Three family members of three Israeli hostages sit down to talk about their fight to bring them home

It is, it's horror. You couldn't even write a horror movie like this. No one would believe that it's possible. We do know that they are being tortured. We do know of testimonies that they are being tortured, abused, violated. I have to deal with my two kids waking up in the middle of the night screaming that we have terrorists at home and they are pointing their guns towards them. I'll start with you. Tell me your first and last name, please. Uh Moshe la VM Os Helav I and tell me who you're related to and uh this is my brother in law Muir Run um who was taken hostage on October 7th from Kibbutz Nagao. He's married to my sister Lisha Lovey. My name is Dalia Kuser. Dal I ac us Nir um Ean and Yil Horn are both my brothers in law. And so to explain that to me, what's exactly the connection. So the the the brother in the middle Amos is my husband. So these are your husband's brothers exactly in your neighborhood. I'm Leel Slier uh Leel Les Lif. Er and this is um my mom's cousin, Carmel got um we kind of grew up together. We're about the same age. Um, and that's who I'm here on behalf of. And so she's what, she's your mom. She's really my mom's cousin's daughter. I mean, you know, everyone's a cousin. No, we are six months apart. So we used to have, like, sleepovers together as kids. Um, yeah, I, we call her our cousin. I mean, we're all kind of cousins. Yeah. So I'll have to, each kind of start, we'll go down again a little bit about your person's story on October 7th. Yeah. So, um, Henri was taken hostage on October 7th. Um, my entire immediate family live on the Israel Gaza lives on the Israel Gaza border. I grew up in Stott, which is a town, um, the, the biggest town in the Gaza Envelope region. Um, and my two sisters, one lives in, on an air with her family, uh, which is a kibbutz and the other in kibbutz. Naos Lisha lives with Omri. Um, on October 7. I was in New York because I, I moved, uh, to New York in September and to the US two years ago. Um, and so I wasn't with my family last time I was with them before the war was September 7th when I flew back to the US, um, a month before and so October 7th for, for the entire family in Israel was horrifying because they were all targeted in one way or another. Um, but the most terrible story, an event happened to my sister Lisa and Ri um for uh hours, we lost contact with them. So the invasion started at 6:30 a.m. and um we lost contact with them. Uh roughly five hours later, um when um they, they just told us that they're about to lose with um, battery, their phone is running out of battery. They lost electricity. They sent us a photo of their two girls running in Alma playing with the family dog Mojo. And um then we lost contact with them for the next 10 hours or so. Uh at the beginning we assume, all right, they lost connection. Uh, the battery ran out. Um But as the hours passed, we realized what is engulfing and is in Israel. And of course, my family knew it first hand because they all could, could hear gunshots or follow it. Uh, first hand, uh from the news. Um, and, and later on that day, um my mother received a Facebook message saying that Li Shi and the two girls survived and they were rescued. But that to me was taken hostage during that time period. Hamas terrorist barged into their home. They used a teenager from the kibbutz. Tomer uh to lure him to open the door. They opened the door, of course, to save Tomer life, but Tomer was later executed by Hamas. He was 17 years old. His mother was murdered that day as well. And so was his mother's partner um for hours. So me and Li Shi and the girls were held at gunpoint in their home, which was ravaged. They were abused and then they were grouped with another family. The Dunn family whose daughter Mayan was murdered that day, 18 year old, 18 years old. Um And this entire ordeal was um live stream on Facebook of the and families. Uh the mother of the family. Uh We were not aware of it at the time, so we did not know this is live stream on Facebook, but it was uh uh we discovered it later on. Um And around in the afternoon hours when we were separated from Lisha who was taken hostage alongside Sakhi Dan and Judith and Natalie Ranan. Um before he was violently taken, Lisha told them that she loves him, that she'll take care of the, the girls and ask him not to be a hero because they're waiting for him to return. Uh Ronnie, my niece, 2.5 now tried to run to him, but my sister stopped her in time. Um And ever since they haven't seen Henri, luckily that evening, around 5:30 p.m. Le shy and the girls were rescued. They were instructed to stay in the house or else they'll be shot and killed, but they were uh were rescued eventually by the Id f luckily survived, luckily not taken. And um my, my parents were rescued and so was my other sister and her family. Uh, so luckily everyone survived but Dori is still in Gaza. Um, and we haven't, uh, we haven't heard from him ever since. Um, yeah. Can you tell me a little bit about their story? Yes. So, yeah, he lives on Kibbutz near Oz, which is a very small community, uh, less than a mile from the border with Gaza. And Eitan lives in Kaba, which is a small city near Tel Aviv, the same place where I live. Um Ean was visiting uh y for that weekend. Um The truth is that my husband was invited to go to stay with them over the weekend as well, but we had other plans luckily. So it was just the two of them. Um on October 7th at 6:30 a.m. we woke up uh from the siren. Uh This is not so normal where I live. So we know what to do. We took the kids, we, we ran, we ran to the safe room, we closed the door and then first to, first thing was calling them to see if they're