Loren Gray Interview: Acting in Incoming - "I’ve Embarrassed Myself to the Highest Degree"

Dicey Questions you get three rolls on the tower and each number corresponds to a random question I have [Music] perfect yeah this is so cute so I just take this and roll it down there and it'll roll out into the grass oh okay it's supposed to look like Jurassic it's really cute it makes me so happy okay number three is a nice uh light one to start with this one's called the little things I just want to know something little that makes you happy something somebody else out there might think is like seemingly silly but to you it brightens your day ooh there's so many things I feel like recently I've I've tried I've had to actively try to be happier do you know what I mean like you have to like really pay attention to the Small Things cuz I find myself to be a bit of a pesus so I've been working on like the Small Things um I really appreciate this I just got off a flight last night I really appreciate plain etiquette you know what I mean I appreciate people who are kind on planes because planes are already such a stressful situation and not this flight but the flight I had before this one was so great everyone was so kind and it I feel like that to me makes or breaks a flight cuz you can feel the energy you know what I mean and everyone last night was not a good flight but what did someone do I must know I I I'm a nice person and I got up I already was nervous about getting up cuz I had to talk to the guy in the ISC be like hey can I get up and get something out of my suitcase all I wanted was my hoodie so I get up but I started bringing a carry-on with wheels and you know how annoying that is on a plane to like open up so I go to get something out of my suitcase and this other guy across the aisle is also getting something out of his and I went to put the suitcase back in the bin it was only our two bags and there was plenty of room in the suitcase or in the bin and I put my suitcase back in and he was like no no no no no no no no you got to move your stuff my stuff's going there and I was like okay cuz I in the moment you're not really thinking I just he's like going like this and so I pushed my suitcase and then he puts his stuff in I'm like that was so unnecessary we both we both were fitting and it was it was just a backpack and a fedora like your backpack and Fedora could literally go anywhere in the bin and then I thought about it for the next like 3 hours and I was really done the same thing I bought Wi-Fi so I could text my parents and be like was this really rude or am I overreacting I don't even need something like that to happen all I need is for me to be in the window seat and just have to ask someone to move when they don't want to thing I was already vulnerable I will suffer I was already vulnerable I literally like the I I had to peie so bad on my last flight and I held it for 4 hours cuz I refuse like I can't be like excuse me it's really really nerve-wracking for me um but I've had a lot of plain experiences I had someone spill an entire Diet Coke on like a white outfit of mine and I've in it for eight hours um yeah I ended up like switching my boyfriend gave me his underwear to wear a shorts because I had no option had a lot of plain experiences so plane etiquette is important I respect this answer so much especially someone who's about to get on like a bajillion Cross Country flights there's your good days and your bad days but yeah Good Vibes Good Vibes for the good days ahead please all right you got your second roll in the tower now okay all right that's number six number six is fun too it's game show if you could be on the game show of your choice what would you pick and could you actually win it okay I just started watching the floor and it's a game show where it's really hard to explain there's like 81 squares and each person stands on an individual square there's 81 people 81 squares and you're basically trying to win territory but you have your own category that you feel like you're a pro in people challenge each other um so I feel like I could get far because I I'm pretty good under pressure and it's like it's very fast-paced but I don't know I don't know if I have faith in myself to necessarily win but I do think I I I was trying to like talk to my dad the other day about what my category would be um and I have no idea maybe like social media something something like chronically online okay yeah I have to look up this game I can't believe I've never watched that people have the strangest categories too it's like kitchen wear or um oh God I'd fail play at that oh I know it's like kitchen wear or like Sidekicks like movie Sidekicks really like Niche categories it's really it's really it's something is movie movies or TV I could probably do pretty well on that one yeah my parents and I watched it in two nights because we were so invested it was a good show okay I'm going to look that up after all right third and final role in the Tower I love a game show so this is a mey acting question this is what I call favorite least favorite I want to know your single favorite part about being an actor you know rehearsing stepping on set for the first time something like that but then also not necessarily your least favorite but a part of the process that you find challenging and see Room to Grow for yourself in ooh um see I think for me the first day of stepping on set is the hardest so I would say that's probably I don't want to say my least favorite cuz it's exciting but it's nerve-wracking you know you you haven't especially cuz this was my first like movie acting experience I was so nervous I didn't really know