Epic Seven - Whispers In The Wind - RTA #490

Match 1 hey what is going on everybody and welcome to Fantasia for today we're going to be jumping into another session of Epic 7 now today G RTA for you guys so jumping into this here I know you guys have been enjoying these RTA videos over the past few days especially those of you guys who are newer to the channel maybe haven't seen this type of content here I know a lot of you guys been joining uh in the last week or so because of the anniversary and all the news that I've been covering the account overview I did right all the tier list that I've made so hopefully you guys are enjoying these RTA videos as much as I love creating them uh but let's jump into our first match right we got Ron and noal band on the other side H Ron and noal band this guy might be playing a little bit slower I'm I'm happy that Ron and knal are Bann those are two very strong ban protection units but I I think I'll go ahead and open up with um I think I'll go ahead and open up with OV I think that's probably the best play for me right now we could open up with a Tywin he's he's also really strong Knight I think probably one of the strongest Knights right now in The Meta tied with maybe imperian OV Crimson Armen right depending on what you need them for but DDR certainly is good into imperian nanov I don't like that he really going for aola here because if he does this if he does this I might actually just go for an earth Seline I think she'd be very very strong here Earth would be very good just because he'd have two non-attack skill units and I kind of shut him down from using either of those there's no way he's picking a five star Freda okay there we go um hand guy don't they seem to just be cycling through to find a unit that they want to pick right now whatever they pick though we're definitely going to try to counter it quite well there's no way he's going for a watcher sh there's no way he's going for a watcher sh okay a timein makes a lot of sense a timein makes sense he's really good to ilinov because while ilinov can cleanse with her S3 a timein can just stun her and prevent her from doing that I think um Dragon King Sheron is definitely very strong here so is Seline I think pairing Seline with dragon king Sheron is going to be very nice so we'll go for that I do love dragon king Sheron very very strong versatile unit here especially if we end up Banning the a Tywin we can defense break his DDR and maybe some other Knights wever that he might bring along um be a pretty good time for us now we do need to bring a pretty decent DPS as well we need one more DPS unit cuz Seline oops Seline is probably not going to be that good by herself here so we'll take a look and see what happens all right um so yeah sorry about that guys a little phone call that came in I forgot to sign the phone before the recording anyway let's see what is going on with this um right here we got ooh there's no way he's going solit here he this guy's just kind of cycling through all of his units right now yeah they're just kind of they're just showing off their entire roster of limited units I guess they're brera skin okay oh he's going for Abigail that's a weird ban protection unit and then going for ARB afterwards all right I think huh if there's an Arby with an Abigail he's probably trying to protect the Arby right we could always use rera here I think brera would be a pretty decent unit to bring along silven Sage Vivian also seems pretty strong here not going to lie we can go silven Sage Vivian then we can go Bry Syria uh let's go Bry Syria here we go we don't have soul soulburn unfortunately but I'm hoping that the Arby is not like a highres Arby or anything like that we should be I think in this case because we have brera because we have dragon king Sheron and we want to land these defense breaks I think I ban the a Tywin right just to be safe we ban him out I don't really need to I I mostly want to ban him for his cleanse not because he can stun my team because again we have that Dragon King shiron we're going to be pretty solid but he's going to bring raru okay never mind we're going to be in raru we'll just deal with the a thawin Sil stage Vivian's immune to debuffs anyway Selena is stealth so and she'll have evasion hopefully before a tus threes Bryer is going to get banned out that's a okay all right I think we have a pretty solid team here guys I mean OV isn't going to be really doing anything but cuz there's no defense penetration on his side um this one one of the ways you can kind of counter her kit is just bring units that don't defense penetrate oh what guys that's insane that's an incredibly fast arbit VD wow that is a crazy fast Arbiter V drid all right um I think what we do here is we go for we try to injury down this Abigail that's what we do try to injury down the Abigail because all of our units are going to be coming in afterwards right after his team takes a turn I'm hoping DDR doesn't end up um I mean it doesn't matter if he has threes if he does a non