FPRL | F1 24 | Tier Vote | Tier 1 | Season 8 | Race 5/10

Published: Aug 24, 2024 Duration: 01:32:50 Category: Gaming

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boom 15 and live good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to fair play racing league tonight we are at round five it is drivers pick week and our third track of the week for tier one it is in case you haven't guessed by now Singapore so the famous track in the Far East is the Marina Bay Circuit and it looks like we got a Mercedes coming out on track is that Nigel piggle yes it is uh who I can confirm was not actually rigged to be in the Mercedes in the driver draw I promise you uh I am your host as always David LF face you're joining me as usual on coms this week it's the boy hello silai boy GN whatever you want to call me now yeah uh many names uh across the years some of which are more flattering than others uh I'm I'm fortunate most famously can't win a race yep still can't win a race uh radical now has two race wins in two weeks in tier three and uh I I heard he's goding you now no no no no no the the the the little bit of uh advice he gave from a race winner I can't believe he said he because our little bit of advice took from a race winner to a non- race winner I was like you cheeky bastard was keep my head down and uh hope for it will come to me but at the end day it's Monaco I need an absolute Miracle to get back up to where they were yeah but never mind uh as in the chat speak of the devil when he shall appear it's radical in the chat who I am very aware has prepared a nice little uh surprise for me on Fallout 76 that I'm going to uh inevitably come across also in the chat I'm going to have to stay up now to see what this is yeah also in the chat Cruiser 1872 of course those of you might know him from his commentary roles is on comms on Monday this week half of our coms came with monkey boy per who may or may not be about I'm not sure uh but yes big welcome to you guys in the chat as we've got our first man on his flying lap and that is Nigel pigle in the Mercedes and uh is this his first race of the Season or his second I think it's his second isn't it second he raced in in Silverstone last week and retired due to a controller disconnect retired due to a massive skill issue and lucky the head stward wasn't put down in the steward's B for penalties he did actually get penalized he should have been he got he got penalized for I think for if I get this right I remember uh I think he tried to overtake Phenom into the pits and uh failed spectacularly and just punted Phenom and got him a 10 seconds yep and uh for for clarity um that is something that we are permitting in the league as long as it's done cleanly but nevertheless we're going towards the end of the lap nigr pigle is he flat through the final corner it looks like he is runs out just before the line that's our 12 6.8 of course those of you thinking that's a really really short short um what that's a really really fast lap time around here at Marina Bay is of course we are still running that modified uh that modified whatam call it uh trap layout as ashown comes across the line to set 127 R yes the uh while there is I think there's work on a hotel G around the old sector 2 uh we are still running this shortened version which uh I don't know about you Gary um I kind of prefer it not going on that God awful Bridge how speaking of that new section just before it h was uh completely had the back out without the second to split cuzz he was heading towards the wall uh I actually do prefer this I absolutely hate the old sector 3 under the bridge I absolutely hate it like the Mount of warnings and if you get the breaking wrong you go into the wall which just dead stra away um I think I over the what basically done here on the old way out how many retire retirements I've seen or how many ambitious moves I've seen funny go up the inside of somebody into that little under grid section is uh I'm just glad it's gone yeah I'm sure a lot of uh a lot of drivers share your opinions on that we're watching now magu uh coming around sector 2 open your DRS for the second time in the lap down the straight breaking heavily third gear for the McLaren driver through that tough right hander and now it is full full beams until the final three corners of the circuit you mount the curves at your own risk of course handling updates in this game have made it very tricky to touch those curves but around the last corner and I only good luck for p7 uh P6 R that's quite uh it's not ideal for the man in the orange you uh you've been asked to turn the game Vol down slightly d game volume down slightly that's bloody awkward because it means I've got to turn the game down without turning you down uh I do apologize give us any updates on the uh what am I doing uh audio settings I'm just watching Ste LDN who is uh London as I'm going to call him still uh looking for him and his teammates first points of the season in the Williams um very unlucky both of them uh obviously still did not race last week he was on holiday yeah David r r it is David R face can't you tell it is David the LOL face I think that's renin that's actually in the chat yeah thank you uh thank you AJ for the tip um I think I might have actually I usually have the uh the master volume down around 67 uh I think I turned it up cuz I got annoyed when uh doing laps and not being able to hear uh not being able to hear the party members at the same time uh new headset and all that um but yes steel has gone P3 then in the Williams big up the Williams crew getting points this week I I think I think points this week for both of them strange like no sorry yeah yeah we we we do hope big points to the Williams crew uh a little bit of bad luck plaguing them in the first half of the Season collat ads has put himself in P6 for the moment which is not bad at all you see all the drivers choosing to go out on the softs nobody playing around on the mediums to get a banker time uh we've got Hound yet to settle that missing the Apex of turn five maybe I don't know call name maybe you do Gary can help me out but uh I don't oh we're about to go into Singapore Sling the for not Singapore Sling absolutely which I only found out in the past half year maybe that it is actually the name of a cocktail so there you go that's my naivity uh you know what David at TJ's weather I'm going to order you a Singapore thing see the B will make you one well I don't even know what's in a Singapore Sling so good luck me that's it we can have one together we'll record off for video yeah right so hounds coming through the last sector we know he's fast and what time can he put on the board overtake all the way around the last Corner that is big balls from the Alpine man and he's put himself into P4 decent lap from that man right and uh is Reese finally on the lap no he's not he's still invalidated oh Reese oh dear oh dear I doar I dear um it's actually really weird that Rin here cuz uh all the way back in season uh I think it was season two fbrl I had my first race was here and he was on commentary and I remember this Singapore gr P was the worst race I've ever experienced I think it was five safety cars that doesn't surprise me to be honest [ __ ] pickle goes fastest improves 264 good race uh good luck from that man the race after 2 hours we started eight differ until near 10 yeah I mean that is very typical as per uh Singapore in the wet um so Gary I'm sure you know that um given F2 races uh we know are limited to 1 hour and this game actually um includes that hour time limit do you