Modern Soldier Reincarnated in Fantasy World But Keeps His Guns

Published: Aug 25, 2024 Duration: 00:32:55 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: fantasy
thoughts raise through Jin guji Joe's mind as he leaps into oncoming traffic a girl was about to be run over by a dumped truck that ignored the traffic light to save her life he was about to sacrifice his own in that instant he felt as if time had stopped as his life flashed before his eyes suddenly his surroundings changed in front of him stood a woman with striking White Wings dressed in a matching tunic Joe thought he had died and gone to heaven but he quickly realized that wasn't the case as the angel introduced herself she explained that she had paused time and was speaking directly to his soul she introduced herself as one of the managers of time and space to learn more about Joe's world she had sent one of her retainers there who was now standing beside ginji this retainer a dog was supposed to help the girl but he had lost his sense of security leading to the accident as a result of this careless incident jinguji got involved in the accident and she sincerely apologized for that as an apology she had a proposal for him she asked if he would allow her to reincarnate him jinguji was confused so she explained further she would make a complete copy of his body soul and memories and transfer them to another world she managed however there wasn't much time left for him to decide once time resumed it would no longer be possible to copy his living body she expressed that she didn't want his life to end that way and hoped he would accept her proposal jinguji still stunned loudly declared that he had a question his first question was whether it was impossible to perform the proposed reincarnation in the original World the angel sadden replied that she couldn't because it was beyond her Authority he then asked if there was any way for him to communicate with his family or friends after reincarnation she told him it wasn't possible since the world he was heading to was entirely different his lips twitched as he tried to hold back the overwhelming grief he took a moment to process this and calm down finally he asked if the little girl he had jumped into traffic to save was safe the angel smiled and said the girl had survived without any injuries thanks to him jinguji then smiled and saluted her saying he was was ready to reincarnate the angel said she would give him a new power as her blessing and that he should remember what she was about to tell him before his reincarnation and so he was teleported to the other world when jinguji looked around he found himself in the Angel's temple with her Stone statue right in front of him exploring his surroundings he discovered a pathway that led through a forest he assumed that if he followed the path he he would reach a village the blessing the angel had given him was called inventory this ability allowed him to store and retrieve items from a virtual inventory without limit Additionally the angel had provided him with the items and Equipment he had before he died including his weapons materializing all the items he had when he was assigned to his post he dawned his military attire the standard equipment for the ground self-defense Force after after giving one last salute to the Angel's statue he headed into the forest as he walked he was reminded of his first interview to apply to the self-defense forces when asked why he wanted to join he had said he wanted to protect people's lives and the innocent he believed that if he became a self-defense official and gained power he could save many lives this belief had driven him to jump in front of the dump truck to save the girl's life and he had no regrets because she was safe but it was still not enough no matter how many times he is reborn he knows he can still protect someone suddenly he saw a faint light ahead on the road and heard a scream from that direction without a second thought he rushed in a huge Oger had destroyed a caravan and killed the horses it wielded a massive sword and was about to kill a girl lying on the ground in shock the girl's companions a man with a sword and a lady had run the moment the ogre destroyed the Caravan as they glanced back they saw that the girl Belle had not run and shouted at her to get up and flee but Belle was paralyzed with fear and couldn't move she had a gash on her knee and blood was Dripping steadily the ogre reached out to grab her the man tried to draw his sword but knew he wouldn't make it in time but before the ogre could reach the girl jinguji arrived and shot off two of its fingers both Bell and the man were shocked as the ogre stared at its hand confused by the sudden loss of its fingers jinguji then fired two more shots at its head disorienting the ogre he rushed to Bell and asked if she was all right offering his hand she was surprised by his bravery and kindness and reached out to him just then the shadow of the ogre loomed over them and she shouted for him to watch out the ogre had crept up behind Jing guji but he was prepared and used his bayonet to stab its eyes jinguji wondered what kind of world he had come to as it was his first time seeing such a monstrous creature pushing aside those thoughts he focused on the task at hand he looked back at B with a smile and assured her that he would protect her no matter what so she would be fine however the ogre now enraged by his actions approached more aggressively jinguji realized that just a few bullets from his rifle wouldn't be enough to take the ogre down yet he was excited excited to see what he could do in this new world as he fired more shots at the ogre's head it finally fell dead but two more ogres appeared from the