Wolfgang Van Halen | Riggle's Picks Ep. 36

[Music] yeah [Music] Wiles nice that was thank you for coming y good night everybody the end this is our guest that was amazing that was harmonized thank you thank you air horns hey everybody this is wles piics I'm Rob wle this is I'm Darren leader we have a very special guest we do Darren Le take the lead on this uh well we have a special guest I I'm gonna go out on a Lim and say he doesn't do a lot of interviews because he's he's a fairly private individual um and he's I think because he's not into the whole celebrity thing he just does what he does he plays music he has his wife he has his friends and he gives zero [ __ ] about anything else do you know why that sounds like the best life ever why because it is I know we have Wolf Gang Van Halen Wolf Gang van Hal dude Wolf Gang uh Van Halen is in the studio that's by the way great name thank you Wolf Gang thank you you go you go by wolf though yeah I mean wolf Wolfie Wolf Gang I mean whatever whatever works I love it I think uh I think if if I was your wife I would and I was mad at you I would call you Wolf Gang oh yeah I mean uh but you have to I think I think that's the thing like when whenever my mom would get mad at me growing up it was Wolf Gang William oh you got the you get middle named you get full named and middle named yeah would she ever say Wolf Gang William Van Halen not really it was Wolf Gang William okay yeah that's interesting which is scary enough like I I messed up if that if that's being said yeah did you mess up sure yeah yeah did we all do yeah I think we all do anyway we'll get into we'll get into the messing up I'm excited that you're here thank you very much excited to be here thank you for having me and it's fun to have someone in the studio I know a lot of a lot of the time if we are lucky enough to get an interview it's you know zoom zoom so delay I I like the human interaction and the fact that you you honestly took the time and effort to come out here I really appreciate that I really really do it really means it means a lot so thank you let's just dive in okay Wolf Gang Van Halen yeah you you drove yourself I did I think people out there they may have preconceived notions about you oh they certainly do yes they do but I like if if I'm a kid in Nebraska and I'm like man Wolf Gang van haly is gonna go do podcast he must have a a he helicoptered in yeah he helicoptered in and I haven't even been in a helicopter you haven't I don't want to do that you're you're smart for not wanting to do that that's just why I don't want to do that it's it's it's cool I've done it once the idea of it is cool but the danger of it is very real it is does it goes against the laws of physics it's a it's a a flying rock pretty much and it's loud yeah helicopters are loud which is why we have to wear protective yeah I don't like any of that no not about literally anything that helicopters have to offer do you do you listen to music loud at home yeah in headphones or on speakers both okay yeah in your leisure time yeah uh I'm just jumping in I'm just do itum what is what are the last three ish artist you played for your leisurely listening oh that's good thank you nice what is what is leisurely listening just your own I'm wolf I'm by myself and I want to listen to some music how about this scenario your drive here oh son of a bis the last three artists that I listen to were uh intervals which is a band that uh we actually just toured with um who I'm a big fan of their new album uh Memory Palace just came out a couple weeks ago um I listened to muga which is not most people's leisurely listing but it is for me I like it okay uh and then uh the midnight which is very leisurely listing they're like a synth wve uh band so very odd collection of music but uh yeah Misha throws me off for I mean don't they're they're freak Show musicians but that's not a leisurely list you get lulled into the groove and I could fall asleep listening to michiga for real yeah not at a boredom out of relaxation oh God you're crazy that's too intense that's yeah have you ever heard heard muga I've heard of oh my God I couldn't quot I couldn't quote you a song or even much of a Melody but I will say this their drummer Thomas Hawk uh does things with his feet and his hands that should not be able to be done by humans on drums on drums thank you thank you wolf for clarifying because I was about to go a with this guy you never know he's in prison right my bad I will be more specific by the way great name great name yeah Thomas Thomas he's with h a a k e oh come on I know yeah I think if you want to be spefic spefic it's like Tomas cuz they're they're Norwegian and yeah Swedish they're Swedish yeah of course yeah that Scandinavian spelling they've got that Scandinavian metal thing happened that's that Viking Edge uhhuh that's why they were so we just shave it right off by going Thomas Thomas Thomas play the drums we americanize it you play drums yes I do you play bass you play guitar you sing you play piano kind of do you play a horn instrument I don't okay do you play a string instrument besides the guitars uh no no it's very impressive what you do and I'm not saying that in the bullshitty Hollywood Way is very impressive you write great songs you sing great and you play great thank you um when did you start because that's a lot of instruments to to understand and know and believe you know I you come from a musical family but but I mean when did you when did you start and when did you know it was who you were supposed to be I started playing drums when I was nine wow and then I started