Live with Kelly and Mark 07/26/2024 - Actress Kiernan Shipka | Kelly and Mark Full Episode

[Applause] [Music] today from the new thriller long legs Kieran shipka plus quick and easy fixes for your outdated kitchen also a delish fish dish courtesy of brunch with bath star Barbara Castello all next online and now here are Kelly RI and Mar [Applause] [Music] good morning Friday July 26th 2024 wow why why has July FL by July is the fast month you know and I a know I say it all the time but it is true if we were in February it would still be February 3rd all month yeah it's been it's been warm this month um Monday broke the record for the hottest day on earth oh boy yes um globally beating a record set the day before but there's still time July is there's still days in July as countries around the world from Japan to Bolivia to the United States continue to feel the heat the average temperature across the globe mind you in the southern hemisphere it's winter right um is 62.87 De fah yeah it's hot it's getting hotter and hotter it's getting hotter and hotter um so we've always said this you know uh moms are there moms here any dads here D less enthusiastic but you know uh if you were like us when we had our kids particularly the first one they hand you the baby and then they hand you a leaflet on how to take care of the person and mean it is a single page leaflet yep it's about five lines if you have a boy you get one cuz they teach you how to take care of the penis after the circumcision which is the same instruction for taking care of the umbilical cord now now uh in Oregon they are sending it there's a new program slowly rolling out all across Oregon called family connects the program offers any family Within new baby a no cost visit with a trained atome nurse that teaches you how to care for the person yeah [Applause] right this program was developed in dorm North Carolina and they there was a smaller roll out there and they found that it associated with like significant benefits including a big drop in the number of trips new parents were making to the emergency room could have used that could used that although I would like to go with the nurse to the house visits to teach swaddling oh you were such a good swaddler I love the folding and the swaddling and and that ah made me so happy I remember I used to loosen up Michael's swaddle because your swaddling of him made me so nervous that I would loosen it up and then he would get his little hands up out of there and you would be like who loosen this swaddle stuff his arms back down yeah it makes them feel it makes them feel safe because they've been jammed up in there for months yes they want to continue to feel swadd but I didn't have an at home nurse telling me not to loosen your swaddle aidea I kept loosening the swaddle I was like he seems hot that's that's a really good idea yeah um ebike and E scooter injuries are soaring across the United States are those the people that the E scooter people hit on the sidewalk when they're riding on the side it's funny we we when I was in Atlanta this past month they had those I guess the limes the little lime scooters and what's what's first of all what struck me is that when people are done with set scooter they just kind of L drop they flop it down there either they flop it or it just drops but just they're just like strewn everywhere and it's it's kind of and in Los Angeles when they first came out I thought that was kind of odd just the way they just throw them everywhere I don't like that there should be like a thing a place or just like you know be be considerate leaning against something um but they would go on the sidewalks they would not go on the on the roads they were on the sidewalks yeah we were playing Frogger the whole time Frogger it was Frogger on the sidewalk and I remember our youngest son we got him an ebike to get to cuz Michigan is such a big campus just to get to and from and practice and all that stuff and that thing went fast yeah super fast I think I got the I got the Noto fast one for him and then winter said in and he was like I can't ride a bike anywhere here it snows every day yeah but he would do it had the big tires but um yeah and also here in the city I off those we're there's so many ebikes just Messengers everywhere and the thing that I that they have to get on top of is when they're going the wrong way on a oneway street cuz if traffic is coming that way I'm just looking that way to see if I can cross the street they're flying this way yeah that's how how long have you lived in New York you've got to know that you've got to look I'll tell you what I do when I cross the street I look to the right I look to the left I look up yeah cuz you never know uh in other uh travel news talk to me wow what an incident in uh Chicago area highway very disturbing uh the Oscar my Meer Wier mobile was involved in a crash no yes yes no uh oh my go Wier mobile struck a sedan which was also traveling Northbound causing the driver to lose control over correct which caused the top heavy car to roll over uh everybody is safe involved there were no injuries and um they're offering ongoing support for all of the hot Doggers out there that were concerned no hot dogs were injured and no we see we' see