Wests Tigers v Parramatta Eels Spoonbowl NRL Round 27 preview - WestsLife Podcast

Published: Sep 02, 2024 Duration: 01:39:13 Category: Sports

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West Tigers fans in the anals of History they'll remember three things the invention of the submarine the stuffed the lineup the invention of the submarine the discovery of fire and the West Tigers param eel spoon Bowl let's preview it right now [Music] I always say actor's jobs are very easy but I kind remember one freaking line from a will far movie welcome in West Tigers fans to another episode of the West Life podcast at West Life pod gives a follow on Instagram and Twitter and you'll find our link tree link on those profile pages and you can find things like our patreon or you can find that at patreon.com Westlife and shouts to all our Legends they got a few Rants and stuff to read out later in the show the discord's been very fun this week West Tigers fan are truly feeling it a few signings uh season coming to a close of a big game that we'll preview tonight and our YouTube channel shouts to all of you coming in who have we got let me check the comments on the live YouTube stream riffs coming in from Miami uh Amanda y usually guys good on you Amanda there a lady amongst the fellas slay baddy Steven's there on Facebook Blake Rogers from England Whole World's with us Chris uh Magpie Nate Grace hey two girls there we go nice work good on you Grace Nathan Liam they're all here so join in the fun subscribe to our YouTube only a couple live shows to go for the year before the West Tigers season finishes we'll have a few fun things to do for a couple episodes postseason but for now one last game to preview but of course we can't do that without the stats man Aaron Thompson how are you this evening yeah good day Josh good day Rob good day everyone watching and listening um I'm not feeling as sick as I was last week so that's a positive um ready to go out there on Friday night and absolutely lose my voice and my throat that's still a little bit dodgy at the moment probably is not going to be feeling too much better this time on Saturday that's all right yeah the buy the buy round to to rest up at least good time to have the flu though that's that's for sure and coming in from the red room his fired up ready to head out to Campell town on Friday evening Roberto bashara how are you this evening I'm well Josh good day Aaron good day everyone lucky I wasn't eating or drinking Josh when you said the anals of History I was waiting for anals of history but um yeah you you caught me by surprise there yeah that's how I was obviously uh for those who don't know I was trying to quote the movie uh the classic movie Semi-Pro uh when they're talking about fourth place trying to make they call it the the mega bow or something to win fourth place so I tried to tried to do it I should have written it down note to self write notes if you're going to uh do a monologue to start the show so but um we got there got there in the end so uh firstly let's shout out to our friends at ey choice so we're coming from home tonight not at I choice tonight again with as uh still being a little bit contagious we didn't want to yeah breathe in his uh scratchy throat fumes and try and pass it on to our uh respective children grandchildren families and that sort of thing so we're quarantining as for another week but that doesn't mean we don't love our sponsor ey choice on the corner of what is it again Rob Liverpool Road in the boulevard Liverpool Road in the boulevard that big intersection in statfield there the best place to get your for Home Loans even if you got a home loan now um interest rates who knows what they're going to do so Jason can sort you out get you a cheaper loan big West Tigers fans we had him on the show two weeks ago uh as he said yeah massive Tigers fans mates with Junior Pierce and all sorts he's a tiger since way back so um give Jason his team a call on 9743 0000 go to I choice.com Au and another big West Tigers fans of of course is Steven and his team at mobile CP formerly mlc phones uh sponsor of the Tigers as well mobile CP is a proud sponsor of the West Life podcast the business in its early days was a major sponsor of the Bain tigers or Sydney tigers for all your business it needs from cloud-based telephony security desktop support or anything Microsoft uh reach out to Mo reach out to mobile Corp through their website mobile corp.com and mention you're a West Life podcast uh listener and yeah they'll look after you mobile.com usmobile c.c. Au uh right oh from a couple of legendary sponsors to a legendary CEO our yeah man in charge Shan Richardson did a little seven or 8 Minute Podcast with um Mr Warren on behind the Raw got a couple Clips here to play but before we do that Rob you've had a listen of the podcast I believe um how good is this guy got the the more I the more we get into his tenure the more I love him yeah we just need our footy team to be like rich and play on the front foot uh just he's always open and transparent as we keep saying uh I think the timing was perfect as well because I'm pretty sure that you know shows like NRL 360 and the like would have gone to town on us uh so he it was really good that he clarified everything uh as a member and supporter I'm always worried about stability within the club and how it looks for prospective players and player managers and parents of those players you know should I send my son or you know or daughter to play for the women's team of course to the West tigers and if there's just continuing continuous bickering it's just such a poor look so really glad that he came out on the front foot uh obviously you know he teed it up and and it was so short too like when I saw it was just over eight minutes I thought well this will be an easy listen um and yeah he just he just nailed everything uh put everything to bed uh there's really nothing to be worried about in terms of the West tigers and and the entity and and how it'll keep moving forward I I still think there are some factions from both sides that still love to bicker and they're just going to keep bickering no matter what just like we got some supporters whether they be balain or or west magp that are still living in the Stone Age um you know it is what it is we're all made differently we've all got our our passions and what we like but uh just yeah just glad he came out sorted it out and uh look we've got a bat G to focus on this week and that was probably the best thing he could have done for everyone concerned 100% here's richo talking about the board member issues I can assure you this and tell all the members once again there's two things one no one's going to knock us off the course we're on we're on a course that we've committed to it's on the website nothing will change from that so no matter what some that comes outside from anybody outside will make no difference to it the second thing is it it's it it never ceases to amaze me with clubs and it's not just this club but this club unfortunately listens too much to the outside noise or has done in the past it never SE amazed me that people say all the time I love this club yeah well I'm not sure how much you love it they probably love the Blazers and the information around it because all they want to do is create problems and challenges for us externally in the past we've had journalists who have been very close to to to the board and have received leaks they've received none of those leaks this year this board has been tied as a drum and we've gone ahead and achieved everything during the year the board has unanimously agreed on every resolution including the budget that's just been put in place including the the uh uh the the the the the format for where we're going Etc so please for everybody out there I take no notice of the Scuttle back except when it starts to become just Sheely ridiculous but more importantly when I need to talk to you directly and explain the situation which any journalist if they rang me would get the same information so Rob obviously yeah hard out of the gates there from Rich Show reassuring us all that um yeah the club is still on on its course as he said yeah look that second point he made about you know us fans sort of listening too much of the outside noise I'm definitely one of those unfortunately and I think it's because you know we've suffered for so long we haven't made the final since 2011 so we're kind of hanging on to every word people saying we're looking for good stuff but unfortunately the media feed on generally the bad stuff and and it's just yeah it's just tough being a tiger suppored period I'm I'm curious to know who he's referring to about the fans that say they love the club and then they're making their you know making their life difficulty or giving them grief uh but you know I don't know if he's referring supporters there that are in the media or something like that but obviously he had a good swipe at the former chairman current sponsor and the former CEO about leaks to the media but again I mean look I trust rich but it seems there are still a few leaks there but I mean they're probably coming from other people you're going to get onto the signings shortly Josh but you know when you consider we've heard we've heard the stuff about hunt from konala for a while now we've heard stuff about Jack bird which might be might be happening by the looks of it according to one report from Danny widler today who's put two and two together and come up with five just because the bloke had a small on his face uh when when he was walking around the ground uh look I think Rich's in a tough spot he's handled it really well what what I did like I don't know if you're playing the you know this another clip of it Josh but just the fact that he said all the recommendations from the Crawford barer uh inquiry are going to be done he said 90% of it done the last 10% of it's done as long as Rich's happy I'm happy because unfortunately within the club we got a lot of people who who absolutely adore and love the club but unfortunately there's a lot of people there that don't have the runs on the board and have done things in the past where they've been in similar situations richo on the other hand has been there and done that with multiple clubs got him from the bottom to the top so I I believe in what he's doing um but obviously there was so much noise and it snowball snowball and you could see with all the social media outcry look and I I had it I had it go at hman Barnes group too because you know the talk was that we weren't going to put four independent members so maybe I should have done a little bit more research uh before you know going off myself but you know that was one of the recommendations and and I think just on a little side note Josh it's really it's it's a very hard situation because obviously hman Barnes group own what 90% basically 80 to 90% of the club so they've got to have people in there that look after their interest but at the same time we these four independent members we we need West Tigers people first and I think you know respectfully to hman Barnes who have been a sponsor of the show Holman Barnes major priority is obviously their clubs making a profit the Ashfield Community which a few of their directors are you know are involved with but a lot of those directors Josh some of who have been on the west Tigers board