🚨ABC's Debate Exposed! Trump Crushes Kamala as Whistleblower Threatens to Reveal All!

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:34:02 Category: Entertainment

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ladies and gentlemen what we witnessed on Tuesday night was not a debate it was a three-on-one cage match with the mainstream media tag teaming with Cala Harris against Donald Trump but here's the kicker Trump not only held his own he dominated despite ABC's best efforts to stack the deck the American people saw through the charade we're talking biased questions selective factchecking and moderators who seem more interested in debating Trump than moderating it was a master class in media manipulation and of course it back fired spectacularly and speaking of manipulation let's talk about something that has been manipulated beyond recognition I'm talking about our economy our national debt skyrocketed past 35 trillion we're borrowing just to pay interest digging ourselves deeper into a hole that seems bottomless meanwhile gold has surg past $2,400 an ounce folks smart money is fleeing paper promises for something tangible if you've got funds sitting in a low interest bank account or a 401k it's time to call Global gold Investments they're off offering their new 2024 protect your wealth and retirement guide absolutely free call that number that you see on the screen 8887 4148 mentioned next news for VIP treatment remember if you don't have gold you don't have wealth okay so a lot to digest I'm not sure where to begin because we've got I've got so much bookmarked from yesterday and of course today I guess um we could just start with the do Phil bit uh it's about 2 minutes this came in uh just a few hours ago let's listen to what Dr Phil had to say bias by the moderators today in y'all's opinion let's just look at body language look at the facial expressions of people when they're looking at Trump there was clearly a bias against Trump in in their faces let's take my other opinion this is all my opinion there's a little bit of a thumb on the scale when you ask one person two questions in a row as the primary question and it's a softball question that feels like bias to me I would challenge them to tell me why that's not biased for in his situation MH at the same time we're seeing the uh commentators they would be uh speaking at the same time president Trump was so as he's trying to finish his answer they would keep they would not only answer they would keep talking as well and you can tell and I believe if I'm correct here the volume of his microphone might have been a little bit hotter than everybody else's that's why he sounded so loud he was speaking loudly but I think you'll you'll hear this when you listen back and forth this is my opinion well let me remind everybody that Scott's nominated music producer so knows a little bit about sound so I pay attention to that stuff a little bit so he sound a little bit louder to me so that whether that was um on purpose to make him sound more aggressive I don't know but he was pretty loud in there um here were the here were the questions uh until I had to walk over here when it comes to the economy do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago do you believe Americans can afford uh higher prices because of tariffs to Trump why should women trust you on the issue of abortion to her why did the Biden Administration wait until 6 months before the election to take action on immigration to Trump how would you Deport 11 million undocumented immigrants to Harris Why have so many of your policy positions changed fracking assault rifles the border to Trump is there anything you regret about what you did on January 6th um do you acknowledge that that question was so loaded what you did on January 6th assuming he did something you lost the 2020 election um and in each of these questions to Trump there were fact check follow-up questions and I didn't hear that to Harris nor did I and there's a way you ask a question I interrogated people for a long time and when you're doing that you want to look at how do I ask the question why didn't you say why have you not done anything about the Border as opposed to Trump didn't you there's a more negative tone often towards Trump I don't look at the end of the day this is about finding out what they think and giving everybody a chance to understand it and I thought it was a little heavy-handed at times just my op it certainly was it certainly was of course uh you know we did the watch party and uh my personal opinion at the watch party it was a little hard to focus on what was going on in the debate as you guys were watching you know there was a lot of background noise we had to adjust the volume so I I do apologize for that uh so it did kind of distract from my focus in being able to uh really just take it all in uh my initial thoughts were this is what's interesting my initial thoughts were with all the distractions around me was that you know Trump had uh somewhat rambled uh and some of the questions and went into um the default talking points and repeated himself a couple times and I'm not sure why he did that but on my way home from the watch party I had about an hour drive and I listened to the debate again on the radio and it was a completely different experience when you're when you're listening to something as opposed to actually watching something and and you can focus 100% on the the words that are being spoken completely different perspective very much like the uh the the JFK debate against Richard Nixon you know if you recall that I mean we did a class on that in in television School many years ago and it was it was a master class in