Rating EVERYTHING at Snake Discovery

I shot a video last year that asked the question is snake Discovery overrated it's up here somewhere spoiler alert it's not overrated but it got me thinking what would I rate snake Discovery on a scale of 1 to 10 and more importantly what would I rate the animals inside and the different stuff like these animal themed juggling balls 8.2 on these all right looking around this place we've got a lot of stuff to rate so let's get started by the way the ratings on these animals are not going to be scientific they're I'm going to rate them 1 through 10 based on how I think they would be to keep and uh I'll talk about them a little bit nothing's pre-planned at this point so I'm just going to sort of wing it and uh we'll go with whatever number I come up with at the time uh some of you would be disappointed if I didn't bring Kent so I did bring him but he is as you might expect out in the parking lot let's check on him real quick hey can't what are you doing standing in the parking lot what are you doing I'm about to rate a bunch of stuff inside the zoo okay I'll just rate stuff outside then I guess this parking space 4.2 the lines are faded great that's about as helpful as I thought you'd be this snake Discovery Shadow 6.4 those lines are good I'm going to go rate other stuff all right let's get in here and start raing stuff let's start with tortoises this is a great example tortoises 6.3 they're really cool but man they'll destroy your house you better have a really good cage for them or allow them to roam around your zoo uh but they're cool what' I say 6.2 I'll stand by that false water Cobra I want to give Roger here a 10 but I can't so they're a little bit bigger snake they're rear Fang venomous super smart I think they're awesome pets uh but I'm going to give them an 8.5 cuz I don't think they're great for everybody but man I love this snake this car 6.4 this fence door 10 nobody's getting through here akie monitor 9.62 5 such a cool animal probably the best monitor you can own if you're not equipped to handle a massive lizard guys I love rat snake there's so many different types of rat snakes in the world this happens to be a Japanese rat snake and so pretty and so cool I'm going to give them I mean in a lot of cases this is for some people better than a python because they don't get huge they're a little bit faster and dartier or whatever but great great pets uh 9 and 1/2 I don't have many low scores for reptiles 9 and 1/2 on a r snake wow so cool look at the green on this one spiders 2.5 garter snakes these are dang close to a 10 you guys if you're into snakes like this cuz you can cohab them and you can have a whole bunch of them look at this oh look at those guys over there I'm going to give them a 9.2 Axel these are illegal to have in California but Amy Bentley lives in Utah Amy what's your rating on an axle lottle because you have one 10 out of 10 really 10 what about handleability oh well they're cute to look at you love your Axel I love my Axel high five plaque over a fence eight here's Justin Timber snake he's a timber rattlesnake rattlesnakes are some of my favorite animals uh but I'm going to give him a 1 one 1.1 uh as a pet to keep I don't recommend it how cool is he though and then look at look at Sophia down here you can't see her very well she was rattling at me last night it was really cool she's got her shed in there 1.1 for both of them as animals to keep highly not recommended do like an indigo snake but they're a little bit too big for you try a Mexican black king snake I'm going to give them a 9.6 they're amazing amazing and so cool blue tree monitor I love these guys so much I've got to give them a little bit lower score though because they require kind of a massive cage uh I'm going to give them uh eight but come on oh also they're really freaking expensive so that lowers the score a level too eight this motorcycle by a dumpster 10 oh man that is awesome this plant right here I don't know plants very well 3.2 [Music] American alligator 25 burmes python one of the coolest snakes you can have but they're big and require a big cage I'm going to give them a 7.5 two burmes python I'm going to give that a 6.1 also this is a breeding pair and they have a large zoo enclosure so they hang out with each other when they're breeding and sometimes they're together and sometimes they're not I've seen them in both States over the last couple days blue tongue skink 9.8 obviously look at him her him you just a little potato with a blue tongue we're now in the middle of a meet and greet at snake Discovery but our very own Amy Bentley 10 out of 10 heila monster I really love them and I want one but they're venomous not the best pet to keep four out of 10 let's talk about rat snakes again really quick blue Beauties might be my favorite they're not always super handleable but really cool really beautiful especially if you can put them in an awesome cage I'm going to give them a 8.2 this little stink pot turtle is that what it is stink pot Turtle yes 10 10 look at him how freaking cute is he this and 10 this is the very false water Cobra that made me fall in love with false water cobras rhino rat snake I'm going to give this uh seven and a half that's not true I'm going to I'm going to give it a 8.75 rhino rat snake 8.75 cool little snakes pretty Dy uh not always super comfortable being handled but but they can be they can be tamed look at their freaking nose their little looks like an upturned elf shoe it's like a snake with an elf shoe at the end pretty cool here's Ally the Argentine teu uh 10 for a teu 10 are they reasonable to keep not really I should downgrade it but I love them so much a rescue Argentine teu 10 and a half if you can