walsh even said that a coach really shouldn't coach a place for more than 10 years um now maybe that's not true but what he would say is that eventually his message sort of gets watered down or not watered but they players just don't hear it anymore they've been hearing the same voice the same message for so long I think we saw it with Pete Carrol they just sort of tuned it out and if that's how Bill Walsh felt I'm not saying fire Kyle now I'm not saying not but I do think there is some pressure on him man like you haven't won a Super Bowl yet uh are you still improving have we seen your Peak can you retool this team as it gets older like I I think he's had a little bit of a Crossroads like you couldn't win the Super Bowl last year with maybe the best team you've had you're going to have so what's next for you can you pivot and turn and and improve or or is it a slow decline like we saw with Carroll and Bill bichi he's not a young coach anymore he's right there in the middle and he's been here a while and people compare him to Andy Reid a lot of people feel Andy Reid needed to leave Philadelphia and start somewhere else and that's true for some coaches well I want to point out that Bill Walsh wasn't fired Bill Walsh was burned and left well was he fired I wasn't I was one years old a lot of people feel he was he was forced out but I don't I have to ask my dad about that one was last year he was I have to ask my dad about that one a lot of you know Eddie was kind of nuts man well I think that Eddie made his life very like he put a lot of pressure on Bill Walsh and that was part reason why Walsh got burned out right he was burned out I'm sure yeah yeah and Andy Reid in Philadelphia don't forget they missed the playoffs two straight years he had some bad years in Philadelphia it wasn't like oh Andy Reid's going to the playoffs every year we're going to get rid of him because we want to make a change they got rid of him because he stopped winning Andy Reid's last two years in Philadelphia he was eight and eight and then 4 and 12 and then he was out right I mean it seemed like he had to transition away from Donovan McNab who was good not great and he had like a little minute with Michael Vic who was good not great and he had a tough time finding that next quarterback and he went to Kansas City got Alex Smith and instantly brought the best out Alex Smith that we'd ever seen it's like um yeah maybe he needed to leave Philly it seemed like he was having a tough time reloading that team but once he went somewhere else I don't know maybe it was best for him it was best the funny thing about the whole Philly and Andy Reid breakup is that Philly won a Super Bowl first before Andy Reid I thought I was think that's kind of interesting maybe it was the right thing for both places and I think in part because of some of the things I talked about the luck kind of playing a factor they want a Super Bowl with Nick damnes and they beat the greatest head coach and quarterback combination that we have seen to that point and they put up like 38 points in that game it's not like they lucked into it with a bad quarterback like Nick FES lit him up it was incredible folos played really in that short window he played really freaking well man yeah that's back when like rpos completely confused defenses they're like what do we do I don't know I've never seen this before now it's like that's not scaring anyone and that's why Nick FES doesn't play anymore sorry Nick but I think that that there's something to that like you could argue that maybe Kyle's best chance to win a Super Bowl was ear was 2019 because his offense had not spread around the league in the way it has now right defenses are practicing more defenses are practicing against that offense they know more about it there's more film on that offense than ever before so that's part could argue that in 2019 like the the Debo Raheem moster running game was borderline Unstoppable I mean the the Packers couldn't do anything with it in the NFC championship game and the Chiefs are on record saying we're so glad Kyle stopped doing that stuff like that was really we couldn't and he just stopped he stopped running moster and Debo in the second half wild every time they ran Debo in the Super Bowl it worked it was absurd and it was like who is rookie he a like 16 yards a carry in that game I think he averaged 16 yards a carry in that game actually do want to check that out it was check that out they were kicking ass with it frankly it was damn good yeah yeah that's over with now teams have adjusted to it even if you look at Debo's Effectiveness as a runner this year it was kind of like he had a couple good ones but it wasn't the same also Mike McDaniel's gone and he wasn't the entire brain but he was a key part of the brain trust as we see from his results in Miami it was nice having him on the team he had some good ideas so in the Super Bowl in 2019 against the Chiefs Debo Samuel ran the ball three times for 53 yards so that's an average of roughly 18 yards a carry I was close and then what did he do in's last Super Bowl nothing he did on the ground 32 in that game so that up the average a little bit uh let me see in this Super Bowl also against the Chiefs for anyone that might