The 1st Place KC Royals! Sean Manaea Dealing Like Degrom. Respect the RBI!

you're going to serve each other at a standard that's at another level and if you show up in service and in love for your teammates for 6 months you're going to turn out if that's your purpose and that's your drive those are the teams that end up [Music] winning to the top and keep climing I want to live it up the good life I'm coming up I'm coming up good life good life oh good good good life good life Bo coming in hot did what's going on brother yeah the Casey family uh end of Summer tour is is close to wrapping up we're still out you're in a beautiful area of New Jersey right now are you not got a day off from MLB Network today uh and I'm back I'll back up there tomorrow but we we drove up to Asbury Park we at the Asbury Park Ocean Club resort it's actually nice to for one day one day nice is a boss around there is a boss walking around that Resort right now dude the stone Pony's right here Danny clinch's uh you know photographer to the Stars his his uh he's got a museum right down the street Bruce Spring we just walked on the board Boardwalk this morning Bruce Springsteen has like a like a museum you know artifacts in there and stuff like that which is pretty cool just a cool area man I had no idea Asbury Park was nice but you're right because didn't this is where spring te got started right with Stone Pony and yeah man yeah that's yeah it's really cool so yeah man it's uh been been an awesome awesome morning and after I'm done with you I'm gonna go jump in the ocean ride some waves and see what happens nice there you go little salt water salt water is great for the skin I love it um hey there is no saltwater I don't think in Kansas City at the moment however they are in first place dude they have tied the guardians but more importantly and impactful by beating the Guardians they now control the tiebreaker against the Guardians let's just go man this Kansas City team was nowhere a couple years ago and now here we are yeah well JJ Paka the GM there who shout out to JJ George Mason played him a lot when uh you know in in in the uh in the CAA and also Matty quatraro shout out to Matty Q Old Dominion man MADD and I went toe totoe our whole college career bro like we were the same age 92 to 96 they had some great teams we had some great teams I think we were 14th in the country one year they were like 17th legit so Maddie and I have known each other and obviously friend of the show Matty Q if you Haven haven't listened to it he was on a few months ago and you talk about being know believing in that team dude what I think one of the best managers in the game came over from from Tampa Bay Tampa feel like Tampa has always done things at a level that's a little different uh just the way they evaluate the way the analytics department so I know Matty's brought a lot that a lot a lot of that over to the Royals but they got a great team they've been consistent all year they've been around all year you keep saying oh look at the Royals look at the Royals they're seven games above 500 nine games above 500 oh now they're making a run right and you look back back at the Guardians they were the best team of baseball for a long time best record I want to say though in their last 80 games I think they're like 39 and 41 they've just been around 500 which has really allowed the Royals to make that run because I think the Royals have just been consistently good you know winning six out of 10 seven out of 10 five and five you know kind of that that you know staying around staying at 500 above 500 winning a lot winning most series you know winning two out of three or splitting a series two out of four uh they got a superstar in Bobby wit Jr south I mean I mean Bobby W look at Bobby witch Junior's numbers dude 340 plus 345 over a thousand Ops any short yeah any other year yeah judging sto AR around he's MVP any other year um yeah I got another I got other numbers for you this kind of goes to what you're saying about the Guardians kind of like taking that dude they have held the division lead since April 13th and on a flip side on June 25th the Royals were 10 games out of first place I'll just go to the last 10 Royals seven and three Guardians three and seven now here's where the tiebreaker comes they's seven and two against the Guardians this year you talk about play Big in a big series that means they play play each other four more times down the stretch which is very interesting but however they are going to have that tiebreaker because they won seven out of nine against Guardians that's how you get back in it dude it's not close dude it beat him head to-head you want to get back in a race beat him head to-head you know that's a huge swing right there seven- two that's not a four and three or that's not a whatever five and four that's seven and two that's that's how you gain games and I think one thing chin when you look at the RS that pitching is legit you know Reagans and singer and uh and Lugo and Lorenzen um there's one another guy I'm forgetting but they they they've really been good you know five legit pitchers in that rotation and uh you know that that's how you're going to win I think their rotation right now is better than the Indians Indian I mean the Guardians the Guardians have been banged up most of the Year obviously CL at the back