think it includes the 2hour time limit for F1 races I'm kind of thinking probably not no as uh we still have disqualifications uh for trying to turn around uh it the penalties for like Unbreaking like track limits like at Abu Davi we still have buy when you when you lag out a session it retires you so I wouldn't be surprised if there's no coach for it at this point I've just given up with EA yeah constant like of course of course e not not the uh not the team programming the game that is of course code Masters but actually I still agree with you I think it's probably EA's fault um because they are the ones that imp uh they're the ones that Force release dates and um presumably let uh code master know exactly what to put in their patches what to proper fixing and what not and mostly the bits cost them money yeah they need to stop reusing code uh from the previous game make new code cuz that's what the problem is they fix issues and then as this goes further 1270 uh they fix the code and then they just go back to the previous like start of what the previous game was and just do it just reintroduce a load of bugs fantastic welcome to uh fpr where we chat about the absolute I'm not going to say incompetence cuz that's a little bit unfair but um the the world we need to not say that we need to get SP One games please let's go please um we going up to third we 270 yeah mag's only improving by 210 that's an interesting one maybe he's uh struggling around this track that pink helmet of is needs to get rid of it it's clear use the max use the max for staff and helmet ever since I used the max staff and helmet I've gone half a second quicker now it's it's it's the it's the effect being the three time world champion makes you faster oh dear yeah so I don't know how long's left in the session presumably about 7 minutes maybe last time I saw it was 10 minutes 8 minutes Budd um but yeah still plenty of time to get a couple of runs in 4 minutes 4 minutes monkey thinks four minutes I'm saying eight you're saying nearer 10 oh of course it has been like a minute since we said no I've just seen it said four oh four and I think and I think monkey saw it as well that's why he said now well monkey's got the benefit of paying attention to the top left hand corner 341 left in the sesh uh so time for the drivers to wind up for their final runs it looks like uh Hound is on his final run he's got a car in front of him without eral Corner he's going to get a nice little slipstream is that his teammate it is his teammate Taps the wall ever so slightly but I don't think it caused him any issues that into that heavy breaking Zone at whatever turn that was Gary I remember when I used to be professional and I used to have the TRU map up um but God those days those are the days um I I realized that um I should be as uptight and professional as possible uh because I looked up to uh I looked up to certain commentators then I Cruiser what's Cruiser saying I know how long it's left in the session when the check the CL is out what a lad he's absolutely pulled the right idea he he is he is for he is trolling us after his win last night the Hound has gone half a second quicker into P2 it's a great lap RADS on the other looking to break that uh Street and he is in P3 that's a great lap only the um one of three drivers get into the 126s and I think he's going to be going for no he's not he's run out of fuel never mind we see where he is coming end of the session oh and it is it is ropes around the end of sector one mate night sorry not mate night ow has been absolutely blocked I don't know by his teammate or that McLaren of it's not Johnny B it's Maggie user um yeah that was not ideal so I have so I have just I have just received a message from one of my friends called Adam Fisher who just said whoever is the main commentator he has a voice of a god of silk well that is beautiful very much appreciate it I don't aim for content very it just popped on my Facebook Messenger tell your Freddy as aight voice it's me sick I'm like okay well you know how to embarrass a guy let's put it that Way's like gy school girl uh so looks like almost every driver on their final lap then we've got uh rare winter coming around to start and following him is a Red Bull of cros so the first one across the line will be steel who's quarter of a second up on his time and now heading around the final two corners really uncommitted on those final two curves and towards the end to the line a two10 Improvement he set up at the moment a row two lockout for the Williams team and let's see if the hor of uh Dynamo Dan can upset that a little bit off the pace as things stand but over the line it's a 4 and 1 half1 Improvement uh but he stays P4 14 for the moment next over the line is a slow Ferrari of Elan he's coming into pits and L is going to be the next man he has invalidated brilliant Night Owl coming into the box mag user then up into P five now into the 126s Shadows goes into the 126s as well but night himself up on the uh on the second row up in P4 some good laps coming in now night's 10 night all the way down in 10th how's that happen then you said you said Night Out P4 it's Phenom out was half a second up on his half a second up and he invalidated uh through the you know the last was chicane before the final two King King left yeah he invalidated there yeah uh apparently everyone will appreciate you told everyone his full name I'm sure that is uh that's you not me Gary yeah it's talking to me you also need more passion I need to I need to shout uh and I do apologize for butchering this in advance front lines speed oh h no more passion required in commentary maybe I should sit closer to the mic um maybe that will help put the mic in your mouth put the mic in your mouth I can't there's a pot filter in the way oh stuff the pot filler you have to make you have to you have to CRA the M when you shouting it anyway uh that's the end of qualifying I'm going to take a uh uh a quick drink before our formation lap uh actually while we sit on the grid um so strategies for the race Gary you are the king of strategy at sing um for the sake of this conversation um what do you think is the sorry I just read the chat Honda power that's what I'm going to be screaming when I'm rideing a new bike Honda power is is it a Honda you're getting yes it's h you can scream your way on to work Honda power every single one of my bikes every one of my bikes I've had have always been a Honda so I can scream up that great at all time y great Rich history of bikes uh Honda but uh less Rich history in uh modern Formula 1 let's put it that way although I suppose technically you can say the red modern Red Bull is a modified Honda engine but never mind uh so Gary anyway uh king of strategy for Singapore for the sake of this conversation uh what are you thinking in terms is it just another boring mediums to hards will we see anyone on the socks um I'm trying to think um some people might expect an early safety car because safety car is pretty much very high around here like anybody that crashes out it's bringing out a safety car um I Pro probably would start Mo I see probably would suspect most people to start on mediums because of that and then run to the hards and then be forced onto a two stop and go softs at the end but if there isn't one I think it's just going to be a boring medium hard or hard medium race I know track position around here is quite key as well will we ever see a race in this calendar where where or or on this game as much I would love to see it where a two stop is actually feasible with full green flag