Shohei Ohtani & Decoy Win The Night. Corbin Carroll Crushes Mets. Cy Chris Sale. An Epic Casey Story

I was in Detroit I wore the one shirt like six days in a row cuz I got I got three hits I forgot to put in the bend next thing you know I'm wearing the next day I'm like ah screw it I'm wearing I'm not not wearing this shirt cuz it's SP put it on I smell like a llama like it was I mean I smell so bad I smell like hot garbage in uh you know in the middle of July [Music] I'm it up make it to the top and keep climing I want to live it up a good life I'm coming up I'm coming up good life good life oh good life [Music] good good hot what's going on man I'm still at the Ocean Resort Ocean Ocean Resort looking good out there you got a nice little patio deck I like it dude I love it out dude it's so nice here man you got to check it out the Asbury Ocean Club or something like that I I always leave to Sarah she's like the guru for like if you ever want to like have a good time she's the ultimate like H travel agent I my R there make something happen let's I want to go here these are the dates this is the time make it happen bam next you know rolling just does the same thing dude it's it's the different chromosones man they got better skill stuff this than us I gotta be honest dude if I book we' be at the holay in down the street freaking bad area probably I know hey we got look we have so much to talk about today there are so many the races are amazing we got to start with Otani dude we have to start with Otani Bobblehead Day start there dog first pitch decoy and then he goes out and has a game you know probably one of the best games of the Season that he's had so would you give me your take on the whole thing D we talked about it before because you're right there's a comp there to to Jeter everything Jeter did turned to gold everything he did was so oh he did it was incredible you know all you know even like even you go back at his 3,000 hit was a homer right his last hit ever at Yankee Stadium was a walk-off he like you kidding me so yesterday was sh seven hours people were waiting in line for that ballhead seven hours it was like dude it was like that LA traffic view that they always show it was otani's Bobble yeah it's like when OJ was driving the Bronco they were lined up on the bridges to get ot's Bob was amazing dude and then he goes out hits a bomb gets his second base after one hit and does like the little dogpaw thing here's the other thing you know perfectionists do everything perfectly apparently he spent three weeks teaching his dog decoy how to basically execute the first pitch and they nailed it and then the dog gives him a double high five I mean come on I mean come on it's like you said but that that last hit that Jeter got at Yankee Stadium Michael K said it perfectly he goes Derek Jeter where fantasy becomes reality what a great call that's what Otani is right now like everything he does touch turns to Gold like you said and he's a heck of a baseball player on top maybe the greatest ever ever yeah no it's incredible and he I I think he stole two more bags too yes two more bags got another bomb so what is he that 42 is that 42 bombs and he's over like 42 bags or something like that closing in on 5050 dude imagine he gets 5050 it's gonna be incredible he's definitely getting 5050 if he he can will it to he's G will it to happen and he's gonna do but look how good look how good he is as a hitter when he doesn't have to pitch it's incred it's incredible I mean he's a great hitter when he has the [ __ ] too but on the base pass what he can do I I still think he can play center field dude oh I agree I agree there's no doubt how good of an AET he is dude let's not forget I was with you still at the number that first spring training for sh Otani they were like take the bat out of his hands he should pitch exclusively this guy can't hit in the major leagues people said that one dumbest things thank God that show is like the reason I came to the states is because I do both and that whole it's such a limiting belief that it's such a limiting belief that like oh nobody's ever done it before yeah exactly you can't teach experience someone has to do it so we can say two-way players can play can do it at the big league level right show he bam the Unicorn did it and now we're like oh who are we going to draft you know uh was that kaggle Know Jack kagle you know out of Florida let's say maybe he could be a two-way guy maybe this guy you know so you know we're going to see a few more at some point there's no doubt yeah hey the the The Pirates Who are doing not doing great right now they they've thrown a guy in center field who threw a ball from center field 103 miles per hour Cruz O'Neal Cruz well dude first off he needs to be in center field I don't think he's a th stop the guy know has a tough time over there at Short O'Neal Cruz is such a good athlete dude the guy I mean and it's more fun watching him roam Center I bet you we're going to have a good time watching him run down some balls but he's got a cannon out there too I thought you were going to when we're talking two-way players I thought you were saying the bucka should have Paul schemes hit yeah yeah maybe they should dude they can't get the offense why don't you have sches hit because you could probably do it oh my God they said he would have been a third round pick third round pick is the hitter that was dude your town over there Pittsburgh sounds like a queen que New York right now like fans are saying fire everybody the sky is falling it's all over I had guys yesterday dud they blew that that huge lead late I think they give up nine runs at the end poor David Bednar great guy their closer got a 632 ra dude 632 