Weber State Wildcats VS Washington Huskies Watchalong Stream

e e e e e e e e all right everybody we should be live can everybody see me and can everybody hear me we look good on my end looks good over here all right so I'm watching the end of the Oregon game just wrapped up Idaho actually played a pretty good game so realistically um I guess that's a life lesson for any team that's play a cupcake week one you don't take it for granted I am also keeping an ey on the end of the Notre Dame versus Texas A&M game over here on the right so I am going to be spying on the end of that been watching most of that game it's been a pretty good game I don't know if either quarterback is uh doing much to win over the hearts and minds of uh prospective uh uh Seahawks fans but it's been a good game and it looks like Notre Dame might pull it out here at the end which very rare that I would root for Notre Dame to win a college football game but in this case I'm not against it because Notre Dame actually has some players I like this year okay got about 50 people in here right now welcome everybody the game will not start for a few more minutes here but I should be on top of it when it does I have been told that a lot of people cannot watch this game so I imagine we're going to pick up some people who are here just because they want play byplay that they cannot get through Xfinity all right looks like the coverage is cutting over yeah the Ducks did not play well today at all although the touchdown they gave up at the start of the game was a trick play they they couldn't finish drives they kept turning the ball over on Downs yes please like the stream seaha Ox OG thank you please if you're here please like the stream once the game starts I imagine people are going to be kind of distracted now I don't have super high expectations this year but it should be a team that is taking steps in the right direction to indicate that next year and the year after could be something special hopefully my scoreboard will update enough to at least let people see the score and possession but I don't know uh yeah Notre Dame oo oo o he maybe should have fallen down at the one but Notre Dame takes the touchdown lead yeah on my screen we have 63 people in here right now and we have eight likes so please hit the like button before the game gets started here which it looks like it's about to get started any minute now extra points good just give me enough to believe that Jed fish is the right guy even if we only win like five games this year as long as I come out of this feeling like Jed fish is the guy I'm going to be down with it [Music] yeah if you're in the Seattle area on Xfinity you cannot watch the game on TV um there's a contractual dispute and they're not putting the Husky games on Xfinity for Seattle area customers so you're going to have to find another another way the game is not started yet though for whatever it's worth so just because because you don't see it now doesn't necessarily mean you're not getting it uh okay Touchback over there for um Texas A&M yeah the players are coming out onto the field in a second here so probably you probably don't have the game but the game has not started yet man Connor Wegman's been terrible tonight uh he was supposed to be one of the rising quarterbacks in this class that's kind of a it's kind of a bummer I mean look at what cam Ward did earlier today he threw the worst interception any quarterback's going to throw all season and he still had a great game all right wigman time for Redemption man what the heck there's like nobody within 12 yards of that throw what are you doing Connor I was told you were good yeah Direct TV is getting it seox OG the only people affected are Xfinity customers to my knowledge oh boy oh my God either Texas A&M has a really bad offensive coordinator or Connor Wegman is bad I'm trying to figure out which one it is to be perfectly honest with you guys all right so the players are now onto the field announcers are priming the pump YouTube TV yeah that's another way to get it okay fourth down for Texas A&M by the way game on the line m I know concierge with Nolan I'm not um not loving that element of it either did any of the top teams lose this today doesn't look like it Notre Dame's the only one that might here and I think they're about to ice it all right let's get it fourth and two for A&M by the way and incomplete game over so earlier today I was talking with my parents and I said that I thought that A&M stood for Army and Military because I thought that's what A&M was it's like a military school um it is not um does anybody in chat know what A&M actually stands for because I was surprised by this I had never looked it up I just assumed it was like a moniker for like a military school because Texas A&M is a military school so does anyone in chat know what A&M actually stands for Dana Raymond welcome to basic membership thank you welcome aboard Dana Raymond looks like the popup worked by the way so the pop-ups are fixed thank you Dana Raymond yeah Agricultural and Mechanical I didn't know that Agricultural and Mechanical okay kickoff and the kick is away Weber State will be starting with a Touchback so Weber State gets the ball first by the way it is pronounced Weber not Weber Munos is the quarterback he is taking the field he was decent last year Weber State Richie Munos by the way I guess A&M can get the ball back here but they're probably going to be down two scores um yeah I think okay okay here we go here we go so incomplete pass on first down second and 10 snap going to be a running play going right he's got some room out there he's got right around the first I think he's going to be a yard short so that's going to set up third and one on the Weber State opening drive thank you Damon or thank you D Dana Raymond yeah I saw the Ricky peol thing I did see that they're down for Weber wild cats has got to be the most generic name for a high school or college sports team doesn't it isn't wild cats probably the most common High School sports team name snap going to be a handoff up the middle and he's right at the line I think he got it but it's very close yeah he is fine Corey garol is fine at least in terms of you know whether or not he's at risk of dying or anything anything like that already about 100 people in the Stream by the way guys thank you everybody for coming on out and yeah that is a first down for Weber State excuse me so snap going to be a bubble screen and he's going to get like four yards three or four yards second and six four wide three at the bottom and getting a new play call from the sideline snap hand off up the middle big penetration he gets bounced to the left but he does manage to act get up close to the first down marker second effort there paid off big form that's another first down for Weber by the way Notre Dame kicking a field goal here to ice it 46 y over on my left side even if he misses it hard to imagine anything happening there remember this is kind of like a preseason game and Notre Dame's kick is good and that's the game A&M loses snap hand off up the middle and maybe oh he did get the first but he only got like a yard not a bad play I thought he got the first down on the last play honestly so I am surprised all right first and 10 from the 50 yard line here Weber with two receivers to the bottom another handoff up the middle draw play big hole and he might be yeah first down stiff arm out of bounds just shy of the 30 18 yd run on First and and Weber State is moving the ball a little bit here having some success another draw play this one goes for like a yard up to the 31 I forgot Arizona was ranked this year I'm keeping an eye on that over on the uh corner of my eye out here they're playing right now against New Mexico the Lobos or something yeah Arizona is ranked second and nine 11 minutes left in the first quarter yeah the ESPN ticker is not updating very quickly so we're not going to be able to lean on that uh fake handoff going to be a quick throw out into the flat and it's dropped that was actually a nice little bit of misdirection that would have worked for a few yards at least but he dropped it third and nine they're in field goal range not by a lot but they are in field goal range here Mickey mentle is the name of the wild cats head coach that's a pretty cool name third and nine going to be a drop back he's got time looking throws it towards the sideline left side into single coverage batted up incomplete lucky that didn't get deflected up for a safety to run underneath it but that will bring up fourth and nine he had the single coverage look over on the left side but Dixon makes the play on the ball kind of bounced off his helmet honestly okay so what does Weber State do here looks like they're going to try a long field goal but Washington is going to use a timeout first not great we don't love that we don't love frivolously using timeouts although it is the first half it is the first half so it's ultimately not that big of a deal and long field goal 48 yards is up and it is no good missed the upright it was a goodlooking kick hit it pretty straight on but didn't get that curve that he needed at the end there to actually knock it home so that is going to be pretty good field position for Washington starting their first drive of the 2024 season we're going to take a little bit of a commercial break here so thank you everybody for coming out here tonight right now we got around close to 90 people on the stream thank you everybody for coming out uh a couple things that I would ask please like the stream if you haven't already uh we have 31 likes right now so plenty of you guys in here have not liked it yet that's something that's very easy and simple to do uh beyond that uh there are other ways to help out would be subscribe to the channel as you can see today is the last day of August and our goal was to get to 18,000 by the end of August that's obviously not going to happen but we did get past 17,900 so if you are new to the channel and you like weekly Huskies content along with daily Seahawks content please