🚨BREAKING: Trump's Win Seen Before Debate Starts! Time Machine Leaks Tomorrow's Outcome!

Published: Sep 09, 2024 Duration: 00:22:39 Category: Entertainment

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ladies and gentlemen buckle up because we've got a political bombshell for you thanks to a little time Travel Magic we've seen tomorrow's debate and let me tell you it's a doozy Donald Trump the man that they've tried to silence to prosecute to keep off the ballot steps onto that stage and does what he does best he speaks the truth and Camala Harris well let's just say she wasn't ready for the Trump tornado we've got the highlights we've got the zingers and the moments that left the mainstream media speechless now let's talk about something that TI is directly into this debate I'm talking about the state of our economy our national debt is skyrocketed past 35 trillion that is not just a number it's a ticking Time Bomb meanwhile gold is sred past $2,400 an ounce smart money is fleeing paper fleeing paper promises for real constitutional money gold and silver if you've got funds sitting in a low interest account or a 401k you need to call Global gold Investments they're offering their 2024 protect your wealth and retirement guide absolutely free call 888741 48 mention next news and get complimentary portfolio analysis don't wait call 8887 4148 or visit Ira gold proof.com remember if you don't have gold you don't have wealth now what happened yes so if you don't know last week I went to a film Premiere at Trump Tower Chicago I was one of the featured speakers alongside George Papadopoulos and of course General Flynn now George papadopoulos's wife Simona she was there she was one of the featured interviewers in that film is about Hunter Biden's laptop you need to see this go to my exfeed and get all the details but since George was in town I decided to go on a journey with him I wanted to go into the future and I wanted to find out what happened with the debate and we actually recorded the moment so let's bring that up because we have it here I want to show it to you yes our little sneak peek at that [Music] moment oh man wow scary wa that was wild dude did you see that debate Trump killed it wow man I mean we knew that was going to happen though right Gary that's what that's the benefit of going into the future coming back you know exactly what's going to happen Gary was a massacre it was an absolute Massacre he wiped her he wiped the floor with Cala it's over Done Deal game set match that I mean I thought the I thought the Biden debate was bad I mean Cala dude I mean the cackling she she couldn't even figure out like how to finish the sentences and we trumed him he couldn't man it was just crazy we didn't even have to go into the future to to predict what we just saw oh we knew it was going to happen we just saw it we knew it we saw it we we're here to tell you exactly how it ends this is over Trump 2024 oh man George George Papadopoulos right here in the time machine we just got back from the debate Gary franie here I mean holy cow this was this was amazing oh my God Gary Gary this is it this is it this is this is the benefit of time travel I'm telling you this is it not many people could do it we did the future looks bright doesn't it the future looks extremely bright I'm very happy extremely happy Trump 2024 don't worry about anything be strong America we got this we got this we got this my friends we definitely got this and it wasn't just uh George and myself going in time we actually uh Simona and Angie also did let's take a look at [Music] that wow oh my God millions of people have senior film Simona I can believe it this is it it is finally here and we've made it back and the world knows the truth because you Simona oh no because you traveled us to the Future and I finally saw it I'll travel with you any day anytime any year let's go taking another a trip let's go yeah yes so we had some fun with George and Simona but let's get into the actual uh topics of this uh broadcast a little fun there you always got to have fun in this crazy clown world that we live in now breit part news headline report ABC campaign coverage has been 100% positive for Harris 93% negative for Donald Trump and the question they're asking is how much is Disney own ABC going to put their thumb on the scale for Cala Harris tomorrow night and that's their estimate 100% positive for Harris now Western lensman points out that the DNC chief disinformation officer Dan Goldman he has been dispatched ahead of the debate to lie and to Jin up racial Discord of course that's what they do best Dan explains that the Trump border plan is ready for this based on not wanting people who are white coming into the country and he explains that the Cala border plan is all about allowing only those who are qualified and proper to come in in an orderly fashion sure let's hear what he had to say simple we need to have an orderly process that can make sure that we are welcoming people into this country as we are a country of immigrants but we're making sure that only those who are qualified and proper to come in do so in orderly fashion