US Open Fan Week Review and Preview of the matches to watch on Day 1 & 2 | Ground Pass: A Tennis...

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:50:31 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] um Nick this is not an enthusiastic start to the podcast because Anastasia just looked at the draw for the first time I I I find it amazing that you took this long to look at it but uh yeah yeah that's uh that's the draw guys I I've been so consumed with just enjoying fan week and being on the grounds and seeing all these players and I didn't bother looking at the draw because I was like it'll be great it'll be fine what is it that's upset you so much on Nostalgia come on let's talk it out it's just why why why is Quinn Wen playing Amanda and isova in the first round why can we can we redo the draw can I can I speak to can I customer service at the US Open can we talk CU that's unfair is someone who's a f i want to see them both huh I'm a fan of both and I want them both to be in the second week I mean y Elena ostapenko is playing Naomi Osaka both these mat and by the way Ben Shelton playing Tom you know Dominic team that's a rematch of last year I was at that match when Dominic team retired oh can we readed the draw I mean I I like the fact Dominic's getting a second crack at it um because he was doing pretty well in that match true um he was he was actually doing pretty well um until I think he had a stomach bug or something um and then he had to he had to retire and uh okay hi everybody Welcome to ground pass might be somewhat subdued now um yeah I can see on the other hand if you have Armstrong tickets or you have grand passes to get yourself into the APPA echelon of Armstrong then you definitely want to head there for Anis Sova against um Jen which is the first match on Armstrong on Monday and and that's the thing it's crazy they're not even easing into it they're like 11 a.m. boom let's go and Asaka against OA Peno is Tuesday second match on H wow it's going to be it's going to be a thing but let's start from the beginning um Nick we get how was fan week into matches H fan how was fan week talk to me about fan week this will make you happy again I know it really will even memories of just thinking of it is great but fan week started this past Monday so it started on the looking at my calendar on the 19th of wow which actually I didn't even real so much happened the 19th is my mom's birthday as well so um started on the 19th and it's lasted the whole week today is the last day of fan week and it's been great you know you never every single year I'm like how are they going to top last year because last year was so great and and they just keep doing it they were record crowds again this year um tons of practices unlike last year qualifying was not rained out which was actually nice because they finished on time in the schedule lotted so there were a lot more practices that you could watch around the grounds because all of qualifying was done but to start from the beginning so the first um the first four days of was it four or three days I think it was done on Wednesday of fan week was qualifying so it was 128 women and 128 men competing to make it into the main draw of the US Open there were some really great matches there and some really really bummer sad disappointments um did you watch any of qualifying Nick no um it ended up being just schedules just did not align that I could um I I know what you mean there were some matches that I was like so happy about Diego schwarzman getting through qualifying and taking out the top seed in qualifying was amazing and especially if you know his story like he's retiring when we go back to South America next year in like February that's the plan for him and so that was great to hear about but on the flip side I was kind of disappointed that uh Sonic kasal didn't qualified because she was up at her deciding match and I was kind of really hoping she'd do she'd get in because that that would have been great for her but like obviously that's a bit of British bias coming in obviously I imagine you Proby disappointed that J vona didn't make it he just fell short and I think the whole of qualifying ended with a really dramatic British American clash with Yan hey taking out Maxim cresy in a super tight deciding tie break yeah and it was one of those things it was the last it literally was the last qualifying match to be decided and on that day I was on the ground on that day and I was watching a few matches one of the few disappointments there was um Alex Ella I think that's how you pronounce her name she is from the Philippines I wanted to get in as well yeah it's and it's the third she's made it to the final round of qualifying in the last three grand slams and she still hasn't made it and she will she will she's such a great player so that was a bummer but it was basically as all the qualifying matches were ending everyone started descending on the match between cresy and chyy and it was packed I mean there was not a seat standing room only people peering over the fence and that's I think the great thing about about being on the grounds of a grand you know it's when you find those matches it's like there's nothing else going on so everyone pretty much just congregates at one match and it gave it a lot of great Vibes fortunate that Cressy didn't make it but I think he's in a little bit of a a slump and needs to find form uh form again but um really you know congratulations to everyone who made it from qualifying because it's a big moment for them um I made I was