racing it looks like they it nearly got there in Bahrain but I think the hards are just too good aren't they they they just seem to last forever yes uh I think most races now you can go at least 20 to 24 Laps on hards like we've seen groundy in tier 2 do a 28 lap on a set of hards be tire not popped groundy is the tire Whisperer he and that is his known yeah technically Qatar could be a TW stopper by Johnny you're talking don't have a set two people I think you had it as well Gary but u i I certainly had a tire go pop around Qatar um in F1 and F2 yeah let's not talk about my race round C how many how many pits up did I have to make three and I came 16th a minute and a half behind yeah yeah C is I don't understand last year's game there was a clear fuel issue around there where you'd burn a lot of fuel over too much fuel where you'd have to put two laps in to get to the end and now it's now an well fish sticks is saying it's an easy one stop but you're on the steering wheel on a pad this is just it's not comparable it's not comparable until they make D whe and Pad High Weare the same there's no point saying oh I can do a onot when you're using Ste whe because I think you can put little movement in I think the problem is is you're never going to get tire wear the same between no um between pad and wheel because it is so easy to put in full lock on a on a pad Ste wheel say steer wheel because well pad yeah the thing is it's hard to do theic steering angle yeah yeah you can do little finite M movements for the steering wheel but with a a Jo a THM stick it's either the steering will either go full lock to the left or won't move like there is no in between um so that's why they usually set if you want to be to the top of Le racing a steering wheel is very much key yeah and I'm sure I'm sure it is faster but I am the most casual of casual and I'm happy in tier three um it is it is you it's possible to be fast on a pad don't get me wrong um but the problem is the skill ceiling is much much higher for pad than it is it's a lot easier to to be better on Wheel than it is on pad and uh I think that's most P sat Ren and disagrees with us well disagrees with you anyway so we all know you chat rubbish it's not it's not impossible mag I believe used as a pad um I know some guys in other leagues that use a pad are very very quick um point the form forwards then turn it yes that is a great tip um I have uh i' do that uh I do do that um I'm not very good at it but I'd still do it anyway um I kind of wanted to go through the grid um so we're just going to do it very quickly we got uh Johnny bp15 Dynam Dan p14 El plan 13 rare winter and lore in the kick salvers p uh 12 and 11 Nal cross career Shadows maggis at steel collateral ads and a uh third row lockout Phenom Reese in the second row and the front row is hound and Nigel piggle as we wait for the five red lights to go out let's see how good a start Hound can get from the SEC uh from P2 as it looks like he has got a de decent start not quite good enough to get up uh turn one let's include the uh the position sidebar and have a look to see what's happening across the field and what uh Gary did um I I just saw a car mount the wall um I think this game has broken me on my point of view I saw car flipping in the air and then go back to normal back to the beginning I've heard of w riding around Monaco I think night L was taking it a little bit too literally that's as funny as the time I was ComEd and I watched two cars do the uh very very naughty on stream and they were on top of each other not radicals like please tell me someone's quit that oh dear I'm sure someone had we go back we will see front wing damage imagine that like oh how was your race well I flipped upside down and now my race is [ __ ] oh dear well at the front of onto lap two the front it all looks very very similar to how it was apparently he's got no damage either that is crazy no he has got front ring page F front right end AJ in the chat giving us the good old clip I think he's got the clip watching it side by side go mag ususer and collateral ads neither driver giving an inch they bang Wheels again and nearly hitting his teammate there collateral ads I need to be very careful into the sling as collateral ads does have uh wing damage on the uh front right wing damage indeed he's missing an end plate and that will cost him down the windy streets here in Singapore but Magus are having a decent start then he's up into P5 sorry I just can't oh dear W ride I've just watched the clip 208 735 I've just watched the I've watched the clip it's the way you see the back where his car just got just grinds on the wall so down still going yeah it's like Dynamo Dan hopping into the pits for an early stop could have uh could have wing damage then let's keep an eye out let's have a look at the har crew see if they oh my God the pit lanane is so long do they have a front Wing ready it looks like they don't oh and I saw the damage he didn't have wing damage on yes well Dynamo Dan's not going to be very happy um hoping for a safety car but we are still very early in the race it's still very likely to happen lap three of 31 no change here in the top four we got Nigel piggle followed by Hound followed by Rees and then Phenom who's dropped back a little bit two and a half seconds to uh ree in front magusa still on the hunt to break into that top four and he is dragging steel along with him meanwhile collateral ads going backwards with that damag front Wing uh this is a reminder any drivers listening if you've got front wing damage please please please set uh set your your wing change to yes in the menu as collateral ads is coming into the pits let's see if he's listened to my advice he's going to drop all the way down to the bottom but I don't think at this point of the race will be too hard you're going to have to try a little bit oh no oh that's two drivers not having a front Wing change Gary what do I have to do to get these people to set the wing Chang to yes oh dear well you screamed at me yesterday and then they changed it when you didn't thought think you had wing damage that was funny why is he changing my wing it's cuz you've got wing damage Gary damage yes you do Gary to be fair I did actually ask the engineer if I had wing damage beforehand when I changed it just to check cuz I had bumped The Warfield time he said no no problems with the front ring I thought oh I'll be all right he clearly didn't say that because you ask them about vehicle condition they'll either tell you that your front Wings got damage all your tires are fine so B I'm just happy I survived the whole race yeah monkeyy appreciating my uh my impression of you during a race oh um yeah as you see the front fre throwing it around the last corner of course the most um the sorry one of the options for the worst DRS um straight in the entire calendar is the start Finish Line here in Singapore you see it's doing absolutely bucker all for these guys at are you sure cuz I thought the the the one they have at Monaco us it's cuz you yeah it's up there but that's just because Monaco shouldn't be on the calendar at all in the month day cuz it's I'm still dying from that clip that might become our most view CP now quite possibly um uh and A's in the chat suggesting that yes it should be on the calendar well I'm telling you to try and count on two hands the number of overtakes that happened under normal racing conditions in the past 10 years and you can't do it therefore it's all about qualifying just just run a qualifying session and let the points be awarded on that there you