the visual versus the uh the audible debate format anyone who watched that debate on television said JFK 1 anyone who listened to it said that Nixon won very very strange so when I when I listen to it on the way home I'm like damn Trump is nailing these points so let's continue um Talk of it of a future debate is actually in the works but now Donald Trump shutting down any future debates releasing a hit scathing hit on Cala but here's what's interesting uh this just came out ABC whistleblower allegedly were released an affidavit claiming the Harris campaign was given sample questions that were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate as well as assurances that Trump would be fact checked and she would not now this came out just 5 hours ago and we are awaiting this affidavit to be presented now this is an allegation I want to make sure that's clear so we are anxiously awaiting to see what that affidavit actually States and who is behind it so a whistleblower is about to come forward and that's of course everyone was questioning whether or not she received the questions in advance this is a standard practice if you recall Donna Brazil gave the questions to Hillary Clinton years ago later admitted to doing so and apologized for it so this is standard practice uh Kyle Becker five hours following the ABC News debate Scandal Trump says there will be no third debate oh here's an interesting video that I I pulled for you guys today footage has released this is great showing President Biden and Cala Harris being met with silence when they enter a room full of firefighters this is 7 hours ago Donald Trump walked in behind him and was met to a standing ovation watch [Music] this there they are walking in no reaction zero reaction there he is [Applause] woo the people love president Trump and they are tired of the lies and deception from the Harris [Laughter] campaign we got more here now this is interesting Anne vandersteel says that there are reports from inside the Harris Camp says she is growing increasingly angry with her staff because she got no boost in the polls from the convention no Boost from her sitdown interview and no Boost from the debate she says even the dumbest Americans can't be tricked into voting for her that is what winning feels like and that's why we need to make sure we are registered to vote that's why we need to get out and vote and tell everyone to vote now following the debate uh Cala she ran she ran from the Press but but Donald Trump decided to just walk right into the spin room answer questions and during the debate with even 94% negative Co coverage this is what Trump had to say talk about that did you have fun I had a good time I think it was our best debate ever I thought it was really good we had three against one but I anticipated talk about that three against one and all of her radical positions they leave on the table yeah now we had a lot of uh a lot of negative kind of stuff look I saw on your show last night they had 100% positive coverage on ABC and I had 94% negative coverage 93 93% negative I exaggerated you got an extra percent non negative that's what they do that's what they do what else have we got here some more Fallout lot the memes are strong after this debate here's one of them clearly Donald Trump against three the best debate I ever had getting calls showing 92 to 681 great numbers let's let's listen person we're getting calls that show 9 Mr speak louder 88 to 11 we're having a lot of great calls phone calls and lots of other BS but you see the balls a very important debate now she wants to do another one cuz she got beaten tonight but I don't know why would you look at her the polls are indicating that we got 90% 60% 72% 71% and 89% where are you getting these numbers from where are you getting these numbers from they're fact checking him there God I can't stand the Press beyond the PO I felt very good I had a good time doing it I hate to speak about our country so negatively but that's what happened they've ruined our country they've destroyed our country so I hope you're all having a good time very interesting so much to get into can't wait for that whistleblower to come forward uh let's see here Mr Reagan weighed in conservatives want to see Trump obliterate obliterate Cala Trump was 85% tonight I I have to agree with him I don't think Trump was at his Peak I think that the fact that that they swapped out Biden for Kamala and with all of the ingrained rhetoric and and talk of this all this time for Biden it's it's you have to transition you have to retrain your brain for a new new opponent and I think that this is that this swap out was very difficult to adapt to and also I think there was there was some concern that he would come off as some kind of misogynist or some kind of you know woman hater or something like that I was concerned that that that they would play that card on him so I think he was really trying to to hold back on his direct attacks on her um Mr Reagan says Cala was 100% but Cala is 100% is like Trump's 20% but she's being graded on a curve by both sides uh one day ago Fox News has proposed a second debate between Trump and Cala to be held in October moderated by Brett Barett and Martha mcallum uh but Donald Trump does not want them to moderate the debate he actually came out and said he did not want them to and well here listen your best ever Mr President uh I know uh when we started the interview you said that you felt that you won the debate last night uh your best ever um I think before the debate happened last night the KLA Harris people said that they would actually like to do another debate in October and I know that uh last night Fox News uh offered sent letters