Epic Seven - Stuff Of Nightmares - RTA #487

Match 1 hey what is going on everybody and welcome to Fantasia for today we're going to be jumping into another session of Epic 7 now today got some RTA for you guys so jumping into this we're going to still have a bit of fun test out some units here and there and hopefully get a sense of what we have to adjust some builds accordingly for the upcoming season and I'm hoping the upcoming season actually brings us some changes to frenzy or maybe a drafting uh change right maybe they're going to do something about the band protection maybe they're going to give us hopefully three pre-b bands that'd be kind of cool honestly kind of looking forward to that potentially happening and by the way hopefully you guys are enjoying the anniversary update that's going on I know I've been having a great time with these summons and by the way if you want to check out my Galaxy summons I have been posting YouTube shorts I know I don't really typically do that very often but I'm trying to do it daily trying to keep up with the event right so we're currently I think there's at the time of posting this video there should be three maybe four I don't know if I'm going to get that fourth one uploaded in time before this goes live but uh there's short for every single day at the Galaxy events been going on and uh if you want to check those out for some summons and shenanigans uh and uh leave in the comments of those shorts what you guys have been getting cuz I've been having a great time reading about your great luck and like you know some sometimes we flop um I've been posting the summons regardless of if it's a good or bad day you know you know just uh just as we always do and then eventually I'll make a big compilation of that stuff so if you don't want to check out a bunch of shorts just wait for that video to come out um after the event ends all right let's see what we got here new Luna and emitus yeah I think that's good get rid of those guys I'll use knal it's fine no ilinov oo I I don't like that really don't like that here who should we open with um I guess I could I could open with liia if ml um OV is gone then we can we can pick liia here I think that's fine I actually you know what I do think my fire OV is I think I did put some random gear on her she should be built now that I think about it yeah maybe maybe she is I don't know if I organize this by stats we go by CP uh she does seem like she has gear okay she might actually be built very nice very nice maybe we'll be able to draft her um but the the unit that I'm really good want to draft is Spectre tenebria right I've been telling you guys this Spectre tenebria seems so so strong so so fun um how do I want to approach this do I want to pick Spectre here I don't think so right Seline for the liia but we could knock wall this that's the cool thing is we can knock wall this team and we already took the liia so they don't have any way to really cleanse this stuff off they could go for a bunny D bam protect um in in which case oh that that um the ml Sho is a little bit annoying all right you know what we can do we can go for we can go for knall I I can go for do want to go a Tywin spz I think a Tywin spz would be kind of funny honestly let's go a thawin knock wall and then we'll we'll lock in they're probably going to lock in bunny Dam we'll lock in spz and hopefully our spz can come in and um deal quite a bit to our opponent here the eight time is just going to be very strong for setting defense breaks and stuns potentially against this guy uh I don't know what he's going to be picking down here ooh never mind I don't like that that's probably a 300 speed Gala honestly uh it's going to be pretty terrifying yeah I don't know if I can outspeed that at all actually would my would my faithless Lia or my fairy tale tenebria outspeed I mean I'd have to go with litica cuz I don't think I don't think bunny or I don't think uh fairy tale is going to cut it I don't think she's fast enough we can go Z we can definitely Go ZO but I don't think I have anything to to kind of contest this uh this Gala here what would potentially prevent Gala from killing I guess albo or Crimson Arman right albo or Crimson Armen would work we can also go zo if I Go ZO he's going to get banned which is fine I think we go zo just to take the first turn right we have to lock in The Zo here and then then what oh no no no albo albo albo we go albo albo's good into Seline good into Gala right I I think she's our best hope here at getting something to work because we ban protected KN wall she's going to get through I can ban bunny I can ban bunny I don't care if Goa kills a Tywin cuz now we have all the all the units we need right I think we've got a pretty solid draft here pretty solid if I ban bunny I think we're good cuz then knock wolen S3 S2 all her shenanigans I just want that to go through I don't know if he has any way to really counter us uh aola I think I'd rather just reset aola right okay he's going to ban liia that is fine we don't need liia here he actually gave us the zo which is very cool I like that we'll let zo have some extra Health