end of the bullpen for the for the Guardians is the best in the business man he's ging up four earned runs in 16 Innings pitch but you got to get to him and I think when you look at s Perez the year he's having a couple big hits in this series to sweep the Guardians in Cleveland is a big statement and and one other guy I want to talk about dude is uh the guy hit in the Four Hole Vinnie yeah Vinnie pasc yeah he's from Richmond Virginia brother and he I believe he played at ODU Old Dominion where it quit Matty Q play so there's the there's some uh you know hey get Vinnie pastino up here because he he did great in the miners but he had a good nice year last year but dude this is one thing I want to look at where I where I feel like the Analytics departments and all these guys get so cut up in their numbers and they're like oh you know they don't look at RBI anymore because runs bed and go oh that's just a team stat BS if you've never been in the Batters box with Runners on base with your adrenaline and your heartbeat a little bit higher and learning how to control that and slow it down so that you can drive in runs driving in runs is an art I can't stand that with guys that have never played the game Never Been In The Box doing these analytic guys saying oh RB isn't the isn't the whole goal to score more runs than the other team does and how many times you I remember Jim Leland saying hey Cas the big question they asked me after every game is hey what happened tonight if we lose I say we couldn't get the big hit if I win we say we got the big hit and he he looked back to that year with when Miguel Cabrera and trout when when migy won the Triple Crown and everyone's like Trout's numbers of this now no the big number was runs batted in he was the number one guy in baseball and Leland said he should be the MVP because the the reason is he's winning games for for me every single night he's driving in the runs so when the reporters come and say hey what happened tonight skip we got the big hit by migy we got the big hit by Minnie by Miggy I look at Vinnie pastino dude it's it's um August 28th I believe he's got 96 Stakes 96 rbies kind of flies under the radar he's a good hitter he's only struck out I believe 70 times to it puts the ball in play a lot which that's how you drive in 96 runs I remember asking Ken Griffith Jr one time I go Griff how do you drive in 120 a year he goes case ground ball to second base with the guy on third just gotta get him in here you gotta get him in somehow I look at Vinnie pastino and I go 96 ribbies you want to look at at a reason know we talk about Bobby wit Jr we talk about we talk about uh Perez and some of the other guys but Vinnie pastino sitting there in the middle of the lineup being healthy every year not punching out putting the ball play driving in 96 runs he's gonna drive in over well over 100 runs he's a big piece that we don't talk about because I think I think some people still don't look at that RBI number as so valuable as a guy that played and all the other dudes out there that played they want the guys that can drive in runs look at Aaron judge drives he's driven in 120 runs so these guys you need the Run producers driving in runs is not that easy and for like I said for a guy that had to learn to BR bring his heartbeat down a guy that had to learn to have a have an incredible process every single time up at the plate especially with guys on base especially in big situations especially in games that count down the stretch in August and September I want to have a guy like Vinnie pasano sitting there in the middle of the lineup knowing that he's going to drive in the run when we need him to drive it in I love it and I'm going to back it up with some non like you said non sexy analytical numbers but I think this translates to why he has 96 RBI case 545 plate appearances he's only struck out 70 times as you mentioned his on Pace percentage is only 313 but that that's not a bad number for a guy who's driving in runs because guess what leading the league with 13 sacrifices right and we haven't looked at this I'll look it up tonight and bring it back tomorrow I wonder how many times he's gotten a guy in from third base and made an out right RBI you know go 0 for four with two ribes and you win four to three in a game that that is not something that people really get paid for nowadays but dude I remember used to sitting there with you and like oh my God my favorite things was when like you and Jim Tomy would be talking about rbi's and he had this mentality you say it all the time about yourself this mentality like my my getting a a single does not matter here this guy's on third base I have to get him in and any way I can this guy's got 13 sacrific or sacrifices this season yeah you have to get him in like get a pitch you can get in the air get a get some you that guy's gotta come in with less than two outs that guy's gotta come in and also too bro it goes unnoticed when you when you look at the highlights he'll be like RBI ground out by Vinnie bantino to Second yeah he got him in like that's not easy to just ground one to the right side you got to get the pitch you want you gota you got to roll it over like it's not just about getting hits get those guys in but that's why you look at the Royals they got a lot of winning players on that team and and Matty Cube