Live with Kelly and Mark 08/27/2024 - Quinta Brunson; Camila Mendes | Kelly and Mark Full Episode

today from Avid Elementary Quinta Brunson also one of our favorites camil Mendez and actress Catherine O'Hara all next [Applause] [Music] [Applause] online and now here are Kelly rib and Mark G [Applause] I'll never get tired of that song love that song Tuesday August 27th 2024 you know it's sad when I think about it we went to Vegas months ago we went to Vegas and we did not see Kylie menog in concert yeah we ran out of nights there yes gentlemen we just needed one more night there we'll have to go back we'll have to go back res our residency yes that's right that's right so you know interesting sports news women are really taking over so [Music] y women have been growing uh the golf driving golf's growth since the pandemic since the pandemic women took up Golf and I wonder you know play K why don't I play because because I don't know how to play golf so therefore it's stupid you should take a lesson you'd be good at it you'd be good yeah you think yeah you'd be good at it I'll take a lesson when you take me to Palm Springs I will take we'll do that play ma all day I certainly can play maang all day I will get outside on the golf course one of these days I'm going to be a maang playing woman who sits inside all day and like the grandkids are like we can't disturb Grandma she's playing majang and you know how she gets that is who I want to be but I want to be that now actually before I have Grands but I think it's great you know guys you know they they call them golf widows their husbands go out for hours playing golf and they don't come back for you know it's it's a it's a Time I like golf I like it I wouldn't say I love it I like it I don't do it that often you're always happy when you come home you always had a great day but I do find that it's Man by the time you get there and by the time you leave it's 4 hours typically you know that's a short golf uh short no short golf games like in two hours hour and a half like if you're racing through and there's nobody on the course and you can really get through uhhuh but it's more about the scenery taking Time comaraderie Cursing that you you hit the ball a certain way and then getting a great shot and you're back yeah but I'm glad I think I mean I think golf was having an issue with growth so now I'm glad they're well naturally they're saying that social media has spurned a greater interest in the sport among women especially among Millennials and Jers professional golfers as well and golf influencers have taken over social media to show you how fun and exciting golf is but anytime you're in a sport where the announcer has to whisper I am dubious about how exciting it is tennis is exciting tennis is exciting whisper the announcers are not whispering during tennis do they whisper sometimes during tennis don't they no you know they don't want to disturb so it's it's not uh it's not as quiet as golf right but they're trying not to disturb dur during a serve they don't talk during a serve yeah then they they kind of like like this no no they don't I listen I follow I follow tennis um because even though I can't do tennis it's not as dumb um it's great I it's very exciting tenis is exciting speaking of exciting yeah you're going to love this I think you've been doing this for years how AI is on the cusp of break of a breakthrough that would allow people and animals to talk to each other in 12 to 36 months wow experts predict AI will allow people to communicate with their household pets and even wild animals researchers around the world are using digital bioac Acoustics tiny portable digital recorders to capture the sounds ticks and behaviors of animals that are too quiet or nuanced for humans to pick up on can you imagine talking to so the reason Mark is saying this and I'm going to tell you why many years ago we were at our friends 50th birthday party in Mexico okay and they rented a boat for sunset cocktails and all of a sudden in the water we were surrounded by wild dolphins or just Dolphins Dolph they weren't such partyers they were [Laughter] wild I'm getting to the point of why I said wild dog so we had just done the show in Miami and we had gone to the Seaquarium and I swam with the dolphins and we were doing a tape piece where we communicate with the dolphins so I Kelly Rippa I jump into the water yeah and I go I know how to talk to the Dolphins so I'm now going I'm like I'm going to call them over and our friend Brian was standing on the bow of the boat and he's going Kell get back in the boat those are wild dolphins those aren't train dolphins but in my mind I thought I could talk to the Dolphins because I had spoken so fluently yeah you you need you need to be able to do that in Spanish and then it been fine but no I'd love to talk to Lena oh I want to talk to Lena you do talk to Lena I know but I want her to talk to me I want to understand what she's saying I know what she's saying get away from me you weirdo no she's saying I love you so so much where have you been you've been gone all day and I've been gone for 2 minutes you know she has she has this injury I'm sure I told you about