what I was doing fully um and I wanted to you know be impressive and and do well so in this particular experience I would say also self tapes I know they're necessary but oh I hate trying to find like a good wall in my house to film or like I don't have a lot of like friends so trying to find someone to film with you know those are always the hard Parts um it's also finding the right friend cuz if you're reading with someone that person can make or break what you're doing in the moment right so that's a big one um and I would say my favorite part H I have a lot of favorite Parts I love getting to meet new people obviously and work with other creative people but I really love being able to sort of like loosen the reins and be a part of someone else's creative project because so much of what I've done um my whole career has been very much me Centric so and me coming up with ideas and me curating the content so being a part of someone else's brain and someone else's project and and getting to contribute to something as like a team is is really exciting for Introduction me hello everyone welcome back for a new new edition of collider ladies night I'm very excited to welcome Lauren Gray to the show for incoming congratulations on the movie thank you so much I'm very excited to learn more about you I feel like a lot of our viewers know when it comes to movie and tele movies and television like that's my world that's my life social media and music honestly I have like a little work to do so the fact that I get to learn about a new experience right now is making me very happy oh yeah we can learn from each other I'm curious what is the very first thing you remember dreaming of becoming Loren's Favorite Films when you grew up as a kid was it singing was it was it maybe acting or something else it was acting I used to like memorize um have you ever seen avatar The Last Airbender oh yes I have I would memorize the introduction to that show and recite it for my for my parents and then they would we would watch different movies like um the six sense was one you know I see dead people and they would have me like it out in the living room um but I always loved entertaining in any form uh I loved singing I had like my little karaoke machine and I would have you know tickets that my parents would give me and I would invite them into the dining room to watch me perform uh dancing when I got a little older I was a cheerleader and did did a ton of sports so really any form of like performance but acting I think is the first thing I love now I'm just curious what are some of your favorite movies now oh my gosh I'm a big psychological Thriller person so I love seven um I love the split unbreakable Mr glass I was actually just talking about this but I also love like Catch Me If You Can Fight Club Primal Fear is my favorite movie of all time I love how you know that yes I love like a 9s early 2000s psychological Thriller you're speaking my language right now they're my favorite I could go on on on I have a great recommendation that I'm able to say cuz it's a Netflix movie and I caught it at Sundance this year and it's was it was my second favorite movie at Sundance and it's one of the coolest horror movies but it's like got psychological Thriller vibe to it it's called it's what's inside oo and I love a horror movie too great Ensemble piece do not miss that one okay I'm going to need you to remind me of that before I leave without a doubt happily all right Why Musical.ly? so I want to start with some questions about social media and again forgive me in advance cuz this is not my space I might ask things that like sound kind of stupid but I don't know the first thing I was curious about is you started with musically right do you remember I know this was a long time ago but do you remember what it was about that platform that made you think to yourself like this is a good place for me to express myself creatively the way I want to I love that question I think you know initially I didn't fully understand musically when I started gaining traction so I was sort of learning as I was growing an audience um because I was you know post uploading videos accidentally I was trying to save them to my camera roll and then they were you know going viral and I that's sort of how I started learning about it but the music is a huge part of my life and musically Tik Tok um they're very music based platforms and I mean it's the same platform but just a little different but at that time it was very music based which made me feel really comfortable because I love music and there was also the comedy aspect and that time there was a lot less pressure uh so I feel like there's a lot more pressure now but at that time I could be funny and I and I like to post my gymnastics and my cheerleading and kind of a little bit of everything and the whole platform felt very natural very organic and kind of aligned with everything that I loved so and the community was great too like the the the fans were really I mean still are really great um and that was sort of the the beginning of everything so yeah I would say it was very positive for like a young Lauren who was dealing with a lot and I needed that outlet for sure because you just brought up fans I'll go there next do you remember the first Memorable Fan Encounters time you had a fan encounter that I guess really validated your work not necessarily to you but in terms of the impact it was having on other people like where you were you were becoming a very positive element of their day-to-day I have I have two stories so the first first time I was ever recognized publicly I was riding my bike from my parents house to this is when