playing guitar when I was 12 and bass shortly after and then by the time I was 15 I was playing with my dad and now in Van Halen So when when that figured it out pretty quickly yeah when that topic came up for the very first time like the idea was presented to you did your stomach drop a little bit out of nerves or did you just go well this is pretty natural cuz it's my pop it felt natural CU we had been playing together for like two years at that point um so it felt normal and uh yeah and you know my dad was was newly sober so he was you know he he would get really bad anxiety before playing which is why he drank and he was newly sober so in a way like he kind of needed me there yeah he was [ __ ] if my if my son can do this and like what's and he's 15 it's like what's the problem with me why can't I get my stuff together that's awesome will you freak the [ __ ] out the first time you're in front of 25,000 people uh at a certain point you kind of lose sight after the first few rows kind of noise hair swap hectic and and you're able to just kind of to to lean back and focus so not not too much although I do get ner I still to this day get nervous I found that be like the every first show of any tour I'm nervous and there's nothing I can do about it right yeah but that's healthy I I think that's healthy me I care yeah it does exactly and and I I I I think it also keeps you sharp a little bit because I remember I I would get nervous before standup shows even though I had done the same show that's way harder too you got nothing to hide behind you it's it's just all you but at the same time you want to you you it's something you've done and you're like I I know this works is it going to work here tonight right I don't know and and I know if I don't bring my best you know it could go south so you you know your nerves and but then usually nine times out of 10 it goes well and you're like all right all right that was but it you're always nervous yeah I I think for for somebody like you in you know fronting your B your own band when now when you do shows people come they want to come see wolf they want us to come see you know Mammoth wvh uh so that support probably makes the nerves real short you know you go out there you're like kind of okay we're GNA do this and then you get that support in a way but it almost makes it more nerve-wracking you don't want to [ __ ] up because like with with Van Halen nobody is watching me they're watching everything else that's cool I can just hang behind play and have a good time but when they're there to see you that's and I to be at the front of everything that's not how I operate so it's taken a while for me to figure out how to find comfort in that have you found that performing the songs is more difficult than talking in between them or the you know what I mean the in between the in between talking is where I've had to work on the most but I I've kind of just said [ __ ] it and just kind of I just be myself I'm not trying to be like what's going on you like not none of that [ __ ] I'm just like hi you know right welcome to the show these are some songs I wrote hope you like yeah like even we uh I'm really tired because we just got back uh from Munich opening for Metallica oh dude that's amazing and I only spoke once during the whole show and I said hi uh we're Mammoth we're here to play some music for you but don't worry it's not going to take too long Metallica will be right up and that's all I said you know do and how did you find the reception were they supportive it's tough to open for any band let alone Metallica but yeah they were very receptive it was it was it's nice nobody was completely silent and you get the occasional you know folded arms and just kind of you're going to get that but that's that's opening for anybody you know it's an auditioner process to begin with so sure how many shows you go do over there uh just one that's why I'm very tired we I think we spent more time in the air than actually it was like 30 hours of travel for 30 minutes of playing that's wild but totally worth it yeah that's kind of rock and roll though that's kind of the very rock and roll when when the Metallica calls the Metallica you answer the Metallica you answer you do and I'm sure those guys are very gracious oh they're great they're wonderful dudes um I do like the fact though because as an audience member that's how I I you always start by as I'm an audience member so I know what I like to see what I like to hear what I appreciate what all that stuff so when you speak honestly like that and just very much hi everybody you know I'm wol sorry I'm here sorry out of the gate I'm here to I'm here to do my best you know hope it goes well yeah and then you start playing like every instantly the sincerity you know people feel it and they know people seem people do connect with that it's nice you start to see that instead of you know putting a some kind of facade on just being myself and having a good time you should have flipped it on him going I'm going to see if you guys suck as a crowd this is your audition no probably not that's amazing so you when did you what when did you go over there and what date was was the show that was watch let's see last I want to say uh Wednesday we flew out and then the show was Friday and then we flew back Saturday oh bro yeah thank you for coming double thank you for I know man it's tiring yeah but it's the job I'm not complaining I'm very happy to do it you know it's my job that I've worked very hard to to to be able to do so I'm not not complaining at all that's great and you're newly married yeah