that is what the Biden Harris policy is the Trump policy is to deport everybody whether they have a green card or not and just to eliminate all uh immigration essentially because they do not want people who are not white to come into this country it's plain and simple and so I look forward to the vice president and the former president answering those questions on Tuesday I would love to see the blackmail sheet on this guy because the amount of lies that he has been spewing for so long is just ridiculous one need a bradrick weighing in I detest this man Dan may be the sleaziest most detestable DNC operative out there but he does have some stiff competition Mike Engelman he's a psychopath Who belongs in prison Dan gets the DNC dirty jobs that require a bottom Barrel level of sleev in sociopathy what else do we have here from this uh Donald Trump addressing Cala Harris's entrance into the 2024 presidential race and how he plans to address this this was on a Dr Phil when he just recently interviewed I won election against Biden I was up by 17 or 18 points after the debate and they said you know what he's going to lose they went and told him he's going to lose and we're going to change you out and he said no I'm not going to do it in fact he said only God will change me but uh so who knows what happened there but he said I'm not leaving you he got 14 million votes and Kamala got none zero she ran against him she got zero she never made it to Iowa which is the first state and here she is she's on the other side but you know it's like nobody ever had this before you have an opponent in in politics you have an opponent and you win or you lose but you don't have an opponent and then you're doing well against the opponent they take him out they give you a new opponent they give you a nice fresh opponent and so I have to win that and if I win that that would really serve to say that it there's some incredible power up there that wanted me to be involved in Saving and maybe it's more than saving the nation maybe it's saving the world maybe maybe well we all know that um after that assassination attempt that was clearly the hand of God on President Trump uh chrisye Nome is going to be in attendance at the debate um Jean modified cat says there's 99% chance that a moderator will try to fact check Trump during the debate 100% chance that no moderator will fact check Harris and Rachel Scott of ABC News gives us a sneak peek inside the debate stage and explains how things will go for the debate let's listen the commercial constition center we are just hours away from the very first debate between vice president K La Harris and former president Donald Trump when these two candidates enter this room it will be their very first time coming face to face and they'll be standing just six feet apart this room is quite intimate there will be no studio audience to cheer them on no campaign staff allowed in this room and that's really unfortunate because when you have a studio audience it really adds to the energy and we all know that Donald Trump feeds off of audience reaction and U but this the whole thing's rigged will not be allowed to talk to campaign staff during the commercial breaks either no pre-written debate notes are allowed on the stage but there will be a pen and pad on each of their podiums will Camala have an earpiece in her ear with Barack Obama Whispering sweet nothings the former president won the coin toss and so he chose to have the final word in this debate vice president kamla Harris choosing the podium on the right side of the debate stage there m microphones will only be turned on when it is their turn to speak each candidate will have 2 minutes to answer each question 2 minutes for a rebuttal and just 60 seconds for any follow-up questions and they will be paying close attention to this monitor right here the color will change as the time winds down turning yellow when there's just 15 seconds left and turning red when their time is up and of course our moderators our very own David Mir and Lindsey Davis well they'll be sitting right here moderating what is the first and very likely only presidential debate before November and that's because Camala Harris uh refused to go on the Fox News debate anywhere anytime say it to my face Camala uh refusing to uh go on with Trump on Fox I wonder why I'm sure she's terrified Philadelphia gears up for a Harris Trump debate with protest expected apparently uh n Wes had a really interesting uh tweet or post today on X uh and these are the suggested debate rebuttal for Trump when Harris says that she'll be tough on the border Trump simply has to respond 20 million invad this country under your watch as borders are if you believe The Border's bad now wait until Cala fulfills her pledge to give free health care to illegals Harris I will lower prices you've had almost four years to lower prices yet here we are why not use it now the fact is your policies have led to inflation not relief you're a convicted felon you know that's going to come up you know that's going to be a Zinger she's going to try to throw in and he's going to say now these are speculations my