Epic Seven Beginner Guide Part 5 - Beating Golem and Banshee 13 and Next 6 Star Characters

what is up guys it's Mr DD and welcome to part five of the guide part five of the guide our goals are clearing Golem 13 for the first time we're going to use story team for it clearing Banshee 13 the first time we're going to do the same thing and clearing as far into chapter 3 as we can along with a little side quest along the way so we always start these with our summons so let's do our daily summons one thing I do want to harp on right away is if you did open a Side Story Banner always make sure to try to finish that banner before it runs out so if you look here we are now 15 away from uh finishing it I will do the orig or final five summons real quick and we'll do our event summons and then we'll get into the video but I want to make sure if you guys ever open a sory banner you need to finish it if you ever start summoning on a banner oh that's good if you ever start summoning on a banner always finish it so if you have to go refresh some sky stones to get some bookmarks that's fine if you are at the very end and there's only a little couple hours left go and go and do that it's it's okay uh like right here if I were to spend skystones to finish it I'm only spending 950 or less if I shop refresh for it so just try again to spend as few sky stones as possible when following along with my guide and your account will be overall better the less amount that you spend okay let's do our two Moonlight summons from this and three star and another three star okay and then now we have our five summons but we also have these as well so do your normal daily routine for everything if you look at the day two video it has a daily routine going and do all of that want you to make sure okay we got some kind of five star here what do we get an artifact maybe we get more five stars though okay I don't think I'll be using that that's fine but hey that is something now let's go ahead and do our five summons here now with the dash pass let's go and make sure you're doing your dash pass things every single day we're going to be going over what we're taking from that uh let's go ahead and grab this horado we didn't have one of him yet Elison we did get a ml5 star and oh there two ml5 two days in a row okay who said these summons are rigged oh please be Landy oh tyan that's still really good that is still really really good okay that's two five stars in two days okay if you're watching this this is way above normal luck okay all my other accounts this is the Blessed account for summoning which means the gear is going to roll bad okay our account is seated for summon luck okay but we're also pitying our our first story summon so I don't know maybe it's a 50/50 account but hey that's 2 mil5 backtack days on this account that's really really cool okay I always like doing these at the beginning of the video so you guys can see my summons and know what all the characters on my account are and where they came from and that is our current thing we have our commander pavl and now we have ambitious tyin as well okay and we have knal janua this account's looking pretty good okay now I'm going to go ahead and pause or stop the video for a second I'm going to come back we're going to get into the guide I do have to go do a little grinding before we get into everything but this is I already covered what we're going to be going over but I'll try to make it a shorter version of the guide today okay guys now we are on part five of the guide this is going to be our fifth day login so if you have not logged in 5 days already it's fine just to be playing ahead but I'm going to be going over each day as one of the parts of the guide so I'm going to go ahead and claim my rewards here I get a couple extra bookmarks the first thing I want you to do is if you opened a story summon I want you guys to be making sure you are finishing that story summon so let's go ahead and see how close we are before the timer runs out I'm doing this on day five uh just as a quick reminder so I need I believe it's 11 summons yeah it's 11 summons so we going to teach you real quick about shop refreshing this is where you spend your sky stones as a player okay this most efficient place you can spend them it does cost gold for your bookmarks but for every 950 you should be getting about 12 as you see there's already one bookmark there so this is where you spin your sky stones there's two bookmarks and that was 12 that's not that's not regular rates okay guys but the reason you're doing this is one the rates are higher you should get around 12 for your 9 50 sky stones instead of the 10 as well as you will be getting Mystic medals Mystic medals this is one of the main ways you get them now as a new player we don't need to really be summoning at all but this is for when you need to finish a banner need a few bookmarks you go in there and do that and late game whenever you are in your constant rotation of getting your sky stones from Arena weekly you can grab them from there so that's where you go spend your always grab sky stones from your weekly Arena go spin them in there you'll end up getting more bookmarks and Mystic medals over the long term doing that so let's go go ahead and go and get our asseria so let's r a 10 summon that'll put us one away from pity are you kidding me okay well I didn't pity her that's a good thing right we didn't pity asseria we didn't pity asseria okay so what am I to pity we got her on the summon before pity so you have to you saw I had 10 left I did a 10 summon that means and I have 120 left here meaning I got her on the 120th summon instead of the 121st summon so technically I did not pity her that is hilarious okay and now that we're to this point while we're in this menu okay I got to do one more summon uh I'm going to go over the things again that I wanted you to complete yesterday actually I Sav that summon for tomorrow so the things I want you to complete obviously go and do your epic Dash pads daily missions okay go in and do these I do have these summons for tomorrow that we have checked out so I need to do my daily Covenant for today but I uh the day resets as I'm recording this next part of the guide so for day five the first thing I want you guys to do is make sure you have finished your Raz specialty change okay you need to be farming part seven stage seven of unrecorded history for him so go ahead and go to recruit once you beat chapter 2 you'll unlock rise of specialty change we want to go ahead and do all these farming the runes you do have the ability to pop one of these Rune Buffs so you can go ahead pop the two-hour one I farm the full amount of runes I use my 20 quick battles and I farm for about 30 minutes that's all it took so it's pretty quick and then the unknowns you farm from unrecorded history that's going to give you stigma some charms it's the same as farming other unrecorded history stages but it's stage seven so just let that that go you'll finish this in about this overall takes about an hour and then just gift them the thanks so then you go in and do the trial battle the trial battle you always just hit Auto sometimes it does fail though on Auto on the other characters the next character we're going to be doing specialty change on is going to be our commander Lorina so if you have Lorina you all will have her she was a connection character we're going to be doing her so we need to level her up to level 30 that's going to be I'll try to remind you guys near the end of that guide to do that but the main thing for today is one make sure you finish your story summon what we're going to be completing today is going to