able to do like a sort of mini pod with a tennis friend um and we talked about you know these players are making I think if you by getting to the first round so by getting into the main draw you automatically get $100,000 that is a big huge amount of money for for anyone first of all but for a tennis player and being able to sort of keep traveling pay their team and just make a living doing the sport that they love so I'm glad I'm I'm really glad for the players who made it yeah and I think there's some great stories in there as well and I think there's some there's definitely a possibility that the qualifiers can mix things up now they've got in they've got a couple days off they're feeling confident I think qualifiers are probably if you're are a main draw player who's kind of getting out of for and you're out of form like your top 100 a qualifier is one of the worst players you could possibly play because they're in form and they're confident so um yeah if you're if you're kind of looking around the grounds for a match to watch and you think oh we've got something dramatic going on see if you could spot a seed or a player a top 100 player that you know have you haven't heard anything big from in a while and if they're playing a qualifier go watch it yeah definitely go watch it um so yeah so qualifying has been part of fan week another massive part of fan week have been player practices so all around the grounds on the main courts um when qualifying was done on the outside courts as well there have been player practices so they'll put you know I think today Carlos alarz is going to practice with Francisco culo um uh Novak was practicing with I can't well he was going to practice with hogar run but I think he ended he practiced with Stan Vena I think yesterday but there a huge amount of IgA and mukava were practicing that was a great practice that was like really fun practice but yeah so there practices happening all over the ground and I think this is such a big opportunity for fans who might not be able to afford courtside tickets because they're super expensive um this is a moment to for free be Courtside and watch your favorite player practice so those have been extremely packed extremely packed and fun oh yeah yeah I could imagine they were was there some drama with car alcaraz's practice I heard something about that oh um I think he's fine yesterday I think he was practicing he was going to practice practice with Francisco Shalo and then he like rolled his ankle or something and he he so he stopped practicing and but then a few hours later he was at kids day so I think he's fine and he's on the practice schedule today so I think he's okay M you Elena re Elena rebeca's been on the practice schedule every day and I don't think she's shown up she has not shown up I think yesterday so what happens is I mean the grounds close at a certain point Point um so I think she has shown up after the grounds are done um or before so it might be something where she just wants a private practice like for example so their practices going on around and you know it's an event it's so it's not just like oh we're practicing like I think these are not that they're staged in the sense that they're fake practicing no they you know real points are being played it looks legit but there is a performance to it so most of the practices there's a host on each Court uh like Blair Henley is always on Ash and you know she announces the players as they come on she talks to them a little bit and then she interviews them after so it's a it's a thing so I can imagine if you're a player who maybe is trying to find form or you just want a little bit of privacy I can imagine not wanting to participate in the daily practices during fan week and then keeping it to sort of either offsite or you know there are a group of Courts I think there are five of them yeah P1 to P5 um that are relatively private because they're all like they're fenced off and the only way you can watch what's going on is there's like elevated kind of stadium seating so you're not really close to the players at all even in the fenced off area they've kind of put like this mesh around it so you can't really see from the ground level so a lot of players what they actually do weirdly is they go there to warm up for their practices on the Main Court so that ankle sprain that Carlos alarz had was actually on one of the P1 courts um the practice courts before he was going to go on to um a main stadium if um if people didn't know that that's kind of what they do interesting so yeah and I I would agree with that because like you you can use those practices to gain a sense of conditions um kind of tune up a bit get used to the atmosphere and like what it's like playing a points like against a top Pro if you are trying to work on something specific tactically you don't want to be going on the public ones you want to be looking at sort of doing a private session where you can uh basically just talk um talk some things throughing think about it so and which I guess they'll probably they'll move into when the tournament starts right exactly and so so for this is actually a really interesting example so yanic sinner was practicing with Lorenzo MTI on ash um I think this was a few days ago and you know it was a big deal there was crowds there was everything and then I realized he was on the schedule again but on one of the smaller courts outside so I went over there and he was practicing just it was just him and his team and they were doing specific drills like he would do forehand down the line