Lee Daniels, Andra Day & Caleb McLaughlin On New Film "The Deliverance"

Published: Aug 22, 2024 Duration: 00:23:00 Category: Entertainment

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v13 big TI Morning Show with JZ MC on the people station V103 the ATL's number one for hip hop R&B and throw bags What's happen yes that's right this is what's happening right here this is absolutely we are delivered yes we are delivered almost honored and uh privileged to have these wonderful people sitting in front of us mostly responsible for the Deliverance uh on Netflix August 30 if you need to stream it watch it again and again and again and again I will start from uh furthest from my right uh Caleb mlin is in the building how are you sir Caleb you good uh sitting right next to him his mom in the movie Andre day hello hi Beau and the uh uh the the guy who's behind the scenes always making things happen the director of this particular situation Mr Lee Daniels how are you sir thank you the director of this particular situation I know that's right this particular situ coming up with I like that the director of this particular situ that's very very uh WD Philadelphia 1978 throw please believe it been around the block U this isn't y'all scary very scary why y'all being scary know he's like I know like well yeah we expected that but yeah reading the synopsis of the it's a different because it's based on true events it's based on true events yes but I s it up a little bit you know just because I believe that Spirits both good and bad come on you and so I just changed her mom in the film to White because I wanted to explore what a biracial girl goes through having a white mom and uh and I just didn't want them spirits on me you know I know right you know I didn't even want to do the movie because it it uh I didn't want the spirits on me but I realize that we are in dark times right now I was this movie sat with me for 10 years more however long wow and I didn't do it then because I thought that it was about I just thought it was horror only and then and now I realized you know it was time to do it because it was about me finding my higher power me finding the light and uh and so I got the courage to do it I the courage that is because before we actually watched the film I did my own research so I I found the actual story um in the indie star about this the woman Latoya and going through this in 2011 and when I saw the film I said now it was true events was it was it was really really real but was it based off something that we all kind of deal with like the demons internally and externally yeah yeah I think um no I'm and I'm glad you picked up on that because I think that was a big point for him it's definitely based off true story it's based off true events it's based off of her real experience and the possession with the kids those things were real um but I think he also wanted to make it because as he said like he needed some separation there as well so um he did want and also I think anytime I work with you it's you want your characters to have their life Lee injects a lot of himself into these characters and then receives a lot of what the his actors bring to these characters so um it was definitely based on a true story but it's not just a horror film and I think that's one of the things that that we've wanted to be really clear about kind of during this press run that this is in in my opinion he's almost created like an entirely new genre like this is very much a faith-based thriller It's A Soulful Thriller as someone had mentioned the other day there are horror elements to it but it's also a family drama you know and so I think it's really important I always tell people if you just think it's horror and you don't do horror I think you would be remiss to not see the film cuz there's a lot there's transformation we're talking about generational healing ebony my character is trying to heal a lot of trauma in her life and be the best mother she can be to kid so there's a spiritual aspect to it as well and so I think that um there's a there's a family drama there's a lot of spiritual aspect to it you know as Lee says well I don't want to say it for you but you say it all the time Lee always says his goal with this film was to scare you to your higher power for him for myself for Caleb that's Jesus for other people it's Allah it's Buddha it's yourself it's you know but you know and I think that's the focus of the film you know so it's victorious in that way so it's not just about scaring people for sure we scary but it's not we SC I was scared I listen going back to Faith I said I got to get out my holy oil and but um what What attracted you to the character when you first read the script um well I think the first thing that well the first thing attracted me to the movie was working with him you know him and I did a movie called United States versus BL holiday together and that's where oh yeah you watched it that was awesome but that's where we really just built our relationship you know and so I have like complete trust in so whatever he does I want to be a part of but with this one there was a little bit of sort of trepidation because of the subject matter um but I think what drew me to Ebony's character was that a she's a real person and it sounds crazy to say in 2024 but it's not easy as a black woman to find fully realized characters right with depth and with range and you know real life stories and backstory and and goals and objectives and so um and I just I love her character cuz she's very honest she is she is a woman whose mother was abused and so her mother