have forgotten Debo Samuel ran the ball three times for eight yards see four years later it's not it's not fooling any won so you great Point man you could argue that 2019 was their best chance and really up 10 with s minutes left is that what it was up 10 with seven minutes left I think it was five in in the first Super Bowl Frank says Debo stunk as a receiver in 2019 Emanuel Sanders was the Catalyst in 2019 first of all sucked no he was had the second best rookie receiving year any 49ers receiver has ever had he was and again the ners went to the Super Bowl just running the ball that team didn't that was Jimmy garoo that his his signature move was the handoff and then his his he'd switch it up every once in a while with the pitch it was great his signature move was the handoff and the quarterback sneak yeah he was so good at the quarterback sneak yeah Elite he was that having a five o'clock shadow at all times like Perpetual five o'clock shadow just smiling for no reason in any situation Jimmy you just lost again he's on now he's on can I just say something real quick we're 41 minutes in and my stream hasn't had any issues I got a new laptop it's a MacBook Pro and apple thank you HP shame on you although it was $800 I I guess what you get what you pay for this was a whole lot more than that Apple I appreciate it I'm feeling pretty good about streaming now I do have an apple uh myself and I quite enjoy it uh I do want to bring this up because I was planning on doing it last week uh and then we didn't have a show together Serge mentioned it in the chat Robert oh Kyle I don't want people to think that I didn't that I didn't do the show last week because I was mad at Rob I had an issue there was like a a thing going on it's a serious thing no not that's yeah we we're never afraid to talk about anything on this show you had an article a week and a half ago I guess uh about Kyle shenan stock is down and I said that the article I tweeted and said that the article was ridiculous I think it is ridiculous and I said your face is ridiculous I didn't really disagree um this this is what I've got so we're he said is true that's funny his stock is down in whose eyes is the question I wanted to ask you fair question and I think we've sort of had this discussion already today like when I was talking earlier about maybe their his own players are looking at him differently that's sort of what I'm talking about and I don't have any evidence to prove it I guess all my evidence right now is the not so great attendance at OTAs but who knows Christian could be there today I don't even know so I guess it's something to look at I just feel like the way he lost this Super Bowl kind of puts a Target on his back it's the third one he's lost three is a pattern I mean you don't have to be a Football Genius to understand his history and although it's not all his fault um I don't think there's a whole lot of players on the Niners right now who are saying yeah put that one on me that was my fault or put it on like it was Ray Ray fault like I think there's a lot of bitter feelings about how they lost the Super Bowl and a lot of confusion as to why and I think he's got to own it and I wonder if that's got to stock down a little bit I don't think he's had to deal with that type of question before Maybe I'm Wrong there could be that resentment I think you touched on something too yeah it's not really whose fault it was whose fault it actually was is secondary what matters more is the perception of is whether or not the 49ers players blame him whether it's true or not who cares but if the players blame him that is an issue and he will have to address it but as I said earlier in the show we don't have any evidence that says that they do yet let's look at it a different way and and forget fault and blame he's supposed to be a great coach they're supposed to be a great team you feel that if you get close to the Finish Line with a great coach he'll have some some way that he can help you get across and maybe maybe now his players are looking at like maybe he can't maybe we can get this close and maybe he's not really going to help us get across I'm not saying it's his fault or he didn't know the rule or whatever but can he help us finish the job so far he hasn't been able to they may think that we have no evidence of that right now it's entirely that they do and I think that there are times when especially in Super Bowls we saw this with the Seahawks and Pete Carroll like that coaching decisions can destroy team locker room cohesion it happened in Seattle they had to start sh all those guys out yeah because they felt like we should be two time Champions and it's your fault and it's and not only is that like you sacrificed our Championship because you didn't want Mar get the glory you wanted Russell Wilson to get the glory right so that was very controversial and like why did you want Russell Wilson what was wrong with Marshawn like what was yeah now I I do think that part of that is because there was a that had kind of been simmering there there had been a feeling especially with the Seattle Defenders that Pete was sort of coddling Russell Wilson and not calling Russell Wilson out on certain things in a way that he didn't do for