have done a terrible job for for a long time and all it seems to do is we're just shuffling around playing musical chairs with some of these potatoes and and they just I I just don't think they've created a culture uh where you can succeed as as a footy team and I think richo's really just you know lifting that whole load on his own shoulders so finally you know richo is doing what he needs to do but again it's when you hear what Gary Leo said last week who's a who's a former balain you know great from the early 70s late 60s early 70s and and then you hear the the fire back from some of the West magpies fans it just it just you just wonder if this thing's ever going to end in terms of the biggering and when are we going when are we going to be West Tigers you know and they're only little things Josh I know I know you know both sides have to survive and do their own thing but you know I'm a big stickler for the the Cup team being West Tigers it shouldn't be West magpies and at the same time it kind of irks me that there's balain merchandise being sold at a lado game like it should be all West Tigers I don't know why anyone wants to buy balain merchandise SC if you haven't got a jersey now after you know we've been out of the comp for 25 years balain I I just don't I just don't know why we just can't all get behind the West tigers and you know the three of us go to Campell town we go to lart you know I I don't go to be fair to many other places like you guys do but I just think there has to be a time where we just let all this old stuff go and and just worry about what's best for West tigers and the future and stop looking back in time and yeah I love my Bal main days don't get me wrong but if if in know let's look it's never going to happen but for some stupid reason some billionaire bought bought the West tigers and changed the name to Bal M Tigers I wouldn't support it like we are West Tigers now and and that's our future and the growth area is of MacArthur area and we just have to all get behind it and sure we're going to have some great Juniors come from the you know that Victoria Road belt you know the right Eastwood belt and the Bal Junior system but what's it going to take to do we have to shake Everyone by the throat and say wait the [ __ ] up where the West Tigers we've been this for this is our 25th season like come on man get on board everyone 100% well said yeah definitely the it's it's got to stop like it's like there's people plenty of we do a survey every year and I was looking at what the results were uh at the start of the year when we did the preseason survey and it was about 15 20% like as and they didn't even support Balo West anyway they're too young to even remember them like it was 25 years ago so if you're 30 so I'm 36 so they were uh 99 I was 11 so the majority of my life they've been West tigers and I'm approaching 40 so it has to happen eventually I think the majority of the fans are like us Rob and look into the future and love the West Tigers brand and want to succeed together and we appreciate both sides of History like as a BAL from a BAL family myself I love looking at magpie's history as well as the Bain history I love the fibos versus silver tails and all that stuff but that's appreciating history and there's also looking towards the future as well and we are West Tigers like you said we're strong together we've created brand one of the best sporting brands in the country and just I think it'll go away when they start winning games I think winning winning solves most problems but uh let's get to another clip of Rich Show talking about the review processes Rob mentioned before all seven of the hullman barns group who are currently on there seven there's been a change of chairman but the seven all voted unanimously for the Crawford Barney report unanimously and this board has put in place 90 % of those recommendation over the year it's been a tough year working really hard behind the scenes the boards work really well together no leaks from that board whatsoever and we've got achieved at 90% of the B all par the only things remaining in the Baria report of this and please I'm telling you explicitly as I would tell anybody who wanted to ring the same thing and that's this that there's two major things that need to happen with the board the first of all is the normal the shareh new shareholders agreements which is in the hands of the solicitors clay nuts with Clay Brown who's been the lawyer for hman barns for I don't know how long that's waiting to be finalized now I've seen the drafts we're comfortable with the draft so far as a board we're waiting for it to be finalized once that's finalized because until it's finalized we have no right to be able to go to the marketplace to be able to appoint three new independent director so all the rubbish about what's going on in the at the moment we can't do it until we get the shareholder agreement place it's she Sheely a mechanical holdup it will be put in place and as soon as it in we will then sit down with um the chair of the of the home and bars group as as and our own board to come up with the recommendation of who is to be appointed to appoint those independent directors so the first step is getting the sh which is not in place yet but it will be it's a it's a mechanical matter once that's done we will then sit down and to appoint those that group to do what we're do it so Rob yeah lot of lot of technical mumo jumbo in terms of the board and that sort of thing but it is a as uh richo said there it's a process and it will take a while is it it's quite funny too that the lawyers that they use aren't the the uh the sponsor that you mentioned before it's quite funny that they go to a competitor for their law advice despite what they advertise at the games and on their website on their Jersey uh Rob is there any type of board board member that you'd like to see come in as the uh The Independents I I just want people that are are West Tigers first it's there's no issue if they've got a magp background or a balain background but that has to be so nature it's not funny every decision must be for the benefit of the West Tigers I mean obviously it' be good to have some well-to-do people that have got some connections uh you know in terms of you know maybe offering players a future post football and what have you but uh look we we just need guys that that bleed West tigers and again I think the issue's been we've we've been pretty dormant in terms of our spirit as a club and what what I mean by that guys is and again I I don't mean it disrespectfully but I just got to say it in black and white pardon the pun we've been too our manra has been West Ashfield we've had no identity we're not we're not lart we're not Campbelltown we're not Concord we're not Ashfield we we're we're not anywhere we've been Nomads we've had five six home grounds we we there hasn't been a care Factor there where winning on the footy field is everything as I said to before the majority ownership more and rightfully so they've got a business to run they're more worried about their bottom line and you know getting people into the clubs and worried about the Asheville community and all that sort of thing and if the footy team goes well great and as long as it's uh looking after itself financially and they don't have to keep tipping money into it it was fine but you know in a way it's been a godsend the fact that we've had to sack two coaches in three years and the fact that you know hman Barnes grp would have had to chip in to pay out the you know roughly million dollars in in you know contracts and what have you in dead money that was probably the Wake Up Call because really the the club West Ashfield should have acted on this years ago they shouldn't have hidden behind a petition or behind an independent inquiry they should had the balls up front to make these decisions instead of having to say oh look two and a half thousand fans complained or will go off these two Independents they knew exactly what had to be done they were just trying to be quite respectful to the former chairman who was a sponsor and he's a current sponsor and to the previous CEO but they really just should have tapped them both on the shoulder and said see you later Boys you've tried your best you're just not doing a good job we we need to move on from this instead of having this stupid drawn out process that had to you know be done by Tony Crawford and and Gary bar and as I've said before Gary I was the first BL Gary spoke to and I think Tony spoke to Benny Elias so and they spoke to 50 60 people to to come up with all these recommendations that surely hman Bar's group knew what had to be done already but look ultimately we've got to where we want thank God we got richo he's the best signing these club's ever had that's including happy carusa that's including Gareth Ellis it might take a lot of time guys I think it'll take him another year to to sort out everything whether it's in the club or the or the football staff whatever the case may be but you know he's doing everything he can at at the most realistic Pace you can expect possible I don't think members should be ringing him up and asking him questions let's let him do his job we know he's doing the right thing if you're bumping to him at a or something say good day and maybe ask him a question there but you know I wouldn't expect him to you know if I rang up to get a phone call back just because I'm member number whatever the hell I am you know so um look we'll get there guys but um yeah it's just it's just frustrating when some of that noise that especially the Gary Leo noise got a lot of momentum and and you could hear how heated Shane richo got the fact they had to beep out what I don't even know what he said was it fwi I'm not sure I think no I think I think [ __ ] he said [ __ ] whatever it was but like for for him that like I've I've listened to two or three podcasts with richo as you guys had I've never heard him swear on a podcast so obviously like there was a real lot of noise there and he's probably really frustrated thinking man we've cut the leaks we've cut this we've cut that and now these stories are going around making us look like idiots again and and let's be fair those stories are pretty damaging um but again I look having you know three of us have dealt with Michael Shamus before like Shamus is a pretty good bloke and he's and he's pretty on the money with stuff so I don't know if it's former a former chairman or former CEO or anyone feeding him stuff just to ignite things again and just cause a Ser because there are a few journalists I'm not I'm not saying Michael is but there's certainly two others that I can think of that seem to be deliberately trying to sabotage the West Tigers one in particular has got a got an absolute you know B for for Shane Richardson It Started from the from the start of the year and he's a chronol supporter we all know who he's a he's an old drunk [ __ ] um and and the other one not so much who who's a mate of Tim Sheen but it just seemed like they were all pro sort of shein and all that and as soon as rich took over they've just been trying to bag rich and and you know blame him for for where we are now when he's only been in the job for what basically nine months so look it's it's very hard to stay patient as a fan but guys just be patient we we got a team that's that could have put the queue in the rack