click the sub button sub on up uh if you want to go above and beyond all that you can become a channel member we are five members short of our goal for the end of August I wanted to get back up to 130 we are now at 100 125 so you can purchase your own membership for as little as $2 a month or you can purchase gifted memberships which will go to random members of the community uh you can also support via super chatting by clicking the dollar sign in the chat area and you can also tip via the link near the top of the stream description donations in the form of tips and super chats will both get popups on screen and it's guaranteed that I will see and respond to your message so those are the best ways to help out uh I know there's probably going to be more people here than usual because Xfinity is not carrying the game so if you're here for that reason I'm going to do the best that I can but understand that uh we need Xfinity to figure this out we need Xfinity to fix this problem that they're having because uh it's it's not okay still in commercials as far as I know next week's game will also not be on TV for xinity customers so Here Comes Will Rogers III he had a big time career at Mississippi State but now he's trying to cut his teeth at a slightly bigger school where he can get a little bit more notoriety first and 10 from the 31 yd line 1031 left in the first quarter here Will Rogers will start out in the Shotgun by the way guys I know I might be a little bit behind the uh some people's feeds I'm aware of that snap handoff draw play going right finds a hole finds a crease breaks a tackle the 40 the 50 and out of bounds at about the 45 yd line so good first play for Washington draw play picks up good yardage over 20 close to 25 yards pushed out of bounds and just like that Washington's on the back of Coleman haven't seen him in a little while from the 44 Will Rogers going to take a snap from under Center here two tight ends to the right two receivers to the top one back deep in the back field Rogers changing the play 7 seconds on the play clock five going to be another handoff cuts it back from left to right he's got more big room over here the 30 the 20 I think he's gone the 10 touchdown Washington there is a flag down there is a flag down here but if that play holds that is a phenomenal start to the season everyone's down in the end zone celebrating like the flag isn't going to be a problem but yeah okay it is going to come back yeah holding on the offense so that play will be for not as one of the tight ends I'm going to have to get used to all these new names by the way guys oh really that that's not holding that's not a hold he drove him down into the ground because he's stronger and better than him now it's first and 20 not a good spot to be in if you're Washington okay so now from our own 46 yd line first and 20 shotgun couple of tight ends couple of receivers snap Will Rogers drops back Blitz is picked up throws it to the right side incomplete batted Away by the defensive back of the last not a bad throw over there around the single coverage but defensive back made a good play yeah I don't think that okay is it just me or is that not holding am I insane or is that not holding I feel like that's not holding and I don't recognize any of these offensive linemen except for AO party because he was a the big transfer we got but these are all new guys to me hand off up the middle picks up three yards and I'm really not happy about that play call on second and 20 now you're bringing up third and 16 and it's like you're just giving up on the possession I really don't like that play call unless you have zero faith in Will Rogers to execute a play which you should have faith in him to execute a play someone tell Austin that he's like not live or something he's replying to something that I said um almost half an hour go I think Austin is way not live on the stream somebody please tell him that third and 16 shotgun we are going empty here snap Will Rogers drops back throws it short and he makes a man miss and this might be territory where you go for it you're at the 39 it's Fourth and five this might be go for it territory for Washington I'd go for it here I would go for it snap going to throw kind of a go ball and no not even close receiver never even looked for it that was was a terrible that was a terrible play yikes he just kind of threw a go ball to a one-on-one receiver and the receiver never even really looked for it or anything all right so that's going to be a four failed fourth down and Weber State takes over with good field position of their own 98 people in the Stream right now by the way guys pretty cool I usually don't get this many people for a smalltime huskys game and this is a small Time game this is a Weber State m commercials are you still sponsored by bet us yes I am will but this stream is not not every piece of content I do is going to be sponsored by them but yeah that's that's not a holding call that that that's not holding I'm still not happy about that that that was a seven-point penalty I think my anger is righteous to be perfectly honest with you guys oh God Arizona's quarterback just uh that's got to be some kind of a penalty it's got to be grounding or something come on okay so we have a cornerback named Ephesians that's a great name Ephesians pryck that is wonderful I love it 100 viewers we finally crossed 100 viewers thank you everybody all right from the 39 Weber State is in the pistol two receivers two tight ends at the top snap drops back looks has all day takes off and runs with it and he's got some green in front of him and he's going to get about the marker yeah he's going to get 11 yards in the first down Bruner chases him out of bounds snap empty and the pass is batted down I think I don't know where the ball went but I'm pretty sure the pass got batted down so that's going to bring up second and 10 three receivers to the bottom going to be a bubble screen and it's deflected and almost intercepted and that was a touchdown if he could complete that interception just couldn't quite deflect it up to him dery but that is a great play by him to read the bubble screen and deflect it down to bring up third and long oh man that is so close he is almost housing that from the 49 ydd line play call change coming in from the sideline I don't think you're going to bench a quarterback based off one game against Georgia though Jordan and and we have a delay of game or a timeout let's see which one yeah it's going to be a delay so third and 15 now great opportunity to make a big play here with Weber State in a bad situation [Music] okay three receivers at the top and a stack one tight end to the bottom snap they're going to just run the ball and pick up like four yards so give up play which I mean Weber State going to Weber State Ward looked really good he made one really really terrible throw but other than that I think he looked really good I'm high on cam Ward relatively speaking I don't know if he has enough arm talent to be like a top 20 picker anything like that but he's uh there's a lot going on there that is good fourth and 11 punt units coming on Weber State will send it back to Washington and excuse me uh yep that is a punt and it's going to be fair CAU at about the seven the Washington has a long field to go yep we are in timeout oh God left BR woo in a batter or two too long looks like okay yeah I don't know Jordan that's a good point I don't know what the strategy there is did he maybe he did just get hurt maybe he got hurt yeah we had a touchdown but they took it back on some holding call that I really really don't agree with I really thought that was weak okay here we go going to be a play action throw to the flat and there's not really much there he got maybe a yard well defended they tried to [Music] misdirect Second and nine snap handoff up the middle on the draw and he fights through for about three or four going to set up third and manageable third and seven officially looks like third and six to me by counting but whatever snap Quick Pass complete first down over the middle and he runs for a bunch more out to about the 29 very easy pitch and catch they gave him that one for free Weber State thinks they should have the ball but the referees are not listening to it Boston and there's a stoppage if this is a review I'm going to be annoyed because Washington had every chance to run a play and then just stood there timeout Weber State okay so maybe they want to give the referees a chance to reconsider I don't know why else they call a timeout there that was like three plays into the drive you know honestly I mean I don't know possession rules are weird in college football but I wonder if they might say he's like his momentum is stopped or something but they called this timeout clearly so the referees could consider looking at this but um that's really annoying that our offense wasn't able to snap the ball in time because they had an opportunity to no well they're not really looking at it okay so from the 29 yd line first and 10 naap going to be a handoff up the middle and that's a pickup of like three or four not too bad Coleman second and seven Man in Motion snap play action roll out throws it out to the right side wide open caught first down by Boston about a nine yard pickup for those who are wondering why this game is scheduled Jimmy Lake former head coach of UTA played for the assistant 0 of Weber Jerry gry gryal decent Run game MH so far I'm mostly seeing what I thought I would see mostly n handoff going left and nothing taking down for a loss of two The Tackle just immediately got bulldozed out of the out of the play not good not good Arizona makes a 54 yard field goal second and 12 drop back and pass is batted down at the line of scrimmage that may be a problem this year Will Rogers is not that big he's kind of small third and 12 and yeah this is why you can't have negative plays this this feels like a really bad spot like last year third and 12 for the Washington offense was like nothing but this year third and 12 is not is is is no bueno they're