other players so then when you have that existing ahead of time plus what happened in the Super Bowl it just blew everything up there yeah now fortunately for Kyle he didn't have that one controversial play at the goal line but you know there was like a second and four late in the game where he could have ran I mean there were a lot of critical plays late in the fourth quarter in the fourth and in the overtime where he passed on second down or third down when he could have just fed mcaffrey and you know put the put the season in his hands and he didn't in fact on the last play the last offensive play the season for the ners mcaffrey it was a play fake to mcaffry who was in Jet Sweep motion it was some play they'd never run before strange which I don't necessarily I'm not necessarily against that I kind of like that idea right do something you've literally never done because the how's the defense going to prepare for something you've never done I'd rather do dress up something you've done a million times because then at least you feel confident you can execute it of course you don't want to show something that you've shown before but that's what you know different formations motions window dressing is for ideally you want to run a concept that you've run and you feel comfortable you feel confident in and that was new that was that was almost like a gadget Play and I don't I'm not saying this to let anybody off the hook but when I talk about luck being more of a thing in football because it's a oneandone situation like you worked hard you got all the way down overtime the Super Bowl you're on the doorstep you're about to score it's a critical play and you have your fourth round offensive lineman decide to go Rogue and not do what he should have done and follow the actual play he goes Rogue that opens up a pass rusher it's incomplete now I still think Kyle should have gone for it on fourth down but I'm just saying like in football because of the nature of the sport those things have a bigger impact than they do in the NBA which is a series right I'm just saying like for sure they didn't execute those passes well but instead of passing on third and four you could run on thir third and four like if you if you felt you had a Hall of Fame running back Jim Brown Walter pton Barry Sanders you could run on third and four that sets up probably fourth and three fourth and two fourth and one you have and then you go for it but Kyle didn't do that instead he like faked to mcaffrey so he could do something tricky and throw the ball it's like how much confidence do you have McCaffrey he's the offensive player of the year he's the offense he's he's the engine of everything so lean on him here I mean if you had Derrik Henry you would that's that's my thing with Kyle like you can be so good for so long but like in the critical moment it's like what was that man like that's not you that's not this team that's not you I don't get it and I guess you'd have to call that like you know if someone acts out of character Under Pressure what is that I don't think it's out of character for him though like him not going for it is totally in character that t the third down play you could easily make an argument like you have that they should have run a different play and that's fine but whatever play in on third down doesn't stop you from going for it on fourth down that to me my bigger criticism M Kyle is that he remained in character he should have abandoned what he always did like real quick at the end of the fourth quarter 327 left mcaffrey runs left tackle for five yards it's second and five at the Kansas City 35 you're right in position to run the clock down and win the game on a walk-off field goal uh but what do you do on second and five you throw the ball to KD for no gain and on Third and five you throw the ball incomplete against that Blitz you go pass pass and then you kick like so instead of taking off like another minute that was 157 left and you're up three like that's a you could have put the game away right there and I feel like Kyle's great but in that one little situation other coaches would have taken that one home like you would win right there run the clock down second and five run the freaking ball like what do you do how could you stop the clock for them on Third and five I don't know man but this is little moments like that then I mean let's go to overtime then you go to overtime you have the you have the ball it's first and 10 at the 15 you hand off to mcaffrey he goes for six second and four you hand up to mcaffry he goes for no no gain and now you got a dilemma what do you want to do on third four you can run or you could get the ball to mcaffry some way instead of Faking it to him but they pass and it's incomplete and you kick a field goal so those are the two those are the two big moments those were definitely the two moments um I understand the passing on the third down you had just run it two straight times in overtime I have no problem with passing in that spot I don't even NE I mean I don't know that I would have drawn it up for Joan Jennings to be the guy the number one option there but the pass I was fine with but look no wonder Jawan jannings is holding out hey with the season on the