Remembering the life and career of Johnny Gaudreau | Overdrive - Hour 1 - 8/30/24

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:45:53 Category: Sports

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overdrive off and running on a mail in Friday brought to you by Boston Pizza I'm Mike to stepo filling in for Brian Hayes got my man Frankie curado with me the regulars will be back on Tuesday it's the final show of the summer before we start to get back to back to the way things are and the boys will be back on Tuesday I'm sure that song will be played a billion times in the promos and leading up to it on Tuesday but uh you and I for the final show and it's going to have a little bit of a different tone than we originally planned on having today Frankie yeah it's um you know I'm sure everyone has seen the news by now and it's obviously very devastating and I think it's more than just the hockey Community it's the sports Community it's anyone who you know feels the loss of a loved one and um I I know you know with the text that that I've shared with people today a lot of people this really hits close to home for them I would imagine so and like you're someone who was ingrained in the hocke community and for those who are just joining us and and and aren't up to date on on what happened last night the tragedy struck the hockey league when uh Johnny goodro and his brother Matthew were um riding bicycles uh in oldman's Township in New Jersey uh a community near where they grew up and a Jeep Grand Cherokee uh that was attempting to pass a couple of vehicles had struck them last night and uh they were pronounced uh dead on the scene um and and it's really just a massive tragedy something that I woke up to this morning and saw the notification and my heart just sunk just absolutely sunk and you know it's far too soon far too young obviously but then after reading everything that I I'm seeing from his teammates from people who covered him covered the game it seems like just salt of the earth human being and it's it's truly truly a tragedy listen Johnny hockey player was one thing we all got to see that theg stage he was unbelievable Talent um obviously an unded player with a big heart and extremely competitive you know for him to be able to do what he did in his career and carve out the the career that he did it takes a a special talent it also takes a certain kind of mindset and he was he was ultra competitive but you know more than the hockey player aspect this is a son a brother mother a cousin a husband a father I mean it's just there's so many people um that are affected by this and it's it really is tragic it's devastating and uh we send our heartfelt condolences to the goodro family absolutely um so gour Miller is going to join us in a couple of minutes here uh obviously gour longtime member of the hockey Community he'll have some thoughts on the situation uh Dam folded last night Brian Burke is going to join have said 5052 uh berky obviously spent a lot of time with Johnny goodro with their time in Calgary he would have watched Johnny grow up into into the man that he had become watched him enter the league and um so berki will will be really really good to hear from him and and maybe get some stories out of him on how he remembers Johnny goodro and then salum vgi our TSN Calgary Bureau reporter at 605 he'll kind of tell us a little bit about what's going on in Calgary I I I'm seeing online a bunch of people people showing up to the Saddle Dome and they've got a whole bunch of flowers and and Skittles and purple Gatorade like stuff that he was known for I remember I was listening to uh to a story once before about I think it was Elsa reiterated yeah I we're showing it here up on TSN 2 um a story that Jermaine Franklin was talking about this morning on the morning show about how he had learned to skate I guess his father went and just placed Skittles out on the ice and he had to chase around and grab Skittles and you know so that's something that a lot of people really kind of link to Johnny goodro so to to see people going out there and and paying their respects leaving a bag of Skittles kind of kind of hit me in the fields a little bit too for sure for sure and you know like being having played in the league you talk to guys you cross path with guys and you know you ask about certain players what's this guy like what's that guy like you've never heard a bad word about Johnny goodro all you hear is unbelievable person teammate um you know great person in the locker room really fun to be around um it's just you know it it it's it's really it's really difficult news to hear um you know anyone we if if it was anyone we lost in the hockey Community it would be very tough but um you know Johnny goodro was was loved by his peers I yesterday there was an interview that that's kind of going viral now sha Monahan who was a longtime teammate of him when he was in Calgary and obviously this past offseason signed in Columbus and was really excited really excited to get back and and he was talking about how stoked he is to get back to playing with Johnny and and they have kids that are the same age growing up together and uh I I think about you know a guy like that today you know someone who really really spent a lot of time with them and and was happy to reconnect uh this upcoming season I think I think we have the audio if we want to play it really quickly before Gord Miller comes uh joins the show in a couple of minutes Johnny's one of my best friends and I think uh I mean to go full circle kind of start when I was 18 19 with him and I mean come back to be able to play with them again