Banning at Southwest High School Football Friday August 30, 2024

and of course John dle we are live at Southwest High School over the Eagles it will be Southwest and the Broncos coming down from the area thewest on30 KX Central California I School football is brought to you by topest security at Southwest coast by C the center for employment training by C stop Ino ready through the valley SM main by the central Union High School District Sports by UPS th and Jersey height my brother rer of the Imperial Valley and by Factory way after by and I'll buy you an ice cream cone if you're good Carol with me in the booth John triple we are about ready to bring you the action tonight John the Southwest Eagles they've got to get over last week yeah that was a a real beating they took at Hopeville but again a very young Squad we mentioned that they have 18 kids that are not seniors that are starting you have 22 starters going both ways so they took their Lums but it's also a chance to learn and grow they have changed some assignments they have some players now that were playing one position last week or playing a different position this week uh but they're ready to go this Banning team is one of the two teams that Southwest did beat last year so this should be a very competitive game well panning would like to get even after they had a very disappointing season as did the the uh Eagles last year we'll uh bring you more information when we come back high school football and we are action from of the and the at the 50 line the official referee John Roman Randy Ross griel cro are making up the crew tonight John what can you tell us about Bon well we know that last year again there were one and nine but they started off last week with a 53 to nothing whopping on Notre Dame of Riverside that's a school that had a very good football program for years and years Central even played them back in the day when Jean Martin was still playing and uh they were doing quite well up until about six years ago and then when covid hit they just have not recover the student nor the athlet since covid they've only won two games in the last four years uh four plus last week so they've been struggling meaning no todaya Riverside but B put a whooping on him after losing to him last year so right now this Banning team comes out with a lot of confidence they're not a particularly big Squad they have about 47 kids they start about eight seniors uh on both starting offense and defense so they are a young team like the eagles as well but they have a lot of Team Speed as we continue to look at this as they now have done the uh going time and the visiting Broncos did win the toss but they have declined so that means the Southwest Eagles will be receiving the kick and it's always good to see the officials come out at 7 o'clock and not have a weather report in mind saying that we can't start because of the heat index so that's a positive to get this game started already that has not been an issue uh so far and it won't be an issue and they've actually made some revisions while you're talking officials our best to Allan Phillips Allan an official was banged up last week at the palaie game working as the Umpire in that game he got caught up in a scrub and uh was injured and U he is uh recuperating with the idea that there's only two games in the valley tonight he didn't really have to work anyway so it all worked out we're about set for the kickoff Banning will do the kicking the Eagles actually put four guys back in safety just like last week same as at hille waiting for the kickoff now they drop bring one guy up and they have three at staggered at three different levels and now they've got the proper 11 on the field and here's the kick a deep kick and a flag already the B fielded at the five out to the 15 to the 20 out to the 253 yd line and yeah we may have uh Southwest with the 11 uh 12 players on the field to start that one of them stepped off it looked like he to me got off in time but perhaps there was some confusion out there and he didn't it to the sideline he was still standing on the field as right now the ball is sitting squarely on the 30 yard line we mentioned these Broncos are about the same size physically as the eagles they don't have a lot of 280 Pounders on their team but they do have a lot of Team Speed and the uh officials yeah there's the illegal substitution signed by the Eagles so that'll move them back five yards they'll have to start now first and 15 from their own 20 yard line and again that is oh that's a big one I thought that was a five yard they moved it back 15 all the way to the 15 yard line but it will at least because it's not a 5 yard penalty they'll start first 10 not first in 25 so they'll spot it on the 15 John Rob has set the ball down straddling the 15 and much like last excuse me Carol much like last week uh Southwest starting with very poor field position here on this first drive Alex Garcia brings him out from the shotgun three wide on the left side long snap count hand off right up the middle and there's a hole and it's good for about a three yard gain there was a hole and and it quickly closed on a Moreno Moreno got the bulk of the ball carrying last week but there really wasn't a lot of ball carrying they were putting the ball in the air because they were trailing yes and they also had a lot of three and outs a lot of punts last week they do have a new kicker this week Cesar Portugal showed in practice that he can get the job done again Garcia brings them out wide right wide left slot right keep the ball is Garcia Garcia gets out across the 20 to the 21 yd line it'll bring up a third down third and fourth so far Southwest having success they have good interior blocking and both tackles in the first two carries have been made by people that are in the back field of the Broncos on their defense Broncos have a Philadelphia Eagle look white and green with green pants green numbers and it is green a bright green which makes it easy to see their numbers is that Tain that wears those uniforms from the pistol this time Garcia now there's movement somebody forgot the staff count well one of the Broncos jumped up like he was going to Blitz and the guard pulled up to block him now if the def defensive player comes into the neutral zone then that's going to be his impression but he did not so that will put it back five yards and now it's going to be third and nine and rolling to his right looking downfield got a m Open it's good for a pick up of about six and that's not going to be enough for a first down Joshua bar on the catch and he's still down on the field shaking up a bit he was hit by three Broncos they'll spot the ball on the 21 yd line it'll bring up a third and fourth and it'll be fourth that was third down the penalty they haven't changed the yardage marker as there we went the wrong way they went back to two but it's fourth down first game of the year for the people on the sidelines as well fourth and four back to kick is the affirmation star port to go and the kicking game always exciting Long Count snap back kick is away barely and it's a decent kick it'll Bounds at the 45 picked up back across the 50 at the 45 to the 50 and pushed out of bounds as The Tackle by Leonardo Valenzuela and tell already we see some positive Improvement by these Southwest Eagles as that kick although he was rushed he got it away we saw some kicks last week that did not even make it past the yard to game for the first down he kicked that ball it was a good kick but the bounce went almost 40 yards that will bring up first down now as there is a penalty on the play and that's the Block in the back so this is going to push bny back across Midfield so they will start on their side of the field for their first possession so the uh Broncos will put it in play Jacob anela anel will bring them out hanzal Dua was eight for 11 last week for 150 yards but he also is a rusher he had three touchdowns so we would expect to see him with a lot of uh the play action running reading whether or not it's going to be the keeper of the pass from the shun and Saluda back to pass fires downfield got a man wide open and it was a little bit short had the guy open and went incomplete the uh pass intended for junior donaho analua did have two players open so he kind of threw it between them both the snap was not good there was some pressure applied by The Eagles o and Underwood bring up second and 10 little equipment problem they have to go and fix the uh shoulder bat sticking out of the wide receiver on the far side Anda Jacob DS fires it's complete out of the flat breaks one tackle breaks the second tackle crosses the Midfield stripe down to the 48 in Eagle territory the catch by Otis white first down first first down of the evening here second pass back to pass again fires and complete to white again White got us got a seam down the far sideline across the 30 to the 20 down to about the 17 yd line quick in the flat and let him fly John yes that's what they want to do they have these skill players that are extremely quick and they're right up on the line of scrimmage ready to go again as that ball was taken all the way inside the 20 to the 18 yard line first and 10 and one of the Eagles jumped across we'll have to wait and see if he was was the play was not there because the uh they were still moving the chains but it's still a five yard penalty this is the chain gang's first game of the year as well so they're getting some of the bugs worked out triple white outs here on the right side Carol in a stack formation rolling to the right looking looking fires underneath it is complete to the five down to the one yard line the pass completed to Jamari Garlington Garlington again just those quick openers Garlington had it took it down to the one yard line it'll be first and goal from the one let's see if Anderson takes this in or if the quarterback does and off oh it's a and the quarterback and Z will roll into the end zone touchdown Manning Banning marches down field rather smartly and I'll do a fake the hand off to Anderson hold it back and had no contact he was well into the end zone so now we'll see the Pat and the quarterback and they'll DOA does be holding and sabalos with the kick the kick is up the kick is good we've got 746 to play in the first quarter and it is Banning seven and Southwest nothing [Music] triling s nothing after the batting Broncos rolled down field one two three four five six seven eight nine 10 11 on the field okay that's good got that part straightened out okay and uh now the Eagles are getting ready to receive the second kick we didn't get a chance to mention much before the game but the one problem that these Broncos will present to the Eagles is they have great team speed especially on the outside and that's what they try to do get the ball to their speed Runners and