congratulations congratulations thank you very much where where did you get married at the house and was it a small reception large yeah you know close friends and family thanks for inviting us it really cool bro I appreciate the next one all in that's what I'm talking he gets it no there won't be a next one I love you very much but no my wife Andrea it's the next one that you guys when we do another one because we love each other so much we need to have another wedding you guys will be at that one smart renew the vows classic and we're going we're going to that one and I'm going to wear my manini don't just go and enjoy yourself be normal in the asess traps thank you oh my God that outfit is going to be amazing neon green and checkered asess chaps that's what they say dress for attention at a wedding the the bride loves that they do love that they love when the focus is off of them and their beautiful dress make sure it's white too hello yeah I you love the visual thank you appreciate it punch I do punch it I don't feel good about that one no you should you should I just did it because I felt like I know you [Laughter] should so when are you touring your headline tour when's your next run uh we I think we kind of just did our last headline Run for the most part out here we have a couple more shows um but on a week from today uh we go back to Europe to open for Metallica again a couple more times in like Helsinki and Copenhagen and Madrid I think uh but then in between that we're kind of connecting a tour doing a bunch of Headliners over there there and uh some festivals and stuff and that's about like 5 and a half weeks and then when we come back we don't even go home we go right to New York to open for the Foo Fighters oh my gosh poor you bro poor [ __ ] you wolf no dude that's amazing it's crazy that is great I love that I I love to hear that that's that's such a high level man such a high level you of rock and roll you know what I I think that there's a lot of people who would be like oh well you know you know know who dad is and that you know the nepotism all that stuff but you're doing this on your own merits and it's for anybody to do what you're doing you have to deliver when you you get the opportunity yeah that's the thing you know having the name you know the doors will open regardless but they won't stay open you know and it's not like you know I don't know you have to be able to show up and actually deliver yeah 100% And if you can't that they' shut that door right in my face and I wouldn't be here or or anywhere um so you're 100% right we'll see how long I can trick everybody but that's but that's life that I mean that is life you know you you can't deny who you are or where you come from or who your dad was or all that stuff like that's just the way it is okay but that doesn't mean anything I think Abraham Lincoln had a great quote he said I don't care how tall your your uh I don't care how tall your granddad was you have to do your own growing or whatever I like that you know and it's true it's it's very true and and and by being out there and grinding and doing the work and and making the tours and making the music well it would be like anything else like if Dad was was a plumber if he had a a fish tackle shop or something I'd run the [ __ ] out of it if he wasn't there are you telling me that your dad had a fish fish t i don't we' never even fished you've never fished I mean I have like a couple times but not like have you ever gone deep sea fishing I have not oh God here we go okay right now I want to take you fishing not now now I'm telling you right now I'm telling you I want to take you fishing okay will you go fishing with me sure we'll go out of Channel Islands okay okay one day deep sea a charter you're just going to take me out to the middle of the ocean no not the middle that's very far you're right to be suspect the implication your right to be suspect don't be weirded out we're just going to go out on the ocean you and I you two two of us bottle of wine two bottles of wine underneath in the in the galley at night and you can't say no that's what I'm saying oh God it's hard to scream in the yeah great I just say don't go it's just got great yeah maybe not well I'll think about it okay look stay here we'll do we'll go go- carding or something yeah that's yeah that sounds way bettering yeah there's a one of those K1 places over here both of you no I like that let's do that instead let's all go fishing we have a witness how about I take you go-karting okay instead of you taking me going fishing okay okay yeah you see how fast Darren turned on that he was like okay why do you think I said the whole thing I want to go go-karting and I want wolf to take me that was a long walk to get him to take sometimes you want people to think it's their ideas actually genius move then thank you genius move a lot of people think that I don't know what I'm doing a lot of people a lot a lot of people yeah oh so many right like thousands no I get it almost everybody you've ever met all the people it seems like you guys are going way overboard what I'm saying is I do know what I'm doing oh when it comes to getting me to take you go-karting or with other things are we going yeah come on there it is good Lord see it works every day let me ask you wolf what what are you excited about is there anything out there right now you're excited about I mean I know there's the tours and that's that's something you should be excited about but is anything else that we might not see coming that you're excited about I don't know I think really I'm just excited about being