🚨Media Cover-up Exposed! Trump's Ohio Claims Validated as Crisis Deepens in Springfield!

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:20:35 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: springfield ohio news
buckle up America because what's happening in Springfield Ohio is nothing short of an invasion a quiet Midwestern Town population 60,000 suddenly flooded with 15,000 Haitian migrants the mainstream media tried to fact track this story out of existence but reality has a way of breaking through we're talking about a crisis so severe that Governor Mike dwine had to send in state troopers and millions in emergency funding but that's just a tip of the iceberg this story is coming out of Springfield make your hair stand on end and while we're talking about hair raising situations let me tell you about something that is giving drivers Across America Peace of Mind recent reports show that drivers with dash cams are 60% less likely to be found at fault in traffic accident that's right 60% so having a guardian angel on your dashboard this easy to install device doesn't just record collisions it's your 24/7 Road security system with 4K Ultra HD night vision motion detection it's a must have for anyone who values their safety and the wallet visit carvision x.com now for free express shipping and exclusive bonuses don't wait until it's too late protect yourself today so let's get into this now just a couple hours ago Tim Walls uh went in in front of an audience and it was in Michigan and the audience literally started cheering chanting we're not eating cats and the you tell me you had this on your bingo card and they're eating cats and they're eating [Applause] [Music] [Applause] cats we're not eating cats Springfield officials providing an update now there was a bomb threat at multiple facilities Thursday morning listen to this I want to thank all of you for being here today and I want to thank you for your patience uh I'd like to iterate that today will not be taking any questions um everyone that you see back here standing with me today played a vital role in our response City of Springfield officials were alerted to a bomb threat by email message this morning at 8:24 a.m. the email was sent to multiple agencies and media Outlets this public safety threat prompted an immediate response from local and Regional law enforcement and our Public Safety Partners we take all threats to Public Safety seriously and our primary concern was the safety and well-being of all community members due to the serious nature of this Threat all of the occupied buildings were evacuated and authorities investigated and cleared all facilities listed in the threat with the assistance of explosive detected detecting canines so Springfield officials receiving bomb threats they were closed City Hall evacuated here's more from the local news she joins us live now from Springfield with the very latest on this terara Yolanda we're here outside of Springfield City Hall it's still shut down for the day along with several other other buildings in the city now we just heard from police about an hour ago we weren't able to ask any questions but here is what we know so far they say that a bomb threat was sent via email this morning to several different organizations that led to immediate police response from several law enforcement agencies Springfield police chief Allison Elliot says the FBI is now helping investigate now some of the locations that received that threat was Springfield City Hall the BMV an Ohio license bureau and a couple schools Springfield is a very small tight-knit community the people we spoke to told us it's not common for a bomb threat to occur most people were shocked to hear what happened James Stewart has lived in Springfield for most of his life and he believes the recent political rhetoric has contributed to the threat today Springfield was a nice quiet community very open very first amendment um type of a community where people can get out and do freedom of speech and I don't understand why there would be a bomb threat I mean what's going on with this country it's not working to bomb our own City Hall it it none of this makes any sense to me so of course they're already blaming Trump for that bomb threat um here we go listen to this this is at the White House today Ohio during the debate Trump spread false claims and lies about immigrants eating pets in Springfield Ohio the city manager disputed those false claims and today City Hall was evacuated after a bomb threat was sent to City agencies and media Outlets does President Biden believe Trump's words and rhetoric contributed to those threats today so look I I want to be super mindful uh we're aware of the listen to that question reports of a bombing threat as you just stated in uh Springfield Ohio uh City Hall uh local police obviously is investigating the situation and we encourage everyone to to follow the public safety guidance I don't want to speculate from here uh the source of the bomb threat uh but I do want to take a step back I think it's important that all of us take a step back here uh and just lean on the facts here the Springfield Ohio police department has debunked this very bizarre and very hateful smear that's out there uh it is what is happening here is an attempt to tear apart communities and disrespect let's not forget also disrespecting law enforcement and that is the opposite of what our country deserves uh it is undignified and an insult to all all of us as Americans not just one Community but to all of us as Americans and it is spreading filth that makes the lives of the communities that are being smeared here it puts their lives in danger it puts their lives in danger but what are the people really saying on the ground there what are they actually saying I mean here we got uh Al Sharpton oh goodness is frightening to us I'm I'm here in Washington today at our Nash