go BOS well you can overtake okay yes okay we understand why Monaco is still in the calendar it's all about money but yeah it's just just you can spectacle for for for the drivers it I'm I'm willing to concede it's fantastic for the drivers and you know you get fantastic sort of adrenaline through rical has said during the safety car interval should show the clip for some highlights I'll um it might take me a second to set up but uh we can do it um and yes f as I have been sat on Phenom for a little while people will see that phom is running light on fuel obviously counting on some safety cars here as we see Reese make a mistake after going up into P2 running wide through the exit of turn four and Hound is right on the back of it and that has allowed Nigel piggle to get away and I'm sure he'll be wanting to score his first points of the Season what way better to do it than to actually win a race and it looks like right now ree is doing a good job for him down in P2 as um uh there's a truth of air that's coming for either of us which of us doesn't want it personally I don't care but I do have a drink to redeem and as do you Gary so I'm going to take my drink now and you're going to tell us whether you want a trule dare or not uh I'm still suffering with a mini cofen fit from that clip so I would rather not have it right so Gary wants the trooper D then Cruise you bastard as Hound uh not able to capitalize on that mistake earlier in uh on in lap six give another question from ree um as monkey boys ask what the drink of choice is tonight well I'll tell you that that is a question best saved for the safety car where the sponsorship comes in um and Cruiser wants a truth from you Gary and uh we'll wait for the question or the well yeah it is the question uh I anticipate greatly um as there is if it says is Cruiser the greatest team ever your answer would have be yes my teammate law has got by L plan then down the DRS straight and it looks like he's going to struggle to keep the plays to cross as well he kind of just allows cross to break through then El plan uh obviously playing the long game here and he's just going to tuck in Behind These drivers and make sure that they get the fastest way to the line flads then uh setting the fastest lap he is on two lap hold medium tires is he P oh he hasn't pit again um right so Gary your truth is in the chat uh favorite oneoff Livery by any team I'll let you Ponder on that for a second if I've already got it all right I'll be honest it it's um it's the McLaren oneoff liy at Silverstone last year where they went back to Chrome uh because obviously we got a double uh two we got two three in qualifying that was when the M car was actually good again became actually like a top fighting team and uh yeah I love I love the old M gave me the macaran Vodafone Mercedes what I used to gr with Lis Hamilton racing with so the red and CR roord Mercedes M Mercedes so yeah that's probably one of my favorite ones you just saw there lore squeezing out Crosser on the exit of turn four there as cross GRE has to catch a little bit of a slide I think he moved over there maybe to see if elpl wanted to make the move or not he didn't so These Guys these three drivers still go on in a line cross just about hanging on to DRS but they are losing uh these guys in front steel is 5 and 1 half seconds up the road and that is this uh battle for he got Fun Lan damage sorry who who does steel steel Dro down and yes just to confirm he does have wing damage the Williams and he is missing his front left end plate that probably won't affect him as much as the front right that collateral ads had missing but uh as long as he can stay with this uh group in front he should be okay should help him do that maguer on his way forwards then and he is on the back of hound it looks like he's going around the outside around the Kink and now into turn four gets the car slowed down oh and they're still side by side he's got the inside for the next corner and it looks like magu are either locked up under the breaking and there was small wheel tohe contact but Maggie are falling a little bit further back then and Hound getting the position back and he is now three seconds off the lead uh the leading group and that is these two Mercedes Reese right onto the back of Nigel pigle I don't know what Nigel's doing whether or not he's just not got the pace of his teammate or maybe his teammate pushed a little and got back into the DRS but it's looking very good for a Mercedes one two here on lap n gar sh the two fastest drive in this tier are winning shock H um also monkey taking the piss out of my reaction I I was just reacting to how what mon magu was like when he was in that car and the we just stepped out on him and we all know that Gary has the best reactions um if we go back oh no who is it that had the Gary Neville re action I can't remember was it you it was me cuz you went and I went it oh dear um if you by the way if you're still there renan I will check your DM after the race um we haven't had any breaks yet so I haven't been able to uh let the people know what the sponsor is the people know they're playing the Ultimate Team game what the Dead game the game that's dead because they just love giving you free stuff now it's just like it's a card it's a card pack opening simulator I was about to make that joke damn it don't my thunder I I still don't know how I I do think that front left end plate that still has because there's so many corners that actually doesn't need that side of the car's grid it's just not affecting him yeah he's doing very well to hang on to this group here he is in p7 but it is indeed the fight for P4 after mag users uh slight sideways Escapade I don't know if he's got any damage from that or not but he is coming into the pits on lap 11 very careful into the pits here in Singapore need to make sure you don't over speed and go back onto the trackwise you will pick up a lovely 5 Seconds or just go into the reaction is a monkey only so that is magu are coming into the pits and no front Wing change there Crosser following him in and he is going to come out hoping to make the undercut on these guys meanwhile up in front it's still the Mercedes ball Fest it is is this 2014 g might as well this is like Hamilton versus rosburg what makes it more funny right is that they've actually colored the helmet in in the Mercedes drivers so you've got Le Hamilton bid's helmet design and then George Russell in the other one oh it's not quite leis Hamilton's design there but it's purple it's like the iconic purple crash helmet that L wears I wonder what color he's going to be for next year for farar I've heard that he might go back to his original you know the one that he started for one in that yellow uh would be really nice to see that again in a in a Ferrari car yeah that that is for me that is the iconic Lew Hamilton helmet um R radical is uh calling I I assume you sad ax um but yeah the yellow the yellow accents on the helmet for LS Hamilton really is Iconic unfortunately it wouldn't be the same without a Voda phone uh sponsor on it but never mind um as these guys in front are um well I don't know he said no the Merks by the way rad was saying all right yeah um I'm not sure what the dynamic here is between these two but it seems like pigle is deploying ERS and Rees isn't um so maybe maybe there's not a written uh sort of a written contract between these two uh no team orders here of course but ree seems to be quite happy to sit behind his teammate for the moment has Hound four just over 4 seconds back off the front two and that