forehand crosscourt forehand you know backhand you you can actually um it's funny if you watch enough practices they all kind of have a little sort of Rhythm that they do and it's almost the same thing every time you know they practice certain shots and serves and things like that but he was just PR he was working on those Strokes with his team and it was a really small crowd it wasn't crazy everyone was very quiet it was a different vibe from one of the show courts so some players don't mind it yanika clearly didn't um like practice ing those specific things on site still with an audience but I can imagine that some people um would rather not like for example I don't think egoa was on site yesterday um because she wasn't on the practice schedule it is sensory overload even for someone like me who I love people and I love hanging out but I was there uh yesterday which will bring me now to so other than practices they different events that go on during fan week one of those is kids day and it's a great I love that kids get to experience this you know so part of kids day is it's free entry for all the kids they have all these like I'm sure if you've seen it on social media like Carlos alarz and Lorenzo musetti playing soccer tennis and you know so there all this I think Novak jokovic brought his gold medal to the court um Quinn Wen was like hitting a ball out of the stands into like a kitty pool on the court like it's a fun kind of you know event for kids there are a lot of sort of you know performance on on stilts and everything around the grounds like it's it's a really great event they give out a free racket to every child who comes in like if you register you get a free kids racket from Wilson I mean it's it's a fun event and to think there you are either four or five or maybe you're you know a young teen or something experiencing this these are future tennis player they're future proos we all know the famous kind of video of Coco goof dancing to Call Me Maybe um that we've seen that was at kids day like she was at kids day and there she you know here she is now a grand slam Champion so I think kids day is great but let me tell you they broke records again it was close to 50,000 people came through the grounds yesterday it was 40 I think it's was 47 something so it was definitely packed a lot of people and I can imagine it's not the best practice conditions for everybody not ideal no but you know if you I guess it's great for the players to have a chance to kind of goofy around a little bit more and um yeah yeah you know that that's kind of it's a bit more of a relaxed atmosphere um right I'm just double checking what you said about eager not being on site yesterday because I'm sure I saw a live stream of her practice going up on the US Open site no it was Friday never mind yeah yeah because I don't think I I was there on Friday I actually watched her practice then um but no I don't think she was on site yesterday would make sense yeah but yeah sound sounds like a little fun Anastasia SS like you being a big kid throughout the whole thing yes I have I have and you know it was great one of my favorite events actually so during they have for the most part fan week is free but there are a few events that you have to pay for so there is Taste of tennis which is sort of like a a foodie type event and then there are the exhibition matches that are also paid so some of my fun the fun events that I went to with friends were the mixed Madness where the you know they put mixed doubles uh mixed singles there were all singles players actually now that I'm thinking about it um there weren't any sort of double specialists in there but sits DOA as we call them they won that event but my favorite was the stars of the open and watching Juan Martin del porro play on court CU I never watched him live oh wow never watched him I got to watch him live and I've never watched him live before so um that was very very exciting Andy rodic was there Andre agasse also someone well I would have said I hadn't seen Andre play live before but then I saw him in his exhibition in Cincinnati so seeing all those players was kind of fun actually yeah he's kind of getting back on court isn't he so yes yes I yeah we can have a totally different po like episode about this but I love that finally players like Andy rodic Andre Agassi are getting back in the mix are getting back in the mix I was actually thinking of this recently because I I have this thing where I'm like where's Roger but he probably needs some time away from the game to come back into the game um so it's nice to see these players um um participating and being part of it yeah I think with Roger as well like I remember him giving an interview I think it might be to travan Noah and like it was the interview he's told the story about The Wimbledon security guard not letting him in and um he yeah but like that was on a side not of like he wants a second he was in London anyway because he wants a second opinion on his knee and I think his knee is not in a good state or he left his knee in a very poor State when he stopped playing so it's GNA depend on whether he's actually like whether he could play any kind of points on that in the situation he's put it in um such as happens to you when 4y no yeah totally and because they they play play like it was actually really funny because they're miked and you know after points one Martin would be like okay let's stop let's take a break because they haven't they haven't been in that sort of playing shape in a while but um no it's it's it was really