line I was the guy well it yeah it's leverage too right I'm sure mcaffrey feels like I'm just coming off an offensive player of the year I'm coming off a career-high in rushing yards I have the most leverage I'm probably ever gonna have so he's staying away from OTAs and Jawan Jennings probably says the same thing right I was just gonna be the Super Bowl MVP especially if he I mean God if he makes that catch if he made that catch and they scored like he's probably gonna be the MVP of the game um so he probably feels like he has as much leverage as possible too let's go back and Linger on the end of the fourth quarter just because I'm being a jerk so first and 10 they run the ball five yards second and five they throw the ball to KD for No Gain that's rough but at least the clock's still moving and then on Third and five they have to pass if they had run on second and five and gotten to Third and three they could have run the ball again they don't Tak some taking some more time off the clock see if they run on third down here they kick the field goal with 157 left they could have taken another what 40 seconds off the clock or Force Kansas City to use a timeout like that's a critical play Kansas City gets the ball with 127 left that's a different game they score with like six seconds left on the clock in uh regulation see I don't think they needed to run on Third and five I or needed to pass excuse me on Third and five I think they should have run it because it keeps the clock moving so Kansas City probably uses a timeout maybe they do maybe they don't but whatever they do you win in that scenario if they use theyve burn one if not you run off the clock because if you still wanted to kick the field goal on fourth down you could do that that's not it's do stop you you might get the first down on third down if you run it but also you might get four yards right fourth and one and then you can decide to go for it there I actually thought that running in that spot gave you more options there were more positive outcomes for you if you ran it in that spot so that was a criticism that I had yeah I mean second and five at the at the Chiefs 5 with 245 left like man you're in a great spot right there you're in such a good spot and it seems like what you're playing for there is you're trying to use up clock you want what you want more is is to use up clock not to get yards you're already in a good spot you need like five more yards maybe but what you really need to do is is use up a minute and that's a that's one that's one right there end of the fourth quarter you are dictating in that spot you are in you know what Harbaugh would have done if they had Frank Gore and that second and five from the 35 with two minutes left 245 left they're running the ball well Trent running the ball Trent said it before that play like if we get the first down here yeah they're gonna we're gonna kill their timeouts and we're gonna run clock like they understood the importance of that moment at least Trent did the other guys didn't that's right literally that's right so yeah I mean you could argue that was the the moment where they had like the best opportunity to really put the game away although in overtime they were at the freaking nine the nine brother Bob YouTube channel member shout out to brother Bob we appreciate you says listen Kyle ly is good not great the Super Bowl is equal proof well let me ask you this grant let's say Kyle wins the Super Bowl this year are you gonna not say any of that because I mean his record in Super Bowls would be one and two at that point I'm not including the Falcons offensive coordinator stuff it would be one and two are you like would you be able to say oh nope turns out he's fine in Super Bowls like or would you still have criticism I would have to give him a lot of Praise I mean criticize him from winning the Super Bowl I don't think I'm that crazy man I'm nuts but I don't think I'm going to find a way to criticize him for winning the Super Bowl no if he does that I think it would maybe people would disagree but in my eyes it would probably show growth and change and Improvement and you'd have to uh praise that a lot of people feel like he's been this good forever so hi the beholder Jay Cruz 49er makes a good point Harbaugh didn't run inside the five in the Super Bowl this guy just trolls I'm out sorry stats I can't stand this dude Jim Harbaugh did pass three times in the Super Bowl against the Ravens on the stupidest sequence of play calls I've seen in my freaking Li anyway I'm not bitter though but yeah but it was a different situation it wasn't a tie game they were losing and I don't remember the timeout Situation off the top of my head um but but I'm sorry that guy doesn't like me I tried sorry what was that that was 2012 that year now now you're going to make me relive this because it's just GNA bug the hell out of me the 49ers at that time they couldn't have won the game with the field goal I if I was if I remember correctly they were down big in that game they were trying to come back it was 20 they were down five it was 342 they down five okay they get to the first and goal at the seven they run Lich so it's what you call a complete completely different situation yeah I don't