I was like 13 I was riding my bike to CVS and this little girl was outside I don't know what she was doing and she was outside and she stopped me and she was like oh I watch your videos and she literally lived like in the neighborhood over um but I was like oh that's really cool you know someone recognize me from that and not from school or whatever so that was the first I guess fan I ever took like a picture with or anything and I was just riding my bike and I guess the moment where I realized it that I was having an impact oh my gosh um I don't know if it's the first time but I did a meet and greet I didn't really realize the scale of what I had built at that time I hadn't really done a ton of meet and greets and I wanted to I was going to London and I wanted to try and just see you know if a few people would show up if I posted something so I was like oh I'm going to be in Lester Square uh you know meet and greet I showed up police were there it ended up like shutting down Lester Square I got like shoved into a bar my mom like my coat got ripped out of my mom's hands and it just like went through the crowd like and that's and people were like hysterical and I was 14 or 15 at this time so I felt I felt awful cuz I was like had I known I would have done this properly but you know I was 15 I didn't I didn't understand the gravity of what was happening and so many people saying so many nice things and um I feel like that was the moment where I realized how big it was um and just seeing people that like excited and hysterical was really like an out-of- Body Experience because I hadn't really had interactions to that magnitude um with f so that was a really crazy moment um but I feel like I have encounters all the time where people say you know really really awesome things to me and I've put myself out there a lot on social media when it comes to like my personal experiences and and my life and people have reacted and responded really positively to me in public and I appreciate that cuz you know it makes it feel a little less scary I always do my homework for these so I went I went online and I binged tons of videos like tons of interviews you've done and you're like so open and honest and raw in a way that I feel like if someone hears you talk about something that's troubling them it could maybe help the person watching the video and that's a really special impact to have on a lot of people yeah and even like I I mean I was like on a carpet for an award show and these two girls were waiting in line and they were like oh we saw XY andz video of you talking about this and that was really helpful and like we really appreciate it and that's happened to me everywhere it's happened to me at clubs girls coming up in clubs and they're crying and then I'm crying um lots of experiences like that but it it definitely is why I started you know this in the first place so yeah I love that I I love people in this business who make other people feel seen we should all always do that for each other I agree so you build your social media brand then you move to LA I am curious Moving to LA how did you determine when the right time to make the leap and go to La there really wasn't there there really wasn't a right time I moved to LA when I was I think I just turned 15 I'm really bad at timelines but you you'll see it because I always say think I was really bad um but I think I was around 15 and my my mom and I were just out out here visiting and I had so much work I was doing award shows and everything was sort of happening really fast on like the me sort of entering the entertainment industry space outside of just like my bubble of posting and it was happening really fast and there was a lot of invites and things and I was trying to do online school but they needed me like clocked in at certain hour so my mom and I were trying to figure that out and my mom and I are both very spontaneous and she was like I think you're going to need an apartment here like this is you know and there was a big conversation between my family cuz my parents both work full-time um and that would have meant my Dad staying home and my mom coming out to live with me and they made that sacrifice for me which I will never stop thanking them for because I would not have made it this far had they not done that um so yeah my mom came out with me and we looked at the first apartment we looked at I got and it was in Studio City we were like a year lease and I was like okay we're doing it um and I've been here ever since so I guess it was the right move I love it all right so you you come out here big two-part question about getting your first taste of the Navigating Hollywood entertainment industry in Hollywood right first what is something about the way the business worked that when you got here made you say to yourself like I'm in the right place I should be here but then also can you tell me something about the business that came with a little bit of a learning curve sure um well I met a lot of people I met a lot of creative people and I met a lot of really good people um and I say that meaning a lot of people with good intentions with their content and being in the entertainment space um and it's it's tough because you know I wasn't always surrounded by neither of my parents work in Creative Fields you know my dad my dad's a biologist and my mom was working at a bank at the time so I was like they're both creative in their own respect but I was pursuing it um so to to be around other people like that and to make friends that were in the space and be able to grow within that was really really exciting um the not so great part was I had also grown up in a household where