to your campaign and her campaign offering three dates of uh debates moderated by Martha and Brett uh one is October 9th in Arizona well I wouldn't want to have and Brett i' I'd love to have somebody else other than Marthur and Brett I'd love to have frankly sha or Jesse or Laura uh you know somebody else let's give let's give other people a shot but I didn't think Marthur and Brett were good last night I Jesse was Jesse was fantastic last night what he said Jesse really got it Jesse said Trump won that debate that was we won that debate by a lot no I wouldn't want Martha involved wow totally throwing them under the bus that was wild to hear that uh Megan Kelly she was on fire obliterating the moderators at ABC saying they're full of exr and they're trying to steal an election let's listen to what Megan Kelly had to say I'm disgusted I'm disgusted I'm ashamed of those moderators at ABC news they did exactly what their bosses wanted them to do the person who runs ABC News is a close personal friend of kamla Harris that is responsible for kamla Harris and her husband meeting and they did Dana Walden's bidding tonight it was three against one on that debate stage this evening hi everyone I'm Megan Kelly special program tonight for you reacting to the debate it was three against one it's very easy to look like you know what you're doing when both moderators are entirely on your side Trump did the best he could under the circumstances but it really was like three fighters in the ring pummeling one opponent and Trump tried to take them all on he did fine he did his best as he could he was thrown a few times to the point where he was unnecessarily defensive and he was getting angry and so was I were you this was a mistake to trust ABC news with this debate the Republicans must learn from this mistake the same way the Democrats never never agree to do anything with moderators they don't entirely trust this should be the last time the Republicans ever do this because those two moderators try to sync Donald Trump tonight the numerous fact checks on what he said and none on what she said none I don't remember a single fact check of anything she said and she lied repeatedly she just got away with it in the moderator's eyes that was Donald Trump's job to fact check her that's correct except you didn't employ that same tactic when it came to Trump and you accused him of lying even when it was your opinion that he lied when Trump T tried to say that his comment that he lost 2020 by a whisker was him being sarcastic David Mir actually injected saying I didn't hear sarcasm who gives a what you heard who died and let left you political analyst in Chief you're supposed to be the objective news anchor of World News Tonight that's a comment you make to your significant other David not on the debate I it didn't sound like that to me shut up that is inappropriate it's not for you to make that call leave it up to kamla Harris leave it up to people like me who will play the sound bite and let the audience decide but you were at a line and they did it to him over and over and over again and the worst the worst piece of all of this is the obvious tactic by ABC News which was as follows Mr Trump you said something incredibly controversial and terrible let me remind you of what it was do you have any regrets or thoughts on how terrible you were Trump answers vice president Harris how bad is Trump and then she'd answer it happened over and over again that was the format Mr Trump Trump you're a piece of KLA Harris isn't he a thank you it it was incredible and then anything Trump said fact check fact check fact check and their fact checks were full of I'm I'm swearing even more than normal right now because I'm mad I'm angry I'm angry at them at ABC at my industry that I want nothing to do with and I i' I've never been happier to be outside and be able to say how I truly feel and yes even with some colorful words because that's what the situation calls for they're trying to steal this election they're openly working to sink him I don't I think it was so bad their their bias against him and toward her that it's going to backfire I actually think the American public is going to see through this and there's probably going to be some empathy for Trump I'm I hope so and you think about this she she was a moderator for a debate she went head-to-head with Trump I mean they've since made up but I mean her insights are invaluable with the situation and she s I saw that I could not stand I couldn't believe she brings up the very fine people Point Camala no fact check none at all Trump War room last night Camala refused to explain why she caused historic inflation crisis anded 20 million illegals to our country supports barbaric late term abortions what she did do is lie a lot fake news ABC moderators refused to fact check Kamala Hugh hwit weighing in on Fox Business nor did the vice president did not answer one question nor did ABC which is owned by Disney ask one question about China not one question I was thinking of their theme parks their merchandising I thinking about the NBI I'm talking about China not one question about Iran they did not bring up our hostage who was executed along with five others in Israel on the 107 I am so amazed with the unprofessionalism and the the deeply disrespectful of America as Katie mentioned performance by ABC I think by the weekend Trump may have won this it's a it's a it's a moving River of opinion that gathers Force certainly does oh boy well there's a lot to get to my friends we've got a lot here Gunther Eagleman 21 false claims and hoaxes by Camala Harris ABC debate debate moderators did not fact check here is the inflation rate under Trump and