showing Blitz they back out of it three-man rush and Rogers is going to have to check it down and and yeah that's a loss of two so yeah so far um I mean obviously that holding call really boned us garbage call but that drive was just like you you see the limitations of the talent we don't have the talent that we need on this team right now uh okay okay so the pun unit is on and the punt is away I think it's fair cot at the 14 and he fumbled it out of bounds but it doesn't matter because it's out of bounds so they're saying Pier Sol's in serious but stable condition I thought I saw him walking around after the shooting I thought he was like totally fine I thought it was just like cosmetic so I guess they're implying that he's actually like something's wrong something's really not good there wild we are in commercial [Music] break yeah good punt yeah Chip Kelly's I think the Ohio State offensive orator that sounds right commercials still waiting so apparently Jeremiah Smith the new Ohio State um receiver is Gino Smith's cousin or nephew or something so that's kind of cool from the 14 yd line Weber State three receivers one back in the pistol and there's going to be a quick SC throw out to the left side and it's going to go for about two yards Eddie Jackson slings him out of bounds two three yards second and seven two receivers to the top two tight ends snap hand off up the middle finds a little bit of a hole and pushes forward for a first down that's really not a good look by the way the fact that we're getting physically pushed back on the line of scrimmage by Weber State that's concerning that that has to be a uh little bit of a red flag right getting driven back like that I don't I don't know if I like that minute left in the first quarter in the pistol hand off up the middle and he tries to cut it outside and we'll lose a yard or two that yeah Valdez [Music] second and 11 from the 24 snap fake hand off throws it deep go route and ooh almost a one-handed catch incomplete though Eddie Jackson in coverage that was basically just like a one-on-one nine route and it was well thrown but the receiver could only make a play on it with one hand and he did not sharp third and 11 snap drop back screen and it's blown up incomplete Bruner was all over that screen pass had no chance incomplete and with 5 seconds left in the first quarter Weber State will punt it away yeah Idaho played good today I mean a lot of these big schools struggle at the start of the season because the first game is like the preseason for them and the punt is away this will be the last play of the first quarter it is fair caught at the 35 so Washington gets pretty good field position and this will bring up our first quarter break of the day I will be back soon I will be putting up the B right back screen and running ads while we're waiting though see you guys soon e e e e okay we are back we are back from the quarter break and it's going to be handoff up the middle and he's going to fight away through a couple of tackles and get five maybe six all right so second and four and it's going to be a ooh big run ooh okay first down and more pass Midfield Coleman looking good Coleman up the gut fites his way through some tacklers Marshon Lynch style gets past Midfield n play action Rogers drops back deep now he's going to check it down to his back who's wide open in the flat he's got a lot of room to run the 40 the 30 the 20 out of bounds inside the 20 big play I think that's Dave that's Cam Davis yeah that's Cam Davis he's still around after all this time yeah there was nobody within like 20 yards of him when he caught that it felt like okay so at the 17 snap handoff draw play Davis finds a hole gets to the outside gets to the 10 helmet ripped off at the 10 so sevenard pickup I do not appreciate the way his helmet was ripped off there to be perfectly honest I'm not thrilled about that but uh he's fine second and three from the 10 play action looking flings it to the end zone oh good coverage and he had to lead the tight end by a little too much Moore got his hand on it but could not bring it in that's going to bring up third and three Roger still looking for a signature pass this first half everything has been easy checkdowns and wide open gimme plays still looking for that big signature boom third and three Man in Motion snap going to be a Jet Sweep he's going to try to get the corner and he gets it first down out at the 5 yard line all right no interest in watching the Mariners blow that game so I'm just going to turn it to another Channel now bur and goal from the five now M hand off going up the middle big hole touchdown oh a flag is down don't tell me Coleman Gets In The End Zone but there is a flag down ineligible move okay well that's declined it's on the defense so it doesn't matter so touchdown stands touchdown stands it was some kind of ineligible formation on the defense or something I'm not quite sure I couldn't hear but it doesn't matter declined the touchdown is good just a massive hole and all you had to do is cut it back extra point the kick is coming the kick is up and the kick is good [Music] I can't believe how bad the Mariners Bullpen has been this year that's been the one thing that they always do well and they've been completely unable to get good Bullpen arms other than Munos and a little bit here and there from a couple other guys it's pretty embarrassing really [ __ ] man what a joke commercials by the way guys we are back in commercials a lot of commercials so far today would you rather see udub win another Natty or Seahawks win another Super Bowl I mean probably Seahawks that's just like a common sense call I think but it's close I think it's a lot harder to win the national title than it is to win the Super Bowl did we seriously pull a double play Wild how's that even possible there was no Force touchdown New Mexico if Arizona loses their home opener in New Mexico that'd be uh I guess we don't care anymore right it's not even a Pack 12 thing anymore whatever anyway okay game is back hilarity all right [Music] [Music] 7even nothing udub kickoff is away and Weber State will let it touch back okay no problem [Music] [Music] Payton very true Kraken Hawk very true especially McMillan I really thought we'd get McMillan to be perfectly honest first and 10 for Weber State with 125 to go in the second [Music] quarter handoff going right finds a little bit of room picks up like four from the pistol that was Munos is two for n for seven yards snap hand off going right finds a crease cuts it back first down Weber State is having a little bit of success on the ground here first and 10 at the the 38 yd line pistol formation two tight end snap hand off up the middle and this time there's nothing doing that's a loss of like three immediate penetration into the back field by tuputala loss of three or four second and 13 now snap drops back has time looks doesn't seem to have any receiver scrambles out of it gets away from a sack lobs it up and how was that not intercepted he literally gave us a free one and I think two Defenders went for it he gave us a free one and I think our guys ran into each other going for it let me see here yeah yeah that's literally what happened that was like a punt he literally punted the ball to our secondary and our guys ran into each other going for it okay third and 13 this might be a give up play given their track record yeah Wegman team man I was is not impressed whatever snap he drops back going to fire it out to the left side it's caught but nowhere near a first down so he's going to be about five yards short it's like a simple out route uh flag is down though I didn't see anything so holding on they're saying the offense I think oh I see it okay yeah yeah holding so that's probably going to get [Music] declined so oh no it's accepted so we're going to force third down in 23 which baring a disaster will be profitable for the Huskies probably a good decision here the only thing that could go wrong I guess would be committing a penalty as long as we don't commit a penalty we're good and the shotgun two receivers at the top I smell a give up play screen or Draw going to be a draw and he finds some room not a bad gain but still going to be about 15 yards short and that's going to bring out the punt unit so it does end up being profitable fourth and 12 and Weber State will punt it away oh McMillan had a touchdown and the quarterback over throw him I don't know who Arizona's quarterback is this year all right the punt unit is on oh the snap is away the punt is away it's going to be caught at about the 27 and immediately oh no he broke the tackle managed to fight forward for about two extra yards okay so I think we're going to have the ball around the 29 yd line to start this next possession oh it's faita okay he's still there all right we got ads we got ads oh big play by McMillan I think he's gone I think McMillan just housed one he may end up being the top receiver in this draft m commercials by the way guys we are still in [Music] commercials and I guess the Mariners need a clutch hit from Jorge poano I would take a clutch bulk how about that let's get a bulk going so Munos can finish the game off because I really don't want to go deep into the bullpen right now because we have a game tomorrow and our Bullpen sucks anyway excuse me why is this game so late I don't know I mean it's technically being played on the west coast I guess but hell if I know okay more still commercials nothing going on okay we are back nine minutes left in the second quarter Washington takes over after a good defensive Drive starting to feel like Coleman might end up being the um Workhorse of the team this year is Washington supposed to be any good this year I think they're supposed to win like six or seven games they'll be okay but we didn't replace enough of the stuff that we lost remember we lost all of our young players too because they mostly transferred out when theore left okay from the 30 snap pitch play going right and he's going to get a little bit going out there like four or five yards he's ritten out of