like anything was possible right and I sort of always had my parents trust with taking lead over my own life if I thought that something was you know going to be best for me then they would support that and I also grew up in a house where like I felt really smart I was I was um nurtured in that way and so when I came to LA and I was interacting with record labels and and Men um I realized how dumb everyone thought I was and that was a really really tough feeling because I knew that I I I felt like IID proved myself because I I built this platform on my own and I had you know what I thought were pretty good marketing skills and I I just wasn't given any credit and I was it was really frustrating and so that was definitely a learning curve was you know you have to constantly prove yourself and constantly show up and I have no problem doing that now but I definitely got my feelings hurt quite a bit in the beginning because I just I knew what I was capable of and I knew other people didn't necessarily always see that so yeah I I had to learn to trust my brain and just you know really get in there and fight for what I wanted and surround myself with people who were also willing to fight for me you know oh I'm going to come back to that but your answer just now uh made me think of a question I do Finding the Power of Her Voice like to ask pretty often because I think it's important do you remember the first time in this business when you did feel the power of your own voice where you spoke up it was heard and you realized you can keep doing that I feel like there's been little turning points constantly you know I I feel like I was constantly evolving and you got to know you got to know when to bite your tongue and when to stick up for yourself and there was a lot of times where I felt like biting my tongue was actually the most powerful thing I could do in that in some moments because there's a lot of times where I've been really really frustrated and I've really really wanted to act you know out of line but keeping it together and handling things in a professional way always worked out for me so I think just being strategic and evolving with my career and sort of knowing when to make the right decisions um and my mom helped a lot with that my mom was you know she was never a stage mom but she did keep an eye on everything and taught me instead of just being like I'm handling this I'm your manager you know she taught me so that now that I'm older I can you know I have the Reigns and I learned on my own as well but I don't know I I think saying no gave me a lot of or made me feel a lot of power I guess um I was at a record label I was signed to a record label and they they offered me a song about being bisexual they didn't obviously didn't listen to the lyrics they thought it was they were like it's a hit it's a hit it's a hit and I was like I can't sing that and that's that's where I put my foot down um and that was the right decision for me because it that would have never worked out and I knew that it was the same thing my most streamed song is called queen and I fought so hard for that song and they did not want to put it out and they didn't want to put any budget behind it my mom took the photo for the like Spotify cover on her phone and we we like made it happen and then it ended up being you know the most dreamed song so I think it was just a lot of knowing when to say no knowing when to bite your tongue and sort of making those strategic moves to to not burn any Bridges but also move forward in the best way like these mentalities I'm becoming a bigger fan of yours and also a really big fan of your mom right now oh she's great she's fist she's like the fiercest person ever but I will say the best thing my parents ever did for me was trust me um always and I've never not had that and a lot of people don't have that so I'm very very lucky so true so true all right so this kind of you Making Music Independently just touched on this maybe a little bit but I was going to use this to kind of Teeter into to acting because in in film it can be really scary to commit to making an independent film because it's more risky you're putting in more of your own personal resources versus if you're in the studio machine and and certain like big things and tools are given I was reading that in 2021 you opted to become an independent artist and make music on your own so can you tell me a little bit about why producing music independently felt like it would serve your craft best I feel like this is sort of and I'm sure it's the same for film but but you just have so much more control um when I first started making music there were so many cooks in the kitchen and everyone thought they knew what was best for me and everyone thought they they knew who I should be and sort of negated everything that I had built and everything that I already was and it's for me always been about connecting those dots between everything that I'm doing whether it be film or music and and doing things that people that are you know people expect from me or maybe don't always expect from me but that feels natural to me and there were a lot of things that were happening when I was a part of you know the whole label situation that were not natural to me that were not who I was and that was something I really struggled with so being independent I also just love having control over my own creative projects I love being able to freely say no and freely express myself because that's the point and that's what people connect to so yeah I think it was kind of a no-brainer and especially after my experience at the label I was like I don't want to do that for a while until my