Category: Sports
Welcome back you lovely bn s again i hope you're all doing good today we're out on the very beautiful marine headlands so just like myself this bike is about to undergo a load of big changes so it's no secret i'm a big fan of the shimano grx i've got the old 11speed cable one honestly this thing has... Read more
Category: Sports
Welcome back to you lovely bun thanks for tuning again i hope you're all doing good today is new bike day but it's not a new bike day for me it is a new bike day for the girlfriend so i don't think i was actually meant to give this bike to her but i've got an abundance of bikes she doesn't really cycle... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Petit test petit test petit test bonjour à tous ça fait bien longtemps que je ne vous ai vu je suis à favèrges à côté d'annecy et je vais faire une petite balade qui me fait faire le tour du lac et monter le col de la forclaz ça fait longtemps que j'ai pas roulé je pense que je vais bien en chier que... Read more
Category: Sports
Hey aaron from marin bikes here want to talk about the four corners 2 model so we created our four corners model as a global traveler an adventure bike uh basically anything on two wheels all over the world and uh this model takes that uh to the next level for us so some things that we wanted to do... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro [music] [music] hi my name's steve bait back in 2011 i was diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition slowly robbing me of my sight since then i've climbed alcap i've won two paralympic gold medals and broken a world record here's the finish [applause] 408.631 just outside by half a second but... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Opening ceremony where were you for the opening ceremony and um what did you make of it well actually i was watching on tv but um have to say first hour was a little slow uh but it got better and better and it really built and i think cuz we're so used to a stadium opening ceremony uh i think it was... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Guten morgen und willkommen auf der sechsten etappe auf dem donau radweg ja wir wurden heute früh erstmal von dem regenschauer geweckt aber unsere laune war trotzdem gut also haben wir dann die regenkleidung angezogen und sind schon mal herausgefahren aus deggendorf und ja heute ist eine längere etappe... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] when it comes to talking about e bikes it's usually about more more power more range more watts more torque more everything including weight which means that some ebikes can feel more freight train than featherweight so what if you want more laps with more of a conventional mount might look... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
De respect et d'appréciation à la france à ses héros et à ses thomas peyroton d'art remporte l'or au contre-la-montre dans donne à la france 47 médailles dont 14 d'or et la quatrième place au classement des nations. dans cette vidéo, nous détermination, sa détermination et son défi du handicap s'est... Read more
Category: Sports
Pour autant cycliste océni cycling trop je viens de toulouse je suis né en 1985 donc en 2010 7 septembre 2010 est j'ai eu un grave accident au tour de taille tu y es mon oeil droit a reculé de 2 mm induit au nom de rééducation derrière j'ai une perte auditive l'oreille droite si que de l'oreille interne... Read more
Category: Sports
Tough one a little mammoth august and they're still open still going there Read more