attack skill so be it he's probably going to try to kill Seline though the indomitable is going to help her quite a bit cuz my Selena is very bulky there we go oh no now with the defense break though okay thankfully we're alive okay that's nice that's nice he can try to S1 into the Seline it might actually kill her cuz you'll detonate the injury I'm really hoping it doesn't though that's going to give us a lot of trouble oh okay never mind it didn't okay he didn't do it that is fine do I want to S3 here a toan's going to cleanse a Ty will cleanse I I'll do it just to get the com that Readiness on my dragon king shs because when she turns Cycles it's actually pretty nice she pushes up the uh unit with the highest attack on my team which is going to be the sil Sage Vivian and now she can cleanse with or sorry she can heal with this S3 have to watch out for that a Tywin though okay oh RB did he take lethal damage he didn't seem do seem like he got the uh the immortality there there we go now he has the immortality with the vampirism buff okay we'll go for go for the Abigail here that's a nice dual attack unfortunately it didn't kill but fortunately we actually got into stealth which is not bad we're still defense broken you can still S three dragon king sharun will jump up combat Readiness though I'm hoping we can cut but I don't think we cut in time that's the main that's the main concern is I don't think we cut in time yeah see we got the casc buff but I don't think we actually we don't we don't go before the RB RB is already faster than than my team okay so Seline died he oh now he's going to push up too that is unfortunate and he gets another uh attack buff here I mean I know Alexa's basket was buffed but this is kind of bad now because DDR can sleep the OV the good thing here is that now I can soulburn my silven sage Vivan she's currently unaffected by these uh debuffs right oh actually we didn't get put to sleep with OV that's nice that's very nice we should be able to kill ARB and Abigail maybe a Tywin as well here with a soulburn from silven Sage Vivian she is really good into an a Tywin DDR comp and you're seeing the reason why right now okay so let's take a turn soulburn this AOE please kill the AR VD it did not kill but at least we killed the a thawin oh okay that's not good that is not good thankfully we do we do end up Reviving here that's fine DDR can try to sleep us um the the at least but we should be able to kill our VD and I think we'll be fine afterwards going to push up that's actually probably not the best move here because I will AR did he revive actually I don't know if he revived yet let's kill the ARB here let's just kill him oh no he hasn't revived yet yeah uh-oh hang on just a second this is not good Vivian should be able to live yeah cuz we got a barrier but oh no this is terrible cuz if he Dodges right if he Dodges us we are we are not in for a good time oh thankfully we hit 50/50 shot there we got it I I thought for sure we were going to lose that one um if we if we missed on that Arbiter VD I think we were pretty much dead if he got another greater attack buff with his Arc demons might buff I think it was over wow that Arby Match 2 almost just carried that entire match that was a fast Arby who packed a punch that was kind of scary honestly okay it was probably like a it was probably a Speed torrent build or like a destruction torrent build or something just fullon damage right just full damage okay let's see what this guy has in store for us he has a profile I didn't I didn't see the characters on there I saw violent I think ha young and it said the good old days I miss the good old days um of of RNG I guess I I don't know if uh REM was one of them but it would have been funny talk about Casino um the casino meta the one where REM and violet were were dominant in RTA uh let's see what we got same free bands as me okay let's start things off with a little liia action I think I like the faster Tempo that she brings I think my last team was a bit slow I didn't like that Arbiter vrid just like lapped us like four times got like four attacks off before he died that was kind of bad see lilus and Seline okay I mean see lilus and Seline is fine I guess we can go for cilus and Seline we could technically go for um I don't think we're outspeeding cilus we can go for bunny all right bunny can help us if cus takes an extra turn she S3s or something we we do get the skill null and the uh immunity buff which is not not too bad uh the issue with that is is um I can't really do anything else with bunny unless I want to proc the Seline we're definitely ban protecting the Seline okay let's go for a knight here who's a good knight for mitigation I guess we'll just go actually you know what we'll go albo ALB is pretty good into Seline and then we'll pick bunny how about that pick bunny here decent to the seus because she's bam protected I actually don't need anything else to counter seus going to go for lion o that lion heart's going to slap she is going to hurt uh