able to do what I'm able to do and then when I'm not home I'm excited about being back home with my wife and that's kind like I kind of I'm I I run those two speeds and that's about it that's awesome and and you're right I guess where you are right now you you got your new bride and you're on a rock and roll tour so I guess yeah you got a lot to be excited about you yeah I mean I'm I'm going back in the studio in a couple months to record the third album so I'm excited about you going with Elvis yeah yeah the records sound great thank you very much he does a great job producing best um Enlighten our listeners then might not know who Elvis is um I'll let wolf explain he's his producer it's his nickname Elvis Elvis bcat um and uh he's who I've worked with for the first two for the only two Mammoth albums and going to do it again for the third one he's a he's a very very talented producer yeah okay and actually he produces a lot of the alterbridge stuff oh nice yeah he's he's great he's a great dude very funny and very talented that's awesome so what is Wolf Gang Van Halen do when he's not rocking or just chilling with the wife you're on okay here it is ready it's a Thursday morning you're off tour okay your wife's said yoga no she's probably working she's working at Hot Yoga okay she runs the whole shop you've got the whole day from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. what are you doing that day hopefully I could sleep in yeah yeah um because any time off that I can sleep I will take um but other than that I mean I would probably just wake up have coffee and just kind of do not that's the thing like when I'm home my job involves doing everything traveling and going going everywhere so when I'm when I have nothing when I'm in downtime I I aggressively do nothing I like the verbage so I'll probably just be I we like to watch uh like really crappy reality shows okay Paramount plus has like all of them all right like we've been watching through Big Brother which is like kind of like the High School drama that I never had which is fun um I'll just play video games maybe what game what's your game uh right now uh I play a lot of Apex Legends with my guitar player Frank it's like a just one one of many shooting is Frank from Vegas yeah he is okay I know Frank yeah and uh that's really it I'm very boring I'm very boring oh I I don't think you're boring I think you I like I like the verbiage of aggressively do nothing do nothing because I know and you know we all if you live on the road when you get home you want your down time to be down time yeah you just turn everything off I don't even go like on Instagram or right like no social media it's wonderful for your that's smart your mental health no dude that is smart you know and the hardest thing in the world to do like you you can tell when I'm posting because I'm probably on the road like I I like if I'm home I'm rarely right right that's good you know putting I think I'm starting a new campaign it's just called put the phone down put the [ __ ] phone down yeah put it so is that like just say no from the 80s yes but it's like the drug of our social media by the way it's it's kind of it's a very clear parallel oh dude it's the same [ __ ] it's it kills people like not not getting heavy but it's like it's not healthy in my opinion well I heard somewhere that we most Americans average four hours a day on social media wasted okay and if you add that up yeah uh over uh whatever 40 years or 50 years or something basically that's eight years eight years of your life on social media that you could you could have done anything else with those eight years think about that it depends on what you're looking at if it was like cat videos I would say time well spent I'm not mad at that oh my favorite thing on the internet Huskies singing into the microphone with autotune have you seen that oh yeah yeah we're just yelling in general that's I love that so the cat videos are are you talking about the ones cuz there are some really good ones out there where they have the angry cat and it's like staring at another cat and it has the stuff riding over like the bubble yeah where it's like um this is me you know listening to my husband trying to explain like this yeah and they're just they got the the Karen glare totally yeah I like the one Ken videos I don't know why I'm on some Loop I'm on some algorithm where I get I I must have hit liked on a couple because or even even watch time gets you like if you just like that's a thing like even if it's something you hate yeah if you let it run on your screen a couple times it's like your algorithm be like oh they love to interact with this y God I think that's why a lot of people don't understand their algorithm like they'll you see anything like any comment section going like this sucks and it's like the reason the algorithm keeps showing you this is because you keep telling everybody it sucks and it's like you keep engaging yeah you keep engage don't engage don't engage do you have any hobbies besides music and chilling and doing nothing in games I guess game yeah games would be the hobby but that's kind of it I I no no fishing no fishing he he's going to take you fishing I'm sorry I just want this is going to happen I did go go-karting actually uh for for the first time in a while on the last on the last tour I love it that was really that was really fun so so maybe that'll be my new hobby that's cool my boy and I we we go we go-kart it was a blast you do oh yeah I love it I've go-kart at that K1 yeah yeah what's the like is there like a limit do they put limiters on the cards