a month ago and you know might not seem like much but you know where I I don't like this spoon bowl like maybe we should called it flick the spoon bowl or Pride bowl like I don't think the gay community should own the word pride like like it is a pride Bowl this is a this is for Pride so you know and the fact that we got a chance to even come 16th when we were probably a doll 10 to get the spoon a month ago like I know it's only a small thing guys but we we got to try and you know scale the go up the staircase even if it's one step at a time and I'm really looking forward to this week and if we lose we lose but I'm going in there with a lot of Hope and I know the boys would have had a you know big buildup for this and I can tell you now guys Jason from my choice was at training today at lunchtime he was invited by someone else and he was very impressed with the way Benji Marshall spoke um and he like he'll be he's pretty excited to to watch the game on TV because he'll be up in Queensland um so look there's just a big buildup about Friday night and I'm glad Rich's just kind of put this to bed and really I'm blabbing on too much but we've spoken about this for too long we need get on to get onto this big game and and try and get some momentum into 2025 and just finish the win with what three wins in a row that that would be magic if we could well put that on hold because I got one more clip and I'm I I spend the time cutting it up I'm gonna play uh I know I know as a he got a bit of a sore throat but B this sort of stuff like kind of predates kind of as but I will get his opinion after this one I can assure you this tell all members once again there's two things one no one's going to knock us off the course we're on we're on a course that we've committed to it's on the website nothing will change from that so no matter what some that comes outside from anybody outside will make no press wrong we already had one yeah uh it was this so this has all been a process it's slower than we'd like yes but it's not held up for any Mack Aion or evil way or people in the background excepting for people in the background who want to make it of Alan to try and to try and set us off our path which I can tell you now they will not do under any circumstances so we have processed 90% of the report there's two factors yet the shareholders and then from that the independent board and I will assure you that and I've got no reason to doubt it that they will be truly independent and meet the skill Matrix bario farell is is the intering chairman till that's finalized I have no doubt also that I never worked with a better chairman than bario Farrell he is organized he's across the point he understands corporate governance he doesn't flare up and Flash up he doesn't want to be in the front of the cameras all the time he doesn't want to be he actually truly believes in corporate governance and the way we're doing things and to be fair that t tough eight or nine months we've had in place couldn't have happened without Barry's leadership and guidance but he is the same as everybody else must meet those matrixes which he's quite happy to do that's what boards do and yeah Rob who do you think he was referring to in look let's let's again I'm only speculating here but for the for the story about bario faral having to reapply for his position okay which obviously is a fact he's pretty much confirmed it now saying that even Barry's got to go through the matrixes they set there etc etc someone inside the West Tigers organization perhaps go a little bit further hman Barnes group has leaked this to to the media so he's actually like sending a message there whoever you are whoever you are that's trying to cause trouble you know you're not going to throw us off whatever your agenda is whether you're trying to DEA devalue our club so some other party can purchase it down the track whatever the case may be there there's obviously Some Noise there because how would anyone else like how would I know or you know or any other supporter know that bario Farrell has to reapply for the job someone has leaked it from somewhere so and it's obviously someone within that broader organization whether it's West Tigers Holland Barnes balain whoever it may be okay and he's just sending a message there saying you can you can say what you're going to say but you're not going to knock us off course and that and that's that's great to hear and um I'm glad he gave bario farell a bit of a shout out too because you don't have to be up front and you know doing TV interviews and look when do we hear from richo we we never hear from richo just gloating and you know having what was that stupid other podcast the CEO used to do that was called like he just when Rich when Rich needs to talk he just comes up that was an eight minute podcast it wasn't a a two-hour podcast oh look at me look at me I'm rich I'm I'm the greatest of all time was eight minutes cut to the chase this is what the story is we got an issue here the last 10% of what we're trying to do is just being held up by red tape It's all under control chill XX stop panicking we know what we're doing and let's move on so that that's that's just look that's just how he acts and I and I bet you we won't hear from Shane Richardson again unless something needs to be said whether it's a signing whether it's some a coach change or whatever the case may be he he'll just say what he's got to say when he needs to say it he won't go out there for the sake of it just just as a publicity start as you got before we move on to the footy itself you get any anything to add to all the scuttlebutt as Rich called it not really I'm I'm happy for and you got you to take uh the bulk of the particular conversation on this topic cuz yeah like you said it's a little bit before my time and I don't know too much about this side of the club to really get involved in the discussion but what I will say is I just really enjoyed listening to richo getting so fired up over everything that was that was really that was really that's what the club's been missing Aaron that the club's missing missing that passion we we need passionate people in there that give a [ __ ] want the club to do well and we have a lot of we have a lot of supporters that do care as it's been publicized so many times Campbell Town's about to be sold out three times in a row we get lart pack just about every game and we're coming last you know the two teams that are second last and last have got us sold out ground for Friday night at at I think it's the worst possible time Friday Friday six o'clock when you got to fight Southwest Sydney yeah yes you got to fight the M5 traffic people coming home from work to go see a game and we love our clubs so much that we want want to go like if we've got the opportunity to go so I I think you know like like a lot of people say we've all we've said it for many years when this club is successful man we will need a bigger home ground we we will need to hold 25 30,000 because 15,000 and and 13,000 won't cop it if if you say the Friday six o'clock is the worst time slot then um Thursday 8 o'clock is the second worst time slot and our last game was um that time well our last home game was that time slot and we still 12 and a half thousand at like heart overall like that is insane and we we were last at the time worse for kids yeah it's uh but still it gives you enough time to get you can get to the game at8 o' that's the thing I just see like Thursday six o'clock is probably the worst time so yeah but 8:00's better y uh just a couple of well one official signing uh Rob mentioned Jack bird was spotted by Danny wide though who accidentally uh he was meant meant to go to the West Tigers presser went on the wrong day got a coffee and then realized Jack bird was walking out so he got an exclusive purely by accident good on you Danny um and yeah so uh apparently Jack Bird's been offered a 2-year deal he doesn't like two years and wants more than two apparently um what are your thoughts on that as I'm of the opinion that at this particular point in time we have to take what we can get there's not a lot of players out there at the moment that are of the sort of um Quality that you'd be looking for but if there are players available and we have lost a few then I think we're in a position now where we kind of need to focus more on the potential of bringing some players to the club who are going to fill the gaps that we need to um while we continue to build up and train the the young guys that are coming through and I think if can if we do get Jack then while a lot of people aren't particularly fond of him um and there's a lot of injury possibilities he's been he's been dealing with a few injuries in recent times at this stage we kind of have to bite the bullet not be too picky um and hope that if he comes in at the right price that he's able to do a jump for us uh Rob lot of discussion in the patreon Discord this afternoon and you're not keen you and I had some friendly ban Josh a little bit Yeah I as you know I I agree with what you said to a degree Josh on on the Discord and and I certainly agree with what Aaron's saying in that we have to take what's available look the only defense I will say is it's a really poor crop this year of like who's available but there's not much out there I think most of the better players are off contract next year not that that ever stops play is being released from contract because I believe bird was meant to have uh he's accepted an extension for next year George and obviously that's not happening I'm telling you now guys straight up I'm not a fan of it at all I think the guy can play he hasn't played many games over the last five years he's had he's had a couple of Seasons where he's had 20 odd games he's had a couple of Seasons where he's had nine games he he did his ACL in 2020 uh and the other thing and again I don't know what the price would be that they're talking about guys but I heard that St George offered him 600,000 a year and he knocked that back so that would mean we are offering him more than 600,000 which to me is a really poor decision I accept the fact he can play back row and he can play center but we we don't need a bloke that's just not going to you know there's no way he will get over 15 or 16 games in a season you know based on his last four or five years uh so I don't think it's a great signing I would rather suffer another year to for want of a better term and have some guys come through and and let those players develop and let them get another 25 games under their belt and then then spend money on a player who's probably going to be sitting half the time on the sidelines that that's my opinion but again but again you have to if if richos if richos part of it mate I'm not look we've got to talk about these things as you as you just said Josh you got to mention the Royce hunt and all these sort of stuff we've got to give our opinion just because I don't like it doesn't mean it's right or wrong but I'm just going to give my opinion whether the club like it or not I I just think it's a poor buy and I and if we do end up with Jack bird I hope he absolutely rubs egg on my face and he turns out to be a fantastic purchase but the way given what he's done the last four or five years like he went up to Brisbane to play center on a $900,000 e contract for two years and he hardly played a game and he was 15 kilos overweight