especially with albo right when my albo does a Counterattack here the lion heart's going to going to proc and we don't have a Seline to punish that so when lionhardt does a non attct skill what can we do nothing we can really do right there's not much here that we really have I think could we go imperian OV can we go Wukong Wukong seems pretty good actually he doesn't seem bad but I might need another kind of mitigation unit on my side an orius unit would be ideal an orus unit can deal damage I guess if we don't go for LK we can maybe go a Tywin I think lrk might be decent here though ha young all right then I guess uh imperian nanov is in order then imperian OV for some mitigation is going to be very very nice here and then we will also go for uh cuz haong penetrates defense so does uh so does lionart to an extent I think she penetrates by 50% or something so we'll do imperian OV and then we'll go uh what do we go afterwards we go H he does have pretty good attack stats I don't think haong can fully kill him really easily but the fact that doesn't crit is a little concerning we could go Wukong I think we do I think we do with the with the extra defense penetration resistance here with within him like innately built with the yanov I think we're in a pretty decent spot Spectre tenebria might be a bit of an issue what do I want to get rid of Seline or Spectre Spector is going to hide behind everybody right that's the issue um but Seline here prevents Bunny and liia from working I think it's best if we just get rid of Seline that way we can just do anything we want we can try to burst through to get to a spectre okay he left Wukong in that's actually perfectly fine if he left Wukong in that's all we really needed cuz he has um his his S1 is an AOE so we should be able to hit the Spectre pretty easily and because we have anti crit uh built into him we should be fine Spectre most of her damage comes from crit damage right if they're building her on destruction set she usually has 300 350 crit damage so she's not critting she's not dealing all that much damage overall he does give us the bunny po though I do love that very nice we have skill on everybody so he can't provoke he's probably just going to dual attack and I'm I'm quite all right with that honestly he going to go for the W okay nice that was actually a lot of damage I didn't I didn't quite like all the damage that was dealt there so I think what I'll do is I don't want lionhardt to proc right away so I'm just going to go ahead and push up here I'm going to try to kill the ha young with uh with Wong I don't think Wukong can do it because he scales his his damage by the difference between the two units attack stats right and H young here right now first of all she has a defense buff and she has a bigger buff but the difference between their attack stats is not going to be very very big that's the main thing I'm just hoping we can stun her if we can stun her here I'll be very very happy and we're on life steal so we should be able to heal up to full with this even if it doesn't kill please stun nice beautiful stuff okay so now we can kill her on the next turn and the good thing is linhardt should be going before my liia so line har in the back of the combat Readiness bar right nice look at that indomitable buff with the barrier is actually helping W stay alive and the good thing here is that he's gaining Stacks every time he's not crit here okay I hope to oh my God we're dead no we're dead okay okay okay the immortal one hopefully please we need we need to uh we we we need him to do something here who do we kill oh no hang OV is going to go I think we just kill the haong first okay nice that dual tack is going to PO to lionhart linhard's a little spooky right now I think I go for the risky play is to just not soulb bur but I think I want to make sure that I sleep him here oh no really guys oh no oh really no you kidding me I soulb burned that too oh shoot that is terrible that is absolutely terrible you can't tell me this was not even a that was I'm effect C Lilia guys now I feel a little bit scammed I feel a little bit scammed she resisted that sleep I'd be like okay it's a resist seus we're fine it's okay no MM at least Bunny's giving a skills here though uh pretty decent against the lion heart but wow I feel a little bit scammed from that se lilus right there the Spectre is uming quite hard here I don't know if I want to hit the C lilus while she's asleep just hit the Lion Heart soften her up a little bit all right let's go for let's go for a sleep here please very nice beautiful liia has S3 I think we could just kill I don't know if an S3 with 30k health no mitigation we might be able to kill lionhardt without a soul bur let's see if it kills if it doesn't it's fine she'll be really low on health oh there there we go thank you thank you all right let's just push up our team here I don't really want L dual attack just want to go ahead and reset the bunny down and the OV we can try to get another S3 up on OV there we go