bounds little something I'm not expecting anything special this year really oh my God this guy can throw 103 miles an hour well that makes things hard o bubble screen and we got blocking and we got a first down about a eight or nine yard pickup nice play by Jackson OH Gabe Jackson is still here very nice and palanco can't catch up to 104 which hard to really blame him for that okay snap going to be a quick pass over the middle caught by the tight end first down past the 45 and he got taken down low and he is hurt more oh oh he got taken down low and he is rolling around in a lot of pain right now this is not good this is not what we needed people he has rolled like eight yards down the field and we are back in commercials because of that so hooray more commercials gues Jackson I don't know I keep saying Gabe Jackson I've always said Gabe jck Gabe Jackson even though it's obviously Guiles my bad that's a season ending hit yeah I'm not happy about that either that was not good [Music] uh commercials commercials commercials this one could take while if the injury is bad so hopefully it's not [Music] [Music] uh tight end more we're still okay here we go he's being helped off the field not putting any pressure on his left leg so that's a bad sign but they didn't get the card out oh boy not good not okay we don't like that and into the tent he goes into the tent he goes first and 10 for Washington by the way from the 44 snap going to be a running play and oh immediate penetration immediately knocked out that is going to be a loss of a few second down now read perfectly handled perfectly I think maybe our tackle didn't get out far enough to get to his guy okay second and 13 it is play action oh pressure gets away dumps it off to Coleman who's going to get a few and I'm very very happy we got a few yards there because that play was DOA someone on this offensive line is not doing their job right now because that is a completely blown block by someone and Will Rogers did a phenomenal job to get away there third and 10 [Music] Rogers drops back looks throws it over the middle should have been intercepted honestly they were all over that he telegraphed that from a mile away and that is going to be an incomplete pass fourth down Washington will punt it uh not a good decision that was very telegraphed and the safety read him like book and absolutely should have been an interception all right punt unit is on from the 44 if this was last year's huskys team we go for it here and the punt is away and it's going to be fair CAU at about the 11 or 12 [Music] [Music] oh man okay here we go first and 10 hand off up the middle going to pick up maybe two or three not a lot going there for Weber but they do move forward Big 10 volleyball six minutes left in the quarter by the way wait a minute did did we just get unbelievable well handoff bounced out to the right side and that's going to be maybe a two yard gain wow and there's a flag down at the end of that play I'm worried that's like ripping of the helmet wow and I think we just gave what Weber State a free first down what a freaking what is up with Munos by the way why has he been terrible lately am I I might be wrong wrong but I feel like he's been atrocious lately oh that is okay that guy needs to sit for the rest of this game Bandz he ripped the dude's helmet off when he's on the ground what what the dude was on the ground and he ripped his helmet off what the hell play action looking into the flat fires the out route nice play by the defensive back to knock that away in complete second and 10 coming up yeah I guess it might be that simple man [ __ ] [Music] man I think that ends it I think that's probably I think that's probably the end of the season right there that's it [Music] snap and pressure and he's going to get away from it for now but not forever he does go down for a three- yard loss and I think it's going to be third and long now I hate this goddamn team dude like this has been the most unpleasant Mariners team in a long time this has been the most unpleasant Mariners team in a very long time and we've had teams that have been bad but this team is just like unpleasant third and 12 yeah it's five games back third and 12 snap going to throw it out to the flat and it's dropped probably wasn't going to do much even if he caught that but uh that is a drop uh Moore is out of the tent that's a good sign I guess [Music] okay 4 and a half minutes left from the 21 going to be returned to the 25 up to about the 28 29 Washington will take over with four minutes and 22 seconds left in the half okay from the 28 now going to be a bubble screen and he's got blockers he's got out of the tackle first down out to the 45 nice play by gues Jackson snap play action Rogers drops back pressured takes off shuffles It Forward nice play by Rogers turns a sack into a gain of eight flips it forward to Cam Davis when he's about to go down snap hand off no play action that's like an RPO and he fires it out for an easy completion to Boston to the 33 and Washington is moving the ball [Music] okay from the 33 Man in Motion ooh double fake play action wide open TouchDown down the right sideline I think that's the tight end and that was beautiful that looked like the Shane Waldren play from last year you guys remember that play the one where Drew lock faked like two handoffs and then fired it over the middle it was a little like that kind of gave me that Vibe so with less than three minutes to go that is 13 nothing Washington beautiful play design Arizona just let the tight end leak right behind everything and the extra point is good just like that we got 14 zip the graph there we go he's going to maybe play a lot today because of the injury to Moore [Music] and we're back in commercials yeah Arizona still has the entire second half I'm keeping an eye on that game over there KCK off is away going to be returned from The End Zone to about the 22 well Austin um I we have uh what's his name demon miles he's probably the guy he's still here as far as I know FL down by the way holding on the return team yeah so beautiful play design here fake Jet Sweep fake outside Zone run and then the tight end just kind of sneaks behind everybody snap hand off up the middle draw play going to pick up six Maybe we're down four and a half games in the Wild Card by the way and five games in the division so good news is we have a shot at both the bad news is we're obviously not going to do it because you know you know snap hand off up the middle finds a little crease but it closes up quickly gets like a yard plays blown dead third and three coming up up here and that's the two-minute warning and apparently this year in college football they will Implement a two-minute warning so if they do not pick up this third down Washington will probably get the ball back with an opportunity to go score [Music] again e still in commercials this is a big third down I'd love to be able to get off the field here and score again before half 14 nothing is not exactly what I signed up for when this game kicked off [Music] [Music] but of course okay just about back here heads up I will be taking a break during halftime I'm going to go do some stuff I am going to put the B back screen up I am going to run some ads so go ahead hang around or go do something else yourself I will be back for the third quarter though so yeah okay third and three ooh we had movement okay flag that is going to be a false start and that is going to move Weber State back five yards tur into a third and eight and what became a really really um tight play now becomes a play that you would expect to make should be able to stop third and eight that was big and now we've really got a good chance here to get the ball back shot gun tight formation snap drops back to pass has some time Wings it over the middle wide open first down and a whole lot more found the hole in the zone up to the 40 well done all right so that changes things a little bit here 145 left Man in Motion Weber State we're showing Blitz oh bubble screen and that is a loss of like three or four yards great play by the DB money play by the DB and wa Washington uses a timeout here so we're going to have a quick commercial break m [Music] second and 13 drops back pocket collapses and he throws it away and he throws it away third down and 13 and you get a stop here you do get the ball back with time to go score Cameron Ward might be the real deal I I like him he's pretty good he can play third and 13 handoff and the plays blown dead I think that was a delay of game so it's third and 18 now so you're probably going to see give up play because they were running the give up play there anyway then we have to use our last timeout we get the ball with like a minute 20 left and no timeouts but with the college football rules being what they are we can absolutely go down and score and we have more commercials now because of the timeout so that's cool again thir thir okay so they're going to say Weber State got the timeout off so it's still third and 13 so both teams have one timeout Weber State and the pistol and they're going to run it left and get like two two yards maybe and I imagine Washington uses their last time out yep minute 24 left so assuming that we're going to try which probably depends on field position here um we can get we we can go score here we can more commercials [Music] [Music] not against you oh my God I just saw the Malaki Starks interception for Georgia that that was crazy yo I didn't know we got that good that was fire man that was some fire stuff fourth and 11 punt is coming all right we need this to be a not amazing punt so we can actually go try and drive four points here pretty good out to the 18 so you need probably at least 50 yards Arch Manning got to play today that's exciting okay from the 19 officially first and 10 three receivers Ro Rogers roll out looking looking looking and um he just kind of turtled up there and took a sack and that's probably going to kill the drive I think we were trying to go get a big play there and Rogers had one chance and he blew the chance