remember the timeout situation uh you got me though got the ners did have at least one timeout because they used one on the following possession but yeah he did pass it half field reads to Michael Krab Tre again and again and again godam they called a quarterback draw for um Colin Kaepernick on one of those plays but then didn't get the playoff in time and had to call timeout remember that well I know that they had all sorts of problems was one of those a quarterback draw I actually kind of like that call in that spot I don't it probably would have worked too and they called timeout I think it was third and goal and then they went back thought about it and they're like you know what you know what you know what Fade to crab tree Fade to crab tree you know what like do you ever do you think Colin ever thinks about that like what if we had ju I would have had the ball in my hands the Super Bowl in my hands if we had just gotten that play because I I know he thinks he's going to score if he gets the ball in his hands at that point yeah I would think so and I think there's a lot of resentment privately like why don't we win that Super Bowl I'm sure those no one really cares about the 2012 49ers but people care about the 2014 Seahawks because they had just won a Super Bowl it was a championship team that feels like they got robbed the ners aren't a championship team so privately they can talk about whose fault it was Greg Roman Jim Harbaugh Colin Kaepernick Michael Crabtree but no one cares and that's the problem with this team the Niner team right now like if they miss this opportunity no one's going to care about him in 10 years none of these guys so they got to get this they Rings really matter slick 68 says NFL is rigged the 49ers were ordered to lose I know that one of my co-hosts L was all why you watching then right that's the thing why do you watch if you think it's yeah but when they win it's not rigged though right why are you watching a podcast about football in May how are you that locked in if you think it's all rigged hey we appreciate you watching thank you do I didn't mean to shame you away thank you very much for I just think you're lying to yourself man you're into it you love it unless you follow the WWE just with the same amount of vigor well people do follow the WWE I'd like to have their ratings I'll say that um all right everybody that's gonna do it for this edition of the show please rate review and follow both YouTube channels the gold standard Network YouTube channel and Grant's YouTube channel as well Grant coming up the rest of the day I know you're going to the ners facility you got a show at night too yeah so uh show with Jesse 6:00 ners after dark practice at 12:30 Pacific probably an hour and then after that there will be I believe it's going to be um Sorenson Forester and Schneider the three coordinators and then some players and then the good in the not so good and then driving home and doing a instant reaction instant analysis that's the day man maybe I'll hit the driving range later tonight because now I'm Addicted to Golf um and I can't even say that I'm good I I can't even say that I'm not bad I'm not Terri sometimes but it's fun trying to get into it yeah that's every golfer Addicted to Golf whether or not they're good or not it's I'm right there in the same boat with you I'm interested to see which players get to speak because if mcaffry is not there Brock already spoke bosa's already spoke like who they gonna get to go up behind the podium it's gonna be like let's guess let's guess who's gonna talk today KD um I mean you can't ask Fred Warner or George Kad to talk when they're not practicing right I don't know K Tech hurt who's it gonna be maybe Fred Warner um Lenor Lenor maybe Moone uh mckivitz they never bring mckivitz um Aaron Banks they don't bring him you got me man I don't is it a you Che day please not the thing about you Che is like no offense to him he tries really hard but what do you ask him you always have to ask about other people other players it's like you can't ask about you can't ask 18 fullback questions here's what you ask so when you went in motion from the left to the right how did that feel hey juice how do you feel about being off the field more than you were on the field last year that'd be my first question hey juice you know what's interesting too before we go I feel like what he gets paid and what Jennings gets paid matters because there's sort of a battle for like who should be on the field Jennings or use Che so you they kind of have to make the same amount of money right around $5 million so that Kyle doesn't feel pressured to play one over the other cuz frankly I think they're better with Jennings on the field I think there's a reason they asked juice to take a big pay cut yep you can't be making that much more money than Jennings when we're going to be playing Jennings sorry or Piel Jennings can only make what he makes because of the restricted because of the tender like it's not a negotiation don't tell Jennings ad though he's holding out yeah good luck Jawan oh man all right everybody thank you for watching like And subscribe we'll talk to you next week [Music] and [Music]

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