beautiful get that indomitable buff here all right we just again we just have the burps through his team to get through that Spectre she's still pretty good if uh your opponent doesn't have any o actually do I want to go for the S3 here I think so let's get that barrier pretty decent against the Spectre I think it's probably better than preventing the Dual attacks to the very least see lus with Spectre is actually not terrible I think Spectre just wants dual attacks right now right if you have her e she pretty much just wants dual attacks so you can keep stacking your attack and defense Buffs but we still have a holy sacrifice on our ill enough Bunny's pretty tanky I mean Li's pretty tanky yeah he he's going to try to focus down the bunny D now it's understandable because the bunny D here is basically preventing him from using extra attack skills let's not use the soulburn yeah there's no reason to do that um we can try Soul burning here try to sleep her okay there we go very nice bunny Dum actually doing something and then we'll finish her off with a little soul bur from Lia beautiful stuff okay I thought we were I thought for sure I was like oh man dude they they killed the W Kong so early and that crit from spectre's S3 was huge um if she didn't crit there I think we would have been able to survive but because because she did yeah he just he just Match 3 kind of imploded we didn't really have any mitigation on our team was the main issue uh they got rid of our albo right albo would have helped in case Wukong was crit she reduces the crit damage that your team takes by 20% so it would have been enough to hopefully keep him alive even then though he's still a little bit squishy um but I'm surprised he did help us against the the ha young though it's kind of a one for one trade there okay no zoo no dragon bride seya this doesn't look like you need an imperian OV cuz zo and and uh dragon bride Sena are both really good actually never mind uh illo is good here to make sure that the blood moon haste doesn't screw us over that's probably a good idea so yeah blood moon haste here we can injury him down with OV we can go ahead and um prevent his S3 from dealing a ton of damage from one-shotting our team actually which is kind of nice I think we can also go for an a Tywin if we really wanted to but I think Elia is in order for us here just in case he picks something like knock wall in his band protection slot want a liia just in case and then what we can do is uh we'll try to pick a a strong DPS into his team we've been picking Little Queen Charlotte quite a bit into his stuff um do we really care about this bunny so it's a very smart thing to pick bunny here bunny prevents me from going for a uh a knall myself a time in as well he's basically preventing me from going knall cuz it's saw the liia typically if people pick a liia first two picks and knall is not pre-banned she's a very common bam protect unit but we don't need extra turn units right right now we can just fight this team and I think we'll be fine silven Sage Vivien could be okay actually could very much be okay here and we could also technically go Abyssal EU yeah silven Sage Vivian and Abyssal euen are both really good who do I want to ban protect though who would I want to ban protect I think I'd rather ban protect the Sven Sage let's do Sven sage and then let's do Abyssal e how about that these are two damage dealers he has to deal with one of them and we will just go ahead and pick uh one last unit that can probably deal with this uh ml Ken do we really care about elen here we really care about Navy Captain Landy yes I think we care about both of them it might be easier for me to ban the Navy Captain Landy and go for like a little Queen Charlotte she's probably going to end up banned here that's kind of a rough one actually we can go for gala gala is not terrible either oo he picked two really good units here he picked two really good units here rera huh yeah yeah I don't really know what we can do but do we really ban Navy Captain Landy I feel like abysal e would die to Navy Captain Landy it really depends on counters right it really depends on counters at this point I think okay here's here's my here's my reasoning if I if I go for the MLK fight I have a chance at um at using silven Sage Vivian's kind of mitigation that's built into her kit with with the focus to mitigate damage I think we have that going for us so we could be okay uh I am going to go for o he's oh actually he's going to stun us with a Tywin isn't he that's going to suck that's going to suck big time he's a water's origin too uhoh I think we've lost this yeah that that last pick I really need to pick something good there but Bryer was not the play having imperian ill probably would have helped me a lot in this case because right now I can't kill anything without killing blood moon haste first and that's a bit of a problem so we the good thing is we actually proed the um the a thawin so we can't cleanse this defense break that's coming out and blood moon