let them turn up field Ki kick it is covered by one of the upman for Southwest goty Mo and the Eagles will start with some of the best field position they've had all year and Carol let's give prps to coach Pete bimco and his coaching staff the Banning Broncos pulled that last week not once but twice so the Eagles saw some game fields so they were ready all their players nobody broke back they all stood right on the 50 yard line the ball took a nice hop and they were able to recover it very good field position on their own 48 first and 10 Eagles Garcia takes the snap hands off up the middle and there's nothing there for a Moreno he'll lose about two yards Mareno was the featured back last week and so he does get the start tonight last week he was inserted they have moved last week starter Underwood out as a receiver as Moreno is a junior brings up second and 12 Garcia same spread formation three White House to the right one to the left Mareno back as the lone back next to Garcia three man front for the Broncos but now they come with a couple of linebackers Moreno takes the hand off again he'll be just shy of the light of scrimmage the uh three-man front for the Broncos but then they stack up four linebackers and one of the reasons they do that Carol is you recognize they're just not real big on the defensive line they've got one kid out there that weighs over 200 PB and all the rest are under 200 so they just put as many players at the point of attack as they possibly can it'll be third and third and 14 Garcia with Moreno right next to him wide right wide left slot right slot left snap back looking deep looking deep has time fires deep and it'll be picked off at the 30 yd line bringing it back across the 40 hurling one player mares Stewart BAU Stuart B playing center field and the pass right into his arms turnover and the Broncos will put it in play first and 10 spot it on their own 41 yd line kcia did have time they did a nice job of blocking but at the same time the Broncos pull back and only rushed three so they had eight players back there in the pass coverage back to pass in the flat complete and across the Midfield stripe struggles and they'll spot it right about a yard short of the first down they will spot it right on the Midfield stripe the uh pass completed to Junior zaho just shy of the first down give him nine put the ball right at Midfield Alanda is only a sophomore it is on the Fly and running down the sideline pushing his way down to the 30 yd line in Eagle territory and On The Run Otis white as you can see these Banning Broncos try to get everybody involved as right now goes off the field after that nice pickup of 21 yards sta back fires over the midle and it's picked off the Eagles pick it off at the 15 out to the 20 out of Bounds at the 30 yd line and there's laundry all over the field Matt Mills I'm sorry the pick off by Christian okay let me find the right numbers here okay we got number 53 that would be number eight oh number eight uh we did not have a number eight on our roster and we did not get that numbers changed some of the kids did change so as of now Carol we'll just have to go with that I pulled up last year's roster so that didn't help much no yeah they do not have a number eight so when I get a chance I will check yeah the interception was by the Eagles number eight that's last year's roster but that explains a lot doesn't it but we've got tonight yeah they do not have a number eight so last week Andrew Flores was 10 excuse me was 75 but he's back to number 10 now so they have brought a couple I'm sorry they do have number eight Carol Alejandro Serano he was just brought up to the varsity last night so let's give Alejandro stano Crump playing cornerback took a little bit of research but what the heck I pulled out the card catalog using the Dewey deso system and came up with the number hand off up the middle again a Moreno nothing again he'll lose another yard nothing in the middle for the Eagles and if you recall last week John not much of a running game yeah kind of uh hard to run when they're running against a stack defensive line but let's give prompts to Alejandro Tano Carol two days ago he's not even on the wi City football team they tell him last night they give him a uniform number eight he comes out get the interception of the second series so that's a good way to impress your coach and to get some more playing time I think so it'll be second and 10 Garcia checking the play snap back looking into the flat and overthrows Serano not only is he getting to play he's getting to play a lot John well he appears to be an athlete the interception he made was a real nice grab uh right there just couldn't bring the ball in it was too far overhead so that'll bring up third and 10 now the clock stopped on the incompleted pass okay this is a Banning team that uh Blew Up Notre Dame Riverside last week you've got the Eagles here that the Vikings and oille blew them up last week they're playing fairly even John yes we've had two turnover back to back interception by either side Long stap Count drops back straight back then rolls to his right looking for some Running Room looking for somebody downfield and almost picked off threw it into pretty good coverage downfield the coverage provided by Maris Stewart BAU once again the Broncos disguised their rush they act like they're going to rush as many as eight players and then at the snap they pulled four of them back four players rushed and then when Garcia broke contained they did bring one of their up linebackers and he put some pressure made Garcia get rid of the football incomplete so now we'll get our second punt from Cesar Portugal standing back on his five yard line stap is low it's bobbled and he gets it away ball was TI the ball was tipped the pter was knocked down but ball was tipped it was a bad snap it didn't roll back it bounced back and uh Portugal did a nice job of short hopping it but it did throw off his rhythm so he was able to get the kick away it was touched by the oncoming rusher still though it's all the way out to the 42 yd line and Downing the ball for the Eagles was Alejandro Sano the Broncos out at spread formation looking downfield got a man open and caught at the 151 five touchdown the catch by Jamari Garlington carlington with a 42 yard touchdown reception yeah that was a beautifully thrown ball just hit him right if he didn't catch it it was going to hit him right in the chest and once he caught it he was able to turn the Jets on went into the end zone untouched after attempt and Z sure did not seem shy after that previous pass P intercepted came right back and threw a nice ball for the touchdown Nathan denkins waiting for the sidelines snap back kick is up kick is good we've got three 19 to play in the first quarter it is 14 to nothing as the Banning Broncos the and the uh bronos set to kick off again gavara Valenzuela are back deep also back there joining them I believe might be Serano doing everything else this time he kicks it high and it's feel that he's on his knee when he caught it so he's down right there yeah did a nice job of catching the football but he did plant his knee down that was Valenzuela Leonardo S as we've said already last week and this week a lot of sophomores and juniors on this Eagle football team as right now the Eagles will come out for this will be in the first quarter they are now ready to start their fourth possession so the the play comes in from the sidelines and unfortunately Carol he catching and putting the knee down he did have a lane but he was going to bring the ball out probably past the 30 Garcia with his one back Moreno next to him double white outs each side hand off and that is not Mareno that is Underwood Underwood lowers the shoulder and picks up about four yard on the carry some positive yardage yes Underwood was the starter last week we mentioned how Mareno was their best runner last week got the start now they give it d a deep boun to the outside as you mentioned picked up positive yard the ball now sits outside the 20 on the 21 yd line that's pick up a four yard for Underwood on his first Carry of the we have not seen gar uh pull the ball back and takeoff running himself yet he did have one play that was called uh that he got three yards so let's see if they're going to allow Garcia to perhaps do one of those read option plays it's Garcia with Underwood in the back field with him and now we've got Timeout on the field as I believe we've got a delay of game well the Eagles Take a lot of time you know we've seen some teams that uh you know Rush up up to the line and you know keep the ball moving the Spartans will do that to you that's what the Broncos are doing tonight as well so move it back a couple of yards it'll be second down at about 12 again it's Underwood with a hand off he dips back looking for some running room and then he is warmed on and brought down as he brings it out to about the 16 yd line [Music] fine and that'll be no game I know we mentioned already that these Broncos are small but they do have good team speed and Underwood just wasn't able to turn the corner they were able to actually outrun him to the corner and brought him down for no game that now brings up third and 12 after the penalty Garcia brings him out again taking a lot of time in the Huddle you have a young team you want to make sure you know the play the call and you want to get it right so your assignments are all accurate dropping back to pass and it picked off again the pass intercepted returned 4 six the uh didn't get the number of the uh the defender John yeah we have to take a look here uh but he got six I was expecting a flag to come out for taunting uh his coach is talking to the young man right now on the field so perhaps the the officials decided let's just let that one go and let the coach take care of it young man now is taking his helmet off and he's he's getting a good dressing down by the coach CU what he did was when he caught it he just did the taunting motion but let's give props to Earl dunahoo kick is up kick is good 114 to play in the first quarter it's 21 nothing it's high school football we are live on a 1230 KX L Central California and the uh Banning Broncos looking to avenge a loss last year to these Eagles last year's score was 24-2 so they've already put up 21 points here in the first quarter as we can see we have two different football teams fact now to receive the kick is Caesar excuse me is um Alejandro seran he is back now to receive the kick along with Joshua iara Diego sabalos will do the kicking he is their punter although they have not had to punt yet tonight everybody's ready the officials signal we're ready let's play another nice kick fielded back at the five that's Toronto Toronto to the 10 the 15 cuts across and stays on his feet and is dropped at about the 23 yd line Sano made