Biden you could see that picture right there there's more who believes I'll ask you you guys this drop a comment who believes ABC already gave Kamala Harris the questions Trump uh ABC lost its credibility last night oh here's this is interesting CNN's Jake tamper in a shocking moment of Journalism slams Kamal for dodging multiple debate questions let's hear how CNN covered this so vice president Harris began the debate by punting the first question on the economy do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago so I was raised as a middle class kid and I am in Canada actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America he when from there despite the economy being the number one issue facing the country the sitting vice president generally reverted to talking points about a few of her policy proposals even Harris allies today are saying that she needs to talk more about what she will do for Americans if elected Senator Bernie Sanders will be here in a second to talk about more about the need for her to fill in some of those Blanks on the border another vulnerable issue for Harris she also dodged would you have done any anything differently from President Biden on this so I'm the only person on this stage who has prosecuted transnational criminal organizations for the trafficking of guns drugs and human beings okay that wasn't the question when asked how she would break through the Israel Hamas War scalemate Harris said this we need a ceasefire deal and we need the hostages out and so we will continue to work around the clock on that okay but again and how vice president Harris how exactly how will you do it um interesting that Tim Kaine he's now saying he's concerned about the state of the race there's the panic mode I'm very concerned and I tell people all the time you know somebody asked me in Chicago what'd you learn from 2016 and I said you can't win by a little you got to win by a lot yeah the debate summed up by Tim young ABC moderators to Trump you're horrible do you regret being horrible ABC moderators to Kamala what's your response to Trump being horrible let's see we've got real America's voice what's the media doing here listen what are they doing here what was the goal this is really the height of mainstream media bias against conservatives in my opinion yeah it was definitely a three-on-one like especially when you're going to take the premise of one of the candidates and be like oh and you called into the question number of different uh questions calling into questions to questions what are they doing here what was the goal this is really the height of mainstream media bias against conservatives in my opinion yeah it was definitely a three-on-one like especially when you're going to take the premise of one of the candidates and be like oh this is a this is a sales tax and we're going to specifically use this phrase and make it seem like you have a policy of a 20% sales ta when that's not what it is they can argue about it being added on later but it is not a sales tax and the whole thing is to take the Democrat talking point and make it the narrative and make that the issue in a debate and then broadcast it to millions of Americans as if that is the facts when it absolutely isn't all right so this went on over and over again I could play some some of these this is them on January 6 now as if we got to bring up January 6 I want to remind everybody they didn't really talk about defunding the police yesterday they didn't really talk about uh the Supreme Court packing ideas that kamla Harris has they didn't bring up any of these radical ideas that she has but they bring up January 6 and they spend lots of time on abortion for president two issues that probably the majority of Americans uh we lose on not to say that we're wrong on but the majority and the and the media knows this so here's the question on January 6th the country and the world saw what played out of the capital that day the officers coming under attack AIDS in the west wings say you watched it unfold on television off the Oval Office uh you did send out tweets but it was more than 2 hours before you sent out that video message uh telling your supporters to go home is there anything you regret about what you did on that day about what you did on that day you just said a thing that isn't covered peacefully and patriotically I said during my speech not later on so Nick let me ask you what's your issue with the way he asked that question it's the accusatory nature of what did you do wrong do do you regret anything especially when you had Trump during the debate point out that kamla Harris endorsed and wanted people to donate to that uh defense Fund in Min in minan Apolis to get uh criminals out of the street who were destroying the city committing crimes hurting people and she's sitting there going no I didn't and the the moderators did not fact check her at all that was one of the big things that she needed to be fact checked cuz she absolutely did that and the Tweet promoting the fund is still up on her Twitter account yeah it is it certainly is but of course Donald Trump's closing arguments were very strong I thought that uh the fact that he brought up he brought up the point of you're in office now you can go back to that glorious White House and you can and you can assemble your team and you can put into action all of the prom promises you're making today but why isn't she I'm glad he brought that up Elon Musk saying this is the most agreeing that this is the most egregious example of ABC debate mod is direct action or inaction to affect viewers perception it's Capital Nancy Pelosi was responsible she didn't do her job the question was about you as