Overwatch 2 Tiktoks That Get Your Fastfood Order Wrong

it's time for a lot of y'all's Favorite Time Tik toks set in by you guys OverWatch Tik toks this time uh if you enjoy this content though and you enjoy uh me looking at fun Tik toks stupid Tik toks whatever cool stuff that you guys end up sending in yeah it it's completely supplied by you guys so uh if you guys see cool stuff throw them in my Discord mods will grab them if they're not going to get me banned or dmca they'll put in a channel for me to come watch later so uh yeah if you want to see more of it you know how to get more of it the season 12 balance update just dropped today and here are my predictions for how The Meta might change disclaim oh it's predictions I was going to say uhoh it's still the first day so it's too early to tell for sure but here are some of my educated guesses now let's start with the outlier Lucio I think on most Maps Lucio will still be hard meta they did put his HP down to 225 from 250 but they projectiles do four more damage so not only is his kill threat when diving much higher but also his peel for his backline is much higher because he can dual flankers a lot better and now I call him the outlier because I don't think anybody else will really be hard meta now that is the part that might come back to bite me but with the diva Nerfs in not a huge buff to any other tank maybe outside of zarya I don't see any one tank standing out as the clear winner so overall I think that there will actually be a lot of options for different now that could all be shattered if the soj and mercy Buffs are as as I think they might be with Mercy's healing going from 55 to 60 and her damage boost going from 25% to which by the way sorry small tangent side rant I don't open Twitter like at all anymore but I open it like once a week and I happen to catch today a screenshot of a tweet of somebody like comparing deadlock to OverWatch and they were talking about like how deadlock is so good and like what OverWatch could have been if they just slowed down the game and I was like wait hold on I was kind of with you for a half a second then what' you say like their thing was like OverWatch is too fast-paced and Deadlock is perfect speed and I was like oh yes the famous slow loved the famous slow OverWatch manes that everyone loved like double shield ah yes 30% I was like first off the Gins are not the same there's definitely like mechanical crossover and like gameplay elements I can see but it's a MOA right but like I dude I was like huh weapon spread being reduced and now gaining more energy from critical strikes Mercy soj might make a return to the meta and if not sojourn then Ash Ash was the best hit scan in the game they did not do anything to touch her and they just nerfed Diva so she really might be in a good spot however other than that I think think there will be a lot of flexibility in the DPS role overall I think the game might feel very flexible to every role but who knows we'll see how this a you know what's funny the devs kind of lowkey threw a little on the whole Diva Nerf thing where they're like hey like you know we're putting D.A back to 3 second DM even though the change didn't really make that much of a difference and people were like whoa like I saw some people reactions to it too and it was like who hey you know like of course it makes a big difference that's a that's a major Nerf to D.A and it is it actually is I agree but D.A still probably your best pick other than maybe Winton I think it's a little bit of depending on in ranked specifically like which one you're more comfortable on in a lot of ways they was still really good so like they were kind of right you know I got to they got of talk their [ __ ] and they were right so like I got to respect that you know anyways next hey everybody it what in the oh it's a froger uh dude I got I got jump scared for a second hey everybody it is Froggy here to verify this is my anyways uh this is my cat ride but anyways so Lucio Buffs now the allegations are going around that I sacrificed someone to get this to happen uh to put this in perspective I didn't do that okay look at this I saw you're wondering yes I have five cats but yeah Lucio Buffs uh you're all welcome I had nothing to do with this have fun don't let any content creator tell you otherwise this is the worst patch all time this is the greatest patch of all time don't let any OverWatch Creator tell you otherwise okay they're wrong and stupid wait I don't like being told what to do I'm going to do the opposite that was that's about a spot on of a Frogger video is if you like hey I need I need a quick 42 seconds to see what is Frogger like this is what I would send you this is actually that's can't can't say anything else to that a I'm Throne of a nuis there's a wall with a hidden far a patch ofari behind it also on this map we can wait what on Throne of Anubis there's a wall with a hidden far a patch Amari behind it also on this map we can see Temple of Anubis the all2 CP map in the distance although if we no clip over to it it's obviously very low poly especially compared to the actual points Juno's recolors Chang the pink in her hair to different colors also her Red Skins are named after planets you can tell when Cassidy is going to appear in an OverWatch trailer because the content warning mentions tobacco and he smokes and I never knew that dude I'm mind blown holy usually tell when Cassidy is going to appear also this one's really low I'm the Vol tobacco and he smokes and alarm sound effect plays whenever you equip either Heist skin when you capture the Middle Point on that was meter and drops and if you haven't seen the emote for this skin it's awesome when you capture the Middle Point on Throne a bunch of warnings appear on the monitor about a NIS trying to break containment okay so Bastion has this fire engine skin and his bird has a fire helmet right the color of that fire helmet will turn gold and Jade if you have those variations equipped Juno has a semi- rare hello voice line salutations Ash's dthy skin briefly had a different weapon in the shop Banner which might be a future weapon skin we know Juno's favor oh that looks kind of badass a future weapon skin we know Juno's favorite animal so I'm trying to ask everybody this what is your favorite animal I I would like to encounter a real horse uh yeah I can see it this is what my nightmares look like I can't believe how Picture Perfect this actually encapsulated my nightmares being trapped on the moon on a 2cp map with an Arissa