Ramon Reed talks Mason Thames SECRETS, Disney Channel Just Roll With It days, and NEW NETFLIX MOVIE!

what's up I'm your host Jolie live and I'm here with your favorite cousin Ramone Reed and I'm here playing fck [Music] up are you so excited yes I am elated eager if you will are you um sensitive to sour candy um I can withstand Warheads so I don't whatever's above that it might get bad get really bad I don't know we're going to find out yes we'll see we're going to find out do you have a big Sweet Tooth though um it on the day like I I normally don't go for the cake and like the ice cream and everything but like if I don't eat real food I'll be like give me the candy yeah and it'll get me through the day yeah yeah yeah we need the Sugar Rush right right okay so you're in Netflix's new incoming I am the movie I Am you also done a million other acting projects and we're going to find out the tea on you today oh my gosh so you ready for level one let's do it okay okay let's do it so incomings on billboards all over New York City La sunset dve by it every day it's for ited if someone had to make a billboard about things in your life your face what do you think would be on the billboard but it' be three things that you wouldn't want people to know but you're being exposed three things yeah uh I like to hold my toes like my foot for Comfort it comforts me like I'll be on the couch and I'll like I'm holding a hand but I'm just holding my toes wow that's te God okay um second thing um oh man that I wouldn't want people to know no I um enjoy doing number two um unclothed it's we're here we're here can I put this in that being on the billboard yeah yeah that that would suck to be on the billboard and I was yeah and then I would say um number three my mom always says my like my butt sits high whatever that means yeah so I would just hate for my high butt to be on Sunset Boulevard that would be weird it's crazy cuz none of these things actually probably legally could be be on a billboard exactly but your billboard specifically that's what we'd see yes that's good mhm we love that this is good would you tell a first date all those things yeah okay open I'm I'm really open and honest I'm like you going to have to like me otherwise and what are we here for yeah um but when you did go to New York City you saw the billboard I did and you posted it on Instagram I did how was that it was a life-changing experience yeah um cuz I was just saying I've been through a lot in this these past two years as I was waiting for the movie to come out and just to be oh God it got a little Afric it's a little something in there um but just to be in the room with um you know my My Success was um important for me and important to me and I'm so glad I went um because I am living I'm thankful to be living the dreams that most people die with I've been saying um so it's a great thing you know when you did you go just to see the billboard or did you have to do other stuff I I did go just to see the billboard but then I got to collaborate with my stylist for the event yeah um so then we met and we all went to go see the billboard and everything it was a great great moment oh my gosh yes did you see the one on Sunset no I you need to go see the one on I we're right around the corner I was like Mom we got to go see it you have to yes we must how was level one it was good level was good yeah I'm spit it out this light work too easy don't be careful be careful wait to get to five okay ready for two okay let's do it so it's fine it's a really good after okay okay so you did 30 things with Disney way back when do you remember that video I so did I do remember do you remember some of the things you said in the 30s that was a big production I'm just going to say they really made you do the most if you did the 30 today you don't have to list 30 but what are some things that are a thing in your life now that you would end up being in in the 30 what the 30 thing did you listen in my life today yeah you don't have to list 30 I'm getting through it but if you there it is W okay Media train here we go that was that bad yeah it was I don't do well with this I just realized this is whatever this is is going to be terrible yeah convert but I don't even like the size I'm uncomfortable okay uh uh my life today 30ty things or not 30ty things but a couple things I would put in it yeah um I I like did I say video gaming in there I think you towards the end did yeah well um well I strayed away from video gaming and cuz I moved out of my mom's house and I moved out on my own and everything and I just felt like such an adult at what age uh 18 okay yeah and I was like I I got to get back to some kind of kid so now video gaming is my happy space when I have time um other things uh I love traveling um I just love just going places um I'll call my friends and I I travel hack but the way I travel hack is I just have friends everywhere and I'll call my friends and I'll be like hey can I come and two days yeah and they'll be like sure and that's