rescue one especially one that's missing part of their tail or something like that they're just delightful animals just huggable smart lovely creatures love Ally she's great look at that look at that come on how do you not fall in love with that animal oh my goodness you're so sweet green kill belly lizard 9.5 this lizard's name is Jean which I think is a great name for a lizard oh they're handling it oh wow that's so Co they're handling the big snake I think there's two of them there's two of them cuz there's one over there can Bob fit through the hole yay now can he get out is the question he's through the hole he's made it through the hole can hey guys right [Music] here 9.4 out of 10 not because you're super reasonable but because I think they're really [Music] cool this particular snake 5.6 to manage my strategy to get out of here is to uproot the tree we've got to get rid of it get [Laughter] out oh Bob I'm going to I'm going to go help Bob got it if anybody got it Bob kind watching him struggle I know I'm like you know what he got himself an audience I'm sure it's fine [Music] toine I think I don't think it's that b babes oh my goodness I think she's all right what a sweetheart oh my goodness Argentine boas you guys I don't remember what rating I gave the snakes but I think I said 9 point something and then I went down to 4 point something cuz these are difficult to manage uh this particular one but now that I'm holding her solid 7 .2 for this snake what a sweetheart dark chocolate Cricut bar 3.2 I don't like dark chocolate and crickets I'm not really into eating either snake Discovery swag 10 I'm here with this green tree python to scroll the patreon supporters these are the folks over uh at patreon.com greenroom pythons known as The Horde of Keepers it's a secret society we meet as you know uh in the forest under a full moon but uh these people help the channel they support the channel and they help me make trips like this I rate them 10 out of 10 uh by the way this green tree python I'm going to rate uh nine out of 10 they're not very handleable but as a pet I mean you can make them handleable but as a pet they're really great anyway uh if you're interested in seeing how to support the channel and seeing what benefits you get uh head to patreon.com room pythons also special thanks to our Channel sponsors who are very supportive of this channel that is blackbox cages Lane Labs the Royals project and rare genetics rgi thanks so much to them all right let's get back to raing this Zoo guys here's a closeup of Kon this is the green tree python that we were just talking about D frogs 10 common snapping turtle 3.5 this is PJ the leachi and I'm going to give her a 9.875 leachies are so cool they're little squishy animals you don't want to squish them but they're squishy and goofy looking and look how cool look at her face what I say 9.75 is that what I said I'm standing by 9.75 is what I'm saying I'm standing by that they're like the Muppet version of a reptile and here's a another one here's another Muppet version of a reptile this one likes to jump there we go oh he's going to jump I got to see a large leechy breeding facility in Surinam recently and it was cool but I couldn't videotape it I was not allowed to shoot any footage of it so you guys can't see it but uh it was cool if you have an idea of a reptile that's more Muppet is than a lei put it in the comments African fat tail definitely a 10 come on look at these eyes oh my gosh I love this little lizard so cool 10 and matches my shirt look you guys matches my shirt carpet pythons get a dang near 10 for me I'm not being more specific than that we're just calling it dang near 10 look at this guy looking for food just waiting for it what a Bea frogs 7.4 Mossy tree frogs 9.6 do I know anything about frogs no but I just they're really cool looking this sign 8.1 do you want to see a soft shell turtle I just love I got my sleeve wet for this look at that little pancake look at how cute that little guy is right would you like to see this one biting Garrett's lip let's cut to that footage all right here you go little guy see you I know nothing about fire skinks but based on how cute that little guy is I'm saying 8.2 I'm just feeding some uh Madagascar hogn no giy hog noos snakes [Music] oh oh no okay get the cuddle with his meal before he oh there we go oh there he goes look at [Music] that so obviously 10 out of 10 for the Mad Hogs look at the right and the left he is the prettier of know look at that look at the h right yeah is he gorgeous wow yeah he retains some really nice colors so will he stay that color or will he get like that that's that's po so he should retain a lot of this he might F Roger faded in his like adult years like he faded later than I thought he would CU because he was actually quite bright up until the last year and a half I'd say he kind of DED out uh but maybe the same thing will happen with this one I don't know but he is gorgeous don't you eat me I'm not I do have a male and a female that I held back from the same clutch that's even brighter yellow honestly but this one will find a home eventually too Amy's buying a false water cobra look it what's what's her name I'm naming her Dodger why because she's the daughter of Roger it's so good it's so good I love it and finally snake Discovery itself this is the gold standard for reptile zoos Ed and Emily are incredible host I can't thank them enough for inviting me every time I come here we have an amazing time 7.2 no I'm kidding obviously 10 full 10 uh they're great all right I got to find Kent and head home thanks for watching I'll see you next week this tube 7.2 I've seen better tubes [Music]

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