so probably just going to be kneeling it out here now which I mean 14 nothing it's okay right you're not necessarily expecting the first game to go great okay yeah they're running the ball up the middle and actually that's a big run going to bring up third and eight if Washington wants to try to hurry this up a little bit I I guess they could but nah okay so third and eight with the way well shotgun snap another handoff up the middle and and Coleman's going to get the first down out to the 31 16 seconds left this is a very weird Drive I uh I'm not really sure what the strategy and we just spiked it so now that we have no time left we're actually going to okay I don't like the way this drive was managed very much I'm just going to say that but um we have like maybe two plays Left to go get at least God we still need another like 35 yards minimum and W Rogers going to take off and run with it and that'll do it well that was kind of a disaster that was ugly but 14 nothing Washington Washington gets the ball at the start of the third quarter overall most things are going well not unhappy with most of this it is the first game and you can tell but overall not too bad okay I will be seeing you guys about 15 minutes I'll be back later see you guys bow down to Washington so far so good e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e okay we are back can everyone see me and hear me just about to get started here on the third quarter and Arizona is by the way starting to pull away here so not going to be much drama over there too bad okay here comes the kickoff yeah Arizona just a touchdown by the way okay kickoff is away going to be returned from the four up to the 20 finds a little bit of a crease Cuts back he's got a lot of room the 35 oh there's a flag down though he's across the 40 he's going to run out of bounds be pushed down to about the 26 but this will probably come back kind of an annoying game so far honestly every time we try to break it open it won't break legal Block in the back yeah bring it back so now we start at the 10 so that's kind of devastating that's no small thing um I thought Jay maroe did fine today but I really don't like him in the pros at all hand off up the middle to Coleman he's going to cut it outside and get the first down he just bounced it outside and there was nobody out there I'm going to give milroe a chance to improve on his performance in 2024 but what I see from him right now was a guy who's going to be a disaster in the NFL but I'm going to keep an open mind first down for Washington handoff cut back finds a lane first down 15 yard pickup all right maybe this is the strp just grind it out on the ground from the 35 in the gun two receivers to the top drop back looking looking throws it deep up the seam H slight overthrow honestly the coverage was really good I don't think there was much of an opportunity to fit it in there second and 10 drop back has time throws it short over the middle caught running to the sideline he's going to get a yard shy bring up third and one third and one for Washington's offense nice play by gues that's the bread and butter of this offense throwing the ball over the middle and getting Yak going to be a run up the middle first down picks up like two or three big first and 10 across Midfield let's go bubble screen and he's going to shake free to get a few yards like maybe four yeah today was not good handoff going up the middle that was like a draw play first down Davis plows forward for like eight first down yeah I um watched most of that game I was not too happy with what I saw how do you think pennx will do for Atlanta well he's not going to play right now so that I don't know he might not play for two years okay from the 41 we got first and 10 in the gun drops back has plenty of time lobs it over to the left side into 101 caught nice catch nice throw by Jackson or nice catch by Jackson good throw by Will Rogers as well just kind of threw up the one-on-one ball and the defensive back never got his head turned around first down going to be a running play cuts it back up the middle and picks up like five does Cam Davis the offense is kind of Motoring through offense kind of Motoring forward man just grinding it out second and five shotgun two receivers at the bottom hand off up the middle to uh Coleman no gain there going to set up third and five third and five roll out flick out into the flat that's going to be a first down for Jackson no problem just one of those easy bootlegs into throw into the flat play first and goal Washington hand off up the middle to Coleman he finds a hole pushes pushes I think he got in but if yep he got in touchdown Jonah Coleman this man is the real deal 20 to nothing yep he got in extra points good hey Empower how are you doing good to see you we are in commercial New Mexico trying to fight back into this for I like this lobo's quarterback he's fun the New Mexico quarterback I don't know who it is but who has stood out so far uh Coleman definitely Coleman Jonah Coleman we might be a run first team this year boys that guy's been nice touchdown New Mexico and we are back back you know huskys are really cool dogs they're so high maintenance though I would probably get one at some point but they're too high maintenance like I've always had like golden retrievers and uh English cream labs and stuff dogs like that but huskys look cool they're just really hard to manage it's it's too much I can't do it huskys German Shepherds and Aussies are very high maintenance I had a German Shepherd when I was really little she was cool but that was a long time ago going to be returned from the end zone out to the 25 the 30 finds a hole up the middle gets past the 35 but there is a flag down I think it this is coming back looks like holding coming back mhm all right here we go pistol formation drops back to pass looks looks looks pressured scrambles out of it and that should be an incomplete pass I think there was a receiver in the area that was a design screen pass that he couldn't get out there far enough but he did manage to just barely get it incomplete so second and 10 yep second down I thought maybe that would be grounding but there is a receiver right there hand off up the middle draw play maybe a yard senica Wallace had way more escapability than this guy I think this guy's just like I don't know he's trying to play like that but he's not doing a very good job I feel like third n pressure coming manages to get it out over the middle but incomplete over throws his man because of the pressure and just like that fourth and nine Washington's getting the ball back Hunt is away going to be returned from the 30 gets up to about the 35 Boston e yeah oh no wait never mind I'm sorry can New Mexico claw back into this game still in commercial nothing going on everything is cool guys big third down for New Mexico's defense if they can get the stop maybe maybe they can get something going but you know who's the balls going to probably I mean we need New Mexico to keep this game close so McMillan can have like 800 yards for no other reason than that okay right Washington's ball drop back and faf is going to run for the first I think yeah all right hand off up the middle nice by Coleman powers for four wasn't much there used his power now bags we did not score in the first quarter I don't think and it's 21 nothing so I don't know why it says 28 nothing second and six from the 39 yd line play action pressure and oh he is going right down dude that left tackle is getting smoked that left tackle is getting smoked I've seen multiple plays today wait no I'm sorry the guard was trying to pull out to him and he didn't get out there I think I actually that wasn't a very good angle but I think that was like a guard that just didn't get out there in time oh wow okay that was just a really bad miscommunication or something I think the tackle picked up the wrong guy or something third and long now third and a mile Rogers drops back it's going to be a screen pass to Coleman and he's going to get the yard shy the first oh man he wanted that one flag down though so this may not matter there was a decision to make if this holds it fourth and one but if this is on us then there's not much to say if it's on them then it's probably a free first down and we don't even have to talk about it what do we got roughing oh horse caller that's 15 extra yards in a first down anyway so we don't even have to make a decision here I didn't see a horse caller yeah actually yeah there it is I didn't see that the angle hit it really well but that's actually definitely a horse caller okay and if he didn't caller him he probably gets the first down so I understand why he did it six minutes left in the third quarter eye formation two receivers play action Rogers drops back deep he's going to throw it down the left side wide open caught at the 20 first down and More Jackson inside the 20 beautiful looking play there straight drop back off play action hit the open out route yes bags we Washington has the ball right now we have the ball inside the Red Zone first and 10 GES Jackson eight catches 8 93 yards pretty fire s Rogers throws it out into the flat caught Jackson's going to try to make some guys miss he picks up like three second and six looks more like second and seven to me handoff cut back big hole fights his way through a leg tackle first down inside the five inside the three inside the two down at the one Coleman brings up first and goal from the one yard line and uh I have a feeling he's about to get the ball again Man in Motion one wide out hand off up the middle at a shotgun and that's a touchdown he just dragged a couple Defenders into the end zone with him and just like that it's 27 nothing pending the extra point here Coleman A Star is Born maybe I don't want to go too far with it here I mean we are talking about Weber State extra points good okay we are in commercials so completely off topic of anything else uh Margo Robbie I'm sure if you're watching this stream you probably know who Margo Robby is is uh pregnant and I want everybody in this