preaching winning baseball next man up you know one other thing I want to say chin this gets into a littleit little breakthrough Pro stuff because this week we're talking about service and uh this is the last week and I love this week because I believe as a teammate and at spring training when you're gathered around and that last day and your about to break camp and you know you got 162 coming up and you gather around and if I was a manager my message would be hey look around the 26 guys around you you're the guys we're breaking cam with camp with you're the guys that are gonna give us a chance to win a World Series you're the guys are going to show up for a city for the next six months to bring those fans what they want to bring the the daughters and the sons and the fathers and the mothers and the aunts and uncles grandparents Joy for the next six months and how you going to do it you're going to love each other at an at at a level that's a standard that's at another level you're going to serve each other at a standard that's at another level and if you show up in service and in love for your teammates for six months you're going to turn out if that's your purpose and that's your drive those are the teams that end up winning and the reason I say that it's just like this Hey listen Vinnie pastino you want to drive in a 100 runs hey Bobby Whit thanks for stealing that base man thanks for thanks for getting that good secondary lead and playing the game right playing the game hard thanks for hitting the ball The Outfield and running in one of those outfielders faces to get the second base to allow me to maybe Run Drive you in hey thanks for that ball in the Gap instead of staying at two because you're busting it out of the box getting the third so I can get that sack fly get you in here to win a ball game you know hey you know up and down the list like hey thanks for getting that guy over so I could get him in right so many ways uh hey thanks for diving for that ball in the Hole uh at first base so you could make a Flip Flip play the pitcher when the pitcher I can't tell you how many times pitchers would come up to me and go case thanks for making that play I know it's 8 to one in the ninth but this means a lot to me and my family like not to let that run score from third thanks for still playing the game thanks for showing up every play thanks for mentally being there because you love me you said said that the day before the season started you said you were here to serve your teammates you said you were not here just for yourself you said you were here for the team to win a championship and I think man when you look at the best teams you're gonna see that you you know you hear the Yankees talk about all the time we got a bunch of great guys in here you know we're in this together these guys love each other you know you look at the Kansas City Rules that's the same kind of feel all the good teams out there if you watch their games they're doing something for the next guy to say hey man I got your back I got back I know I might have got out there rolling this over but that guy's the third and we're going to get Vinnie pastino 100 rubies so he can get paid and we can win a championship so like that mentality of service and love for each other has to be so huge in the game of sports you want to play this game it cannot be just for yourself it can't be for just the name on the back it's got to be both you got to be the best version of yourself on the back so they're on the front where it says Royals it says Yankees it says Pirates it says Guardians it says Dodgers right that you know that if we want to really get to where we want to go we got to be in service of each other and that's what being a great teammate's all about I love that dude and it it's not [ __ ] right honestly like that ninth inning you know you're down eight to one and you had a crappy game and you've been kind of struggling when like one of your BigTime players goes out and hustles out a two out ground ball to keep the game going that really does work with teams right that's not like a BS false hustle type thing it's like look how hard this guy's working for us let's come out tomorrow and work hard right it's not BS that that's it and you know the I think the most important prayer or saying you could stay to yourself all day long is thank you for you know for the life that we have but also as a teammate hey man thank you so much for running that ball out hey thanks for caring because it's tough to care for 162 it's not an easy sport this game will beat you down you got to play this sport when you're at your lowest you got play this sport when it's toughest you got to play this sport when you don't feel good you got to drive and run when you're struggling at the plate you got to find a way to compete like that's what people think oh I gotta be 100% you're never 100% in this game especially mentally this game will beat you down punch you in the face nightly night in and night out you got to be able to play this game when you don't feel your best you got to play this game when you're not 100% you gotta be able to play this game when you don't feel good and and you haven't slept well you're a little under the weather you got a little squeak in the ham your next a little pinch from the you know from the flight you just took to the West Coast