Which Rookie QB is FOOLS GOLD? Joe Milton/Spencer Rattler/Drake Maye/ OR Another QB? ‪@thenflmike‬

what's going on everybody thank you for tuning in to another episode of the show uh before I introduce my special very special guest Amando do I have a treat for you uh we're going to talk about rookie quarterbacks we're going to say we're going to talk about their stats how they've been performing what's going on with Michael penck why didn't he take a start last weekend but also as well maybe amongst these rookie quarterbacks and man is there are a lot of them I think someone might be Fool's Gold I think we might get tricked or maybe not Maybe not maybe this is the most legendary rookie class of all time uh but before we get into that we talk about Jaden Daniels as I like to call Caleb Williams the nail polish assassin we're g getting to a bunch of bunch of people today but before I do that I got special guest one of the baddest men west of the Mississippi NFL Mike of Mike on the mic Sports how you doing today man doing great man happy to be back on the show it's been a while it's been a year I think it's been a long time so I'm excited to be back absolutely absolutely uh Mike man you you crank out viral video after viral video and it's only right that two kings take can come together and break bread and have some Thanksgiving over some football man so so blessed to have you on ladies and gentlemen before you even subscribe and hit dislike on this video man whatever you decide to do man make sure you go in the description of this video and all of his socials going be there man so let's jump into it so we're going to talk about Michael penck B Knicks JJ McCarthy yes he's out for season that really stinks but we're going to touch upon on him real briefly Caleb Williams Spencer rler because Derek Carr really ain't all that anymore uh so he could be fighting for a spot and then we got Jaden Daniels so those will be the the quarterbacks that we're going to take and talk about today um let's kick it off with uh Michael penck now the first week he had 104 yards no touchdowns no interceptions obviously it's crazy they drafted him because we all know Kurt Cousins is is the man um over there but he's probably possibly on a short leash and I actually saw something I saw head coach already spoke on on the matter and at the press conference he was saying penx has shown to the team in practice and in the first preseason game that he is a player that does not need to play in the preseason anymore that's his quote that's crazy right to say that that just Stokes the flame even more like he said that exactly I could have a word off here or there so don't exact quote it but that is exactly what he said that we don't need to play him anymore because he's proven that he's not a preseason player man he's not a crash dummy yeah he's not a crash dummy hot what happened to JJ mcarthy last week they saw it yeah yeah yeah and I think it was that play where JJ had and I'll be honest with you I'm gonna say some stuff here JJ McCarthy blew me away and I know it's preseason but let's be honest this is the most lit preseason I've ever seen in my life this is lit and I love it but I want to say like he baled out and we got to give respect with respect is Du and credit is due man JJ McCarthy balled out and yes it's Sam Darnell's team right now only because JJ is you know hey hold my jock strap while I get better kind of thing you know but um you know I'll be honest with you I always saw him just kind of as like a team role player Michigan's defense carry that team and then there was his pro day where he was overthrowing people and there's the media you know they like to Hype up stuff sometimes rightfully so so I wasn't really feeling the pick and I think he should went day three but man I'm eating crow I'm eating crow bled up in a blender and drinking it because JJ was ball so he's definitely not full as gold uh nor is uh Michael penck man what are your thoughts on B Knicks man it's interesting I like what he's doing in the preseason so far I have been watching it I've been keeping close tabs especially because I'm on the the AFC West round table now once a week it's this big Network they ask me to represent the Chargers so I'm on there and I'm always battling with Broncos fans um so I'm watching it closely and he does look good they do have reasons to be excited but I also want to just everyone to keep in mind it's against backups I want everyone to keep in mind that he's had a very clean pocket and something that I don't anticipate out of the Denver offensive line unless it's it's very improved against starting caliber defensive lines especially in the division with what the Raiders have built the Chargers are seven deep in the pass rasure department and the Chiefs have the the studs that they have at Edge as well in car lus so I I think that it's going to be a lot different come season time I I don't think Bo Knicks is going out there and throw because he's on track to throw for like 300 yards every freaking game right now I don't think that's what's gonna happen when he first starts off this year because once the pressure and the heat is on it's gonna be a little bit different but you can't knock the