BREAKING: Biden accepting he will have to drop out of the race

Speaker 1: All right. This is going to be a tough  one. A new New York Times report says, per five   sources, that President Biden is increasingly  accepting that he cannot win in November and is   going to have to drop out of the race. Now, I want  to again state if I ignore this reality, I do know   one a service. I do you a disservice. If you look  at the comments on YouTube from my discussions   yesterday of the fact that top Democrats are  now telling Joe Biden, you've got to step down   and allow someone else to run. If you look at  the comments, they are riddled with personal   attacks against me saying, I shouldn't even  be bringing this up. The fact that I'm talking   about it is a problem. Folks, this is happening.  It doesn't have anything to do with me. I am a   mere bit player in this entire thing and we, if  it is happening, need to be prepared to defeat   Donald Trump. So let me tell you what's going  on. First and foremost, check out the article   from the New York Times. People close to Biden  say he appears to accept he may have to leave the   race. This account is based on interviews  with five people close to the president,   all of whom are describing the situation as  delicate. Speaking on the condition of anonymity   to avoid offending the president. Now, what the  sources say is that reality that the reality that   others already have come to believe is setting  in for President Biden? There is the potential   that President Biden will make an announcement  over the next few days that he will not be   running for reelection. There is expected to be no  resignation, in other words, that Biden would say,   I will not be a candidate for reelection, but I  will remain president until the next presidential   term. And the, disagreement to some degree,  is it is leaning towards he would endorse his   vice president, Kamala Harris. But not everyone  believes that that would necessarily be the case.   And then there is the question of whether or not  he endorses Kamala Harris. Whether he would say   there should be an open Democratic convention  in August. There has been a palpable shift in   the last 48 hours, palpable shift. And I know  that there are people in my audience who are   refusing to accept it and saying, this is merely  a story created by, I guess, me and some others.   You all know if you've been watching this show  for a long time now that I have said to you, I am   always going to be frank about what I believe  to be going on. And up until several weeks ago,   I believed it was abundantly clear that Biden  would be the nominee in the aftermath of the   presidential debate on June 27th. I told you,  while there is now more shakiness, I am still   leaning towards Biden will probably be the nominee  because he seems to have most of the support   of Democrats. That has changed over the last 48  hours. We have learned that top Democratic Senator   Chuck Schumer has privately told the president, do  not run for reelection. You will hurt the party.   Nancy Pelosi, top Democrat in the House, has said  the same thing. Hakeem Jeffries, top Democrat in   the House, has said the same thing. Adam Schiff,  a top Democrat in the House seeking to be senator,   has said the same thing. Jamie Raskin has said  the same thing. And now there are reports about   President Barack Obama telling allies that  the path to victory for President Biden in   November has been greatly diminished. It is really  difficult to imagine doesn't matter what I say,   okay, it doesn't matter what I say. And I see  all of you unsubscribing because I'm telling you   what's going on. It doesn't matter what I say when  you see six of the most prominent Democrats in the   country saying it doesn't seem good. Polling in  swing states. Shifting to Trump, winning every   single state. Major donations from Democratic  donors. Frozen. How can you ignore what seems   to be right in front of our eyes as happening?  The white House is denying it. Obviously it's   meaningless. And let me explain why you have to  deny it. If you're the white House up until the   moment at which this is happening, you have to  deny it if you're the white House. Because if   you don't, if you accept he's thinking about it,  it's over. The second the white House acknowledges   he might run, he might not. It is over. So  you have to deny, in order to generate time   for President Biden to do it on his own, if that's  what he decides to do. Apparently, this is being   slowed down to some degree by President Biden  currently having Covid. The New York Times,   story explains that there are people around Biden  who were it not for him isolating with Covid,   they would be much more forcefully saying, you've  got to do it now. You've got to do it by Sunday.   The reporting is that that there's a bit of  a delicate situation there because, you know,   he's out sick and people aren't necessarily  going to show up and go, you got to do it and   you got to do it now. The one interesting aspect  to this is that if President Biden were to make   this announcement soon ish Sunday, for example,  it could really take the wind completely out of   the Republican National Convention. Today is the  peak in terms of you've got the full week of the   RNC. Trump's speech last night, which I believe  was a disaster. But whatever benefit Republicans   and Trump will get from the RNC, it's going to  peak now and over the next 24 hours in general,   by Monday, some of that will have died down.  If on Sunday or Monday, President Biden makes   this announcement. It completely defeats the  RNC. They spent the entire RNC talking about   Joe Biden all of a sudden, if Joe Biden's not the  guy that they're running against, that completely   takes the wind out of their sails. Now, I am not  pretending. That there is an obvious, easy path to   victory. If at this point President Biden were to  be replaced, and also if the replacement were to   take place through a convention process in several  weeks. However, however, what is reassuring is   that people who aren't even running Democrats,  who aren't even running are already polling in   the 40s against Trump in hypothetical polling. If  they prominently become the replacement to Biden   at the convention and then have the appearance of  being much more fit with it and ready to go right   up against Trump. It's completely conceivable to  me that the low 40s to mid 40s polling that these   non candidates have, as their name recognition  goes up and media coverage goes up, could lead   to extraordinarily positive results for Democrats  in November. That's the optimistic perspective. So   this is the latest reporting. I know that there  are people in my audience who are furious about   this. They're look at the comments to my interview  with Nicholas Kristof yesterday. Biden, please.   No, no, no, don't even think about stepping down,  David. You're despicable for even talking about   this. This is sure disaster. The consensus that is  building among top Democrats is that, of course,   having the incumbent president change plans and  say, I'm not running for reelection in late July,   early August has huge risk associated with it.  But the belief is that continuing on has risks   that are just as significant, if not greater.  That's the belief among top Democrats. Now we   can all argue about it. We can all talk about  what we think is best and how it should be done,   and who the replacement should be. There are  now concerns, including from people like AOC,   that many of the people that want Biden to  step aside would not accept Kamala Harris,   even if she is the one who is selected. That could  be a major problem. What is absolutely going to   be disaster is if Biden does step aside the way  so many people have been arguing for him to do.   Kamala Harris is the replacement. And then all the  very same people saying Biden should step aside,   say, oh, I'm not supporting Kamala. I don't like  her either. That will be a disaster. Okay. Trump   wins. If that happens, let's not put the cart  before the horse. Let's not count chickens before   they hatch. Let's use whatever analogies and  metaphors are relevant to you. But this is the   discussion. Increasingly, reporting is indicating  Biden could be out as soon as come Monday morning.   We will follow it closely, and I will let  you know, if we hear anything on our end

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