stream if you're Avail if you're capable of it go look up the pictures of her that were like posted on the internet yesterday or whatever and and let me know how you feel about it let me know how you feel about that let me know what it makes you think let let me know what your reaction is to that I think the spread was like minus 27 [Music] Arizona's about to score another touchdown looks like by the way so we need New Mexico to keep scoring so McMillan has to keep playing that's the goal now guys let's get the greatest receiver game ever okay touchdown Arizona like I don't really consider myself a freak but that was like looking at her looking like that is like ooo you know you still you know I felt something I was like still man godamn like am I a freak or is that okay it was 28 points okay hickoff is away fielded at the [Music] three and he's going to break a tackle and get out past the 30 not a bad kick return no I mean it's just like you know preg you know pregnant women there there's supposed to be a certain way in which they're perceived right but somehow man she still pulls it off like I remember when I was really young my favorite was Hayden pantier and when she got pregnant it was like oh man that that it did not look good on her hand off going right going to be like four yards like Hayden pentier when she was pregnant like that that was not she she did not make it look good but Margo Robbie like pretty good anyway second and six pistol snap going to be a quick pass caught I think that's the first completion by Weber State in like three years first down close to Midfield and off off going left he's going to try to bounce it outside and he'll get a few he'll get like four okay I have no idea what the New Mexico QB just tried to do there but it was pretty bad I think that's an incomplete pass but it might not be and if it's not that's really bad second and six snap Wings it out outside knocked away at the last Second Great oh flag coming in yeah that's going to be Pi or holding or something what would be wrong with getting Margot Robbie pregnant it's not like she can get alimony from me she has a lot more money than me right it's not like I'm on the hook for like I don't think I'd be on the hook for child support then or do I not know how that works anyway first and 10 from the 41 going to throw it out into the flat and it's deflected by the rusher at the line she's suing you for everything well she's not really going to get anything because I don't really have that much to take oh in general okay said second and 10 Muno five of 19 that is a Jake Locker statline most of you guys will not know what I'm talking about but some of you guys will that is a Jake Locker statline right there throws it out to the left side intercepted but I think he landed out of bounds um wait a minute okay yeah he landed out of bounds he just kind of threw it out to the sideline hoping this guy could make a play on it our guy did make a play on it but yeah very clearly out of bounds nice try though nice catch regardless did you get screwed over by the blackout I'm watching the game it's fine third and 10 we're showing Blitz we back out of it and he Wings it out to the right side tapped away incomplete and Weber State might go for this it's Fourth and 10 but they're at the 41 you can't really punt yeah they're acting like they're going to punt I mean you know you got to assume you're not going to get it but it is some point you got to do something nice play by McCutchen yeah they're going for it okay fourth and 10 and that's the play clock expiring so that's either a timeout or a penalty I think they took a timeout yeah they did commercials still commercials come on New Mexico you got to keep this a game come on man you got to get this third down trying to troubleshoot Madden 25 on PC to use controllers well don't play Madden and the problem will be solved just don't play Madden play games that are actually good oh New Mexico going for it all he's got a man Co how could you drop that oh that was probably their chance to keep the game kind of interesting how could that happen how could this happen duh oh he should have caught that okay two minutes left to go in the third quarter Steve bich looking good and feeling pretty good with this performance Arizona State's whipping Wyoming fourth and 10 I yeah they're they're still going for it I think yeah yeah yeah yeah tight formation snap play Action Pressure gets it out into the flat to his back and that's a first down in a bunch of more nobody covered the flat and that's an easy pitch and catch first down for Cormier nice run after the catch nobody out there so Weber State continues to March towards maybe their first points of the game maybe three receivers at the top going to get it out to the other side quickly wide open and that's going to be a first down I think they're going to have a first and goal here just a very easy simple comebacker not much to it and just like that oh New Mexico got the ball back very nice and they're going to fling it to the end zone here not even close good coverage by penck pinck pinck tried to throw like the fade one-on-one Munos is s of 24 for 69 yards that's a good tough day at the office second and 10 two receivers at the top two tight ends snap hand off up the middle going to be a gain of about two by corer third and eight if they don't get this do they go for it I imagine they do but they might just want the points I guess snap looking looking looking looking throws it and incomplete tried to hit like the out route and the receiver fell down fourth and eight do they go for it 24 seconds left in the third quarter New Mexico going for it on fourth down by the way keeping an eye on that come on New Mexico we need you to get points here McMillan needs a daddy snap first down oh they're go they're kicking it Weber State wants the points Weber State is going to be kicking a 28 y and the kick is up and it's good 20 seconds left 19 well 19 left in the third quarter still but Weber State gets a couple of points here and now we're going to go to Commercial and then there's going to be a kickoff and then we're going to run one play and then we're going to get more commercials because it'll be the end of the quarter so that's exciting and wait a minute did New Mexico just punt I thought they converted the oh there must have been a penalty or something [Music] okay I keep wanting to call him Luther Coleman but his name is Jonah [Music] [Music] Coleman weever state will kick off it's going to be return from about the six 20 the 25 taken down at the 25 14 seconds left so we're going to see some offense here Reynolds on the kickoff return by the way think I could do that oh the backup quarterback is in guys Demond Williams is in the game even though there's a whole quarter left they've decided 28 to3 is sufficient to feel like they're going to win so the backup quarterback goes in and Will Rogers after a fairly successful first outing is going to go ahead and call it quits for the night probably and off going left uh no keeper Williams kept it and picked up nine yards on the read option and that will be the final play of the third quarter so that'll leave us with a second and one with one quarter left and this will be fun actually this will be fun to see how Demond Williams does so I will be back in a few minutes guys and uh we'll finish up this game see you guys soon e e e e all right we are back just in time for a handoff up the middle to pick up the first down and pick up about six or seven yards first and 10 so let's see if Williams gets to throw a pass at some point 2023 Arizona high school offensive player of the year very nice and he is a little short though going to be hard to see over these offensive linemen but he should be good CU Rogers is definitely gone after this year right play action drop back looking looking looking now he takes off gets away from some ooh ooh wow that play was dead about three different times but he managed to tuck and run with it for about three or four getting out of bounds I have no idea how he got away from all that I have no idea how he got the corner there too I thought he was just dead to rights for like a no Gainer Yeah Austin I think the huskys will start out good and probably make the top 25 at some point but here's the thing though what teams in the top 25 lost today um Texas A&M who else Clemson bubble screen ooh this could be a big one he makes a man miss at the 40 makes another man miss the 35 down at the 32 that was a janky looking bubble screen but the jankiness actually allowed it to work better I think cuz some players got upfield so quickly is that McMillan again that might be McMillan again okay first and 10 Denzel Boston five catches 70 yards not bad snap drops back has all day in the pocket now he's going to take off looking looking throws it deep he's got one-on-one overthrows his man the grath was tightly covered so it was probably kind of an intentional overthrow second and 10 now Williams probably should have just tucked it and ran with it he had some room in front of him but he went for it all little bit of an overthrow but given the coverage probably not a good idea to try to fit it in [Music] there Court Document snap going to be a handoff up the middle o big hole first down and more inside the 15 breaks a tackle the 10 down around the one yd line he may have gotten in there but I think they're marking him down at the one and that's going to set up first and goal for Washington that's uh Muhammad so Washington basically has mostly their third stringers out there and first and goal from the one it is and we have a false start I think I think the left guard got a little excited there either that or a timeout uh oh they're reviewing the previous play okay no penalty then they're looking at the previous Play Come On Arizona throw it to McMillan I know you can do it you know maybe he's on top of the defender when he rolls into the end zone I guess maybe he's not down there oh he's down there I think he's down I think he's down at the one it's close but I think he's down unless we can