a a car like that my brother remember in Pennsylvania near Allentown I think it was a specific hot dog shop out there in Pennsylvania their own Wier mobile seen we've seen the Wier mobile we've show years ago we did it on the show yeah but we've also seen it like out in the wild which I don't mind telling you is thrilling it's thrilling to see as a guy as a guy I just don't know like you just pull up to a stoplight and you're driving the the wiener mobile and you look over to the other guy next to you're like I think it's a flex you know how they say certain you know how they say certain cars men drive because they're overcompensating for other shortcomings you know what I'm saying right you know what I'm saying you see the guy in the Ferrari and you're like oh okay this guy's like I'm driving a weener [Laughter] mobile confident no problem no problem here check out these buns hey do you do you think in the shower do you get your best ideas do you get any ideas like creative ideas or things like Ah that's a good idea in the shower no no do you have a place where you do that yeah when I when I go out and I walk perect my walking is like when I do my well there's a reason for that um people say they do they do do their best thinking in the shower because and there's other like slightly rigorous activities like a walk or brushing your teeth or I I mowed the lawn I would I would think about stuff um the proper balance between engagement and disengagement is that is turbocharged in during these activities uh so you're on task you're doing something you're washing or you're walking but it's not it's not it's not overwhelming um and you're also cut off from the world like you're not really thinking about what's going on around you so it's that's that's a perfect time to do your thinking nobody can text me in the shower not yet not yet right never that will never happen no but in the shower I'm too task oriented I've got a lot to I've got a lot to do in there and I've got not a lot of time to do it you know what I mean I've like I'm too task oriented there's there's shaving cream going on there's conditioner going on there's serums going on then it's got to come off then we like there's a lot to do a short window I was looking for my power washer the other day and I saw a little tube into the shower I'm like where's my power washer I do it when I'm brushing my teeth that's when I that's what I'm thinking about stuff I'm like I'm I'm thinking about my day what I have to do what I haven't done yet how I should fix this how I'm going to tell you about something that I haven't thought about like telling you yet how am I going to tell her about this not to use my power washer anymore [Laughter] you know what do you know I noticed that when you floss your teeth tell me it makes a cavernous sound and this is off topic the only reason I bring it up is because you reminded me by doing your brushing your teeth and I was like that reminds me I CERN sound you just like it's so irritating it makes a sound it is so like I know I brush my I I brush my teeth I floss and when I'm flossing it's just like it's you floss when he flosses it's like yeah cuz I'm doing it right no we're all doing it right I I'm doing it I'm getting in there no no no I'm getting in there you just have a very you know even when you chew gum it's all very irritating did you see the other day when I got off and I went into the other room because you were you were like can I sit next to you and I was like sure and he took out a stick of gum and he started chewing it and I got up I didn't say anything I just got up and I went into the other room and I turned on the news in there because I was like I can't focus because you're making that cavernous sound with your mouth wow oh note to self when I want to clear the room and watch what I want to watch [Applause] ex very I'm I'm glad we have the safe space to like air this all out anything else no it's just like you reminded me when you did the brushing the teeth I was like oh that's right I wanted to tell him that his flossing has become irritating L I'm not I am I I will change a few things but I will not change the way I floss oh I'm putting my foot down I just feel like maybe look at these teeth I know they're gorgeous you should definitely but what you should do is you should like floss in one of like the kids yeah like in the kid room you should we should finally we should finally have separate bathrooms yeah one of the kids like Dad what do you do in my room flossing don't tell Mom I'm I'm taking care of my gums I am going to record it Gman I will I'll record it next time we should record people should because we'll we'll put up a poll what percentage Americans find this extremely aggressive and irritating and we'll just see the 100% versus the 0% listen irritation is a two-way street wow and we can do if you want to play that game we can play it I know I like to play the sure I'll be like Francis for cor like he won here's the thing he won't he won't capture any of it he doesn't take pictures or videos so none of that will happen but I on my end will be watching [Laughter] you me this was the marital Strife you were hoping for war in here yeah yeah yeah this is great love this is what he's been