guy for going out there and doing what he should do against backups if he's gonna be the qb1 and really just taking taking control of the job yeah absolutely absolutely man it's crazy because he was what did he play six years of college football it might have been seven he had a long career man um and what's crazy he played for years and years at Auburn we saw what kind of player he was play played for a little bit at Oregon as well too Bal out but at the same time it's like man we've we've seen all we needed to see so I was just like H okay he'll be a day three guy as well and I'm eating crow again man I guess Crow is just part of my diet Mike uh and he he bowled out me but again like you said it's backups people fighting for a roster spot trying to make a name for themselves as well too so once you're going against Carl uh was uh caraus once you're going against khil Mack um you know Bosa you're going up against I mean that's I mean you brought up a good point and that division all the D lines are pretty good you know with the exception of the Broncos you know but like they're all the D lines are very very well so he's going have to go up against some some big Talent the the pro for him is his play action skills are amazing like he he could throw on the run and he's mobile as well too even though he's really a pocket QB but um that Mobility is helping helping him out a lot um moving on to Spencer rler Spencer rler so um La last weekend he went four for eight 27 yards and he's had 97 yards total are you really impressed with him or you think he's just full as gold man uh I mean I'm not super super impressed with him I seen some nasty looking plays too like some ugly plays I don't know he saw yesterday's preseason game yet but there's some fumbles in there there's some throwers in there that it's just like you can't even be on the field doing that this is this isn't this isn't going to work that's backup that's preseason that's what we expect to see right there out of Spencer Rattler but the Saints QB situation is interesting and there's an opportunity there for someone to kind of grab the reins if Derek Carr slips up or is injured again KN Onna will we don't want you don't we don't want either one of those things to happen because I want the Raiders to look absolutely stupid for letting Derek Carr go and then they have the QB situation that they have right now but if if Derek Carr struggles or if he's dealing with injuries again there's a hole there for Rattler to fill in but unfortunately I think it would be a fill in to get the Saints into position to draft somebody if the event of that happens otherwise Rattler's not gonna ever find the starting lineup I don't think yeah yeah it's crazy when they first got him I was like wow that's what a pickup but let's be real Hal I for was first name was hayner the other quarterback a lot of them he played well last preseason a lot of saints fans liked him and it's just like we're we got six QBs in the first round this this past draft crazy we usually get a lot of QBs early and then there's a break until the second and third rounds and I never will cheer draft in the sixth quarterback with the 12th overall pick it's just you can't do that but it's just the the desperateness for quarterbacks everyone sees it that you can't take down the teams that need to be taken down to get to where you want to go if you don't have a quarterback so it's kind of pushing all the quarterbacks up in the draft including Rattler a guy that like you said would probably be a day free guy you know in any in any situation and not have any chance of playing and be a guy that might not make the team but here he is you know maybe fighting for qb2 which is an assumed chance at qb1 yeah absolutely and it's you we all saw the the show on Netflix where he was just being a prick to his teammates man just you know you talk about Skip ba skit Bist level of low blow like he was just being very disrespectful you know the thing is is when you get to the NFL it's not you ain't GNA be able to do that it's just not g to fly yeah it's not the same like you're the big shot you're the Star Quarterback there but try and do that as the backup quarterback of the New Orleans Saints to Cam Jordan see what happened yeah yeah you want get choke Slamm it's gonna be bad it's gonna be so bad for you like like man what what what happened he's in concussion protocol it's like I don't know coach he was in the shower you just slip and fell man I don't know like you know next day got cut he could and and for those who watching man Mike and I are rooting for all these guys you want everybody to win but also we know it's the NFL and that's not always a reality I would say he's possibly our our Fool's Gold candidate but comment below maybe you agree or disagree I want to hear what y'all got to say uh moving on WE Drake May Drake May of the New England Patriots man he um he looked pretty good man he looked pretty good I but but then you have Joe Milton right all right so who do you like I want to hear what you got to say before I say my PE I like Drake May what the heck I don't even understand what the issue I mean I see why people are excited by Joe Milton he can run around in circles in the