he just has not gotten it going all year long and you just look at that team but I I I did get some text yesterday like they got to fire your boy Shelty and you know all these guys put text hey take you know well it'll all play out the way it does but at the end of the day you gota you got to go sign some bats sorry you got sign some bats and man it all comes down to this a lot of this man your closure is so important in baseball games and we saw it last night with the Mets holy cow huge blown game for them the the Rival that they're trying to trying to catch in a wild card the break have Chris S go out there and he is I would say in my opinion might have pushed himself at this moment to number one in the sa young candidacy yeah he solid he solidified it no doubt about dude he's he is sa Young Chris S has solidify that he's the sa young especially with that start last night he just has to be average down the stretch and and I'm sure knowing Chris S knowing his veteran presence knowing how good he is with how the Braves need him now I'm sure he's going to be you're going to see more of that more dominant Chris in his last starts because they're in the race I'm sure he's fired up to be in the race and it's gonna be gonna be awesome yeah and he has always had a chip on his shoulder in a good way like the chip you need to be successful kind of thing and he felt bad about his time in Boston and his time in Boston was the injuries and he's fought back from the injuries and he is now one of the dominant back to being one of the top five dominant pitchers in in in the game and and you you go back to that trade too I mean Dave dembrowski leave give it to Dave he wants big arms he wants power arms he knows he wants the winners he's going to trade prospects you remember they traded uh you know all those prospects to um to the white socks for sale and they end up winning the whole thing in 18 and obviously he had a lot of injuries and stuff but they still won it while he was there and I think uh you know that'll always go down as a great trade because he pitched so well that year right now on the flip side Edwin Diaz cannot he can't he can't blow another save the rest of the year and his track record this season is not making that bod well for the Mets dude but you know let's accentuate the positive Corbin Carol dude huge spot we saw it last year in a postseason this guy's only 23 years old and he's got some stud stud in them I'll just put it that way oh dude I'll tell you what couple things here you know you have to wonder you have to wonder if you're uh you know if you're if you're um Carlos Mendoza like with Diaz man that's a that's a that's a big blown save right there that's a big one they needed that win big time and uh but Corbin carolan I actually thought he was in I actually thought his career was in trouble because he had that injury last I don't know June or July he'd never been the same although he did really well in the postseason he came out the gates this year chinch and was a well below average player in the big leagues and I think Tory lll at one point even benched him wasn't even playing he was coming in as a pinch hitter well guess what man this last 30 Games he's found his power stroke hit 11 bombs in the last 30 Games hitting like 275 you said he's he's leading the league in triples he's got right he's got 11 triples I think he's leading leading the league leading the league in triples um it's incredible man it is absolutely I'm so excited for Corbin Carroll because if at any point they needed Corbin Carroll it's now dude with gur being hurt Christian Walker being down they got some big bats that have been down and all of a sudden Corman Carol's like oh wait guys I was just kidding you know the reason they signed me to aund million doll deal a couple years ago because they knew I was going to be legit and I am this legit and uh here we go so it's it's it's great the T lell has to be so fired up like dude because there's times where I know for me like I had times when I was like I feel like the best player in baseball and then I felt like where' my swing go did I just lose it I'm this cold for this many months it's incredible right it's a scary place to be and then all of a sudden it comes back it's so hard to explain that's why dude that's why it's a it's a slippery slope being a manager in the big leagues because you have to keep riding you have to keep putting guys out there you know I remember I remember um uh early on in my career Jack m team was you know was U put Dante bashet and I on the bench or something because we're both struggling and I remember uh Dante and I both were like the only way we're gonna get out of this is to hit our way out of it I need to keep getting the bats you can't put me on the bench don't put me on the bench and think that's going to get me going now maybe one day here or there a mental break but like Aaron judge said even after his April he's like get in the cages he said the other day he's like I knew if I just kept getting in the cages putting the work I was going to find something if I was going to keep getting out there and keep getting the at bats I'm going to find something and I think that's the thing with Corbin Carrol is like no keep letting him play he's gonna find something he's eventually gonna find something and Bam he did and we see that with so many players in this league you gotta just keep getting out there and keep playing hey dude there was a game last year when you were the Yankees hitting coach I remember this is on a record but you guys you V you took vuli and a couple other guys and you guys hit after a game one night didn't you struggling just oh yeah out there we're not s the bats well let's go take