from a Tywin it scales HP on zo by the way scales really well with his um with his DFI buff so that he he um he takes half the damage right that he would so we can go ahead and hit the gala I'm going to hit Gala I know it's going to push the uh aola up it's going to suck but it's all I can really do at this point so yeah he's welcome to go ahead and and uh do this that is fine we'll have un buffable we'll have silence uh H we didn't get knocked out of stealth that's cool not that not that it matters oh sh a sweet Miracle no way no way all right we just have to deal with it I guess uh we still have DFI so that's good the very least uh albo is going to come in with an AOE that's actually pretty nice I know skill comes up the skill null doesn't matter when a tyon can come in and uh we can hit the we can hit the Seline oh didn't provoke that kind of sucks um 3F should kill right here there we go o seline's going to hurt Seline is definitely going to hurt I don't know why he's killing Zeal honestly cuz Ze is not the main damage dealer here I guess it's because he can injury down with Sho right he can injury down a Tywin and the uh and the albo so it doesn't really matter nice my knall actually does have surprisingly my NOA actually does have um some resistance but I don't I think we still 15% that there's no way that aola is built with zero Effectiveness oh nice we hit the Seline that's massive Let's uh seal the shoe so she doesn't do all those Focus gaining Shenanigans all that dumb stuff uh let's go ahead and sober in this so we can turn cycle better with Alo just S3 into the aola cuz look at look at her turn cycling it's insane what a hypocrite this guy he's like oh yeah I don't like fighting ammo OV but this aola unit fa game oh nice nice another S2 good good that aola very nice nice beautiful stuff and now uh because there is no evasion on the Seline we can actually hit her here nice no no stun though o actually that's pretty bad we hit nothing we only hit a defense break it was enough though but not even the defense break or stone on the ml shoe I mean it might be a high red shoe so that's kind of one of the reasons why I sober knall I wasn't 100% sure let's go ahead and two oh no we we we can hit her just fine just fine okay so we can provoke here nice that's all we need now she can S three and that's all she wrote so Al comes in if we get a an unbre uh not unbreakable unbuffed the uh defense break but that's all that matter look right no um no S3 coming out here that's nice and we can just oh there we go beautiful stuff guys beautiful [Laughter] stuff okay so let's uh let's hop in for Match 2 another one wow again team that I don't typic I don't typically draft knall don't typically draft zo they kind of get into a knall phase I don't know if I should be giving her better gear if they stick with two pre-b bans I think I'll continue Banning like Emma Luna and Emma pitus I think those two are just they're just annoying because they're usually first picked and they enable cleave very easily you can definitely cleave with knall as well but very few people first pick her a lot of people like to try to Bam protect her um I don't mind first picking her you saw in the you guys saw in the last video right uh that we uh we pick her early when our opponents are coing for certain team comps and they kind of get trapped in draft right especially if we ban protect another high priority Target there but this guy's the same pre-b bands as me same thoughts so let's go for uh let's just go for ML ilinov I I I want to use her more I want to test her out more before the actual season begins we already know she's kind of weak to defense breaks um and any non-defense penetration unit fire Ravi by the way is great into her any non-defense penetration unit is still solid but he's going a Tywin again defense breaks pretty strong fire Ravi and a Tywin I guess we could go for something like a hand guy uh would fairy tale tenri be funny here she probably would I don't think she's the play though I kind of want to use REM REM o actually ice Sho would be very good here um ice shoe would be very good here huh cuz she gives immunity for herself too yeah let's go ice shoe and I want to bring a cleanser that has immunity so I guess we can go hand guy just because he's not oh no no no liia liia liia liia liia for sure yes so that we can keep our cleanser um no immunity buff here but at least we have a cleanser oh he's going for frea oh is he going to try to soulburn fire Ravi oh I'd love to see that unfortunately alencia Buffs aren't live yeah I'd love to use her too ooh Seline all right I guess it wouldn't have mattered if I pick handy or liia right we'd be we get screwed over either way with this um I would say knall is still okay here and at least we'll force my opponent to kind of ban knall which is fine we can pick KN wall he has Seline what's a good unit into the Seline shu is uh going to die to Seline who's good here I guess Gena's technically not bad at all man but we don't have a we don't have an immunity buffer he's going to get stunned he is going to get stunned I really don't know we don't really have an immunity