ok. Uh Y you has this joke that we, we should never worry about him because they're so close to the border with Gaza that all the rockets are just going through from above. So we call them anyway, they didn't answer but they texted us that they have uh sirens as well and they're sitting in the safe room and that they are together after 10 minutes, we were able to leave the safe room. So we came back home, uh, planning on going back to sleep. It was Saturday, but we just opened the news for a second just to see what's going on. How come we have sirens in near Tel Aviv. And then we started seeing all those horrible scenes of those pick up trucks full of terrorists and, and the invasion of the kibbutz team and, and, and we looked at the TV, screen and, and we see the path, you know, the, the, the garden around the, the, the kibbutz that we know this place and now people are shooting all over and we try to understand what kind of WW what's going on. So we once again called them, they, they didn't pick up the phone, they just texted us and every time it was the same message still in the same room, everything's ok. Uh It went on for an hour at 7:30 a.m. We got the last message from them. Uh, the images on TV. Uh got even worse all the time and, and we heard some things of burning houses and killing people and taking them hostages and they didn't answer. So I tried to kind of stay optimistic and I told my husband that it's ok. I guess they ran out of battery or they don't have electricity so they won't have maybe, I don't know, like signal or stuff like this after a few hours. My husband was, uh, he, he had to do something. So he said, you know what, I'm taking the car and I'm driving there. Then of course, I stopped him and I told him that according to what we're watching on TV, I mean, if he's going to drive there, he's not gonna be able to come back and, and it's complicated enough not knowing what's going on with Aan in Y so he stayed home uh for the rest of the day, we were crazy trying to understand what's going on. And then at 8:30 p.m. we got a phone call from police from an army officer saying that they're going house by house trying to rescue or take out survivors and they're standing at a year's house and they are not there. Uh That was it, they're not there. Um For the next few days we tried to go over all those videos trying to see if we see something or, or look at, I don't know the pictures of the bodies and all those horrible things. We knew nothing. The first time we got a real sign of life was on November 25th when there was this hostage deal and part of the women from the same community came back. So they told us that they're really hostages and, and, and that they are there before I have you talk about Carmel, I see the emotion in your face as you listen to their stories. What is it for you? What's going through your, um, I just think about all the families and the horror of what happened on that day. Um, all the stories out of the music festival. And, um, I think a lot about, you know, little baby Kir who turned a year old in captivity and, um, it doesn't get easier every time you talk about this. Um, it, it is, it's horror, this is, you couldn't even write a horror movie like this. No one would believe that it's possible and yet it happened and it was live streamed on Facebook. And it is just one of the most painful events I think that our world has seen and people are denying it. Yeah, that's, I was gonna say that but yes, people are denying it and that and it's, and it's unbelievable to me and not only denying it, blaming blaming Israel, justifying it. It's horrible. It's absolutely horrible when you've seen videos of folks ripping down these posters of your family members. Can you try to describe what that has felt like? I, I think it's very painful to see it. It's hurtful. It's a form of abuse. At the same time, I think it helped actually to raise awareness to this issue in the first few weeks and months. It also rallied the Jewish communities around the US and around Europe because they understood that there is hate that this is an issue that goes beyond Israel that there is a hate towards Jewish communities because if you can look in the eyes of civilians, it doesn't matter if they are Children, men, adult men, women, elderly, and you can rip posters of kidnapped people. Then you realize this is more, it is beyond Israel, beyond the conflict. It's about hate towards people. Um for the reason uh for just being Jewish at times. Although they don't realize some of those who, many of those who were kidnapped were actually Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindu. Uh It's a multi faith issue, international issue. Uh but they would justify it just because they were um uh Israelis. And so it helped by raising awareness, but it's still hurtful to see it just as it is hurtful to see the hate messages we receive online on social media. Can you all talk about that? Have you been confronted by people either online or in person that have said they don't believe you or that just, just negative nasty things? What, what have you heard? What have people said to you? Uh I, I did an interview, um um I think I was with Fox and Friends one morning and um the clip was posted online and on Twitter, I guess, and some of the people commented on it saying that I was a crisis actor. Um And that I was reading from a prompt and I, I, I mean, it just seems so bizarre to me that someone could actually think that, but I, I sort of brushed it off. I, I luckily haven't encountered anything face to face or from someone I knew. Um, because I don't, I don't know if personally I could have withstood something like that as a result of the, of the conflict. Um, and of the atrocities that happened