there they do cuz there were like super on the one I you could get up to some speed where did you do it in the states no we were in Murphreesboro yeah yeah in Tennessee yeah yeah and there was like this cool uh uh little arcade place that had it was it indoor or outdoor it was outdoor oh he's better yeah check this out I was in Budapest and somebody goes hey let's go go- C caring I'm like okay you know in Budapest in Budapest wow this is what was trippy about it so if you go in Murphy's Boro or you go in the states usually there will be regulations from the health department about ventilation and engines and gas electric right bro it's like go-karts and then a crazy sign go-karts crazy sign they set up in a mall parking lot after the mall closes in Budapest uh in in underneath the top level and above the bottom level in it's sort of enclosed gas carts and no no Regulators no Governors on it ripping around the things fumes you're just breathing death you're like oh my God hell yeah yeah and it was killer I was like no governor no governor on the so you're probably getting up to 35 50 miles hour you're getting up to speed you're getting up to Serious crash speeds for those things yeah yeah which I think we should just do here yeah here they do that in there's like a company that that sources go-karts in shabuya and you could do that on the streets of Japan and they give you like Mario costumes so you can do like real Mario Kart and then I think Nintendo sued them though oh my God so maybe it's like non-descript video game character man cart that you can do still which is cool can you Tokyo Drift maybe I mean if you're good enough not into one of those intersections with all the people no that's frowned upon yeah well I I get that yeah look at that look at that yeah right there oh none of them showed up in the costumes though that's that's lame that's super lame well they what the guys in the back are oh real life superhero go-karting yeah yeah oh yeah yeah is Mario a superhero is it yeah to me is him and Zelda uh that's 9279 per ride I mean that that that there was like on the actual like Crossing yeah yeah they're cruising the streets at Tokyo how many times have you been to Japan once once once did you you were stayed in Tokyo yeah did you go by uh rangi I we didn't go anywhere that's that's the thing like when I'm working I just sleep you chill yeah chill and rock I'm yeah again I said I'm I'm really boring I literally just don't go any what's the what's the famous budon yeah and Tokyo Dome those are the two big those big venues that would be cool live from budon I was I always heard that and I thought oh that sounds badass that's where you hear Rick neelon go or uh Robin sander go I want you to want me that's the legendary line and that was at budaa live at budaa how about that yeah all right that's good trivia everybody at home thanks for coming yeah yeah so I like that you're boring I think it's cool no and I I mean that I'm not I'm not being sarcastic I get it you know when you're on the road between press shows soundcheck meet and greets all the [ __ ] that happens it takes a lot out of you and so like whenever you do get a chance to recover so when I started touring um we had a tour man manager who liked to go drink right and it it was cool I was just under the impression that that's what you kind of were supposed to go do and so on the off days we would go throw down at a rock bar in Hamburg or whatever and I would be just I could never catch up you know and then as I got older I went hey you know I could charge my batteries today instead of burn them down and I could save a bunch of money by not going and drinking on off days so like I can be healthier and and have a little bit more cash and feel great for the show it's amazing how it crystallizes after you beat yourself up and you run your head into a wall enough you start to go huh yeah I wonder if there's a better way to do this it doesn't seem like you had to go through that learning curve you kind of just were there already well that's also the tough thing about being the singer is that you're sort of like the pregnant woman of the group you have to take care of yourself stay away from the smoke you got to take because you can't just if your shit's not working that day you can't just change the strings how do you deal with that if it's not working that day I luckily yeah haven't had that moment okay do you do you take singing lessons no actually I I did uh I had a a vocal coach where we would like run exercises and stuff in like 2012 uh but uh other than that no I'm just going you don't it doesn't get tired it does but like I just if there's an off day I just try not to talk as much that's really it comes down to that just just being conscious of how TR not to you know luckily I never really yell uh I mean I have a loud laugh every now and then but like I just try not to use you know spend it yeah I I it's funny you say that you know actually not using your voice because I I did a play one time and we were doing a blocking rehearsal and we were running lines whatever project and yeah you had projecting stuff and the lead actor kept going he would go up I walk to Center Stage I stand Here saving the voice he wouldn't say he wouldn't say his L but he would say saving the voice saving the voice for the skip all his and I was like I guess it works because yeah he guess he's got to save voice for tonight or whatever who is that I'm not going to give give us their name and address yeah Social Security his first name was Mike that's all I can say Mike okay Mike Michael we'll find him Michael Michael