Published: Jun 20, 2024 Duration: 00:06:55 Category: Sports

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[Applause] welcome back to the Brady show you just can't stop him can you Brady Ola does it again Ola would not be St and Brady's not going anywhere Brady Olivera Winnipeg Blue bomber what does it mean for you to still be with this team yeah it's special living out a childhood dream and um making sure that I have another two years to to live out that dream right so it it means a lot to me of a lot of ties obviously within wiip Peg and the community especially in that locker room you know there's so much continuity still um and the guys and and the coaching staff and the organization and just to be a part of that organization still means a lot to me how stressful was the process yeah extremely stressful was um you know probably the first time I actually got to see you know how this business Works going into my this is my third contract the last one I did it just it's a basic right like still having to prove myself but now you know coming off the season that I had and having some leverage power in negotiations you really see that it's a business and it doesn't always work out that you're going to be with the same team for your entire career you know and that's what I'd wish it was stressful because lots of conversations with other teams and not Winnipeg when Winnipeg hopped back into the conversation my mind was a little bit more at ease and I just really wanted to get the deal done and the money wasn't going to pull me elsewhere some of those numbers were reported seeing some of those numbers did did it ever tempt you when you saw those numbers coming out I was like wow you know I have to look at this cuz I really thought the the reality was is that I was going to end up elsewhere you know I really thought there was a strong chance that I was going to you know be a BC lion this upcoming season for the next 3 years right is what was on the table how excited was your mom when you signed with winipeg yeah she was a static um you know I'm a mama's boy and when I gave her that news like hey you know I'm going to sign back with Winnipeg just ecstatic like super pumped that I was going to be back and be home and and just be around all my family and friends what does it me and what she's done for your career yeah my mom has been uh you know a pivotal role in my in my life you know obviously the way I grew up um the things that me and my siblings had to experience and and my mom being our backbone and supporting us through it all you know raising three kids by herself Isn't Easy by any means and she found a way to keep us busy keep us in sports and keep us out of trouble so I owe it all to her and growing up I use Sports as motivation to stay hungry and to stay out of trouble and my why was always my mom you know you know it for her mom I love you uh been through a lot I love you let's chat about the end of last season and just another heartbreaking loss how hard was that one to digest at the end of the season it was tough you know I I still haven't even been able to watch that great Cup game still just a sour taste in my mouth we expected to win of course every single game you expect to win but it was just something about this game we had such a good game plan and we were locked in throughout the week and the confidence that we had to go out there and and to be great like we've done all season then you go out there and you don't get the result that you want it's it's a terrible feeling and then you split to Bal all your worries went away what was it like being there for 2 months in your offseason yeah it's it's incredible I I continue to do these trips every single offseason and I I feel like you know I put so much energy into the sport I love this sport I I give so much to it so much to the city to the organization and most importantly to my teammates every single week that by the end of the year I'm drained and so I feel like I go to these you know warmer climates and these beautiful parts of the world and I just get rejuvenated with all this energy and it's exactly what I need in that time so that when I come back to Winnipeg I'm like a full charg iPhone like battery I'm at 100% and then by the time the end of the season comes it's like okay time for your trip again and also mixing in you know the animal rescue work that I'm doing and been going to Bali the last 2 years and raising money for Charities out there organizations putting on sterilization clinics doing Street Feeding so it's been very productive my girlfriend and I have been doing this the last three years going to different parts of the world and and rescuing dogs the dog rescue I mean this has been heavily documented at this point and everything that you've done but how nice is that during the season as well to know that you still get to do what you love outside of football and help all these animals no it it it truly does mean a lot if if there's a day off or football's getting you know too hectic and the mental and I need something to you know do something that brings joy into my life okay well I can go to the local shelter I can go to the winipeg Human Society I can go hang out with puppies I can raise some awareness um highlight a dog on my socials to get adopted go to a community and assist rescue some dogs bring them back to winnig so things like that that just fills my soul with joy although you see some things you wish you can unsee at the end of the day you're saving lives and you need to celebrate the small wins and it just it fills me up there is a current Canadian policy against uh animal rescuing that you are fighting can you tell us a little bit about that yeah there's a a rescue ban right now for countries that are dealing with rabies you know dogs in certain countries can't come in to Canada or the US the funny thing about that is that there's a rabies vaccine for a reason right and as long as the dog gets rabies and it's it's documented and they have all the records I don't see why they aren't able to you know be brought to the country well I know you're doing big things in your community and sticking with your community I have to ask about the retirement of Andrew Harris so obviously before you Park High School yourself Nick demsky him all coming out of there and being representatives of Winnipeg and Manitoba what did it mean to you uh when he retired yeah it's it's amazing that I'm really glad that the club did that gave him an opportunity to come back and sign that one day contract and retire as a bomber what he was able to accomplish with that organization and be a massive reason why they ended the drought and brought a great cut back to the city after 29 years he was the the guy that paved the way and put a stamp on his career you know he's he's retiring as a blue bomber um I'm just really happy for him what does it mean to you now to basically take that torch as Manitoba's own staying in Winnipeg playing for the bombers yeah it's it's exciting I'm very you know blessed and fortunate with the opportunity that I have and I definitely don't take it for granted I had massive shoots to fill with Andrew but now I just got to continue to strive for greatness and just whatever records Andrew's done try and beat it [Applause]

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