on October 7th, I became more active on social media and specifically on Twitter X. So I wasn't really active before um to raise awareness to share or my story to be a voice. Um So both my, my sister and I have been active on, on Twitter since then. And, and the sort of messages you see, there are just atrocious and I mean, the milder message, we just call us liars, which is also very hurtful or active. Uh but you'll see nasty messages, um hateful racial tropes uh against Jews um against us for being Israelis references about uh yeah, atrocity denial. Um I, I don't want to go too much into detail, but those messages are just dreadful and I think we're allowing this sort of toxic discourse to take place online and I think it amplifies the sort of toxic discourse that is taking place on the streets as well. Um But this is an issue that is beyond only this crisis, the hostage crisis, the issue goes beyond that and we will have to deal with it after this conflict. I am now focusing on amplifying stories of hostages or from we. But after this conflict is after this specific war and the hostage crisis is resolved, hopefully we will have to deal here in the US and all around the world with hate. And I think in Israel, there is an issue as well of toxic discourse online on social media. Um but it's not as, as severe as I see it here. So Carmel is the daughter of my mother's cousin, Karre. We're very close with that part of the family. Um We used to go visit Carmel's grandparents, my mother's aunt and uncle all the time. I used to have sleepovers with Carmel when I was younger and um, Carmel has two brothers alone and, or, and they were visiting their mother kin at Kibbutz Bay. They'd all been traveling around the world, Turkey South Africa for several weeks and this was sort of their time to come back together. So they were staying there for Shabbat and it was the holiday Simha Tora the next day or happened to be gone to Tel Aviv that night to see friends, but Carmel was staying with her mother and so was her brother alone, his wife, Yarden and their three year old baby girl Geffen. The next morning, they woke up to the sirens and uh hid in the safe room, but they started getting reports that there were people coming into the community. They, they heard the shooting. They weren't quite sure what was going on. And so they all hid in different places in the house. The terrorists came in and started taking them out one at a time. So we didn't learn until later what had happened to everyone. But they took Quiara out barefoot, um, tied her hands together, marched her through the street and they videotaped that and put it up on the internet. Nobody knew what had happened to her for several days. Uh, But a couple of days later, I happened to be online and uh just like everyone, you know, I was refreshing looking for news, searching for stories, trying to figure out what was going on. And I happened to find a video on the Washington Post of Karre with several others laying what appeared to be dead on the ground, shot in the spot in the street, barefoot in her community and she was wearing the same clothes she'd been wearing in the video. And so we had to call our family in Israel and say, I think they shot Quiara, that's how we found out. That's Carmel's mother. She was 69 years old. She and her family have been in Israel for 2000 years. They were part of the Ko Hanim who never left Israel and stayed up in the Galilee region. Um Ever since the time of the second holy temple, uh their roots go back very, very far in Israel. My roots and um they didn't find Kart's body. Um for about a week or two after that, um, they took Carmel out of the house and we didn't know what had happened to her and then they came in and took out a loan and you're Den and Geffen and they put them into a car and Zip tied their hands. They started driving alone and his wife and their three year old girl towards Gaza. And at one point they stopped the car because they encountered a, uh, an Israeli tank. And so the terrorists got out of the car and were hiding and Alan and Arden looked at each other and said, we have to run. So they started running. Your den was holding her daughter and she realized she was too heavy. She couldn't run as fast as alone. So she passed her daughter off to alone and said, you keep her safe, take care of her go and they split up your dead, went and hid behind a tree and alone, ran and hid with his daughter in a ditch all night long laid on top of her to keep her quiet. No food, no water. And the next morning, they were able to walk out of that ditch back to the kibbutz to safety. Thank God and Sweet En. At one point, looked at her father in the ditch and said, you know, we really should have brought water with us. Um, they went back the next day to look for Arden and they couldn't find any sign of her. Thankfully no sign of a struggle either because they took that as a good sign and much like everyone else, we didn't really know what had happened to her or what had happened to Carmel. And then during the first uh what I'm calling the first wave of hostage release because I know there's gonna be more, there has to be more during the first wave of the release, we learned that Yan was gonna come home. It was on the fifth day, the second to last day and just remind me Yordan and Carmel are released, sister in laws. And so Yan was released to a alone and her daughter Geffen in their reunion. It was just, I was so thankful to see that but um Carmel wasn't released and we had hoped she would be released. We didn't know if she was safe or not, but we learned from some of the Children who were released as hostages during that first wave that they were being kept with. Carmel. Carmel is an occupational therapist. She