some nice yeah I know Harrison Bader a few times Bader's like all Cas want hit I was like yeah we're gonna miss the bus miss the postgame meal i' been there with Bader for like an hour and a half afterwards but it was awesome but that that's it dude I remember G I remember you know I remember here's a great story Mark Barry Mark Mark Barry was my my favorite one of my favorite coaches ever he was my BP guy with the Reds and uh I remember one time I was just I was so close dude you know you I'm saying I know I'm close like I I've had a good a bad hit a maybe I grounded out again but it was a rocket one hopper or or I just missed one to left like oh man there it is and I remember this one night in Cincinnati I think it was in 2000 uh Mark Barry was my BP guy you know third base coach at the time he was the bullpen catcher great guy just a through the best BP ever man him and him and Wayne Smith my my guy at Richmond the best guys ever so one night bro um after the game I I hit I go I go D I call him double nickols he's number 55 I go double Nicks let's let's get a couple rips so after the game boom get a couple rips and I'm full uni that's how I like to do that after the game bunch of rips in it's just me and him C in the locker room everyone's gone right so I get fully dressed boom I'm going I'm I'm I'm I showered up double Nicks is getting showered up I'm walking out to the car and I'm like God am I close like I feel something and I look at him's he's about to be in the car I'm about to be it's probably like midnight now we're showered we just hit I look at him I go got a couple more in you he goes let's do it we go from the parking garage back into the clubhouse into the cages I mean my jeans and a shirt he's full jeans he's full dress and and and he starts throwing me BP dude I hit for probably another 45 minutes to an hour trying and I I think I unlocked it that night but I remember right in the middle right middle of the round he goes he goes case he goes hang on a second he pulls a chicken wing out of his back pocket starts eating he's like let me get dinner I gotta get dinner I haven't eaten I was like let's go dude I was like but that's the that's the insanity dude that's the insanity that's that's the obsession of this game of trying to figure it out of of of the details of the I'm almost there it's right there you got a couple more in you you got a couple more in you yeah I do it's 12:30 it's 1 in the morning on a we just played a game and we already hit we already hit a lot afterwards like but it's that Obsession and that's what I love about these players dude and that's what you love about baseball it's one little thing that could get unlock it all and you always know you're close but sometimes it's that extra work that one more swing that gets you there in the cages and when the next day you just can't wait to get there and get it going that's fun that's fun man and too on this nine of Carol's 17 home runs have come this month and then second bow I'll put on it is this team went through adversity last year where China out of it came back and got all the way almost to winning a World Series Corbin Carol Tor lello the the the group of guys they have there I know Lauren shahadi covered them last year and said being around that team it's a group it's a team it's a family and that's what you get man nobody gave up on him and he's paying it off right now pay paying it off big time dude I love that team dude T lell was one of my teammates in Triple A you know back in uh back in Buffalo and I always thought when he was when he was there I was like that guy's gonna be a hell of a manager one day like he's got the personality he's uh got the baseball knowledge and uh dude I just remember one quick play with to lello so I'm 23 years old just get to Buffalo and I'm learning the game dude I'm learning the game and lll's on his way out I'm on my way in I think tor's like he's like 32 I believe 30 3 32 but kind of almost done and I'm like I said I'm I'm the I'm the new hot Prospect I'll never forget this when I first got caught up there was the uh a guy hit a you know it was like a medium ground ball and there was a guy on second base and the ball's coming and lll's playing third and you would think like okay you know charge the ball make the play at first lello goes to charge it he sees the guy from third break and instead of charging he backpedals takes the grounder tags the guy at third and I'm like that's a that's a veteran play like I don't no 23y old or young kid is seeing that and I remember thinking like wow like I've never seen somebody do that what a what a like a heads up baseball play and that that's when I was like that is going to be a heck of a manager one day like like he sees the game a little differently and obviously like we talk about a lot on this show can't teach experience at the end of the day you know that's the kind of stuff and when I watch the Diamondbacks and I love toy LEL dear friend of mine when I watch the Diamondbacks I'm like they got the right guy leading the way that's great uh one more team before we we finish this up is the Cubs dude are working their butts off man they're seven and three in their last 10 it's a shame though for them because braer and two but real quick right now with everything that's gone on this week you got the Braves sitting four over the Mets and five and a half over the Cubs and I'm not going to kill the Giants yet they're six and a half out anything can happen Cardinal seven it's getting really really scary for those two teams but how are you handicapping this race right at the moment well the Cardinals I mean basically would have been dead last night they lost that game they they Aeron walked it off on the