be beating Golem 13 and we're going to be beating Banshee 13 to get the rewards okay that's the main goal of today and then I want you guys starting on Story 3 but I'm also going to give you a checklist of other things that are important to go complete along the way so we're going to take sit here for another couple seconds I wait for Raz to beat up other Raz it might take two more turns all right and please just kill please say this kills I don't want to not kill here thank goodness okay it's over so now we have R specialty change I want to show you guys what to do for him so whenever you first get rid of specialy change I'm going to show you why I don't recommend specialty changes very early to new players right now it's not too bad because we have the Rune buff right we have the Rune buff for a new player event so I do not mind showing off some of the other specialy change characters but normally people tell you to get Angelic M Mory at the very beginning of the game and the amount of time it takes you to farm these runes is insane you need I think it's 400 runes to max out the character so we're going to go in here to the skill tree whenever you espcially change of character they get entire skill tree that's going to give them additional things so as you see here you boost this up with your things you just Farm your runes and you're going to be getting additional sets so this one's going to increase the damage sh this one's going to increase HP I'm going to do the minimum amount on Raz to clear all this so this gives immunity to the back R attacker and as you upgrade as you see once you get nine you unlock the next tier but if it has a bar here that means you need to upgrade the first one to upgrade the second one all right so the next thing we want to do that's effess for our lives and that's Effectiveness I'm going to go ahead and increase the effectiveness here and then these ones are going to be back row this one's a good one to upgrade as well and then the main thing we are focusing on that we are going to be using Raz to onot one of the story bosses in chap or the chapter 4 Story Boss so I want you guys to all make sure you have your Raz to this part okay Raz we're going to be able to use in multiple different kinds of things chance increase cess okay all this other stuff you can finish if you want I'm not going to bother cuz Raz I the only place we're going to use them our front tank for our green Expedition that one shotting thing and flexing him in over our other Tain character for clearing other like say abyss and things like that so the main specialty changes that are worth doing are going to be your lurina and your M Mary M Mory will be good for Labyrinth and Lorina will be good for abyss and challenge floor Abyss monaru will also be good for challenge floor Abyss I think a couple stages we do use her next up the best characters are Carman Rose if you need a light Expedition damage dealer AOW well for PVP AOW well is honestly the next one that you should do alongside Lina if you do have this character but you need to level up to Stage 30 before you start them chrisy is also a like a viable option for new players it gives you an additional tank that does pretty pretty good job at what she needs to do she gets a back line effect resistance to keep them from getting debuffed so a good combo is Christie plus bloodb blade Karan this is a pack you can buy if you would like but that is going to be our R now the next thing I want us to do is promote our R to six-star so we're going to have a full six-star team from here so we need to go to the spirit alter I'm going to go ahead and grab 10 of these make sure you have changed your hunt challenges at the top before you go and grab anything so go into here and make sure your hunt challenge is going to be on the correct thing that is very very important so if you look at your promotion I can still get nine more so I'm going to go ahead and I'm just going to do five more right now there's a bunch of different things we going to be covering in this episode actually but I'll try to do them all quick so we'll go in we'll go back to for of Souls and let's just do five more of them and that should be enough to six star him this going to give us a full six star team and then we are going to be using the potion that we got earlier from the adventures path that believe it's Ventures path or the moora challenge Mission actually it may be in here we're going to be using that on our tamrind so couple other things I told you guys to go ahead and finish up was I wanted you to clear all the way till we get the milestone in time meaning you need to clear Abyss floor 60 you can full auto it with the team that I have already built I can go over the characters real quick but once you get to this portion we're going to claim all of these rewards just receive you may have already received them that's fine we do get a couple summons we get 50,000 stigma right here that's half a six-star over half a six-star character immediately so this is where you're going to be getting a bunch of stigma you get 100K early game from this and we got some summons as well and we'll grab all this we get a five star artifact bloody Rose and then the other things there so next up we need to purchase a book of memories guys the book of memories you need to purchase just just to be safe go to your Heroes go to your recruit click on your Tamarind if you don't buy the proper book of memories so this that means to get Tamarind you have to spend 900 sky stones okay so click this and it was the Bittersweet desert Festival which is at the top whenever you click I I know if it's at the top when you don't click to go in from that way but we're going to go ahead and buy it and we need to go through the Side Story okay the Side Story is long annoying uh it's one of the longer Side Stories but it's very annoying the gear you get from this you can just lock it you don't need to upgrade it now I will show you the pieces that we may use the necklace is pretty good I believe the sword is okay but you need to go through and just clear all of these missions you get a bunch of different rewards and you want to make sure you fully clear this because at the end you have to click Side Story complete once you click Side Story complete then your tamaron will be finished so from right here go ahead and finish through all of this and then come back once you've done that and we'll grab our Tamarind I will show what we are working on next okay guys once you have finished up The Tamarind Side Story you're going to go ahead and click record complete so if you go into the Side Story make sure you've claimed everything that you can okay your reputation make sure your quests are all done make sure you have everything you possibly can before you do this I don't know if you can even do it beforeand we're going to go ahead and do record complete we get a little Moonlight pet which is cool and then a background ground and stuff like that but the main thing is now we get tamrind so I'm dying all right so now we're going to go ahead and grab tamrind I can't re redo what I just choked on there uh but let's go ahead and finish her and the next goal is we're going to six star or Tamarind okay so six-star Tamron fully booster that is the next thing I want you to work on I'm going to show you a couple things real quick along the way so tamrind go find her locker level her up as you see I don't have enough penguins so to get enough Penguins we're going to go ahead and go into the penguin menu and I'm going to show you that real quick we're going to need to make a bunch of extra Penguins but you can use your potion on her it doesn't