abused her but she's trying to do the best she can do with what it is that she has she's a single mom she's a buting alcoholic she you know she's not just fighting the demons that are actually possessing her kids but she's fighting her on personal demons and so we it's and I what I also love about it is that I was you know a lot of people would ask and I've had people ask me even well how can you be I'm a Christian right so how can you be a Christian how can you do a movie that talks about demons and I'm like we should be talking about it you know what I'm saying and that's what I was reminded going into this that those things we have victory over those things that we have to be light in Dark Places and his goal for this movie was different it wasn't just about scary he had a purpose for what he was doing that's what drew me to the moon was the intention behind it you know I mean Netflix wanted a bunch of jump scares in the beginning they didn't understand where I was going with it they wanted it like scary boom bo I'm like no the scare is is she going to knock these kids upside her head you know what I mean the scare is he called his mother a [Β __Β ] in the movie okay wait a minute okay that's the scare right there especially in Black homes yeah I think that um I think that the church there will be some controversy with the church when they see it because is is it a faith-based film when we are lots there's lots of cursing in the film but you know Jesus walked with hookers Jesus walked with alcoholics did yeah with the deric he was a g you know in finding God and so um I think that either you are spiritual mhm or you're political MH you know well well like this this movie definitely to my knowledge is one of the first real intersections of the black church in exorcism yeah um cuz you know we don't really do that that's a good point right yeah everybody going to church every day not the black church so that that was an interesting aspect of it all and Caleb I had to ask you what what was it like dealing with Mom and during this movie cuz you was on a nice little roller coaster ride without spoiling it but you need to see it on Netflix um yeah uhuh August 30th go see it what was it like uh with mom um I mean what do you mean trth like what how was it like the whole process of it all oh I mean I working with Andrew was on honor uh after watching her performance in U Billy playing Billy Holly playing Billy Holiday um just how like she's an artist and we've had great conversations if you look at her script it's just a bunch of notes a bunch of notes so you I'm like ah I'm dealing with a true like thesbian you know what I mean so uh being able to share the screen with her and you know even talk about our personal lives getting advice he's you know a great mentor as well um I mean besides I I think wait what can I say I can't say much right about say much about the movie okay well there's well how can I explain there's a scene that we had to do and um you a little bit she's really strong that's what call yeah here's the thing he's they're uh they're actors and then there's artists and these are artists and I like to surround myself with artists uh you know I produce a lot of Television too so you know that so I'm I'm I'm in that world but when I'm directing something it I I I like to work with people that are committed to the craft that are serious about the craft they don't have time to to understand there's no time for me being politically correct or worrying about being cancelled do you know what I mean I have to be able to express myself and and they expressions of me and I tell you it was the most I mean I I I get moved by it because they I I feel blessed to have worked with Mo'Nique and uh I mean just just really blessed to work with my sister again and um and Glen Close and ainu Ellis like these are these are artists you know what I mean that uh that don't uh that don't come to the playground without some candy for Big Daddy right you know what I mean here we go D Andrew I wanted to ask you like you're you're kind of getting started but you you know you want to Golden clove like you have surpassed a lot of OG's that's in the business and you done phenomenal so for being around like the some of the veterans such as Glen CL and Omar fs and an was it a little intimidating being on screen with them and did you come in as like oh I am this but did you did you go and like get advice from them like how was it being on set with all of them they critique you yeah all of the above all things you know did you get to finish what you were saying too I don't know if you okay well we'll come back I just wanted to make sure I was like did you okay um I'm going to cut my boy off do we cut my boy off good I never want to cut him off good cuz we got to get him to talk no he he'll try to pass the mic quick right we coming back we coming back here no no uhuh no we're coming back I just don't want to get fine here no no it was it was that way with all of the actors on set working getting on set with Caleb getting on set with Demi with AJ with Glenn with Monique with Anan with Omar you know with Tasha it it just yes it was absolutely intimidating and it was not and it's not lost on me you're right I am new to this and and fortunately by God's grace and generosity this was the first director I've ever worked with and so I I really I I don't know if it would have gone the same if it was a different person so I was definitely intimidated but I also understand you know I I need to show up and I need to prepared I need to be a well for my character and a well for other people's