fun and if you get anything from these few moments of me rambling on is if you can if you're in the area in New York you know today is the last day but next year pencil it in book it in fan week is the place to be get it while it's still free so I guess yeah um but that's a plan for future us opens what if you want to make a plan for this US Open you might be listening to us in your uh you have your ticket you might be listening to us and planning on using the Anastasia method of showing up the day and hoping there's something to buy but yeah there's some there's there's tennis happening and so what we thought was given that this is a podcast that was originally designed for people who Anastasia would have met at the US Open last year um who are still figuring out who players are or what's happened to PL to names they recognized we were going to go through the schedule the first couple of days and uh essentially just let you know hey this would be a good match to go watch or hey this is um if you want to go and check out if you if you heard this player and you want to go check him out this is what they've been up to over the last sort of TW like few months yes yes we definitely have so I've circled some matches that um we can talk through and we'll do it day by day so let's start on Monday and I think the first thing we've said it already I kind of complained about it a little bit but if you're if you're on the grounds at 11:00 a.m. on Monday you have got to get yourself to lose Armstrong like I can't think of any other match to start with other than Quinn W gold medalist at from the Olympics and Amanda Andis MOA who is finding some form got to the finals um in Canada I mean would you start anywhere else Nick no I have some backup plans if I couldn't get onto Armstrong because I would imagine that Q is going to be quite large um but I would say yeah that is the match that as a team TV viewer in the UK I will be tuning in for because that's going to be a blockbuster between those two and like if you're a TV viewer at home that's the one I would tune in for at least to start for the first hour or so before Ash play gets underway and like in terms but like if I was going to say oh I can't go on to Ash who else is there I think the the one I that kind of I immediately went oh I quite like look of that is on court 11 Jerry Shang against Alexander Buck oh my oh yeah that's a good one that's a really good one that could be so much fun actually yeah so uh for those you maybe don't know some of these players so like junin wpic and Sim over R got to the final in Toronto has got to the French Open semis at 17 um back in 2019 so she's early 20s now uh but she's had a really rough last couple of years for her and her health and stuff in her life so lots of kind of not just home support but sort of empathetic support going on for her and then Jerry Shang and Alexander buck and Court 11 are just two of the most fun players you could possibly watch like bubl just constantly messes about and comes up with crazy trick shots and Jerry Shang is just a very young very enthusiastic I think he's still 19 um player from China yeah he's pretty young yeah his name is actually Shang Yun Chen but he calls himself Jerry Shang so yeah I think that's the one I would say if you can't get on Armstrong go to court 11 because that one's going to be like a lot of fun I'm seeing like a couple of other ones I would consider but I don't want to necessarily overwhelm people with information no yeah and you know looking at later on in the day I mean a really good one on grand stand has to be gu M and Diego schwarzman Diego schwarzman is retiring he announced earlier this year that he's retiring from tennis and he came through qualifying it's his first Grand Slam this year that he's been able to qualify for because he didn't get a wild card um and he's playing g mon who by the way just won the UTS um I think we've talked about UTS on this yeah wecast back in December yeah yeah but we probably should do a refresher at some point but UTS in short is just it's an alternative style of um tennis like they go more it it's it's a lot of it's very fan based so they allow free fan movements the scoring is a little bit different they encourage players to just do their thing and be as you know crazy and fun and have personalities as they can be like during changeovers all the players are miked and there's like an interview during the changeovers and things so it's a very fun style and um gu M just won the New York Edition so he's coming in with some sort of didn't he didn't he play Cy pass and did like a crazy overhead winner from well out of court I think that was all like social media yes yes that's the thing they just let the players be them so it's definitely a fun watch if you get the chance to um so I'm definitely going to be watching that one yeah especially since they're names that people might recognize schwarzman made the USA quarterfinals two years um two seasons so 2017 and 20 19 and I think 2019 he had a bit of an epic run didn't he like yeah actually I think he might have like yeah he got himself he lost Nadal in the end but he uh I think yeah he took Zev out and Tennis sandrin as well and then 2016 obviously if you remember gon made the US Open semis and got a set of jovic uh so that that that may be like if you're kind of in the position of name recognition you know get onto grand stand for the third match on um they are after Z is the opening match and then Pao Bosa is playing um Victoria goit after that and then they'll be Mony schwarzman yeah yeah