Category: Education
Hey everyone did you hear about the latest health scare making waves it's called sloth fever virus and it's got people talking across america stay tuned to find out everything you need to know about this mysterious and trending virus magnifying glass face with mask so what exactly is sloth fever virus... Read more
Category: Education
Start [music] we are very excited to have naomi bardach tonight as our presenter. dr. bardach is a professor of pediatrics and policy in the department of pediatrics and at the institute for health policy studies at ucsf. she is the vice chair of health services research in the department of pediatrics.... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The detection of 21 cases of the insect born oropo virus disease also known as sloth fever in us travelers returning from cuba has prompted health officials to issue a warning recent reports of outbreaks in areas without previous endemic transmission fatal cases and vertical transmission associated... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
This is going to blow your mind sloths are unexpectedly falling from trees and the mysterious disease behind it is called sloth fever did you know that sloth fever is spreading rapidly in certain regions this alarming health issue has caught the attention of both the public and health officials the... Read more
Category: News & Politics
New concern over mosquitoes west nile virus now reported in more than 30 states and in fact here in new york city tonight they do plan to spray and one massachusetts town has taken major steps closing parks and athletic fields and dr anthony fouchy is now home from the hospital recovering from the west... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Tonight the mosquito concern has now turned deadly a mosquito-born virus killing one person in new hampshire a massachusetts town taking action closing parks and fields after dusk and the spring in and around new york city authorities in several states are now watching this closely abc's ariel rf on... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Suggestion none you heard right the eastern equin en sephtis virus ee for short is back and it's hitching a ride with mosquitoes this isn't just a horse problem folks this virus can jump to humans and it's already claimed lives no vaccines no treatments so what's the government doing why haven't we... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What's going on everyone happy sunday to everyone hopefully everyone is doing well staying safe healthy if you had tak a covid test hopefully you have tested negative if you did test positive i hope you have a full and speedy recovery with no long covid issues it is time now for the sunday edition of... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What's going on everyone happy friday to everyone hopefully everyone is doing well staying safe healthy if you had take a covid test hopefully you have tested negative if you did test positive i hope you have a full and speedy recovery with no long co issues it is time now for the friday edition of... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Whooping cough cases are on the rise across the country including here at home toronto public health says cases have more than doubled this year compared to the 5-year pre-pandemic average the highly contagious virus brings with it a persistent cough and is of most concern for infants for more on the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Now to the growing concern over mosquito born viruses following what is believed to be the first death this year from the rare triple e virus ariel rf is here now with more and ariel officials trying to get ahead of this good morning that's right whit good morning to you health officials in the northeast... Read more
Category: News & Politics
The world health organization last week declared empx a global public health emergency that's its highest form of alert empx the virus formerly known as monkey pox is spreading quickly around the world following a summer outbreak in africa impx is not the new co well that's a relief the who says empx... Read more