president not about former speaker Pelosi but I do want vice president car to respond here wow I was at the capital on January 6th I was the vice president elect I was also an acting Senator I was there and on that day the president of the United States incited a violent mob to attack our nation's capital to desecrate our nation's capital on that day 140 law enforcement officers were injured and some died and understand the former president has been indicted and impeached for exactly that reason but this is not an isolated situation let's remember Charlottesville here we go where there was a mob of people carrying tiki torches here we go spewing anti-semitic hate and what did the president then at the time say there were fine people on each side let's remember where's the fact fact check ABC where's the fact check even Snopes fact check this that when it came to the proud boys a militia the president said the former president said stand back and stand by so for everyone watching who remembers what January 6th was I say we don't have to go back let's not go back we're not going back it's time to turn the page and if that was a bridge too far for you well there is a place in our campaign for you to stand for country to stand for our democracy to stand for rule of law and to end the chaos and to end the approach that is about attacking the foundations of our democracy because you don't like the outcome and be clear on that point Donald Trump the candidate has said in this election there will be a bloodbath if this yeah uh he was talking about the Auto industry the outcome of this election is not to his liking let's turn the page on this let's not go back let's chart a course for the future and not go backwards to the Past n do you lies lies and more lies all day long from that debate it was a three-on-one against Trump and now here's here's another meme you can see it right there haha I win do you regret being horrible orange man bad that's the image they want to present to the American people now there was talk of course of a another debate and uh doesn't appear that's going to happen uh here's a this is going viral right now let me just say ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there had been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being harmed injured or abused by individuals within the Immigrant Community I've seen people on televis let me just say here this is people on television say my dog was taken and used for food so maybe he said that and maybe that's a good thing to say for a city manager I really challenge you guys to get out here and do something these Haitians are running into trash cans they're running into buildings they flipping cars in the middle of the street they're in the park grabbing up Ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and and eating them like and I don't know how like y'all can be comfortable with this like I don't know like ABC News did reach out to the city manager there uh he told us there have been no credible reports of specific claims of pets being yeah so the city manager is going to go ahead and cover their ass while the people are going into town halls and they're revealing the truth they're going on social media revealing the truth and of course they're going to mock Donald Trump all day long for this is to give a 50 my plan is to give a $50,000 tax deduction to start up small businesses we've got to increase the corporate tax rate state taxes are going to have to go up I believe in the Ambitions the aspirations the dreams of the American people I will snatch their patent so that we will take over the question is do you have the will to do it I have the will to do it the cost of housing is too expensive for far too many people biomics is working it's working it's a term we're very proud of I must tell you I'm going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump's rallies and I will tell you the one thing you will not hear him talk about is you it was hardworking Patriots like you who built this country and it's hardworking Patriots like you who are going to save our country I will not ban fracking I'm in favor of banning fracking there has to be legislation but yes and this is something I've taken on in California I have a of working on this issue when it came to the proud boys a militia the former president said stand back and stand by but you have to go home now we have to have peace these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again name a favored candidate it used to be Joe Biden support Miss Harris so that is what we are going to do what I do offer is a new generation of leadership for our country one who believes in what is possible one who brings a sense of optimism we all sing Happy Tunes and sing Merry Christmas and wish each other Merry Christmas how dare we speak Merry Christmas how dare we Tim Walls and I are both gun owners we're not taking anybody's guns away so stop with the continuous lying about this stuff we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program littling and name calling let's turn the page don't you find some of their stuff to just be plain weird [Music] so the debate may be over but the Fallout is just beginning Trump's refusal to participate in future debates is not a retreat it's a power move he's exposing the rod at the heart of our media institutions ABC's credibilities and tatters and the American people are waking up to the game The Establishment threw everything they had at Trump and he is still Standing Tall so this wasn't just a debate Victory it was a seismic shift in the political landscape so stay tuned folks because this is only the beginning

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