Live with Kelly and Mark - CARRIE COON || Kelly and Mark - September 05th, 2024 Full Episode 720HD

[Applause] it's Live with Kelly and Mar today from the new film his three daughters K and star the Bradway play yellow face Daniel dayim plus a cooking class with talk show hosts ton Hall and Chef L styling all next online and now here are Kelly RI and Mark [Music] [Music] [Music] stop stop all the fuss we haven't done anything yet it's Thursday September 5th 2024 welcome to the show everybody hey um exciting news in tennis yesterday tell me my guy Yanik sinner made it to the semifinals okay and the two Americans um was it Taylor uh Fritz and tfu are going to play uh in the semi-final so it's going to be at least one American at least one American will be in the final and in women's in women's pugula the American got to the semi-finals and Navaro is also in the semi-finals they don't meet they don't play each other they in in the semis they will meet if they both win in the final wow yeah is this accurate the time 12 a.m. no I doubt that it's got to be p.m. right yeah I'm sure it's got to be p.m it's got to be they're playing in the afternoon they're not playing at 12 a.m. midnight no I don't think they are okay it says it says they're playing at midnight tonight I was like oh spooky although meet me at the graveyard at midnight and we'll play for all the marbles although if they if they start at 8 pm they definitely will go into that these guys they play a long time yeah of course it's not like one of our tennis matches no Mark when Mark and I play tennis it's over it's over before we get there they should literally sell tickets uh to charity for us playing tennis because it's like a night of Comedy you've never seen to and you're really I think I look like I look like I know what I'm doing but the ball goes crazy plac no but I think that you're actually really good but your doubles partner has really hamstrung you with being terrible and so I'm so bad that you it's the reverse it's like the reverse here like like you're you're the you're the ace no I won't say that never but but it is quite like we're quite comical together because I'm so bad that it makes him laugh and then he also becomes fat oh but some some doubles uh wife and husband teams they get they get into it oh that could it could get ugly we just laugh yeah that it should be fun yeah no we we just laugh we get that that other couple we played she was not nice to him at all I was very concerned for their marriage I was actually concerned for their marriage we were like it's okay we suck we don't care this does not matter look at how much we suck and we're still married yeah it doesn't matter we did all come together in the end though for a nice group photo yeah where Mark and I are in the middle and they are on on other side side and they won they and they beat us but she was not happed us was but it was not enough of a trouncing but I love tennis it's a great sport um I'm sorry if I'm like if I seem a little off I had dental work yesterday oh which um which you know you don't feel as it's happening cuz they numb you and I love my dentist I love I want to give him a shout out cuz he's the greatest Dr Mark lenberg the greatest the greatest dentist I have a crush on my dentist there I said I happily admit to being in love with my dentist he's a handsome I have a crush on him too I know he's a handsome man he's handsome's funny he's intelligent he's an excellent dentist but he makes it so like painfree while it's happening that it's not until you wake up the next morning and you're like yeah you came well you you came in yesterday afternoon you're like ah well I know my face was numb so I talk you know I was like trying to communicate trying to tell Mark things about the rest of my day cuz I had to run home and then run back out but I could not form a sentence so um how's it feeling now sore just sore but my teeth look cute no it was like you know when you're fillings have to be replaced I guess there's like we're we're getting to that age yeah it's like 1970s fillings which you know nice good amount disco fillings as I like to call them back when they used to put lead in your mouth yeah Mercury and Le all kinds of things that are bad for good stuff yeah mhm um anyway there's something new happening in schools uh our kids are mostly out of school while keen's a senior in college which I can't believe it um but uh schools are now restricting cell phone use and a lot Jen you were saying that uh Kaden had to check his cell phone at the door drop it in a pouch when he goes into the school drop it in a pouch it's like going to a con like certain Comedians and certain and how is he how is he dealing with that I mean I love it and he was telling me yesterday how great his teacher like something his teacher said and I said because you're paying attention right yeah that's amazing oh that's really interesting I love it I think it's amazing I wish I mean our kids are just old like just old enough where cell phones had not become the distraction that they had become you know like our kids sort of had dumb smartphones they a flip phone yeah they had flip phones so it was not like this the ones you pulled the antenna out with your with your mou yeah yeah I do have that video of lolette cuz we made our kids wait until they had to go on the big bus up to the Bronx to go to school so once they were once they were on the Big Bus they needed a phone or we thought they needed a phone well no just in case I mean well nothing happened well twice twice the bus broke down yeah well I my bus broke down when I went to school and nothing happened you went to school in Lebanon Illinois they're on they're on the highway they would make it home she knows where she lives anyway I have a great video and all the people videotaping