watchOS 11 | Best Update In Years! | Training Load, Vitals, New Apps & More!

WatchOS 11 so everybody watch OS 11 has been out on the public beta side as well as the developer beta side for about a month now at this point and I've been using it ever since the first original developer beta 1 release and I've been absolutely loving it from the quality of life updates the new fitness features and everything in between so in this video what I'm going to do is talk about all the different features that I use on a day-to-day basis especially as somebody who's essentially addicted to their Apple watch at this point and I know that I'm not alone so let's get into this video and talk about watchos 11 and all the features that you need to try out the moment you install watch OS 11 let's get into [Music] it so let's hop right into this video everybody and I do want to preface this Which Apple Watch I am using by saying I'm using an Apple Watch Ultra gen 1 so I'm not using the Gen 2 but everything that I mentioned in this video will be compatible with any supported watch OS 11 watch so whether it's an ultra 1 an Ultra 2 a series 7 as long as your watch supports watch OS 11 you'll be able to have all of these features and then I am using a 15 Pro Max running 18.1 beta while watchos 11 I believe is on beta 5 now at this point but once you get everything in the public these are the first things that I think you should try and we are splitting this up into two different sections section one being all about quality of life updates and then section two is going to be mostly about Fitness Focus updates when it comes to working out and things of that nature and I'll leave time stamps down below if you guys do want to jump around now my very first one that I want to bring up and it's one of my favorite ones is the now playing widget so so with watch OS 10 if you had The Now Playing Widget any media playing it would pretty much take up your entire screen for your media control but now so let's say if I go into Spotify and this works with pretty much any media coming from either the Apple watch or the iPhone and I press play you can see that immediately my cards show up and then I do get a nice little now playing or media control and it comes up to the very top so it's it's going to be persistent while it is playing and I can obviously PA it if I want to so if you look on here I can press play and and it does play it and like I said this is going to work with all media from music from Spotify or apple music to YouTube videos and everything in between and then if I do want to get some more media controls you can tap into it and then it takes you back to that classic media control look that we've had in the past and I can just press play and it'll start playing that media as well but I like this new kind of card look because it's easier to interact with it's not in the way and it's just a little bit more efficient which is going to be the name of the game when it comes to the Apple watch especially with watch OS 11 another Notifications awesome Quality of Life Update will be notifications so previously to pull up notifications you have to swipe down and then looked at all your notifications but now Apple actually reduced the steps by just being able to scroll with the scroll wheel scroll down and then you get right into your notifications here so again a little bit easier to access it's nice and simple and easy to really look at and fine so being able to just pull down on the scroll wheel to get your notifications I think is a big win from a user interface standpoint and now yes we're going to talk about the vitals application and the training load thing and all that good stuff in the fitness section but Apple actually introduced a The Translate App brand new application to watch OS specifically and that's going to be the translate app so the translate app now has a dedicated application to the Apple watch not just on the iPhone itself and of course it's very self-explanatory it supports up to 20 different languages by default I have it as English and Spanish and you can interact with this via your voice as you can see the little microphone right there or you can go into the three dots your ellipses go to Preferred input method and then change it to text so if you do want a text to translate on the actual Apple watch which again can get a little bit dicey in terms of how small that keyboard is if I were to do it I would probably only do it on the Apple watch Ultra but that is an option there for you if that's something you want to get into and then of course you do have some autoplay translations as well as being able to change the pronunciation speed from slower to faster so all things that are kind of Welcome upgrades to the translate app especially to basically a mini computer on your wrist that you're going to be taking with you all over the place another huge one for me personally Auto Sleep Detect is going to be sleeping right or sleep tracking essentially and there's going to be two things here that are very very important to me personally first and foremost you no longer have to physically be in your sleep mode in order to track your sleep so with watchos 11 and previously you would need to be in sleep mode in order for sleep to kind of engage and then start to actually track your sleep versus now it'll actually autod detect if you are sleeping and begin to track your sleep that way which I think again is a great quality of life upgrade because even if you take a nap or anything like that it'll be track that sleep as a full sleep and then be you can kind of go back to your data and see exactly what was going on but then secondly if you Interacting with Apple Watch in Sleep Mode are somebody that did go into the sleep mode like maybe you have your sleep situations set up so if I go back into sleep mode on my phone as you can see it's going to take over on the Apple watch itself before if you wanted to actually use your Apple watch when it was in sleep mode you'd have to tap on the screen as you can see I'm in sleep mode and then you have to hold down the digital crown for about 5 seconds and then it would open up the actual screen now if you just tap it once you're now able to then use your Apple watch as if it's not in sleep mode even though it still is in that sleep mode which I love to see so again making it a little bit more accessible a little bit more efficient and things that I'm sure people complained about from watch OS 10 are now being fixed in watch OS 11 now next up when it comes to brand new New Shazam App applications on the Apple watch we actually got another dedicated application that was kind of a surprise and it kind of makes sense because Apple I think purchased it relatively recently but Shazam got its own dedicated application and it's under music recognition it's not called Shazam anymore but if you tap on here obviously it'll turn on Shazam it'll welcome Shazam music recognition and then you can start to actually continue and listen to whatever song is playing so that is a brand new application that even though I think we had the feature built in natively before especially on iOS we now have a dedicated application on watch OS 11 the next