Francis Ford Coppola, Natalie Portman and Juliette Lewis bring star power to French seaside

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:12:10 Category: News & Politics

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and thanks for joining us for our weekly film show on Arts 24 and we're starting with the Venice film festival and Spain's finest director Pedro almadova has been awarded the top prize the Golden Lion for his first English language feature the room next door starring Tilda Swinton and Julian Moore talks about euthanasia and climate change at 74 his 23rd film marks his first major victory at a film festival it was tipped for the prize after receiving an 18-minute Standing Ovation when it premiered [Music] laa the film basically talks about Tilda Swindon she's a woman who's the master of her life when she's alive but also the master of her death while she's alive too and I believe that this is a fundamental human right that's why we should take a human approach to euthanasia not a political one but it's up to governments to create a law that allows for this transition there we go Pedro adova talking about his awardwinning film The Room next door next to a sequel that both ' 90s kids and Millennials have been waiting for beetle juu beetle juu premiered in Venice and hit screens here in France this week 36 years after the original Monica beluchi William defo and Justin through join the original cast members for a trip into Tim Burton's unique Gothic comic Universe Olivia Salazar wipit tells us more Jesus Bob he's back the ghoul who doesn't take no for an answer Beetlejuice Beetlejuice sees the return of Tim Burton's bizarre and creepy character with a very dark sense of humor the sequel to The 1988 cult classic brings in a new generation with Jenna Orga now playing the youngest member of the Deets family ghosts aren't real only glal people believe that kind of crap been just enough time for people who saw it in the theaters for the first time to feel nostalgic for it but then also there's young people who haven't seen a movie like this before cuz there hasn't really been a movie like it since um that it's exposing them to to new ideas is your mom Lydia Deets unfortunately she's a legend the living the dead can they coexist for Winona Ryder reuniting with co-stars Michael Keaton and Katherine oara was something she had on her to-do list for years I got quite emotional like being there again and seeing everyone and it it was really it was surreal but it was it was a really beautiful experience after its Premiere at the Venice Film Festival the cast saluted the man who brought them into his weird and wonderful Universe there are so few opportunities to be in something that you can say is 100% original and and unique if you ask me or I kind of don't want to know where did this come from it just came from somewhere out there it came from somewhere in the mind of Tim Burton it's showtime Beetle juu was the filmmaker's second feature film it won the Academy Award for best makeup kickstarting the career of a director who's always been in touch with his inner child this is amazing now Burton's unique artistic Vision has been crowned with his very own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame so ever since you know walking streets of Hollywood when I was a little boy and coming to this toy shop which is still here which is incredible so to have this in front of this place makes it extra special and his clout at the box office is still a force to be reckoned with Beetle Juice Beetlejuice brought in $110 million on its opening weekend well Beetle Juice Beetle Juice was also screened at the doville American Film Festival and we can cross there now for the latest on all the action with France 24's Genie godula who's also the MC for the festival hi there jeie now this year marks doville 50th Anniversary it's also the 30th edition of the festival's competition what are some of the highlights so far hi everyone from a very windy doil today we are at the halfway point now Eve of the festivals competition there are 14 films in competition we're about the seventh film at the moment a few of those have actually really stood out for me that I just like to highlight one is called Sing Sing now this is directed by Greg quido it tells the story of a theater program inside a high security prison sing Singh in New York it stars Coleman Domingo who was nominated for an Oscar last year for his role in Rustin now he plays a once real life prisoner who was one of the founders of something called the rehabilitation through the arts program and what's so unique in this film is that the cast of Prisoners is mainly made up of former inmates who themselves were part of this theater program so that's one film that I really felt stood out and and these lines between fiction and reality are also blurred in another competition crowd pleaser that was called The Strangers case now this film was the first feature from director Brandt Anderson he founded something called the real Foundation reel which helps refugees and people from other marginalized communities share their stories through ART so in in this film The