like concerts and like fireworks and like um you never going to look at that again you don't guess what I don't want to see it if you show hey look at the fireworks I saw or look at this great I don't I don't care I I don't want to watch your video of your phone just like just like I don't want to see your wedding video I don't care I really I I barely wanted to be there in the first place be in the moment let your eyeballs let your eyeballs remember and your brain remember what's [Applause] happening you shot a video of me dancing on stage with madana okay that was special and I have watched that 900,000 but can I tell you something can I tell you something the 2 million views on my Instagram it got 1 million of those can I tell you something okay but I would have much preferred not having to do that and actually watch you do it and remember it because I was looking at it through this stupid little lens just shaking because I needed to get it right I would have loved to just enjoyed watching you that so I missed out you you benefited from it but I missed out well consider it payback consider that one video payback for every other video that exists of you and our family and our children and our parents and so it's like one no it's 1 to 800,000 this I'm miss out on every other here's what I'm thinking here what I'm thinking right like back in the day when you had to hold the camcorder right you had to do that thing those are like a birthday and and and candles and certain major Milestones that's great you did a minute and a half two minutes but now people are just willy-nilly videotaping everything and it doesn't matter nothing matters nothing nothing matter oh yeah you know what I saw this comedian this I love I I would love to give credit but I don't remember it you know when our grandparents showed us photos of like wow this was the war or this is when we moved here and this is a picture next to the Eiffel Tower cool can you imagine what like our grandkids if they got into our phone and looked especially your phone cuz your phone is riddled with selfies no it's not yes it is no it's not yes it is no it's we'll pull it out tomorrow we'll pull out pull out see how the sties but no he's going to go delete all of the Selfies I know cuz I was looking for his phone for some vacation you know what I've like our grand kids were like oh look who what I ate at this restaurant who cares who cares what you ate at a restaurant I don't care no one cares you know what our our grandkids will look at oh here's here's no no getting out of the ice plunge that's cool here's noo in a bathing suit getting out of the ice plunge here's no no flexing his muscles getting out of the ice that's super cool that's super cool because that's an event that's an event I almost died in that place that was like me going to war look at no no going to war he almost died in this ice plunge thing every day nothing matters on your phone nothing matters on your phone every single day of your vation where's my phone where's my phone I miss my phone where's my phone every single day of the vacation is a parade of Mark taking selfies of himself how the dare you how those weren't me those are other people taking those we have a community of ice plungers that we take photos of each other cuz it's with some because that could be my last moment on Earth my heart could seize up I could die and then what would you say what say you to that well the first thing I would do first thing I would do is get rid of the ice blood that would be that would be the first moment you know what take those phones away from those kids throw them away throw them away Hey listen yesterday traffic was snarled traffic was snarled the Midtown Tunnel the Midtown Tunnel you know how it goes underwater yes some they were doing some work above it I'm not sure what they were doing and they drilled they drilled a hole and it went through and here we have some video oh that is your biggest nightmare that's my biggest nightmare I'm having an anxiety attack just now can you imagine so they closed it for they Clos they closed it for a few hours the Midtown Tunnel even on a good day is bad traffic just getting down there I'm just picturing being the people in the tunnel starts raining on you why is there water coming into this place and I would not like that at all I would get out and I would get out and run were they were they able to fix it they fixed it they put some um some glue and some they doing per cocking they just just did that stuff little the foam the foam the foam they went in there with the foam they were like this should hold um so speaking of snarling traffic there's a traveling installation of a 100 life-size elephants that will offer perspective on how big a 100 life-size elephants are because I know what you're thinking cuz I myself had this thought this morning I wonder what a 100 life-size elephants looks like will they put him in a room and we all have to go there I'm like are we going to talk about the elephant in the room they're coming Dad Dad don't encourage his dad you know what you all you are all his enablers that's what you are uh no they're coming to the meat packing District so you're lucky you you guys are here in New York today uh oh actually too bad it's going to be here tomorrow so you're in town for the day but if you're spending the weekend in New York uh it will be in the meat packing District on Friday before spending a year traveling throughout the country so you if you if you are like me if you are like me and want to see what a 100 life-size elephants looks like in real life and don't have the time to get to uh a safari just go to the meat packing District they're going to be right there you can eyeball them and say got it now I know and hey the weather another beautiful day today here in New York City