vision is solidified people know who I am and then you can bring people on board to facilitate that but until then until I have it figured out until I'm done with the experimenting and whatever maybe that never happens maybe I just want to be independent forever but um I need to that's something that you know my hands need to be on the wheel for makes all the sense in the world so in the music realm you have representation Finding Representation as an Actor like people that are on your team and the same thing is true in uh in acting as well so is there anything you learned from working with a label and having representation as a musician that impacted the team you built for yourself as an actor now oh my gosh well my team all the way around is pretty much all women and I I just find that I'm able to relate so much more they're so much more sensitive to my my needs as an artist or as an actor um they understand me as a human outside of you know who I am as an entity and that's so important because these people are the closest people to you in most situations so you have to be able to trust your team and and that's something that I'm very very grateful for that's a perfect quality to have a team around you in this business so now getting into actually make the transition I got a big two-part question about that what is Going from Social Media to Acting something about your success with social media and music that you think has served you well when you wanted to get your first acting roles but then also did you wind up in that situation where everyone's boxing you into what you already did and thinking that's all you can do and you can act I mean I think that's always going to be the situation and it's the same thing you know in any medium that I explore in any creative out like creative path that I pursue I'm always always going to have to prove myself and I'm okay with that because I I like raising the bar a little bit being like no I I can do this um so I I don't mind I used to really really be bothered by putting being put in those boxes oh you can't do me but I'm older now and I have more faith in myself than I think I did as you know a 16 17 18 year old and that only continues to grow and I I work really hard and that's something I know for a fact so I'm I have no problem because I love breaking out of those boxes um and when it comes to social media I'm very fortunate because I've had so much time on set and interacting with people out you know obviously not as an actress but I've been on a lot of sets I've been a part of a lot of projects and I know how to handle those situations I'm also not afraid of embarrassing myself my whole life is on the internet there's nothing I I have no shame anymore so that was really helpful when we were shooting incoming um but yeah there's there's a lot of a lot of things that I take with me from my background obviously and that's a big one yeah because that's what gets a lot of in a lot of people's way is you know fear and I still have a little bit of that but a lot less than I used to the way I always justify fear in any line of work is that fear comes from a place of caring and wanting to do well ab and if I ever lose that fear it means I've lost that drive and then like what am I doing here anymore exactly you got to there's a healthy amount of fear to have because that's what pushes youh so you had a sense of how a set Works based on your past work what about when it Studying Acting comes to acting techniques when I guess in particular when you took the role in incoming was there any specific you know technique or kind of prep work type of thing that someone recommended you try to get into the role there's I mean there's a few things so before I started social media my mom would drive me up to New York every week to do acting classes because anything that I was interested in as a kid like they my parents made it happen and that's something that again I'll never take for granted but I did acting classes in New York and then once I started social media I got away from it a little bit because then I was working on my voice and music lessons and I didn't want to spread myself too thin um but once I started filming self tapes and got the script for incoming I worked with a couple different acting coaches and I kind of always have here and there throughout um my career but I locked in with this one specifically cuz I just loveed the script so much and I wanted it really really bad so yeah I I mean something that I learned that helps me I I like this is going to sound a little conceited but I'll explain it I like watching myself when I'm just talking so like watching a podcast of myself and seeing my mannerisms um because there's a lot of things you do and with your face and you know the way that you express that you don't realize unless you watch yourself when you're not trying and those are things I wanted to be aware of if I'm going to be in a movie so I watched a lot of just myself I shake my head a lot that was something I had to break my acting coach was like can you stop moving your head cuz I I talk a lot with my hands and my head from Philly so I'm like all over the place um so there was a lot of things I had to unlearn about my mannerisms to make it a little more digestible and less um all over the place um but I learned a lot from working with coaches and you know it's a lot of don't do this um and yeah I would say my biggest issue was all this and head shaking I still do that in this space I'm like the queen of knocking the mic or something falling off my I don't know I love talking about acting coaches and I feel like we don't highlight that nearly enough in this industry