so I I just just think I want to get away from these retirement fund uh sort of contracts that we've suffered within the past you know ABY corus is probably the one that has sort of you know bucked that Trend but everyone else we seem to get that's at the end of their career it's just an absolute waste of money I I think Jack bird would be one of them but let's give the club a little bit of you know a little bit of credit it's not done yet so maybe I'm going off before it actually happens but I I I'd be pretty upset if we did sign him yeah it all depends on money look for next year the thing I'm worried about because we have so much money next year I don't think we'll even be out be able to spend it so I don't think the money really matters that much you assume that would probably fit it so he's paid a little bit more this year than he is the second year but I don't don't know I can only speculate on that because we we have no idea what players are on because it's not public for some reason but yeah I I don't know if he stands in the way of some young kids like where would you play him at the moment if you play him at 14 then we've got Lui coming to play with Loy and then but we want we want Fu somewhere as well do you play F you can't have Fu on the bench and bird on the bench the the half which fu is the half L latu you want to have latu in there somewhere like it's if he stands in the way of yeah of last Josh respectfully you're not paying him over $600,000 to play a bench spot he's going to be starting in the team if we if we purchase him that's that's a fact maybe no I I I can't I can't imagine the club spending that much of its cap to to have a bench player that comes on for 40 minutes I I think I think you're going to pay that sort of money they're obviously looking at him as an edge back rower um that that would be a primary goal but for me I'd rather develop you know your Porters or or you know your other guys there and just give them more of a go because I just don't think we're going to get value out of him if we made this signing six or seven years ago I would have been doing back flips like the the Jack bird that was at konala was just an absolute beast and he's still got that ability like there's no doubt he can still shrug it shrug a player off um he can offload he can score a try he can do all I'm not I'm not doubting his ability I'm doubting his uh consistency to be on the field I I just think you know he he's he's gone through a lot but again we'll just see if that happens or not we we're speculating now but and that's only again we got we like rich said rich said don't don't listen to everything you hear on the media and I'm I'm me and you are jumping at something Danny wiler said today on Twitter so again guilty he's not he wouldn't lie he's he's done a tour of the facility it's it's probably but does a smile on his face that signed you know does that's that that that's how we're sort of looking at it like oh he walked out of there happy so you know maybe maybe someone cracked a joke before he walked out of the you know Concord I don't know but a few people in the comments few people in the comments are saying play 13 with ball playing lock in the middle possibly we're losing he could do that he could definitely do that papal shouldn't even be 13 anyway Papa Lee is just filling a roll because we got no one else to sort of plug that middle but Papa Le like Papa to bird is a massive downgrade so again I know but who's who who'd be better than bird as a lock at the moment for us from another club that's available no that's in our Squad currently oh we we really don't we don't have a ball playing lock I mean the only one that's a ball player is matamua and it seems like he's on the outer or hasn't done enough to Warrant a first grade selection but M Mamu is the only block that can that can Paul play that that I can think of if anyone out there uh can think of someone else that I can't think of unless we're thinking of heaven forbid throwing Loy galin into 13 to accommodate l so maybe maybe that's the plan to play him at 30 you can't yeah I know the injury thing um someone in the Discord today mentioned how many games and it was only before last year he played almost the two seasons before that almost the entire season so yeah who knows yeah you know I don't know it's hard it's hard to know know we don't have a crystal ball and we don't know um we'll have to see uh one player that is locked in is Royce hunt the big fell from uh corala sharks they let him go early uh I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere but woodsy who we'll talk about uh in a minute on tripm this afternoon he said that the sharks are being offered a West Tigers player in return so I haven't seen that said anywhere the clubs confirm that Roy is on the way so I don't know if are we sending the shakies someone to free up a roster spot have you guys heard anything about that anyone in the comments let us know but I don't know Woody threw that in there this afternoon when they um yeah talking about NRL news so I don't know if Woods's got got it mixed up or I don't know he's got a few mates he's a former canala shark maybe spoken to someone at the shark so his M's pretty good though Josh yeah he's not yeah he wouldn't um wouldn't make it up but yeah Happ bman are we we giving him Johnny baitman back yeah back did bitman play back like making making some room I mean making room maybe he comes back to Australia when we offl him there I I don't know I don't know couple people said Bud Sullivan maybe would they take Bud Sullivan got Richard genius I don't think they would they've got I mean right now theyve got Daniel ainson playing so well and they dropped him dropped him for Nicko hind so uh I don't think I don't think that would be the case i' love them to take off our hands what positions yeah what positions would they be after over there well they don't need props because they obviously they're getting F Blake which is why we're we're purchased h uh they got they got too many prop forwards their back row looks pretty solid they they pretty they're pretty well stopped everywhere they actually got a really they got really good depth maybe they want someone a cheaper sort of players uh Ben in the comments mention Stafford t or something I don't know we'll have to see um yeah who knows maybe maybe it was [ __ ] maybe I heard it wrong um but anyway Royce hunt as from the shakies plenty of muscle excited to see him at the West Tigers next year yeah he doesn't play a lot of minutes generally at the Sharks but given who we're losing and we the fact that we don't seem to have any other forwards coming in or really coming through at the moment other than a couple of younger guys um as well as I guess Tim and um Ruben and a couple of others but he's going to probably need to play fairly decent minutes for us I don't know if he'll be a starter or Off the Bench there have been a little bit of debate in the in the U patreon Discord about what sort of role he might have and if he does come off the bench than who starts and obviously there's been a little bit of talk about fua there's been a bit of talk about maybe sending TW in there but um I like uh Roy's impact Off the Bench of the Sharks he's he does some of the hard carries doesn't often make too many meters um but he'll have a a game occasionally where he goes absolutely batshit crazy um and it works out really well for them yeah I was watching a highlights video today and the thing that stood out for me was post contact meters like just the guy just seems to be I yeah I wouldn't want to try and Tackle him he seems super hard they very rarely get him on the ground it seems he's always on his feet plays the ball um on his feet moves the even off a standing start he was moving guys back off the defensive line um as he ran so uh excited to see him so he's 100% on his way to the West Tigers next year so uh the crocodile rollsroyce on uh so Josh just real quickly on those post contact meters I've got his stats page oh you oh you did stats good on you good on your stats man what so 70 games he's played for the Sharks 2,327 post contact meters in those games is it's an average of a little over 33 but obviously if you've got a game where you're where you're making a lot um I'll use this2 well per minute he's only what's I don't know if you got that in front of you but he's only playing what 30 minutes a game uh he's averaging a little about or a little under 24 minutes per game so kind of having it's more than a met a minute yeah he's he's kind of having those sort of stin where he'll come on maybe about 15 minutes before um halim and then he'll get go back off again about 10 little less than 10 minutes into the second half so I mean yeah Toby Rudolph they've had there he's done a lot of the hard yards up front um and obviously like Rob said they have to make room for fua Blake so that's why they've had to offload someone so he he'll have a bit of a different role with us than what he had at the Sharks I think and we may expect a little bit more of him uh we'll have to wait and see how it how it pans out yeah I think I think if you look at his um if you look at his stats from the last two games Josh if you look at last week's game you'll say wow I can't have wait to have on board I think he had something like 78 M uh you know a dozen or so tackles and he didn't miss a tackle then I kind of went back to the week before against s George where canala thrashed s George and he only had like 38 meters made 17 tackles but he missed seven tackles so um that was like obviously a super poor performance the good thing I like about this signing though is if we can get the best out of him he will be a good buy he has got the potential he's got that front row as body he's a damaging Runner we've just got to get a really we keep saying it every week we got to have a big offseason fitness-wise get him up to scratch we can't be paying him 650,000 a year to be playing as Aaron said 24 minutes per game from the bench um we've got to get him up to speed if he wants if he wants to make it where where the club he can make it at and he can make a big difference but again there's not too much to choose from out there at the moment unless other clubs are going to start releasing players apparently gri might be releasing a play or two the knights might be releasing a player or two but I think it's a really good signing if Benji can get the best out of him yeah Adam Elliott was a name thrown out there as well anyone got a quick opinion on Adam Elliott uh a lot of NOS in the Discord but I would absolutely take him in a heartbeat as you said that you you want him to bring his misses with him I mean yeah Millie is a top quality player in the nrlw space she's at the roosters moment um not sure how long she's contracted there for but I'd absolutely sign her up if the opportunity arose and if he came along with her then I mean I don't think it' be a bad thing having basically a power couple at the club uh yeah as I mention I mentioned woodsy before he mentioned or he announced his retirement on the what's the show called The Rush Hour this afternoon I was just yeah listening to it while I was working away this afternoon and he mentioned he's hanging out the boot so I know a lot of West Tigers fans have um an aor grind and dislike woodsy because obviously he was part of the big four that yeah or three of the four that