The Bachelorette Season 21 Fantasy Suites Recap - Will Devin self eliminate?

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 00:16:32 Category: Film & Animation

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what's going on everyone Scot here welcome back to the channel so we are in the last two weeks of Jen's Journey on The Bachelorette this week we have fantasy suites and then we also have the menel all that's right two nights two episodes Monday and Tuesday which means two Recaps this week Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning for all of you as everyone knows there's three guys left Devin Jonathan and marish all at different stages in the process with the overnight fantasy suite dates this week hoping to provide Jen with the magical word of Bachelor Nation Clarity before going into a possible engagement but before we talk about the fantasy suite episode and jump into all of that if you could just hit that like And subscribe button down there we'll have another video tomorrow morning for Tuesday's episode and as we head into the golden Bachelorette in a couple weeks there'll be more content and Recaps available for the golden Bachelorette as well as well as the end of Jen's Journey here on The Bachelorette so the opening scene we get a little teaser of Devin talking to Jesse says that Jen makes him feel some type of way but he doesn't feel like it and wants to feel wanted but doesn't feel like he's the one um he says he can't do this anymore says it's probably the end for him as it looks like he is knocking on Jen's door so then we jump into the real beginning of the episode in Hawaii for the final weeks of the Season Jen has told all three guys she's falling for them Molly mesnik shows up obviously we saw her a couple weeks ago on that radio date when they were in Seattle Molly thinks that this week is the most important week because of that alone time and I tend to agree just as a viewer you were at home I I assume most people agree that this is probably the most important week for everyone this and hometowns really to see who you can really be good with obviously family part is big thing but then here it's like you get that alone time off camera where you get to talk about really everything and Molly says just that basically right there Jen thinks one of the guys here will be her husband Jen says that her and Jonathan have been a slower burn but they've had exponential growth the last couple weeks and he said that he's falling for her she thinks he's in his head a lot uh Marcus is someone that Jen's always saw a future with she said but she feels like she's been putting in more effort than him because it takes him a little longer to open up we see Devon and Jesse golfing as Jen says that Devon gets her and he said that he's in love with her Jen says she's not there yet but she's falling a lot harder for him Devon said how it is bothering him that he hasn't heard I love you from her yet because how do you propose to someone if you don't know and he brings up very valid points like how are you supposed to which is that's just part of this crazy process that is the bachelor Bachelorette all this like how are you supposed to propose to someone especially if they stay true to the process the whole time and don't say I love you before it they can give you as many reassurances as you want but it's quite easy to get in your head Jen says the biggest obstacle with Devon is self sabotage on her end uh she trying to lean into her feelings and you know kind of not trying to believe that it's too good to be true Molly tells her not to question it and that she deserves all those things to soak in those feelings with all of these guys to see where she's at to get that you guess that Clarity going into this final week of the season and a possible engagement uh so Devon gets the first fantasy suite date they go for a helicopter ride Jen says she's close to being in love with Deon doesn't say yet though they fly by a rainbow some amazing views in the helicopter land near a waterfall then they end up at the beach to have some champagne and talk about hometowns and kind of what comes next and where they're both at uh Deon talks about how much he's looking for forward to getting back to a normal life do normal stuff with her and get ready to go back to work as well Jen said she's trying to be cautious to let her feelings catch up to her head Devon says why he loves her and Jen says how it's sometimes hard for her to accept a good thing for what it is she wants to lean into it and she's trying and she says that she's on her way there Devon says I'll be there when you get here you're worth the wait but he still said that would be nice to hear that Big L even though she's done a good job of reassuring him throughout this process in the last couple weeks at the night portion Devon asks her what she meant by sometimes she can't recognize a good thing and she says you know just self-sabotage and because of her bad relationships that she's experienced in the past she says it's because she's never had anything like this before and she's like is this real she doesn't know if it's real or not and she's like there's got to be something wrong here doesn't want there to be pressure from him on his end uh she doesn't feel the pressure and appreciates that they're able to be themselves Jen asks if he's ready for an engagement he says yes um he's never met someone who accepts him the way that she does and would love to call her his fiance and wife and how she's this rock that he didn't know he needed she says just can't tell you how much you mean to me they keep teasing the big I love you not there yet though for Jen Jen says how she would love to be in love with Devon and she'll know it when she knows it they both agree to stay overnight in the fantasy suite and in the morning it seems like they both had a good night and Jen says she is a happy girl and says she feels amazing she said she's beginning to accept that a good thing's just a good thing they both feel aligned in their future as well Jen says and Devon says he feels calm and comfortable Jen also mentioned that she can see the future with him and hope that can help him get out of his head a little bit uh Devon's elated but knows he can't hang