was doing yoga with those kids while they were being held hostage to try to keep them sane and keep them grounded and she passed along a message through them that I am. I am ok. I'm I'm alive. Don't stop fighting for me. Are you confident that that all four of your people are alive right now? Do you know that um I I can't be 100% certain. I I know Marie Left, left was wildly kidnapped alive. I know that eight weeks ago he was alive as confirmed by some of the hostages who were released in the previous round of uh release in the agreement. And thus, I believe he's alive. I have nothing. And until I get evidence that he's not, I will hold to that belief and hope. Um but Hamas refuses the IC C. Um the Red Cross to visit hostages do not provide proof of life and we still don't have any confirmation that they receive proper medication and medical care. Um We do know that they are being tortured. We do know of testimonies that they've been tortured, abused, violated, they provide deprived of food and water and proper sanitary conditions, which is why every second that they're there and we are here and they're not with us risk your lives and we are tormented mentally, hostages of Hamas mentally, but they are tormented mentally and physically, which is why we keep going around in Israel in the US, around the world to tell policymakers to do what they need to do to bring them home. What has, what have the last four months been like for you and your family. Um So I'll pick where I'll start where Moshe just finished saying that since October 7th, I don't wanna say that we're being held as hostages because they are. But our life does not belong to us anymore. It's in a way and it's very sad for me to say, but Hamas is running my life because since then we're dealing the first few weeks or even more than a month, we were running around trying to understand how come they just disappear. You know, we got this phone call, they're not there. And what else, what else? Where can they be? Um, I have two kids, uh, eight and 11 and during that horrible Saturday, October 7th around noon time when we understand that something horrible is going on. So I call my brother and I tell him if you could come and pick up the kids, so they won't be around us when we, I don't know, watch the news or something and they stayed with my family for the next 48 hours and then we went to bring them back and we had to explain what's going on. So we had a conversation with the psy psychologist and she told us what kind of words we should use or should not use. And we told them that there's a war and their two amazing and very much loved uncles are missing as for now. But we told them also not to worry because we have a strong army and they're gonna go and find them. And then my 11 year old daughter looks at me and she said, mom, they're not gonna find Eitan. Never ever. So I asked why Galli are you saying it. And she said, Aan is the best hide and seek player in the world. So my life is on one hand trying to do everything I can to advocate and talk and convince and ask for help for anyone that can do something. So there's going to be a second hostage deal. On one hand, on the other hand, I have to deal with my two kids waking up in the middle of the night screaming that we have terrorists at home and they're pointing their guns towards them. And every morning, the first thing they ask is if there's a deal already and how come the answer is no. And what is the government doing? And when I told them that I'm, I was coming to the States this week. So my daughter, she said, you know what, first they took my two uncles and now you have to go, why isn't the government or someone else bringing them back and doing something. So, so our life is, is, is a huge tragedy. Um I think the best picture that describes what we're going through is this one. This is my husband Amos and this picture was taken uh last September during his birthday party. This is our small little garden Yair and Eitan. And now they've done the same picture on December 2023 the same place, same chairs empty and this emptiness and this tragedy and, and this, I don't know even what, what kind of word can, can describe this is running our whole life, we cannot work. We, when we sit down around the table trying to have dinner, the first thing that comes up to our mind is ok. So we have food on the table and what's going on with them. And I don't know, winter started in Israel. So we're cold and we're wearing something or it's raining and, and we're staying inside safe and secure and what's going on with them. And all we hear are about those horrible conditions. So we're asking a question that unfortunately, we know the answer. So in a way, it's us, the 136 hostages families. It's all the Israeli society, it's all the Jewish community around the world. I think it's even bigger than this as any humanitarian thing of people who know that we, the Israelis were targeted first, but this terror organization is not only against us, we were the first ones, but then they would go to, to others. This is a humanitarian thing and, and we're just the face of it right now. I am beyond hopeful and optimistic that we will see Carmel again hearing that um she was being kept with other hostages who were released. Um Yarden was released already. Thank God, I remain hopeful every day that we will see Carmel at home and healthy again soon. I'm terrified of her return and having to tell her that she's coming to a family where her mother has been killed. Um It's been very difficult on her siblings but I'm hopeful that she comes back and that every country around the world does everything in their power to get these hostages released. I know they're coming back. I know it has to be soon. There's