haaste doesn't have a way to to stop this either oh nice defense break brera you might have been the play you might have been the play R to Guiding Light too very nice so silven sage and um silv Sage here with the ab might actually be the play Let's go for an S3 I'm going to just do it just going to rip it I don't care if blood moon haste gets his thing to try to revive just going to deal as much damage as possible here soen prox or chatty dispels oh shoot it's not enough damage cuz abys can't do this by herself we killed the a Tywin at the very least but now he's going to kill us yeah look at that this is not good not good at all Lia does take the turn we can go ahead and push up here but again I think this oken's going to going to finish us off I think either way we were screwed especially cuz we picked the brera that was kind of bad that was kind of bad am I kind of bad I mean that was really baden's going to a solo and there's nothing we can do about it cuz he still has a barrier here too which is a huge issue because right now Sven Sage even if I Soul burn this and I and I try to heal up here she's still going to get her face kicked in by the M oh yeah we didn't break the barrier it's over very much over the only unit who can kill here is liia and liia is going to die to the uh Li's going to die to the blood moon haste yeah that was kind of a lost cause I was not expecting both okent and navy Captain Lan to come out I Match 4 guess that's the that's the problem with picking abys early right she's really weak to both of those units and silven Sage doesn't have an answer to either of those units either the anti crit is really good against silven sage and moken I mean if Sven Sage aoe's at all yeah we just didn't have enough damage to burst through the um a Tywin as you saw Took a ton of damage from our S3 there he was actually mitigating most of that damage for thaten I don't think we would have killed even if a wasn't there though so that's just a a poor draft on my part I don't know if ilinov Actually I don't even know if emo can penetr defense if he does I should have picked something so he didn't ban the ml OV but I I kind of I kind of choked on that last pick there that was my bad all right we won't let that happen again we'll try to pick something else in in the in the case that that happens what do you even pick into an ml Ken and navy Captain Landy I guess we should have just went with lq C and then banned we should have just gone lqc and then banned uh Navy Captain Landy right then then at least he'll ban lqc so that we keep the OV and if we keep the OV I think we would have maybe been okay I don't know maybe but we'll never know all right we got a Ron ban protect I do like or not ban protect uh pre-ban so I do like that he can't be ban protected here this guy's playing slower anyway got the imperian OV so into I would like to go who would I like to go here can I play a bit faster don't know knell's decent we could pick maybe Lia knal ban protect would be pretty decent who else would be kind of [Music] fun if we're doing liia knock wall it's going to be a bit awkward I do need a very strong DPS unit or at least a very good support support Soul Weaver I think D you know what DDR is great here what am I doing I was going to go Dragon King Sheron but I was like why not just pick DDR injury into OV as long as well as control units like sleep and stun units are very strong against her so we'll do this this guy's in Champion too so I don't really want to mess around too much he's been playing if you're in Champion in preseason I mean definitely know your ways around RTA okay um bam protect what are we going to ban protect this guy is a one bar of connection hopefully it doesn't disconnect here I do want to I do want to fight OV I want to get uh more practice in against her just so when the normal season starts I'm not blindsided by people picking her and I don't have any answers looks like he might be disconnecting that's not good he's entering this happens all the time on this channel right whenever we're playing RTA this happens occasionally people just you know playing on the subway oh look he he exited the subway tunnel there you go there you go now now he's back he's playing dillet okay interesting stuff Dragon King Shar dillet is not what I would expect into my team here especially because uh Seline is a very common pick into this right I have two non attack skill units but hey that's fine Dragon King Sheron picked up we can go for with dilette here we can probably go for a um actually wa knock is just perfect here wait what knall just dumpsters on his entire team that is fantastic wow we can seal the dilet right we can increase the cool Downs of the dilet we actually don't need a seal her we can seal the uh dragon king Sheron wait this is this is great hang on in fact I think we can pick a spectre tenebria too let's go ahead and pick Spectre finally we get to use Spectre tenebria again all right I think this is a pretty good Spectre game yeah e taian is perfectly