is is pretty cool and I mean we both have sons that are I think two or three months apart so they get to kind of grow up together yeah it's heartbreaking man like how can you you know you think you're you're going to be around someone you know you think you're going to I don't know you're going to see that person live a a whole other life after hockey Al brother like at at 31 years old he still you know he still got a lot of time left in the NHL but there there was a whole life for him to live after hockey with his family with his wife with his kids and that's gone now and that's um it's heartbreaking it it's heartbreaking and absolutely tragic uh let's bring in um Gord Miller TSN play byplay uh TSN hockey analyst and uh tragic news today gourd with the sudden passing of of Johnny and Matthew goodro near their Hometown in New Jersey both young men struck uh struck by a truck late last night out on a bike ride um what was your initial reaction to uh to the news that you heard today Gord well I think like everyone just shock you know and it's just it's just so hard to imagine um you know on so many levels I saw Johnny for the last time at the world championship in May in Prague and he was just you know he was so happy he was excited uh becoming a father for the second time um you know he loved to play hockey I I met him at the world junior Championship the 2013 World Junior in Russia and you know Ray Ferraro and I've told the story many times that the first time we saw him he was warming up in the hallway and shorts and a t-shirt and Ray and I were like that's the guy who's ripping it up in college hockey really and and but then you talk to him and and you just saw the passion and the joy he had for the game and you know I every time you saw him he had a big grin in his face he was you know even when times were tough he just loved to play the game and he was a student of the game he loved to talk about it he always wanted to stove it up as he said and um it's just really hard to imagine and you know I mean Matthew's Widow was pregnant and and due in December their sister was getting married today I mean it's just it's just an it's a it's a horrendous tragedy and it's it's needless and senseless that you know now the person's not convicted yet but charged with impaired driving yeah and and that is just just such a senseless horrible thing to to kill two people like that Gord one of the things that you know comes to mind um you know you're you're down there at morning skate you get you you're always in talking to guys and um it's different for you being the play-by-play guy you're not a beat reporter so you're not exactly asking the hard-hitting questions you're more chatting and getting to know guys um you know in your experiences with Johnny hocky you know any conversations that kind of stand out for you after a morning skate or or anything like that you know it was funny because he he watched everything like he he knew what was going on in the league he you know and he loved to hear what was going on he always wanted to hear like what's going on what's what's the dirt what's the news what's the scoop and he you know and he I just think that that you know to your point Frankie you know I I don't interview players so much as I I talk to them and I think that you know over the course of a season there are players that I'll only see like two or three times but you see them sort of two or three times over the course of a decade and you know it's sort of a it's a nice catch up and it I think the thing about hockey is what a community it is and we're seeing that certainly today um and it's a small community relative to a lot of other sports um um but you know I I think I told the last one of the last times I talked to Johnny um last season was telling him uh I had a game in Calgary probably November or so last year and I and I said to him uh I think the US is G have a real good junior team I think they're GNA be really good and we were talking about some of the top players and and um and he was excited about that and then I saw him after Christmas and he was so excited the US had won the Juniors and he was really excited about some of their you know some of their smaller guys that were really star like Lane Hudson the defenseman he was talking about him he just had this this passion for the sport like the nickname Johnny hockey was was appropriate because he he just lived to breed the sport like he he loved hockey he loved hockey at all levels and um I really feel for the people in Calgary I think that you know Johnny went there as a teenager and he really grew up there and you know I think about you know Brad tree living who was there when he was there now the GM of the leaf I think about you know Craig Conroy you know Peter hanlin their their VP of communications who who was so close to the players it's just hard to it's just hard to imagine that you you'll go to a Flames or you know sorry to a Columbus you know morning I I just look at my schedule I've got Columbus like the first week of the Season you know it's sort of jarring that you won't see him there yeah it's it's going to be difficult and I think of you know the in that locker room now how difficult it it must be for you know these guys who have to report to camp in a couple of weeks and and they're going to walk into the dressing room and he's just not going to be there no and I think that you know and this is twice in three years for Columbus right Mattis Giblin the go tender passed away um and of course you know the Calgary Flames lost Chris snow there ass in GM last year um you know it's just uh there's so it's I think it's just