not, I don't see any other option and I know it's gonna be super hard for them to know what had happened for a year to know that 100 people in his community was taken out of 401 100 didn't come back. I know it's gonna be devastating for him to know that his old kibbutz was burned, but I know that they're coming and it has to be now and, and I feel that that they are going to be strong enough to go through the process of healing and becoming stronger and starting over. I think as families, we have two roles. The first role is to project hope and believe that this crisis can be solved. Um And that will allow the public to rally behind us to continue supporting us in the way it has been supporting us. And more and our second role is to demand policy makers to find a solution. Um And because we come with the hope that they will return home, we can demand the policy makers to find a solution. And we know a solution was found for the first wave And so there is, there are ways to find a solution for the second waves. There is not going to be any deal that is easy or good for Israel. We are living. I'm sadly Hamas is, is uh have that and we are negotiating um with our head in the mouth of a tiger in a way. Um but we first need to bring them home, whatever needs to do that, that is reasonable and viable. And after that, we will continue to confront that tiger as much as we can until we dismantle it. So it will not threaten us any longer. But that's what we demand from policy makers and we are armed with our hope that they can return home alive. 117 we've talked about the fact that there are people who do not believe you, you also talked about the fact that you feel like there are people who have forgotten your, it was incredibly disorienting on October 7th um to be in the United States. I was at a park with my daughters. They're five, my oldest two are five and three and everyone's just sitting there laughing having a good time talking about, you know what they're doing for dinner or where they're going that night. Meanwhile, I wanna shake everyone and say, do not realize what is going on in Israel this very moment. Do not realize that people have been taken hostage, that people are being murdered. It was such a wildly disorienting feeling and that disorientation has just gotten worse. Um, because there are people who have been held 100 and 17 days, our families have been held 100 and 17 days as hostages in Gaza and it feels like the whole world is just forgotten and it's on to the next story in the news cycle. But these people are living daily in, in fear, their lives are at risk, starvation, violence. I mean, the worst kinds of, of mental and physical torture and we cannot simply forget about them. That that is our job is to bring them home and to make sure everyone remembers that these people are still there. So when you're comfortable in your bed or you're sitting down to a meal or you're getting in your car, I'm constantly thinking, well, Carmel is not getting into her car. Carmel's not laying in her bed. She doesn't have a warm meal and everything. Everything is in pursuit of bringing them home. I'm not sure if I would use the word forgotten. I think that there has been so many conflicts around the Middle East and for many people around the world, it just one more and they don't even take the time to read or discover that this is a different thing. And for them, the hostages is just a word and the 136 is just a number. And what we're trying to do is to, to put a picture and a story to, to those numbers. And once again to say that now it's, it's Carmel, it's Aan, it's a, it's only, but it could have been them. Uh, and, and I think that people are just moving on to, to the next thing and saying, you know what, it's Israel's problem. They should have solved it before or, uh, you should look at the wider context or all those kind of horrible things without understanding that those people were kidnapped out of their beds. And it just, and it's not because they voted to the right wing party or to the left wing party. This is, this has nothing to do actually, if we're talking about all the four of them. So we're talking about communities around the border that truly believed in coexistence and in this community in the community of the Neros. There were many, many, many Palestinians from Gaza coming every day to work inside the community. And many members of this community would go to the border every day with their car and get kids or or other Palestinians from Gaza who need medical treatment and they would drive them to the hospitals in Israel. They would do the service and wait with them while they're getting treated and, and bring them food and then bring them back to the border so they can have a good and proper uh medical treatment. So this has nothing to do with the political conflict. These are human beings. This is a humanitarian thing. So for me, what's most frightening than forgetting is putting the story within a political uh context and it's not the case. And this is one of our struggles. We were all talking earlier about how some folks have. You've heard people say that Israelis deserve this. When you hear people say that, I mean a waiting for how does that make you, I focus on my mission. I don't let toxic people and the toxic discourse to um make me forget about the mission of bring them home. These people at the end of the day for me are insignificant. Um If they would have come in good faith, um they would not have um approached this subject in, in such manner. So what I do is focusing on the good on those who support us on those who show up in rallies and demonstrations, those who send thousands of beautiful messages online, those who come and volunteer. Um um the the hostages and missing