get a better angle than that I'm pretty sure he's down at the one e yeah rolling on the field is confirmed first down and go from the one go get this tutty and somebody moved early that's a false start dude that happened on the last last play how can you let that happen twice in a row you got bailed out of the first one dude what the heck first and go from the six now bricken bricky Bracken fir craen Shish Bo bo ba Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny rah rah rah okay first and go from the six now that's cool three wide although everyone's tight really play action looks throws it out caught touchdown Boston just a short little out route and there was nobody out there in the flat to really stop stop him from just diving into the end zone looked a little like the Super Bowl touchdown the Chiefs scored to win the game little bit so that is a passing touchdown for demon Williams which is a cool moment to have he is the future Williams Jr and extra points pending extra points good [Music] okay commercials roll on yeah this might be a run first team this year how'd you know what did you know though still in commercials you know 56 to 10 could still happen I guess oh they went for another touchdown to McMillan overthrown do it again do it again more by the way guys we're up to 75 likes on the stream thank you everybody if you haven't liked it yet please do maybe we can get to 100 before the end I doubt it but certainly worth a try y off is going to be a Touchback yeah Arizona's just going to run it in and that'll ice the game probably means McMillan won't get any more Burns so that'll do it but he did his thing from the 25 going to be a handoff up the middle draw ooh big hole there's nobody out there he breaks a tackle breaks another tackle stiff arms past the 50 drags him past the 40 wow so we don't like that shotgun draw ends up running to where there is nobody to uh tackle him and then the people that did have a chance to tackle him did not succeed in doing so that is going to be a 35 yard run [Music] from the 40 n tried to get the bubble screen now he's just going to take off and run because the play was blown up he's going to manage to scramble for like two yards busted play but at least he didn't do anything to make it worse still no turnovers in this game right we had one failed fourth down conversion by the huskys and a missed field goal but no turnovers snap drops back to pass going to throw it over the middle caught just a little four yard gain it'll slant over the middle to thrower brings up third and manageable for the Wildcats with 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter they have third and five third and five snap going to be a hand off up the middle nothing but there's a flag down that may have been a face mask I think Butler got in there so quickly that he when he reached out he just ended up kind of stabbing him in the face mask probably not money AB I seriously doubt it oh holding never mind okay I thought maybe he like pushed him in the face mask to tackle him by accident but no holding on Weber State Weber State is declined I think we're going to win like six games in power I say six and fourth and seven they are going to go for it well time out so they're not going for it yet but I imagine they will in a second here wamp wamp fourth and seven snap pressure's coming in he gets away from it he might be able to scramble for this first ooh that's close I think he got it he paid for it if he got it he paid for it yep first down all right yeah he's um he's not okay right now but he did get the first down first and 10 at the 30 going to be a bubble screen and he's got some blocking so he's going to pick up like I think that was like eight yards second down and short coming up Weber State having a little bit of success here second and two hand off up the middle fumble I don't know who got it uh I think they're saying Weber got it back yeah he did third and two shotgun draw into fumble baby eight minutes left going to be a pistol draw and that's going to get stretched out for no gain but there is a flag down so fourth down and short coming up pending this flag no flag so they're saying no flag and a Weber State offensive lineman is injured he's being helped off the field yeah I don't think Austin's ahead I think he's behind I don't think Austin's [Music] spoiling see they're only listing us with two returning starters tupo tala and Jackson Senor but where's Bruner drop back on fourth and one he's going to scramble out nothing there going to flick it to the side line incomplete over the head of his receiver and that will be a turnover on Downs Washington takes over 723 left what do you think of the team so far it seems pretty good it seems pretty good I mean I'm a little worried about this defensive line getting pushed around but not bad yo this is a story about a boy named sheni living in the flooded streets of New Orleans gendo shinji's father is a scientist okay so he built a giant robot for shinji's birthday shinji's friend Ray knows how to bust a cap when she's not fighting alien she's taken a nap with without Asuka from Germany everybody would be lost her country is responsible for the Hol graphic map Shinji said thanks Daddy can I take it for a whirl and use it to help my friends save the world now come on Shinji let's get this party on and kick Al Yin but in your Avon on only six minutes left in this game so this one's over I think we beat wazo this year they lost a decent amount too but who knows oh there are no other games on these are the only two games on New Mexico Arizona and Weber State Washington okay no it's the four kids Evangelion opening that they would have done if four kids got to dub avelan it's great [Music] sh okay I think I missed a play I think the co TV coverage like missed a play I'm not sure but my Comcast freaked out there for but my my TV freaked out there for like a second I think I missed one play yeah three yard run guess I missed it okay shotgun bubble screen and no blocking so that's going to pick up like a yard I think we start out five and0 and then it's going to get brutal third and five snap drops back throws it deep out route oh over the head of the receiver wasn't really open but not much there so fourth down that's a three and out how am I watching the game on my television yeah Williams has the ways to go but I did not hate what I saw tonight YouTube TV or whatever it's called all right Weber State takes over what do I think of Will Rogers I mean he's uh you can definitely see how the offense is limited because he doesn't have the arm that penx did but he'll be good he'll be able to run this offense fine he'll get it done for the time being touchdown New Mexico and two-point conversion New Mexico it's only a 16-point game one onside kick makes this a little fun is ruer supposed to be good this year to my knowledge they're not but I could be wrong they lost the Melton Brothers how can they possibly still be good good defense okay Weber State taking the field maybe their last chance to score a touchdown in this game from the 33 in the pistol handoff inside draw and that's a yard second and nine 11 personnel everyone's favorite and raw tries to Bounce It Outside nothing doing loss of four Ward was not having it Munos still nine of 28 for 79 yards so he's not happy with that five minutes left in the fourth quarter third and 13 snap drops back to pass gets the check down away caught he's going to run for 12 before he's pushed out of bounds and that's setting up fourth and one and I imagine they go for it why wouldn't they go for it you know you got to be able to get a yard New Mexico does not get the onside kick by the way snap handoff up the middle shotgun draw first down picks up like three needed one okay so from the 45 yard line can Weber State get some points hand off tries to bounce it to the left breaks a tackle but gets rallied to after about two and a half yards did he get hurt Butler now he's okay second and eight he's going to lob it over to the right side on an out route caught sevenard pickup brings up third and maybe a yard so that's 10 completions for Munos you finally got to duble digits third and one snap hand off up the middle finds a hole first down picks up like six that shotgun draw gets it done again [Music] two minutes left in the fourth quarter and we have a two-minute warning by the way that's going to take a while to adjust to college football we have a 2-minute warning now oh well who were the ranked teams that lost today it was like Clemson and A&M right excuse me disgusting all right come on guys let's get this game over with let's finish her up Arizona ice is it with the first down okay shot uh pistol two receivers at the top hand off going left and he gets maybe a a yard before running out of bounds stretched it out couldn't find anything second and nine I don't think so Jackson Williams is not ready he doesn't put much touch on the ball he doesn't have accuracy he holds on to the ball too long Will Rogers is limited but he's fine I I don't agree with your assessment at all that's another touchdown for Arizona by the way they're going to break 60 here ooh kind of threw a one-on-one ball over to the left side did Munos incomplete good coverage by Clark third and nine just kind of tried to give his receiver a chance to go make a play on it and there was really no opportunity there 9 Arizona breaks 60 handoff up the middle shotgun draw going to lose a yard immediate contact with the defensive line so fourth down and what do they do here your guess is as good as mine Washington should call a timeout time to BM BM BM on delay on delay they're going for it drops back to pass pressured gets it out over to the left side caught but no it hit the turf incomplete pass that's a turnover on Downs Washington takes over presumably to kneel the ball twice and get out of here oh yeah hit his chest got to the ground he may have not had the first down anyway Williams has a long way to go Rogers is our guy for now [Music] are we going to run a play or we going to KN it down here looks like we're running