praying over on today's show Kieran shipka is here right and we continue to on live fix at week with easy ways to upgrade your kitchen and our summer Grill series continues with our food fluenc Friday trending summer food faves today we have a cookbook author an internet cooking sensation with more than 7 million followers across all social media platforms Barbara Costello better known as BR brunch with Babs let's check in with Babs hey b hey what are we making today Mark today we are making a fabulous grilled salmon salad move over chicken salad this is a recipe I've making for over 20 years it's the salad of the summer oh we're looking forward to it Babs I like your authoritative posture right it's like this is going to ruin chicken salad for life all right we'll see you in a bit thanks BS all right are you all ready it's time to play [Applause] let's say hello to Mary Gula from Handover Township Pennsylvania who watches the show on W good morning Mary how are you good I'm good thank you a doing good hey where are you in that photo that you you're showing us today or just blue water oh I think that was Cancun a Cancun oh see let me tell you how this audience works so this audience feels like you've already been somewhere so you you don't get to play for a prize I'm just telling you like I like I get it I used to be an audience member of the show I understand I know the mentality of how it works okay you know how this game works you're giv us two statements one is true one is false I have 60 seconds to decide which is a truth and if you stu me you win this and that that feel all right here are Mary's two statements I flip burgers at grilling expose or I flip houses as a side hustle okay um tell me about the flipping the house thing what's the most important room to concentrate on to uh that you would flip a house on well obviously it's a kitchen and bath okay obviously obviously yeah okay and um do you what's the most amount of houses you had you were flipping at the same time just one we do one at a time husband and I do you live in it and then then um then do another one and get get rid of that one no okay so you're just flipping yeah just flipping just flipping can you tell me about curb appeal well it's very important it's the first thing you see when you pull up to a house that is very important Mak you want to makes you want to go inside or pass it up by do you put anything in the oven when people are looking at the at the house do you like bake a pie cookies sometimes cookies that's smart smart all right tell me about flipping burgers at a grilling Expo what do you what what does that mean well I'm a grilling instructor for a grill manufacturer and I go to home Expos and tailgates and show people how easy it is to use a grill and cook healthy foods outdoors and so do people show up because they want a grill or do they want the free food they want the free food of course oh man I should have asked more questions about the flipping burgers um I'm going to say that you flip burgers at grilling Expos you're wrong Mark you are wrong Mark all right you w the M you won the T-shirt now let's see if we can win you a valuable trip that nobody wants you to win it's time for Sensational travel [Applause] [Music] trivia that's Crystal tan from Houston Texas Crystal have you been our trivia dancer before no no have you played our trivia game no the name Crystal tucon is so familiar a beautiful name it is a beautiful name yes it is thank you well done all right Deja spin the wheel to see what else Mary's playing for all right all right right Mary you're playing for a trip for two to the Fairmont Maya Coba resort in Riviera Maya Mexico 7 days and six nights it's all inclusive it's a prize valued at $9,400 you have 20 seconds and only one guest good luck okay uh Mary here we go earlier this week we talked with Ryan Reynolds what did Ryan say was stolen within the first hour of his arrival gave him gum he's going home with you [Applause] on Monday's show bernardette Peters will be here and from the new film The instigators hung chow and a performance by Fitz and the Tantrums all right she's been acting for most of her life in series like madman and the chilling Adventures of Sabrina now she's in the horror Thriller film long legs the movie that's so scary I can't watch the trailer please welcome back to the show the very talented Kieran shipka [Applause] hello hi hi hello how are you how are you H great to look beautiful thank you so much hello I love this dress thank you so much oh my gosh very cute thank you you know I was saying during your introduction we literally watched you grow up on Mad Men this is true wild it's crazy you came out of Marcos and just like that all I know I know I'm 24 are you 24 yeah oh my God weird my frontal lobe is like you're nearly there I'm so close you're nearly there where would Sally be now do you think what in therapy yeah oh my gosh look at that I know but I want I I hope that she has a very illustrious career and a beautiful life but she's probably also very messed up two things can be true due to the childhood of all you just got back from a big trip right I did where were you yes I was in well I saw Taylor Swift in Milan oh my God which was it was very fun now do the Italians