something out of nothing he avoided a couple of tackles and brought it out to the 23 yd line very positive addition to this Eagle Squad here in 2024 we do have a flag down on the and it's a personal foul against the Broncos this is going to move the ball from just across the 20 it's going to put it almost all the way near the 40 I did not see the penalty but it is marched off from the infraction and they're going to stop walking all the way out at the 38 yd line it'll be first and 10 Eagles on their own 38 yd line following the penalty and I'm not exact L sure what it was the signal was we don't know what the infraction actually was the personal foul part it's a big one 15 yards Garcia back out with his team ready to go eagles with Alex Garcia from the shotgun drops straight back has some time fires deep downfield and it is incomplete and there is flag back behind the play yeah let's see if they got a little bit late to Garcia but at the same time that could have been a hole so let's uh let the referees figure it out the uh coverage downfield appear to be pretty good but the official was closer and in a better position than I it's going to be pass interference against the visiting Broncos that will give Southwest their first first down good evening [Applause] [Music] [Music] get ready to indulge in authentic Mexican food and juicy steaks Rosa's plain food is now open in El Central and is serving up all your favorite dishes buritos tacos men Nole and don't forget their awardwinning savii head to Rosa's plain food at the Valley Plaza in h Central next to the Sketcher store Rosas have been serving since 1988 open every day except Monday they offer dinin carry out and even catering Rosa plane food where flavor takes flight the CB stop located Corner the eagles with the uh Jed sweep boss nine yards so they're back in their own territory it'll be second and 19 they get a break and then they lose it at the end of the first quarter at the end of one quarter of play our score it's Banning 21 and the Southwest Eagles nothing John dripple will have some halftime step that's coming up and G me who in the studios will take a break with the some of our sponsors right here mcart your One-Stop convenience store with everything you need to get you through the day fill your tank with v power from Shell then visit the deli for breakfast lunch or dinner choose your favorite deli sandwich or hot stuffed pizza or feed the office for your next party with party platters choose from me cheese vegetable or sandwich platter yes MCN smart is your One-Stop convenience store at the corner of dogwood and Main Street El Centro the CB stop located at the corner of Cole and balker Road in kexo is your One-Stop location for ice cold beer wine and Your Favorite Beverages they have a selection of sandwiches chips snacks ice and play the lotto including Powerball and mega super lotto you can even get fishing bait and a fishing license the CB stop has it all along with a gas station with diesel and a car wash open 24 hours a day the CB stop located in colal at the corner of Cole and balker Road stand Auto Body a name you've heard of and a name you can trust Bo and his team have been serving his customers at STS auto body for many years now his mission to be recognized as a premier provider of auto body repair services and working closely with you and your insurance company on your Collision Repair they're committed to delivering you Superior your quality and customer service by exceeding your expectations so if the unfortunate happens to you or you need some dents fixed don't hesitate and call stands auto body or stop by 1880 West uclid Avenue in El Centro and rolling to his right looking down field and in and out of the hands of the intended eer in complete that'll bring up third and 19 as we are underway in the second quarter John for whatever reason the first quarter seemed like it took forever so I thought it was half time yeah well only because it did take a long time with all the touchdowns the penalties that was an interesting Play Carol I think the Eagles are GNA come back to that later they had Underwood blocking but then he released and he was actually open but uh he jungled the ball and it was bouncing around and a chance to get intercepted and finally ended up on the ground it'll be third and 19 Underwood is lined up next to Garcia o on Underwood dropping back to pass dumping it off underneath and it is Sano and he'll lose another five yards Sano is not a very big guy no uh he has shown some good athleticism obviously on his interception and his kick return but uh that time the Banning Broncos really smelled that out it was a screen pass and they only rushed two players so once it was completed to serono he had a lot of Broncos around him and nowhere to go 21 nothing Banning leads the South West Eagles just underway in the second quarter e goes to punt Portugal the punter just a 10 y drop High snap he loses it and he'll fall on it at the 22 yard line then he lost it but it was covered by another Eagle not that it makes any difference it'll be the Banning Broncos ball first and 10 on the eagle 18 yd line well unfortunately Carol we mentioned how the previous snap bounced back Portugal had a nice job of feeling like a short stop and so to overcompensate the center really let one fly and it went way over his head did a nice job to cover because it is a live ball it can be Advanced so he fell on it that's going to give the Broncos a short feel as they put the ball it looks like it's on about the 18 yd line first and 10 back to pass fire in the flat completed the 10 stepping out of Bounds at the five nice little quick hitter which is what they've been doing all evening the uh Broncos dumped it off that time to Kamari Horsemen they do spread the ball around don't they Carol seems to be going all over the place this are up offense they right back up on the line of scrimmage and Z back to pass looking into the corner of the end zone and overthrows good tossing away because there was double coverage in that corner of the end zone smart move by the sopore it'll be second and goal the Broncos going deep into their playbook now that was a double crossing pattern supposed to hit the receiver in the corner of the end zone and did a nice job of throwing it away because the Eagles had that deep in takes it hands it off no he doesn't he fakes it and throws it into the end zone complete for a touchdown Jamari carlington with the catch that was a heck of a catch Carol because that ball was well thrown behind him and he just reached out grabbed it it would have been intercepted because the trailing cornerback was right there that was an excellent play by Garlington not only did he score six points for his team but he saved his quarterback from an interception we'll have the point after attempt again so far they've been pretty good with that he step back kick is blocked and no good goes out of the back of the end zone with 109 to play in the first half it is Banning 27 nothing build your future at C the center for employment training C has been serving Farm Workers since 1967 grants are available so that Farm Workers and their children can attend at no cost see if you qualify at C farmw worker admissions enroll at any time all programs can be completed in under a year and job placement assistance and financial aid or available to those who qualify call 8005335125 hours a day 365 days a year right here at imperal and Coachella valleys hi this is Jason Jackson owner of Southwest security I've been in the private security business for over 25 years and have always made it my mission to always provide my clients with the highest quality security services available your satisfaction is my number one priority and don't forget Southwest postal the only Postal Center in Imperial Valley with 24/7 365 access to your post office box access when you need it located on the corner of forth and H in El Central the Eagles the Broncos K off and Alejandro s with another return get a couple of yards brings it out on the 24 yd line and that is where the will put it in play Imperial leads Vincent Memorial 126 we do that was going to be a good game John it is Palm Desert 7 Central nothing pville 8 Mission Bay nothing yeah Palm Desert scores a little bit of a surprise after what broy did last week really put a big Herd on Palm Desert first and 10 Eagles f it to the running back Moreno keep it and turn it up field after turning the corner and Garcia picks up by make it six yards I think that's about the longest run from scage tonight John yes and that was Garcia doing what we anticipated Carol uh faked it to Underwood up the middle and then read the uh defense collapsing and took off around the right side of the defense picked up a nice gain and an update it is Central 7even Palm Desert 7 it is second and five Garcia with Mareno next to him now there's we might have too much time again yeah to save that penalty Eagles take the time out 904 to play in the first half repair and towing service in Yuma it's oo Aza mobile auto repair formerly John's Auto Service only the name has changed you still receive the same Professional Service on all makes and models automobiles because Aza has been John's mechanic for 28 years he is now the proud owner and continues to give you the same Quality Service oo ASA mobile auto and towing service 508 East 22nd Street in Yuma call 928 941 1088 you've been waiting and the is finally over Jersey Mike Subs is now open at 102 North Imperial Avenue in El Centro you heard that right the long awaited opening of Jersey Mikes in El Centro is finally here delicious top quality hot and cold Subs that's Jersey Mike Subs at 1,2 North Imperial Avenue in elro [Music] [Music] is Kennedy's car with many types of delicious marinated chicken to choose from an award-winning carneada check out these specials Homestyle pork AA store only £2.99 a pound and marinated Gada burger patties just £4.99 a pound and boada one get one pound free only Monday through Wednesday open in El Centro 8 to8 in Yuma 9 to7 we match our competitors prices K car 1239 Adams Avenue in El Centro and Kennedy's car a 380 East 16th Street in Yuma carry it down to about the 8 yd line where they will put it in play first go but there are flags all over the field wait and see what the interception is going to stand Carol but they'll GNA have to move this back because there's all kinds of holes and blocks in the back as the defense of the Broncos got a little excited I believe it was Marlon Patterson with the pick so they'll March it back to the 23 still Broncos ball it'll be first and 10 from the eagle 23 and from the shotgun stap back rolling to his right looking fires underneath it is completed the 10 and pushed Out of Bounds at about the five yd line [Music] and the pass completed to Austin white they do move the ball around these Broncos