legal battles are a badge of of my fight against a corrupt establishment if I had sold out like many in Washington I wouldn't be facing these charges this isn't just is its political retribution let's talk about project 2025 of course that is one of the big buzzwords I remember uh driving into Chicago recently uh when I was heading to the uh event uh with with General Flynn and George Papadopoulos launching that a Christian Orthodox Coalition and there were Billboards all over the city about you know stopping president Trump in Project 2025 this big Boogeyman project 2025 is a diversion let's talk about the real project that's failed America project 2021 otherwise known as your administration's track record I've publicly distanced myself from Project 2025 and your focus on it only shows you're out of touch with what Americans really care about Harris a woman has a right to choose I believe in democracy well I should say I believe in Republic where States decide on issues like abortion reflecting the will of their people but let's not forget you've advocated for mandates that took away individual Choice like with the covid vaccine what about January 6 you supported and bailed out the riers in Minneapolis you encouraged them telling them not to stop two billion worth of property damage and dozens killed a great projection for uh some of the questions and reactions we can possibly expect tomorrow but you remember this this was a beautiful moment uh Mr Trump one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politician's filter however that is not without its downsides in particular when it comes to women you've called women you don't like fat pigs dogs slobs and disgusting animals your Twitter account only rosie odonnell no it wasn't oh man that was a solid gold moment now here's what's interesting VC ramaswami has made it a point to say if Trump Tres Cala at the debate get ready for some very strange things to happen before November they've already sued him prosecuted him tried to kick him off the ballot and swapped out his opponent all of it could just be a preview of what's to come let's listen in to what he had to say one thing I want to caution against Sean is exactly what happened in June what I expect is that Donald Trump will once again run circles around Kam Harris just as he did with Joe Biden in that last debate the question is is that going to be good for us in winning this election or not because last time around it was the Catalyst for something drastic happening afterwards which was in that case swapping out Joe Biden as the nominee and I think if KL Harris really does tank in this debate and I think there's a decent chance that happens I think there are strange things that could happen between now and November because the Democrats they have been playing this as in some ways one step you you you're suggesting that we may live through another changing candidat if she didn't have a good debate no I don't think it's going to be a change in the candidates the ballots have already been printed I but I do think that we have a machine that we're up against that has demonstrated that it is going to go to Great measures to defeat Donald Trump you traced this back over the last year and a half you've got prosecutions you've got civil cases you've got extrajudicial attempts to remove him from the ballot they told us Joe Biden was definitively going to be the nominee then negotiated for the earliest ever presidential debate in US history because they knew there was a good chance Biden would underperform once he did they swapped him out I think we've got to learn from those lessons Sean to say that they're still going to have many more tricks up their sleeve so the two scenarios are either KL Harris overperforms I don't expect that to happen or what I do expect to happen is Donald Trump to seriously defeat her in this debate as he did last time around but don't expect that to be the end of this election I think there's going to be more tricks left up there SL and one of those tricks as VCA has stated before Mr Reagan and others have stated um is that they is that Biden will step down he will resign his his presidency and hand it over to cala Harris that's one of the ideas and now there'll be a new honeymoon period Kamala is the new president walls is vice now she's an incumbent and everyone's excited the first woman president never even receiving a single vote right certainly possible that could all happen uh RFK Jr exposed Harris with this ad this came out on September 1st Trump will crush her in the debate this is a mustat and share let's watch this jail for marijuana now Senator Harris says she's proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she'll be a prosecutor president but I'm deeply concerned about this record there are too many examples to site but she put over 1500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana and and I inhale I did I did inhale she blocked evidence she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from Death Row until the courts forced her to do so she kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the State of California and she