left the club on pretty messy U messy terms he was the captain at the time and that sort of thing so it quite a messy breakup um but yeah I I've always yeah loved Woody and want to congratulate him on a great career I and he's um very good down toe BL from the couple of times that I've met him and that sort of thing and um yeah chat to him he follows us on the Instagram and always like enjoys what we do here as well despite being at a non- Tigers Club at the moment so all the best in uh your media career would he and just quietly he's actually become very very good at what he does he's taken over from Wendell on the rushia on Triple M in afternoons he's actually really good and the thing that is good about him is he he's actually like a a passionate rugby league fan he loves his footy um he watches all the games and still kind of acts like an excited teenager when he talk talks footy rather than guys like Wendell who kind of just I don't know come in and out and talk about their former clubs and be biased towards them actually and he's M to a lot of players so he's got a lot of good insight and that sort of thing um anyone got any any opinions on woodsy I think you'll have a Stell media career uh he's got really good good footy IQ as you said Josh not just because he was a very good player for a period of time but he's actually really enjoyable to listen to uh and and I think he he does really well with James graah as well like from what I've seen on that fox show although I haven't seen it on for a couple of weeks hope it hope it didn't get a I look just from his point of view w his point of view I'm disappointed in terms of his career that it really didn't kick on after he left the Tigers I think his best footy was with us uh if you watch watch what he did in the early days with us like he had a great offload really good footwork before the line I just don't think he ever came to those Heights uh at the other clubs he he went to but obviously loved the game and he just wanted to keep playing the game because you know he's a kid at heart and he just wanted to be involved in footy but he's kind of squeez squeezed as much as he could out of his footy career and he probably you know could have retired two or three years ago at least to be fair but um no good on him I wish him all the best in retirement he seems like he's in a really good place mentally and um yeah I think he's going to be one of the strongest media Personalities in the game for a while he's very good to listen to yep so you mentioned James James grahe might be one of the he's one of my favorites as well he's awesome yeah I love I love him James grah great don't always agree with him but I love him no people don't always agree with you and they still love you so that's way the med works I guess as um any opinions on woodsy yeah I'm also a little bit sad for him that his career didn't kick on um after he left the Tigers he was obviously one of the best forwards in the game at one point obviously he won the Del and prop of the year um a few times and no matter how you slice it playing 270 games in the NRL is no small achievement Australian as well yeah exactly um so he's played two games for City three for the prime ministers uh 13 14 for the blues and 17 for the green and gold so a solid rep career in there as well um yeah obviously it's a little bit of a shame that like I said his um footy career didn't pan out the way it has but um I I haven't listened I don't listen to Triple M too often but from what what I have heard like I have to agree with you bro both he's got a really good footy I he's got really good knowledge of the game he's not he's not biased towards his teams he he'll call it how he sees it um and I hear he's going to be out there at spoonball on Friday night so BR chance yell out to him I'm gonna be doing that so um yeah he said gonna walk they're gonna he's gonna walk around he was telling me this he was he going to walk around and get comments from fans um before the game they're doing the rush hour an outside broadcast at uh West the club next door so I think he's yeah they're going to chat to fans and that sort of thing so that should be pretty cool if you get out there uh early enough to yeah to to see that so um he'll be at campel town and I saw him at campel Town um uh what game was it I'm trying to think what uh who do we beat at campel Town first this year Raiders Raiders of the Raiders game he was just there as a fan just took his son was having a chat to him he's like oh yeah my young BL um just wanted to come watch the game and he's just was there there as a fan he generally loves boy and I think despite the way he finished his West Tigers career I think he still has a big soft spot for he grew up a manly fan despite living in lart and being the the 2040 lockart um hero and being a Hol cross boy but um I think he still has a massive SP soft spot for the club I think he wanted to come back to where Tigers if that was possible and the door kind of shut on that as well so um good on you woodsy but um yeah anything else boys we'll head on to congrats wood on a really good career and um looking forward to seeing how he continues to learn and grow and build his media career all right as run us through if you throat it can contain it give us the last West Tigers uh last men's team list for for 2024 all right fullback is Heath Mason Junior tupo and Charlie stains are on the wings solomona FPE and Josh Fel are in the centers Loy Galvin and Aiden Caesar are the halves Stefano utoy ganu and dve clema are the props appy corus out at Hooker Alex Safar and Samuel aanu at second row Isaiah papal at lock latu fenu C fenu fenua Po and Alex TW are the bench Tim Johansson Alex his 18th man Alex lob Ruben Porter kit L and Tony sukar are our reserves uh so again Rob they wented to the last game has Josh F played first grade this year I can't remember it's been a long year he has he he played um in our team in up in Townsville he he was the he was the player who got shoulder charged um and lost the ball in a tackle but the bunker deemed it to not be a shoulder charge that's right [ __ ] um but yeah the last game of the year he played last game of the year last year I think that was his debut and again he's playing the last game of this year I I'm yeah I'm Keen to see young Josh get in there he played pretty well I caught the end of the Maggie game last week and he set up the winning try for Talon in that one so he looked pretty good um yeah can you say young Josh what about you rob look he's getting rewarded for a really good game uh as you said at Loval uh last time he played so uh I'm assuming he's going to be left Center so he's he'll be marking will penini uh it's a good test for him um but again it's it's a it's a really you know to be thrown into a big match like that I guess we didn't have much Choice I'm assuming Alo is out due to concussion uh but again we keep talking about the three quter line Shuffle every game it's well now we got another different three quarter line again so literally feels like it's happened every week by one the back half of the Season that that'd be interesting stat to work out yeah have how many have we had two to five exactly the same more than a CLE more than twice we have they have we have they stayed in their actual positions that they were named in as well they can still have the same numbers on their back and be on different sides of the field yeah so yeah Junior tupo uh is Pap and Stefano utoi kamanu all their last games for the club as so Benji going out to win the spoon Bowl he didn't just yeah let those guys right off into the sunset they're getting one last game and hopefully one last win yeah the club are normally pretty good at farewelling players who are leaving um at the last home game of the year it is a a little bit of a strange thing to have three home games plus a b to finish the year but uh we'll take it would have been nice if we were in finals contention because that's actually really good preparation to go into a final series but anyway this is basically our grand final so it's not it's nice to spend a bit of time at home in the lead up to our grand final um yeah I I'm expecting a lot from Stefano ice um Aiden and anyone else who may or may not be leaving uh junior as well so uh I hope they I hope they all rip in uh do their best to make sure that they send out their current Club um not last uh obviously yeah no bullet on next year Heath Mason um yeah had a bit of up and down game last game out against Manley Rob but yeah I I'm enjoying Heath Mason getting a crack at the fullback position yeah Josh I I actually think with the exception of that early drop bomb I thought he had a great game I didn't think it was there was much negative about har there yeah I think you were being bit harsh I think is actually better than his Campbell town game against sou but no he he he's doing well we mentioned last week you know three of the the spine members are still eligible for SG ball uh I'm curious to see if actually Aiden Caesar actually plays I thought he shoulder was pretty bad but again he's been named so that that's quite interesting uh I was touting on our our Discord chat guys I I would I mean obviously we'll get on the parat team shortly but I would assume I would like to see Junior tupo on the right wing to Mark the big body of sio and I I think it'd be an easier easier matchup having an experienced Charlie stains outside Fetti on the left so I'm hoping we kind of line up like that but that'll be interesting to see I I don't see F arade moving from the right center position so uh that'll be interesting to see how we line up but again will Caesar play if Caesar doesn't play obviously L starts who comes onto the bench there's quite a few questions there but uh as Aaron said I'm pretty sure St F ice Junior I think they're all going to fire up this week and and they will do their best to try and um get rid of this spoon tag off our belt yeah they definitely could have um put the queue on the rack but they have the last couple of games really really put in um and helped us win a couple of games so yeah fingers crossed yeah they do just that uh triple Fu again as I believe this is this the third Fu hattrick and they keep scoring tries when they play together they did it against souths at gosi they did it at manly we had two two fi score last game can we get some more fi tries this week I I think it's actually the fourth or the fifth time we've had is it oh it's been a long Year i' got no recollection all the whole 23 games are just melted into one in my head I mean can't blame yet it has been a bit of a rough season I think there's a lot of potential there um I really like the idea of Samu off another short locky Galvin pass um I do think there's a lot of potential there for points uh param matter in particular have shown that they have been particularly frail in defense um I think off the top of my head I checked our uh points against colum on the ladder um last or last week after power batters game and considering they conceded 40 and I'm we might neck and neck or very close to neck and neck on points ConEd so not only does the loser Come Away with a wooden spoon the loser comes away with the worst defensive record for the season so two tags that neither team would want um yeah it's just a really important game um for the fans for the players who are going to be there next year and I think especially