matter how you use your potions as long as this character you're going to six-star anyway but we go in here there's our Tamarind bang now we have a six-star Tamarind so we have quite a few six stars at this point but go into your penguin menu and making Penguins is very annoying guys okay I have a hotkey on my emulator set up to spam Penguins quickly but we do need need to do a lot of penguins at this point so I'm just going to spam for a second the reason we're doing a lot of penguins is you sell Penguins this is how you farm gold so stigma farming is for your six stars and for getting gold this is how you in-game farm gold really really quickly so as you saw I was out of penguins right there I'm going to show you how much gold you get for doing a batch of penguins we start with like 170,000 we'll do 20 30 40,000 just depends but the reason we're doing this is there is a another Moonlight 5 character that you can get for free so we're going to kind of talk about that today so we're going to go and just keep spamming this if you guys don't have as much Sigma as me that means you need to go farm unrecorded history okay Farm unrecorded history any time you have the game open maybe if you're not working on anything specifically or if you're just working on something clicking through characters checking out different things always have unrecorded history stage 30 farming okay by this point we should all be easily able to do stage 30 very very quickly and just keep it going I promise you will not over Farm it you can't overarm it even if you run out of Leafs you use some sky stones I am going to talk about using sky stones for energy with my Guide Series we usually end up using quite a few sky stones for energy to stabilize our accounts faster all right so we're going to do two more here and you see we burned about 40,000 I think that was that was around 40,000 uh Sigma total now we're going to go in and finish leveling up our tamrind and then the rest of the Penguins we're going to go ahead and sell so our Raz we do also need a six-star so I was talking about that earlier but we're going to combine Spirit balloons six-star him that was another thing I didn't go back in after I made things earlier we're going to level him up to level 60 and then second let's go ahead and level up our Tamar to level 60 and we're going to sell all the leftover Penguins okay so this is how you sell Penguins I've shown this multiple times so maybe if you missed it up to this point if you sell the three star Penguins you are going to be getting silver transm Stones so that's a big deal you need a lot of silver transm stones to get your weekly rewards and now go into this so we just got 2.5 million and if that was from 40,000 stigma but we also used a bunch of those Penguins to upgrade our characters so without upgr characters would have just got is usually like a million gold for 10,000 stigma I think that's that's a pretty safe number you could say it's around a million gold for 10,000 stigma not bad I mean it's very very quick to farm stigma so we are going to fully awaken her and uh make sure your Raz is boosted up a little bit cuz he's going to be one of the core characters for the next thing we are doing real quick and to do that we're going to go back out actually we're going to use our Destin gear so I'll show that in a second but one thing I want to cover right now is going to be the if you click on Side Story Once you beat chapter 2 you're unlocking the Moonlight theater so this Moonlight theater is a way that a lot of people are going to get the on Banner Moonlight 5 character early okay so if you look here every single one of these stages you can go in and do and watch but it costs these tickets to watch okay but whenever you watch these first 29 episodes it unlocks a second Moonlight blessing to where you can pick a second Moonlight five from a list of Heroes I'll go over who we're picking for that this part is annoying honestly I probably won't talk about that until tomorrow which one we're picking but you're goal is to watch as many of these as you can you get one free watch per week and then also if you do end up getting any of these characters along the way you can get a free ticket so some of those are four stars some of you may have some free tickets you can grab make sure to grab those but every single one of these that you watch you get 50 Mystic medals so right here that's 29 summons just from chapter 1 chapter 2 if you look at it I can scroll over chapter 2 is just six missions so that's 35 summons chapter 3 is going to be 7 + 6 plus 2 so that's an extra extra 15 and then chapter 4 you're looking at an extra six summons and then chapter 5 you're looking at another six summons that's a fourth of a Pity of a Moonlight character immediately you're going to have a high chance of getting this as a new player with all the stuff they have in the game currently you get pretty dang close to being able to full pity a character in the first two months of playing the game you might you might get to full pity in two months if you do all the things that give you free missing medals including Abyss all that but it is very very fast so you heard me talk about watching the stories you're like oh you can watch one free per week and then one free per ticket but you're like how do you do this if I only have two tickets you click on the ticket up at the top and it will make up minu okay so think about this if you only get one per week free and you wait to do all free ones and have to watch 29 stories that's 29 weeks 27 weeks with what we have right now 27 weeks that's a lot of months if you do this for free going to take you a long time so any player that gets into the game we want that Moonlight 5 as early as we can possibly get them because it's going to make our account stronger you go in and you buy this for the first Moonlight 5 I believe it is a $14 million Endeavor okay cost a lot of gold but if you saw how fast it is to farm gold with farming unrecorded history it doesn't even make a difference on your account okay so I'll buy another five tickets so we in total need 28 tickets because the first one is free I need 28 tickets to watch all this and then after you finish these ones you could start doing all these ones for free but you need to watch all of Fallen lands and I'm going to go ahead and show the reason we're doing this is is you go into hero you go into recruit if you look here you have your first Moonlight blessing once you finish this first Moonlight blessing the second Moonlight blessing appears so you finish this you claim your character and the second Moonlight blessing appears a lot of people are waiting to claim their first character though just in case with all these Moonlight summons you end up getting a duplicate of that character say we get a spectre tenebrio we can then switch Spectre chrio for Arbiter VD endend up getting two different characters that way so it is a gamble to take them early but I'm just going to take it early if I get spect 10 imprint is what it is I it's not a big deal if you get a dupe it's it doesn't really matter a whole lot so what I just told you guys though is go ahead and go boost up your Tamarind get your Tam and boost it up and if you can awaken your Raz as well it's going to give him some extra stats so try to Five Star awaken your Tamar and Raz if you do five star or six-star if you want to go the extra and six-star them make sure you are going to your challenges as you see here I need one more six-star character but if you haven't done that in the wyvern portion you need to come here and look at your Awakening stew and if you've already done that and you finished