Padre's big loss for the Padre's too because they're they gota the Diamondbacks and the Padres got a shot at that division so you got to keep Pace if the Dodgers are going to keep winning you got to keep Pace right so I mean I I I think the Mets still have a shot I really do the Braves are banged up but they're not playing that way it's so funny you know oh the Braves are bang it's like the Diamond Backs the Diamondbacks are banged up but they're not playing that way the Braves are banged up but they're not playing that way they're playing good baseball so you think that the Braves might be in trouble but they're not then you see sail pitch the way he did last night so uh I think the Cubs are making a run dude I really do they haven't done it all year they haven't made a run all year they've been around 500 below 500 matter of fact they've been more below 500 than around 500 absolutely I think they're making they're kind of making that run chinch I really I mean especially that game yesterday with the buckos they scored what nine on them in the last two innings uh you know Bednar you know just having a tough year with the buckos and the 632 ER is closing uh the the but back end's been tough but uh they're they're they're they're swinging they put up 14 runs yesterday and that's the thing down the stretch bro sometimes you gota win track meets and some sometimes you got to win pitcher DS but you gotta win you got to find a way to win whatever the game calls for so some days it's going to call for 14 runs you got to step up and get the 14 some days it's going to call for good pitching in defense you got to win the 21 one nothing 3-2 games yeah dude and you athletes are some wacky ass people man because they're crediting Taylor Swift they got a Taylor Swift candle said it's labeled first of all this candle is labeled it says this smells like Taylor Swift it's a little creepy to me but Council said we've gone on a nice little run here so we're gonna credit Taylor Swift hey man whatever it takes the Grimace whatever it takes in baseball whatever it takes dude whatever it takes at the end of the day man I can't tell you how many dumb things I've done in my career because I'm just superstitious you know I think I told you a story I wor I wore that one shirt when I was in Detroit I wore the one shirt like six days in a row because I got I got three hits I forgot to put it in the bin next thing you know I'm wearing the next day I'm like ah screw it I'm wearing I'm not not wearing this shirt because it smells put it on I smell like a llama like it was I mean I smells so bad I smell like hot garbage in uh you know in the middle of July uh but you know and then so I'm at first base and Jus more know's like I I get a ro I hit another rock and he comes the first wi the Metrodome he's like what's up case I'm like hey what's up what's up J Mo he's like he's like uh he's like two pitches in he's like uh is that you that smells that bad I'm like I go yeah bro it is I go uh I'm on an absolute tear dude I go I'm I'm hitting like 700 in the last five games and the first on the streak I didn't watch this shirt and I just don't watch it anymore I ain't watching it until I so I go to a little Funk so that's just the way it goes bro just gonna have to wear it everyone's gonna have to wear it because I'm not taking it off it's like insanity and I told you he sent a bat over I said hey can you send a bat over to me he's the best player in the game at the time and he says when over hey Case man please change that shirt as soon as you can you smell so bad I'm like Justin more no I still have the bat at my house I'm like I don't care dude Taylor Swift's candle a shirt you haven't washed in eight days it doesn't matter whatever it takes to get knocked to the big leagues that is an alltime I don't know if I've heard that one before I did hear the story didn't you kick Adam Dunn out of a shower stall because you were hot and you just oh yeah it was dun dunner's rookie year yeah I I'm on fire bro I am on fire I'm I'm on a hitting streak I come in after the game and duners in my shower and I'm like dude I never did that stuff but it was like super and Demitri young is like right in the other shower I'm like dun I'm like sorry bro but I got to get in that shot I'm hitting like 780 in the last week with like a bunch of pumps so dun dun ends up getting he's like oh case dun's my man he's like oh case dude I didn't know you were like that I go come much I go take it easy it's a showers no this isn't that big a deal I go but I'm I'm winning ball games for us right now you gotta go to that there seven there 10 showers T go to this shower over here no one's there we're the only people in the shower you me and Demitri I love it love that stuff dude oh what what a dude story teller in a game everybody knows it you guys gotta come like And subscribe so everybody can hear these Amazing Stories and right we dropped a bunch of Stories We Got The Mark Barry story we got the morno story we got the why lll is a great manager we just found out L story this is it this is what the mayor's office brings you everybody go like And subscribe now Sarah say Sarah's over here smiling saying this is one of her favorite episodes ever yes excellent yeah like subscribe down low please we need it we need it let's go all right brother MLB for you tonight we'll see you on six o'clock all right I'm on tonight MLB tonight tune in baby I gotta leave the Ocean Resort to get back to work working 6: to 8 tonight so it's going to be going didy love you brother everyone out there thanks for listening coming on the ride with us hope you enjoyed today's episode bam we'll see you tomorrow

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