thing want to bring up is the dynamic nature of these Dynamic Widgets and Live Activities cards right here these widgets that you're able to customize so first and foremost obviously you can customize them yourself you long press on here you can actually pin some you can remove some you can add any that you want so Customizing Widgets you can see that I have a bunch down here and then it even gives you some suggestions to kind of mess around with if you do want to play with it but what I like about it is that you almost don't even really need to think about it so if I check on here and let's say for instance I set a timer so set a 1 minute timer obviously this Persistent Widgets timer is going to be relatively important maybe you have some cookies in the oven or something that you're timing so that is going to be your first card that shows up in your widgets and it's going to persist that way until you actually stop it or it finishes off or whatever the case may be so you can see that you can interact with this widget and it's going to be the first card on top because it's Dynamic and it's going to assume that this is the one that you're going to want to see at the very top when you are using something like the timer and this works with pretty much any other live activity so whether it's an Uber or maybe a Starbucks coffee or even the score of a live game it'll show up first and go over whatever you had physically placed down here as you can see so that's awesome to see I'm going to pause it and kind of end it right there you can swipe It Away by pressing the x button clear the widget and you're good to go another fun one New Photo Watch Face that showed up is with watch faces we got a new photo watch face so if you long press I already pulled one up and created one it basically takes a photo of whatever you have in your library and then put the time on the left hand side or again they say that they use machine learning to get this done to be able to pick the right photo and pick the right size of that photo so I think it is fun but you do have to set it up like I said on your Apple watch or on your actual iPhone first and to do that is actually very simple you go on here and then you go to your new watch faces you tap on the photos and it'll suggest based on people's Shuffle you can choose nature cities whatever the case is and you can customize it to however you see fit but Fitness Features now let's get into this Fitness aspect so the first thing I'm going to bring up because there's a bunch of new changes that again are just going to make you more for lack of a better term reliant on the Apple watch like for instance my relationship with the Apple watch is if I'm not if I don't have the Apple watch on I am not working out like I want to be able to track my steps track my heart rate my workouts and again I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but I do rely on this Apple watch Pretty Pause Rings intensely when it comes to Fitness but what is nice about it is that now if you go to your rings and let's scroll all the way up and if you tap on your actual Rings themselves you have two new options the first one is going to be pause rings so pausing Rings allows you to mute coaching and goals while tracking to maintain your move streak so I know that there's a lot of people that really go hard on their move streaks and things like that I tend to be somewhat like that but on the weekends I actually don't work out and it does frustrate me a little bit that sometimes I don't hit my move goals and then it ruins my streak so that is what this pause Rings is four so you can go in here pause your rings you can do it until Monday until September or choose a custom one because maybe maybe you're somebody that works out five times during the week but then on the weekends you really just kind of Disconnect and don't work out at all but you don't want your streaks to end so you can pause your rings up to I believe 90 days out and of course you can go back into them whenever you want to and Custom Goal Schedule then something else that's really cool in that same light is you have the ability to change your goals based on a custom schedule so again maybe you're somebody that only works out Monday Wednesday Friday but there are very intense workouts and you want to make sure that those goals are very high on those days you can go and here and change it on a per day basis so maybe on Monday I want 700 but then on Tuesday it's my off day so I only really need to hit like 3 or 400 calories burned in that kind of situation so being able to change it on a per day basis or on a custom schedule so you're still able to close your rings and you're still able to reach your goals but Apple isn't dictating directly that hey every single day you have to burn 700 calories if not those days don't count and same thing goes for the weekends you can bring it as low as you want or as high as you want I like this custom schedule and it's very easy to use and of course you can use your iPhone as well to change all these goals so a few things that I iPhone Fitness App do want to bring up with the fitness app itself on your iPhone is first and foremost you can see that there's a little bit of a redesign here which is cool to see you kind of have these cards now and what's awesome is that you can actually rearrange them the same way you Rearranging Home Fitness Screen rearrange a home screen so you long press down here we can press edit and then you can actually change each one of these individually so maybe you have a running widget and you want to see a certain metric that's kind of in this card right now so you can do that but then also if you scroll down you can actually edit the summary and then you go into wiggle mode so you're able to move these around so if I want to put the running maybe grab this and move it down here you can do that or if I want to bring my Awards up here cuz I want to see what I'm earning that's all fine and dandy and then of course you can remove them or add any more that you see fit so I like that nice little upgrade and like I mentioned those daily goals you can actually change them on here so if I scroll down you can change the goals and now you can actually set a move goal change it up so as you can see on the weekends so you can see I have it set up that on the weekends it's actually less calories needed to actually close my Rings versus the weekday so you can do that from your phone like I mentioned or from the Apple watch itself well right everyone now let's get into the brand Training Load new training load feature which is live with watch OS 11 and I will say the first time you install it or download it you're going to need to give it some training data so I believe it takes up to 14 different workouts for it to really kind of load up but you can retroactively go to your previous workouts from before when you on watch OS 10 and then give it a training load score but let's get into training load to see exactly what it looks like but basically you do get a new button in this actual Fitness wheel so on the top right hand corner you see a little graph if you tap on that graph this is going to be your training load now training load