numb now for for them and for everyone that you know and I think for you know you're seeing the outpour and I just saw Matthew kachuck post something you know pictures of him with Johnny and I'm sure they thought they were going to be friends for another 50 years you know I'm I'm sure they thought you know someday they'd be retired in Florida somewhere and talking about the good old days you know and with their grandkids like I just I'm sure that's what they thought it doesn't even occur to you that that this could happen and and uh and I think the point is it does happen a lot and and you know obviously someone very well known has died here but but this happens too much yeah and I said this morning if you if you want to honor the goodro brothers don't drink and drive just don't do it and and I think that that we all we all wonder what we're can do everyone sort of feels at a loss you know I've certainly texted friends that that know buny and played with them and coached them and everything else you kind of feel at a loss of what you can do for the for the G Brothers but what you can do is is you can take that one step to to pledge to yourself and make sure that no one else does it and if you see someone about the drink and drive stop them and don't do it yourself a lot of people have been you know posting highlights of Johnny goodro today and you know there's some there's some pretty interesting ones that pop up you know his first NHL goal in his first game I saw out there um you know an assist to yir yoggers I believe last NHL goal which was his first and only goal as a flame um you know a big overtime goal against the Dallas Stars that you know I remember that game Jake Ginger was unbelievable um you know any any kind of highlights that that stick out for you um calling or watching Johnny hockey over the years I I remember at that 2013 world junor that American team was stacked and it was kind of from the back out it was John Gibson and goal um it was uh Seth Jones uh Zack rinsky Jake mcab was on that team Jake trouba on defense but gdo uh JT Miller up front um and and gdo was you know again having seen him off the ice first you were just taken back by how small he was then you saw him on the ice and and it was incredible and then in the NCA Championship he scored the the clinching goal for Boston College and he was always a big Boston College guy he was always talking Boston College and and uh and talking smack his team like you know He and Matthew could chuck because Brady went to beu he was always on him and you know I think about that goal when I think of Johnny GD I just think about someone who who had this immense passion for the game and and smiling and happy off the ice but really intense on the ice like a real competitor Furious competitor and um and and I that's what I think of what I think ofn yeah and look you got to be pretty special talent to get the nickname Johnny hockey like that's that's quite a moniker to to have like and he earned it he earned it yeah I mean he he deserved it 100% And like Gord what what Legacy or impact do you think he leaves on the hockey world or the game of hockey well I would I would say that there's a whole generation of of undersized players who viewed him and a few other players like him as their role models yeah I I think when you see smaller players um you know at any position who who want to make it they would view Johnny gdo as not just a guy who made it but who excelled you know a 100o player a star um you know God you think about you know a chance to play in the Olympics in a couple years all of that I mean just so yeah I think that's I think that's the the Legacy for a lot of people would be a guy who was undersized who didn't just make it but was a dominant player in the NHL I guess part of that dominance gourd you know and you would have been up in the booth you know watching him I I wonder how many times you saw Johnny hockey with the puck maybe do a little bit of a Twist in a turn and you thought someone was going to hit him and you were getting ready to say so and so hits him but he doesn't and he gets away from him like he was so slippery so elusive I think one of the things he had which a lot of great players had was his ability to disrupt the timing of the game there's sort of a rhythm to the game that that most people follow but a few people are able to disrupt it to make the pass sooner or later than than you would expect to put it in a place you wouldn't expect to to pass it harder or softer than you might expect and he those unbelievable hands like just incredible Nets and but also the hockey sense and the ability to disrupt the game which is what what the really special players have some players overpower people uh either with their speed or their size but but other people play the game they play it and and I always think Johnny gdo Played it yeah played it played it with a smile um Gord really appreciate taking the time on a on a tough day like today to to chat with us uh we'll talk again soon Buddy take care guys there he goes Gordon Miller TSN commentator hockey play byplay um and someone who gets you know really up close and personal with a lot of these players all around the league and you know he shared a couple anecdotes how you know the conversations that he had had with Johnny goodro and know that's it just sounds like you know a guy who's super happy anytime he's at the rink right he's just giddy to talk hockey with anyone listen I I never met the guy I played against him a lot we're we're the same age we're the same draft class um play like growing up probably in like summer tournaments and stuff well so he