bushes jinguji continued shooting with determination to take them all down and another ogre fell he discovered that if he concentrated his bullets on the ogre's heads in full auto he could take them down only one remained however the last ogre recognized the danger of Jing juji's weapon and charged at full speed determined not to give him time to aim taken back by the sudden move jingui couldn't react in time just then the man with the sword threw it at the ogre's head piercing it though the strike was shallow it shocked the ogre and delayed its attack on jinguji the man shouted that he would help and jinguji shouted back at thank you he remembered that the angel had also told him that her blessing allowed him to communicate normally with people in this new world using Japanese so he wouldn't need to learn a new language right away with the extra time he took aim and shot down the final ogre with the last bullet fired his magazine was empty he remarked that it was one hell of a world Belle who had calmed down tried to thank him for saving her life Jingo realized that he had been so focused on helping her that he hadn't noticed her bunny ears just then the man who had thrown the sword walked over and patted jinguji on the back he excitedly said that it was one hell of an explosive magic spell jinguji had used his name was Gilbert a person in an undamaged Carriage called out asking if it was safe to come out Gilbert shouted back that it was and that Antonio could come out Antonio emerged from The Carriage praising jinguji for killing so many ogres on his own he called jinguji an incredible magician for accomplishing this thanking jinguji for saving him from the terrible situation he introduced himself as a merchant jinguji realized that he had truly arrived in a fantasy-like world where ogres and Magic existed he introduced himself as jinguji Joe the merchant found the name unus usual and asked for clarification jinguji chuckled and clarified that his name was Joe and jinguji was his family name the merchant was taken a and immediately knelt down the others with Gilbert did the same Antonio asked if jinguji was perhaps a nobleman from another country and apologized for any rudess jinguji quickly assured them that he wasn't a nobleman and asked them to raise their heads he tried to come up with an excuse rather than saying he had come from another world he said that his memory was a little hazy and that he probably wasn't a noble Antonio pondered for a moment and asked if jinguji had perhaps come through the lost forest to the north jinguji readily agreed realizing that the forest where the temple was located was called the lost forest Gilbert remarked sympathetically that Joe seemed to be a lost one Joe was confused by the term Antonio and gilbertt discussed that if Joe was indeed a lost one it was no wonder he had lost his memories Gilbert said that if Joe had made it out of the lost forest alive he was lucky jinguji was relieved that his madeup story seemed to align with their assumptions Antonio offered jinguji to accompany them to the city wanting to thank Joe properly for saving his life jinguji gladly agreed as he had nowhere else to go anyway along the way Antonio explained the world in great detail believing jinguji to be an amnesiac jinguji learned that the world was just like a fantasy world where magic and demons existed similar to what he had seen in novels and games the culture and social structure were akin to Medieval Europe in his original World wall commercial city states were the economic centers of this world many people in the city centers belonged to associations called guilds there were three major guilds the merchants Guild the adventurers Guild and the production Guild the free trading city of sveni where they were headed was an independent city state run by an assembly without any nobility or royalty Antonio called the incident a blessing in disguise even though they lost their horse and carriage they were able to collect three ogres which were valuable in this world ogres were dismantled and used as material if one tanned an ogres hide it could become a strong piece of armor however powerful demons were much more difficult to defeat and a demon as large as an ogre could fetch a considerable price Antonio said he would like to purchase the three ogres from jinguji Gilbert and Hannah told him that selling a single ogre could allow someone to live for an entire year doing nothing meaning jingji had just earned 3 years worth of money just then the carriage rocked on the bumpy road and Belle who was sitting beside jinguji lost her balance and brushed against him her ears striking him in the face she hurriedly apologized with an embarrassed expression jinguji looked at her again and realized that her ears were indeed real Antonio noticed his curiosity and assumed he had forgotten about beastmen he told Belle to introduce herself B embarrassed thanked him again for his help earlier and introduced herself as a servant under Antonio jingui was intrigued because he thought bunny eared Maids were only found in maid cafes in Akihabara he was surprised to find one in reality in this world unsure of what to do because he found her extremely cute he quietly muttered that he was pleased to meet her too Antonio continued their conversation his curiosity getting the better of him jinguji pretended that his memory was still bad and after a moment said it was was called camouflage jinguji could understand why a merchant like Antonio would be interested in his equipment but he also knew that people in this world wouldn't comprehend any of it he decided he didn't want to raise too many eyebrows and try to give as little information as possible despite his efforts Antonio found the