you just mentioned that you've worked with a bunch of them I am curious is there any one in particular that you identified as like the perfect person in terms of the techniques that they were teaching and and maybe also how you like to receive notes I don't think I've necessarily found like the perfect fit for me yet I think I've learned bits and pieces from different people um but obviously that's why I've had so many different people because I've just been it's it's trial and error it's like finding a therapist or you know what I mean you have to try different people because just like music and uh everything I do on social media acting is also a very vulnerable thing CU you're tapping into real emotions so that was something every person that I you know am am working with I'm like trauma dumping to so that they can work with me and I feel like I learned a lot about being open I learned a lot about not being afraid to embarrass myself and going 100% all the way in um but yeah I'm still looking for that person and um I think I just kind of learn bits and pieces from from everyone it makes all the sense in the world I think one of the absolute coolest things about acting is that there's endless approaches to doing it like everyone's got a different technique a different way of learning a different way of expressing themselves and that's part of the reason why L like ladies night would a really boring show if everyone had the same experience right exactly let's get into incoming specifically now first I'm curious how Incoming was the role initially pitched to you and what was it about the role that made you think like this is a good way for me to kind of introduce myself to the world as an actor so I had done a lot of self self-tape auditions here and there but there was nothing really jumped out at me the way that incoming did I I first of all I love that it was a comedy because I love a comedy and I think I can be funny so I that was something I really wanted to do um but the role was just so outlandish I there was two different roles that were on um that I two different sides for two different roles and I loved the role of Katrina because it was just it was so me it was so me it was it aligned with who I am perfectly um and it's just so outlandish and out there and um it I feel like it's what people would expect from me but with a Twist which I was really really stoked on so I wanted it really bad um she's funny and it's it's silly and that's that was really great because I I wanted a project that I felt like I could push myself on and this was one of it was like the perfect the perfect combination because it was comedy so it can be silly and it can be fun and I don't take it too serious but I also um you know get to do these really crazy outlandish things that people don't wouldn't necessarily expect I will say though that twist you stick The Landing especially well like you're having fun with the comedy the fact that that feels as grounded as it does after all of that I'm very impressed by that I mean it so I'm curious about finding the right tone comedy wise now what are some of the conversation you had with uh Dave and John in terms of figuring out how big to go and when going big was maybe too big and when to rain it in I mean they double triple quadruple checked with me that I was comfortable with the role because it is a it is very out there so it was something that they checked with me over and over and over and over again and um I told them I was like you know I'm I'm ready for anything this is I'm going all the way in and I'm really excited about this so I feel like there was never really everything's so exaggerated so there's never really too big and we we collaborated um in certain aspects of the script with I was like I don't know if I would necessarily I don't know if she would say this or I don't know if I would say this or um maybe let's say this instead and they were very collaborative which I was so grateful for um but yeah it it was just it was so far out there that I don't know if there was ever a moment that where were like can you reel it in if anything they were like can you be more sloppy and I feel like we just we went there it does feel like a role like this does not work unless you're Fearless while playing it yeah and you do like you go there and you own every single ounce of it yeah and it's you know it was slightly embarrassing but when everyone's laughing with you it it makes the experience that much better so I I had a really good time how about working with uh Raphael and Ramon on some of those scenes because you know it's important to have leaders that make sure you're comfortable on set but it also is very important that your scene partners are making you feel that way too so what was the collaboration like with them they're very cute they're just like good kids and they're so funny there was so many times where I'm I'm just sitting like passed out and they I had not laugh while they're interacting and they're so talented there's so much talent In Their little bodies and I was so grateful to be around them they were so sweet all the way through so hilarious um they had to carry me a lot and I know that was not an easy thing I'm 5 foot n I'm not I'm a I'm a large girl um so I appreciate them handling that situation with Grace um and they're just really they're really cool really cute really personable kids and I'm I'm glad I got to you know be around them seems like a good group across the board it really was everyone's so nice and I I was like I'm so spoiled and and everyone's like this is not everyone's experience so don't take it for granted but yeah I'm very lucky I feel like we need