man just looking through the schedule and seeing all these first round matches I'm like wow I really didn't look at draw at all um you were too busy at F I was too busy at Fan week but one um that might be interesting actually on court it's the last match on it's Emma Navaro who at this point I think we've talked about a whole bunch and she's definitely someone who maybe at the beginning of the year people didn't know who she was but she's had some really sort of Blockbuster matches and she's worked her way up the rankings American um really fun interesting player I mean you might remember her cuz she had this sort of net confrontation with Quinn w at the Olympics so that might be how people know her but no she she's a great player has played some really great matches against Arena Seena so yes I think that's definitely someone to watch but she's playing Anna blinkova who blinkova is just for me when she's on she's on yeah and when she's not she's not so I I've watch I watched her make a deep run at Indian Welles I watched her match in Cincinnati um she was the one who de defeated Naomi Osaka um in her last qualifying match in Cincinnati she just is a very interesting player and the thing I love about her is I was watching that match with Naomi Osaka and Naomi took the first set and seemingly very easily and blink OFA wait I think I'm wrong I think yeah I don't think s lost to Blink it wasn't no o no she didn't lose to blinkova she beat blinkova that's what I mean it was her first yes I take that it was her first qualifying match and she actually beat blinkova the first set was very very easy but the second set blinkova came back and the thing with blinkov I think is she kind of she studies who she's playing cu the way she lost the first set was she just changed her playing style in the second set and made it a lot more difficult uh Naomi lost the second set because blinkova just kept Moon balling her she just kept she she discovered that that was an issue and moon balled her way to winning the second set it was actually quite remarkable to watch and the third set was very tight so I think blinkova is a very interesting player she hasn't really made a massive massive breakthrough but I've watched some of her matches this year and I've been pretty impressed sty if anyone remembers she played that record breaking tie break with Elena Rakin in Australia that went crazy long um and that was a deciding tie break which blinker actually won in the end so yeah I can see why you've gone for that because Navaro blinkov that's definitely a match that between two two players who kind of will grind it out and I think you'll see a lot of long very competitive rallies between those two so absolutely go check that one out I just wanted to kind of highlight one match because it was newsworthy and another match I think is probably one that you want to consider by the way if you want to also see the worst recent Wimbledon champion bab orov is going to be lost in court five um which is an interesting placement but that's a tangent uh you've got McCartney Kesler who is just won Cleveland first title she is the latest in uh the latest college player to make the transition to Pros um and well she seems to be doing pretty well because she got a USA wild card and has just won her first WTA title in Cleveland beating be had of meire in the final but she's opening against Mar kostuk who I've got marked as someone you should watch this Us open as someone who could be quite dangerous kostuk is playing very consistent strong tennis right now so that's one I would I would say Mark that down as go go check out McCartney Casta because you might be seeing her a lot more of her but also go check out K because she might be about to make a run here unless kesla beats her in which case hey um you know big upset there and then the only other match I think is like that could be a bit of a blockbuster it's actually going to be the last one on court 17 which is hogar Runa against Brandon Nakashima which yeah I thought you I thought that might trust yeah I have that underlined too Brandon nashima has been quietly playing some really great tennis like he'll just have these mini runs really great win I remember his I don't I can't remember if it was Barcelona or it was Barcelona because it it couldn't have been Madrid because um rublev won Madrid but I think he beat rublev in Barcelona on Clay this year and yeah he's just he's won where you can't just be like oh well he's not seated and you know he he can he can turn up he can turn up and that a first round at a grand slam is exactly the place I think Brendan nashima can turn can um can turn up and that's actually going to be a really interesting match yeah especially since you know run is not going to go down without a fight and you know if you w to go watch A Match where you know there's going to be uh a player steps up when they're chall challenged in like the early rounds it's hogar Runa um so yeah I think yeah if you want to if you don't mind a late night finish that's probably where you going to find it yeah um yeah so those are some great matches on Monday first round very very very quickly again I think TV viewers uh like or if you want to go and get a super high up seat in Ash team versus Shelton is the first match on Ash and so that's the alar rash match that's worth watching on on that day as well which but we already talked about that match a little bit but I want to kind of remind people that that one was happening yeah totally and team again retiring this year so that could be his sort of