Imperioli I mean I didn't say that oh my God no it's not I like the look on his face how excited he got it kind of is it's cool so you're going to go in with what with Elvis do you have songs written kind of I have some I still need to work on it I've just been so focused on touring I haven't really had a chance to get creative uh can have can I ask you about your creative process no right on so anyway back to the Mario Karts do you have what is it what is your creative process um do or do you have one or is it just kind of you let it flow yeah it's kind of just whatever happens usually a song will kind of start with like a guitar idea you know if I'm just kind of mindlessly strumming while watching TV or something and if there's something interesting enough I'll I'll these new phones have cool button where I can just go right to a voice recording and just record whatever hey and then I finish that and then uh I just name it whatever because you need to put a name to it having Untitled 552 just doesn't really nightmare yeah so you just kind of Call It Whatever uh and uh if that idea is interesting enough you I just go on logic and I make a little demo and uh show it to my producer and if he likes it we we we record it so what happens so it's Mo mostly guitar RI first for you is it is the Lyric last or theel usually I prefer Melody first cuz I think uh I don't like trying to shoehorn lyrics into something it needs to the meter of the vocals need to flow really well and even something as as silly as uh as mouth shape like like vowel sounds totally uh like it needs to be comfortable I think for a good example was Paul McCartney writing yesterday not having lyrics but singing scrambled eggs yeah and it's like as long as the the comfortable vow sounds flow well you can find that as long as you have the melody you can do the lyrics later you ever use rhyme Zone I do not oh what is that go on rhymezone.com rhymezone.com and when you're writing lyrics uh it's a it's a just a website that has Rhymes it has Rhymes in different uh different syll syllable counts it has it's a thesaurus it's it's it's a that's it so wriggle watch wriggle Giggle Wiggle and then push push thesaurus well you won't be able to push it because nobody knows what a wle is what the hell RH Zone see it's awesome that's pretty great yeah and so when you're writing and you you you want you're saying something but you're like man I've said it like that before I want to think of a different way it's kind of inspiring it just kind of kicks off some different Stu interesting interesting that's why we brought you here we wanted to talk about your writing thank you thank you awesome yeah next time I I I sing the word wle I'll know how to how to say it a bunch of different way which I ful anticipate on the next album look I'm just saying if if wle is not in one of your songs I'm not going to say it's going to hurt it's going to hurt we're not going to go go-karting no we'll go okay but it's going to hurt okay it'll be awkward well then let's go go-karting before I record it's probably a good idea when do you guys want to fish R goes jeez hey I do have a question another question for you uh because I am curious your mom is a wonderful cook M famously did you get any of those skills I did not no how did you stay out I don't know I don't know I think uh I just uh yeah I'm not not good at it I can follow directions yeah does your wife cook uh no so neither of you yeah we're bad so when you say hey what do you want for dinner and she goes I don't know what do you want you go I don't know what do you want you have that age-old conversation who usually pulls the trigger on what you're going to have it depends I think uh it depends on which one of us is is more prepared to decide what did you eat last night for dinner last night we ordered Sushi because that's our favorite thing to do when I get back from tour and we hadn't done that yet nice okay nice are you a sushi guy uh no I'm not either my my my girlfriend is and therefore I'm trying to embrace it you're just that dude who gets the chicken teriyaki I get a lot of chicken teriyaki I get a lot of Veggie rolls and eel sauce for whatever reason that combo avocado hand roll that's that's fine I can do something I can try to do that even that's to do that like that's cool he's got a baby mouth that's what I would eat that's the kind of sushi I would eat when I was like 6 years old he just called you a [ __ ] I know I heard it he just called your mouth a [ __ ] okay sorry I got excited go really excited probably too excited to it's kind of I'm just excited cuz somebody else in the room gets it it's been well established wolf that my pallet no no no no my I don't know that you have a My Pet's weak okay okay you got a baby tongue so how how are you with spice oh don't even get us started have you ever done hot ones I feel like your wife I did actually how was that um it was terrible but I did it on live on stage oh okay at a charity event oh nice oh you did that yeah I won't do that I didn't make it very far let's be honest I can't believe you did it so you quit yeah wow are can you deal with the spice I've done the like you can buy the sauces my my uncle my uncle Patrick uh is a is a spice head he grows like uh Carolina Reapers and stuff in his house wow the real stuff yeah and uh just for fun I was never a guy I was always like ketchup is spicy but then eventually I I grew a and basically you turned seven yes I grew up I I I graduated sixth grade and then I figured it out and uh love this he's been waiting so long to have that's why you're here dude but you can