buffer H we'll pick knock wall and then let's go for guess we go for handun right we can always ban Seline I'm just doubling up on like immunity and stuff here he can he can ban he can ban the shoe if he wants it is fine I think we ban Seline honestly he has three damage dealers oh my God if you ban shu is he Banning shu is he Banning OV all right let's let's ban Seline he's Banning noell nice yeah noell is typically a very high priority unit to man so this is not terrible we we have Shu uh riet actually defense penetrates so OV will protect against him somewhat lia's giving HP to the whole team calck he doesn't need the effect res H attack to the whole team is still fine Shu and ilinov can scale a little bit with attack even though they mostly scale with uh HP but this is okay uh oh he's giving the soul free soulburn to riet here uh let's try to just DPS down to Freda as much as possible o that's a squishy Freda wa oh only like 13k Health before the injury that's insane that's really squishy but I guess they wanted to build our super fast so let's see what he does he can just defense break us here he's still going to do a ton of damage if he defense breaks us here maybe liia should have pushed up oh no he's not going to ooh that's actually huge for me that is pretty big uh okay he's still going to S1 all right he might just S three kill the liia I'm okay with that oh my go oh my god dude look at this dude look at this Riot go that is nuts he's just going to keep us wining oh that is funny that is really really funny okay um I should probably try to injury down somebody but I'd like to kill the Freda honestly cuz otherwise fra is going to put up the barrier anyway I might as well just kill the Freda here get the indomitable buff Lia went down but that's fine she was going to die to Robi anyway okay uh hand guy we can put up a barrier or I can just S1 I think S1 and push up the shoe is the best play yeah we're a damage build so we don't really care all right let's put up a anti crit if we don't crit the riot it's fine cuz his uh extra attack here oh we do CIT the riet rest in peace buddy so antip with immunity is huge Sho is now pretty much indestructible all right very good I am going to s to the Ravi here get that strip on the attack Bop and unfortunately no attack down on her that would have been pretty good actually all right's going to rip it that is okay ooh stunned and defense broken unfortunate Riot's going to go he can S one and do quite a bit of damage going to go for the OV okay thankfully it wasn't all too much oh now that oh my God he crit too yo shoot what's the point of this anti crit it doesn't do anything what's the point of this anti crit okay um let's go for an S1 please Foos no Foos okay uh let's let's just S1 here I'm going to save the soulburn for Shu I think shu soulburn is a bit more impactful OV just has to stay alive for right now and by stay alive I mean hopefully holy sack and stuff will keep us in the game good counter by the shoe if we can just keep countering that would be beautiful we're blinded that is fine I guess we can go for um the riet here we missed okay we can go for the riet o dou deing Hing Oh shoot that's really bad he has another full Focus stack uh-oh well this is this is not looking too good for us is it riy pretty much has to die on the next turn otherwise we're kind of screwed still no fo okay uh we we kind of have to we kind of have to go for this right just [Laughter] pray evasion all right that's good that's good let's get the indomitable buff going so holy sack um is keeping Us Alive here a little bit keeping us in the game at least long enough to inflict uh some extra damage here very nice he does have soulburn he could easily soulburn into us I don't know if he wants to save it though oh no he is going for the shoot I thought he was going to kill the ill up first and the soulburn the shoot but hey if we can if we get this anti crit and stuff up it would be pretty nice oh wait we have that emote that we can use in battle that's a nice oh no he surrendered before I could do it a shoot I wanted to do that in return that's a cute emote I thought you can only use it in uh like Guild chats and stuff oh that's that's cute though I love it I didn't know was Match 3 like it had a little animation to it cuz I know in Guild chat we we've been spamming that in our Guild chat ever since we we've gotten it but that's cool all right let's jump to another one here that's again that's another team that I don't think I typically draft I don't draft ice shoe very often don't draft um cowork very often but ice shu is really strong to fire Ravi so because I use fire Ravi so often I kind of understand her weaknesses and an ice shoe pretty much covers all of it right the anti crit doesn't really help against Ravi but being ice element definitely does especially being a bulky ice Bruiser that can Counterattack cuz Ravi doesn't do that much damage honestly without her sber S1 um or without being in CET Scythe range so it's pretty easy to sustain yourself as well against her uh if you have an ice Bruiser anyway what do we have uh ilinov okay dude that Remnant Violet team