what I do um what else what is your video game of choice uh Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 right now are you good at oh yeah I'm crack good okay I'm crack not yeah I've learned that people say I'm cracked when it comes to video games like oh I'm cracked yeah I'm cracked okay it it's we should it's a lot of um odd terminology in the gaming industry it's like what do you mean you're correct like intervention M you know what are we talking about yeah that's cool bad okay um something else uh what's one thing you have to have on set with you oh um well now since I'm older I would I don't have to have it but I would really like to have this my mom I would love to have my mom on set all the time but she just went yeah she just went back to work and everything and I don't like a whole thing but that's it's a whole thing yeah but we're working on it we're working through for the 30 things though with Disney Channel Do you ever watch that back uh I do sometimes how long did that take cuz they you so much for that video yeah so much um I was like what's going on what is happening why are they doing so much yeah the editing was fantastic though um but it was it was all day um and I got on Set uh and my mom had to do my hair actually because the hairdresser that they had on set didn't know how to do black hair and I was like well I was young then but I knew like what are we doing like get someone else dizzy what are we doing get out of here you know um but you know it was a fun day I had a great time um got to talk about myself I love to talk and especially about me so that was cool and dress up and dress up yes I was in football gear and in all sorts of things yeah yeah yeah okay how was level two level two was it was good it was good I feel like we're going to get some problems right here we are yeah we are we should we should test them we should test the problem I love the blue flavors so and your tongue's already turning blue so this is good okay it's not or it is it is okay great so keep it up okay so you do have a Tik Tok posted about how you're not able to stay in a relationship for more than two months are you listening are you weren't listening you can't say in a relationship right yeah God so we're going to ask you about topics about dating you're going to stay your opinion on them okay okay so you like a person they have a lot of EGS what do you do a lot of who XS like that's an I like oh X yeah oh it it only take a half a i for me you're out I don't got enough time so we don't we don't date when as soon as we get an i we're out not as soon as we get a it okay like if I really love you and care for you I'm going to try to make it work but like after so long it's it's over it's out it's over that was good I made it okay you that was good I'm on the other side that was good we're going to replay that what didn't look good it didn't look like it can I SP it out yes your dream person you meet your dream person this is your dream person okay but they have more red red flags than green well they're not my dream what you do okay yeah that's fair they're not my dream person okay so then yeah is you're going yeah yeah um well you were in love at one point I was that's cute have you been in love s um uh no unfor think or I I thought when I was in the Motions you know I thought I was in love uh but then I realized you know I was just uh infatuated with with the feeling I do love love though like I'm I love people I'm easy to love I'm easy to forgive so like in that first honeymoon phase I would be like oh yes oh my God I love you so much let me let me buy you a house let me you know just the okay just yeah the whole nine yards um and then once again two months later Max it would be like listen we need to we need to slow down yep and my dad keeps telling me I I should not be in relationships he's like you need to he it verbatim he says you need to chill man and um now I've started to listen to him and now I'm chilling so you're relationship guy that's what we're getting yeah yeah like I love just just being with someone being together um until it's too much yeah I'm like you got to go there a three-month rule you know about that no the three Monon rule like everything happens the true colors come out and everything after three months what yeah so it probably makes sense after like two three months like I'm done well that and you know what what while my first relationship worked I waited 6 months until I asked her to be my girlfriend that's why it worked I saw who she was and what she had to bring and I was like yes like it stayed the same and I was like this is it but all the other ones it I it'll be like two three weeks I'll be like yeah you let's do it let's do this sign right here here you go yeah here you are yeah but you're single single now I am single single now okay yeah um always mingling um I I just love having friends um especially female friends I love talking with them spending time with them they they provide great Counsel on certain things um and I