they get everybody involved first and goal from the eight into the corner of The End Zone it is caught touchdown went up high brought it down and kept his feet inbounds and the touchdown well we give credit to Junior Deno will try the point after two play after the third interception of the first half Here app is back the kick is up and the kick is good 809 to play in the first half it is Manning 34 nothing build your future at C the center for employment training CET has been serving Farm Workers since 1967 grants are available so that Farm Workers and their children can attend at no cost see if you qualify at C farmworker admissions enroll at any time all programs can be completed in under a year and job placement assistance and financial aid are available to those who qualify call 800 533 2519 or go to CET the future is in your hands it's gay night and you know what that means time for a winning treat everybody's a win at Imperial scoop factory located in El Central at the corner of Imperial Avenue in acat drive inside the Chevron the coolest flavors from cookies and cream caramel with brownie there's something for everyone so after the game gather the team and head on over to Imperial scoop Factory open late so you can be sure to get your sweet treat Imperial scoop Factory where every scoop is a sweet [Laughter] [Music] victory to kick off again it's another onside kick and this time the Broncos cover the outside kick one of the Eagles had it to squirt through his arms and the Broncos cover it on the eagle 45 yd line as you said John last week they did a number of onside kicks right they did two of them last week the game they won 53 to nothing and here with the 34 another KN they do their second onside kick Southwest was not fooled they had their players there everybody did what they were supposed to do just unfortunately that aong ball took a weird hop and the upman for the Eagles wasn't able to contain it and so now the Broncos will start inside Southwest territory we have another Timeout on the field Eagles Take a timeout so six to play in the first half it is Banning 34 Sou nothing scho football live Valley and told pal desert in central TI 77 a second quarter score the Eagles took the time out try to regroup a little bit and the uh officials say okay let's play and much like Hopeville these Banning Broncos only have a roster of 47 players so it's not like they go four deep in each position so all their starters are still out on the field standing back is and do fires deep downfield got a man open makes a nice catch at the 15 goes to the ground on the catch that was Tyler Poland it'll be first and 10 Banning on the 13 yd line first time we've called Tyler's name tonight as an alz having quite a first half fires into the corner of the end zone and mat is wide open all alone and catches it for the score and on the catch Tyler pulling two nice catches John had to go in the air to bring them both down and he did and that catchy actually had to worry about the sideline there of the end zone keeping his foot inbound so that was one of those highlight catches where he spread out feet toes on the ground was able to bring it in excellent catch they didn't have to worry about coverage because there was no one near it toos would try the uh point after that back picks it up puts it up and there's a okay I'm waiting to see did he we've got a penalty flag down so that will have to be determined if the Kick's good then obviously the team if it's against the Eagles the Broncos can decide to decline that or take it on the kickoff personal foul running into the kicker s running into the kicker and apparently the kick was is not good well if it wasn't good they'd go ahead and reick it so I think is what they're doing Carol is the kick was good and they're going to enforce the penalty on the kickoff because you're not going to enforce the penalty to take the point away from you and they're certainly not going to allow the play to stand as a pat that does not count so if they haven't put it up on the board I I just believe they haven't quite gotten the message that it is the kick itself was good it is on the scoreboard 40 to nothing but what we have John is 41 to nothing and let's see if Southwest has more players up on their what now will be their 35 yard line perhaps for another onside kick and they do not they still have their ACC compliment of six players and the kick it's a driving kick into the end zone for a Touchback Theos can do either one the Eagles will put it in play first and 10 on their own 20 yd line coming up the uh Eagles trying to get something gone already three picks in the first half that has not helped them and we will have all the stats at halftime I also believe uh the athletic director Ruben Valenzuela will be up here as a guest will he not Ruben will be here always good to hear Ruben what he has to say about the start of this school year the stats are going to be absolutely all inspiring for this young man Jacob anzaldua the sophomore they've only run twice two plays from scrimmage runs everything else has been a pass that's the West Coast offense John first and 10 eagles they show a full house backfield here comes a blitz and under wood into the middle of the scrum he never goes down but he is stopped a loss of a yard it's the first time we've seen a full house backfield for the Eagles and let's give these Broncos credit as soon as the defensive players saw that they just totally refused to think of pass and they actually had 10 players right up on the line of scrimmage so now let's see if Southwest can counter that same formation and then do some kind of play action off of that second and 11 Eagles come out trying to get something going valeno wide on the left side but the handoff goes up the middle and piing up some decent yardage I believe that's Moreno but we'll have to double check make sure once he gets up they're looks like Southwest is actually in a Veer as that was joshuar on the carry his second carry of the night picked up five yards it'll be third and six well when you're picked three times the first half maybe you uh delay the passing game and try and run right they're in a Veer formation again here come the Broncos back to passes Garcia gets it away it is completed to vuela and he'll go down at about the 20 five yd line so he'll lose a yard it'll be well it'll still be fourth and Six Clock continues to run he did not go out of bounds it've got little bit more than five minutes to play in the first half it is 40 to nothing Banning leads Garcia brings them out this although this is fourth down it appears that they are going for it Carol now they've got the kick field portug Portugal in his first game wasn't quite sure and now also his first game Serrano comes out on the cover team and he will actually be the center Serrano will be well and now I believe we're going to have timeout by The Eagles Eagles take the time out take time out0 to play the first half and [Laughter] it's high school football on trailing coming up at half mentioned we'll have the numbers for you we also anticipate be here and we will uh update the numbers we'll update scores that should be the Eagles final timeout J yes they've already burned their three timeouts Sano take you over the long spping duties as the previous staps were not good good stap nice kick it'll bounce at the 45 picked up on the run and Bulldog down nice tackle and guess what Tonto won the tackle right he snapped the football and took off running and brought down the would be returner Horseman Horseman is a freshman Carol we know what year San is fresh or aop do not know it's Banning ball first and 10 and the Eagles jump off first time we've seen the Broncos in the AR formation so let's see if they decide that just running the ball twice from scrimmage in the first half uh something they want to correct fixed by halftime okay get his hands duer he'll take it from the pistol Otis white is behind him Otis white gets the hat off o is white nothing inside cuts it outside HS it up field across the 50 the 45 the 40 stays on his feet goes out of Bounds at the 30 Odis white a Senor white getting some time carrying the football as he actually broke two a three tackles right there at the line of scrimmage picks up another first down pitch pack on the sweep and it is to the 15 l 10 touchdown and I believe that again was Odis white go ahead and reward him for running the ball down there the Broncos pretty much able to do what they want I think they worked The Kinks out of their passing game so we very well may see uh a lot of time on the ground we'll have some 15 point after that back K is good and with 359 to play in the first half it is landing 47 Southwest nothing inner care is your One-Stop shop for your family's health care needs from primary care to Pediatrics Dental Optometry Radiology pharmaceutical and laboratory services open on weekends and welcoming walk-ins inner care is here to provide you the excellent care you deserve to find an inner Care Health Center near you visit inner inner care making life healthy from the inside out when you're craving Mexican food leonda Bar and Grill is everybody's favorite Choice the kamano family they've been doing it right for many years you're never disappointed on the service that you get and The Smiling Faces who serve you and food that's delivered to your table they'll make you feel right at home one tradition they've always kept is serving you freshly made Mexican Food daily from chili renos to enchiladas they do it right if you're craving Mexican food make sure you stop by at leonda Bar and Grill 1950 South 4 Street inl Centro open Wednesday through Monday deep kick fielded out at the five out to the 10 1520 and out to about the 24 yd line the Eagles will put it in play the uh Banning kicking game has been good yeah except for the one missed extra point and the one that was blocked they've been Stellar their kicker has kicked two nice onside kicked one they recovered and I should point out the snaps have all been fielded on a hop to the uh holder and who is also the quarterback right he sop and the reason they put him back there is in case they want to go ahead and do some kind of a fake kick he's obviously their best offensive player plus if it is a bad snap he might be able to turn something out of nothing first and 10 Eagles from their own 23 yard line bear formation once again snap back hand off looking for some Running Room outside there's nothing there for Moreno he is hit and dropped he'll lose a couple of yards he'll lose three bring up second and 13 the Eagles just not able to get uh either running or passing underway at this point John yes and the Broncos after getting three interceptions they realized with a Veer formation it's not conduant to passing so they're stacking the line of scrimmage that time they had eight players up on