for Benji as well um if Benji can come into the club as the uh full-time coach for the first season regardless of the fact that he had the headset on last year for most of the season um if he can avoid the spoon in his first official year as the coach I think that'll do wonders for his confidence going into next year as well um and then obviously with the players we've got coming through next year if we can have or the players coming into the team next year if they can come into a team that didn't finish last uh that has already started to move in the right direction up the ladder then the the job for them becomes so much easier too uh righto moving on to the filth that is the eels of pareta as run us through their team list all right Clint gson is at fullback with Mico and sha Russell on the wings will penini and Blaze Tangi are the centers Dylan Brown and dejan Arie are the hars Reagan Campbell Gillard and Shawn Lane is are the props Brandon H is at Hooker kelma toi and Bryce cartright are the second rowers Joe offeri is at lock Joey lassik Mah hessi Maka Luca maret and ofah hicki Ogden are the bench Jake Tango is 18th man Matt Dury Ethan Sanders Hayes duner and WAMU Greg are the reserves yeah a couple of old friends in the four pack there and obviously Michel Moses another old friend not playing for the eels in this one Rob still for a team that's possibly The Wooden Spoon it's um it's on a bad looking side the Paramount eels as much as I despise them yeah it's got a lot of quality in there guys and and they've got uh players out as well um be like you Josh it's been a long year and I'm I'm having brain Fates too but Aaron can help me out with the super coach Champion that normally plays lock for them and represented Queensland uh this year he's he's out um I don't think they got matto there as well in the pack they have Junior bolo in the pack another old friend yeah yeah so they've actually got quite a few quite a few forwards out but they look they they're scoring points I mean they what scored 44 the other day against St George and and their dejan RI missed five goals they could had 54 uh they scored 34 against the Panthers in a losing effort about a month ago they they've got a lot of second phase in them uh we're really going to have to control the ball really well like really have high completions i' I'd expect us also to be kicking to param matters right hand side which will be our left and just you know you don't want Miko running the ball back and giving their sets momentum we we better off kicking to Sean Russell uh who didn't play last weekend I think his his place was taken by the 18th man there uh so again I just think we just got to play our game complete our sets don't give these guys too much ball in good positions they got so much second phase in them uh they got nothing to lose to they kind of been playing that jungle Ball style and that's why they scored so many points against last week and uh let's give ourselves a bit of credit boys I think paramat Eed off that last 10 minutes against St George cuz they had bigger thing things in mind like the game this week with the uh the pride bow so I think that might have been the reason that the dragon scored five tries in about 10 minutes there so look they got a good team but and they're going to be hard to hold out and especially when you you know you look at our our one to five I mean you know young Heath Mason's had a handful of first grade games uh you know fet's what second or third game that he's played uh junior tupu has been out pretty much most of the year he's only had a handful of games this year F's probably had a dozen games they they do have a bit more strike out wide than us so we just got to do what we do and just you know rip in and and really try and end this season on a high but like I said to you at the Start Boys win or lose I'm just really proud of how they finished the season the boys they like I said they could have they could have turned it up and and it just for me as a fan who's been a longtime fan of not only Bal main but West Tigers it just makes me appreciate every win now like it's you know because we've had so few wins the last few years uh I just really I just feel great after you know the fact that we did have a couple of wins in a row and that we're going to have a great atmosphere and we're really going to need to get off to a good start boys I know we came back from 16 nil down against Manley and we had a big lead against South so it can work both ways but I feel like we just need to put a bit of scoreboard pressure on parah just really stay on top and and just just get in the grind with them and and don't let them get too far ahead and you know if we can do that anything can happen I I still think parata deserved to be favorites but I'm just hoping for a miracle guys I I I really hope you know we got such a young team man and uh it' be really honestly like I it feel like winning a final if we if we you know win this game but I just think it's more important for us to finish 16th than param I actually think in some ways it's better for Paramount to finish last for the fact that they're getting us a new coach and the only way is up for them I just think it actually mean it means more for us to finish second last and then but again if we do lose I'm still proud of what Benji and the boys have really bought the last month they've given us a lot of Hope and and the fans are showing it by by rocking up to the games and and we're still active on the socials and and you know you know trying to get behind the boys and you know we still got hundreds of people you know downloading our podcasts and stuff like that and other other West as well so it's just it's just a really good you know I just think it's great to be a West tiger supporter and I just hope richo can sort of fix things up in the next 12 months and um we can make a few more uh good signings or better signings than the projected ones that we might be uh being touted for uh John asked on Facebook as you know off the top of your head the bunker and refs I think you posted them in the Discord today yeah I did I did so it's Peter gof is the onfield Belinda sharp and Ziggy PESA adamsky are the touchies with Chris Butler in the bunker um look Belinda Shar so plenty of four passes to be called uh from the sideline then with old sharp eyes there bothers me that Go's a referee considering we got we got three simins off him against Manley just feel like he could go the other way this time yeah uh question from who was it someone asked uh Tom asked how similar are the teams to round four so I just got the team in front of me now so obviously we had bull at fullback uh we had in the centers instead of who do we have at Center so it's actually the same just replace uh Fel with olum uh halves the same uh what we got Steph CL been Johnny Johnny Johnny bitman on a edge and Fel pole uh lock and then only safe we only played two players Off the Bench safe half and Fu samuo came off the bench in that one for the eels was in that game for us in round four yes uh yeah he's on he was on an edge yeah um so ten uh Morgan Harper was in the center not Blaze tagi um or Tangi sorry uh who so he was in the halves BL long was in the halves with Dylan Brown yeah uh did mooses not play Easter either round three was the last game Moses played before he got injured and then he spent um a lot of time out injured between round three and then call and yeah well he played against the dogs I think it might have been yeah um he played against someone maybe oh no the sharks um which got him the call up to origin uh Joey lassik was at Hooker not Brandon H uh on bench I think uh he was God you got a good memory offen go was on the bench as well Luca Moretti uh was on the bench as well is he in there yeah he's on the bench he's on the bench this week yeah um hop good on the bench as well H good he's out and Madison yeah Madison's not there either so I mean they're pretty close but um Mak and Ogden weren't weren't there for Easter Monday but I think they might have been in the reserves in the leadup to that game also just a fun fact on the team lists for you guys um no matter which way the result goes a player who wins The Wooden Spoon is going to penrith next year just a matter of whether it's going to be Blaze toongi for parah or Isaiah papal from us yeah you go that's why the stats man right let's get the chase BET app out while we do our tips for the week um the Brisbane Broncos Fair outside is their season is AB is shot so Melbourne storm heavy favorites though did the storm rest in they bring They're bringing back their players they've bought all of them back in they got everyone back they um they've switched far logo to fullback because Pen's out with a leg injury we've all going storm in that one uh brison five bucks yeah and the storm will cover the line by plenty that 15 no pain har for Brisbane as well this one could get pretty ugly pretty quickly because they they've checked out yeah I'd expect theyve checked out I'd expect a big first half Aon and then they'll probably be thinking about the finals and just EAS up in the second half and keep it keep a gap on the scoreboard uh what's shy bla for a try one second do you reckon storm to win the first half and then Broncos to win the second half but Storm still game I just think I just think storm will score more points in the first half I think I think they put 24 to 30 on him in the first half and then going to cruise control second half they'll get they'll rest a few plays like you know back half of the game last 20 minutes so so did B get named this game yep he's named yep can't see him in the bidding it's I'll look it up later um Ro Paramount eels in West Tigers uh as and I've gone Tigers Rob you're emotionally hedging I again just no disrespect to Josh Fetti I just think it's a big ass you know like not having played first grade for so long we've we just have so many young guys in the team it would be a beautiful achievement if we could win this game and I I certainly think we can win the game I just think param are just free rolling they're just they're just playing you know second phase having fun uh but again I mean Barrett's kind of used to Wooden Spoons and being a bad coach so we do have that in our favor but uh whatever happens happens guys I'm just happy to get out there and hopefully the boys just rip in and give it their best I I think the thing we need to keep in mind about parata conceding five tries in the last 11 minutes or so last week is the fact that gson was off the field at the time as well and he does a lot of directing the defense from from the back and they really seemed to miss that um when he when he was off but the fact that he's playing somewhat injured at the moment works well in our favor if we can potentially uh I don't know how active he'll be in attack but if he is we kind of need to make sure we're putting a lot of pressure on him we really need to put pressure on him if we send our kicks to him uh so our line speed from our kick Chasers needs to be on point and I think if we can nail that and put some doubt and question in his mind um that'll go a long way to winning the game but we also have to be really careful when it comes to sio as well because we know what he's capable of um but I'm I'm believing I'm I've got the faith in the boys this week and I really hope that uh next time we see each other after the