just I think women are like the heartbeat of this world so they have uh a lot to bring to the table and you know what they have to say Okay three was bad three was bad is is Ish what about four is about to be crazy huh it takes 5 Seconds you're going to think you're fine what do you mean it takes you're going to think it's fine like oh not bad which color should I go for the um the pink is calling me yeah pink cuz it's really good I'm trying to save you for five okay we'll see okay so this is called tattletail should I eat it now yeah uh you have like five seconds because it doesn't kick in okay so tattletail so I'm going to read off your castmates names from incoming and you're going to say a secret about them okay okay so we're going to start right out with Mason secret about Mason I can't tell you that I got to eat another one yes if you're not going to say a secret about Mason I can't what about a story time you have a story do I still have to eat one no if you do a story I I'll make it so you don't have to eat another one H okay I introduce the Mason and yep you know and um you look like you're in pain like a lot of pain is it still sour it is yeah that one doesn't really fade wait till get to five that one's so much worse than that one oh God so me and Mason we have this mutual friend we got to this friend's house he wasn't there and we were like we got to get in here yeah so we we jumped the friend's gate we jumped this gate yeah and it looked like broke into the house yeah essentially and it looked like we were breaking in and people were watching and it it was a weird moment yeah but then we're fine you didn't get arrested yeah no no at all this was solid you liking it after as just like kill your the pink is nice I told you pink nice touch nice touch um um so you broke it into the house did the friend eventually come back it did yeah he did um later of course um what did you do I would just chill for the rest of the night you know you s in the living room in the house yeah well well we sat in the courtyard of the house and then we went in when he got there when you were film during filming uh like an off day no I think it was uh after filming like okay me Mason and I really didn't get close until like after we concluded filming the movie and Mason would constantly fly to LA and I was was still living here at the time and I had a car and everything and um Mason's mom is the only person oh well Mason's mom trust me as the only person to drive Mason anywhere so just me and Mason would go a plethora of places together like you know multiple days out of the week yeah and break into de homes instant filling yeah for a Pastime yes yeah uh we weren't working so you you're close to Mason now still yeah yeah I love him yeah love Mason okay rapael yeah uh secret battle yeah um the guy is fantastic at tennis like he's so good at it I and I don't know I don't know like he's just so good and like he'll just be running around and I'm like and he's like what's going on rot I'm just like give me a second just give me a second yeah and I'm like you know but he's great have you played um with him and Mason because I saw him post a story that he was playing tennis with Mason I have played with um I have played with him and Mason before there's actually a video that I posted on my story um and it was me Mason and Rafa and and and Rafa's brother we were all playing tennis it was super hot but you know we were out there for a couple hours You Were Dying yeah yeah yeah we're we're probably going to play it you know sometime this weekend as well it's just what we like to do naturally yeah we naturally yeah cuz why wouldn't I you you come to poana yeah come on nothing else you pck her up Puck her up that's the only reason I'm here movie what no yeah incoming out the door okay okay we're just going to I'm not even going to pause five is horrible so okay come on why don't think look what is this I can't tell you it's just from London blue balls yeah that's what that's what that is you're right yeah all right ah okay let's do it why not Che remember you can spit it out okay will I'm just gonna get I like to fight does it will wait does it stay sour the whole time yeah ah man well for like a minute versus like 30 seconds okay here we go yep wow okay wow I'm sorry just in case you need it you want me to hold you want me to pause oh you're going to spill a Disney Channel secret that you haven't told the in yet yet I'm finding it I'm finding it you're doing good you're doing great you just got to get through it you just got to get through it you can spit it out no how's how's how's it feeling can you talk are you going to answer okay cuz if not you'd have to eat another one okay you didn't swallow any of that spit but that's okay is it still in your mouth SP out you did it that's bad yeah you did it level five you picked the one with the most like sugar on top of it that's bad yeah yep that's bad you said you kind of liked sour candy not blue balls not blue balls over here blue balls no one likes