IN-DEPTH Breakdown of the Detroit Lions Offense

we have a a coach of the game football coach legend of the game a man who is absolutely crushing it on YouTube it is coach DC from all 22 films NFL Cuts what's up guys what's up coach I appreciate your time to join us man yeah than no thank you every time that you offer hopefully the audio sounds okay does it yes sounds great you're you're perfect uh you know we got into this conversation cuz you were asking when you should upload your video so it doesn't interfere with our show and I was like hey why don't you come on and you know promote the video what you got breaking down tonight well that's what I like about you because anytime I've ever dealt with you whether it's on here or messaging or whatever it's just straightforward and direct um I don't know if you're a busy person but it seems like it because you don't you don't waste any time which I like that uh I I wasn't you know I'll be honest with you it was a frustrating game for me to watch over Roth I I hope you're going to ask me about specific parts of it I have intentionally waited to watch the coverage part of the defense I'm gonna be honest we have only pretty much watched the offense so far yeah uh because I was trying to push my defensive related content to later in the week for multiple Reasons I'm going to be honest with you it's selfish um Lions fans just Lions fans just chew through the content and the amount of positive in-depth comments and questions is just it's it's amazing for me to deal with so I can move Lions content to Wednesday and Thursday and still get interaction so that's a selfish answer not necessarily what you were asking me but um it makes for a fun week that goes by really fast for me hey yeah can't can't knock the hustle coach we we appreciate the content definitely love it's great stuff and I I just want to get right into it you you talked about you watched the offense I know E's got a question that he's been dying to ask somebody about so I'm not going to steal that from him but one thing I did want to ask was Taylor Decker seemed to struggle a little bit W with Jared verse out there Jared verse getting to getting to golf once and it was pretty pretty easily what did you see out out of Taylor Decker trying to go up against this highly touted rookie versus a dog correct me if I'm wrong versus the guy who got the sack to end the second quarter is that correct yes number eight yeah yeah yeah yeah I like him I in a video I did um I guess yesterday I don't know I've slept so little the last couple of days that I'm not sure whether yesterday was today but I kept referring to eight as zero Byron young they're both talented you know um yes and actually I I will be honest with you I have a little bit of unfair Advantage one of our former players uh takes a look at the Lions offensive line film at this point independent of me and kind of feeds me notes and we we communicate back and forth and that's what he said he said he thought Decker over the course of the game kind of um slowed down and didn't seem to be as effective late third quarter fourth quarter as he was earlier in the game which which is what made the overtime period so amazing is it is my audio messing up no no you're good fine okay I saw you it looked like you went muted so so yeah I thought hey verse and young are extremely talented people myself included thought going into the game hey there's no Aaron Donald they traded Ernest Jones look those two inside linebackers especially 56 they can play yeah uh I am blown away at I think is is it rose rose boom 66 56 excuse me Rose boom and he was impressive they're both he was impressive and I don't know about you guys but I just kept being those two reverses he made the tackle on both of them yeah yeah I was texting these guys this morning number 51 cuz I was and I'll ask you this question actually I'm around St Brown he is our All Pro he is you know he he's on the Netflix documentary well you know receiver he is truly a start he so spinning by the way shout out to broadcaster 6 but uh when I watched I I watched his targets and I noticed it wasn't always just one guy around him it was you know between the safety and the number 51 I think his name's Daniel Reeder or whatever it may be but they did a tremendous job outside of that I mean what was going on with AMR St Brown is this something Lions fan should be concerned about going forward or just McVey and you know the great Don Schuler's grandson do a great job of game planning against him it's I mean just watching them in week one it certainly seemed like the Rams defense played very fast I thought they played a lot of Zone I don't you may know easy I don't you know pay attention to other rating services that tell you you know 45 minutes after the game that they played um you know 62% man 20% you know so so if you can catch the uh the joke there then good for you but um I I think um I think they played a lot of BSS is the uh BSS and I think they I think they did a nice job of making golf go to his second and third read um and that's a gener generic statement I'm not worried about Al R st Brown at all I I don't get the chance to watch you guys show so um because I'm just busy so I didn't catch the reference y'all did a minute ago that um little side comment I didn't know what it meant but St Brown I'm higher on St Brown than you two are I can guarantee you um think he's I think I personally think he's a Hall of Fame Talent if he stays healthy you know for the next if he stays healthy the next three or four years I don't see any reason why he doesn't give you 90 plus catches every year the only caveat to that would be um other guys involvement reducing his touches I'm not concerned about I don't know are other people concerned about the lack of impact that St Brown and leapa had against the Rams not not really I mean they some people are kind of overreacting to it a little bit