these you don't want to star awaken them for right now it'll be fine without it and we are going to be doing Banshee we do need to do this we are going to I want you guys to go in and do this as well but I'll talk about that again in a second but do this and then that'll open up another set of challenges and all of we're going to get another gear set from that for our Tamarind she'll have our own specialized gear set but for right now we're going to do things a little weird just follow along first thing I want you to do I'm going to pause the video here go and five star awaken your Tamarind and five star awaken your R what I want you to do I'm going to come back I'm going to show gear and I'm going to show beating Golem 133 and we're going to move to Banshee and beat Banshee 13 okay so I'll be back in just a second okay now that you have 5ar weakened your Raz and done the Special Tree like I did and you've gotten your Tamarind what I want you to do is set your Tamarind on your team and have your Raz on your team we're going to put Raz on the front now okay so going into this I want you guys to go and take your r on this free HP set I want you to switch this artifact to orus if you have it hopefully you will have orus you do not have orus other options would be steadfast gatekeeper and then also proof of valer would work just fine we'll all have proof of valer been following the guide so if you have orus though you want to put him on orus this just keeps your team alive a lot better so we're going to go and level this up uh let's do plus 12 plus 12 will be fine for now I don't like going past plus 12 on early artifacts because if you get a great then you end up wasting exp experience and we're going to end up limit breaking this to level it up to 30 over time so we'll go ahead and do that and we do want to upgrade his gear okay so it's going to be a big charm syn again for you guys hopefully you have the charms if you don't again farming record history is going to give you the charms for this and also farming Labyrinth is going to give you charms for this so farming Labyrinth is going to give you the charms needed for your ring and necklaces you go trade in your ancient coins for that so right there we just got all speed rolls I don't really care about upgrading the sword it's fine but we do need to upgrade the ring minimum plus 12 we would like to go higher so we may end up having to go higher we'll see if we can clear it with this but right here we'll go+ 12 and then let's see if we can do plus 15 not quite so we will have to go buy some charms next up we have our Tamarind tamrind artifact the best in slot artifact for your Tamarind for going through the game is going to be an artifact called wonders potion vial as you see I do not have it so since we do not have it water's origin is okay it keeps her alive mahar's to is going to make her cycle turns faster eternus isn't great warhorn would be okay on her because it'll give you extra combat Readiness push so you could do warhorn for the sake of the guide since I know what I'll have it is just put warhorn on her it'll be fine but if you have the fourar artifact wonders potion vile slap that on her okay so we're going to go throw this on again I'm just going to boost this up to level 9 for this one since it's it'll give us a little extra attack and give her some extra turns now back out of this and what we're going to do is take our Destina gear I know free gear removal is gone right now so this will cost gold which is super annoying I'm sorry I don't know why they remove free gear for new players for this event it's really confusing I think they're going to add it back after maintenance so maybe when you guys are watching this you won't have to worry about it so as you see here I have my croset he is on this free plus uh 15 piece we'll go ahead and use these plus 15 pieces instead of the other pieces but we want speed boots on her so here we go this is basically fully maxed out but on your support characters having leveled up Swords isn't a big deal going to plus 9 doesn't really hurt anything by going past that on any support character that's like a last ditch or like last thing that you want to do for that now we have our two damage shers we have our tyia again if you can six-star tyia it will help you but we want to go ahead and put our Daydream Jokers on on our characters here Daydream Joker is going to be what beats this for us okay now with doing the Daydream Jokers let's go ahead and upgrade this one to try to get another three so we have two two dayam jokers you want your bigger dayam Joker and Spector tiria as you see we don't really have the charms to upgrade this to plus 21 correct oh we do okay if you can take it to 21 good okay so there we go that means we're going to be getting an extra. 2% damage which is actually a lot when it goes off a full HP level 13 boss so the reason we aing Jokers is because it does HP scaling damage and whenever you get to hunt 13 those bosses have a ton of HP meaning that this will give you higher damage and that damage gets multiplied by your crit damage multiplier okay so as you see that's why crit damage necks are generally always the go-to never attack necks we go more over gear later in the guide but the more crit damage you have on your PV characters including for wyvern any of the Hunts you're going to be using Daydream Joker you're going to be wanting to get the maximum crit damage you possibly can over attack so you'll do more damage with crit damage make sure D dream Joker and you would trying to go 5,000 attack with 200 crit damage first going 3,800 attack with 280 crit damage so crit damage multiplier is very very important for PVE content so now we have our team we have our tamaron we have our Raz and everything what I want you to do from now is make sure you have the hunt challenge selected for Golem Golem is harder than wyvern but it is very easy I just beat it a couple days ago on Stream So once you're in here we have all the stuff we can grab and we have all the stuff we can grab but none of this is going to really give me any progression at the current moment but you can grab any anything that you have that's golden just go ahead and grab it out now let's go beat it so any of you that have been following guide you should have gotten to Golem 7 already to get that second gear set and if you've already done the Banshee to let stage seven that's fine but go ahead and you should be able to full auto this up to about Golem 13 okay so full auto if I have any problems I'll stop the video but or sorry 12 go to Golem 12 and once you're to Golem 12 I'm going to show you the strategy for beating it you may have to do a little RNG but whenever I did this on the main account it was very very easy so on the not main account but the stream guide account this is a completely different account those of you that don't know I'm playing two accounts right now I'm doing the stream guide account which I'm going through and making all the decisions we're going to be doing in this so I'm Min maxing trying to come with a minmax day-by-day strategy for this and that is why this is taking so long is cuz I'm trying to do two accounts at one time and I also have my main E7 account and I also have other like things I have to do as a content creator okay so I'm doing the best I can sorry these videos are a little bit slow but hopefully I can try to eventually get caught up here that's what the goal is right now so go ahead Auto this I'll meet you back when you get to Golem 12 okay so once you are to Golem 12 I'm actually going to sit here and beat Golem 13 for you guys to watch and see the strategy for beating it