blue balls um um did you listen yeah a Disney Channel secret you're getting res situated Disney Channel secret um of a Disney give me a second just let me regroup okay um that thing still still on the tongue I mean they give us free tour guides for Disney World in Disneyland yeah so like we get free tour guides and they you know they hey boom you are answering yes they give us free free tour guides for Disney World and Disneyland which was fantastic um and I got to take my family with me to Disney World I think it was and we had a tour guide and it was great um we cut the line it it's really a you just feel good good yeah this feel good yeah did you do you have private like entrances like other trap doors or whatever yes yes yes they take us through private entrances that that most people would not even know of yeah um and that's on certain rides though but on other rides they'll probably take us through like the expedited line wow that's still there that's still there I mean wow it's like a it's like a bitter ex like it just won't it just won't go away go away wow first time we've had the compare compar to an see here we go um but yeah they take you through like the the secret entrances and everything it's super cool um great times um the tour guides are usually fantastic um I actually well from when I went to Disney World with um kin Heyman who was my co-star on Jo just roll with it and I uh the tour guide that we had I still or we had two actually and I still know both of them to this day oh wow still friends yeah still friends one has my Snapchat and my number I mean yeah whole thing okay one more level of Thing One More Level are you ready for now of course why would I be I love like these give me like the peach ring Vibe yeah all is that what it is yeah it's Peach on you if you get through the really yeah okay yep okay that was by choice yes yes that was by and that was good I woulding oh oh it's time yeah okay well I am stalling this is bad it like if is is it worse than blue balls yeah maybe not though you kind of went like through the ringer with blue balls it was bad so okay here we go here we go are y are you ready I'm ready are you sure you you guys ready are we ready everyone's good all right are we sure is the PO is the pool Ready's ready the pool's ready okay are we sure yeah okay just I'm cuz I'm I'm ready no no no yeah I'm ready no I'm good to I'm just waiting for the okay from everyone that we're good to go okay so we're good to go yeah you sure we're recording yeah no no I'm good no no we we're filming we've been recording this okay yeah of course yeah you're good yeah okay here we go did you want a different one no no no no you're ready no no I'm waiting on you I'm good to go I was born ready for this okay so you're going to spill a secret from just roll with it it's all mental mhm Mind Over Matter you're fine I'm not you seem fine more fine than blo balls never mind did you need a new new you want me to say it again okay spill a secret from we'll give you time swallow I'm you're fine oh is it over a see no a secet from this room there your eyes are watering mhm yeah a secret from just WR yep you want me to say it again M okay this is good it this do you like it I do okay after who it's not giving you like you're liking it but that was bad level five was bad level five cuz it's Caked Up do you see it it's like it's extra extra yeah cracked secret from just roll with it so it was it was I think the first season yeah and it was like one of our first couple of episodes and you know we did like a whole live show so we would run out and we would talk to the audience give our code open What's Up welcome to the show I can't you know blah blah blah blah blah whatever was scri um but before we ran out you know I my hair was done I had my hair and makeup done I was good to go I was ready to go out and then um kayn who I love so dearly she she touched my hair in a in a way that I didn't appreciate and black folk we don't don't do that touch my hand like don't do that like but that it that's how we say it too like it's not don't do that it's don't do that you know it's almost a whole like word yeah and um I really I didn't like that I wasn't comfortable with that um and and I was you I was frustrated with that and this was right before we were supposed to be walked out and you know do the show um and Toby who played my dad or our dad in the show we had a a real moment um well the whole cast actually me Susie kayin and Toby had a real moment where we talked about it um I expressed the way I felt um Kaylin understood um and it never happened again and that was like our first off camera moment of really solidifying us as like a real family outside of you know our jobs um and I and I feel like although it it may have been awkward in the moment like later on or even like right after when we wow it's just it's doing a lot of things uh but when we even ran out like it was just a different energy it was uh it was we had a real family moment you know um and it was for the