to appreciate the gem ensembles when they happen but also there's many many more out there and I'm sure you're going to be part of um many many of them yes I hope so I have a lot of faith um I did want to talk a little bit without spoiling anything about where your character lands cuz again there's there's like a little bit of a of a Twist there and it feels like that last bit is incredibly hard to justify unless you plant the seeds early on so did you do any kind of character backstory work something that would justify what she's like at the beginning of the film but also what we see of her at the end well there's a few there's a few different approaches because one of them is sort of I feel like especially like you're saying at the and very much so who I wish I could have been had I been in high school um so tapping into that sort of I graduated high school but I was homeschooled let me clarify um but had I been in physical school um that's who I would have wanted to be um which doesn't really make sense throughout the middle of the film but at the end it sort of you know it ties the knot and um um in a little bow so I really really love who Katrina is and she's also based on some real people that um you know John and Dave or a real person that John and Dave knew so talk to them about that um so there's you know there's different things I could pull from but I I felt like I had a pretty good grasp just from being able to relate to the character is there any particular new tool in your acting toolkit that you know you gained from making this film that you're most excited to put to use on your next film oh my gosh um I think just this this movie particularly I'm glad I got to do as my first experience because it's so far out there that I feel like anything I do now it it can't be as embarrassing maybe it could but I feel like I've embarrassed myself to the highest degree I've put myself out there to the highest degree and I know I can do it now and that's something you know I've watched the movie I didn't cringe at myself which I was really expecting to do um I mean I did but not because of the acting so I I know I can do it now and that I think was the biggest hurdle for me because I have to sort of prove it to myself the same way I'm proving it to everyone else because I don't really even know what I'm capable of until I get up there and do it so I think for me it's just the confidence that came along with it so Will Loren Continue Acting? safe to assume the the acting bug in Hollywood has bitten you you have the itch to do more yes I like that I'll ask you one more question about that can you Loren's Acting Goals give me something on your acting bucket list a person you want to work with a genre you want to work in anything at all I have a long list of favorite actors and actresses I I love Rachel McAdams she's my favorite actress of all time ever um I also love James McAvoy Anthony Hopkins Ed Norton I have so many favorite actors um that I would just even to be in the same room with I would probably just like fall over um so yeah I think there's a lot of people that I would even just want to be around in any capacity um but yeah I don't know I just kind of like to take things as they come and you know when when something when I'm excited about something I want to put my best foot forward and and throw myself at it and try 100% I love it just cuz you brought up macavoy I'll say go see speak no evil in September oo I have not seen I need to watch a trailer it's like a little bit of a psychological Thriller horror movie and it's also just an epic forehand between four actors who were just absolute perfection it's basically just watching them like verbally Spar for the most part at least obviously things get crazy eventually but they're really good together it's almost like watching a play that's very exciting I need to I need to tap into that big end right there all right we've hit our final ladies night question this is the question that the show always What Is Loren Most Proud Of? ends on okay I feel like what you you just answered actually could have been a good answer to this but I'll take even more okay in this industry people give each other Awards I think that's super cool we should keep doing that I find that nobody tells themselves good job nearly enough though I want to know something you accomplished making incoming that you know you'll be able to look back on and say I am so proud of what I did there I think you're right sort of what I said about just putting myself out there to the highest degree was like that was something something I'm really proud of but I'm also proud that I gave myself the chance to do it I feel like there's a lot of times where I've been scared to put myself out there or scared to to be told no or scared to be criticized um but I feel like this whole project made me a lot made me believe in myself a lot more because it's this is something that I never thought I'd be doing and never thought I'd be working with Netflix like on a movie of that I'm proud of and like there so many things around it that I'm I'm very glad that I gave myself the chance to do um even if I didn't fully know what I was getting into um I was very pleasantly surprised with myself so yeah I love it I love it you should be proud thanks I'm so excited that we're covering your first big movie on today's ladies night because I know you're going to be back with more movies soon and I can't wait to cover the journey from this to that so congratulations on incoming and I can't wait to hear about everything else coming your way thank you so much I appreciate it [Music]

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