like this game is played when you're not feeling well you will be a great baseball player you gotta have the mentality I'm here showing up every night for these guys because I love them and I Ser I'm served them and I don't feel 100% those are the guys that that win in this game Major League Baseball period absolutely and I always go back to when we had CC saath on it was one of my favorite things anybody's ever said on this thing he said first year with the Yankees spring training he's sitting there and they're like hey we're going to go out and run some polls whatever and he's like I'm CCE sabati I don't run polls and then he looks out there and it's Derek Jeter and mariana rivera with the whole team and he goes well guess I run polls now because if those guys do it I do it it's all get him from the top you know Pride lead from the front man you're right man lead from the front lead from the front yeah now uh and this kind of this kind of Segways a little bit to like the other thing you you you're with your team before the season everybody's you know you got a whole goal in mind but there's always got to be a next up mentality and it's like when somebody goes down you got to fight through it the Mets have that they lost their Ace SGA pitched one game came out looked like he was gonna be fine blew his leg out again but they got a guy in manah dude who last night you couldn't have had a a bigger endorsement of what he has done for that team than Brandon nmo who's the leader of that team saying I have not seen anybody do this for us since Jacob De Grom was here he's like out we come out one two three it's back in a dugout it's like we're barely even on a field when this guy pitches and he deserves everything he's getting and one super quick thing he made a little adjustment he's been watching Chris S pitch he made a little arm angle adjustment and they're saying that's not the fullon key but interesting man you're always trying to learn and be better at your craft and look at the guys who do it right he's doing that right now for that Mets team dude you kid me where would they be without maniah and Peterson I mean they you manah has been lights out and that's been such a great pickup for them get getting sha manah but you know I think it is it's a game of adjustment it's a game of adjustment it's here and there I mean small things here and there and and uh you know to see if that is one of the keys of him dropping down or whatever it is the way s does it you know uh maniah has been so huge and and you talk about a huge win last night the Mets are right there the Braves are still winning but man the Mets are right on on right on their heels you know and that's just going to be such a fun race to watch is that is uh is that wild card race between the Braves and the Mets you know but the Mets are going to need manah man and and and for that endorsement to come from a guy like Brandon nmo who's watched Jacob deg gram and his best and watched you know some of the some of those guys their best that's a huge endorsement you're if you're mentioned the gro when he was on the Mets to manah that's pretty impressive it is it's very impressive all right great stuff man that that Ocean Air gets Sean locy I love when we get into the breakr pro stuff man that's that's what you're all about and and dude hey it translates it works right positivity power of positivity is that what we're talking about it work well it works big time dude we Works big time and and like I said man I I I was just telling my daughter that you know is that forom you know she's grinding a little bit you know with little homesickness and I said Hey listen car if you if you can if you can look at your dayto day and just continue to say thank you for the fact that you're going to a good school that you're in college that you're with you have you met met some good friends you're going to get a great education like there's so many things to be thankful for and I think at times we miss that in life because you know our minds go to this certain place to go to this Maze of of wherever it goes this negative thinking and at the end of the day if we can we have the power we're not powerless we have the power to bring it back so if you can get that power of thank you thank you thank you it's pretty powerful stuff I love it thank you Sean thank you for that okay one little he's here for tomorrow we're talking about Joey vad retiring a lot of people are saying he's a Hall of Famer Shawn is going to bring up a guy who is not in a Hall of Fame tomorrow who if vad gets in this guy 1 million per needs to be in don't give it away yet but you got your stats we got the numbers we're gonna do that yes it's gonna be it's going to be a great conversation and the stats that the stats of this guy and Votto I mean couldn't be any more similar so I'm say I think Joey V is a Hall of Famer if he is this guy's 100% go to get in got to tune in tomorrow you gotta like And subscribe to the mayor's office please like And subscribe big time and call your relatives to like like And subscribe we need we need the numbers to keep going up we appreciate it so the attention eye can stay on the air brother I love you thanks for everybody out there listening hope you got something good out of this podcast today catch you guys tomorrow

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