the line of scrimmage it is second and 13 this Play Carol they have 10 on the line of scrimmage and there's a flag coming from behind the Broncos it go against the Eagles somebody moved once again coming up on the half where under two minutes to play no two- minute warning in high school okay it'll be second and 19 Garcia back to pass winds up fires deep downfield and it is caught in triple coverage the catch made and I believe that was Joshua iar John yes B with the catch in all honesty Carol is what happened is the two defensive players were fighting each other for the football and as they were banging into each other iara let it Nestle right into his arm for a big gain across the 40 they're going to put all the way out to the 41 yd line it'll be first and 10 24 yard pickup the biggest of the evening Eagles come out showed the fear again now they shift out of it wide right wide left flanker right flanker left Garcia Here Comes The Rush Garcia back to pass rolling to his right looking looking and he throws it away nice move the uh Eagles are now faced with a third down and 19 the Southwest band preparing themselves to entertain at halftime coming up shortly did I say third and 19 I should have said the third and second and 11 is what they show this will probably be the last play of the first half from the Veer here they come and hand off is to Moreno he is hit immediately by the Broncos and that's it that's the end of the first half of play at the end of the first half of football it is Banning 47 and Southwest nothing hi I'm Dr David farcus superintendent of central Union High School District academic success starts with being present every day counts when it comes to a student's education don't let absences hold them back let's strive for Success be present be punctual and be prepared for a bright future every day at school is a step closer to your child achieving their dreams attendance matters Let's Make Every Day Count Roto rter your plumbing and drain cleaning specialist rotor roter offers full services from hydrojetting to camera inspection water heaters faucets garbage disposals anything that's clogged up rotor router is a locally owned family business with 57 years in the Imperial Valley call the experts at 760 352 6789 Roto rter when drains don't work we do call Roto that's the name and we go troubles down the drain [Music] build your future at CET the center for employment training CET has been serving Farm Workers since 1967 grants are available so that Farm Workers and their children can attend at no cost see if you qualify at C farmworker admissions enroll at any time all programs can be completed in under a year and job placement assistance and financial aid are available to those who qualify call 800 533 2519 or go to C the future is is in your hand St Auto Body a name you've heard of and a name you can trust B and his team have been serving his customers at Stan's auto body for many years now his mission to be recognized as a premier provider of auto body repair services and working closely with you and your insurance company on your Collision Repair they're committed to delivering you superior quality and customer service by exceeding your expectations so if the unfortunate happens to you or you need some dents fixed don't hesitate and call stands on a body or stop by 1880 West uclid Avenue in El Centro we're at the half it is high school football on am 12:30 kxo L Central California and on the worldwide web at kxo and also on our YouTube channel and with us at halftime here is the Southwest High School athletic director Ruben vuela and Ruben so many things going on your school just got underway you're what three weeks into uh three weeks into the school year Carol yep and uh all sorts of things going on of course football but there's flag football too there is flag football too and that yeah that's gotten up to a great start as well we hosted our very very first uh girls flag football tournament here in Imperial Valley uh we had uh three upper Desert Schools come on down Lea Indo and Shadow Hills along with some Valley teams and uh the kids just loved it our drum line came out to support uh the girls uh when we were playing here uh early uh last week and it was a blast and the girls are having so much fun uh playing the game of football and it is so much fun to watch it we broadcast one of the games last year we probably will do another one or two this year it's quick it is it is very quick yeah exciting the ladies are very challenged they are and they work hard they work extremely hard you know uh to see our coach out here coach cardas and and his assistant coach duus they do a fabulous job um we finally found a a head a permanent head JV coach and Coach Cruz so we're excited in the direction that our girls blackag football program is and this is only the second year correct it's only the second year it's growing everywhere everywhere well like I said now the upper Desert Schools have teams I was talking to the athletic director from Banning uh Brandon Mason and he said that they started black football up at Banning High School as well so it's growing it is really growing and those teams were excited to be able to get some games early early in their season what other games are going on what other what other teams have you good well our volleyball team is off to a great start the defending CIF Champions uh they are 4- one right now getting ready for another non League batch and then their first tournament up in San Diego next weekend up at Del Lago and Ino um our cross country team is heading across the state line over to Yuma to running an invite this weekend over there that sabola puts on um our golf team uh due to weather with this new wet ball thing so they've been playing in San Diego or up at Raja barrage and and they're they are having having a ball and they're they're getting off to a great start as well and Tennis we've had them playing over the hill too because of the Heat uh we did have one home match we had to start that one at 6 p.m. due to the uh the heat indexing that we have we got to follow now and um but our our fall sports are all off and running okay and you know it amazes me I went to a small school okay 220 in the school good all boys Catholic High School and okay we played football basketball baseball and oh yeah some of us ran track okay I mean that was it that was it oh tennis okay but um you know you've got something for everybody even competitive cheer yes yeah and that's going to be starting in December in fact this year we are actually going to have an Imperial Valley cheer showcase that's going to be hosted by Central and that is to give these competition teams an opportunity to perform their routine that they're going to use in competition with actual budg and get some good constructive feedback in preparation for the CIF competitions that are coming up in December and January so yep they they're cheers at it as well and hit it hard they're in that multi-purpose room every single day if they could be and working just just as hard okay how about the other things that are going on around campus you got students and the tons of stud t a lot a lot of new ones um we've got new kids in our in our Cadet program that we started last year the sergeant major brought that up the sergeant major Derma he brought that up he brought it in and we're running with it and we've got so we've got now second year Cadets and now this year first year Cadets so and as you can see they did a great job we we got a great Color Guard you know that were out here at the beginning of the game so that that's taken off um culinary as usual our our health occupations program saapa dance is already at it saapa theater's getting started so FFA so so many different things on our campus it's not even funny and that's one of the things I like about about being at Southwest Carol is because we I we have something for everybody pretty much you know we have something for everybody so it doesn't matter what you love you want to cook you have a Latin club Latin as far as Latin dance yes we do yes we do we that's the thing we didn't even talk about the clubs and that's one of them that's one of them but like I said we have got something for everybody you come to Southwest you've got so many different choices be involved in so many different activities it's not even funny and I know uh your principal yes sergeant major yes brings a lot of Charisma and and I told him last year if I were one of his students his fight would have been up the flag you just give me a good idea you know he's yeah he's Mr Derma I you know I've known him for a long long time what a lot of people don't know is that his wife and my wife were best friends they were each other's made of honors in each other's we kadre kadre they grew up together in Broly my wife and Joe's wife and so you know I've known him for a long time way back before when I first started working here says hey you know when can I get you to come to calipat I don't think so I live too close what am I going to drive to calipat for what I live so close to where I work you know maybe someday you'll come over and work with us and look what happened came over from the Dark Side came over and you know he's he's a straight shooter he's he's very supportive of all of the activities that go on campus and that's the thing that I see is that he's here to serve our kids too and that's the one thing is is that he's going to make sure that our kids have a great High School experience on top of getting the great education that's what it's all about Ruben absolutely we appreciate the visit and anytime Carol thank you catching up on everything that's going on on this campus and I know you're going through a lot of uh hard to believe this is 25 plus years old now it's still the new school yeah we're still the new school around right we're well I want to stay close to 27 28 because this is year 30 for me in the business and year 27 at Southwest and it was open before I got it so we're up there we're close to 30 yeah yep yep so there's a lot of upgrading and refurbishing and that that is oh that's the thing yeah I mean you should say if you uh if you checked out that e slot you saw all of those old air conditioning units yeah theyve replaced a lot of AC units so now the wear and tear starting to show and this summer they did a lot of hard work to try to upgrade some of those things and get them back up to Park okay Ruben we appreciate the visit thank you and good luck for the rest of the season thank you very much Carol it was a pleasure my friend anytime at the half our score it is Banning 47 and Southwest nothing we'll be right back after this mcart your One-Stop convenience store with everything you need to get you through the day fill your tank with v power from Shell then visit the deli for breakfast lunch or dinner