farewell as well or it could be an upset you never know never know it's tennis people yeah okay let's jump into day two Tuesday what are we looking at I haven't really seen any matches right now that I'd want to sort of necessarily start my day with but there are a lot of sort of like second I mean we have to start with yeno seeno and Naomi Osaka second on Louis Armstrong get some popcorn get like a drink get whatever you need because that ball is not going to survive that match it's going to be some really really hard-hitting they might have to consider changing the balls more frequently uh with those two players because like I mean n's a big hitter uh I don't think she always hits big every shot but she can yena hits big every shot so if they both decide to go toe-to-toe with each other it's going to be breathtaking tennis uh I am very excited for that one I think it should start around 6: PM my time maybe depending on how maybe uh depending on how the previous match goes because that's the second match on after Danielle Collins and Caroline dohy which is an all American clash and actually two and actually dohy could make it interesting against Collins so if you want to go there and sit through that match first that's not a bad plan uh because I think you'll get two really really good women's matches but yeah if you if you want to sit and watch two of the the the strongest women out there two great Grand Slam champions going at it that's the match you you have to Circle as like that's the one I think everyone's gonna be talking about for most of that day yeah and so this happened to me last year there was a day during the US Open last year that the Louis Armstrong matches were just so phenomenal and I was like you know what I'm just staying on Louis today Tuesday might be that day now that I'm looking at it you're starting your day with Danielle Collins and Carl and dehy then you get to yena steno and Naomi Osaka then you get Duan lovish Medvedev that could be sort of your come-down period who knows um I don't know what form ducon is in but then you get to the night matches and guess who's starting the night match on Louis Armstrong well I already know cuz I got in front of me cuz I was going to hoping we were going to mention it it's Bianca rrcu against Jas Pini number three for the year people it's the third Grand Slam they've played each other in consecutively and both the previous two matches were so good you can't see it but I'm shaking my head because who made this draw who who did this first round What's Happening by Way's going on I for those who like really dig into draws Jasmine palini has a horrendous draw yeah she really does like I can imagine if she's starting with Bianca rescue oh no i' I've made a note of this for um another podcast I do and uh yeah um I like if you hang on let me get hang on just I want to get it up because uh I think this gonna be the first time Anastasia has heard this and I want to see her reaction like obviously we all love jasine palini I can't think of anyone who doesn't yes um but yeah so palini um could get Carri plus round two round three could be puer or nosha or Wong xinu round four you're looking at Fernandez ostapenko oaka Muk or poova and then quarterfinals against Fernandez and then quarterfinals against reaka that is like Pini is not Pini is a really tough section that is a really tough and correct I know for sure last year she lost in the first round but has she ever actually gotten past the first round of the USA I think she has I think she's got second round before okay but um but yeah so that's you know that's going to be a really interesting match by the way you know just so everyone knows their head-to-head Jasmine palini has won all those grand slam matches um against Bianca and rescue so you know I I almost feel B Bianca might come into this with with something to prove yeah also New York is Bianca's Turf this is where she really comes alive we s like even when she's not winning the title in 2019 like she's kind of she brings it every time she plays in New York um yeah that's that's definitely one to watch by the way just to clarify something for people who don't ever been to the us over before um obviously we've just listed all these matches on Louis Armstrong this is a separate session you will have to buy a separate ticket if you want to stay past seven yes which is when and starts MH yes yes unless you have a ground pass oh of course did you know that no if you if you have a ground pass you can just go to the upper section and just stay there all day oh brilliant that is why the Grand Pass is perfect it's perfect but yeah you were going to do the match afterwards right yes the last match because Lorenzo Sono um newly minted champion at um Winston Salem is going to be taking on Tommy Paul in the last match I don't know I think Louis Armstrong if you want to just camp out at a court all day which sometimes is nice to do um Louis Armstrong might be it on Tuesday yes granstein could be a close second because Cy pass kakis opens it oo that do you know what I just saw yeah you know what I just saw the other match on the grand standand yeah C kakis which everyone circled when we first saw the draw was like oh that could be absolutely epic because kakis really comes guys top players and Cy pass like that's an abset i because C pass doesn't like the US Open that much then you got Elena Racha who we haven't seen much of for the last few months so this is going to be a big sort of news story of like how she does against Destiny iiva who's finally qualified for a