rifle in jingu ji's hands most interesting Antonio believed it to be a magic activating wand and asked if he could hold it jingui double checked everything he made sure the bayonet was removed and sheathed the magazine was empty and the cocking lever was in the hold open position after ensuring there were no risks of accidental discharge or damage he handed the rifle to Antonio hoping he wouldn't be asked too many questions about it Antonio held the rifle with a mesmerized look commenting on its weight and how it was much heavier than any other metal wand he had seen he wondered what it would take to acquire such a thing shaking himself out of his thoughts he handed the rifle back to jinguji saying that the magician's wand was precious to them and apologizing for his thoughts he thanked jinguji for allowing him to examine it admitting that he had a habit of getting excited whenever he saw something unusual he had never found in the market before jinguji thought to himself that Antonio seemed to be a nice guy in the end Antonio's questions didn't stop until Nightfall when Gilbert suggested setting up camp in a small clearing in the woods they set up a small campfire using crates as a table and a huge log as a seat Belle began cooking while Antonio brought out utensils and other items from his bag jinguji noticed that Antonio's bag worked like an inventory just like his own it it seemed that inventories were commonly used tools in this world powered by Magic however they were expensive items that only the owner could use making them a necessity for travelers Jingo felt that it wouldn't seem unnatural if he took items out of his backpack when Belle finished cooking she offered jingui a bowl inwardly he was extremely happy that the ma of his dreams was serving him food but he maintained a Stern face as a a member of the military Belle hoped the food suited his taste and sat beside him meanwhile jinguji was thinking about how great it was to eat right next to a blushing maid he told her the food was delicious despite the sudden encampment he was invited to share a meal with them he felt that he shouldn't be the only one benefiting so he offered to share some of his portable food supply with them Antonio was glad and eagerly agreed to try his food thanks to the Angels blessing all the rations jinguji had from his previous world were replenished once a day including magazines bullets and everything else however items from this world couldn't be replenished jinguji brought out canned food which was actually combat rations Antonio was surprised to see metal cans jinguji explained that they could be opened using a small knife that came with them and by heating them in hot water for 30 minutes they were ready to eat the others were surprised by how easy it was to prepare the food the main dishes in the combat ration included canned chicken and rice rice cooked with five mixed ingredients and simple canned white rice the side dishes included canned wers canned beef with vegetables and canned hamburgers in addition there were three cans of taquan a type of pickled radish jingui offered it to them explaining that the fluffy stuff was called rice a type of grain prepared by boiling in water they all remarked on the great Aroma and were excited to eat as they took their first bites they were taken back by The Taste and paused for a moment they exclaimed loudly how delicious it was and eagerly took more bites jinguji finished his meal quickly and thanked them for the food Belle was surprised at how fast he had eaten and jinguji said he must have developed a habit of eating quickly as he watched watch the group enjoying the food he reflected on his day and smiled it was his first day in the new world and he was already exhausted looking up at the stars he wondered what kind of place the town they were heading to was they were traveling to svenny the city of free trade Antonio couldn't contain his excitement when he heard about the shelf life of canned goods being able to preserve food for 2 years was beyond his understanding he wanted to learn how it was made but B interrupted informing them that they had arrived svenny was surrounded by walls that protected the city in front of The City Gate the carriages were neatly lined up in rows Gilbert explained that this was where everyone's cargo was inspected and their identity was screened jinguji realized he didn't have an identity and began to worry he feared that without an identity the guards would turn him away as the guards called out Gilbert said it was their turn Gilbert called out to the inspecting guard Amanda complimenting her on how beautiful she looked as always Amanda smiled and told him not to fool around or he would hold up the line Gilbert apologized with a laugh and said that this time their cargo included ogre corpses Amanda was shocked to see that there were three of them Gilbert introduced jinguji saying he had taken down all three alone then he handed jinguji his identity which looked like a dog tag after Amanda confirmed Gilbert's identity she turned to jinguji thinking quickly jinguji took out his own dog tag which he had received as a member of the military Amanda examined it and welcomed him to the city of sveni with a smile inside the city Gilbert remarked that Joe was a medal ranker after all jinguji asked what a medal ranker was was Antonio overhearing their conversation explained that when a person joined a guild they were ranked according to their abilities and achievements Guild members weren't issued a medal identity unless they were above a certain rank after Gilbert explained the ranking system to jinguji he was able to gauge the relationship between the military rankings in his previous world in the guild rankings in