but I think we all just know that it was it's just one game it's it's nothing this guy's been doing it for three years so we're not worried about it theer of J Too is possibly he was going to become like the third Target anyway you know the third option how good does it feel for you guys as lions fans hardcore Lions fans too to have such high standards and expectations now that an overtime win over the Rams that you win by basically knockout you know in in the overtime period that you're I don't know about you but personally I'm somewhat disappointed at the overall tener of the game how how different is this for you guys as lions fans Now versus three four five years ago I know you brought me on to ask questions no no you're good it's it's crazy man like we got our power rankings week two power rankings coming up a little bit later on the show and uh I did biasly put my Detroit line number one but it's also not crazy too like like I can do that and it's not I'm not just a fan but a lot of people around the league are viewing them as a top three top five team and it's that that's the part that's crazy to me I guess tune into like a ntion or not even to in because I don't really watch too much stuff these days but like scrolling through Twitter and to see like NBC has Detroit Lions you know second in their power like that's what's trippy to me it's unfamiliar territory for sure yeah I don't know you guys and I don't know the fans that comment on my videos but I just for you all and the people that are consistently commenting on my videos um I I just I'm happy for you because I can hear you know from people like yourself talking and a couple other shows I've went on I've asked that question uh the enjoyment I hope you reflect sometimes about how different it was you know early 2022 late 2021 because it's a hell of a fun team to watch I I personally feel extremely blessed to get to watch two really good teams um I'm disappointed they don't play each other this year in the regular season I'm not hopefully later wrong what what was from your perspective I'm glad we don't have to play the Ravens together that's for sure how did they slow am St Brown down though in your opinion I mean you certainly can can say that guys were hedging towards St Brown I don't throw out blanket statements like bracket double team because you know sometimes there's the the coverage that's just called and guys are playing it really well I don't know personally whether they were actually double doubling him at times my suspicion is that Jameson Williams at some point in the game the Rams stayed in a too high look and I thought especially in overtime hey guys it's time to do something different from a run defense standpoint when when they're just jamming it down your throat and they kept staying in that too high look I think possibly the the big threat of of Jameson Williams was a was played a factor there I don't know hey schula did a great job you they did a fantastic job on defense I think that's obvious they deserve credit but something just an extra gear in overtime that those guys kicked in uh Ben Johnson and the offensive line just went into like ass kicker mode yeah yeah and that's what I was going to ask about like was there anything different that they did in overtime or did they just say all right we need one drive we're bigger than you we're better than you you can't stop us I think the reverse is a bigger the reverse to open the possession is a bigger Factor see that we all know NBC didn't even show that they cut back to the game the first play of overtime the Raymond reverse no they didn't even show it oh wow it cut back in and it was already over I was like what the hell yeah I love the reverse that Ben Johnson uses he he pulls the guard opposite the the the flow of the reverse and that and that holds that inside linebacker to that side I broke it down twice on my channel and I just you know it's it's not that other people aren't doing it but to call it on the first play of overtime with khif Raymond all the weapons that are out there Gibbs and Montgomery ain't on the field at the same time but point point being there's so many weapons on this team where do you rank khif Raymond you as a coach are willing to use that guy what's he yeah man sixth seventh maybe eighth in the PE order I think that says a lot about the team look that play could that play could have popped for 40 um yeah that's why I love him as a coach man like you like certain coaches when you have great players you go as great players non-stop non-stop but when you don't know who's being used it's just it's so much harder to game plan against and you have the offensive line too yeah I'm sorry yeah I just love Ben Johnson no I'm I'm I'm terrible about just rambling on so interrupt me at at no no that's my bad I just I love I love Ben Johnson I get excited talking about him I think the I think then they then they come back with the two Zone play so you asked me what changed what was different I think zeitler and ragau are really good on Zone Concepts I mean I don't even mention pen Soul because it's it's a given you know it's a given so whatever you have him ranked at 98 99 he's going to play at that level The Zone stuff and then two of the short yardage runs I thought were brilliant and the Rams did what most NFL teams do they're just going to widen up their defensive outside linebacker and Ben Johnson gets that extra 18 to 22 inches of space to run off tackle and Montgomery takes advantage of it I I thought it was out coached in in that overtime period and hey on the other side of the ball was there times where McVey and Stafford did things that caused a heck of a lot of conflict for the defense sure if you want to call it out coaching I I don't care you know I really don't but they forced Stafford into a bunch of short throws into the flats that are um almost kind of glitchy maybe in in a c way yeah um cup is over