grand slam again um and she's she's been on her own kind of really rough Journey then you've got K tan m Sebastian cord now obviously cord is a very good player m is another chaos player um so he will bring the entertainment and then the finale on grand stand which I think is the match Anastasia spotted uh is between two Grand Slam champions 2021 US Open Champion Emma raducanu against the 2020 Australian Open Champion sfia Kenan uh so wow that's that's going to be a match that I think think definitely people that's going to be a bit of a crush to go and see so that could be a camp out Court as well yeah it's um who made this draw I just I don't know who made it the top half is pretty packed it's I mean wow it's it's kind of crazy I do want to say something a little bit about coren M so I think getting the chance to go to a life tournament allows you to see certain personalities and I think if you ever in the vicinity of a qu mut match you must go you must I think last year yeah I who was he I think was he playing Ben Shel I can't remember who's playing last year that I saw him and here are the following things that happened he was underarm serving he was arguing with his coach he started playing with his left hand instead of his R for forehand um he I mean it was he had a meltdown he smashed his racket so if you're just there for entertainment you know I always I always point to someone like bublick for example if you just want to go to be entertained you know find a bck match and watch it but Corto muted is is right up there as well of just m because and here's the thing he's not a bad player like he's had some really great wins this year but sometimes he just loses it and never know when but you kind of want to be there whenever it happens absolutely absolutely so yeah he's yeah that's someone who's going to keep you occupied um if you want to stick around on on grand stand and see what he starts trying to do uh against Sebastian cord who's actually doing quite well really at the minute so um he's looking a bit more confident I have I'm I'm literally jumping around here I'm looking like I'm actually going day two is actually the day I was struggling the most to pick a schedule for because there's just so many interesting options here so many I think I found Anastasia's kind of match that she might go on her downtime from Louis Armstrong and it's on court 11 o let me let me work and see if I can guess guess what it is oh I already have it underlined I already have it underlined yeah you know which one I'm talking about I already have it underlined it is Arthur F and Leonard TI that is right oh my oh man oh you know me too too well you know me too too well um this is an epic matchup larna Tien is a player who he did well in the Juniors he's been playing Challengers and he's on in an just insane winning streak right now he's 19 was just broken he's 19 he was just um like his winning streak was broken at Winston Salem by Pablo kinia Bo but before that he'd won I think it's six tournaments in a row like just insane winning streak on the Challenger circuit and um it's it's been really great I got to see him practice a little bit yesterday so he's already in New York um practicing on the courts and he's playing against Arthur Fe you know the King of New York so what what could be a better I had not seen that they were playing together until we were looking through this and I underlined it twice I was like that's the match yeah we're going to go see that yeah so so that that's perfect because that should align with when the medev lovic matches like and like if you want to see medev great but lvic is not in especially on Hardcore like Lich only comes live on Clay Courts at this point in his career so it should be straightforward for Med so if you want to get some Med action just to say you've seen him by all means but if you want to go and find yourself a match you might find Anastasia on court 11 you you just might and I mean but even look at the match ahead of itre oh yes I mean that's like because that could go anywhere asorio gets up for those sort of matches like she's like she's feisty and I think that might be another fun one wow calendar and it in line in line with kind of like my Arthur Fe Lan kind of matchup if you go to court 15 the last match on the party has come to New York zuu bgs is playing pavl kotov and again perfect matchup we have the party in Bergs and kotov is just I don't he's the most fascinating tennis player I've ever watched and you he played that mat he's he's like the younger Stan vinka is the best way to describe him and when they both played cut off and vinka at the French Open it was just my happy place I I just loved watching them play um and it brought the Vibes to the French Open and I'm hoping you know zuer bgs can can help kov bring the Vibes to New York it's going to be a late night one because it's the last match on 15 so it could go late I think that's that's gonna be a fun one yeah absolutely I think it will be uh a that could be a fun match as well I think you're kind of spoiled for choice to be honest because I'm just yeah rather rather necessarily like I rather than breaking down each match caught five and caught six on day two really good as well yakob menchik Felix oim that could be interesting xang xang Jack Draper yeah Potter po Fernandez that's interesting yeah yeah I knew you'd want to see Jang Draper I I mean that's another another question I have for the draw makers because why why can't I have both of them till the second week really unfair um so yeah I don't know there's