was he's from the you know he's not from the same area as me I do know like he played in The Brick tournament in Edmonton which is you know that very famous 10-year-old tournament I played in it as well we wouldn't have known who each other were at the time um but being the same draft year we would always play against each other in these Prospect games where the Flames the Canucks the Oilers I believe the Sharks would have been there the Jets on any given year so you know that's a that's a lot of games you play against a a player or you know a group of players before you actually even get to the NHL and it was it was crazy to watch this guy out there at that level because he was so dominant and he was so slippery and you couldn't catch him and you couldn't touch him it sounded like you had legitimate like firsthand experience with the Giani guo spp it was unbelievable man it was unbelievable lining him up and then all of a sudden he's there and then he's not you know lining him up or just you kind of think you have him contained and then you don't like he was he was something else uh very a very very unique talent um but I just I I think he's he's he was so competitive you know like didn't matter if you were 6' three 6'4 he was going to find a way to get that puck off you or get around you like just a just a Fearless player and you know you know like I said anyone that you've talked to that that's played with him or crossed paths with him um nothing but great things to say about him so the the hockey world suffers a big loss today with with Johnny and his brother tragically passing away absolutely uh we'll continue to to talk about it uh Brian Burke's going to join us at 505 uh berky obviously really really good connection with uh Johnny goodro so we we'll chat with him and then solom baly who's out in Calgary we'll get kind of you know firsthand perspective how the Flames Community is feeling uh and reeling after the loss of of Johnny goodro and his brother Matthew goodro uh late last night um really really really sad stuff uh so we'll continue to kind of talk about it throughout the day there was there was you know sports that are going on so let's come back there's a ball game last night we can get into there's some stuff going on in the NFL right we got some contracts there's a big- Time kicker contract that just got sign Frankie it's absolutely absolutely wild uh you're listening to overdrive here on TSN 1050 and watching on TSN 2 and the TSN app welcome back into overdrive up on TSN 2 also up on TSN 1050 it's Mike DeStefano and Frankie curado filling in for the regulars they'll be back though they'll be be back on Tuesday be a lot of happy people when they're back yeah yeah there will be but it's like you know it signifies there's a few things happening of course hockey season is right around the corner everyone wants to talk about that everyone wants to talk about the leavs but you're back in the mix doing some NFL stuff here yeah very exciting times there was some some some exchanging of tweets this week it's starting to ramp up isn't it it's starting to go back and forth between team Hayes and bro and those losers on the other uh and and look I'm ready for it man next Thursday it's go time we got the Chiefs Ravens it's going to be an unbelievable game I'm excited and it's not only just Thursday you got Thursday you've got Friday and they you've got all day Sunday Monday oh it's going to be glorious this this is the final Sunday this Labor Day Sunday coming up the final Sunday that we have like to ourselves for the next very very long time um so spend it wisely use it wisely yeah there's going to be a lot of unhappy wives and girlfriends and there's going to be some couch cushions that take a beating here for the next few months are you a Tik Tok guy I'm not a Tik guy no Instagram I'm not on Tik Tok anymore so have you seen these videos that are kind of floating around there of of husbands and boyfriends showing up to to their ladies and giving them a like a two weeks notice type of thing saying the next however many Sundays I'll be out of commission for anything from the hours of like 12 12 to 12 on Sunday and that's the way it goes man once football gets going it's it's go time especially Thursdays those Thursdays or uh Sundays rather Thursday nights but those Sundays man you don't get a whole lot done I remember there was one Sunday where I I like did my step count right and it was like in the negative six no I had a couple trips to the bathroom probably but it was like in the it was it was bad it was really really bad that's uh that's what happens man but it's all good news is ramping up well we finally got a resolution to the Brandon iuk situation for all all offseason we've been hearing oh this gu you know he wants it he wants it uh to get out of San Francisco requested a trade sounds like the Steelers are close sounds like the Patriots the Browns it sounded like every week there was a new landing spot for Brandon auk and it sounded like any of those teams that he was going to go to he would have zero chance at winning well it's funny because you know he apparently didn't want to go to New England because there is no quarterback to throw him the ball but I look at Cleveland and I look at Pittsburgh there's also no quarterback to throw him the ball there actually there actually might be a quarterback in New England he's just not going to get the ball because his offensive line is so bad they don't want to throw him to the Wolves they don't want to ruin the poor kids so they'd rather sacrifice jacobe brassett before they figure out what the o line is going to look like