High of 77 77 is the perfect temperature in New York because that means it's going to be 82 by the time you step outside and the and all the concrete and all the soup starts boiling up but that's perfect 77 okay it still feels feels chilly to me this morning felt chilly it's changing it's changing it's I can smell it I can smell the fall in the air which means we will have second summer in like a week There's oh yeah it's getting warmer near uh the start of next week it's going to be in the 80s what did I say don't get fooled don't swap out your wardrobe yet cuz we will have second summer followed by Third summer which usually happens in mid to late October yeah then there's preall and then preall lasts 24 hours and then into winter it's just those are the seasons we have summer we have summer second summer fake out fall followed by Third summer followed by fall for 24 hours directly into winter those are the 12 seasons of New York that's what we have you going to rail about I'm going off on the seasons I love a good rant yes I love a rant we're ranting today felt good you know what cuz we got sleep last night that's right except for when chewy chewy chewy will if there if there's a remote control anywhere on the bed she will she likes to sleep on the remote control is it the warmth I don't know what it is I think maybe it's a sign that you should take the remote that you clutch in your hand and throw it across the room just put it on its stand instead of when you turn it off stands on your side so so can't reach that take your long arms reach over me and put it on the stand yeah anyway uh so she rolled over on the bed last night and turned on the TV at full volume at 1:00 in the morning scaring us both to death and then we can't find the remote plus she's on top of the remote anyway we've got a huge show today Carrie is here Daniel Day Kim is here plus listen to this we're going to cook with tamaron [Music] Hall he's going to share a recipe for herb uh herb herb herb herb roasted rack of pork a herb roasted no but we were just in uh a place where people say herbs in instead of herbs hers yes so everything is Herb yeah that is true yeah it's very British uh all right it's the moment you've all been waiting for it's time to [Applause] play okay let's say that was a very mascul stump Mark I felt like the guys were more into it than the girls okay well let's yeah let's say hello to Carol kinsky from calasa Michigan who watches the show on wwtv she says she wants to stump me so she can see the pure joy on Kelly's face when she wins them up it is pure joy all right Carol a loss for Mark is a win for us all good morning Carol how are you good morning I'm great how's Michigan today Michigan is beautiful it's a gorgeous day here go Blue you no [Music] green okay all right it's starting already well you know how this game works you've given us two statements one is true one is false I have 60 seconds to decide which statement is true and if you stump me you'll win this and that all right Michigan Stater here we go here are your two statements I won a $10,000 jackpot at a casino oh or I learned to ride a unicycle all right let's get into the jackpot first what were you playing um it was a slot machine it was yes it was a slot machine okay cool um where was this yeah where was this uh it was at Turtle Creek Casino just down about 25 miles from where I live okay all right had you been playing slots for a long time oh yeah yeah so you probably broke even oh I think I I was uh quite a bit ahead okay good good I like to hear that tell me about the the unicycle what was the hardest thing to to do to learn it and why did you learn how to ride a unicycle well was when I was a teenager and she can only ride unicycle in the dark yeah exactly it's like a guy riding a moped yeah same thing it's always interesting when you see people on unicycles cuz they get on to ride one once and it was a disaster here's what I think Carol back in the day you in Michigan beautiful crispy fall just in my garage or in my basement or in my basement cuz people have basement in Michigan and that's what I think is the truth you learn how to ride a unicycle that's correct that's correct but what it wasn't in my basement well I'm I listen I'm running the game here I get I get it's it's a fantasy in my head you want me to continue with my fantasy seems like I get half a mug for that exactly should get the handle at least well I'm sorry not really that you didn't win a mug or t-shirt but but you still have a chance to win a valuable trip it's time for great getaways travel [Music] [Music] trivia es mlan from Charlotte North Carolina de just spin that wheel to see what Carol's playing for okay you're playing for a trip for two to the St james' Club and Villas in Antiga 7 Days six nights in a Royal Suite it's all inclusive it's a PR valued at 8 $200 Carol you have 20 seconds and only one guest good luck all right Carol here we go on yesterday's show we talked with Elizabeth Olsen what did Elizabeth say she had to remove from her boss's home when she worked for a realtor they prer pillows yeah that's true congratulations you and a guest will enjoy s days and six nights at the same St james' Club Antiga renowned as Ana's most famous address St james' Club is the ultimate Caribbean Hideaway enjoy all inclusive dining and drinks two white sand beaches an indulgent spa and more as you explore the Palm fringed chores of a stunning 100 Acre Peninsula your prize is valued at approximately [Applause] $8,200 you know all the times I've seen that travel package I just discovered the waterfall pool and there is nothing as glamorous as a waterfall pool island or Mainland Carol that's it Carol had one in her basement in my fantasy she did hey Carol just just so what was in those fur pillows for an extra little bonus prize