fourth quarter of the preseason game and then throw a ball down the field that's not going to work on a consistent level for an entire 18 Game season Drake May is what the Patriots need the questions for Drake may come in the weapon Department around him they have a lot of young electric guys a lot of guys that us as die hard football fans are ready to see play like like multiple players but no one proven to come in and produce at a consistent wide receiver one level at the level it's going to take for the Patriots to have any chance in this division against these teams that they're going against so I think that that's the situation of all these quarterbacks that could go sour really quickly um and that's where I kind of worry about Drake May a little bit because you look at where Caleb Williams landed it's kind of like a dream situation for the first overall pick to land Jaden Daniels has a lot of support in Washington you know Drake May is sitting there as a quarterback that's drafted in range of those guys but doesn't have Justin Jefferson out wide doesn't have bon Robinson to hand the ball off to so that's the guy I do worry about as far as the argument that he might turn into Fool's Gold because of the situation and that seems to be the real determiner of success versus failure in the NFL with these rookie quarterbacks more so than not yeah and plus not to mention and look as a Miami Dolphins fan you follow the show I love Misa Miami Dolphins but um look I I root for everybody's success you know what I mean CU fact the matter is I know tons of guys throughout the league you know who I've interviewed and have relationships with um you know and because I've interviewed him but man it's a firsttime head coach so we're going to find out what he's about we're going to find out what the quarterback's about then they draft two quarterbacks uh one in day three the other one uh day one you know and uh I'm with you Mike I like Drake May more he seems a little bit more polished um but then you know there's always like hey what if this guy develops and we get a Jordan love type situation where okay yeah you sit for three years sit for four years what have you but then you come in and you just crush or maybe he gets traded somewhere and blows up um look Jimmy Jimmy Garoppolo I'm not saying he's an elite quarterback but he was in a situation where he's backing up Brady he got to develop and look know dude you you took and you you went very far with the 49ers you know obviously he's on the decline in the back end of his career it's looking like but we could see something even better with that with Joe Millan because there's a guy who can throw the ball 75 80 yards you know what I mean like he's you he Uncle Rico from Napoleon dite yeah I throw his ball over those mountains over there that's that's Joe millon he probably watched that when he was a kid he's like I want to do that you know but again Drake may I think he's a little more realistic right now but who knows injuries happen things happen he could get into a funk he could get benched so many things could happen but uh yeah I definitely got Drake May for that one uh we got two more quarterbacks man and and there's one more layer to that Doug not to cut you off is the fact that Jobe bression in there as a starter it's like in the mix of all of this neither of these guys are even the starting quarterback as of today yeah exactly and it's like you really get to sit enjoy the game and Jobe brette he is he's just gotten better with time you know he really wasn't I wasn't really feeling him when he was on the Patriots the first time you know what I mean now he's back on the Patriots and he was just a you know was it udfa or day three pick from NC State you know I was just like H okay I don't I don't really see it you know he has a decent arm but now like no like he could pick apart offenses I mean he's a you know a mid to lowend starter in this league so yeah he he'll be fun he'll be fun for both those guys to uh to take and learn from for sure um yeah so we got two more quarterbacks Caleb Williams jayen Daniels um Caleb 170 yards so far I'm combining the past two week stats no touchdowns no interceptions um I remember last week he had the cross arm uh sorry the the cross the chest throw and um and then he connected beautifully this past weekend with romadon beautifully he was connecting and uh you know obviously they're on Hard Knock so like people are going to microscope everything's under a microscope right they're going to say oh well uh he does the nail polish they look what he does outside of the field that's that's his business but um but he's dope man and I think I think Chicago Bears fans and it's weird because like one fifth of all my subscribers are Bears fans every video I do about the bears it blows up almost like eight times out of 10 right and um dude they're so happy they're so excited because you look throughout the history they never had like who's your guy McMahon Jake Cutler like what what what what is what is your uh mountain of pton Walter Payton's the best quarterback and running back of all time exactly exactly exactly so you know so it's just it's just one of those things man um what I think they had Cordell