get it get are they just as big swifties as the rest of us oh yeah I mean people were people were crying people were giving out friendship bracelets which was how many did you get thing ever I collected so many my favorite one that I got was um it said mcavity which is who she played in cats which was fantastic like that made me so happy and and are you so I I don't know I probably should know this are you like one because uh Taylor Swift has a squad of really good girlfriends are you one of the girls in the squad I I'm not in the squad but I mean prob will I would not oppose to being in the squad I would not decline a squad invite and then you you went off to Switzerland yes I was in Switzerland which is beautiful beautiful place we just went for the first time did you really where did you go we were in Geneva oh beautiful we were just like Blown Away by how beautiful and clean and lovely everyone is it's like a desktop backdrop is how my friends and I kept describing it like it's so beautiful that you almost can't take in how pretty it is what part were you in I was in verier oh ver we say that like yeah that's that's actually how you what did you what were you up to I parag glided which I was a little scared to do I've never skydived or anything like that oh God y that is me that is me floating um is that where you just kind of like kind of run off the side of a cliff and jump in the air yeah you're you you you trust this man uh that you just met with your entire life that you just met his name was I think Doug and he was a twin um and he uh Yeah you sort of strap in and you you you run off this hill and before you know it you're like flying floating what happens if if only he runs if you decide last minute you're like well I was already you're like in the contraption and then you're told that you're going to have to run which I wish I sort of knew before and he's like just a fast walk kind of run thing but before you know it you're you're air it seems like he had a lot going on like he's took a picture with a thing he had a selfie stick he had a full I was I thought something was going wrong cuz he was like pulling out this contraption so we're going down concentrate on Doug the Swiss multitask I mean he was he was phenomenal he was really doing it all right we here now you're thinking about getting a tattoo this is something I've been thinking about for a while how long have you been thinking about this um I I would say a couple years and you're trying to you're thinking about well so this is the thing is that I told my grandma and she said you're going to ruin your career you're not ruin your I think I think your career you'll just change your mind that's the thing is like the tattoo cover up which I feel like for actors you think about like oh I will be waking up 30 minutes earlier so someone can spray away my tattoo unless you get to some place you know unless I get a yeah something somewhere I don't know tram stamp maybe what were you thinking again they're coming back you know tram stamps I was like What if I got a tram stamp that just says tram stamp oh that's amazing I don't know in the sh shape of a stamp you're like keep thinking yes in the shape of a stamp um I also was thinking about just like a cheeky little palm tree oh yeah you have a pal Tre you do got a che oh my God that is I'm just going to copy you if you can send me a photo of that I'll I'll bring it got it but again keep thinking about it okay yeah I'm going to I always say it's like it's like wearing the same sweater forever right you know what I mean or at least until you want to have it removed I'm going to keep thinking I overthink everything so this is this this is great good girl so what are your plans for the rest of the summer besides being on a promotional tour well I'm doing a little press now and then I have I have a month or so off so I'm kind of figuring it out um I was I'm going back to LA and I'm thinking probably hosting a game night of sorts I mean I don't know just like fun fun summer activities I do I do um I can tell you don't have you don't have a lot of time off cuz you're like I was thinking about doing a fun game I was thinking about like a fun social gathering with my friends um but that that is sort of I think what I'm gonna I I think that's the plan healthy snacks non-healthy snacks at these game nights healthy for the like Mind Body Soul meaning like anything all the things get in I don't know um are your friends smart like will you play smart games or they dumb games this is a fantastic question I my friends are smart but not against dumb games at all I think we will play Mafia though I think I think it it'll probably be I mean and I and I like that it's feels a little more H like I nowhere twne here and [Applause] there I there were two movies that have done this to me trailer wise trailer wise two movies in my life one came out when I was a little girl okay the movie Alien when that came out when the trailer came on I would leave the room because I couldn't even hear the music it scared me oh wow and now long legs does that to me also as an adult I mean and the whole film really does it too I went I saw it for the first time I I got back from from the era store and I went to go see long legs