choose your favorite deli sandwich or hot stuffed pizza or feed the office for your next party with party platters choose from meat cheese vegetable or sandwich platter yes mcart is your One-Stop convenience store at the corner of dog wood and Main Street El Centro you've been waiting and the wait is finally over Jersey Mike Subs is now open at 102 North Imperial Avenue in El Centro you heard that right the long awaited opening of Jersey Mike's in El Centro is finally here delicious top quality hot and cold Subs that's Jersey Mike Subs at 1,2 North Imperial Avenue in El Centro there's a new mobile auto repair and towing service in Yuma it's alsoo AA mobile auto repair formerly John's Auto Service only the name has change you still receive the same Professional Service on all makes and models automobiles because Aza has been John's mechanic for 28 years he is now the proud owner and continues to give you the same Quality Service oo AA mobile auto and to service 508 East 22nd Street in Yuma call 928 941 1 1088 self security has been protecting properties 24 hours a day 365 days a year right here at Imperial and Coachella valleys hi this is Jason Jackson owner of Southwest security I've been in the private security business for over 25 years and have always made it my mission to always provide my clients with the highest quality security services available your satisfaction is my number one priority and don't forget Southwest postal the only Postal Center in Imperial Valley with 24/7 365 access to your post office box access when you need it located on Corner fourth and high in El Central we are at the half High School football on am 1230 kxo Central California John dle you've got some numbers what do you got well they show pretty much what the corboy shows Banning Broncos coming down from Banning of bont they lead at the half 47 to nothing they only ran the ball four times from scrimmage but they did it well when they did run it from scrimmy they picked up 73 yards and tonight is the night of the sophomore Jacob analua he is 10 for 15 for 182 yards he does have one interception and that was by the Eagles Alejandro Tano but that 182 yards passing 73 rushing gives the Broncos 255 total yards they did pick up 11 first downs they did not fumble all the only turnover was that one interception we mentioned we'll be back to take a look at what the Eagles have done done after this hi I'm Dr David farus superintendent of central Union High School District academic success starts with being present every day counts when it comes to a student's education don't let absences hold them back let's strive for Success be present be punctual and be prepared for a bright future every day at school is a step closer to your child achieving their dreams attendance matters let's make everyday count when you're craving Mexican food leonda bar and grill is everybody's favorite Choice the kamano family they've been doing it right for many years you're never disappointed on the service that you get and The Smiling Faces who serve you and food that's delivered to your table they'll make you feel right at home one tradition they've always kept is serving you freshly made Mexican Food daily from chili renos to enchiladas they do it right if you're craving mexic food make sure you stop by at leonda Bar and Grill 1950 South 4 Street inl Central Open Wednesday through Monday inner care is your One-Stop shop for your family's health care needs from primary care to Pediatrics Dental Optometry Radiology pharmaceutical and laboratory services open on weekends and welcoming walk-ins in care is here to provide you the excellent care you deserve to find an interner care Health Center near you visit inner inare making life healthy from the inside out we're back at eaglesfield where at the half the Eagles are trailing 47 to nothing to the visiting Broncos of vanning high Southwest ran the ball 11 times from scrimmage but because of that one bad snap on the punt attempt which does have to be credited as negative rushing yards they ended up with negative four yards in the first half the quarterback Alex Garcia was four for2 for 25 yards giving Southwest a total of 21 positive yards but they did have the three interception among those 12 passes him and the Eagles did pick up two first downs individually Garcia ran the ball once for three yards getting six carries but being tackled behind the line of scrimmage four times for negative eight yards was a bareno the junr Joshua iara had two carries uh both time tackle behind the line of scrimmy for negative three yards and oon Underwood had two carries for a positive four yards receiving the football tonight was spread out among three receivers for the four catches Leonardo Valen W had one had one catch for one positive yard the inserted Alejandro Serano had one catch but it was behind the line of scrimmage for negative five yards and the most positive yards gains in the first half was by the junor junor Joshua iara he had two receptions for 29 total yards we'll be back with more after this build your future at C the center for employment training CET has been serving Farm Workers since 1967 grants are available so that Farm Workers and their children can attend at no cost see if you qualify at C farmworker admissions enroll at any time all programs can be completed in under a year and job placement assistance and financial aid are available to those who qualify call 800 533 2519 or go to C the future is in your hands there's a new mobile auto repair and towing service in Yuma it's oo AA mobile auto repair formerly John's Auto Service only the name has changed you still receive the same Professional Service on all makes and models automobiles because Aza has been John's mechanic for 28 years he is now the proud owner and continues to give you the same Quality Service oaza mobile auto and towing service 508 East 22nd Street in Yuma call 928 941 1088 and we are at the half the Southwest Eagles the Banning Broncos the Broncos have run wild over the Eagles 47 nothing at the half and in a couple of minutes we'll get underway John you said said something interesting that you found about out about last week's panning game yes because it was such a mismatch we mentioned how notame has not recovered their student population since the covid they actually stopped that game at Halftime final score was 53 to nothing but they did not they didn't even have a running clock in the second half they had no clock everybody went home and the uh some of the Banning officials coaches were wondering if that was going to be the case there but uh Ruben vuela the ad assured them that no the Eagles will show up for the second half and they're getting ready to kick off right now we will be bringing you the action the Eagles and the Broncos on Philadelphia and Denver Banning and Southwest the uh Broncos will receive that's almost insult on top of the injury but the Broncos could receive the kickoff for the second half it'll be their first uh kickoff reception let's see if they can get it right they do have some burners they have two up next in the 25 and two on the 10 and all four of them can take it to the house they are very fast elusive Runners the officials say they're about ready and the clock is ready just need one more player to make it 11 for the Eagles as they get that player out and we will be underway Portugal will do the kicking nice high kick it'll be fielded at the 15 out to the 20 to the 25 hit somebody finds a steam breaks it right up the middle then loses the football and the Eagles recover on the return Jamari Garlington brought it out to the 50 yard line kind of stumbled tried to regain his balance got hit lost the football and the Eagles recovered I believe on the recovery for the Eagles Carol was Jeremy Lima he was able to bounce on the football and was laying there on the 48 yd line so we will have uh the eagles with their first possession of the second half courtesy of the fumble they'll bring them out first and 10 from their own 48 yd line Second turnover of the game for the Broncos they did have interception in the first half Underwood the set back behind Garcia Underwood gets the fake and Garcia will keep it and he'll get maybe a yard young Mr Garcia you don't carry the football like a loaf of bread if you do you're GNA lose it that's exactly what happened to Garlington he was able to break some tackles and put some moves on but he did such a quick move the ball just popped right loose he was holding it in his hand and that led to the turnover we give him a half a yard on that John which in your stats is a full yard right yes he's out we put the ball in the 49 yard line just shy of Midfield second and nine just underway in the second half Central and Palm Desert tied at seven as they begin the third quarter up in the Coachella Valley Underwood with a hand off Underwood he ludes one tackler turns it up field gets across the 50 to the 48 yd line before he's pushed out of bounds and even though he was pushed out of bounds the clock will not stop nice do stop John touchdown or if you have a timeout or if you have an injury okay and sometimes be car sometimes they don't stop it on touchdown last week John Seaman determined that there was no need to stop it even for touchdown and it was a wise decision right it's totally up to the discretion of the head official tonight that would be Nate Beacon third and about six wide right wide left two flankers on the right side the wide side Garcia dumped it off and it is almost picked off again cutting in underneath Kamari Heman had Horsemen picked that downn I think it would have been a 70 yard pick six that was open but also Carol that they meaning the Eagles did not fool the Broncos there was three players back there with the intended receiver so you would think if you have three defensive players there there might be somebody uncovered someplace else it is fourth and six 47 to nothing Banning leads Southwest we told you it's 77 Central and pal desert in the third quarter SP the uh Eagles will go for it take the hand off to Underwood it'll be Garcia keeping it Garcia will get very close to the first down as he Dives it looks like he may have just crossed the yard the game excellent effort but now we see the offense coming on the field yeah where they put that down that's a first down so the Broncos have to bring their defense back out it certainly looked like he had crossed the yard to gain and so now it'll be on the 42 yd line of the visiting Broncos and the Broncos may need to take a time out although the Eagles are being very nice host they're not roing up the line of scrimmage and spping the ball while the Broncos have half their defense out on the field and the other half over in the sideline so we're going to get a timeout here Nathan denkins the white hat the referee calls the timeout 728 to play in the