it she had her her eyelash she has very long eyelashes yeah cuz she's beautiful cuz she's beautiful and one of her eyelashes actually GRE grew into to her she had an ingro eyelash it was rubbing her cornea so she had to wear this neck cone she hated the plastic neck cone so we got her an inflatable neck cone so she looks like she's perpetually escaping an airplane and so when she when she lays lies down she just looks so like it it's it's very sad but also adorable right it's the cutest saddest thing you've ever seen and when she tries to roll over to give you her belly her head sort of gets stuck in this position so she's got her head in the position and then the belly is this way it's the cutest yeah what would she be saying right now or but when she had it on I can't say it on it's not suitable for broadcast but that's exciting don't you think to be able to talk to your animal yeah of course yeah I mean we'll never AI could tell us anything right you you understand AI could literally just tell us anything we want to hear all right on today's show Quinta Brunson is here uh cam Mendes cine O'Hara is also here all right let's do this let's all stop him it's time to play let's say hello to Debbie Ames from Union City Tennessee who watches the show on KFVS good morning Debbie how are you I'm great good morning guys good morning how is how are things there in Tennessee ah pretty crazy today I've got to go back home we're getting ready to remodel a bathroom and it's nuts oh okay okay that does sound but anyway we'll survive all right well listen you know how this game works you've given us two stat one is true one is false I have 60 seconds to decide which is the truth and if you stop me you'll win this and that all right here Debbie's two statements I met Drew Cary or I met Larry the Cable Guy all right tell me about your Drew Cary in interaction well it was um late 90s little it was over 20 years ago we were I was at a uh convention in Orlando staying at the Dolphin Hotel and Drew was there we went out one evening for the nightclub and he was standing in front of me in line to get a drink um at that time his show hadn't been on very long and so I I knew his name but I really didn't know that much about him and somebody hollered out his name he turned around and waved at him and then he kind of looked at me smiled and we just started talking and had a great time took a picture together got out on the Dance Floor we were all dancing together had a big time okay um and then Larry the Cable Guy how'd you meet him at uh the Pebble Beach proam about four or five years ago who you talking about golfers I am a golf wife oh so for 4 hours is a short time than your husband out playing golf but we uh we went to the proam and I was with my husband we were following following along watching them play and he was playing he all of them the celebrities play with a pro and we were following them and they were just walking up to the next they were walking up to the next tea box to start that hole and all the others went on to the green or to the tea and he just kept staying out away from the crowd and just kind of was standing around looking and like he was just wanting someone to talk to or something and so I just walked up and started talking to him you're kidding no and then in a minute he goes uh oh they're waving and waving and waving and like it's your shot get up here all right so he took off Debbie um I like you I do like you and I got to tell you I love those stories they both sound true and they're very very specific very detailed very very detailed I'm going to say that you met Drew Cary in Orlando Mark you're [Applause] wrong oh congratulations you won the mug you won the T-shirt now let's see if you can win a valuable trick it's time for Sensational travel [Music] [Music] tribia that's our virtual trivia dancer today Felix blano from Florida Debbie used an ageold tactic that I've used on you for years I talked you right into submission that's right D should spin that wheel to see if we can win de a pride all [Applause] [Music] right okay oh this is a great trip a trip for two to the club Barbados 7 Days six nights in an ocean front room it's all inclusive it's a prize valued at $9,000 you have 20 seconds and only one guest Debbie good luck all right Debbie here we go we've had actor Scott Foy on the show in what city did Scott say he he saw the musical Annie when he was young Sydney alalia double winner congratulations you and a guest will enjoy seven days and six nights at the club Barbados resort and spa located on Barbados is famous West Coast the club Barbados offers an idilic water Waterfront setting with sweeping views of the turquoise Caribbean Sea guests can be as active or relaxed as they please with all inclusive offerings such as non-motorized water sports freshwater swimming pool three bars coffee shop Beach Terrace dining and so much more your prize is valued at approximately $99,000 way to go Debbie good for you oh thank you this is going to be awesome yes congrat when you win we all win America win now you get to help make the day of a lucky member of our studio audience who will receive a Roomba vacuum cleaner from I Robot so