which might be the right call to be honest with you might 100% is the right call don't ruin the Patriots Patriots fans are going to hate that they want to see Drake May on day one you know they're going to want to see him but it's it is the right call just give the kid a little bit to figure things out and allow that offensive line to maybe develop they're quite young um but before you throw them out to the Wolves yeah let let jacobe kind of have to be the the veteran but Brandon auk to to get back to him Brock pie is the best quarterback that was going to be throwing in the ball this year so he's sticking around in San Francisco it's a 4-year deal 120 sheets by April 1st of this year he will be paid out $47 million of that money it's a great deal he got an unbelievable deal and the report comes out 's brother yeah that this is the deal that's been on the table for this guy the whole time nothing has changed right what are you thinking why would you not take this deal he is lucky that he got this deal still honly how do they not go him and say this has an expiration date would they miss Brandon iuk that much mcaffry is the first option then Debo Samuel I'll say this Frank I'll say this I will say this he he does mean more to that offense and I think people lead on because a big part of that team is the Run game and Brandon auk is one of the best run blockers in football so you got someone on the outside right you're going to run you're going to run Chris mcaffrey out whether it's on a little screen pass you're going to end up getting him out on a pitch play you want auk down feel blocking for you he is he's been tremendous at that for years and on the goal line he could come in and stick a linebacker if you're trying to go outside so he will bring a he would have been a big time loss from a blocking perspective uh you're right when it terms in terms of targets and and and you know yardage like from a fantasy football perspective let's say you know would he have been that big of a loss I mean they they drafted a kid Ricky pearsol to kind of take over some of those they probably would have just given KD a bigger run and and Depo Samuel would have got bigger run but to me it's it's it's the blocking and why I think it was important for them to get something done and now they got something done and he's with the team for the next four years and it's a it's a good deal and you know for him he should be happy that he got it done and this makes him the fifth highest paid wide receiver in the NFL like with Tyreek Hill like is it not the same same money that Tyreek is making yeah so he's the fifth highest paid wide receiver in the league he's the fourth option on his team you know what I mean like some should have got in his ear and told him like think about it this way man you are crazy to be asking for more money and now he's got to ramp himself up like has he not been practicing this guy or has he been practicing he has he well so I'm sure he's been working out like he's been around but yeah he's he's going to have to get ramped up pretty quickly Trent Williams now they they got to get that Trent Williams contract figured out their left tackle he's he's the best left tackle in the game and that offensive line isn't as strong as they've been in the past so like they got to get him in play so that's that's next on the 49ers uh list of things to do between now and next Sunday when they take the field that guy's got to be there has to be non-negotiable and and I guess for for the ners the question now you know once you get all your housekeeping done all your admin work now the question has to become are you better than just being this team that's always talked about being contenders like can you actually do it they should be able to of course they should be able to but we say that every single year but when push comes to shove can you beat momes can you beat the Chiefs yes that's that's the big that's the million-dollar question right are can they get back to the dance right they they they got there last year you know they got there a couple years ago they were really close to getting there and then injuries kind of you know they almost got there three times right then they lost to Philadelphia they ended up having to throw out like the randomst quarterback of all time I think Josh Freeman or something ended up coming in I remember who it was but Flo was unavailable well they were down until like this was after py like they they got to a point where their their their seventh round quarterback who that was his rookie season who was his third or fourth string at the time got injured they're on like their fifth that was a seismic loss at that point not having Brock P NFC champion Brock Brock P's credit like he he has really turned himself into you know one of the one of the better quarterbacks in the league like is he a top 10 guy H is he a top 10 guy in the NL not he's not top 10 guy's somewhere in that like 15 to 20 range but he's he's smart and you know it people look at this as a as a as a slight to quarterbacks we call them a system quarterback or or something like that but honestly when when it comes to Kyle shanon like it's a run first offense at the end of day it's a run first offense protect the football right protect the football and make sure that you're accurate once you get the chance and and he's been able to do that so he's got really good accuracy but does he have the most special arm no can he read and scan a defense like Tom Brady no we saw saw that not flashy like Mahomes but you know what he gets the job done right to an extent I mean he he still hasn't won the big game and that was