Network office in yesterday was in the New York office meeting with Haitian leaders by Zoom uh that there's genuine concern about where this could go in including some violence when you're telling people from a former president United States given credibility to this outright lie this hallucination that there are Haitian immigrants let's let's not forget here they're not just saying immigrants they're being specific Haitian immigrants that are eating your animals your pets your cats your dogs you're setting uh up for somebody to do something that is horrific at worst and it and he continues he goes on and on and on and of course there was this wonderful meme someone made this eat the C eating the dogs eating the cats eat the cat the cat eating the dogs they're eating the cats eat the cat eat the cat eating the cats yeah the internet is a wonderful place isn't it let me get into this point here's one person listen to this you're not going to hear this on MSNBC or from the uh the White House Podium don't joke it's not funny I really do not feel [ __ ] safe here bro like everyone on Tik Tok on Facebook making these jokes thinking everything's [ __ ] funny like imagine you being homeless for a whole [ __ ] year for no [ __ ] reason like what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is not fun this [ __ ] is not cool bro they really out here decapitating animals and Y are making jokes out of it imagine if you went outside and you saw your [ __ ] you saw your dog's head decapitated on the [ __ ] ground like are you why why are you thinking this [ __ ] a joke it's not a joke I don't feel comfortable walking anywhere like what the [ __ ] I should be able to feel safe in my own City everybody's [ __ ] homeless out here a [ __ ] but [ __ ] scary ass haian just lurking and creeping and [ __ ] y'all thinking this shit's [ __ ] funny like he making this [ __ ] up it's not made up bro this [ __ ] is real life this [ __ ] is really affecting me like what the [ __ ] wow okay so I mean you can see the passion there and the fear that that young woman has and then she just posted out to Tik Tok that's just one person here we go David Harris Jr they fact check Donald Trump for this during the debate I wish the media would just do its job police audio report confirm Haitian goose hunting in Ohio listen to this my orientation Clark County communications um yes ma'am I got a question this is a nonemergency line correct yes it is okay um I'm sitting here I'm riding on the trail going to my orientation for my job today and I see a group of patient people there was about four of them they all had geese in their hand they got away I couldn't make out the first three of the license plate but I got the numbers the last numbers was 98 98 and it was a gray Toyota Tacoma they took off on there was about four of them there was two men two women I couldn't tell the age cuz I'm in a I'm in a hurry going to this orientation so I don't late what what direction did they go uh they went up uh towards uh towards the middle of down toward downtown okay and what what path are you on right now hold on just a second I'm coming to the intersection of give me a second here it says water and Water Street water and water is that the area you saw them yes it was about two minutes back behind me I was trying to get my phone out and trying to make it to this orientation on time I'm time crunching here and I saw that I'm like yeah this has got to be reported so how how many geese did they have uh they each had one now the Toyota Tacoma did look like a newer model and what's your name sir my name [Laughter] is I'm sorry what's your last name again your phone number is that okay we will put this out to our cars and see if we can't find them thank you so much for calling in you're welcome man if I happen to see him again I'll try to give you a call back and get up Li for you there you go there's a police call walking off with geese in their hands it's not just in Springfield um low-income town of 4,000 The Immigrant population increased by 2,000% over the past two years it's almost all Haitians the Wier Circle in Chicago always one for making jokes tells us we can dogs there here is um Major Garrett talking to Governor dwine today yes it's a while ago you and I have known each other a long time uh you may not remember it but I do I covered your first campaign for the United States Senate back in 1992 and Governor I never thought yes it's a while ago I never thought I would ask you a question like this is anyone with undocumented status in Ohio is any legally citizen citizen resident of Ohio eating dogs or cats illegally well major this is something that uh came up on the internet and the internet can be quite crazy sometimes uh and look the mayor mayor Rue uh of Springfield says no there's no truth in that they have no evidence of that at all uh so I think we go with what the mayor says he knows he City and there is a case in Dayton of of a woman with mental health issues being alleged to have eaten a neighbor's cat but she lived in Ohio not an immigrant and my reason of bringing this up not only because the former president did it but you have an IM immigration situation in Springfield it's a serious one it's an interesting one population about 58,000 about 15 to 20,000 Haitians under temporary protected status status in Springfield a good number of them as I understand Governor have gone through the application process to get get temporary work permits are working and in some cases relieving kind of a labor shortage there but there have been other issues Health some safety issues that you've tried to bring attention to would you not prefer Governor a more coherent conversation about immigration and Springfield Ohio than was heard last night on the debate stage oh wow well major I think there's a couple things to be said about what's been going on in Springfield and you pointed out the numbers