the current world apparently Antonio and Gilbert were of a higher rank than Jing guji Gilbert seemed to have taken a liking to jingji and suggested they have a drink together sometime Antonio invited Joe to the Merchant's Guild while Gilbert and Hannah headed to the adventurer's guild to report the completion of their mission when Antonio returned to the guild two ladies came forward to greet him he instructed them to show jinguji to the back room stating that jinguji was an important guest they nodded with a bow and turned to jinguji with a smile informing him that weapons weren't allowed in the building apologizing for the inconvenience they asked him to refrain from using his Cane during his training at the National Defense Academy only 10% of the cadets were women and over time his immunity to women had faded so he quickly agreed not to use his weapon which they mistook for aain Bell watching from the side said she would go prepare and left in Antonio's reception room jinguji was surprised by its size and thought that Antonio must be a very important person just then someone knocked and entered the room it was an elf she glanced at jinguji before turning to Antonio saying they had been worried due to his late return Antonio laughed it off saying that this time he honestly thought he would die when attacked by three ogres she was shocked but Antonio reassured her that jinguji had saved him from the ogres allowing him to escape unharmed the Elven woman observed jinguji from head to toe and asked in a doubtful voice if he was truly a person he wondered if she was wey of him because of his unusual appearance despite her cold judging stare jinguji found himself weak in her presence since she was a woman just then Bell arrived with tea on a wheel table the elf rushed to Bell and hugged her thanking the heavens that she was safe when jinguji saw Bell he felt his heart racing even more the Elven woman asked B if it was true that jinguji had saved her seeing B confirm this the elf finally abandoned her initial doubts and apologized for the late introduction she lightly bowed to jinguji and introduced herself as eldera the vice president of the svenny merchants Guild she thanked him for saving Bell and president Antonio's lives jinguji stood up and formally offered a handshake saying it was nice to meet her eldera turned to Antonio advising him to be more careful with his travel plans in the future which Antonio brushed off with a laugh jinguji looked at Antonio with a puzzled expression and repeated the word president Antonio chuckled apologizing for the late introduction he said that now that they had finished their te and introductions he wanted to find out Jing juji's identity using an identification board and asked to borrow his dog tag Joe was also curious about what his country's dog tag would reveal here the information showed that jinguji was originally from the country of Azuma eldera explained that Azuma was an island nation located far to the east of the continent she added that he reminded her of the hero cojiro from the last war continuing she explained that 80 years ago there was a war of aggression by The Demon King and his army of demons during which the demons simultaneously attacked the other races kajiro was the hero who appeared out of nowhere during that war with his help the outnumbered forces were finally able to defeat the demon Lord's army after the Great War KIRO embarked on a journey to find his home and eventually founded the country of Azuma eldera mentioned that according to the elves who participated in the Great War kiro's appearance was similar to jinguji hearing this jinguji was reminded of Japan in his original World if it was Japan 80 years ago it would have been during the ongoing second world war and the subsequent bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Antonio was disappointed that they hadn't found any clue other than the country of Azuma he apologized for not being more helpful to jinguji eldera suggested they could use the information about the hero cojiro and the country of auma to find out more about Jing juji's identity she mentioned that there was someone in the Elven Village who might have more information and promis to write to them informing Joe when she had more details jinguji eager to learn more about kojiro and the country of Azuma glad agreed Belle then took her leave and Joe asked where she was headed Antonio explained that he had sent her on an errand he then invited Joe to join him for lunch inside the restaurant jinguji realized it was a very high class establishment and the waiter gave Antonio VIP treatment despite not having made a reservation earlier the waiter said they were always ready to accommodate him and led the way jinguji still stiff from his Military Academy training felt nervous dining with Antonio whom he considered his Superior Antonio asked if he was okay drinking alcohol and Joe immediately agreed as he had been taught to do in the military Antonio proposed a toes to their safe return just then a scream Was Heard outside the door asking where Antonio was Joe was confused about what was happening suddenly a dwarf burst through the door with an annoyed expression he noticed Antonio and angrily demanded why he had sent a crybaby rabbit to fetch him in the middle of work then he noticed jingi and asked who this young man was Joe introduces himself with his full name and extends his hand for a handshake the dwarf upon hearing that Joe has a family name swats the outstretched arm stating that he does not like Nobles jinguji finds that dwarfs are cranky but after anonio explains that jinguji is a lost one the dwarf apologizes for his behavior with a smile Joe observes that dwarfs are honest the dwarf's