Stewart on the back end of his career like they they haven't had anybody you know so I'm excited for they're always in trade talks and stuff happy for do bears as well for do Bears fans that are out there exactly exactly uh then we got Jaden Daniels man in my opinion I think he might be the best quarterback out of this whole list it's my opinion there 123 yards no touchdowns no interceptions I feel like they keep teasing us with him man uh they keep they keep teasing us with him but he's he looks fantastic I love his accuracy I love his quick release uh a little concerned because in college not in the NFL so far but in college uh he's taken a lot of hits that's my only issue with him and he is a slim assassin uh what are your thoughts on Jaden so far I'm excited man I'm like you in the pre-draft process I had jayen Daniels as my most Pro ready quarterback yeah um and and if I was in the seat and I was the one that had to make the choice my job's on the line I would have taken Jaden Daniels over Caleb Williams although I do see the upside with Caleb Williams and we're GNA talk about him soon but I'm excited to see what he's doing in the preseason again just like I was saying with with Bo Knicks you're going to prove you're the starting quarterback of this team a team that could go to a veteran and margus Mariota technically if they wanted to you do it in the preseason and Jaden Daniels has done that and they haven't even let him off the leash as a as a runner yet that's what's that's what's really exciting is that it's been all from the pocket it's almost like they've told him like hey yeah get down you know run and slide if you need to but we're not trying to work on the running game today this is definitely the passing concept we're trying to work on timing we're trying to work on reading the defense as you step up to the line of scrimmage in a timely manner and make it the right reads and he's done it and he's looked exciting and exactly what I was saying in the pre-draft process about his Poise in the pocket his ability to just stand tall in there and deliver passes with accuracy and that being more Pro ready and being a more Pro style and is going to lead to more immediate success then Caleb Williams is you know standing there for four seconds and if it's not working now let's let's start mixing things up and see what I can do uh jayen D is not like that so I think that he's he's looked how I expect him to look and I think that he should be the favorite to win Rook of the Year even though he's not yeah yeah oh man we could we could we could totally see I I yeah I could see that I could see Jaden it's gonna be between in my opinion well you know for whatever it's worth Jaden Daniels cayb Williams are B Knicks but had to choose between those three rookie quarterbacks I'm gonna say Jaden all day man he's I just think numbers why he's gonna put up the most numbers I think that he's in the division that has the most room for the commanders to find out some success yeah I like the Bears team I just don't know how much it's going to just immediately click and in this like this division's tough I don't I'm not gonna say that the Bears with the rookie quarterback even if it's Caleb Williams are gonna win more than 10 games this year and that's not coming in second so yeah yeah that division's brutal bro like Packers are on like they could be in the NFC Championship again for the awards I think Jaden Daniels is in that driver seat where if he puts up the numbers and it's close you know and the commanders are eight and nine or nine and eight he he's going to win Ricky Le here I love it I love it man well ladies and gentlemen comment below on who your favorite rookie quarterback is so far this preseason also as well comment below who you think is the Fool's Gold who is out here tricking people thinking that they're a good quarterback is it Spencer Rattler is it Drake mate maybe you're just a psychopath and you you think that it's bonck I don't know but explain your logic and tell me how much you hate this episode or love it either or I'll see you'all in the comment section also I want to thank my special guest of the day and mic a Mike on the Mike Sports man oh we got the Herbert yeah here's my logic Doug here's why B Nick is going to be a bust because there will never be another Herbert he can't just Rock 10 and come from Oregon and stand 6'5 and try and copy his style his throwing motion get out of here I love it only one there's only one there's only one hert Herbert man he going to get a rank he'll he'll be the quarterback to bring a ring to I was going to say San Diego but to the LA Chargers man and um yeah great things on the way man especially with hard ball man but ladies and gentlemen thank you so much for tuning in uh be sure to take and follow my guest uh I have all socials down in the description hit that subscribe button and I'll see you guys next time on the touchdown with Doug Smith thank you for watching another episode of the touchdown with Doug Smith where we have exclusive NFL content and exclusive NFL interviews be sure to hit that like and that subscribe button follow us on social media see you on the next one

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