third quarter Banning 47 Southwest nothing it's gay night and you know what that means time for a winning treat everybody's a winner at Imperial scoop factory located in El cental at the corner of Imperial Avenue in acao drive inside the Chevron the coolest flavors from cookies and cream caramel with brownie there's something for everyone so after the game gather the team and head on over to Imperial scoop Factory open late so you can be sure to get your sweet treat Imperial scoop Factory where every scoop is a sweet victory Roto rter your plumbing and drain cleaning specialist rotor rter offers full services from hydrojetting to camera inspection water heaters faucets garbage disposals anything that's clogged up rotor router is a locally owned family business with 57 years in the Imperial Valley call the experts at 76035 26789 Roto rter when drains don't work we do call Roo that's the name and W go troubles down the drain the Eagles say they're ready to play the Broncos say we're ready and CAU goes back in motion although there was stop for the timeout now it starts again hand off is to under wood nothing in the middle cuts it to the left turns it up field and Sprints across the 30 to about the 27 yd line o on Underwood 16 yard pickup by far the biggest gain from scrimmage on the night for the Eagles as under the play was to go off the right tackle he cut it back there was nobody there was able to use his speed pick up a much needed first down Eagles have a nice drive going here start this third quarter Underwood one of the few seniors he gets the ball again and this time he'll be grabbed around the waist and spun down but he still picks up about five yards we do see a lot of fresh jerseys on the Banning Bronco defense here starting this third quarter Carol that's always good to see you know having lived up in the Riverside area Side San Bernardino you can hardly ever say Banning without saying Banning bont right you have to I mean it just rolls Banning bont and that's because there is a very illustrious Banning High School that's right in Carson California the center of downtown LA it is Underwood with the handoff Underwood tries to get away from Two bronos and can't do it he is spun down he'll lose a couple of yards who's four yards bring up third and 11 that time it was the old Statue of Liberty where the quarterback looked like he was going to throw and then he put the ball in his off left hand and put it right in the belly of Underwood but it did not fool the oncoming Broncos they are playing four down linemen now but not the starters he goes break the Huddle double wide Right double wide left ouria back to pass dumps it off and overthrows the intended receiver Israel valo valo just not tall enough to get up and get that one but Garcia Under intense pressure again we certainly would expect the Eagles to go for this the clock's running ticking away here in the third quarter fourth down got about 10 yards to go and they're gon to go for it well let's uh let's try Portugal's foot see if we can go for a field it' only be a 45 yard plus field goal John so now the play has been signal in from the sideline trip wide to the right one wide out to the left trips on the right side the wide side here come the Broncos Garcia fires downfield and it is incomplete so the Broncos will take over on Downs it'll be first and 10 at their own 27 yd line we'll be back right after this 340 to play in the third quarter panning 40 7 Southwest nothing hi I'm Dr David farus superintendent of central Union High School District academic success starts with being present every day counts when it comes to a student's education don't let absences hold them back let's drive for Success be present be punctual and be prepared for a bright future every day at school is a step closer to your child achieving their dreams attendance matters let's make everyday count winding up firing downfield complet at the 45 mops and breaks away it's a Sprint to the end zone it'll be a score to Donnie Nicholls the pass from I believe it was mares Stewart B at quarterback that was the longest play of the evening as that play went 73 yards [Music] thanks when you're craving Mexican food leonda bar and grill is everybody's favorite Choice the kamacho family they've been doing it right for many years you're never disappointed on the service that you get and The Smiling Faces who serve you and food that's delivered to your table they'll make you feel right at home one tradition they've always kept is serving you freshly made Mexican Food daily from chili renos to enchiladas they do it right if you're craving Mexican food make sure you stop by Alonda Bar and Grill 1950 South 4 Street inl Centro open Wednesday through [Music] Monday inner care is your One-Stop shop for your family's health care needs from primary care to Pediatrics Dental Optometry Radiology pharmaceutical and laboratory services open on weekends and welcoming Walkins inner care is here to provide you the excellent care you deserve to find an inner Care Health Center near you visit inner inare making life healthy From the Inside Out High School football on am 1230 kxo the 73 yard strike for a touchdown the point after attempt is good that makes it 54 to nothing Banning lead the third quarter just about ready to end High booming kick nice kick all the way back at the one yard line looking for some Running Room breaking it away cutting down the far side line across the 30 the 40 the 5050 down to the 44 yd line in Bronco territory great return basically out kick the coverage on the kickoff John and that that was returned by a player that we yeah leardo Valenzuela he returned it all the way across Midfield to the 45 Y Line it would be a 54 yard and they're going to add 15 more yards to that for a personal foul after he was tackled out of bounds so a 54 yard kickoff return then add 15 for a personal foul Diego Salos is the kicker and he just stood at Midfield for the longest time and then when the returner Broke Free you could see uh that he ran across and tackled him out of bounds and that does end the third quarter and we'll flip sides at the end of three quarters of play the score it's Banning 54 Southwest nothing build your future at CET the center for employment training CET has been serving Farm Workers since 1967 grants are available so that Farm Workers and their children can attend at no cost see if you qualify at C farmworker admissions enroll at any time all programs can be completed in under a year and job placement assistance and financial aid are available to those who qualify call 800 533 2519 or go to C the future is in your hands mcnees smart your One-Stop convenience store with everything you need to get you through the day fill your tank with v power from Shell then visit the deli for breakfast lunch or dinner choose your favorite deli sandwich or hot stuffed pizza or feed the office for your next party with party platters choose from meat cheese vegetable or sandwich platter yes MCN smart is your One-Stop convenience store at the corner of dogwood and Main Street El Centro we are ready to start the fourth quarter of play here at Southwest High School the eagles with a football after a 54 yard kickoff return and then a 15 yard penalty after that hand off is to Underwood Underwood dips it to the inside takes it to the outside and then is dropped a nice nice open field Tackle by Tyler Pullen a junr dropped Underwood for no game that that play developed Carol both you and I were thinking that might be Southwest first score of the season it looked like he was going to be able to turn the corner with nobody out there but that was an excellent Tackle by the cornerback who came up and just took his ankles right off Underneath Him the uh as I said a good tackle by Tyler ping it'll be second and 10 Eagles still shows spread Underwood up right next to Garcia in the back field Garcia back to pass looking looking chased out of the pocket goes right up the middle cuts to his right looks for some Running Room finds it down the far sideline and is pushed out of bound at about the 10yd line Alex Garcia with a nice run I won't say it was a quarterback draw John but it was a quarterback draw because there were no receivers open yes he looked and then took off running and uh it's good to see that the Broncos are letting some of their younger players they've got a lot of freshman and sophomores on the squad letting them get some varsity playing time first and 10 from the 12 Y Line Southwest they single timeout but now I think they they waved that off Garcia dumps it off it is complete in the flat Leonardo Valenzuela with a catch he gets taken down at the knees and is getting up slowly he picked up about two yards Valena down on the field we'll take a quick timeout 940 to play in the football game it is Banning 54 Southwest still nothing you've been waiting and the wait is finally over Jersey Mike Subs is now open at 10002 North Imperial Avenue inl Centro you heard that right the long awaited opening of Jersey Mike's inl Centro is finally here delicious top quality hot and cold Subs that's Jersey Mike Subs at 102 North Imperial Avenue in El inro hi I'm Dr David farcus superintend of central Union High School District academic success starts with being present every day counts when it comes to a student's education don't let absences hold them back let's drive for Success be present be punctual and be prepared for a bright future every day at school is a step closer to your child achieving their dreams attendance matters Let's Make Every Day Count valent has helped off the field I don't think it is anything too serious Garcia in the shotgun right next to him is Underwood o on Underwood St back Garcia looks pumps fires and it is picked off but he was out of bounds when he picked it off so it'll go as an Inc complete pass couple of things John coming up this week girls black football Southwest at Imperial on Tuesday next Friday M Empire at Hopeville calipat at oeral Charter Vincent at elcone Valley ctis at colico heer Ridge at palie broy at Canyon Hills Imperial at Ola and Ramona at Central and that's where we'll be head off is faked to Underwood it is kept by Garcia he is caught and spun down for a loss Abraham Chavez came in and grabbed Garcia and dropped him for the big loss it'll bring up a fourth down and 16 fourth and 16 for the Eagles and yes the Eagles are going to go for it trying to get their first score of the Season here right now again that spread formation balanced looking looking pumps fire and it is out of bounds caught but out of bound good coverage down there by the Broncos the coverage forced the receiver to move to the outside that was Joshua Yara he had nowhere else to go and that will turn the ball over on down I would assume that the Broncos will send out their second unit which ran last time they had the one play where