game on Tuesday uh that we are winners and not last we have a pretty good record when both of you guys tip us and I go against us just letting you know that so that could be another stat that you could be working on Aon I think I think you guys are two out of two for when you both tip the Tigers and I don't so let's hope it's three out of three uh we've all got gone the poor roosters the cop a few injuries but they're still heavily favored um yeah normally one of the best games of yeah of the Year this one they're finishing against the old foe the rabitos in homebush Friday night footy but um the Roberto are shot too so yeah they're trying to not play a healthy Latrell um we've all gone CHS yep we've all gone CHS in that one anyone got any reason why the reros will win this one they're ready to go to Barley I think yeah TRS for me Aaron I'll I'll say one thing in South's favor the fact that I think the preliminary odds for the game before team lists were announced had South at a little over $6 and the fact that they've come into a little bit under $4 now shows just how big of an impact the roosters injuries have had um but I think the roosters still have enough class there to win this game but I honestly think their season is done could get knocked out in straight sets in the finals they may make it to a prelim but that would mean a date with probably Melbourne at Melbourne and I don't think they win that one yeah got no cam Murray and no Jack whiton as well that Jack Whit's a big out for them so yeah Jack Jack is the biggest out and that that takes a lot from their attack and I don't see them scoring much of anything I think they'll be lucky if they score two tries yeah I think yeah Roes by enough uh good one this one dragons Raiders uh as and I no Rob and I have gone dragons as you've gone Raiders mhm I've completely and utterly lost faith in the dragons after their last two weeks they've had it all to play for they had a top eight position in the palm of their hand all they had to do was take hold of it and they've literally [ __ ] the bed um their last two we Lally [ __ ] the bed yeah basically um their last two weeks have been UT different that's what literally yeah literally [ __ ] the bed means I actually sh shut the bed that's what literally mean I don't care I'm I'm just I'm just making a point I'm emphasizing a point um you tell white short to be pretty noticeable they they've been putri and I have no faith in them I think the Raiders can get this job get the job done and for at least uh 20 hours or so or actually no a little bit longer than that they'll be sitting in the top eight yeah I've been a bit hypocrite there Josh I I said that I'd never tip a team with Matt pH in the team again uh which I should digress and say Xavier Savage will score a try the only reason I'm going since George I like the fact that suly is back in at Center I think that's a big inclusion uh but the other thing I just thought that game from camber against the roosters was so brutal camber played for you know 20 minutes of the game uh without Elliot Whitehead he got simin twice and I just think it's going to take a huge effort to recover physically from that not to mention the fact that Lanigan just absolutely ripped his uh St George Team postgame a new one I I think Saints might just have a little bit of a bite back and come out in and win and I don't think it'll be a very highs scoring game I'd say Saints one to 12 in a in a pretty lows scoring game uh we've all gone doggies against the [Music] Cowboys uh mathematically what's the table looking the winner I think the winner gets a home home game so the the win the winner of this game is guaranteed to finish fifth place unless the Bulldogs win um and the Sharks lose by combined 68 points or something then the Bulldogs have a chance of sneaking into the top four but basically as it stands the winner of this game is going to finish Fifth and host whoever wins out of the final game of the round um that's the loser and yeah the loser may still but that will depend on if Manley can beat the Sharks okay uh we on the Panthers against the Titans yeah the Titans shot Panthers are ramping things up no clearer yet but they said first week of the finals um Manley against the shakies uh the battle of the beaches uh as you've gone Manley Roberto and I have gone the Sharkies uh Tommy turbo's out so it's isn't he yeah turbo out cooler at fullback so that's why shks yeah last time sorry Rob you go no I was just GNA say I think I think Turbo's you know a quarter a quarter to a third of their team it's just just just too big and out I know they got enough strike there um you know to win but uh I just think krala are a little bit more solid and and they'll be pretty Keen to um avenge that poor finish they had against New Zealand last Saturday night um I last time Manley were without turbo I tipped against them thinking that same thing that you were thinking but they actually ended up destroying whoever they played in that game and I was left kind of eating my words um as for this one i' I've gone with Manley uh just because I think they have a they have more to play for the sharks can afford a narrow loss and will likely still be going to Melbourne either way uh for the final first week of finals um and also the sharks have played 40 something games at Brookie for only seven wins so they can't seem to beat Manley there so I'm I'm backing Manley in they had the Grand Final replay these two teams didn't they back in the day Rob yeah 1978 I think it was eight all in the original Grand fin that's crazy you just play another game another grand final they played it on did that a few years ago the AFL did that a few years ago didn't they they had a High then they just go like oh let's play again next Sunday that's [ __ ] was uh who was that that Wasing wood was it Collingwood Brisbane or something I'm not sure Collingwood ker that's they would have made so much money though um but imagine having a rugby league Grand Final brutal Grand Final at 3 o00 Saturday and then you and you have your replay Tuesday afternoon like two two day two full days rest and then oh it wasn't the weekend they played it on on a week afternoon no no we were I was jigging class listening to the game before school finished so that's fun couldn't watch couldn't watch the game back in those days why didn't they play it at night they didn't play Grand finals at night all Grand finals were during the day different times different times I think I think the first um I think the first night Grand Final was parah and Newcastle in 2001 I don't remember games being at night prior to that uh yeah I to the 98 Grand Final uh as a kid and that was an afternoon game 99 yeah the dragons I think yeah I think you're right there I think 2000 was the first 2001 what was 2000 roosters Broncos yeah Broncos yeah yeah um where I'm up to last game Knights Dolphins Rob's gone Dolphins as and I have gone Knights and nights probably should mentioned too um Rob and I are on 116 as on 115 so we'll see um yeah and we tipped plenty of um different combinations here so you want me to put the Jinx on myself I'm gonna put the Jinx on myself Josh I actually reckon I'm getting a full round this week okay and I hope I'm wrong I really hope I'm wrong espe I hope you're wrong too because you've gone power that's exactly right that's exactly right I just thought look that's this is one of the hardest games along with the canb game I think this one's this one's one of the hardest games of the week and they got everything to play for but I just just think Wayne Bennett's team the way he got them up against Brisbane like I wanted to tip the Dolphins last week but I couldn't the way they got smacked by Melbourne and it' be a bit like trying to tip the goal Coast to beat pen this week like after you get smashed like that how do you bounce back from it but they were so impressive Herby farnworth and the hammer in the centers they really good and um obviously Newcastle played well they had Bradman best back and pong is you know pong is Elite so that's going to be a cracking way to finish the season uh dragons uh dragons [ __ ] Dolphins nins um yeah Rob yugon Dolphins we've gone Knights as and I um both these can the knights make it yeah draw unless it's a 90minut draw which won't happen and that allows dragons r that out yeah so yeah Josh so the winner of dragons and Raiders goes into eighth place and will stay there only if there's a draw in that final game otherwise the winner of the final game um finishes top eight and we go and play the winner of dogs Ando week one I was kind of hoping for dogs dragons I feel like that' be a huge game uh at home Bush it's not very it's not very likely anymore yeah like literally be close to a sellout at home Bush I reckon I'm I'm going with the Knights because I think HomeField Advantage will really work for them here um the knights fans will know how big this is and they will show up in their absolute droves um and I think it'll be enough I think it'll be enough to get the job done yep yep remember to lock your doors Saturday night has it's gonna be it's G to be um lart 2019 levels of absolute Madness in the crowd at um at Newcastle on Sunday Aro uh Rob Shamus you did have something for me I totally forgot to copy and paste it into the slide what did you you had a tri scorer I will try and remember it uh I I definitely had uh will warbrick the right Winger for Melbourne I believe I believe that's a little bit of a I think Cory oats is a little bit past it and I'd assume he's going to be playing left wing this week so I'd gone will warri definitely G Xavier coach on on Matt feno I've already beaten that one to death put in your text yeah I like I like um Junior poers replacing uh Daniel tupu this week for the Roosters on the left wing I I like that matchup I think I think he can score a try and I've just gone blank on the fin one Ronaldo M that's it Ronaldo Mulo I think Jason sa's out this week Savage too for Raiders Savage for Raiders and yeah and uh and Ronaldo malalo for konala so those four Tri scorers I think I think they were pretty pretty good shout no no it's four I think I've read out no I said Savage once but you repeated it so warbrick warbrick halga Savage mulalo yeah four that's it four four anytime scorers didn't you say I thought he said somethingone else okay no no I had I had originally put Daniel tupu there Josh but not realizing out Junior bers replaced him uh nrlw the girls as yeah you don't have to spend too much time in this but they you talking about [ __ ] in the bed before they uh yeah it was a one big brown stain of a game this one yeah it was a really tough game to watch um really hard to see the girls um have a bit of a stinker obvious honestly the first try the Knight scored off of what I can only say was a um test stain's absolute brain fade kind of set the game up to be not great um and we just we just couldn't hold their momentum we kept giving them penalties and easy field position and then the field position in the first half that we got we weren't able to do anything with it um like had a set from halfway off a penalty in with one minute to go in the first half and first tackle before the first tackle even we knock the ball on and then we have to spend the rest of the last minute defending our Tri line and we only just managed to pull it off um eony prior with a nice little try from dummy half she was always