was sick I really really want to replicate that I don't know if I can though um maybe I can do something similar with Spectre tenebria right just just frea Spectre tenebria and just Spam uh that would be cool in fact maybe we can try that let's go liia let's try to dual attack with liia um and then maybe we go Freeda if I do this oh you know what if I do this they're probably going to take uh they're probably going to take Earth Seline they're probably taking Earth Seline aren't they maybe I take the Earth Seline first I take Seline he he banned Ron and BBK it's fine they're goingon to be playing slower I'll take this okay just to prevent him from doing non- attacks okay that's fine that's fine we'll pick Freda we'll pick Freda can we do Freda Spectre here I kind of hope so a Tywin okay we need an immunity buffer or do we no we can go we can go knock wall here actually we can go knock wall and then Freda I think freda's fine or do we really want to commit to this Freda Spectre thing I think it's best if we picked a uh a knight a knight that has immunity so I guess LR lrk Is Not Great to OV though what would be good here hand guy hand guy would be good here Hy would be okay here yeah I don't think we pick Frida she won't be able to cleanse everything for us um I guess hand guy would work he has an attack buff to give the Spectre tiria anyway so let's go for hand guy let's do this he needs a unit to counter knall now a tyan can cleanse the bind but the bind is not what we're looking for skill cool down increase and seal is really what we're after oh maybe what no way no way he's picking nvap to Landing into a knock wall all right well I mean he's in Challenger and I'm in master so what do I know um let's go for spec tenra she at least can't be countered on her S1 so I'm hoping that we can use her and kind of burst down Landy okay uh especially if we get the seal on her silven Sage Vivian we can ban that we can ban that uh let's go for Spectre tenebria and let's ban the Sil cuz SV Sage Vivian would kill Seline anyway so here at least we have SEL inspector that can take down this team potentially Seline inspector neither of them have defense penetration um seline's on penetration set but you know they should still do decent amounts of damage into this ill enough oh nice he bans Seline we get to test Spectre oh that's what I'm talking about that is what I'm talking about HP for the whole team is fantastic we'll put cow in the front let him lead the charge right uh knal is okay Lia is giving HP to the team let's do it guys let's do a double cleanser against DDR we can reset him too so I'm not all too concerned in fact there's no reason for me not to just go for the S3 right let's rip it getting rid of the anti crits will be the best thing here okay that's good uh elbris okay o cuz he cleansed the bind yeah that's not good that is not good at all okay we take the extra turn who is going next ilinov is going next so she can cleanse oh she actually didn't get reset maybe I should have soulb bured oh no oh no maybe I should have soul burned guys all right let's at least seal the Landy for now let's seal her okay OV will go then liia can go OV is going to S three regardless this will cleanse oh man I should have maybe I should have that I was kind of hoping to save the soulburn for um save the soulburn but now it doesn't look great for us let's go here oh nice we actually silenced the DDR I mean I mean he already has his cool Downs oh shoot hey Taiwan didn't get reset either what is happening knock wall you dropped the ball on this one I mean I know I could have soul bured that but I really thought that we would have been able to get it oh and he's on potion Val too thankfully uh he was reset one of the only units to get reset set okay uh let's go ahead and let's just S2 the Navy Captain landia let's get an attack down going nice that's not bad that's not bad um I can S3 I can try to S3 the DDR I don't think I soulburn yet I think we can stack our uh damage very well if we just wait oh he's a resist DDR oh and and the knock was provoked so the rage cleanse oh shoot he has rage he cleans oh a toan's going to screw us over isn't he a toan's going to screw us over isn't he do we push up here or do we dual attack I think we dual attack the DDR oh nice silence again but again he is on potion V he will be able to cleanse KN Wall's dead he's going to Salvo because of course oh this is really bad this is terrible for us honestly is he going to S3 oh he is okay thankfully DDR hasn't gone no pestilence we are going to get stunned but cow does cleanse here we can cleanse and if we cleanse if DDR goes oh a little bit of lag if DDR goes um he potion files so he can S3 and do his stuff but then liia gets to go right afterwards so that's at least the Silver Lining is that we get to we get to follow up unless Lia was okay no nothing at proor Sweet Miracle before that's good let's go ahead and push up the team not looking great huh not looking great okay let's soulburn guess we kind of just have to go into Navy Captain Landy and there's nothing we can really do on and and look at that the bulk is just too much I think