families Forum was established on October 8th by the families. And since then, there are in Israel, there are 90 chapters around the world and they're all based on good people volunteering for us, the families. Um So I focus on those volunteers who support us and want to make sure that these stories, the stories of Ari be 10 year of Carmel of so many other otri those who returned, those who are still there um are being shared with the public, being shared through the media, through social media, being shared in community events, being shared with policymakers. You can't stay silent. It is so important for everyone to speak up about this issue. It is so important to have people's support. Policymakers won't do anything if they don't feel that the public is behind them. If they don't feel that the public is pushing them to get these hostages back and we need our elected officials across the world to help make this happen to get these hostages out of Gaza. And so don't stay silent when you see some misinformation on social media or you overhear somebody talking at a party or you see somebody ripping down a poster, don't stay silent. Everyone out there can do their part. You can buy one of the dog tags to support us and wear it. You can um volunteer. Uh you can just say something to your neighbors. Don't stay silent. That's, that's my message. I think one of the most important things for me um is is making people understand that when we talk about bringing them back home, we're talking about sticking to one of the values, which for me is the most important values, which is the value of life. This is one of the basic values in Judaism, in Christianity, in, in the Islam, in, in many cultures and religions around the world. Uh We are choosing life and maybe this is one of the main things that makes us so different than the Hama organization. Because while we sanctify life, they sanctify death. While we dream of building a country and flourish in the desert, the same. This is what these communities are doing in the in the Gaza border. This is a desert place while we try to build and plan for a better future and educate ourselves. So the terror organizations are educating their kids to be the next tourist. And when this community was invaded on October 7th, we looked at the security cameras and we saw that part of the 1000 terrorists that entered to the kibbutz were women and, and Children and those Children had weapons with them. And of course, all the signs and and and the uniform of the, of the Hamas. So for me, it's important to say that it's not only it's bringing the hostages because bringing the hostages is one of the biggest signs that the value of life is stronger than the value of death and the desire of these people to destroy us. Um For me is don't normalize terrorism, don't normalize Hamas and their accomplices ideology. Don't normalize hostage taking, speak up be present, support us. The families look above the political discourse, the wider supposedly the wider discourse about this war um and reach out to your officials, elected officials and tell them why Omri needs to return home. Why all the other hostages who are still held captive, needs, need to return home. It's, it's sort of, again, I use the word disorienting a lot. But, um, just, you know, like we joke, sometimes we talk about our lives. We were sharing pictures of our kids together and, and yet the thing that connects us all is that our family has been violently kidnapped from their homes. It, it's such a weird place to be. Um, and, and, and a, and a weird kinship to have formed with other people. Um And it, it sometimes makes me feel like when we talk about just our lives and normal things, like it's trite, like it's insignificant, like what am I doing having these conversations? Um And yet Dalia said, we value life that, that is our driving force is life. And so we're, I think in these conversations, we're imagining a life where um all of our family comes back where things are back to normal, where we're happy again. And, and we don't have to think about these horrible things that, that, that is our hope and our optimism shining through in, in every conversation. There is a, I think Israel has been delegitimized for a long time, the state of Israel by a certain segment of the population, a different segment of the population simply, hey Jews. Uh and they found an alliance with those who support radical Islamist ideology, those two segments from different sides of the political map. So I expected that to happen. But at the same time as I said earlier, let's focus on those who can see beyond the hate. Let's simplify those voices because I think the silent majority does view this as an issue that needs to be solved, does view what Hamas has done Hamas and their accomplices, not only Hamas has done on October 7th has been horrendous and against any prin principles of uh acceptable principles. So I focus on them. Um rather than on those uh who are loud may be loud, but I don't think they represent um the majority of people around the world. If I can add, why it's important to interview because some of the hostages heard, they received a radio transmitter and heard family members fighting for them. We know Henri learned that Li Shi, my sister and their two daughters, Ron and AA survived October 7th because they did not know that until the 50th day of the war just because we interviewed and he caught one of those interviews through another hostage who shared it with him. And I'm sure this is not only one story, this is why we keep shouting everywhere we go and we keep sharing it with the media. This is why the media has to continue to amplify these voices until this situ until this crisis is solved because it gives them hope