GNA find a way to try and get through the knights defense on the line and uh she had a couple of cracks at it before it actually paid off but the fact that we were able to hold them out for most of the second half uh showed that there were some improvements between the first half and the second but it was just a terrible game and I really hope for the girls sake they can find some win find a win in the last three games and get at least a little bit of something out of this season because it's been tough for them can't deny that so they're up in Townsville 11 o'clock Saturday yep uh any chance against the Cowboys I I'd like to say yes but I don't think so uh the Cowboys have had a lot of really good signs um we've both lost to the Broncos in the last couple of weeks but uh I think up there the Cowboys are probably going to be a little bit too strong there's also going to be one jaka Whitfield who has a lot to say against us and could potentially take us to the cleaners oh she took the money to go to Townsville um I'm pretty sure she's actually the highest player paid an rlw player in history and I think that was why she went up there was because the money they were offering was way too much to what we could offer her um and they actually offered her the chance to play fullback although that she hasn't played a single game of fullback up there Liars um you had a 3-2 manag to put together a 32 one for this stinker yeah it was tough but um Christian Pio got the three I thought when she was on the field uh she was one of the few didn't make an error she always tried to make the tough carries and really tried to put the team on her back um ebony prior the pocket rocket out of dummy half got the two points um I really enjoy watching her although there is a little bit of concern around her defensive abilities mainly because she's so short and teams find it really easy to basically steamroll over the top of her um and Montana Clifford uh new signing as of a couple of weeks ago got my one point I don't think I've ever SE I don't think I've ever seen a stretch of two games from one player who's only just joined the club in a very recent like very short amount of time um has had such uh performance and Montana's really impressed me in her first two games and I hope for the last three she shows us a bit more of what she's capable of uh R horn is out in the lead there um so yeah we'll see if she'll take out the Aaron Thompson award for this year uh the [ __ ] boys they finished their what a way to finish the season uh in Fiji not a bad place to uh have you mad Monday they won 32-0 against the silk tals they missed out on the semis they literally tied tied six top six and didn't make it on forward against unfortunately so they didn't they won't play finals footy they missed out it was actually top five Josh so basically we start we started the round in eighth we went up to fifth um after our win because we were the first game we needed the Eagles the the eels and the Sharks to all lose to keep us there the Eagles went first and they lost which was good so we stayed there and then the eels beat the dragons and the Sharks beat the uh Warriors so both of those results pushed us out of fifth down to seventh and yeah so it's the top five in both flag and cup and I'm actually really pissed pissed off that they're they're doing a top five system and because they've changed it since um the co Seasons it was it's really crap because with so many teams in the competition you think you'd want a few more playing in the finals even if it was a top six although I think especially in cup um it should be it should still be a top eight although I guess there's not like 16 teams in there but in saying that you probably still want um a good amount of teams in your finals series and just to make it a little bit more enticing especially for the younger players I guess I don't want more than three weeks of semis that's probably why it still takes four weeks though oh does it yeah so week one first has a buy second place third and fourth place fifth in week two first plays whoever wins out of two and three um and whoever loses out of two and three plays the other winner so out of four and five the winner of the the winner of that game between one and whoever they play gets a week off in the third week and goes through the Grand Final while the loser gets a second chance against the other team that's still left standing so it's still a four- we system it just it's just weird okay put simply put simply anyone from my vintage would understand the old top five system that's pretty much the old top five system prior to the McIntyre system that's the old top five system I probably didn't explain that the best but I had a crack no you did explained everything perfectly I'm actually impressed with how we went from eth to fifth and then dropped down like you're all over it Aaron like good on you um the Harvey Norman women they went down 224 against the knights they're playing at lickum oval on 2 o' on Saturday afternoon for some reason they're not they're playing the dragons um obviously doesn't link up with the nrlw where they're playing the Cowboys and I don't think there is another game I think it's just them lick over there's no the magp are done they got the buy uh Jersey flag had done so I think it's just the uh the Harvey Norman girls playing Saturday afternoon so if you want to watch some West Tigers footy again on Saturday go sport the Harvey Norman girls um in that one against the dragons over at Liam oval Super Chat time we got a couple of Legends that sent us super chats Brandon as always supporting the show s us8 bucks to say hope everyone enjoys the game regardless of the result a win would mean a lot enjoy your spoonball footy thank you Brandon and the one of the ogs Shane Co says I was so positive about Friday until Rob brought up some of the matchups that I didn't really look at give me a positive Rob hopefully see you guys at the game 100% we'll be there we will we will wield them to Victory uh we will see you catch us we probably take the camera and the um Aaron's Spotlight and the the microphone and do another post match video outside the entry to the club hopefully no one hears this and kicks us out from security but um yeah we'll um mate no one's going to kick us out from anywhere it's out the yeah I don't know how that all works but um I think it's technically owned by the club but look we we'll give the West Club a shout out um for itly I'll be in the club so yeah we'll put we'll put a lobster each through the pokies for him how's that uh more chil um patreon.com Westlife if you want to support this show uh plenty will go on in the offseason uh NFL starts this week as plenty um plenty NFL chat your Bengals m b bronos um Ty Gus so Gussy said best West Tigers content available right here my rant is about the hard work passion loyalty tenacity and love you guys show for our beautiful club and fans through the doldrums ain't no fair weather fans here just OG's and fire much love great tiger humans thank you for all you do good on you Gussy Ben said just wanted to remind you all that I predicted the win and that that the above message didn't get read out because was ripped off for not getting a second show that was last week yeah that was for last week that lastek we didn't play on the weekend uh Shane again said happy Fel gets another chance this week deserves it after playing well for the maggies let's all go out and a High boys [ __ ] yeah H Amazon girl AKA Carla said Long Live sir Rich good on you carer um right till Tuesday night hopefully review one last win for the season anything before we say good night to Big Dog fellas uh obviously whoever goes out uh Friday night come and say good day to us we'll be floating around there I'll be there a couple of hours before the game I just want to give a shout out to my young cousin Zack who's playing for the lart wanders on Sunday in his Grand Final they got a they got a big task against uh the might of Ki which is almost like a South Sydney Junior side I'll be going out they're versing CI yeah so how does how don't they play B main area teams how does that work uh I I don't know how it works all I know is that um yeah it's an all there's so many Grand finals on there's like seven or eight grand finals on starting from 8: a.m in the morning down to I last like hard it's the yeah the balain sort of uh Grand finals there so his game's the last cab off the rank so so good luck to him hope they can get the win uh it'll always uh always love going out to lart so Campell town and lart in one weekend for me should be a good weekend yeah I look forward to I'm waiting just a couple more years put my son going to try and pick uh CU we're in Tigers territory here do I go do I go over to The Wanderers do I go to the Shamrocks uh go rtis we're kind of in the middle of a few different balain clubs go um go to where L as in Wanderers no there's lart Junior there's lart Wanderers oh yeah there's Holy Cross as well like don't know don't know have to who who will Sig him throw throw us a contract I'll uh meet up sign my young BL for uh the under Sixers in a couple of years uh years time um as anything to leave us on I just saw who was it someone Scotty asked if we do an episode next week yeah a couple more weeks so next week obviously you got we got a game to review and a season to review um might even whip out your season predictions see or name and shame who um who got it right right right and wrong uh and then would we always do end of year surve uh episode as well so might do that the week after after that um two more shows Bo two more shows yeah um from the eyo studio and then we'll probably still do um a couple of episodes throughout the offseason like last year we might do the draw yeah analysis yeah when the draw comes out as and I will um break all that down so we'll do a few random shows across the summer but yeah we need a break it's been a long tough year been yeah I mean it's been it's been a good back end of the year the first half of the year we had our uh um the the losing streaks and the and the string of considering 40 points a game was not particularly fun that's the that that's been the part that hasn't been fun but I'm looking forward to this game hopefully we can really end our season on a High um and hand the P the spoon over to Clint guffon and the rest of his param squeals oh yeah [ __ ] that guy um right we'll see you at camel town on Friday night come say good day I'll take some stickers if you want a sticker I'll Chuck some stickers uh in my pocket as well handed out a couple of those the last couple of game shouts to all the homies that come up and yeah say they love the show we really appreciate thousands of you that watch every week our patreons our listeners our live Legends every week as well the hundreds of you that join us tonight as well we'll be back next Monday but yeah see you Friday night at camel town as always go the Tigs go the Tigers go the Tigers thanks for listening to another episode of the West Life podcast please follow us at West lifeod on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook / Westlife pod you can also support and take part in the show at patreon.com Westlife and give us a subscribe on YouTube and turn notifications on we'll see you again next time on another episode of the West Life podcast

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