um and uh I obviously like I knew what happened had read the script and I was still I left the theater feeling so uneasy I had nightmares for two days and my parking ticket was numbered 666 which I did not love um after the after the viewing um who do you play I play uh a girl named caran camera and the whole the film is about an FBI investigator who's investigating uh the these killings uh done by uh someone named longlegs and I am his only surviving victim and witness so she um she goes to chitchat with me and I say some stuff spooky stuff some very scary very very was that a wig or did you cut your hair that is a wig yeah yeah and but we cut the wig the the the wig was put on me and Oz Perkins the incredible incredible Oz Perkins kept coming into the trailer and going just let's just mess it up a little bit more let's keep chopping she still she still looks adorable like you got to we got to really get a little bit uh grungy with this although it is very like Mia pharoh I like I liked it I kind of you know I was sort of feeling myself in that selfie that I posted you're also by the way in the huge Blockbuster Twisters Twisters congratulations that's my jam I love I love a summer disaster film like nobody else you might have tornado nightmares but it's not going to be it's not going to be long yeah I live in New York do you know what I mean yeah yeah you're good you're good good long legs is in theaters now Kieran thank you so much for joining us thank you for having me on for updating your kitchen here to help us and help us is designer on the Discovery plus series capturing home Amy Niger hi hi Amy hi welcome welcome thank you for having me where do we get started where we start okay we're going to start with your kitchen cabinets okay when you don't have to redo the design of your kitchen and your cabinets can stay where they are and you have this type of cabinet still existing just change the cabinet fronts it's such a simple Fix You Don't Have To yeah simple is it terribly expensive no because you're leaving the boxes there you're just replac the doors do do so this is an old school this probably is going to come back into fashion soon but right now we take these down and we replace with maybe a beautiful Shaker great love that and paint changes the other thing with the cabinet fronts it's not all about paint right have you heard of Roman clay no well no we have we have heard of Roman clay there's a finish what what is it called I thought it was Venetian plaster Venetian plaster sorry I simar similar but you can apply this to a cabinet front yeah look at the surface at the and it matches you look at this I like that yeah yeah so that's an option and beautiful colors wearable you clear coat it and it's pretty durable and then cabinet hardware this is the jewelry yeah it is jewelry so vintage new this is where you you're playful and you do this at the end get your kitchen all designed love this one guys it's a little hand pulling on a cabinet you know house this came out of who's Aussie Osborne's no no really I of course aie Osborne I know I know they're heavy I don't know if you what door was this on I don't know I don't really want to think about that I don't know but in a kitchen you might want to just put this on your refrigerator if you do you know a cabinet fromont in front of it great vintage so this really changes the vibe yeah and I always leave it to the end leave it to the end um ceiling paint okay ceiling paint you know ceiling paint is really important you don't really think about the color on your ceiling when you're paining kchen you kind of ignore it so when you're thinking about cabinet colors maybe you're going for you know your classic tonal white beiges or that color what about painting the ceiling color dark color you know it brings your focus down never even occurred to me I know it's just paint it's really simple okay and cost effective and it looks good it looks really good wow all right what's next art in the kitchen in the kitchen so we always my partner on the show we always feel like leave space for art it's so important it brings in your personal style you carry your home flavor into the kitchen yeah kitchens are you know functional we have a piece of art in our kitchen we always have piece of art in kitchen and great we have a piece of art right there and it also serves that yeah it hides the cord of the light oh that's so smart oh my gosh you're coming up with very good also love this a butcher block well well before we get to that I have a before and after picture oh okay yes of um Kate's Kitchen Kate's Kitchen let's see see up there oh so this was on Kate's my partner on the show we did this kitchen on um season 2 there's the before you kind of recognize CET the cabinets okay you see that so I'm glad you didn't murder them all together you gave them new life here on our show we painted the ceiling Stripes you see that wow and we left room for art so incredible it's really important to think about the small spaces [Music] forch speech foreign speech for speech speee [Music] foreign foree spe speech speech spee fore [Music] fore speech for Fore foreign foreign spee foree spee for spee speech [Music] [Music] go

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