Category: Entertainment
Did you ever think a simple thank you could make everyone mad it's what we're doing in society now we're making people persona non grata you get to er ras someone's entire existence where the heck does some forgiveness go well this hollywood actor did just that i'm listening to rock and roll action... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
So why did he need a black director could a white director not have it's not color it's culture explain a difference cuz i think we're we st spielberg did shin's le this legendary actor has been around for nearly 50 years and he just dropped some serious truth bombs he's smart honest and not afraid... Read more
Category: Education
The maverick of hollywood tarantina is playing with racism and is playing with racism and misogyny and gruesomeness and there's really no way you can do that and keep your hands clean that's a good way to put it is a good way to put it and i was like who wants clean name synonymous with cinematic brilliance... Read more
Category: News & Politics
We got here the trajectory of where we're going uh and what we as everyday people common sense human beings who intuitively know that men and women are different uh what we can do to combat this movement it is extraordinary to see what's happened in sport but i do think that the woke worm is turning... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hola qué tal bienvenido al canal se está corriendo la voz de que el wokismo de hollywood está temblando con el éxito de beatle j beatle protagonizado por jena ortega y con la participación de michael keiton quien por cierto dijo expresamente que no quería corrección política en su personaje y en su... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Despidos y más despidos estudios que cierran quejas por acá por allá la industria de los videojuegos no está pasando por un buen momento preguntarle a sony cómo le estaría yendo últimamente aunque no es el único que la está pasando mal porque resulta que microsoft ha despedido a unos 650 empleados lo... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I'm going to say it before the elites get to him but steven baldwin didn't delete himself so steven baldwin is the brother of alec baldwin and he has been saying a lot of very cryptic things about hollywood recently a lot of things about how hollywood is going to be exposed soon how there's a lot of... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Today chris wallace cnn's own little snake in the grass who pretends to be super duper republican but it's really nothing more than a deep state clown is having a complete and total meltdown because hollywood actor dennis quaid who plays reagan in the new reagan movie that has come out recently is voting... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Hey good morning guys uh chris here at the morning mayhem wanted to go ahead and and get this out of the way put this up front and set it aside from the main show uh i don't do cold opens like this very often i don't like doing them um because it usually means something somber or saddening or or something... Read more
Category: News & Politics
One of my favorite movies in the last few years to come out was joker starring walking phoenix and uh directed by todd phillips man what a movie right i mean it's i don't keep it too far away um loved it you can see back there got me a little joker artwork there i mean like that's how much i love it... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hola qué tal bueno chicuelos míos al parecer algunas personas siguen y siguen con la misma cantaleta de que cancelaron las alcohólicas por culpa de nosotros que estamos llenos de odio lo dijo les herlan lo dijo su esposa lo dijeron las personas que disfrutaron de esta serie y lo dijo amand stember hace... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Everyone was shocked after elton jn completely shut down this reporter who's trying to get him to trash talk president trump this is absolutely insane i did not see this coming i don't think anybody saw this coming from elton john but this is absolutely epic like i said this is shocking because elton... Read more