there running tight end routes into the boundary at at 5 six yard depth um out of 11 personnel so you're away from the nickel there's really a whole lot of space there but I I I do I am interested in the answers that that um Glenn comes up with maybe the next time they see them of course the Rams have got a long way to go there because they're dealing with a lot of injuries now unfortunately for them um they came in and gave a great performance is it difficult for you guys to give the Rams credit um it's not for me because I'm so impartial by nature but is it difficult for youall to do that not for me and they and they hate me for it you know I if I see a good throw I'm like yeah that was that was like that was a good throw it's pretty crazy some of the throws that Stafford was making with the pressure that he was facing and just getting the ball off those were say and Sean McVey the adjustments he made at halftime were just insane to get them back into that game and that's what I saying too is like even if someone were to replicate that that game plan it was brilliant no one will be able to execute the way that Shawn McVey and Stafford cuz Stafford is making throws that there's literally probably three guys in the NFL that that can do you know let me ask you guys a tough question do you think I thought Davenport played well I mean is that would you guys say so oh yes I would agree with that yeah there was one B rush I don't know if it was a backup but one hand almost he's pushing his guy he flushing Stafford out any hesitation in on you guys part in getting excited about his potential given the tackles that you were playing against and I'm not saying that's where I am I'm not saying oh he played well but look who he's playing against because me personally the film from last year week four week five when he was healthy he looked like a badass yeah that's I thought that's how he played the other day and that's that's what it is for me is if he can stay healthy he's shown in the NFL that he can win one on- ones on the outside no matter who he's lining up against he he's just big physical and will dominate people off the line of scrimmage but the key is can he stay healthy that that's the thing that worries me I don't know if he'll always result in sacks but I just know he'll always be an absolute nuisance to whatever tackle he's playing going to be a lot better than Charles Harris R I think like his goal the goal of signing him was to have him you know have quarterbacks flush out towards Aiden Hudson or towards ele mcneel and for somebody else to clean up I I don't I'm not a huge fan of like continue to say this I'm not a huge fan of like ceiling and floor you know statements but I feel like if he's healthy for 17 games he he raises both the ceiling and the floor because like you just said EAS he can he going to win five or six matchups a game and be a nuisance and then two of the two of those run plays that were his to his side man he just took the tight end and walked him back like two yards and so basically that forces the running back to kind of decide okay am I going to cut it up in here now or am I going to bow it outside and and with the speed they have there um I was on rewatch I wasn't as disappointed in the defense but um you know I C I certainly have a higher standard of expect than than what we saw I expect them to be better defensively than what we got overall I agree and Coach I did i' would be remiss if I didn't ask you about Jameson Williams and what happened with there the guy was he looked like the best player on the field he was averaging you know 25 yards a catch explosive plays everywhere we you saw his route tree I I think NE NFL nextg stats put out his route chart and a lot of it was coming right to left over the middle of the field getting him that Galloping running start that we see Miami do with Tyreek Hill a lot what did you see out of Jameson Williams in his breakout performance yeah I call I usually call it it first of all like the energy he played with was palpable you could I I did think that you know I wasn't there live obviously I'm watching on a TV or a laptop screen for that matter and I didn't think there was as much energy as I've seen out of this team for the last um year and a half two years I'm I'm talking about year and a half two years of of games being played um I overall but jamus and Williams brought it he looked he looked like the guy he looked like the guy that comes off the bench to score 20 25 a game in an NBA game uh that the underneath drag routes are interesting to me because he's GNA run away from people in man um and then and in zone stuff if it's play action you're normally talking about the Run action going to you know the offense's right and that's where Jameson Williams lined up so he runs that little drag from right to left and so you get the inside linebackers flowing it's not about FL downhill it's about the horizontal conflict you know those those linebackers are moving to the offenses right and and James Williams is going right to left and uh you saw there's just no chance for those guys to keep up with it I think I wonder about his alignment and what teams will do as we get into the season meaning okay he's lined up here and therefore we can't play this particular coverage uh the route tree will open up did it look limited the nextg stats you said did it look like a limited route tree but it was all to the left which makes sense cuz you want him to go deep or to the outside of the numbers and jg's right-handed so he just whip that thing down there know you mean it you mean it was going to the offense's left it was going to a lot of it a lot of them were yeah I would say about nine of like eight of the throw there was a couple de shots and one quick out you've got you've got Su as your right tackle and I would say that's the Run strength of your of your offensive line so your play action is going to flow