please pick a number between 1 and 103 how about number two [Applause] two all right Dey I'm good hi everybody hi hi you look amazing thank you so we we were talking about it um out here on the show that you look like a teenager I love that I saw you say that back there and then my brother texted me and said they just called you 18 and I was like isn't this the best show ever so you're uh from the Philly area right Philadelphia okay you still you go yes thank you so do you uh still like uh WWA or you do you have a a he always makes fun of the way I when I go home I always say I want water I yeah so a acting coach made me drop the r in water he told me there wasn't an r in water right and I said oh that makes sense so I used to go oh yeah I want a water ice I want a big glass of water right and he was like where do you see an R right didn't so I started to say water water water water the proper way yeah in um growing up what kind of kid were you were you involved in the drama programs were you creative I was a dancer when I was a kid okay yeah I started my my love so you were always shy I as you can see a goofball and a big um experience for my mother but I was a dancer I was an a student I love to get good grades um and I loved I loved comedy just as much as I do now what were your favorite like did you watch sitcoms back then oh yeah I was watching Martin I was watching yes Mar love yes I was watching Martin but I also watched a lot of older sitcoms with my parents so Brady Bunch lever and Shirley um yeah yes I know um what was my the Dick Van Dyke Show like all the Black and Whites um a really old show called The The Real McCoys has any I know just dirt old just black and white and so old but I also liked kid shows like Even Stevens was a show that I was I would go this is Art now this is it like the kid sign Feld but yeah whatever I could get my hands on did you ever have of course you had to have non-entertainment industry jobs oh yeah what were some of your I worked at American Eagle oh okay folding jeans I was very bad at it it was not my my calling um I worked as a dance teacher for many years after school and um I worked for the Apple for Apple for the Apple at the Apple Store what did you do at the Apple Store I fixed phones at the Apple you in the you in the Genius Bar I was at the Genius bar but I was at F FRS so I would fix phones iPods and iPads oh my go computers were for the the big boys I was a can you still do stuff on the phone I can still do a thing or two what's going on with your phone no it's good I'll give you my phone my phone always seems to have problems I'll help you out I help Sher all the time on the show really Lis you know what it's it's an embarrassment of riches to work on that show that you create created so beautifully that you write so beautifully and to have somebody who used to be at the nerd bar helping you out with your TX genius I always call it the nerd bar no it is the nerd bar yeah that's exactly what last month you won your second Emmy this time for acting last time it was for writing yeah yes what is what was the inspiration for the show for you since you wrote it you created your your mom was a teacher it yeah my mother was a teacher it was pretty much just being there observing her um every move because I was in her class and then I would be with her both before and after school and I got to just see so much of the world so I carried that with me for a long time and when I it came time to kind of create a show for network television I knew that that was going to be the perfect show boy you were right you definitely by the way we should point out that Quinta was also nominated uh for for best guest starring role onl yes I was yeah so what was that like because I mean you were in every sketch that was exciting because hosting SNL was a dream come true for me um so it was incredible to not only host that was just the first thing but to get nominated I didn't even know what to say I couldn't really process that one I was also very excited because to rajie P Henson who plays my mother on Abbot she was nominated for best guest star for Abbott so I was really excited about that and I you were nominated against each other yes and I would have been very happy if either of us won but the wonderful Judith Light won actually and we love her and we were just everyone in the room was so excited for her she's a wonderful woman I just saw her um on a we went to go see the same play um at Broadway so that was was really nice but yeah famous people colliding in this I love it yeah Hey listen we need to take a little break but we come back quto tells us what's happening in the halls of Abbot Elementary Jo Ahad alive Catherine aera hey blue grass right by Home Plate it was so flat that's a scene from the season 3 premiere that's your Premier episode uh what's it called again the great big the great huge super PR I love it I love it too because you're so microtiny that it's called the super is it two episodes is that why it is or uh so yes it's it's an hour long so it's about 42 minutes no one cares about this part but yes it's it's a it's an a long episode when we were writing it we realized that we just wanted