and you apply this the same way to Golem 12 it's very very simple Golem 12 just was pretty easy to beat right there so I do want you to go into Tamarind and the only skill up we need to do on tamrind is our skill three okay so get our one turn cool down most support characters in the game the only things you're Mooring or especially PV characters you're going to be Mooring their skill coold Downs on their skills so if they have a skill two or skill three with a skill cool down you go there and then if they have an effect chance you will molo that as well okay I've already gone over that a little bit but we'll touch on again so the main thing is her skill three the skill two is good to M Gore as well so if you do want to throw a couple into this it's fine too but we'll just throw three into this this is usually all I do my Tamron is three then occasionally I'll go up to this cuz once you get friendship 10 on a character they get three free m goras for skillups that is the hearts right here so whenever you get friendship 10 you get a little extra boost on any character and if you have a character already plus 15 then whenever you do the max friendship on them it will give you three molor back when you click their name so any any damage dealing character that you've already plus 15 you're going to get three mullor back for when they hit friendship 10 which is good so there's a lot of really nice quality of life things in E7 that's one of them okay let's go in and let's fight Golem 13 and get this done I'll just walk you through the fight that's why I'm 13 so we'll walk you through the fight I'm going to pause a video right here just in case I have a run that goes bad but just know that is possible but I will be back in just a sec okay so the Golem 13 run let's go ahead and I'll show you the strategy so normally what I do going into it is you can abuse the first wave to try to generate Souls your goal is to get as many Souls as possible before or at a certain point in the fight and then once you Raz lands defense break you have to time up everything to where once he lands defense break you just one shot the boss and it's the same idea with Banshee it's very very easy but overall you just want as many Souls as you can possibly gain from the first stages we're not going to bother with that I don't think we need to with the current gear the game gives us it should be very very easy sorry if the game volume is pretty loud uh that's probably been pretty loud the whole video I just realized I turned down a little bit I did didn't even think to think or check that okay so going into this I'm going to show you the what two attacks so you see Raz defense right there Raz only has a chance to defense break okay you want to make sure your Raz does have fness that's why we put him on the gear set that we did but whenever you first get into this your goal is building souls and staying alive and I'm going to teach you how to do that every five times you hit the Golem it counterattacks you it defense breaks you it puts you in a bad position so you want to try not to attack the Golem until it is time to kill it and any damage you do this little guy right here will just heal it back so all of our early attacks are just going to be on this uh during the first wave a lot of times we will not skill three your Spector chria just so we don't accidentally hit the Golem like right there we didn't end up hitting the Golem so that's going to give it one stack and then we hit it again okay so all that damage that we just did is not going to matter whatsoever is the bad part but as you see our team is already very defense broken so we're just going to go ahead and keep attacking this mob here and once as you see it's just fully healed okay so let's go ahead and click our heal on our tamrind and then we just need to survive into another thing please don't hit Golem as back to back to back Golem hits that is a bit unlucky that's why you don't want to use your Spectra chra skill three during the first wave and also Ty S2 almost never use it in this fight so there are a couple different strategies for beating this one of them is just all in this little mob right here and then try to get him to a point where you kill it and then that way you don't have to worry about any heals coming out but we shouldn't need to do that it's it's very hard to kill these I'm not going to lie it takes a very long time cuz they're not affected by day Jam Joker so a lot of your damage but as you see right now our spect is to a point where we have our skill three up meaning she's only going to hit one target so we can just go ahead and do that one thing you can do is you can take your Raz and try to strip the attack break so skill one has a 75% chance of strip sometimes stripping that attack break is really really good but I'm not going to worry about it right now also I'm not going to click a skill three cuz it's not worth getting countered when now we don't have Tamarind cleanse at the ready so one thing we can do here is use our skill three this generates more souls skill threes always will generate more souls than a skill one so as you see there our SPC 10 gets defense broken that could be really bad for us and the reason we're trying not to as as is our tamr also has strip skill one here we can strip that attack buff so we don't have to hit it with Raz very often unless it's make or break we're going to die if we don't the problem here is our spect T may end up dying cuz we're defense broken okay that wasn't bad damage at all actually but we're just going to keep doing the same thing okay just keep keep building Souls until we have about 40 to 60 probably about 60 souls and right here you can just go ahead and S2 and into the boss cuz we're still in Soul building spot this will give you some more souls and we may end up killing this little guy first all right so now we're at a point we are taking a ton of damage but hopefully we can heal here and our goal is hopefully to cycle out of a lot of these debuffs so we're just trying to take as many turns to get out of that defense break so this will get us out of the defense break here and then we'll just go ahead and S1 we've almost killed this first mob okay we killed the first mob that's because we land some poison now that you're to this point you don't have to worry about the boss healing so maybe you will kill that I don't think I did on the other account but now that we've gotten to this we're just going to attack this little mob here with all of our normal attacks until we get to a point where our Spectre chria can get her attack so now we have raz's we still don't have Raz skill two so let's just go ahead and just skill one right here we're also trying to time our Tamarind transform because we're going to get additional attack there it is just straight bursting down the boss and we're going to be doing the exact same thing with Banshee okay exact same thing with Banshee said Banshee is way easier than them bansi doesn't hit you for nearly the damage that it does so from this point let just go ahead and skill one again it's fine but that's going to hurt pretty bad and now we're to transform so we're all in from this position now we if you look here at the bottom we have 50 souls should be enough to take out most of his HP but this might take a couple runs because Raz skill two is not a 100% defense break that is the most annoying part about using Ras for content is whenever you are trying to beat things you're going to get screwed over a ton so okay let's go ahead and skill two here we got the defense break that is all we need as you saw we just did a billion damage there right here we're going to