fine by me we can go for um do we go L Ark here I don't think so I would like someone who can immunity buff but also deal damage cuz I don't want the Tai to to stun us ooh Sven Sage ooh Sven Sage is pretty good into my team actually don't like that what else is good here wuk wukong's good here let's go for Wukong yeah let's go for Wukong let's do this F uh silven Sage cuz we do have liia to cleanse the a time at the very least right he's going to ban the W he wants to fight the Spectre tenebria that is fine by me very much allow this all right Spectre in the back line hopefully we dual attack with Spectre that's my main goal uh he does have injury on his side we're going to just team imprint the liia here make sure Spectre is as bulky as possible because she Stacks up her attack and defense very well with her e oh yeah ins specter's bringing the book too we can go ahead and sober this now I don't really care about the bind Landing I just want the reset and the to happen right across the board a timean can't do anything even if he ignores res he won't be able to S3 US okay this gu oh he went to another Subway tunnel but he's back out all right very good let's sber in this and reset everyone it's better to use a soulburn here than it is to use on Spectre honestly I don't want to get 15 pered very nice and after that we can go for cuz OV can only S one here yeah everyone can only S one we're going to seal the Dragon King Sheron I think sealing her would be nice cuz DDR can then do a play afterwards so let's let ovf go that's fine she can only S one only hit DDR or liia probably going to hit liia for the injury there you go oh you actually got a dual attack very lucky you okay so with that I think we'll just try to kill Dragon King shun first oh pushed her back in silence that's actually nice dilet can cleanse herself but she can't actually cleanse the team right here cuz we reset her S3 really feel like d needs a bit of a a slight buff right or at least an E I feel like dbet is just one e away from being right the ability to not have her S3 like if her S3 is unaffected by cooldowns like increase and decrease effects I think that would actually be really good on her okay so what we can do is go for an S3 onto the dranking Sheron cuz look at all the debuffs on her um Spectre tiria does more damage with her S3 based on many debuffs on the opponent so there we go very nice we detonated the injury and now we can try to push back the dillet here okay good now we can go and um will dbet cleanse here I don't think so let's just go ahead and dual attack ooh nice ooh nice Spector duel I like that okay OV can actually cleanse the team she can put indomitable up that's fine she could probably injury down the lia a okay by me The indominable Buff is actually going to help his um it's going to help his dbet damage quite a bit actually let's see what we can do D's going to probably cleanse a tywin's going to come in and S3 could we sleep her oh no never mind a shoot okay I thought we could do it but no I thought um if we if we detonate the Venom which I feel like she got the she got the fighting spirit before that right I thought if we can detonate the Venom we would have been okay now he's going to rip this S3 it's going to hurt quite a bit Li's dead DDR is vulnerable uh-oh this is a this going be a very close match very close match we have a cleanser this is really bad we went to Guiding Light DDR okay that's good that's fine I'm okay with this OV is going to go but we can go ahead and sleep the dbet at the very least oh no we didn't sleep her this is bad Spectre hopefully Spectre gets another turn I he has to burst through DDR please don't kill please don't kill ooh that's really bad that's really close dbet might kill here okay now this is terrible because um knle and spect both stealth units right now and this means that we're probably dead we're probably dead um let's go ahead and seal here want the ilinov to not push up her combat Readiness Tywin might be able to kill Spectre please don't we have so much defense oh thank God we lived okay this is fine this is fine let's go for an S3 I hope this doesn't cause please don't cause the off to cut she still sealed okay good she was still sealed at the time right this is oh but this is so bad hang on I need to push back the dbet I have to push back dbet here no okay wait this is great knock didn't stealth oh knock didn't stealth guys that is huge that is huge all right Spectre please please Spectre you got to you got to just live I don't think she will I don't think she will no knl's dead yeah spectre's dead [Laughter] no oh man both my opponent in the last match and me in this match here we both lost cuz the Spectre Tas just couldn't just couldn't pull it off right we both of us managed to to burst through the other's team and then managed to snipe that Spectre at the very end but you know what guys with that being said thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one take care

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