it's a little too much for my Spectre here honestly yeah it's a little too much I think I could have killed DDR there but mm not looking good the Venom's going to stack lia's going to be looking so weak uh we got a S2 here got to attack down this captain Oh shoot and she resist that too that's crazy that's crazy okay let's go for a soulburn we can at least kill DDR because he's the lowest HP I don't think we're going to be defense penetrating quite uh quite as much with the OV there yeah even that barely killed I'd say um let's go for let's go for OV please bring Spectre very nice very nice good damage and he now has no nothing to reach Spectre besides potentially um saling with Landy but he has souls but we have a barrier okay he's trying to kill Li as soon as possible that's understandable stacking the injury that's fine OV doesn't have S3 that's good okay great cow can go let's uh attack here beautiful if I could just uh If I Could Just Kill the ilinov and push everybody back that would be fantastic come on Spectre then there's two units left every single hit we have a chance with Spectre here to hit this Navy Captain Landy now sweet Miracle please dual attack with Spectre that's all we need dual attack with Spectre no no that's so bad Spectre is uncounterable no no she's full land has S3 uhoh this is bad this is really bad and and a Tywin keeps stealing our souls too oh this is terrible this is terrible I have to do this and try to lap this Navy Captain Landy she is slow so at least Spectre will be able to take the turn right and we just have to pray we crit but if we don't it's over oh there's a chance there is a chance there's a chance [Laughter] somewhere oh wow that was crazy oh my God I can't believe we just never like really D I mean we did we did like once right right I think statistically speaking it was fine we dual attack a lot with no for some Match 4 reason with the liia I really was hoping that the Spectre would dual attack more cuz again she can't be countered uh when when C dual attack and got countered I thought that was over we just we lost because of that oh man that was rough but what a roller coaster ride by the way if you're enjoying this ride if you're enjoying these RTA videos please do consider leaving a like and subscribing for more of it cuz I know a lot lot of you guys are new to the channel you've seen my uh coverage of the anniversary content you've seen my tier list and stuff my account overview on the last week put out a bunch of big videos uh that are very informative but if you also want to learn how to play RTA kind of feel out the drafts and stuff I typically am a top 2,000 player uh usually in high Champion um but yeah if you want to see that level of gameplay which is pretty relatable a lot of people do end up in Champion then uh yeah stick around to the channel love to have you here oh did this guy really ban Brier witch no DDR no Bri Witch is he a BBK player is this a BBK Cleaver I'm going to pick OV cuz I don't really know what this guy's going to do I'm I'm feeling it because DDR typically has high enough Effectiveness to sleep BBK um and breras usually want to ignore oh yeah no it's a BBK yeah see I knew it I knew it how' I know how' I know oh it's almost as if I play this game way too much okay zo and BBK oo that's rough that's really rough isn't it at least zo won't do too much damage with OV on my side uh if Zo goes who would we use to punish The Zo we would need someone who can gain combat Readiness uh BBK is someone I probably want to ban there's really like no counterplay to something like BBK h i could just play Super tanky like we could just go for like Crimson Armen we could go for like um a Karina even we like Karina and Crimson Armen right we just like super tank this up um we can Super Tank it up let's do that I know I could have picked knall here probably could have been a good second uh could good protection cuz then I can go after the zo and then kind of stifle everything that he has to come afterwards if he picks knall here we might be in a little bit okay never mind we're good we're good ml shu is a okay okay Amed all right yeah we Bann the BBK he has to pick another uh he has to pick another cleave unit so we'll ban BBK we're just tanking up uh Karina's good against zo so that's fantastic who's good into ml shu is the issue ml shu is a bit of a problem for us because she we can't use HP scalers against her she has a lot of HP typically and she's good into like evasion unit she's good into anti crit units we need something that can like onot her I guess something like lqc could work right we could go for like an lqc here I think lqc could work let's go lqc we already have a lot of mitigation on our side and then uh let's just pick REM I don't know I'm like thinking like should I pick rem or Shu um and probably not Shu actually we'll just pick REM it's fine I really don't I kind of blank don't want to pick the last unit I mean if you B zel QC we at least have a shot with REM here cuz she if she defense breaks Shu we're still in a good position he's going for bibis all right no we're going to ban BBK it's fine I don't care about the bibis