go and skill two I did another 17K we get countered but we have immunity on everything so it' be fine that just defense breaks our character now we're to Spectre turn we Soul burn all of our souls that we have into the boss and it should should be it okay you might miss a crit my SW only has 94 crit or something but right here the boss is done okay that is Golem it's not too hard but if you get an unlucky run and things aren't going super smooth you can fail it so Golem 13 down we got a bunch of summons so let's go ahead and now that we've done that we're going to go ahead and work on our Banshee okay so Banshee we haven't even started yet make sure you go out go to ongoing events we're going to grab our Challenge Rewards for beating Golem 13 one time and we are never get into farming Golem we don't need to make an actual team for it if anything we're going to get his gear from Rift later in the guide I'll show you guys Rift team and that is where we get our Golem gear but from now we go back and we need to finish all these missions so as you see we need to get the CUA Catalyst I already did that then you need to beat Banshee seven or high 10 times and acquire eight spirit balloom so let's go ahead and go grab the spirit ballooms for this Mission so again go to your Sanctuary I do need to change these I'm still on the three cost ones but go to your Sanctuary go to Forest of Souls and then I'm just going to do a 10x it's not the most efficient you should only do eight but for sake of the video Let's just speedrun through that and once you've done that now that we need to beat Banshee seven 10 times just go to battle go through all the Banshees once you get to Banshee 7 auto it 10 or nine more times after you beat the first time and once you got the Vivian stages unlocked then we'll go ahead and do the rest okay so I want you to make sure you go get Vivien lock viviant save the day dream Jokers if you don't have three max already and then get Banshee up to Banshee once you beat that get to bansi I would say 11 just full auto up to bansi 11 this team should beat it if anything maybe bansi 10 and then from there I'll show you the strategy it's the same as Golem it should be super easy okay now that you guys have beaten Banshee 7 again 10 times you need to go in and go to your hunt Challenge and finish claiming Vivien before you go any further okay once you've claimed Vivien you'll unlock the new set of missions and then once with these new set of missions one of the things we're going to be doing is going into Adventure buying two Catalyst but we'll do that after so go ahead and go back into Banshee and now your goal is to get to Banshee 12 again just like last time and I'll just show beating 13 you can apply that strategy to beating both Banshee 12 and 13 let me go ahead back into battle let's go to hunt we are should be on stage eight go through 8 9 10 11 I'll meet you back here when you get to 12 you should be able to just full auto it if you have to stop and soulb bur your character soulburn Spectra cbia that should be all you need to do uh it should be super easy so I'll be back here once you get to bansi 12 okay now that you've reached Banshee 13 we're going to go ahead and I'm going to show you guys how to beat it I was able to Auto all the way up to Banshee 12 but bansi 12 I did or actually I did Soul burn once on banse 12 okay so you might need to Soul burn one time but just copy what I'm doing here so you're going to utilize all your skills you want to build up as many Souls as possible getting into this fight so go ahead and just keep burn all your souls and then attack the defense broken Target obviously with your spectr seia just it'll uh you don't waste any extra damage that way and then go ahead and use your Ras skill three just build as many Souls as you possibly can the least amount of damage you do technically the better so right here if you look you can see acquire one soul from this it's the same as using a skill one so go ahead and do that the Dual attack just gives extra Souls not bad I S1 again and Spector CA will S1 so if you don't skill three your Spectra you can build a little more souls within this but Raz will just us one save as us two for whenever we get into the next part of the fight okay so once we get to the boss we built about 10 Souls that's fine now from here Banshee heals now that's bansi this most Banshee kills you through debuffs and she heals herself when she attacks a non- green unit so again these are not our final teams for this you do not go and farm this like this okay the reason we are doing this is to get the rewards for the first time and it feel just feels good to beat so by getting this rewards it can allow us to make different options and choices on our selectors so one of the RNG parts of the Banshee fight comes in with Raz Landing as skills okay Raz may not land a skills and if he doesn't you might have to run it again it's a 50/50 chance for him to get them so just be aware of that you see here we're taking a lot of deos so we'll go ahead and do our heal and then once we hit bansi one time here she's going to transform into four little smaller banshees okay once she transforms she'll hit you you get some more debuffs on but the nice thing is we have tamrind set up to go next so just go ahead and keep attacking we're going to skill two on our tior to get the AOE hit and then right here we'll go ahead and Tammer and transform okay our goal is again save up as many Souls try to get the boss to where we can Soul burn and burst it down banshe is a little bit harder because the heal is going to happen no matter what because we're not using grass characters just keep that in mind every time you kill one of these enemies as well all of the other ones push up forward and attack you Landing a lot of debuffs so having immunity that's where Raz ends up being actually really good for this so whenever you skill two with Raz you get Immunity on your highest attack character as well as your as R so having two characters that you don't have to deal with getting debuffed on is fantastic so here two chance of debuff to resist and we resist that's good so the free gear does come with a decent amount of effectus so coming in here this will kill the last two Banshee comes out it attacks us again and we take some debuffs okay but from here now we're just trying to get as much damage as we can she will not transform again there is a 30% HP part where she will attack us so you have the option here you can either just skill two or you can soulb bur the skill two you may have to play around with us when you skull burn soulb burn the skill to it makes a door he has this every single turn which is really nice so for right now let's let's go ahead and soul burn it I think that'll be the most value we missed so I'm glad I did so we did not get the defense break we'll go ahead and boost up the more turns we take the more chances we have to cycle out of the poisons that this is giving when you skill three anteria you're also getting immunity which prevents some of the debuffs from coming on you now we have spect turn again she's cycled out of her debus the only problem is Raz well no Raz did cycle out of his debus as well so we're just going to skill two here we're going to save the rest of our souls rest of the fight we got lucky and hit it okay once you hit that you basically already won okay if you hit it at the right time so this was actually an unlucky time to hit that but we got a ton of damage off that so let's go ahead and skill two here we may end up failing actually I shouldn't have said that because our tenia should die right here okay tenia is probably going to die