is something that they kind of put together where they basically take the metrics of your duration your heart rate all these different Health variables during your workout to let you know you know how well you've been working out comparative to what you've been working out in the past so you can see I haven't worked out today so my training load is a little bit lower than normal you can move it around so Monday was a little bit better I was actually doing much better towards the middle of last week I did have a little bit of an injury that's why I haven't been training as hard but you can see that my training load is on the decline so this is a good indicator to let you know hey you either aren't working out as much or not working out at all and if you are working out you aren't training as intensely as you were before so that's what this is telling you to kind of give you an idea of what's going on and then you can even filter it based on traditional running working all day depends on what type of workouts you actually want to track if for instance I start a workout let's open up a workout maybe I'll do a quick little outdoor walk even though I'm sitting down we'll Check In Feature let it start so this a great segue into another little feature that I want to show off which is the check-in feature so if you're working out and you want to maybe you go on long runs by yourself maybe you run at night time and it could be a a little bit dangerous and you just want to make sure that people are aware that you're working out if you swipe to the left you have the ability to press this check-in button and it'll send a little check in to whatever friends you want to show off show this off to to make sure that hey you're checking in let them know that you're on a workout and then you'll check in again when you're done so now that this is done Setting Effort for Training Load let's actually finish this workout end it so one nice thing is that you're able to then go into your workouts here like this is a workout from yesterday and then you have the ability to add effort on here so if I tap on here you can rate it yourself based on how much you think you actually worked on this one so did you go all out that day was it kind of hard was it more moderate or was it just very easy and you were just trying to get some steps in so basically what Apple's going to be doing with this training load is taking into account what you personally rate yourself what Apple rates it yourself and then the duration as well as your heart rate during your workout in order to then give you a training load update when it comes to actually looking at your training load so you can see this is a weightlifting workout I use a certain app for it I R as a six in terms of how hard it was on a 0 to 10 scale so that's how you're actually going to be measure it with training load and then that data will be then superimposed onto a graph that lets you kind of see exactly what's going on when it comes to your training load overall then you'll be able to see how hard you've been working and then adjust accordingly if you want to train harder or kind of take it easy based on the data and now the very last piece I New Vitals App do want to share is going to be the new vitals application as you can see you can actually access it from your training load but also it is a dedicated standstill application so if I scroll all the way down pretty much somewhere around here you tap on vitals and this is a brand new application that Apple put together to give people an idea at a glance of what their overall health is like right so it basically takes five different measurements especially during your sleep so this is actually taken into account while you're sleeping it takes into account your average heart rate your respiratory rate your wrist temperature your blood oxygen level and then finally your sleep duration and then it puts you on this scale right here to let you know exactly how well you've been doing so if you look at the more info it shows you your typical settings for all these different metrics so all of your overnight vitals are within their typical ranges or you have some outliers when a change has been observed between one of your metrics compared to your recent Baseline so this is a good way to kind of see what's been going on maybe one night you were out late and you only got 3 or 4 hours of sleep so your vitals will be changing a little bit and of course like I said as you scroll down it'll break it down based on different metrics that you're looking at and then you can even do it on a day-to-day basis so last night 41 beats per minute on and then respiratory rate was a little bit on the lower end wrist temperature was on the higher end then you have your blood oxygen but again you're still within the normal ranges which is great to see and I love this vital app because I would go back into the ual health application look at all the different Health metrics you know there's probably like hundreds of Health metrics and Apple's kind of taking into account and then assuming versus now with this vitals application I just look at it at a glance make sure I'm good and if I'm not I'll just look at that one outlier see what's going on and then make the necessary Corrections if I do need to do something but that is the vitals app and I think this is going to be a great out a glance measurement of your overall health rating and I could see people really adopting this nicely so between the vitals app training load and all those quality of life updates watchos 11 was a very welcome upgrade let's finish up this video so that was just about do it for Final Take this video everybody as you saw watch OS 11 brought a ton of quality of life upgrades to be able to kind of make it a little bit easier and more efficient to use your Apple watch it also brought things like the vitals application the training load some more Fitness focused features for those people that really like to take advantage like myself of tracking your workout as well as tracking everything through the health application I have a whole idea for another video about talking about my relationship with the Apple watch and how I'm essentially addicted to this thing and I feel like maybe my day doesn't count if I don't have it on and and let me know if you're in the same boat when it comes to that but I definitely overall think having an Apple Watch is a net positive because it kind of incentivizes you to live a healthier lifestyle overall but I'm going to end it right there and save the rest of it for a future video but that'll do it everybody let me know the comment down below what your favorite watch OS 11 feature is and let's discuss in the comments and also let me know if you installed it via public beta or developer beta cuz I'm curious to know if you've actually been using it at all or if you're going to wait for the public release come September but that'll do it everybody if you want to watch another video like this one YouTube thinks you're going to like this video up here and I think you're going to like this video down here but that'll do it I'm Fernando until next time peace

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