staring at me that is actually like a picture perfect encapsulation of what my nightmares look like what am I watching the second one's not really fair cuz like the whole range thing but at the same same time though I feel like everyone's joked at the lari just a third DPS for like the longest time not wrong but I mean like that's like aari's whole stick is basically just being an off angle DPS support which is like arguably not great what do the comments look like it's almost like one of them is meant to be used at long range and one the other isn't hm yeah I mean it's not wrong it's kind of not wrong like there's other things that play but I mean like allari kind of just is a off angle DPS support and that's just like the world we live in like she's the thing is about is like she's easily diable and like the recent Nerf was actually kind of big and also Dives really good so you can kind of overwhelm her super easy but if she can stand there and poke you like yeah she does a lot it's tled that's just that's literally just OverWatch though like I hate to say it but like that is just OverWatch 2 like OverWatch 2 is different from OverWatch one and one of the major major major design philosophies was to make supports more killing power right like more like right no just heal allari is just kind of the encapsulation of that I guess so it's that's just kind of the game these days you know some people don't like it and I think that's totally valid tank really as bad as everyone says to find out for myself I played my placement games at 4 in the morning so I want to say something really quick and I hope it doesn't get me in trouble but I remember like two weeks ago or some [ __ ] I saw Sam talking about how tank is easy tank is busted and just like play tank and it's a way better time and then I saw a tweet the other night he said he played a 100 matches of tank and he's never he's not touching that thing again and even like he's just like it's it sounds like his mind has completely changed in that 100 games and it doesn't matter if the role is strong it doesn't matter if the role is powerful it legitimately doesn't matter it is like an actual government test to see how far the human psyche can be pushed before it snaps it doesn't matter what the balance is anymore it legitimately doesn't there you can't buff or Nerf anything into fun at this point in that role I have come to realize as somebody who's kind of pulled back quite a bit in playing OverWatch a lot and I just played 60 plus hours this week because of the new season with drops and all this stuff yeah so like I played a lot of OverWatch this week and I didn't play for like a couple weeks before that to lead up to it and I'll tell you what OverWatch is a great game as long as you don't play Too Many tank games let's see what they say and I can confidently say that no it is not it's even worse out of every game I play is T really as bad as everyone says to find out for myself I played my placement games at 400 in the morning and I can confidently say that no it is not it's even worse out of every game I played there was one maybe two teams that did not fully swap to counter me and in those one or two games where the enemy team wasn't full countering me it felt like my own team was trying to full counter me the counter swapping is Shameless I won one or two fights as Winston the enemy DPS come out on Reaper Bastion logically I swapped Diva into that and like this is such an hard argument to have with someone in good faith because someone people will look at you and say OverWatch is a game about counter swapping no it's not OverWatch is about the flexibility to swap yes absolutely yes but the game was not designed as a counter swap rock paper scissors no it wasn't right there were things that you could pick that would give you a better chance of winning fights or One V ones but that didn't mean it would just beat you I like that one swapping is part of the game counter swapping isn't part of the game or shouldn't be the first time this ever happened ever in overwatch's history was with a little character called brick because there was AA character called Tracer running through the whole game and they couldn't figure out how to stop her so they were like we just we'll just put in a character that'll make it super easy for players to stop this character and Oh my Jesus Bri is actually much better nowadays Brig has had like the biggest glow up of OverWatch 2 for real I still think her alt is dog [ __ ] old Al was way better and more healthy but regardless overall so much so much so much no like like brg's not even a problem these days compared to like other [ __ ] now in the age of OverWatch 2 there's a lot of people that do genuinely believe that and like you can't argue with them because like on some grounds they're right that's the game that they've played that is the truth but that's not where we were and that's not where we were built and so that's why we've come to this head where like there feels like there's two groups of people that are like bashing their heads against each other yeah let's just finish this sorry too much [ __ ] myps come out on Reaper Bastion logically I swap Diva into that I win one fight they come out on May symmetra I mean this is absolutely Shameless still won that game because I'm just a beast but my God if I did not have to try five times as hard just to win the game because the enemy characters were just better that being said I can confidently say that tanks are very strong and I mean that in a straight up number sense they do so much damage they have so much health I can understand why the enemy team was full countering me because if they didn't I could just run through them that being said the only answer to a character being to hard counter them is straight up just a bad game design and it is not fun to play I can confidently sit here and tell you that yes playing tank characters which are very strong is not fun at least for me I will say really quick um I don't really like when people do this [ __ ] yeah I know it's annoying when people full counter swap you but like we don't need any more [ __ ] T toxicity in our game anymore we really don't it's kind of stupid this doesn't solve anything like if you want to if you want to like like let's say if you're streaming if you want to flex your stream or your friends or whatever go I I don't care about that but it's just like you know I just it's just kind of weird you know like don't do that [Music]

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