is still the gap down to Steel m P6 so lap 12 of this 31 lap race it all looks very very dry for for the moment which I suppose quite a few of these drivers are going to be thankful for yeah it's uh I know Singapore is probably the worst place mono and Singapore probably two worst places on the calendar of rain it just drags the race out yeah and I suppose the thing is is actually unlike a day race the night race here in Singapore adds a whole new factor of sort of it's surprised to certainly Us in the commentator's Box as steel is in the pits as uh maybe he's looking to get an undercut as he has he is the man changing his front Wing yeah so on Day races of course we see the changing clouds but in the night races it's a complete surprise to us is there's you can't see the color of the sky you can't see if rain is coming in so for the moment we can only assume it's going to stay dry for the remainder of the race given the drivers um strategy calls thus far maybe apart from collateral ads who has opted for the medium tires on a second stin as you see Johnny B struggling a little bit there through turn three um down in p13 seven lap old Cs on him and now it's all about steel will he be able to catch up to mager and Crosser in front they've been on these tires for two laps they'll be up to temperature he did lose a bit of time front fixing that front Wing appears I think yeah he got that front Wing fixed so he lost probably about 5 Seconds which actually helps him out because now he's got free air that to cross in front of him yeah and uh Hound now into the pits as is Phenom and Nigel piggles Ash down Shadows goes for another lap as does reys so judging on what happens over the next lap this could be this could be gains for the har driver he needs to put in the lap of his life and he's burning that ERS down this uh down this straight into turn four uh I don't know if you noticed uh while you were talking uh there was a change for the lead at one point between re and Nigel into turn four Reese got p with the DRS but then missed his break in completely went off track n got back through and I was about to say you better start playing The Avengers Civil War theme cuz uh there's a Mercedes Civil War coming well it all will be clear in what I assume to be this time next lap when reys comes in and we'll see how good the undercut is for piggle he's got a little bit of traffic ahead of him and that being maguer who has ped three laps previous he's looking for a move around the outside of nightow of course the wol rider Supreme um and he is being held up oh contact contact in front of will keep an eye on from Nigel piggle as Nigel Taps the back of Night Owl and that how has that caus the safety car and what what what what there's oh night's out what happened there what he what is this game I'm clipping that that's ridiculous absolutely ridiculous David utilize the uh the say um the saying the saying is uh this game is perfect and has no bugs I love how you implement I love how you've implemented the uh sorry like Mumble at the end now to it uh can we just all say uh congratulations for everyone for not doing a monkey and crashing into the back of saf car yeah sorry monkey as this changes the complete Dynamic of the race and well that's retaliation mag surely says radical yeah this is this is something else so while I've got that up uh I can't actually right and we put on the Highlight a minute we're going to try and see if we can put it up the Highlight prob never be able to see yeah's box uh this works out for elpl as well that is just going to game from this yeah it has indeed it's not it's not easy for me but it also helps like CL lad who was very far behind and had to make another stop now could go to the end along with everyone else and uh oh you sir and it goes bad to worse plan boxed CH is actually P2 now so that's really helped him out OS six I love how monkey probably didn't hear me say about him to the uh my little uh thing against him it was shot at him yeah he probably did but he's choosing to annoy it cuz I I get oh I did uh to be fair it's funny but it's also very annoying because I've uh just wait to oh god um to be fair I understand his frustration I've seen I I imagine what happened he goes tries to goes past and uh it moves for some reason for some reason moves back onto the racing one oh here we go yeah here we go we got the actually I didn't size the window on the stream but I'm sure you can see it all the same there you go 3 two 1 there you go up he goes way bounces he's just up upside down he's still bouncing absolutely brilliant bet night hour is probably like what F happened how did it how did that happen was that like a contact model that kind of just pushed him up there God knows God oh Cruz Cruz is thought I just like to say that night hour reset the track H I think that he was upside down to be fair I find it hard to believe that he gets punished that um as the iconic hulkenberg quote help quickly someone help me I'm hanging like a [ __ ] cow yeah uh apparently what is Nigel doing he's pitted three times now um uh it's Nigel's world yeah he has pitted three times uh that's probably not the ideal strategy um but this is the reminder to you all that fpr and this stream is sponsored by by David's Bevy of the week thank you all for your patience in receiving this message as actually well well it's actually it's not boring it's not a boring sponsor this week David's Bevy of the week this week is and I doubt anyone would have guessed this but this is brought to you by uh a Kraken and Pepsi Max Daniel and Co Kraken spiced rum and uh and you could say it was a cracking drink it was a cracking segue from you there G thank you very much um so nigle doing his best to not come first in the champion [ __ ] look going to ask me you I'm I'm actually offended Gary is drinking uh j2o no I'm not actually I'm actually drinking I'm drinking the same thing that you want to try again oh he's drink the old um strawberry cider from strong Bo yeah yeah that you still haven't tried yet I still haven't tried yet so you get go test at6 for three yeah and I did indeed receive the monkey boy Kurt seal of approval trademark limited 2024 oh set cars in this that yeah I have received a 10 out of 10 Mark so absolutely beautiful as Rees goes then out of the final Corner night Al has rejoined the session I don't know what he's expecting he is already th so never mind as into turn one it looks like Shadows fighting off lore uh let's have a reminder then who this has worked for Shadows fantastic for that man he is now up into P2 Shadows is trying to make the best of it on these medium tires though as Shadows falling down falling down the uh pecking order quite quickly there obviously if you lose one place you need to get back in line uh much like some GT3 races if you don't get it back in line you're losing more than one place that from gt7 online racing oh R window has gone off oh rare oh never mind I'm telling a lie yeah he is turned into a space right okay so similar to how it's not a safety car rare winter has not indeed B it he's uh he's obviously driving the DeLorean he's just hit 88 mil hour just zoomed off into the wall and then come back again he didn't like he didn't much like the past oh Matthew's a py oh he's serving his driver through yeah so this brings a whole new Dynamic then lore is in a great position he's in P2 he's going to be trying to get to the end on these medium tires but he really needs to try his best to get past reys while he has the best of them and this is going to be his first opportunity DRS down this back