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Category: News & Politics

>> lawrence: "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> pete: we go straight to that fox news alert. the funeral for hersch goldberg poll lynn, the american hostage killed by hamas in gaza will be held today at 9:00 a.m. eastern time in israel. >> also today president biden returns to the white housed two... Read more

Israel-Hamas conflict: Hezbollah launches rockets barrage at Israel | WION thumbnail
Israel-Hamas conflict: Hezbollah launches rockets barrage at Israel | WION

Category: News & Politics

Israeli forces are continuing their deadly operations in gaza in the latest sp of strikes the idf is claimed to have hit hamas's sites that were used by the group to carry out attacks near a school in the gaza city the israeli military says two buildings in gaza's shik radwan neighborhood close to a... Read more

Tim Walz under fire for not answering question on murdered hostages thumbnail
Tim Walz under fire for not answering question on murdered hostages

Category: News & Politics

Would be schedule. >> dana: mark meredith, thank you. >> bill: let's go to the region now. middle east israeli idf reporting recent air strikes taking out a mastermind behind the october 7th attack and seven other terrorists. an update from tel aviv and trey, hello to you. >> bill, good morning.... Read more

Israel-Hamas war | EU: West Bank becoming a new Gaza | WION thumbnail
Israel-Hamas war | EU: West Bank becoming a new Gaza | WION

Category: News & Politics

While the world focuses on gaza a silent but equally devastating conflict is unfolding in the west bank israel's military operations in this occupied region have escalated to unprecedented levels and this has prompted warnings from the international community warnings of a looming humanitarian crisis... Read more

Live: Funeral of American-Israeli Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin | Jerusalem | Israel-Hamas News-N18G thumbnail
Live: Funeral of American-Israeli Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin | Jerusalem | Israel-Hamas News-N18G

Category: News & Politics

‏ways make the ‏place ‏we with you we make your a sar you really great gu i love you ‏one i think about all god ch have לא לא אנשים שמתקשים בהליכה ישנו מיניבוס בצד הזה שאפשר יהיה לעלות עליו הוא יעשה מספר סחרים הציבור הוא מוזמן לשבעה אכן ממחר בבוקר המשפחה כשב שבה ליד ביתה ברחוב הפרסה חינת רחוב המוסכים... Read more

Israeli workers stage massive strike to push for hostage deal thumbnail
Israeli workers stage massive strike to push for hostage deal

Category: News & Politics

And, remember, your mornings are better with friends. >> straight to that fox news alert. the funeral for hersh goldberg-polin, the american hostage killed by hamas in gaza will be held today at 9:00 a.m. eastern. also president biden returns to the white house two week long vacation with vice president... Read more