you know when you put 15,000 people on top in a in a period of a couple years on top of a population of 58,000 that's not just the normal you know increase that we expect to see in regard to immigration this is a massive number of people coming in and I think it raises a couple questions for us uh in in Ohio uh we're seeing a couple major challenges to go with this and and you're right these Haitians came in here to work because there were jobs and they have filled a lot of jobs uh and if you talk to the employers they've done a very very good job and they work very very hard but it raises a couple questions one is a health issue uh as you know Haiti is not a country that has very good health care and since the assassination of the president several years ago the doctors who were there many of them most of them have already left so you've got people coming in from a country that don't really have good health care and so it raises issues about getting them vaccinated getting their children vaccinated so it's put a real pressure on primary care and so what we announced yesterday was uh you know we're going to try to take some federal dollars if they're eligible if they're not we're going to have to spend it ourselves and put about $2 and half million dollars in uh you know to assist the local community to expand that Primary Health Care the other problem is driving uh again Haiti is not a country that uh many people don't drive at all there aren't that many cars per capita um and people who do drive you know the laws Hai are very very different than they are in in the United States my wife friend and I've been in Haiti a number of times and the driving just very very different so uh the challenge is to get training drivers training for these individuals uh so that when they do go on the road um you know they they will be they will be safe and uh they won't be flipping cars right of course that is what uh we're hearing from people on the ground there that's exactly what's happening and of course Dana Bash weighs in people of color are eating your pets that's that's racism coming up Americans way there you go of course that's exactly what it is and uh in case you missed this here's Eric swalwell melting down over the memes and what in the hell is this the chairman tweets protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio because he goes some down go goes down some crazy Rabbit Hole completely debunked that aliens are eating pets my God are you okay Mr chairman because last year for a very long time you tweeted and promoted Kanye West as he was calling for genocide against the Jews and you kept it up and now when we have victims coming here you're tweeting this nonsense I I don't know why you would do this I hope you're okay I don't know if the the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now but Mr chairman this is a serious issue these people have loved ones who have been lost wow Eric swell does not know how to uh digest a meme and as I brought up yesterday yeah Springfield Ohio is now called little hay here is um okay we just played that clip for you guys here's something interesting from Drew Hernandez he posted this uh two days ago he says he's been to Haiti on mission trips he' been to some of the hardest Villages and communities in the nation where thousands of people share a tiny well of water for a month he says I'll never forget my first night when the clock shook midnight out of nowhere you hear an uprising of thousands of people the the entire city all around you chanting and screaming led by about four or five Witch Doctors throughout the city from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. they sacrifice animals and they also eat them to survive he could hear cats dogs pigs you name it all screaming being slaughtered throughout the night so to hear reports of Haitians doing this kind of stuff in Ohio is absolutely no surprise to me that's Drew Hernandez posting that just two days ago when all this started breaking and the City of Springfield Ohio informed the US government they could not meet the demands of the Haitians who have overrun their City instead of contacting this is really curious instead of contacting their own Senator JD Vance they contacted a senator from another state why would they do that absolutely bizarre Ohio Governor Mike dwine sending 2.5 million in state troopers to Springfield after illegal migrants take over but wait I thought the media said the town's migrant crisis was fake news let's [Music] take here are some of the uh car accidents that are being presented all over social media because as you heard the governor say they don't know how to drive in Haiti and apparently they don't know how to drive in Springfield Ohio either now the state Troopers are being called in millions of dollars are being redirected here's listen to this guy bun of cats uh we've lost a whole bunch of cats uh there was a van load of van pulled over that had over 100 cats in it with the Haans they said they was eating them actually yeah not fake news not fake news so a van was collecting cats and eating them I watched that happen yeah watched them get pulled over with the cats and admit to the police that they was eating them you're not joshing with me no I'm almost 50 years old buddy I don't no you don't mess with so what do you guys think huh so what's happening in Springfield isn't just a local issue it's a glimpse into America's future if we don't act now the Biden Administration has opened the floodgates and small town America is drowning but here's the real kicker while the media was busy factchecking Trump during his debate comments they missed the real story citizens are rising up they're demanding action and exposing the truth it's not just about Springfield anymore it's about every town in America the question is are we going to let happen to us

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