straight he's going to go for the inside line and I don't think ree is going to fight it too much will he keep it in bounds yes he does so lore then takes the lead of the Singapore Grand Prix and will he be able to break away around this middle sector only time will tell sorry Gary oh no look who is next to each other on the track and now are squabbling around basically costing them time yeah down in P1 p12 it's kads versus um Nigel piggle the age of old rivalry Le's got front left damage R just ped out that's interesting well we've gone from Mercedes 1 two to missing his um I think we might see as we steel the front left is not as bad as the front right in terms of damage Dynamo D picking up our first 3 second of the night as L sets the fastest lap of the race not able to break away that one second yet and will he have enough to defend into into the corner at the end of this straight I don't think Lu has got the straight line speed of course very high downforce track here at Singapore as uh reys yeah he's unable to make the move thus far will that leave him susceptible to Hound behind who oh he looks like he done a George Russell there and clipped a little bit of the wall there on the breaking Zone into the sling or the corner formerly known as the Singapore Sling saw red winter go up the inside of el PL Into The Hairpin yeah it looks like yeah looks like Hound got away with it let's jump further back then into the Midfield where all things are very very tight we've still got collateral ads and Nigel piggle fighting as magisa picks up a 3 seconds and that's not going to help his quest to get points tonight he looks like he's been off the pace and uh yeah it's kind of a miserable night for the McLaren man um Nigel pigle chasing his first points of the Season then he is closing in on the back of Johnny B and maybe uh maybe cads might have something to say about it as he gets a decent run through turn three CER ads now onto the back straight less than half a second behind gets a better run through the corner as well is he going to be close enough no I don't think so thus is the DRS train around here there's contact there it looks like croser is in the wall what happened there Gary uh so Crosser gets the run out onto the main straight and into turn four uh I think he thinks he was clear of Steel to turn in he turns in ste's front just slightly Taps him uh still gets a half spin controls it and obviously cross getting hit on that re kind of had the tank slapper and just went into the outside W OB now hit the uh the the what what who crashed there all those years ago and spun which was it Eric I think it was Ericson was backwards there Massa just barely avoided him by drifting it through yeah as adson Nigel I I I if there's two people on the track that I do not trust to be together on there it's these two because every time these two come to get come near each other just just carage happens it's it's like the battle of the egos yeah I mean you said it not me oh pigle piggle picks up seconds as cross comes into the pits with wing damage he's going to go hang on a on medium got ad the man that most notorious of getting a Time penalty yeah uh how that happened L still leads this race on lap 22 then but ree quite happy to sit behind he's burned a bit of ERS but he should be able to claw some of it back throughout the lap as Johnny B and elpl making moves elpl struggling out of that corner as hon picks up a 3se second time penalty and they're going to go side by side into the sling and Nigel pickle makes contact with elpl who turns round and I don't know whose fault that might been but another place made by a few drivers there Elan will not be happy about how that happened I'm sure mager is still down in p13 now looking at these guys fighting in front El plan now much closer to him than well he wouldn't have seen him before steel is out what's happened to Steel what's happened to steel as that's another safety car and he's in the penultimate Corner Ste has come in contact with the wall Nigel piggle is in collateral ads is in Nigel's putting on medium tires Gary yeah as ads is changing his front ring ad is going on soft so he's going all for it uh so I saw what happened I saw what happened to steal he CAU the uh you see where crossco is he CL that inside curb and it's just thrown him out straight into the wall That's not ideal but it is a lifesaver to some of these drivers most of them have pitted Crosser obviously having just pitted has chosen to not and he's going to pick up a couple of places to Dynamo danl plan what that what you know that that Ryan's scary I think everyone who has box M well from mag use it upwards have made a mistake here absolutely although there might be enough of them to not be an issue quite possibly I think I think sofs can go to the end from here cuz you got three laps under the safety car and uh yeah you're not going to use much TI but still say just in check go curves are so stupid same lineal R and it throw me off y uh this game is perfect so the leaders come round then L is into the pits Reese following him will anyone not come in no I'm just seeing the funny comment uh cross G has almost hit the safety car good job cross proud of you he could have implemented another Cross C R yeah you said you've said that loads over years only once in Anger sorry but that uh the uh clip that I showed a couple of days ago you've seen this oh mag user what have you done that's the second one not again surely not mag user Jesus Christ as law maintains the lead of the race is is showing the why he's a biker at heart because us bikers don't give a [ __ ] about any kind of speed limits yeah absolutely oh dear that you absolutely should by the way speed limits are there for your safety and everyone else is around you uh disclaimer um uh and now I did my test broasting I don't think I've ever seen anyone in this league ever get two drivethru pound for speeding under the safety car I think I'm guaranteed that it has happened before in fact I remember specifically I got two drive-throughs myself uh under the same safety car cuz I got so annoyed that I didn't bother slowing down for the second one it's not speeding you're not caught since fish he's right he is says the man who's wrecked three two cars he's wrecked two cars um at that point I think fish should just stay off the road don't let a fish Drive Pro tip he been driving 16 years both weren't speed related but it was your skill related skill related this is come with a man who can't drive yeah exactly what do you want about Gary anyway we're getting towards the restart lore is going to take us on this restart he is starting on the mediums from Hound in P2 Phenom in P3 Shadows P4 on the softs Rees in P5 he's lost out massively onto that safety car then as magu get F changed yeah magu is opting not to serve his drive-thru straight away which is probably the sensible option um he's had the worst safety car restart look how far he's off the bat I think he's 2. yeah it's it's tired surely Tire related he he might have got caught out a little but Nigel pigle now going to maybe look into the in uh into whatever Corner number that is but absolutely no way pass there Nigel is now going to have to struggle behind although he does send up the inside he didn't turn early enough there to make that move it's it's all the rustiness that [ __ ] has not been able to race yeah um I think it's kind of on show here and this is costing Nigel deer with that 3 second penalty cater ads just sitting behind for the moment he doesn't have a penalty and this is really helping if anyone is it's