characters because they're going to come with the work you know like and so um being onet with all of them I learned a lot I learned a lot from his process he's a beast of an actor like I learned a lot from his process how he's able to do certain things that I'm not able to do like the way Caleb can tap in very quickly is not something for me like I need a lot of time to rev up and so I learned that from a few people on say he's like that Monique is like that you know like so it was really it was a learning experience for me it was great being able to just watch them and to learn from them but also they poured into me you know what I'm saying and embraced me and so uh yeah it was intimidating but at the same time when you're on set it's sort of like okay I can either let it intimidate me and like kind of be it's like the fight ORF flight thing I still have to show up though you know what I'm saying and I have to perform and um and it needs to be enough for them to respond to for them to react to for him to be able to put a movie together so it was it's a blessing it's also not lost on me that like you know how well it went especially the first time and like how the community of actors has embraced me but I think it's also because sometimes you have this mis I think there's a lot of people who don't work in acting or don't work in film that have this misconception that it's like you just come in and you can pretend really good and you'll be so good and you don't have it's a lot there are people who go to school for this for years like it's a lot of work I had to just take those years and do it in a shorter period of time but the commitment was still there the sacrifice was still there so it you know it's it matters and they've been doing this for years so I had to show up for them you did phenomenal thank you so much Caleb mclin Andrew day and uh the director in this particular situation the Big tiet Morning Show on three uh you mentioned the the your reuniting with Mo'Nique how was that after such a public a public such a beautiful beautiful we worked on she didn't know this but I was working on some she didn't know this but I was working on something called the reading it was a movie that she was in a young filmmaker came to me with this uh movie okay I helped a lot of young filmmakers out with independent films and so this kid came up to Young not a kid but Courtney uh came up to me with this with this unfinished film and he said can you help me with it and so uh I spent four or five months helping him edit the film it was Mo'Nique that was starring in the film and as and I Was preparing two things I was he had a he you know you saw the reading with Mo'Nique that was a horror movie so it was I Was preparing for my horror movie through that horror movie so I was helping him but he was really helping me too but as I was help editing the film I realized that there was just no part of my journey was finding my higher power part of my and that meant I'm 65 I wanted to tomorrow's not promised so I just wanted to say I love you whatever it was that I did to you I'm sorry and uh and and it was beautiful and it was powerful not only not going to tell you I'm sorry but I'm going to put you in my movie you know what I mean and and and we going we going to do it again right and you're not going to play what you played in Precious you're going to play the opposite I'm I'mma stuff you in something fierce you know what I mean and and put some jewelry on you and uh and we were like kids in the playground again it was really just spectacular that was refreshing I I really love that I know you said the um some of the the the parts in the movie got so heavy to where you all actually had to have a preacher on set almost every day to pray yep tell me Dad's a preacher too he's a reverend was he on set he definely he did I remember that me a lot and and and lighted like smoked out my trailer moments as well well like Sage yeah Sage got to be clear no that's not that kind of sage was Sage me you know the real uh you they know what they know what I mean but even Tucker uh he he smoked out uh Tucker's trailer as well that's the way you say it though mean spiritual people kind of know like what the smok you know you take stage CL clarify but a preacher on we do have we had besides his dad we had a we had uh Apostle Lewis who also uh who also is a deliverer and he prayed every he prayed he prayed through us and Andrew and I prayed before we shot any every scene I love it because listen I read that book The Making of Exorcist I read that book The Making of what was that movie Poltergeist no it was not happening on my it did a couple of things did happen but not to that extreme I we were happened what really happened on set like something little things little weird things were like you know like uh something popped in her what's it called the fire extend pop back when she was putting that demon out in my eye yeah oh wow what my dog died just weird things were happening and um and you could feel it you know and it was important that we prayed okay yeah that's that yeah I I don't leave me out of I know like my my grandmother she was very spiritual so I remember we watching the movie Ghost and right after that like one of us got with fighting it's just don't bring that in my house ever again so how did how did you get the character off of you um after you've done um with the film that she's completely off of me yet really see we joke about this all the time I feel like I'm she needs another character took Billy it took it took she this holid oh got the tattoos of our the kid let me see this are