the quarterback mares Stewart Bond the senior through the 73 yard pass 73 joh yes 73 yard pass come on let's not cheat him a yard to Jadon Nicholls the sophomore the uh Broncos changing players I think some people just aren't sure where they're supposed to be yeah the starter anal is back out on the field is back at quarterback and he hands off trying to turn up the field is Nathan Manis a freshman Andis is a good siiz kid he's getting his first actions of the evening picks up two second and eight and his stays in the back field and it's a little dump off pass from Kamari Horseman it is completed to Manis to Manis Horseman the quarterback inside of six minutes to play the Broncos I think are just going to be happy to little bit of pitch and pot down the field yeah but they are right up on the line of scrimmage running this hurry up offense they have not huddled once tonight on the offensive side Horseman rolling to his left turns it up field Horseman flips one tackle picks up a couple of yards and of course of course as we've said the clock will only stop for a timeout or a touchdown or an injury Horseman is a freshman so he's getting viable playing time I'm sure that uh anal who's the sophomore doesn't expect anyone to be under center for the next two years but perhaps Horsemen can wait and the handoff and finding a SE turning it up field at the 40 the 30 the 20 and or covered down at the 10 oh is white it'll be just inside the 10 and there is a flag there yeah they had to call he said face mask I saw the horse collar but the one hand was on the collar the other was on the face P so that'll move it down to about the four yd line first and goal Horseman is the quarterback John Von clendenon with the football and he gets it down inside the one shanon Mendon the junior put me in coach I'm ready he had a big hit right at the goal line and just got stopped short so that will bring up now second and go from inside the one M Clon in the back field hman The Freshman quarterback dump city in a little flanker screen and it's good for the score okay pitch and catch pitch and catch something you work on we're better to practice it and in a game here you're going to get it in let's try this play and see how it works three minutes to play in the football game collection code leads Castle Park 357 it's not leeding them they eat them colico with a win 357 Horseman rolling to his left looking looking looking Horseman steps into the UN zone for a two-point conversion that will make it Banning 62 Southwest nothing will be back right after this it's gay night and you know what that means time for winning treat everybody's a winner at Imperial scoop factory located in El Central at the corner of Imperial Avenue acat drive inside the Chevron the coolest flavors from cookies and cream caramel with brownie there's something for everyone so after the game gather the team and head on over to Imperial scoop Factory open late so you can be sure to get your sweet treat Imperial scoop Factory where every scoop is a sweet victory Roto rter your plumbing and drain cleaning specialist Roto rter offers full services from hydrojetting to camera inspection water heaters faucets garbage disposals anything that's clogged up rotor rter is a locally owned family business with 57 years in the Imperial Valley call the experts at 760 352 6789 rotor router when drains don't work we do call Roo that's the name and go Tres down the drain we'll catch you up on some scores when this game is over and this game will be over in about a minute and a half about 90 seconds and we'll put this one in the book across the way Carol there's about 50 people that came down from Banning to see this game and so they're gonna have a nice trip back nice deep driving kick fielded at the five out across the 15 and dropped over there and on that return that was Israel valo they're going to spot the ball it looks like on the 17 yard line the clock is moving and we may get what we may get one play nobody is in a big hurry both teams are already starting the lineup on the 50 yard line still in their own side of the field no one's come out onto the actual field yet but both teams are lining up to shake hands at 50 yard line I think we can call it John that's it there will not be another play that'll be the final score it will be the Banning Broncos 62 the Southwest he goes nothing when you're craving Mexican food leonda bar and grill is everybody's favorite Choice the kamano family they've been doing it right for many years you're never disappointed on the service that you get and the smiling faces who serve you and food that's delivered to your table they'll make you feel right at home one tradition they've always kept is serving you freshly made Mexican Food daily from chili renos to enchiladas they do it right if you're craving Mexican food make sure you stop by elonda Bar and Grill 1950 South 4 Street inl Centro open Wednesday through [Music] Monday mcart your One-Stop convenience store with everything you need to get you through the day fill your tank with v power from Shell then visit the deli for breakfast lunch or dinner choose your favorite deli sandwich or hot stuffed pizza or feed the office for your next party with party platters choose from meat cheese vegetable or sandwich platter yes MCN smart is your One-Stop convenience store at the corner of dogwood and Main Street El Centro inner care is your One-Stop shop for your family's healthc care needs from Primary Care to Pediatrics Dental Optometry Radiology pharmaceutical and laboratory services open on weekends and welcoming walk-ins inner care is here to provide you the excellent care you deserve to find an inner Care Health Center near you visit inner inare making life healthy from the inside out there's a new mobile auto repair and towing service in Yuma it's oaza Mobile Auto pair formerly John's Auto Service only the name has changed you still receive the same Professional Service on all makes and models automobiles because Aza has been John's mechanic for 28 years he is now the proud owner and continues to give you the same Quality Service oo Aza mobile auto and towing service 508 East 22nd Street in Yuma call 928 941 1088 and High School football on am 12:30 kxo L Central California the uh Southwest Eagles came up short 62 to nothing the Banning Broncos it'll be about a three-hour trip back to Banning and it probably will be an enjoyable one the uh Broncos moved to 2 and0 the Eagles mve to one and O couple of things we need to remind you of the calipat Tre Hornets last night 65-2 a big win over Desert Mirage senior running back Dominic Hawk had 13 carries for 320 yards and six touchdowns for calipat that should mean something somewhere joh drif what kind of numbers have you got well we've got the final tallies here with the running clock we had a short second half but all in all still the Broncos had tremendous stats as you would expect scoring 62 points they ran the ball eight times from scrimmage tonight got 128 yards 73 of those on that one yard touch on that one touchdown run 13 for 18 was three different quarterbacks for 273 yards giving Banning 401 total yards 14 first downs they did not fumble they did throw one interception and that was made by The Eagles Alejandro Tano on the other side of the football Southwest ran the ball 20 times from scrimmage for a positive 41 yards five for 18 was Alex Garcia for 27 yards giving Southwest 68 total yards they did have five first downs no fumbles but they did have three interceptions individually Alex Garcia got credited with two carries for 20 yards a Marine had six carries for8 yards Joshua bar had two carries for negative3 and oon undu had seven carries for 32 yards the five completions were spread out among three different receivers first um Alejandro Serrano had one catch behind the last permm for negative five yards getting two catches for three yards was Lardo Valenzuela and Joshua iar had two catches for 29 yards so as we can see the stats favored the Broncos as you would expect on a score like this and so far in two games on the young season the Broncos have put up a 105 points meanwhile Southwest is still looking for their first score and they will try to get that next week updating scores for you in just a minute let's take this time out again the final score it was 642 nothing Banning beating Southwest inner care is your One-Stop shop for your family's healthc care needs from primary care to Pediatrics Dental Optometry Radiology pharmaceutical and laboratory services open on weekends and welcoming walk-ins inner care is here to provide you the excellent care you deserve to find an inare Health Center near you visit inner inner care making life healthy From the Inside Out build your future at CET the center for employment training CET has been serving Farm Workers since 1967 grants are available so that Farm Workers and their children can attend at no cost see if you qualify at C farmworker admissions enroll at any time all programs can be completed in under a year and job placement assistance and financial aid are available to those who qualify call 800 533 2519 or go to CET future is in your hands you've been waiting and the wait is finally over Jersey Mike Subs is now open at 102 North Imperial Avenue in El Centro you heard that right the long awaited opening of Jersey miks in El Centro is finally here delicious top quality hot and cold Subs that's Jersey Mike Subs at 1,2 North Imperial Avenue in El Centro hi I'm Dr David farcus superintendent of central Union High School District academic success starts with being present every day counts when it comes to a students education don't let absences hold them back let's drive for Success be present be punctual and be prepared for a bright future every day at school is a step closer to your child achieving their dreams attendance matters Let's Make Every Day Count hi School football around the valley tonight let's update some scores for you Holtville leading Mission Bay 247 the last update we had kxo beat Castle Park 3527 Imperial last we had leading Vincent 26-7 Holtville 24 Mission Bay s the last update we had Central leading Palm Desert 14-7 next week John and I will be at Spartan field Cal Jones field at uh on the campus of uh Central Union High School it will be Ramona visiting Central should be a very good game Ramona always a great team and uh Central well they've gotten off to a pretty decent start tonight High School football on am 12:30 we're brought to you by so many great people that make it a point to bring you the uh action that is so important I want to thank our technical advisor Kurt Hoffman our producer engineer went above and beyond tonight gab Lemos John careful I'm Carol Buckley keep it tuned to am1 12:30 kxo Central the best oldies on the [Music] radio oh yes wait AE

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