better like it benefited us I would say yeah yeah and how long much longer did you end up fil like were you filming how like the periods of time of the show yep so um we would do one every week and then we would have one week off so we would film for three weeks one week off um and so it was an episode a week yeah yeah and and we did it for two years and then you know the pandemic happened in the middle uh of a shooting so then we didn't know if we were going to come back to finish season but we did and or we didn't know if we were going to come back to do season two actually but we did um and that was our last season unfortunately were you guys close when you weren't filming yeah like hang outu yeah but we couldn't see each other you know um during that like whole pandemic time but when we could yeah we would go places with each other um I would go to like monologue reading competitions and whatnot with Toby I mean I still see Toby to the I was just at his house a couple days ago like three days ago yeah so we um we all still get together I was just talking to Susie um so yeah it's we're still you what was your casting process for getting on just roll with oh um so I was on The Lion King at the time of being on just roll with it but I was on the tour um and I was just like I Mom I'm I'm about to book a show we've got to move to LA it's going to happen it's going to happen so the audition came in um and when I when I did the audition I did a self tape and they called me back to get on a um at that time it was like probably Skype or something with them um and I got on a Skype with them and I'm and I'm reading with the showrunners um Mr Adam and and miss Mr Trevor um you know God Rest his soul um and my sister is with me so we're in the hotel room and and I'm reading my lines and I'm in it and I'm trying to you know I'm there I'm acting and then my sister who was maybe two at the time is crawling all over my head like literally on top of my head and I'm like y I'm saying my lines and I'm about to lose it and come to find out that's really what got me the role no way yeah shout out to your sister shout out to Sis she knew yeah she knew she knew she did um so that was that process and then from there uh you know I I didn't know well and then from there I flew to uh LA to test um and then after that I didn't know if I was going to get it because it was a whole thing between me still being on the tour and then I was going to go to Broadway and then um you know me trying to do Disney Channel um and we were trying to work it out and I was like oh my gosh I don't know if this is going to work um but all things that are meant for you will be for you because it it worked out just fine yeah yeah wait so did you said you told your mom we we're moving to La it's happening before you got the audition oh yeah but I I just knew it you just knew yeah I had I had Faith Like unwavering belief that this was going to happen it has to because I'm so just focused on it and I believed it so much um and I I spoke it into my life and it came to you know fruition yeah spoke it into existence I did did you ever do anything with Disney audition or anything before it and the audition came in no oh well no yeah I auditioned before I even did The Lion King I auditioned for um Booker on Raven home um but I was really inexperienced like I I'm so glad they didn't give me that I wasn't ready yet yeah looking back yeah I wasn't ready yet but you know then after I had been on um The Lion King I had been working and acting you know every day day in day out so I was ready to go I was like let's do it you know Disney it was your fate you were G to end up there it was my fate I had to go I had to go yeah it was great and then do you for your comments that you get now like do you see all the ones like on your Tik Tok and stuff like oh is that the kid from just WR with it yeah you know I just had a a viral video of me stuttering um and they have like 6.5 on Instagram insane and a lot on Tik Tok yeah a lot on Tik Tok and everyone is like wait is that the kid and I'm like no it's I'm like maybe maybe $10 and I'll tell you yeah that know me right now yeah please do please do that's funny you're um funny on uh Tik Tok and Instagram oh thank you so it's like also funny to see you grown up now like talking about real stuff like real stuff just in a comedic way um but it's really stuff that stresses me out a lot and I'm like someone's got to laugh about this yeah you're making us laugh thank you yeah great I'm glad I can I'm crying you're like okay um how was pucker up uh pucker up it was good I've been pucked I've been i' I've been puckered you have you have was five the worst five uh yes yes yeah five was the worst and I I feel like I don't know just for the the next episodes after mine we should label it blue balls I just feel like it's official it's official you literally changed level five it's Blue Balls level five that's what it's I'm going to be watching too [Music]

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