Stranger case it tells the story of a Syrian family who's trying to get a better life for itself in the world it got a standing ovation at its competition screening here in dovia and one of the standouts in that cast is actually a french actor Omari now our viewers might know Omari from the hit TV series lupon usually he plays more comedic roles but here he is playing completely against type in the role of a tough Refugee Smuggler take a look I'm offering one win on subop ticket to Greece it will cost you 2,000 for an adult 1,500 for a child dollars not l we don't accept Visa Mastercard American Express only cash no exchanges no reform you sh late all you got CAU not my problem Omari in the strangers case one of the films in competition here in doville just two more I'd like to highlight quickly one is called called exhibiting forgiveness now this is the first feature film from an internationally renowned African-American painter Titus kapar this first film is semi-autobiographical it it talks about a painter's troubled relationship with his father it was presented here in dovia by Andre Holland who viewers might know from his role in movies like Moonlight or Selma and just one more to flag for you Eve bang bang is directed by Vincent grashaw now this is about a former boxer who's trying to reconnect with his estranged grandson and this Stars the great Tim Blake Nelson who's a character actor who's been in everything from the Cohen Brothers Oh Brother Where Art Thou to just Mercy to even the Marvel Comics Universe where he's been in Captain America and the Incredible Hulk and Genie Tim Blake Nelson wasn't the only actor from the Marvel comic Universe to be in doville this week was he exactly and this one was a charmer Sebastian Stan if you know who he is Eve that actor perhaps best known for playing Bucky in Captain America he was awarded the rising star prize here in doville on Monday now in his speech he acknowledged his Romanian Roots the viewers might not know that actually Sebastian samam was born in Romania he moved to Austria with his mom a single mom when he was a young boy and then went on to move to the states when he was just 12 years old Sebastian Stan at his speech saying that he feels that he's really getting in touch with his European roots and his European background has given a certain sensitivity sensibility in choosing his less commercial roles you might remember in can this year he played a young Donald Trump in The Apprentice and he also won the acting award at the Berlin Film Festival this year in February for his role in a different man that film was screened here in doville this week take a look this drug seems to have the potential to actually heal you the implications for life changing face has fallen off in clumps I'm sure it only looks like clumps to you perhaps any potential risk is worth the reward look at this look at this piece of man candy can I believe my eyes Edward prob don't remember me I hi so Genie tell us about some of the other talent in doville this week so a series of doel talent awards are being handed out this week American Indie favorite director James Gray the director of Ad Astra city of L city of Z starring Brad Pit got an award in his speech he said he owes his career to doil because it was here 30 years ago that his film Little Odessa got the critics International prize also at the end of the week at the closing ceremony we will see Oscar winner Natalie Portman who will get her doel Talent award from Isabelle adani that French icon Portman of course won the Oscar for Black Swan is also famous as Queen amadala in St Star Wars and she's had a long love affair with France ever since one of her very first films the professional was Jean Renault and on Friday the great Francis Ford cppa will be in doville as well right the director will be screening his latest film megalopolis but for those who prefer a more classic Copa they can see his Masterwork The Godfather on the big screen here as well now that is one of 50 Classic Movies that's being shown on the big screen to mark this 50th Anniversary Edition also this Friday the festival is going to be having a great ceremony with a dozen former jury presidents here in doil everyone from french actor Gom K to Oscar winning director Jean jaano Costa gav or Claude Louch and if you could have give an award Genie at this year's film festival in doville um what film would you choose I think it would be the best transformation that would go to American actor Juliet Lewis she's in a movie called the thicket that was screened here a western Thriller that was produced and starring Peter Dinklage a Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones she plays Cutthroat Bill and she is unrecognizable okay Gina godula thank you so much for joining us from the doville American Film Festival enjoy the final week we going to leave you now with a look at Genie's pick the thicket starring Juliet Lewis thank you everyone for watching see you next time I was starting to like you you I'm so scary how come nobody put a gun to my he [Music] you're the littlest man I ever seen you're the ugliest

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