happen it's helping the front seven get away that Gap now down to 2.5 but I don't think they'll care too much as up at the front L still leads from Hound in P2 with a 3 second Phenom in p P3 and shadows not making any moves th thus far Reese making move down the startop Finish straight pure ERS overtake there he's down nearly into single figures into turn one but has regained it through uh through the first few corners and Rees now not burning anything down this back straight and shadows looks like he didn't have the straight line speed to get past but a Podium could still be on the cards here for the harsh driver as further back we got Nigel pigle still going side by side of magusa and there's damage who's for Gary uh CL L uh he had such over speed he's gone into the back of Maggie as I saw the red red little marker come off his front right end plate um so uh yeah it looks like uh I reckon mag has got the wrong setup on here cuz he's usually a lot more quicker and he's just literally just got no turning power like I've what been watching him he turns in breaks at normal pace and it just the car just like nope nope y defense oh hit the wall he's being squeezed oh it's a safety car I don't think he was squeezed I think he hit the ball yeah he's uh I think he got kind of pushed up against the wall and there's a sticky out bit safety car safety car oh for God's sake who does this benefit Gary no one absolutely bloody no one and not mag from a third row lockout for for what seems like the millionth race in a row Williams nil be fair in redeem comel in personal all right I'm take I was going to take a drink before hearing that request but I'm sure monkey is going to uh Enlighten us who he wants to do what this looks like a skin I know yes yes AJ it does very much look like the skin you know the skin that you set up many many times a many many uh probably years ago at this point that I have been unable to put the time in to rework uh shout out to AJ for supplying the U the theme for me to use the cross's out oh Crosser why is he is he out out did he die he is outre he died where elpan has uh just gone past um I have no idea I mean you want the new look yeah I mean we yeah ideally we need a we need a new look I I thought about doing it myself but I wasn't able to add in all the the fancy Transitions and all that anyway Gary impression of Crosser after crashing just put on your best Irish accent I I can't because Irish used the C NXT C N word or lot so I can't say it that I mean you can say [ __ ] if you want it's not as if we I mean we are marked as Port uh be I don't know what happened I assume I assume he's he someone's broke and he's had to lock the brakes and gone into the wall all right let's put it this way Gary I am going to mute my mic until you do your impression of cross do it oh for [ __ ] sakes what's going on oh dear I don't even know what accent that was but it certainly was an Irish it was more it was more scous than anything yeah scous Co and a b chicken and a can of what so chicken and a can of C oh dears anyway moving on [ __ ] and that was why I requested that hat off monkey you love to see it I cannot I [ __ ] off monkey still has the best request thing the oh no scoop oh no scoop oh raggy I can't do Shaggy but I can do Scooby go then I did it you Fanny oh oh oh I think you know what my best is but we'll wait to see if someone redeems it yeah I wish I offended no my a you know my best accent Garett you've heard me you've heard me do the impression I am not doing anymore still on do you want a dare or Dare Gary neither pass it to the next person uh a truth or dare Gary let's let's call it what it is a the voice is g off that really hurt that dude right uh and hearing that still do you want to change who you're nominating or are you wanting to stick with Gary knowing that apparently his voice is gone and poor Gary has had to do everything this stream good I mean he's already done a cross C impression come on after he crashed out2 oh we can't repeat it that's not ideal the thing is you're only saying you're only saying that is because I'm sure you've got crossco into the stream to listen to me do it not stupid go on GAR if you do one I'll do one for free as no I'm all we have restarted can't do any wolf oh everyone could do Toto wolf just just imagine the immortal line of the words to Michael Massie it's not fair Michael it's not right it's not right that is still not right Michael complete with with headphon smashes no Mikey no anyway we are racing again there's two laps left of this race oh for [ __ ] sake Gary don't worry steal I will refund you your points later on I did a to I can't do no Gary no that is so not right you turn into Arnold at the I know he's get to the chopper dad Hound is in the lead of the race noise 1.3 seconds behind we put a thing in there that you have to do that voice of the entire stream no you not oh rare winner not ideal but he's near the back so we don't care so two laps to go as they cross the line Hound leads from lore from Phenom from Reese and shadows still down in P5 he is on the first runner on the soft tires and he's not made an impression question of them can Reese overtake Phenom and maybe even lore to get himself on the top step after Hound's penalty time will tell oh crap I forgot hound them apparently yeah uh uh so still we are going to have to I like that actually I'm going to refund your points and we're going to give Gary a forfeit for next time he's on commentary um God sake that's a new rule I am implementing as of this seconds as FB heads stop trying to change the subject Gary we look Nigel's given rare win to D oh Nigel you can I think it was either you can take the hor driver out of the hor You Can't Take N pigle Out of shut up right as as we are on the last part of the race let's slip uh into Gap to leader we see Hound now 2 seconds clear of the guys in front but P2 P3 P4 all within that 3 seconds as phenom's picked up a 3 second time penalty cut in the last corner there and that is a monkey boy special as I see in the chat he's got go pH on go not even on he's still he's absolutely oh no okay have you ever seen anything as beautiful as that I haven't we are on the last lap of the race P1 P3 both have time penalties L holding on just two seconds back from the leader he will inherit the win if things stay as they are the time gaps stay as they are Rees is going to just about be in a P2 position but phenom's made a mistake there at that corner Reese is going to have to back out and that's dropped him out of the 3 second window and he is going to have to settle for P3 as things stand Reese needs to make the move on Phenom now going into the next breaking zone out of the DRS straight Reese now is he going to deploy yes he is deploying and he's not close enough and that is going to cost him 3.2 seconds the Gap now L sits to seconds behind still OTW hound o2w hound and it looks like he's going to make the move uh he's going to make the win his Rees overtakes Phenom but it's too little too late lore is going to pick up the victory here Hound crosses the line in P1 L takes him on the line and reys that's P4 gets P3 at the end of things Shadows picks up P four as you say Gary P5 is Johnny B who's had a very quiet race I don't think I've mentioned him other than when he typed in chat oh and Phenom finishing in P6 that's p7 what what's going on here what what is going on what oh dear Nigel pickle picks up p7 El plan p8 rare winter P9 and rounding out the points oh my God game what the [ __ ] are you doing dway Dan picks up P10 and wing damage as magu comes around