that's always kind of been the conversation around Brock pie and the San Francisco 49ers it's they've got the defense they've got the offensive weapons is this quarterback enough to get them over the hump last year it deemed not to be the case right I I I'll I think back to it was like the third fourth down play right there late in the game he had to make a play he gets pressured by Chris Jones off the end and he's unable to do so and the game was over right like just wasn't able to make that play and for months it was talked about can Brock py be that guy well you've got all your weapons in tow now you got to go out and make those plays and not to mention you have a very favorable salary situation with Brock pie where this guy is still making under a million dollars this year and he's going to get a significant ific raise and that is going to you know that is going to put a little bit of a strain on how that team is going to be constructed in the future and this could be the final year to kind of go and get it which is why I always looked at the Brandon iuk thing I like get get it done best case scenario for this football team was to get it done with Brandon auk because he is a big part of that offense if he could just stomach it for one more year even if he didn't get a deal done but both sides agreed let's just play out the year at the contract that we got and see what happens in the offseason if if think you deserve to get paid more elsewhere all right we'll let you go and see what you can get and if not we'll reconvene things next year but I'm glad that they they they did figure it out and like hey he this is a year that we got to go for it it's become a formula now yeah like once when your contract is up the comparables are out there everyone knows where you're going to get slotted whether you're a wide receiver or last year was all the running backs and the quarterbacks it doesn't matter like Danny dime's number came up and he got paid Brock P's number is coming up and he's going to get paid Dak Prescott regardless of what he does in the playoffs this year is going to get paid and these numbers are going up and up and there's just there's not much I think I would say there's not much the players can do to really push the envelope more other them play better and put up bigger numbers and there's not much the owners of the GMS are going to be able to do like teams are so desperate for a quarterback four talented players at wide receiver and running back like they the players will get paid one way or another whether it's your team or another team so the market is kind of the the Market's there for guys and there's not much deviant from it no and you know we we look at kind of who who's next up on the list Jamar Chase still hasn't reported and Zack Taylor you know kind of walking it back at one point he was like oh we'll be good Jamar Chase he'll he'll be with us he'll be playing week one walked it back a little bit he's still not in practice still has not reported to the team contract I I you know what I think now that you got you got to think that this has to be coming soon for sure but the thing is you can Bluff as much as you want and you can say like I'm I'm going to hold out but there gets to a point where it's too far gone and now you've wasted I don't know how many weeks of a of a season in football but you know to bring it back to hockey William neander struggled that year that he held out until basically December 1st you know like it's training camp is very important for guys um does matter what sport you're playing in Baseball spring training is huge football you need to be there and you know hockey especially uh it's tough to to battle uphill all season long absolutely I will be curious to see what that contract comes in at like I probably G to be more than auk it has to be gotta be more than auk because right now like cidd lamb he got paid I think it comes in below CD lamb I think we're looking at like AJ brown type numbers like to like he's right under Jefferson he's right yeah so you got Jay jettus at 35 million uh and they got CD lamb just signed his deal at 34 million a year AJ Brown at 32 million year at three I think that's probably the number that uh that we're looking at right now when it comes to Jamar Chase yeah yeah that's I mean that's that's the market though I know so if and and you know what I guess if you're the team you want to run the risk of not having that player out there like it is a little bit of a two-way street you just have to hope that your team has has enough around um that you don't feel that that loss it's not as significant did you ever think that the kickers Market would get to a point where we're seeing contracts a four-year deal $22 million for Cameron Dicker yeah Dicker the kicker he's making 2 you said it and not me that's his name I don't what's his name what do you want me to what do you want me to say his name it's his the nickname it's the moniker yes you his name that's the moniker that's a lot of money guess what for that kind of money do not miss any kicks you have one job the damn thing into the uprights it's funny too cuz for years the Chargers had the worst luck the worst luck I remember there was one I think it was even like when young way cou was there years ago now he's doing like making field goals left right and center for the for the Falcons but he started his career at the Chargers guy couldn't make a a game-winning field goal to save his life there was a season where they dropped three games strictly because they could not make field goals right and now all of a sudden that and I guarantee you that's playing into