get this you can go to their website and buy like all 10 of the sauces and uh for my bachelor party all my friends we just they came over to my house and we did that we ran through the gauntlet and uh you just you do it you know what I it's tough it's tough I'm not saying it's easy did you do the whole thing yeah the whole thing it's the same as the TV show mhm did you get like what were the side effects did you vomit diarrhea where you have headaches but yeah you like you're going to need to carve some time out for the bathroom you you liquefy everything in your body I don't know how Sean Evans does it he he must like get his stomach pumped after every episode for real okay that's psycho and I'm thinking about your bachelor party I know dudes who went on their bachor party and it was hookers and blow yeah see I don't even drink so it was just like I want to hang out with my friends and that was kind of it you did the spice yeah I like that yeah I like that I like how lowkey you are hookers and blow what I feel like I'm being very normal about this I feel like you're the one who's a little no I get it I'm just saying dude I'm not look I'm not saying that that was my last night I'm just saying I know people who may have tinkered that live in the fast lane yes yes I get it you got he's living in the spice Lane yeah I don't go that fast no well you go fast in other ways I can't that's that's way too racy for me the spice stuff it's hard but it's it's it's the rush of the you know it's fun it's almost like like jackass in a way it's you have to sign a wer they put me on the 30-year-old horse to have my picture taken like a child oh God that's I'm not in any Lane except the slow baby picture Lane yeah you're like oh with a bib I have baby moue they put me on a horse it's almost dead like it can't it's not going to run away little tiny hands and your little pink cowy hat I get it and they give me a spicy Dorito and I start crying dude I gave him a Sweet Chili Dorito yeah and he's like sweet's sweet is in the were in the name I know Chile is also in the name dude it was a it was a flavor explosion with death spices I have Reaper in there no it doesn't have Reaper in there let's let's look at what the [ __ ] the spiciest pepper in sweet chili what's on that nanometer for spices what's it called oh that's a the Scoville it was 25 it was 25,000 Scoville SP that's very nothing pepper I don't even know what the scale is it's like Millions okay so it was 10 million okay it was 10 million Scoville it sounds like you're making stuff up I you said this you said I didn't say anything I can't find that I'm going to search for the Scoville unit of of a Dorito it's not even on the scale it probably isn't no here we go here we go there you go yeah see that like pure capin you can like put it on your tongue and then never feel that spot ever again oh really like I think they use that for but that's pure capin that's not a Dorito Carolina Reaper one and a half million oh yeah one and a half million for the Carolina Reaper and that was about what I was at I'm feeling like no what the bell pepper the a pimento huh jalapeno is 2500 yeah and I was like I said I was at have you have you heard the the deal with jalapenos like what has happened apparently like 10 years ago some college like I think it was like in in in Texas or something figured out out a way to grow cheaper jalapenos but then they are also not as spicy I didn't know that and so people are mad at them for doing that because they're W they're more widely widely available but they're also for babies did you see his hand he went for babies he he referenced me for all those people who aren't watching this on YouTube wolf gave me what's known in the karate world was a knife hand he he knifed he knif handed me he knife handed me with and he said baby and KN handed so just we're clear he did he called you out It Cuts Like a Knife I'm not going to lie well it Cuts Like a Knife hand yeah what's your dream tour dream tour I mean I would have said Foo Fighters if you asked me this before and now it's G to but now it's gonna happen do you know Dave girl yeah yeah he's a good dude have you jammed with Dave gr I have yeah that's cool he's everything you would think who he would be he's exactly as cool as you think he is I like when they're as advertised you know cuz I've seen him in interviews and I always thought he looks like a and sounds like a really cool guy and he is I love that love that guy love that have you ever met anybody and don't I'm not asking for names where you went God that guy's a dick sure yeah sure yeah wait a minute there are some drummers that I know that are just like drum some of them are on podcast and stuff and they're just the worst worst okay do not like them yeah I met this one dude at an alterbridge show like in 2020 yeah was he a drummer yeah he's a Dr guy yeah not a fan he sounds cool he sounds like he was great it may have been an off day he sounds like a Mega Tool but that's also the tough the tough a Mega Tool that's the tough thing about meeting somebody for the first time you don't know what they're going through that day right like what if their dog just died and they're in a bad mood like yeah no you're right you got to give people a couple couple opportunities to really be like they're an [ __ ] you got to you gotta give him a little Grace but once you get to meet someone over and over and over and over and over and over you can pretty much you can pretty much determine if that drummer I in 2020 is an [ __ ] or not you can you can say this guy's a real POS you know that was in the microphone