right here does Tamron have her skill three Tamron does not have her skill three our hope is that tamrind has her skill three at the part that we get a bunch of debuffs on us so right here let's see how it goes we're still alive and we're still alive okay Tamarind got to her skill three as long as you get to this point you should just guarantee already have won now will boost up we get attack buff on spect cbia you have the option here you can go ahead and soul burn and start Soul burning if you can get your R to defense break before your spect goes you you're just immediately win but right here let's go ahead and skill three build up a little bit more souls we get defense buff doesn't really help us on this fight at all but Soul burning Raz is probably overall more value than Soul bur spect so right here once we get the Banshee down below this point of HP she should hit us again she didn't hit us again that's actually really nice so we skill three this gives immunity to arteria and the boss is very low she's going to heal a little bit from this but now we're to spect Tenny we just soulb burn so you see here we doing quite a bit of damage but this may take you a few runs but this overall is easier than Golem is but we hit that and then our Raz should have skill two here go ahead and press that and that is the match there it is that's 13 very very easy Once you clear these both one time good to go I'm going to show you a couple things I want you to do obviously go claim your bookmarks we're going to do a little summon session again at the end of the video you get so many summons as a new player you never need to summon okay so go ahead and claim those then we're going to go in here we're going to grab our hunt Challenge Rewards and we have all these summons that we can do as well but I'm going to give you a list of things to do after we do our little summon session here let me grab these and let's go do that so summon I do have again I'm going to be recording the next part of the guy right as this one finishes so we'll go and get all our summons but two m5s in a row by the way so we'll skip all this try to make it as fast as possible the four star Elemental bookmarks give you a higher chance to get four stars and five stars compared to any other thing if I get a sera right here this going to be hilarious and depressing at the same time CU we just did the story summon we just B we basically pied her today we did we got our 120 summons instead of 121 which is really funny okay so there are our regular tickets no five stars from that that's normal but the four star tickets you have a very high chance of getting a five star from them usually averages I feel like every kind I've ever done there's a five star gets about one five star per uh hunt challenge so you complete so this is probably arka arka isn't really usable right now oh it's oh my God this account is Juiced never mind I forgot Monkey King was an option now I can show you guys Rift I can show you everything on this account I I've gotten everything I could possibly need that is so nice okay so there's a fourstar most likely let's see yep four star perus that is so big for the guide guys and there's another five star so two five stars not bad we'll take that all right it could be another Wukong get an imprint there's alencia so alencia Lind is getting buffed we may end up testing her out as well this account has everything dude I'm so happy the stream guide account is not this Lucky by the way if any of you guys have been following along it has nothing so far so you guys if maybe you're getting unlucky just go look at my stream guide account and you won't feel too bad this is the luckiest I've ever gotten during a guide series for any of you guys that haven't gotten certain characters you're going to be fine we get so many selectors that your account is going to still look absolutely amazing after a short period and my the the thing with luck is it comes in waves generally so I could be getting lucky now and I could go through a two-e period where I just get nothing which will suck all right so that is Maya I was about to say what fire Knights even in the game five star no okay we got Wukong I really don't care that's like the last character we could possibly need for doing any kind of guide content all right there's a five star there we go one we got one one five star per I think average cuz I don't know if I got any water so Tena all right we got her Tena she can be usable in PVE and I actually do use her for PVP on the main account but let's just chill for a second I'm super excited we got Wukong now the next things I want you to do okay so with the hunt challenge I want you to go into unrecorded history and hopefully you still have some things if not you need to be farming this anyway this is the thing I want you to farm right now go into AP exchange you want to buy two epic catalyst so for the Epic Catalyst for this just if you can find one of the characters you know you need epic Catalyst for them our Spector CA we still need two for her skillups or two or three first skillups so I'll just buy those two now you're going to be getting your next hunt expert challenge HP set so this HP set absolutely amazing for all your early game support characters so let's go ahead and grab that and now this is going to be our set that we're going to put on our Tamarind okay or since we moved gear this will just go on dustina so our Tamarind is going to be our main PVE story clearer now so let's go ahead and put the gear that we just got on our dustina manage equipment and bang bang bang and bang There we go and we also have a neck and ring still left over but you have should have four HP sets three from grinding out the hunt missions and then your fourth HP set it's going to go on your wyvern front tank so if we come here we can just throw those other two pieces we're not going to be farming wyvern until we get to chapter 3 Guys for those of you guys that are wondering wire we not doing wyvern 13 yet it's once we beat chapter 3 is when we start farming wyvern so you also want to come in clean up your inventory obviously sell all the little junk gear that you just got from doing hunts anything below T70 immediately sell it and then all the gear that we just got from getting Tamarind Side Story a lot of that I'm just going to throw in the bin but this is a good piece of gear the sword is pretty solid this ring can be okay for trying to put a destruction set piece on somebody uh to finish up a set it has Effectiveness so it's going to be used for PVE not PVP this piece is usually pretty bad this piece is okay it can be a support character for PVE not bad and then this piece drop from Golem I I'll level it since that speed will we'll gamble on it okay so that's that's everything for your gearing so now you have your main characters here you have your dustina you're going to level up the gear a bit you have your tamrind you have your Venture resz and you have your super looking like this now you have your free spirit tior she's going to be your unrecorded history farmer we will not be touching the gear on her but chapter 3 is going to be the next goal that I want you guys to be working on okay so two things you can work on now is go in and you can go and beat your Abyss another thing try to get Abyss up to floor 70 okay floor 70 by like day seven you'll be fine floor 80 well I've been playing it on the main account also once you are ranked 60 you can go in and do level two of automaton Tower you want to do this this gives you a bunch of charms and some gold transmit Stones Some sky stones automaton Tower resets every two weeks to go in and do it once you get uh