name is tendar and he is the Guild Master of the production Guild Antonio had called tendar there to show him canned food and ask if they could make something similar the dwarf examines the can and asks Joe about the specifics he understands that the basic process involves sealing cooked food in a steel container and then removing the air inside Joe nods and explains that removing the air prevents bacterial growth helping preserve the food for as long as 2 years tendar chugs a bottle of wine and asks how one should remove the air Joe admits that he doesn't know much about that part the dwarf dismisses the conversation saying that Joe must have gone through a lot of trouble as a lost one and suggests they eat first saying they can discuss the details later Joe finds that dwarfs are kind as Joe digs into the steak he realizes that he hasn't eaten meat that wasn't preserved since his reincarnation he can hardly believe he's eating beef steak in this new world he can taste the rich meat and the vegetable flavors in the sauce just then he glances at the can and realizes what Antonio and tendar are up to after finishing their meal tendar decides to head back to the forge and Joe notices that the dwarf ate even faster than he did seeing the dwarf take a metallic object out of his coat jinguji is surprised and blurts out asking if it is a watch eldera notices that Joe knows about the watch and becomes even more convinced that he is related to the hero coiro in some way the watch was a gift from cero to the dwarves and elves to allow them to work together as their sense of time was essentially different from that of other races in addition to that KIRO had also standardized the units of weight and length in the world Elder appraises him noting that KIRO changed the course of the war not just with his strength but also with his tactics later in the day tendar arrives at the Merchant's Guild Antonio tells him that he will be surprised by how tasty the meat inside the can is jinguji explains that it is canned food that Antonio has not tasted yet he introduces it as a sauce made using different spices vegetables and meat cold Curry usually served over white rice Antonio excited by the aroma says that it does have an appetizing and stimulating smell while Antonio and tendar absolutely love it eldera is initially repulsed by the Brown look of the curry however she finally forces herself to take a spoonful jinguji asks her if she likes it and she responds with an embarrassed expression saying it's not bad but that she can't describe it with just one word Joe is satisfied with that response after that Antonio and tendar have a long discussion about which types of food to can Joe wonders if it might be difficult to obtain equipment to create a vacuum in this world and thinks it might be better to start with a heat processing method just then Belle arrives and after apologizing for interrupting their work Whispers something into Antonio's ear Antonio shows a surprised expression upon hearing her out and tells the others that they should call it a day he asks jinguji to join him on an errand to the adventurers guild at the adventurers Guild Gilbert welcomes them and is pleasantly surprised to see that tendar has come along as well they are led to an air area with a large crowd there two people are arguing one of them is Gilbert's elder brother Albert who is the Guild Master of the adventurers Guild Gilbert calls out to him and says he has brought Joe over the other person who had been arguing with Albert spots Joe and calls him out as a bragard he shouts that there's no way Joe could have taken down three ogres all by himself Antonio Gilbert and bell all testify that jinguji really did take down three ogres on his own even though it seemed hard to believe at first glance the man becomes even more infuriated upon hearing their words calling them all liars he claims that even he Goliath the Ironclad C rank Adventurer could not defeat an ogre by himself so there was no way a young man like jinguji could have done it tendar suggests that if Goliath is so in he should give jinguji a test and see for himself they move to the arena where a crowd has now gathered to watch Goliath test the new person Goliath places a shield in front of a sword and a barrel on which he had put armor and tells the others that he has prepared the row of targets tendar tells Goliath to stand back as he prepares his magic a huge Fireball is conjured in tender's outstretched hand hand and is sent flying at the shield however as the Flames clear it becomes evident that The Shield is unharmed and does not appear any different than before proving its sturdiness to the crowd Goliath boasts to jinguji that this is the power of the Ironclad shield made of sacred wood and covered by a steel plate that repels any attack including magic tendar confirms that the power of Goliath's Shield is real but expresses excitement to see Joe's explosive magic offering him a chance to apologize to Goliath before proceeding jinguji refuses and decides to go ahead with the challenge he recalls his time at the Academy doing target practice where he was trained to prone and shoot at any Targets in front of him getting into position he declares that he will challenge the Ironclad Shield himself Goliath is confused when he sees tendar covering his ears tendar explains that jinguji had told him to do so before performing his explosive magic taking aim Joe fires the shots stirring up a dust storm that's all for part one like this video right now for part two which is coming out tomorrow probably if I live if I die it's not it's not coming out tomorrow subscribe now to become brosi always stay awesome and peace

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