out to this moment forever says he'd be crushed if he said I love you to her and she went around and said it to someone else well hang on for the rest of this so Deon Jonathan gets the next date with Jen Jonathan thinks the next step is just going deeper with her after he said he's falling for her Jen says she is falling for him even if it was slow burn at first Jen picks him up in a Jeep and they drive around go to some markets they pull up to a sweet store dessert store and Jonathan's like no where you going to make me eat sweets It's Time to break the diet like I think you can deal with one day off the diet Jonathan they laugh they have a good time and again a normal date something that as Jen even says that they could be doing on a normal day back in the real world they head down to a waterfall able to sit down and talk some more Jonathan says I want to be that breath of fresh air for you and Jen says I don't want you to be afraid to emote or tell me how you're feeling uh Jonathan is trying to be more open knows it's now or never at the night portion Jen says she has very strong feelings for Jonathan that they have a strong foundation and have a lot of fun together but want to get past that fun part and you know wants him to talk more about you know growing up and what he wants in a family and more deep stuff like that going forward to get to that next level uh Jen opens up about how her growing up and how her parents were immigrants and you know growing up in a predominantly white Suburban neighborhood and having to kind of hide who she was in her words you know you know maybe having to bring a different lch as an example she used and such just to fit in Jonathan says how he would love to have a mixed fly as obviously we saw it last week in his hometowns you know he comes from a mixed household and mixed family as well and wants their kids to go through life confident in who they are they both agree to stay overnight together in the fantasy suite and Jonathan wakes up and says how the feelings are so far ahead of where he thought they would be from night one and it seems like a good night and Jonathan said The Vibes are through the roof and that he can't contain it he says he can see this being something absolutely incredible as we see Devon is kind of still in his head a little bit freaking out or I wouldn't even say Frank it out just kind of anxious about the whole process you know we're getting down to the nitty-gritty here the kind of end of the road for everyone here whether it's going to end up in a proposal or heartbreak for everyone involved here said he feels like he left Jen's feeling less of himself than he did walking into it giving out love he doesn't feel like he's getting in return Deon says he's been the safe bet before in past relationships doesn't want to be that second or third option and he doesn't feel like he's that number one option just feels he's like one of the options Marcus and Jesse are hitting some balls on the Range kind of talking before he goes on his overnight date with Jen uh Marcus knows this is the most important week so far he knows that she's a bit ahead of him right now in terms of where their feelings are at but he says he's spent years running from this as well as things are going he said he's not at that point of being in love yet but he says he's doing everything that he can to get there and it would be wrong for him to get down on one knee right now and it would be unfair to Jen given that he's not there yet he wants to see what she sees in him and why she's chosen him throughout this process Jesse says you know you're an inspiration and you deserve to be happy can tell Jesse's trying to help him along here with him you know kind of struggling to open up and Jesse can kind of probably see it from both sides there he doesn't know if he's trying to find feelings that aren't there Marcus meets Jen for his overnight date Jen says that since the second one1 the feelings have continued to grow and grow but she's scared that she's further along emotionally that he is she says she's in love with Marcus so officially she is in love with Marcus and has been feeling it for a couple weeks now as she says they hop on a boat and set off he says he was feeling really good after hometowns but has been getting in his own head when they're not together he says he feels closer than he has in a really long time but that it's terrifying Jen agrees as well they're going snorkeling for the date portion the manatees at night that light up get the full scuba suits on and head on down and wow absolutely incredible views at the night portion Jen says that she is in love with him and not to tell him would be a disservice to their relationship she said she do see him there at the end of all this Marcus says that he's nervous because after the last Rose ceremony he knows it's not again that he'll have another week and he can be in the middle of trying to get there and get sent home and that bothered him he said that this was the first time the first night that he kind of got in his head and it was hard for him to recover from that he says proposing is something he only wants to do once obviously and the most important thing is being a good husband and father and being present as well wants to feel certain and have that confidence he says there's so much potential right now and so many things that have aligned with us and have never experienced this with anyone but he does tell her that he's not in love with her yet he tells her he's worried because he feels unsure he doesn't know if he's putting pressure on himself because of how fast this process is and how fast you know kind of the end is approaching been hard to get to a point where he feels comfortable saying he's in love obviously not what Jen wants to hear he starts to say I'm sorry and Jen's like you don't have to apologize you know you're following your heart and what that means to you she said there's a a lot of different places of love and types of love and she said I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in love with you uh feels she needed to say it to get it off her chest and not for him to say it or you know kind of like a repercussion here like you know she said it you know to try to have him say it she said