here cuz we're probably going to die to the Amo Sho regardless so if he's defense breaking us let him uh we are a okay all right let's go for it um Crimson Armen I don't need resist for everybody crit chance for her is fine defense and print is fine yeah I don't need effect res for everybody that would be good though if you had a effect res team both Crimson Armen and and imperian OV do carry A's imprints but yeah now we're at the mercy of RNG right we're at the mercy of REM doing stuff and we need to kill somebody for REM to get demon mode I don't think it would be hard mostly just because Karina exists and if he silences Karina with zo we can cleanse with uh with OV and it should be okay this shouldn't deal that much damage either yeah see he deals like almost nothing uh he does silence us which kind of sucks a little bit cuz we can't self cleanse but it's it's okay we should be able to deal with this m moo I just need to kill somebody first uh is he going to push up zo oh you know what he might he might push zo up that might actually be a bit scary I don't like that no never mind he pushes up the shoe who's she going for we probably the yanov right never mind that's weird okay bibis caness three she will decrease buff durations right and then she puts two debuffs on what are they uh decrease hit chance oh and then removes 10 souls okay well that doesn't really matter let start of the match um blinds us okay well REM is a okay here we did counter so biis does get the uh the extra attack here kind of sucks we were getting broken all right cool cool cool cool uh we don't have the cleanse here because we did get silence that's the unfortunate thing but if I focus down either zo or amid if I focus down amid here let's say would we have a chance would we have a chance we're missing oh man and Rocket punch doesn't scale well with a defense break on your side I'll tell you that much we might lose this just because I think we I think we're going to die to Theo shoe woman look on her next turn she has an S3 right she's turn cycling way too fast oh yeah Karina Karina's dead I was really Banky on Karina to uh to help get us get us to the point where REM can go but it doesn't look like that's going to happen at least ilov can cleanse on this upcoming turn we can cleanse here oh ahed's bulky too it must not be a high res build all right biblis is going to go he just going to try to kill Karina I guess this one oh ooh smart very smart wow this guy mm we are we are in for a rough time right now cuz yeah Crimson Arman has an S3 we are in trouble in big trouble he can hit the REM too oh there's another counter but I think bias is going to destroy us here yeah there we go bi is going to destroy us that's not good did push up though that's actually decent he is going to go for Crimson Armen uh this might kill this might kill Crimson arm even with her mitigation I don't think it's enough oh never mind oh Karina kept herself alive look at that okay decent decent we'll go for an S3 um we'll try to we're in Demon mode now so that's really nice I'll go for the shoe okay I'll try to injury down the shoe we'll cleanse the stuff off of everybody we have indomitable now oh that's some pretty good damage good good injury all right so REM with Dema mode is going to be kind of good cuz now we can't get defense broken even if biis counters right I don't really care about the Karina at this point she can die and it's fine she kind of protected everyone there with the barriers that was kind of clutch okay he's going to keep hitting elov that's perfectly fine I just need REM to just counter if she can counter a there you go that's what I'm talking about and and also not die that would be great there you go bias can do her thing it's fine okay and then we can come in with an S3 right hopefully this kills The Zo if we can killu with this hit too it would be great Butz we got the attack but before we attacked oh very nice okay I'm I'm feeling pretty confident at this point Amed can definitely put the skill NOS up she's going to be a cleans but Shu doesn't have any Focus she is on a sliver of health and no way to really heal so we're in a decent spot right now as long as REM doesn't die he can soulburn this too it's it's not good okay that's not good at all wait a minute guys that's not good at all we need to Soul burn this we need to detonate the uh injury on Sho other why she kills us okay this will detonate boom okay good so I'm hoping that gets to counter please please this is an AOE hit so there's double the chance to counter right now oh good good good that's exactly what we needed nice nice cuz we can heal with sigard oh my God REM this is amazing demon mode again is keeping us alive here all I got to do now is kill the bibis all I need to do is kill the bibis and I don't think he has enough damage oh my God we clutched it somehow with a counter unit into a bibis I thought it was a lost cause honestly I thought it was a lost cause but you know what guys thank you all so much for watching this video I really do appreciate it and I'll catch you in the next one take care

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