here what was in those fur pillows bed bug that's correct yeah what are you going to do for Carol I might send her the handle of the mug yeah we'll see we'll keep you posted Carol congratulations now you get to make the day of a lucky member of our studio audience who will receive a tyer doome air fryer valued at approximately $500 so please pick a number between 1 and 169 let's go with 73 73 all right and Carol when we return Carrie is here stick around still ahead alive we'll cook with Tamron Hall and CH styling Daniel Day Kim and coming up next K [Applause] [Music] he's so funny so are we using that music because it's like flashback videos is that why we're using music from a children's pageant show from the 1970s we just thought it was silly oh okay thank you g it is in fact silly all right she's the star of stage and Screen whose work includes the leftovers and her Emmy nominated role in the Gilded Age now she stars in the new film his three daughters please welcome back to the show Carrie oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah my gosh I love this look thanks for having me back I love when you're like out of period costume you are very uh fashioned for thank I'm much more comfortable this way it takes a village I can't do this by myself I have clothes from graduate school still are you in the middle of shooting The Guild is right now yes I am in the middle of it's been a very busy we just got back from London from promoting the film and then I was shooting before that and shooting after and we were in Troy and Albany we're going to Newport it's crazy it's great so you you we congratulations are in order I mentioned it you're Emmy nominated for the guilded a yes that's amazing and and your husband Tracy Lex is also nominated as well nomin incredible but you know the thank you yeah very exciting the creative arts Emmys where they award all the guilds are the weekend before okay which is this coming weekend so he's going alone I can't go with him because I'm going to Ohio okay I'm going home because my sister my sister-in-law Alex runs the masselin Museum of Art and she has a guilded age exhibit and I'm making a public appearance amazing yes I know it's so exciting that's so nice she actually has some costumes from the show HBO lend her some costumes from the show and I'm taking my kids they're going to see their cousins and my new baby Elmer who was born in the driveway a few months ago oh my God very dramatic entrance into the world and and so Tracy's going alone oh his em but that's okay he'll be all right well he was great in that show winning time he was yes he really was thank you he just magnificent we only really had one scene in season two so I think they maybe we got confused and rewarded him for season one yes but I you know what it's a it's his total body of work and you know you really he's a magnificent actor is and I've been so busy this year he's hasn't had time to work cuz he's been watching the children so it's his and so what's that like oh my goodness well you know I was in Thailand from I think first week of February until July right and I came when I landed I was on the Guild of age set 48 hours later oh boy so I went from bathing suits and songs to corsets and high heels in a wig which was Whiplash and then you know when I was away for that first six weeks we just realized it was impossible and now I have I have two nannies yes my children are being raised by I'm with Tracy I'm with him yeah you got to have it's very tough well it takes three people to raise one child it takes six people to raise two and then it goes up exponentially from there very hard if you can you know and we have the means thank goodness but all right we going to take a break when we come back we'll talk about when sisters don't get along stick [Music] around still ahead on live we'll learn how to cook confidently with ton Hall and list [Music] [Applause] styling every time I see a clip from this movie I'm like okay hey Carrie playing all of us in his three daughters and it's actually I know it's weird to say but it's actually very funny yeah it's a funny movie it's not modeling because we all know when our families are going through something it's very important to have a sense of humor right and Aza captures that feeling of that linal space you're in when you're keeping visual that free grieving time in such a beautiful way and I'm and people are seeing themselves in all three sisters which I think is really wonderful but these are three very estranged sisters yes and very different women very different actresses as well put those PS but um you know we shot this film in about I think 17 days wow oh wow with three days of rehearsal oza knew exactly how much money how much time he needed and he hand delivered the scripts to each of us he came to my house and there was no digital copy nobody knew we were making it there was no announcement he said the world will know we have made it when it is an object we can deliver to the world and then it was very well received at Toronto last year that's incredible did you shoot it in sequence we shot it in order which again that's so rare that never happens no and I mean on Gilder AG I might shoot from three episodes in one day and so it's very unusual to have to actually live through the story as you're telling it and what that yields is surprises for us at the end and we just it was just so gratifying to do it feels theatrical but I think because it's so language forward and because we we did it in order but like I say that clip doesn't really capture the tone of the film Natasha Leon a marvelous comic actor doing such deep and gorgeous work in this film um Lizzie Olsen who a lot of people know from Marvel but of course she's an extraordinary talent and we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg of what she's capable of she's only 35 and I feel like this is gives you a taste of some of that really interesting Indie work she's been doing her whole career and and it was just it was so gratifying to be with them and I just hope people I I hope people find it cathartic to see this film because I think a lot of people are are straddling child care and the and end of life issues with their parents and I've never seen it dealt with in this way it's so relatable yeah I'm such a Katie I'm his three opens in Select theaters on Friday and will be on Netflix on Friday September 20th come up next Daniel Day cim stick around tomorrow on live Edie FAL welcome back he's a brilliant actor who's making his return to Broadway in the play yellow face please welcome Daniel Day Kim hello hello so nice to see you how's up man good to see you it's been a long time yeah you're looking good as always you to I I don't know like so what is it you've decided to do instead of age I don't know I should take a tip from you look at you I no I honestly I congratulations are in order you became an honorary citizen of Korea yeah H um yeah soul soul yeah of Soul yeah soul yeah no which is a an important distinction like yes so you don't get uh like do you get a special like uh any perks I don't know like special line at the airport yeah subway pass uh no but you know I thought you know oh this is great because I traveled to Korea a lot I was actually there for a bunch this year and I thought oh this will get me through immigration faster when I get into the airport but nothing nothing nothing we had a really beautiful ceremony they gave me a nice piece of paper uh a little sash like a patent Queen but that's it anything they have in Korea that you wish they would have here in America there are actually two things that I think tell me I wish they had here very small things but super important in elevators in Korea yes when you press a button and you mistakenly press that floor if you press that button again it cancels yes I don't it's such a simple thing right simple thing simple why don't we have that I don't know uh but it's it's I don't think it's that technologically difficult but it makes life so much easier here's the other thing in restaurants in Korea when you go there every table has a little button yes that you press when you want a [Applause] server so you're not you're not hello excuse me excuse me Bill yeah bill you literally press a button within 30 seconds someone is there how can I help you do they have a button you press for them to come over and ask you how the first few bites are tasting that I don't know and some restaurants definitely need that here the Kim family has taken to pickle ball yeah I know you're a big tennis you know you're a big tennis family I I am we are uh but yeah it's kind of converted to pickle ball now my son who played a lot of tennis is playing pickle ball uh he's starting to play pickle ball tournaments and my my wife is I don't use this word very often but obsessed with pickle ball once a day sometimes twice a day a day but I think it's great though like you know she anything that gets people active out of the house and you know especially you know when you're not 18 or 21 and you're looking for something physical to do pickle Ball's a real a real uh a great opportunity to exercise a little bit and socialize compete yeah it's a the the thing that makes me nervous about pickle ball is every time Mark and I like observe a group of people playing pickle ball they are all wearing knee braces ankle braces shoulder braces and elbow braces well that is the other thing that's the one thing that scares us about it know have you guys played oh we took a lesson we took a lesson we took a lesson we're as bad at pickle ball as we are at tennis oh my gosh well you guys are so athletic I'd be surprised if you pick it up yeah you guys pick it up quickly tell us about this play this Broadway play yellow face so uh it's uh at at the Todd Hames theater with the roundabout theater company and uh it's uh written by David Henry Hong who wrote M butterfly won a Tony for it uh it's a comedy uh of about mistaken racial identity now uh I play David Henry Hong he puts himself in some of his plays and uh it's a true it's based on true life events where he protested a show where an actor was coming in uh a white actor was coming into play an Asian role as the lead and uh he protested that show uh he was unsuccessful and so he decided to write a play about that experience and that play and this is true uh that he wrote he actually mistakenly also cast a white actor no as an Asian that's funny uh yeah so that's funny so he wrote a play about that entire experience that's incredible and are you in rehearsals now we are in fact I'm going to rehearsals right after this and when you're doing something like that is truly you know funny um it's got to be a joy it's a joy to go to work it is I mean you know what you guys know what that's like you know I've done so many dramatic things throughout my career and people think of me as a serious only drama actor and but this has just been such a fun experience and joy is the right word because when you're trying to uh mind things for comedy and you're working with a bunch of really great people it's just a very really uh Happy collegial atmosphere and you and you want to support each other so uh it just brings a lot of life into the room um well we can't wait to see you we are very previews of yellow face begins September 13th and opening night is October 1st at the Todd Haynes theater next we're going to cook with ton Hall and Chef Lish styling stick around be Monday alive from Wheel of Fortune Ryan craft at VI white [Music] hello fore for speee fore spee for [Music] bye-bye

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