just so much stuff um I wanted to say um the watch list is coming back so on our social media we will be posting each day the matches that are getting our attention what you can see on a grand um on a ground pass we do it only for the first week um of grand slams Because by the time you get to the second week um all the singles matches at least are I might do it into the second week and cover doubles say what about the doubles on Nostalgia yeah I know there's some really great double pairings that are coming this Grand Slam you know what we are going to keep it going the second week and do the doubles because the doubles will take over the out outside courts um in the second week so yeah this is is really great first two weeks of a grand slam a lot of a lot of and you say first two weeks we've just thrown a whole bunch of matches at you that covered two days two days yeah that that was a slip of the tongue it's not the first two weeks it's the first two days two days and like yeah we we like we're not going to bother like project we don't like doing predictions here so we're not going to project who could be good to go see on the second week because there's no point in planning around who you might see maybe make your Wednesday plans based on the outcome of the draw the results on on Monday and take a look at that same with like Thursday after Tuesday um what's the rain rain situation Anastasia ises it look like we're going to get any in US Open so right now the rain's going to be on Saturday Okay unfortunately it's the first day of the Labor Day weekend but it looks like of all the days that's the day that's rained out I think Friday's pretty cloudy but it's looking like a pretty clear first week until we get to Saturday which is nice and it looks like it then clears up Sunday Monday the following week so we should just be getting one day that's rained out again if you have this is actually really good point if you have a ground pass you can get into Louis Armstrong which has a roof so look ahead with the weather and if you see oh wow it is going to be completely rained out I would go park a spot at Louis Armstrong immediately because what's going to happen is it's going to get rained out everyone's going to want to get into Louis Armstrong but there's a capacity to it so you may be be want to like get ahead of it and uh get in there before before all the seats are taken up um but yeah you're so you know I think Nick you kind of nailed it on the head we don't like making predictions but you know what we try and do is help you plan what to go see and who to see um with the tickets you have and like you said so Monday all the players that play Monday in theory they all play alternate days so they always have a day off so if you play Monday you'll play Wednesday and Friday if you play on Tuesday you'll play Thursday and Saturday and and so on and so forth so um yeah I'm really excited for this tournament if only because it's the last grand slam of the year it's in my home city um and I get to go see it in person and I I really hope I see some of you on the grounds there and enjoying tennis and and having a good time I think being on the grounds during fan week has kind of been like a pallet cleanse Nick for me I'm we I think are in a tennis bubble you know we follow tennis a lot and we're in the nitty-gritty of everything and I like the idea The Germ of the idea for ground pass started at the last US Open and I you almost kind of lose that feeling sometimes when you get into the nitty-gritty and you're like oh this is happening and that's happening and stuff but getting back on the grounds and listening to fans like listening to them talk and you know what they're thinking about and what they like about tennis has been so cleansing as it's been so refreshing to remember why this sport is so great and I'm really excited for this tournament and oo I almost forgot to say this so last year I went to the US Open every single day and I decided to do like a little mini Vlog of each thing I mean like there are like a minute and a half long some of them are two minutes long or whatever and I found them and I'm going to post them to our YouTube channel I found I didn't find all of them because again I wasn't thinking I was going to use it later or anything but I found some of them and I'm going to post them to our YouTube channel because even me looking like listening back to them remember the day that was like a million degrees and um Medvedev was playing rublev and rublev was so red you thought he was going to like pass out um on the court remember that match no I don't sorry last year oh man last year it was it was the hottest day of the year they were playing at Ash and rublev looked like a tomato he looked like a tomato and I listened back at the you know the Vlog I made from that day and all the memories came back because even sitting there watching it was so Dreadful I could not imagine that they were playing tennis in those conditions so yes I will post that I'll put a link in our bio and stuff Nick any parting thoughts uh before we wrap it up is it Monday yet exactly the countdown starts now countdown's been started for me since the draw came out on Thursday yes yes it's h it's going to be exciting I can't believe I didn't really pay attention to the draw how could I have missed all this this craziness well let's well Anastasia let's go process this and uh we'll be back in a couple of weeks to review everything that happened at the US Open okay bye guys bye h

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