Abyss rank or Abyss level 60 you can start with level two right away so if you're already done level one it's fine but if you are a new player this is why I haven't talked about doing automatan Tower yet is because you wait until you get to this point you can skip level one and you get better rewards for every different level going up so the max level of this is where we get most of honestly it's where we get almost I'd say half my charms as in game player it feels like so now that we've done all that obviously do your guild stuff do your daily so I want you to go into Arena and then I want you to finish and get up to Gold so your story clearing team of Raz Tamarind or Raz dtina preferably if you get the gear level then Spectre T free ceria is going to be your team for pushing Arena so if you look here we're currently silver 2 after my 10 fights I should be or I should be close but I might buy use sky stones just to get to gold for next video okay one thing to do another thing that you can go do is go clear all of chapter 2 okay so chapter 2 yes we beat the final boss but if you look at chapter two here we have a bunch of different things we can go complete so fully max out every stage this going to give you a ton of sky stones if you haven't done that yet you don't need to buy any gear from this but just go get all the sky stones and another thing with chapter 2 that I want you to be working on is going to be the adventure for new airs you need to buy things with your action points meaning you want to go through and buy all the breath of orbes available once you buy all the breath of orbes you're going to be getting a ton of charm some gold and finishing up that that's the last batch of missions for that so go in complete all of this and then also to finish up the rest of it go through buy all the got to AP exchange buy all of these okay all the breath of orbes and then once you do that you can just buy some Catalyst but you need to spend enough AP from this to finish up those missions and the other the thing I just showed you okay that is one of the main things you'd be working on but past that our next goals with the guide we're going to obviously make make sure we finish all of this the next thing is reforge one piece of equipment I will show you guys that honestly anything you have if you have a single piece of wyvern gear or anything from when you farmed you can reforge it but typically on day six or day seven we get a free piece of gear that's really good so this is rolling okay for now if you're not curious on gear it's a defense set piece so it's not very good uh it's not very good we're just going to go ahead and scrap it I probably will not be reforging a piece of gear until day seven so keep just know that I probably won't finish these all we're getting is a Moonlight summon and we're getting it soras and this is a five star hero ticket but let's just wait till day seven to finish this uh next is the heroes path missions if you if you do have piece of gear go ahead and do it if you think it's it's good reforging piece of gear doesn't matter it's you're going to end up reforging any piece of gear you end up using in the game so that is the missions there next up Adventure I'm going to want you guys to start getting into going and doing Adventure 3 so going into Adventure 3 these stages take forever and they also have new challenges whenever you come into this where you have to use one of each element depending on the thing so the team that I use to go through this that is the safest super slow is this team you can use this team to be every single stage in chapter 3 okay it's slow but we have two fires and a grass there is the option of if you have bre though from this point maybe you start with bre you can put bre there but having a water grass and fire character would be the best thing you can do cuz then you'll three star every stage you don't need to though you can come back and beat them but this team right here with the three free gear sets and then spectating on our free gear will beat it at the beginning for the first few chapters if you want to just do this you will be fine this will clear things quicker but if you want safety any fight you start struggling on always default to the tank double Soul Weaver single damage dealer team that is the safest thing you can do but other than that that's all I got for this video I don't think I can of anything else day six I'll cover tomorrow but the biggest things I want you to do is go try to clean up chapter 2 if you can and then maybe start pushing Sumit chapter 3 and then I will be showing chapter 3 tomorrow I'll be showing who to pick from Moonlight blessing 2 so get this and you can do your final summon on her and I'll show you who the next one you're going to be doing another thing you can do is Farm unrecorded history stage 30 you need a bunch of stigma again because we have to buy all these tickets okay and when you come in watch these just skip through all the stories you can't or you can't skip through them you have to like click on the screen screen as fast as you can if you don't care about the story or you can read it some of the stories are probably pretty good so go through all of these and again you need a ton of gold for this so Farm some un record's history get some stigma trade it for Penguins sell the Penguins get your gold that's it for this one I will see you all in part six of the guide tomorrow all right guys what's up it's Mitch D and we are starting day six of the guide so I'm going to go ahead and do my summons I'm going to go farm a little bit after I do this and there's a couple things I need to complete before we get into the guide but getting in first I want you to do every day is make sure you do your dailies for this okay so my dailies are left over from the last video we made but do your dailies for this do all of them so I need to do daily Covenant one time which you're about to do but we've gotten two all FES back toback days from us so let's see if we can get lucky again Camila that's fine dang I saw the spark before it it went so I don't think these can spook like what I mean by that is if it shows a fourstar you're guaranteed getting a four star whenever the books is here and like this can never be anything more than the three star regular summons can show and start as a three star and then trick you into becoming a four or five star but with these they're kind of just s we are getting extra of these summons any of you guys that are playing at the time this character is really good for some PV content so no Moonlight five star today shoot un unlucky guys so that's fine I'm getting to I love this account though this account's going to be so fun to play through so we do have another moonnight summon we're going to do our daily these that's all we got for summons today skip this we got nothing and then we go again and looks like we got nothing again yep oh we got wonders potion vile this is what I was talking about is best and Slot artifact on your tamrind so we'll probably go ahead and go put her on that now from here grab these and let's do one Moonlight summon and then I'll pause the video and we'll come back once we get into what you're going to be working on today with the guide my five maybe nope darn airwell okay that's fine now that you've done all these summons again go clean up your hero inventory save one of every character feed your duplicate characters into each other how I do that is sort by name go through clean all your stuff up you done these summons and then when I come back let's start grinding out what we need to do for day six

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