the tattoos that's still this was supposed to happen fully Faded by now but it did not F that's Caleb this is Demi and that is AJ right there and it will not come off no you know what's sad too it's unfortunate I ain't got no kids so I feel so bad when people salute me they be like three kids I'm like right no before you give me that these are not my children they're like nieces and nephews no they're not even real they don't you want kid So eventually I'm just going to switch it out for there's a three right there that's probably manif I just I think that it was like I don't know you know I I spent time in Philly because like he didn't want it to be so on the nose Philly but that's where like the inspiration was coming from cuz that's if you really listen to her vocal she has the Philadelphia accent down to a T and those from Philadelphia they here's the problem and this is why acting I was like maybe I don't I might need to take a little break of some because literally I get people now that will still be like you from Philly I'm like damn it I'm like no I'm not actually that's a good thing but it's good it's great for the character it's really good you know what I mean but but also she you know she deserves the characters I think especially you working with him the characters deserve that level of commitment you know what I mean but I I don't know as far as like detoxing I'm a Praying person you know what I mean so I just feel like if God brought me somewhere he he bring you to he going to bring you through it right that old saying and so I just I don't know I spend my life just trusting God and then you know and whatever goes goes and whatever is meant to stay stays cuz you know it's funny things change Us in life you know what I mean like I think that see scary stuff is happening we just talking about the movie what was that in the name of Jes portal was that a portal we re that was just a chair mov well well well I mean I heard you speak in tongu so talk to them all right EXA right exact Now's the Time that's something interesting too you know we she um was written it was written that she you know there was a scene that was written and and then she started speaking in tongue and the ad didn't know what tongue was she was like well is this this is not scripted sir we going to cut I go no you're not that was good there you go MH it's God working that was good it's her that's all the reason why only one person could have played this role someone that is a Believer and and for even for him you know that he's a Believer he's eating his flesh off of his you know come on man they got August 30th August 30th sorry y'all can cut that can you edit that is this live is this live yeah it's live atut it we trying to not not to give too much away because we saw the film but well listen Netflix August 30th the stuff that you didn't hear him just say the direcor in the situation uh in the situation yo where you from uh I'm from the Bronx New York a situation same differ Philadelphia Bronx New York situation situation you hear me uh thank you all for uh delivering the the Deliverance to us uh and pulling up here this morning uh really quickly C Caleb what else you got bubbling stirring in the pot are we stranger thinging it I mean yeah stranger things Deliverance um um working on music I know yeah cuz you know what it is like uh a lot of people don't know my background so I rather just like you know when the music come out talk about it but yeah start off on theater and everything and I've always loved performing and favorite artist of all time is Stevie Wonder so I want to I want to approach it the right way but um right now the Deliverance with these amazing people I got the privilege of hearing some stuff he's amazing um yeah no the the Deliverance right now we do have the new album that's out as well too I also do music so the album so good also do music I know she just threw away I don't be knowing these days I be like where I'm at no no no the the new album is called Cassandra parentheses Cher so it's out now um we're doing new movie you said and we do have another movie that comes out in October called exhibiting for yes exhibiting forgiveness um uh with the director Titus gafar Stars Andre Holland Andre new Ellis again we got to work together way phenomenal and John Jes who was amazing in this so it's just a story of forgiveness you know a story forgiveness um that comes out in October so a few things in the work yeah a lot of things I have a ton of things but you know I can't talk about them right now you got but right but right no no right now the the it's all about the deliverance and I'm uh just how grateful I am it took me two years almost to edit this film and and uh and maybe 14 years to get it to up there so I'm really I'm just grateful to God for it yeah well keep up the good word yes sir please do and the the movie we're not going to talk about that might feature me since I was on the TV show and I'm going to leave it right here oh that's right he was on star you heard it right here it's coming back look at his face the frenzy the frenzy I'm just going to SM that's all I'm going to do is smile ladies and gentlemen y'all check it out on Netflix on uh August 30th the Deliverance Caleb mclin Andrew day Le uh Lee Daniel thank you for being here this morning and we all all encourage you to watch it but get your yeah get your oils and your crosses and get to your higher power while being scared out your damn mind we'll be back with more big TI Morning Show with jasm MCB right after this on B103 10 three

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