Israel Iran War: ईरान-इज़रायल में बढ़ेगी कशीदगी? | Netanyahu | Hamas | Breaking News thumbnail
Israel Iran War: ईरान-इज़रायल में बढ़ेगी कशीदगी? | Netanyahu | Hamas | Breaking News

Category: News & Politics

इजराइल और हमास की जंग और शदीद रुख अख्तियार करती जा रही है अब इजराइली फोर्स ने दावा किया है कि उन्होंने सीरिया में एक ईरानी अंडरग्राउंड मिसाइल फैक्ट्री को तबाह कर दिया है सीरिया के आमा सूबे में लेबनान की सरहद के पास इस फैक्ट्री को तबाह करने का दावा किया गया इजराइल का कहना है कि उसने अमेरिका को इस ऑपरेशन के बारे में पहले ही इत्तला कर दी थी और अमेरिका ने इस पर कोई तराज जाहिर नहीं किया इजराइल के मुताबिक फैक्ट्री तबाह करने के पीछे उनका मकसद... Read more

Iran US : अमेरिका और ईरान में बड़ी दरार, दुनिया में डर का माहौल | Joe Biden | Nuclear Deal | N18G thumbnail
Iran US : अमेरिका और ईरान में बड़ी दरार, दुनिया में डर का माहौल | Joe Biden | Nuclear Deal | N18G

Category: News & Politics

इजराइल हमास युद्ध के बीच एक बहुत बड़ा खुलासा हुआ है जिससे मिडिल ईस्ट का समीकरण पूरा बदल सकता है दरअसल मिडिल ईस्ट में ईरान लगातार इजराइल और सऊदी अरब के ऊपर हावी हो रहा है और ईरान के पीछे रूस का हाथ है वहीं इजराइल और सऊदी अरब के पीछे अमेरिका का हाथ है लेकिन अब ईरान से एक ऐसी खबर आई है जो अपने आप में बेहद ही चौकाने वाली है दरअसल अमेरिका के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रंप ने मई 2018 में ईरान के साथ हुई परमाणु डील को... Read more

LIVE: Pentagon Holds News Briefing As Israeli Announces It Rescued Hostage Held By Hamas | N18G thumbnail
LIVE: Pentagon Holds News Briefing As Israeli Announces It Rescued Hostage Held By Hamas | N18G

Category: News & Politics

And partners around the world and how best to support ukraine uh towards uh the the you know ultimate end state of ensuring a free and sovereign uh ukraine that can deter future aggression from russia and so are there still restrictions on ukrainian weapons provided by the united states so our policies... Read more

Hamas taunts slain hostages’ kin with new video of captives before death, promises ‘last messages’ thumbnail
Hamas taunts slain hostages’ kin with new video of captives before death, promises ‘last messages’

Category: News & Politics

In a disturbing development hamas on monday released pre-recorded footage of six hostages found slain in gaza taunting their families with chilling videos and warning that these are just teasers of their last messages among the victims 24-year-old eden yurami appeared in the haunting propaganda video... Read more

Israel Hamas War  Hassan Nasrallah ने लिया बदला! Benjamin Netanyahu  Hezbollah  Palestine   N18G thumbnail
Israel Hamas War Hassan Nasrallah ने लिया बदला! Benjamin Netanyahu Hezbollah Palestine N18G

Category: News & Politics

हिजबुल्ला पर इजराइल पिछले 45 दिनों से लगातार भीषण हमले कर रहा है लेकिन हैरानी की बात तो यह है कि हिज्बुल्लाह बिना रुके दक्षिणी लेबनान से उत्तरी इजराइल पर जबरदस्त रॉकेट हमले कर रहा है अब हिजबुल्लाह ने दावा किया है कि उसने उत्तरी इजराइल पर 50 क्यूत श रॉकेट से हमला किया है जिसकी वजह से इजराइल को भारी नुकसान हुआ है मार दिए इजराइली हिजबुल्ला का बदला हिजबुल्ला पिछले दो महीने से इजराइल को भारी नुकसान पहुंचाने की कोशिश में था लेकिन हिजबुल्ला के... Read more