fought to keep cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way and the people who suffered under your reign as prosecutor o you owe them an [Applause] apology brutal ad brutal ad from RFK just a few days ago uh what's also interesting is that we've got president Trump yes he did win the coin toss for the for the debate he will have the final word Trump has Cal is so nervous that she apparently ready for this watched all six of his debates studied all of his insults and even called Hillary Clinton for advice let's listen to what CNN had to say about this as well as she has closely studied the former president's past six debate performances she's also been sort of entrenched in these briefing papers going over the former president's past comments as well as the ways that he has insulted her so she can be prepared to respond to that she's engaged in these mock debates with a standin for the former president and she's had conversations with Hillary Clinton and President Biden who both extensively uh have knowledge of debating the former president she has yeah I'm sure that Joe Biden doesn't even remember the debate so uh cat turd actually put in a if you don't know who cat turd is he is a um a big X account who will win the debate tomorrow he did a poll he says 97% of the people 42,00 th000 votes and there's still 18 hours left 97% of the people said that uh Donald Trump would win and of course remember George Papadopoulos and myself we've already seen the results here's ABC debate moderator this this is Jack pesobic giving us a flashback this is the ABC debate moderator Lindsey Davis trying to link president Trump to the KKK you think they're going to be impartial uh in how do you know uh president former president Donald Trump is expected to go campaign in how Michigan tomorrow uh many people are aware that a month ago uh in how KKK protesters March in the streets with the the white robes on uh and and suggested that they support um Donald Trump I'm curious if if you make anything about that connection and him going in particular to Howell tomorrow do you know yes sure trying to paint him any way that they can uh the ghost of Joe Biden is haunting Camala Harris the night before her first debate Jesse Waters had a great segment let's play a little bit it's the last night of debate camp for kamla and the camp counselors are leaking I'm picking up quite a lot of nervousness by the way on the state of the race I don't know what you're hearing Anthony but I'm getting Democrats kind of texting me I had a long call yesterday with a strategist and I can fill you in on that a bit more but I'm hearing quite a lot of uh nervousness from some Democrats good debate Camp must not be going well because now now they're setting expectations really low she's never been in a presidential debate for she's been in a vice presidential debate but never a presidential debate um so I do think she is going to probably be a little bit more nervous uh I think she has more writing on it whatever happened to Mrs say it to my face she's been at debate camp for a week rehearsing zingers and watching old game tape she has closely studied the former president yeah we just played that clip so this is all that's happening here and of course as you know we already saw the [Music] future oh man wow whoa that was wild dude did you see that debate Trump killed it wow man I mean we need that was going to happen though right Gary that's what that's the benefit of going into the future coming back you know exactly what's going to happen Gary was a massacre it was absolute Massacre he wiped her he wiped the floor with Camala it's over Done Deal game set match deal I mean I thought the I thought the Biden debate was bad I mean Camala dude I mean the cackling she she couldn't even figure out like how to finish the sentences I mean trumed him he couldn't man it was just crazy we didn't even have to go into the future to predict what we just oh we knew it was going to happen we just saw it we knew it we saw it we we're here to tell you exactly how it ends this is over Trump 2024 oh man George George Papadopoulos right here in the time machine we just got back from the debate Gary franie here I mean holy cow this was this was amazing oh my God Gary Gary this is it this is it this is this is the benefit of time travel I'm telling you this is it not many people could do it we did it the future looks bright doesn't it the future look looks extremely bright I'm very happy extremely happy Trump 2024 don't worry about anything be strong America we got this we got this we got this the future looks bright so there you have it folks our little peek into the future shows us why Trump is still the dominant force in American politics he doesn't just win a debate he lays out a vision for America that resonates with millions in Camala Harris well she shows us exactly where the Democrats are in panic mode the debate is not just a political event it's a glimpse into America's future let me tell you based on what we've seen that future is looking bright for those who believe in Freedom and prosperity

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