that's not what this is at all she said it just be doing a disservice to herself if she didn't say it at this point especially at this point in the journey marus his emotional and says he's going to keep trying as hard as he can even when he's afraid or certain he said even though I'm not there yet he wouldn't be sitting here if he didn't think that was a possibility you deserve all the love in the world and I'm trying to get their Mark says to her he said hearing she was in love with him is something he didn't know he needed to hear until he heard it and realizes how important their connection is to her they both agreed to stay overnight in the fantasy suite and looking for that alone time to grow together and for him to get to a point where he's as certain as her looking for confidence and you guessed it I got to say though they have the coolest setup for the overnight dates they have like a little Treehouse setup it looks like and Jen can see a very happy life with Marcus and she's hoping that he's ready to propose to her and is in love with her at the end of the week seems like it was a beneficial night for both of them growing closer together he still thinks the sky's the limit with them and needs to meet her where she's at said that this helped him with some of the doubts and it was a good step for them Jen is happy to hear that obviously and she leaves him with don't start thinking too much she said though that it is hard to be in love with someone who's not there yet especially with meeting the family next week then we're back with Devin who is struggling says he's waiting for something that he doesn't know if is coming referring to if Jen is going to say that I love you back to him Jesse comes to talk with him and help him out explains to Jesse how he's been struggling and how he wanted to ask her if she loved him as much as he loves her didn't feel whole when he left the room as when he was saying I love you to her she was just saying that I can see a future with you uh feels like he's withering away she's while she's growing with the process and Deon says that Jen said that that he makes her feel some type of way but he says why can't I feel it he doesn't feel like he's the number one um as he said before feels like he's just one of the ones he feels selfish though as he says because he's letting that stuff get to him but it's a part of him as he says that's how he came into this journey and that's you know a part of who he is he is upset he didn't get to ask her and say everything that he wanted to say at the overnight portion withheld what had been bothering him but as he said he would have never given her an ultimatum Jesse says you got to hang on you got to fight like would you really stop now especially this close to the end Devon says his gut is strongly disagreeing with his heart and that is never a good sign he says that he can't do it anymore moving forward he goes to Jen's room to talk with her and be brutally honest as he says says it's probably the end for him Cliffhanger is we get him knocking on the door and Jen answering so tomorrow we'll get to see the that conversation what comes from that conversation assuming the rose ceremony as well plus we'll get the mentel all and Grant as the bachelor first interview on Bachelor I know he did some I think like GMA and some of that other stuff but first time on The Bachelor or Bachelor franchise seeing Grant as the new Bachelor then next Tuesday the ending to Jen's Journey get a quote from her she thought that she knew how she wanted the day to go and woke up with a completely different feeling we see her showing up at a door as we saw again the clip of Jesse saying are you okay with however this ends and then the kind of last scene of that promo for next Tuesday is her knocking at someone's door and as Jesse says no Bachelorette has ended her journey like this and I'm obviously still very intrigued to see how this whole journey end obviously again I say it every time but no spoilers here I I still don't even have I've had a couple guesses throughout that I don't think are correct now going into the finale um I know a couple weeks ago I was like oh yeah Devon seems like the most sense for a while it seemed like Marcus made the most sense but over the last couple weeks it's like I don't think Marcus is getting there but back to Deon for a second here um I do feel like his intuition is probably right as we see that she's said to Marcus and said aloud that she is in love with him and Devin is fully there with her and showing her all these things but she's not there yet with him and it's clearly not being fully reciprocated but I'm interested to see how that conversation plays out on Tuesday and what happens at the road ceremony as well Jonathan as well I feel like there hasn't really been anything wrong in their relationship it was just kind of a slower start so she feels like she's a little bit further along with Marcus with Devin then it it could be Jonathan going home on Tuesday night but you know who knows what comes from this conversation with Devon do I think he's going to self- eliminate no I think he'll at least show up to the Rose ceremony and you know hopefully if he does stay in this journey for his sake that Jen can give him some more reassurance for where that she's at and maybe if seeing how the night went with Marcus the night previous before this conversation happened maybe she has a little more clarity in her head of oh maybe as she said you know accepting a good thing is a good thing especially in terms of what we're seeing on the show you know she says these things she thinks like oh yeah deon's a good thing like checking off all our boxes so maybe she sees like hey a good thing's a good thing and she is able to convince Devon to stay but that is to be determined so looking forward to Tuesday night seeing what comes from this conversation as I said see what happens at the mental all obviously that is always filled with drama and looks like this year is no different for this season but anyway that'll do it for this one again we'll be back tomorrow morning for the recap of Tuesday night's episode so thank you all so much for watching we'll see you in the next one peace out

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