Darren you're kind of just proving our point no no no I was taking a sip I was parched I had to quench it it was parged all this Carolina Reaper talked the water is not the thing you want to drink if you're going to it's milkk yeah it neutral only makes it worse oh God I don't want to have that experience so what so when you go uh when you go home tonight yeah what are you going have for dinner I'm not sure yet you better decide figure it out because I'm putting it in your head now because we don't think about these things until it's too late do you chain restaurant uh maybe I on tour that's kind of all the choice you have really we were talking about this earlier um so when you're on tour especially on the road the devil you know man it's it is it's a lot of Cracker Barrel it's a lot of Texas Roadhouse it's a lot of CPK cheeseburger meal from McDonald's type stuff we spoke to tronti today or we spoke to tronti and uh his what was his go-to applebe he loves Applebees is he Applebees guy he loves Applebees and he also loved uh uh um Texas Roadhouse Texas roadh house but then also that baja oh the uh Baja Breeze Baja Breeze which is a some Floridian yeah thing which I Florida stuff yeah Florida stuff I don't know that's a whole different thing you think you're going to live here forever kind maybe probably yeah okay this is where all your roots are that's where all my stuff is yeah gotcha do you have do you go places and go I could live here no you don't no do you he's he's California through and through oh totally I dig it it's rare to be born and raised in California nor people come nor normally people cooler people come to California and or are born there some people come from the Midwest and they come to California and they try to make it in Showbiz God you're the it's not even you see the pointing and the passive AG it's not even passive am I wrong it's not even passive wasn't a knife hand they want they want to be actors don't put actor in air quote what is that Baha Breeze why don't you go to Baja Breeze take bah Bahama Breeze and take the edge off okay let's let's can we scroll up Gary let's see what Mark tronti is eating I want to see what Mark's eating oh my God where's the closest Bahama Breeze St Pete Newark nework Florida that's all East Coast Bahama Breeze watch cheese yucka cheese sticks empadas I go for the empanadas spinach dip crab crab dip three cheese crispy crunch frits classic Wings crispy conch oh con dude that's how bad my eyes are for real oh my God nothing about that looks healthy what are you talking about it all does what grilled salmon oh well that does yeah red snapper all right well we know what Tran's having tonight yeah I'm have you ever eaten at Wood Ranch Barbecue I have not do you like barbecue sure I love barbecue yeah it's not bad we I'm from Kansas City okay God don't get me started on barbecue dude okay what you have out here is like grilled food yeah when someone slaps some ketchup on it and calls it barbecue sauce I'm not even feeling what you're saying right at all we have good food I'm just saying step you so you appreciate the barbecue in Kansas it's not like somebody from Chicago who just doesn't give a [ __ ] about about deep dish pizzas exactly okay I Kansas City Barbecue is the legit slow cooked molasses based barbecue sauce and it's it's more than the meats which are so tender it's the sides too it's the sides baby so it's not even the barbecue it's the barbecue is it's it's critical it's the foundation but the sides are so electrified what's your favorite side I I can't even is it the cream corn is it the klaa is it the mac and cheese is it the mac and cheese I don't know is it the baked is it the baked potato is it the loaded baked potato I don't know that's what I'm saying this is so crazy I know it soup's crazy yeah it's definitely not the soups that we like not in barbecue no um here's here's something that I'm going to say uhhuh spit it out that's our countdown okay uh that's [ __ ] Gary we're having a really fun conversation that was really quick I know they say fly by right yeah see that's the thing about this podcast is it's a Time Warp yeah you come in and you're like oh God I'm gonna have to talk to these two jamokes but what you don't realize is that we've just had a great conversation yeah and we're going fishing yeah and go-karting and gok caring first and then we'll decide on the fishing okay let's see how the go- caring goes yeah that's the way to do it play by air play by air thank you so much bro that was really really fun um we we learned a lot and yet we learned nothing yes that's how I feel that's great that and that's the way you want to do it that's a podcast that's why when people watch this or they listen to this they're going to be like I feel like I don't know any of those three any better but I feel like they're bro yeah yeah I think you you could take away some knowledge from this yeah absolutely I learned a lot you've got a baby mouth can't decide Onin is dangerous capsis is dangerous and I like to fish yeah yeah those are all big takeaways yeah all right well I think that I think that's Gary's yelling at us all right Gary we're we're going we're going okay Gary uh thanks again wolf we really appreciate you're awesome thank and you are awes and you are too buddy uh this has been rles picks I'm Rob rle I'm Darren leader and that's and that's wolf I'm wolf and Halen that's wait let's do that again all right good hey I'm Rob rle I'm Darren leader and I'm wolf F Halen yes this has been wles pick thanks baby [Music] P [Music] yeah p

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