to the right and so it makes sense then that your speed guy is going to be right to left against that horizontal action sorry if I'm getting too technical but that's what um no no that's kind of be my explanation and then the speed I mean it's he almost looks like a spit you Scout people and you're like is this film sped up like he looked sped up a little bit like 1.2x speed you know it just didn't look right uh which is a good thing for for Detroit but not for the rest of the NFL yeah that's for sure and we saw we we know Ben Johnson likes to do that that's the same play that they won against the Jets with it was just Brock Wright doing that instead of Jameson Williams which is going to make it a lot more dangerous that's what Shan M would go too his play action that's you know the I guess the foundation piece of this Ben Johnson offense was like what worked there I speaking of Jared G what was your take on him I know it wasn't his best game it looked you know it's it's his strength his relative strength is making the read and getting rid of the ball quick right so it didn't look like he was able to do that consistently for whatever reason were the were the Rams Switching coverages Post snap I didn't I didn't think I saw the Rams doing a lot of obfuscation and hiding things that you know maybe maybe other people that you've talked to have had a better explanation but it looked to like to me gol was his timing was interrupted but not although I did think there was times where the Rams pass rush kind of I I don't want to say collapsed the pocket but maybe moved it a little further back than than he was comfortable um I don't know if that's you know how you guys saw it they certainly sacked him at the end of the second quarter did they have a sack on the first possession too I thought yeah did I believe they did uh yeah the third the third down it looked like a misc communic miscommunication between zitler and Su on a stunt yeah yeah it was an in yeah it was a switch Rush that's right yeah yeah so I thought I mean I didn't think he played well you know I just did not whether that's more soit dare I'm not sure sorry yeah I know I'm probably too serious for you guys I get the S no no you're good that's that's how you get after us if if you can't critique Golf and in Detroit the fans they hold golf very they clutch off very tight I my my take I guess on it is they kind of and I I remember I'm rosing Browns brother was saying this too like and it is true like our offense operates within the middle of the field whenever it's not running the ball and I think they like you said those two linebackers 51 and 56 they were they had it yeah Troy reader and uh Rose boom whatever his name is note boom they're tremendous and so was Johnson as well the safety yeah they they were it was like they were everywhere you know you you're sitting there watching a pile unfold after the play like who's on who's on the bottom of that pile like oh it's 51 and 56 like no surprise you also have to remember too like I'm comfortable evaluating any player um in a negative light on a particular player or series of plays I'm a I'm a Lamar Jackson is my favorite fan in the league and I have lost you know subscri subscribers and listeners Ravens fans at times because I've been what I think is intellectually honest myself yeah and I'm comfortable or fine if someone says hey you're incorrect and here's the correct interpretation of it that's cool I'm just going to give you what my reaction is so as far as golf goes like I'm not phased or or bothered by that at all um and I don't think Lions fans should be either I I hope you're looking for honesty at least you better be coming to listen to my content you know yeah we try to keep it as real as poss to and it he didn't have a good game we said it it's it's fine easy he he tries to he tries to keep it yeah just just try to keep it honest here coach we appreciate you so much for joining us coach TC all 22 films what time is that video coming out yeah when's that video coming out so our fans can go over there and uh I did a I did a video on the um the final drive the overtime drive that was pretty significant in terms of in depth it came out a couple hours ago so um it's on my Channel right now I forget what I even titled it I put out so much content now I don't even remember what I put as the title but I'll have a I don't know if anyone does this and if you guys know please please in me um we're gonna try to do an oine centered piece of content every week I don't know that it's going to be a formal grade I'm not interested in trying to grade Kevin zitler but it'll be certainly something that eight or 10 plays that we think is representative of the way the Lions o line played and I don't know if anyone does that that's lion centered or not there's three different guys who do that for the Ravens that's why I'm not stepping into that space at all no I don't think there is zeitler was he probably the worst of the the guys out there you think on the offensive line I I thought he played really well in the overtime period so you know that's the that's the film that's most recent in my mind that I watched this morning so you know it's hard for me it's hard for me to say that I thought Decker did slow down over the course of the game and I thought he looked a little stiff on a couple of plays in the fourth quarter but not so much in in the overtime so but any case you know thanks for having me on guys I appreciate it I'll do it again sometime if you want of course coach appreciate you so much for joining us congrats on all the success as well yeah yeah keep going man you're killing it's awesome I love your stuff all right thanks guys have a good one thanks coach dude that man knows ball you talk about ball knowers coach DC is a certified baller dude he's got a great voice too he does have a great voice [Music]

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