it's like hey we got a guy who's kicking at a good rate right now let's keep him right we've we've we've gone through the gauntlet of trying guys week after week keep you had five wins last year you know if you got a guy that you think can help get you a couple more wins uh I guess it's worth it to them I just don't know like they're obviously going to they're going to win more this year just how much more I mean you that's the question how much more I I don't I don't know I think it's going to be a bit of a struggle in Harbaugh's first year back with the Chargers I'll be curious we're going to have go on the show at 5:30 kind of you know get his thoughts on on how an intriguing team that is cuz Justin Herbert um you know like he's he's got all the tools oh yeah he he just needs to find a way to to kind of close the deal he's got no weapons that's the issue like for sure unlike San Francisco where P set P's got what he wants P's got what he needs Justin I mean Justin Herbert they just got rid of like they trade away Keenan Allen this off season they let Mike Williams walk I mean like Austin Eckler's gone now like they they don't really have anything Josh Palmer and hey respect to Josh Palmer Canada's own I think he's ranked as their number one wide receiver on the depth chart I don't think the guys had like more than 40 catches in a season can the coach make any catches out there can the coach can the coach get out there well I don't know that's that's the big that's the X Factor it's the coach like how much is the coach going to be able to well they're just going to run the football that's what they're going to try and do they they try to beef up that offensive line run travesty to have that that kind of quarterback just going the football like that I don't know take take a pi of a team that the Steelers the Steelers this year should run the run the football every chance they get and they will Frankie those guys will run the football when you have Justin Herbert you need to find a way to have some kind of throwing offense yeah like that's just why I think and the defense is you know kind of they got Derwin James but their defense is never healthy either that's another thing every year I look at that Chargers defense I'm like all right I like I like what I see and then you know injuries always always kind of filter in and yeah that that team just can never ever stay healthy are you um like do you prepare for this this season where you got to make your picks and stuff like you got new websites you got like different dark web places you like to know Francesco wouldn't you like to know what you got odog bugging in on this or what if you if you think those guys are going to follow suit on the websites that you look up this information you're crazy hey I've got my sites I've got my sites I've got my sources too I let me ask you this any of these sites that you need to go on do you have to use a VPN because your computer's in danger I will not confirm nor deny if that is uh if that is indeed the case all right neither confirm nor deny all right let's uh let's take a break still to come Brian Burke going to join us at 505 SVG also at 6:05 we'll get back into some football talk too with Mike gock Jr to join us at 5:30 Mike Toano with Frank Cado you're listening to us here on TSN 1050 watching up on TSN 2 and the TSN app OverDrive continues on a madin Friday up on TSN 1050 and also on TSN 2 it's Mike dno filling in for Brian Hayes I got my man Frank curado with me filling him for uh noodles in the O doog I guess you're taking the job of two people today well I mean I don't know we're just big shoes We're just we're just shooting it that's all we're doing um it's like a semi Leafs lunch reunion we're just missing Julia to Sherry that's right jul your first show on the airwaves you and I mono Mano buddy Le lunch yeah we did a few shows over the years it was fun yeah it was a good time um I got to tell you text me yesterday you said oh what cooking yesterday was canning day in the this defano household oh so you guys did the tomato sauce brother let me tell you how long first thing I got to say uh if there's one thing I learned invest in a good tomato press the one that we were using yesterday it took me 5 hours to press these Tomatoes guy five hours of just sitting here and putting the the the thing in the hole it was not a good time no not a good time yeah I um I dodge that every year um you know like my family does it but for some reason I'm I'm always able to kind of sneak out of it and I still get the product afterwards which I I don't mind which is good I did I I did bring a couple of jars uh back up to Toronto with me but I just happened to be down there and my dad walks in I think it was it was Wednesday night and my dad walks in into the house with the four bushels of tomato he's like oh are you you sticking around I'm like I guess yeah I got overdrive on Friday so I could stick around next he's like perfect he can help me make make some sauce tomorrow we're going to can the tomatoes I was like oh perfect that's fantastic it's a I you know what I probably should start getting involved because you got to carry these traditions on that's it honestly that is what you got to do and and for the longest time my my family didn't do it but you know as as my Dad's getting up there he's realizing he wants to kind of bring back a bit of the the culture yes so he's he's been making you know we've been make he's been making his own Meats at that some shakery Meats he's me okay yeah oh yeah homemade he he he got a bris still you still on the brisket he don't make the brisket my cousin brisket guy it's an