the second to last corner to the line is he going to grab faster slap yes he is it's all for nothing he finishes p 11 as yeah that's the end of the race Gary and that is uh I just would like to put out there that Mony tried to double down on the jinxing cuz he said on the go on the laad to be fair I think he said it after law cross the line to be perfectly uh to be perfectly Fair there is your Podium then the top man is LW for the first time this season in tier one and the kick salba team are absolutely ecstatic there you have the uh I don't I don't even know who that is supposed to be but the Merc of Reese and the Alpine of hound rounding out the podium as we'll show you now the preliminary results for uh for the Singapore Grand Prix there you have it l in in the chat saying he doesn't have a mic we've got Hound joining the party and reys might do soon enough juicy right is reys going to join oh will we ever know don't know I don't think I've ever seen uh re ever join a party um but Johnny Be had said something in the chat p15 to P5 by the way yep and that is a fantastic race from him indeed uh like I said yeah really understated I didn't mention his name all race but here we are and he's picked up some really decent points as we'll hold on for a second while I wait for him to reply no uh so it looks like we just got the one driver um so I'm going to go quickly through P3 and P2 and then you can take the uh interview for the winner Gary if you don't mind don't you mean when I said whatever yeah sorry Hound in P3 I tell we'll do Hound P oh I don't should be P1 it should be P1 after St report well it's uh preliminary at this point um so uh Gary why don't you take it away uh so after another hectic uh Singapore G through we're here with our elimary second place man Hound once again another Podium his name could have been the win but I'm sure hopefully in his mind we'll get the Apparently move but hey hand how is uh how was that race for you uh um eventful very eventful um right call but raceist just a mess really the first thing we got to mention I don't know if you know what happened to your teammate yeah I saw I was in a party with him and he's laughing but as he [ __ ] sideways and then went upside down and got wing damage there is a cliit that will be going out um I'm hoping on the Twitter maybe at the soci as well of it uh yeah um you team trying to deploy a very interesting tactic of trying to overtake um but um obviously you mentioned that your penalty should be removed is uh no no the penalty shouldn't be removed um law should be uh ping in my opinion um I mean under safety car I had a 3.2 I was positive 3.2 which means everyone else should be roughly around that area you know 2.8 to 4 seconds you know around that Delta and um going around the last corner he Slams on The Brak and I L have to Swerve to get you know to avoid it I mean oh okay well we'll have to see what Stewart's making that but uh uh Johnny B said do you want to C that car B uh if you can send it to David uh if you want to um but yeah uh obviously uh that would be lovely the Mercedes were at one point one and two and uh you had to make the way through the field uh was there any at that point do you think that you were going to be able to catch them um at that point no um uh on that first stint my the rear my car just kept going into every corner I had the I up my front brake bar by one and that kind of sorted the problem but I honestly thought they were just going to run off with the race and then the first safety car happened and um yeah that's kind of where changed for the Mercedes really yeah the the downfall started happening um yeah obviously we had two more safety cars um was there another option on that final safety car to go for a set of softs or were you happy to St on the mediums no mediums were only about 2 3% old um yeah so I was happy to stay out on them I kind of wanted to be in first position as well to control the restart um I mean if that last saf car wasn't I think I I think I could have won the race without having to rely on the stewards always want to win on track than the Stewart's decision I mean I I mean like you saw in them last two three laps I pulled like 2 seconds within a couple of laps and I had already got past uh law um well when I got past him before that the last safety car I pulled him from DRS and I think it was 1 I think the Gap is between 1.5 to two seconds then so I really feel like I could have won the race on track if it wasn't for that last safety car yep and obviously next week is obviously we're back to normal world the te are now back on the same um uh tracks now obviously next week we are at Belgium so famous Spar Frank sh Spar I can't pronounce all the rest of it um how are we feeling for that that um I've done a few League races around there um some have been wet yeah a couple of them have been dry as well um I definitely need to work on my race Pace round there that's no not strong that's not my strong point rounder my one lap Pace I feel like is decent but yeah we'll have to say uh before we go we David David do you want to say anything uh no other than well done um yeah it was uh it was a Topsy Turvy race and uh yeah you did the best you could in the circumstances given so yeah congratulations on your provisional uh Podium potential uh potentially better than that we'll wait for the Stewart's decisions but yeah well done to you hound well done cheers so on to uh a quick word from P2 and P1 we've got uh we've got reys who picked up P2 provisionally uh P oh I I don't know I don't know who got what all right Leave Me Alone um and right yes so uh yeah Reese did a very good job played very sensible with his teammate early on and and yeah not much else to say he's just continued his decent uh runoff form unfortunately can't be with us in the in the in the coms box but never mind um so yeah that's that and for lore in the salba which yeah um yeah LW is a bit of an understated dve um he kept his nose clean for the most part uh didn't get any penalties and uh yeah kind of I don't want to be a bit mean but yeah definitely benefited from the safety cars and uh yeah made the most of it so uh a decent race from him as well um so yeah commiserations to the Williams team once again for for bottling decent positions uh we'll see after the steward's report anyway uh I think that just about rounds it off Gary and if you could do the wonderful wonderful job that you do in offering the co- commentators driver of the day uh that would be wonderful Earth to Gary oh I was on mute cuz I was having a cough it but I'm here now sorry uh there's only one person that's on my mind for it and uh I would I would say it was the one person that David didn't mention all Johnny B from basally last on the grid to basally just finishing out of the pods in P5 think was only like a second away from a Podium uh I would say he deserves the driver the day well there you go driver of the day drive Johnny B so congratulations to you we'll get that uh we'll get that in our lovely race graphics and uh thank you all for watching all we've got time for this week tune in again on Monday for the tier three GP around Belgium Spa Franco show we watch radical dominance continue yep we'll watch the radical dominance continue in tier three thanks Gary thanks for your faith anyway I have been your host David LF face joining me in the comments box tonight has he muted himself again no no no no sorry I was reading s someone mess me uh s sorry thank you very much for tuning in and good night where Dam

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