Category: News & Politics
Le duel entre kamala haris et donald trump passe aussi par une guerre des micros ce 10 septembre va avoir lieu le 1er et peut-être l'unique débat entre haris et trump mais les modalités du débat ont ellesmême fait débat je vous explique au cœur de la discorde les micros des candidats doivent-ils être... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Nach längerem hickhack hat us-präsidentschaftskandidat donald trump seine teilnahme an der geplanten fernsehdebatte mit seiner rivalen kamala harris bestätigt er habe mit harris eine vereinbarung über die debatte erreicht teilte trump mit nach seinen angaben sollen dabei dieselben regeln gelten wie... Read more
Category: News & Politics
That was the first in-person meeting for donald trump and kamla harris if you can believe it at the abc news presidential debate was there a winner and is the race any different today as a result of that debate let's bring in the front bench to talk about that s sim is the vice president and practice... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And joining me from chicago is julius van de laar, us election campaign expert and campaigns and strategy consultant. good morning! good morning harris has now brought a breath of fresh air into the us presidential election campaign. but what does it actually have to deliver in chicago so that this... Read more
Category: News & Politics
So there are still two months until the presidential election in the united states, so it's really going to be a hot ride. the time has come on november 5th, and the fascinating thing in the usa is that this election campaign is financed by donations. yes, of course, it's about money, and when we look... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Wirklichkeit oder wahrnehmung fakten oder alternative fakten das ist der gegensatz mit dem heute politik gemacht wird und wahlen gewonnen oder verloren werden ein anschauliches beispiel dafür lieferte das erste und wohl einzige duell zwischen cela harris und donald trump es hat weitreichende folgen... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Zum ersten mal treffen die kontrahenten im rennen um das weiße haus persönlich aufeinander die demokratin kamala harris und der republikaner donald trump bestreiten ihr wohl einziges tv-duell in diesem us-wahlkampf es steht viel auf dem spiel so manches tvduell hat die us-wahl in der vergangenheit entschieden... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[applause] hello everybody but when i looked at the hostility of that i said why am i doing it let's do it with another network i want to do it you know i won because of debates they also want to change the rules you know the deal was we keep the same rules now all of a sudden they want to make a change... Read more
Category: Science & Technology
This is what's happening in our country they're eating the dogs they're eating the cats they're eating the pets of the people that live there you talk about extreme they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there dogs was eaten by cats was eaten by the people that went there my... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Zum ersten mal treffen die kontrahenten im rennen um das weiße haus persönlich aufeinander die demokratin kamala harris und der republikaner donald trump bestreiten ihr wohl einziges tv-duell in diesem us-wahlkampf es steht viel auf dem spiel so manches tvduell hat die us-wahl in der vergangenheit entschieden... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Final preparations ahead of the high stakes debate between former president trump and vice president kamala harris. there will be no opening statements, no studio audience, no pre written notes or huddling with staff during commercial breaks. microphones will be muted when it's not the candidates turn... Read more
Category: Entertainment
We have a president that we don't even know if he's where is our president we don't even know if he's a president and just to clarify they threw him out of a campaign like a dog we don't even know is he our president but we have a president that doesn't know he's alive and then this business about taking... Read more