unbelievable brisket it's it's it's world class world class brisket this stuff is let me tell you um well that's exciting with the cured meats for football season yeah yeah it's coming up pretty pretty more additions to the shuder couple additions absolutely I'm sure they will make their way to my house as well get a couple jars of this go that's the thing about Italian households you know you got a Cantina and you go you grab a jar of this oh look there's some of that I'll take that with me so you just do you do your grocery shopping at your parents house basally yeah sometimes I think that's very very very common yeah I think so that's that's the Italian the Italian way uh almost um speaking of gems uh the Blue Jays pitching another gem last night we saw bow and Francis go six Innings again or into the sixth inning with a no hitter this guy's been unhitable literally for like the entire month of August he's been like the best pitcher in base it's unbelievable like last night seven Innings just one hit five strikeouts zero walks and over the course of the month of August a 106 ER through 34 Innings he's only allowed allowed four runs it's unbelievable it's it's really really impressive it's come out of nowhere it has and this is a guy who at one point this season was in the miners yes and was brought back up and I guess this is you know this is the Silver Lining on the season right now is that someone like this Kikuchi gets traded now he gets an opportunity and you know for it is you know you do have to keep in mind like it is garbage time for the team but it's not garbage time for him you know what I mean it's not his graveyard shift like he is trying to establish himself as you know maybe a a long reliever or a guy that's going to be a starter um you know deeper into your rotation and that probably is is very attainable um is he you know an RA of 106 kind of guy for a whole season probably not he's not yeah this is this is some kind of heater that he's on but I I love to see a guy give when given the opportunity go on a heater um and he's making the most of that chance well he's found something he's he's he's he's worked on this split finger fast ball which he's throwing and just no one can hit it right now like there's there might be the two best split finger fast balls on on in the league are on the Blue Jays right now like Kevin Gosman that's his big pitch right so what a guy to learn from Kevin Gosman and now B Francis the last few days has been unable what I there's a stat there the last four in the last four games he has a 31 whip that is the lowest by any major league pitcher in a 4 game Span in the modern era yeah like think about some of the names and here in Toronto a guy by the name of Roy holiday Roy holiday you know what I mean like Clayton kersa yeah it's the names that we could throw out there like Prime Time Chris Sale Justin ver Lander none of these guys have had a 4 game sample size that has been as unhitable as what we're seeing right now from B Francis yeah you know I heard cause talking about this on the way in and you know you can kind of cherry-pick the four games and H angels and yeah I I get it like we don't need to take the Shine off what he's done because it it's extremely impressive um but I just I think it's it's something that you have to be optimistic about if you're a Jays fan knowing that you know in this Lost season maybe something is not lost and and this guy seems like he's he's for real and can he be can he be found money for this team in the future if they want to be competitive sooner rather than later well that's it like you look into next season obviously kikuchi's deal is coming up anyways but they trade him away and now you're looking okay there's a couple spots that are going to be open in the rotation in 2025 right you obviously have your your first three locked up depending on what happens with Chris Bass I was going to say does that not make it more you know more I don't know more of an appetite yeah is it does it make yes palatable was the word I was looking for I mean I suppose but again if if you truly believe in trying to be as competitive as possible in 2025 you got to have the pitching depth so I I don't look at it as okay maybe bow and Francis could come in and be this team's number three and we could get something for Basset like no I think you'd be stronger if you got Basset as your three and bow and Francis as your four and then you know we'll see what happens with your number five slot maybe you sign another guy maybe there's uh one like T in if he can get healthy monoa can get healthy you know one of those guys and like that that Manoa name is it's crazy to hear that right like if he can get healthy maybe he can get in the rotation like Ricky tman like I feel like all we've been doing is talking about Ricky tman prior to his surgery as being this this next guy oh yeah he won't even be ready for for the start of I don't know if he'd be ready for the start of next season yeah probably not so Tommy John's what it's a full year and pretty much yeah yeah so yeah B France is going to end up being uh probably a decent piece for this play like for for me he's played his way into the rotation and he deserves that chance come spring training yeah absolutely we'll see what he can do the the rest of the way got a couple more weeks throughout the season they got the twins tonight Kevin Gosman the other guy at the split finger fast ball going to be going up against Pablo Lopez so should be a nice one I think it's an 810 first pitch for that one uh hour two of overdrive coming up next

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