uh more time you needed more yeah because we're coming back from a long break and we wanted more time to explain uh how and why and we have a great big plot anyway I'm excited anybody anybody that hasn't seen the show of course Quinta plays Janine second grade teacher uh what's anything I know you can't tell us anything what can we expect can you give us a little nugget can expect some really big changes that kind of um make life with our characters more fun in my opinion you can expect I realized we have a lot of incredible guest stars this season I'm not going to tell you who they are but I was just on the plane on the way over here looking at the names and we always write character first we don't think oh we want to get this person on our show so it's really exciting when we wind up with these actors who you know if I was a kid I I I have to tell my kid self like this person's on your show so I'm excited like comedic Heroes people who are some of the most talented people in the world and I am really really excited for that um T Tyler James Wilson who was you guys K kissed last season yes all right is that going to still continue will they won't they type of situation yeah probably I saw a lot of a lot of Chemistry Between You just in that scene I think it probably will I always just want toind people that these are 20-year-olds who are figuring life out and I think it's fun to watch the mess um and remember how hard dating can be and how hard love can be and also how hard friendship can be yeah I am and especially in that you know when you're working in the school you're surrounded by children all the time you have to maintain this element of propriety it's very hard to sort of and dating co-workers alone is like except for in this case it's really it can be really tough yeah we're the Unicorn it really doesn't work out usually I don't recommend it hey and the kids on the show are great aren't they incredible they really are perfect um they're wonderful we had to wind up doing a lot of casting with kids who have never acted before which is great they they just have this organic feel on camera the show was a mockumentary so we like to make sure everyone feels as down to earth and realistic as possible and for that reason and we wound up casting a lot of kids who just have never been on camera they haven't learned how to do the kid voice yet why it works why it seems like it that's why it seems like a documentary in a mockumentary exactly anyway we love having you here we're so happy for you yeah congratulations Abit Elementary on ABC tomorrow on live coming for the twin show Jonathan and Drew Scott so good to see you look at you we you're hosting a show I know Mom and Dad mom and dad mom and dad um you just arrived from Miami were you there for work no I was there for a wedding yes I did know you were there for a wedding cuz I follow you on social media and it looked like a fun wedding it was really fun it looked super fun wedding I'm exhausted but yeah all right so the last time we saw each other we had a very special was it a brunch or a hangout yes I was in New York for fashion week and I hit you up because I really wanted you guys to meet my boyfriend I know I was so excited we were like what do we wear to meet our daughter's boyfriend and then Mar like okay calm down she's not our real she's not biologically our da I felt like you were my dad meeting my boyfriend like I really did have that level of nervousness yeah but he's great Rudy Rudy is great you are so like we we wore the same wore the same outfit both had black turtlenecks with black trousers it was so weird I knew it well at the same time because I'm like you guys have such similar qualities yes and I was like Mark is you in you know 30 years I wish Mark could play I wish Mark could play the piano talented Rudy does he's very very talented um so you lived in Vancouver for a long time years seven years where do you live now la for the most part La no I'm I live in LA it's it's just weird to say that because for so long I'd always have a disclaimer around that I'd be like LA but I'm never there right um but now I can actually say I live in LA do you miss anything about Vancouver I do I I honestly I miss the people the friends I've made right I really miss seeing them all the time and I miss you know the coziness of the rainy weather like there were elements to it that I really love on set we would always get to know each other especially because we played uh father and daughter it was good to have the relationship and you told me something that you moved 16 times as a kid yeah I look like you yeah I on a lot too I mve a lot it does something special for you as a kid right you learn how to make friends very adaptable and but you know now I feel I crave routin and my C stability I don't like a lot of change because I want to make up for the fact I always feel like I'm home everywhere for for got whatever hey he in I I I need that I need fore spee foree [Music] speech speech fore spee foree foreign speech fore speech spee [Music] [Music] fore [Music] fore speech foreign speech foreign speech for speee for [Music] [Music]

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