a play yeah we're going to run the ball going to the left and O spins forward for about five getting Muhammad some reps break off a touchdown come on you can do it bust off a TD run right here hand off another hole and and he's got a first down Powers his way past the sticks that'll probably be the last play of the game and I don't know why we're taking a kn here there's more time left on the game clock they want to practice taking a knee I guess okay that'll do it that's the game game is over okay all right all right um game just wrapped and um I mean I I that's pretty good right like 35 to3 you beat the spread by a couple of points you look relatively in control of the game the whole time I know it didn't start out the greatest I know that it was a little bit of a rough start in some regards I know that there was definitely some sense that we weren't looking as dominant on the front lines as we should have compared to a team like Weber State which is very obviously a team that should be several tiers below us even in a down year like this but there was never any legitimate concerned that you were going to lose this game there was never any real concern that you were going to even have a close game you just knew you needed to wait and eventually things would go the right way so um first great stream tonight A lot of people showed up had a good stream going got over 100 people at a couple of points which is good for a um a early season huskys game for sure now I know a part of the reason why that may have been is that a lot of people couldn't watch the game because of the uh exfinity cont contractual dispute with showing uh games on the Big 10 Network in the Washington area so hopefully that gets resolved but um if you did show up to my stream uh tonight to get play byplay because you couldn't watch the game then I'm going to continue to do this or at least it's my plan to continue to do this for every huskys game this year but uh great stream tonight had a lot of fun but uh yeah it's a pretty good start to the Jed fish era uh you do see some of the limitations that this team has because the talent levels just dropped off a cliff like we we had pretty much everything that we needed to have last year to be a complete Powerhouse and you you see what happens when those things fade away a little bit you you now have a team where the margins are much thinner you have a team that cannot threaten the ball down the field the way last year's team could so every everything just becomes a little bit tighter everything becomes a little bit harder to get through because you're it's it's like the margin of error that you have just goes way down and I will say I think that there is some legitimate criticism that you can Levy against this defensive line there were moments where it looked like they were getting pushed around by Weber State's offensive line and that's something that shouldn't be happening that's something that needs to not be happening I I need those guys to be winning that battle in the trenches every snap or else I'm afraid they're going to get completely bullied by the better schools they play like when we play Michigan later this year are they just going to completely plaster us on the line of scrimmage and we're not going to even have a chance because of that maybe I don't know but overall the game was as advertised the offense looked like the offense that I thought we were going to have Will Rogers much more conservative and much more of a check down throw it short look for the wideopen guy look for the easy throw player than Michael penx penx was a guy who was not afraid to Loft the ball up into coverage knowing that his super talented receivers would go get it trusting his arm to make really difficult throws so you you see the difference there and it does take away something from your offense when you don't have that threat anymore like a a great examp example would actually be that um that one play that should have been an interception where um Rogers was trying to fit it in on a third and 10 on like a slant route over the middle just a little bit past the sticks and the safety was able to read it and it was the easiest read in the world because you don't have to worry that much about Rogers throwing the ball 60 yards through the air over your head when you're playing up like that I think that play was emblematic of some of the frustration of having a quarterback like Rogers when you contrast it with someone like a Michael penx who we're all used to obviously from these last two years but it that was the offense that we were told we were going to have short intermediate throws scripted throws stuff over the middle there were several throws over the middle today which I mean we didn't see that stuff very much with pennx penck didn't use the middle of the field hardly at all so I think that we got what we were told we were going to get uh we got great plays from Boston a and Jackson at receiver so even though we lost a ton at that position it doesn't seem like we're going to be completely deficient this year I really liked what I saw from both guys and more important than any of that I got what I wanted to see from the running game tonight because Coleman yeah Coleman looks like he could be like a Workhorse for this team he looks good he's got great balance he's got great power he's got great cutback ability I'm liking what I see from Coleman right now and I'm thinking that he might end up being the horse of this offense and throughout a lot of this season we might even be a run first team because you've also got Davis he had a pretty good game then you've got Muhammad who got in at the end of that game and I thought played pretty well so this may be a run first team and that's cool I'm down with that um also wasn't crazy about the way the offensive line played in this game either I thought that there were several plays where they just completely blew their block and got Will Rogers almost killed uh just complete brain farts on their part so yeah if we try to become a pass first team I wonder if we're going to see a lot of that so I would not mind seeing this team just embrace the ground game as much as possible because that seems to be where the talent is right now and defensively I mean you only allow three points to Weaver State what else are you going to say right uh their quarterback completed like 10 of 30 passes or something like that it was bad he um couldn't really get anything going he had one good throw the whole game in a meaningful moment everything else after that was like garbage time he hit some throws in garbage time which you know good for him but not really something that I'm personally worried about uh the pressure was pretty good he was uh you know uh Munos pretty pretty escapable pretty good at escaping pressure pretty good at getting away from it so I think he did at least a good job of that even if he can't throw but defensively [Music] definitely Bend but don't break I I think the legitimate criticism is the physicality on defense because it felt like especially early Weber State could kind of run all over us and while we did eventually start making plays in the backfield we did eventually tighten up a little bit they still found success this was not one of those games where you look at the line of scrimmage and you're like oh you can tell who has the onear recruits and you can tell who has the five-star recruits no this this was a game where you look at it and you go no they're they are legitimately controlling the line of scrimmage at times and I think that is a something of a concern other than that I thought the cornerbacks played really well made several really good plays on the ball there would have been an interception if not for kind of a fluky play where the safeties ran into each other um there would have been a couple other turnovers probably if not for you know very very slight misses here and there um I like what we're doing in our secondary right now now uh mostly happy with the way the linebackers attacked mostly happy with the way we were able to string running plays out especially as the game went on we were able to force plays to the outside and they weren't able to um convert them into anything big for the most part um yeah I I'd say that was a successful first outing this isn't a game where you can really prove anything like I said before I'm not going to sit here and act like this means we're going to accomplish great things this year but there's something to build on here I think that this pass defense should be pretty good I think that this running game should be pretty good and I could see the passing game being adequate I'll put it to you that way um there are too many limitations in this passing game for me to say anything more than that but I think this team can be good enough to like I said the goal is to make a bowl game and win it this team can do that but um there's going to be tougher competition down the line for sure so thank you to everybody who showed up to this game had fun uh businesslike win I guess some people expected a little bit more but we did beat the spread so those Vegas guys usually know what's up they they know how to make a spread so see you guys later bow down to Washington um yeah one and0 start the season 1 and0 okay so I'm going to get that video uploaded uh we actually have 100 people in here for some reason I don't know why the game's over I don't know why everyone showed up after the game ended but we're eight likes short of 100 so if people would like to uh like the stream I would appreciate that before we uh flick off here 93 96 all right let me get that video uploaded 98 Arizona game is over too by the way so that'll do it for sports tonight all right [Music] all right 98 likes I'll leave this I'll leave the stream on until we get to 100 or until I have to go do something 102 all right thank you everybody I'll see you guys tomorrow video in the morning and uh going to be Off to the Races very soon here people see you guys later good first game

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