Inland Taipan Bite & Chimp Crazy with Chandler's Wild Life | Reptiles With Podcast

in the history of the United States there's only been three occasions where an inland taian has bitten a keeper or anyone that works with them anything like that first time was uh what was it 2002 I don't remember it was 911 was it was 911 on 2002 or 2001 2001 uh 911 somebody was bitten by an inland taian in Miami at uh Mario to brow's Old Pet Shop he used to have so he owned Zoological Wildlife Foundation back in the day he had a pet shop and he kept venomous in the back of the pet shop and one of his boys that would take care of everything got bit on 911 when all the planes were ceased to fly and everything and they are the only plane in the whole country that was allowed to fly that day to get him the life saving antivenom uh there's another keeper who was bit we'll skip over that one and then recently super recently like two days ago yeah about three the third bite yeah the third inl tie pimp bite in the United States what do we know about this guy welcome back to the reptiles with podcast let's start let's start with what the Inland typan is okay right let's start with let's talk about the the the snake itself so that you understand listening what really happen cuz people might oh it's that really venomous snake the most venomous snake it's the the the the the the most venomous snake like if you Google it right now one B could kill a 100 men with no antivenom that is right uh this snake is found in places where nothing else is seen right yeah they live in the outback of Australia super harsh environment limited time to get limited opportunities to get food so they eat uh mainly rats that were introduced to Australia and they probably eat a few other things like reptiles but to get their food and that one opportunity they might get that one month uh they have to have very fast acting neurotoxic Venom to the point where if you milk a Tai Pan unlike a king cobra a rattlesnake a Bushmaster all those snakes have yellow gold venom because it's a mix of toxins but the taipan has venom that is Crystal Clear like water because all it is is straight up neurotoxic Venom that shuts your body down putting you into a coma and then you can't breathe on your own and then you die so the inland taipan is drop for drop the most venomous land snake in the world some would argue that the SE crate and the sea snakes are potentially more venomous because of the way the ld50 test works because they tested on mice and sea crates and sea snakes are Fish Eaters so I think they use their venom to test on fish so the test was kind of [ __ ] a little bit um but at the end of the day inland taipan Dro for dropped the deadliest land snake so it it's cousin the coastal Taipan bit a friend of mine and he dropped within a minute of getting bit and that's slightly less venomous that's like third most venomous in the world the coastal Taipan and then this guy in what Carolina got bit by an inland a baby Inland yep and and in the most outrageous style as well yep so let's get to that yeah who knows the play byplay of what this guy did and to my knowledge uh it all took place at like 2: in the morning he was up late playing with a baby in lantian making a video of himself uh trying to restrain it or hold it by its mid past midsection so we're talking about going past the midsection towards the first third of the snake which is really close to the face and still giving it the option to move its neck and turn around and bite you and he was trying to from the video he was trying to like educate his viewers on how you can get away with holding the world's most venomous snake by its midsection and that it won't bite you and he was saying that like his message was was good in a sense of trying to show people that these snakes don't want to bite for the most part but they still bite and if you keep pushing it they're going to B and sadly it was the world's most venomous snake that bit him this time um and to our knowledge he's he's on a a ventilator right now he's unconscious cuz he only received two vials of antivenom to my knowledge what was left over from the other Inland taian bite so uh there was somebody else who got bit by an inland taian since 911 but uh that guy used like five or six vials whatever so two vials were left in the whole country to to everyone's knowledge so this guy who just got bit recently only got two vials which he might need more he might need like freaking six or eight you know I I had to take 20 vials for my Indian cobra bite yeah so it really depends um so now this guy's he didn't get his anti him for a long time too yeah for a few hours hours wasn't it like posted on his face five or six hours yeah it was hours it was posted on his Facebook right he was like anybody in the US that's that's another thing too like we got to get into who the guy was he was a a extreme free Handler because it's not the same thing yeah there there weren't there wasn't any like method it was just let me just show you how reluctant most of these snakes don't want to bite me just by picking them up and not really having a style like he wasn't ready he was pushing he he wouldd like have a forc cobra and he'd be putting his fingers right next to the cit's face and eyeballs and going see if I just approach you like this then it would be fine it's like dude no can trust me I know they can do that and and you shouldn't be giving tutorials to the public which could be anyone watching and you know I always film these venomous snakes and I talk about them but I use tools for the most part yeah I freeh handle when it comes to like a big king cobra or really really large viper I'm trying to support its uh vertebrae or whatever um but I never give tutorials on how to handle venomous reptiles maybe they can watch me and learn my techniques that way but I always reiterate I've been doing this my whole life and you should only deal with these animals if you work in a professional setting and if you have a proper Mentor don't just jump into this [ __ ] you'll die yeah and that's the the greatest example of it and on top of that that guy like he would post like you and like other stuff dude yeah he was attacking me he kept he kept attacking me online uh I there was a meme that I was sent I I'll send it to you so up on the screen and it was like don't be a CH don't be a Handler don't be a Chandler and he was free handling a rattlesnake so it's like don't he's like freeh handle but don't be Chandler yeah [ __ ] do that risk your life but don't do it like he does yeah yeah like he he he would make puss like that he would say like whoever uses antivenom you're a [ __ ] like for real yeah oh yeah dude there's no way I'll send you all the I read the paragraphs bro they were insane he was talking about I'm the biggest [ __ ] I I don't want to die the crazy thing the crazy thing is that yo if you use antivenom you're a [ __ ] goes on Facebook does anybody yeah that was pretty rough they literally showed a week prior to his bite he said that like antivenoms for [ __ ] and then they they put it with the comments of him asking so that's the big thing he's in Carolina I'm not sure what the state was that he lived in previously but he just recently went to Carolina and moved there I think South Carolina North North Carolina yeah so one of the Carolinas one and he moved there I think because it's easier to get venomous or something like that something along those lines Carolina so in Carolina both Carolinas I believe or at least one of them and Pennsylvania and there's a few other states where there's like literally no rules for venomous reptiles because it's not something the general uh government is going to be thinking about like they're not expecting random people to keep the world's most venomous snakes in their trailers or whatever yeah um so those are States where there's no regulation and in Florida Florida's got like probably the most regulation next to California in the United States when it comes to captive Wildlife every tries to act like it's super bad and FWC this FWC that at the end of the day it keeps the keeper safe and it keeps the public safe that lives around that keeper cuz as of right now in Florida you can still get a venomous reptile permit and live in a house in a residential neighborhood there's no laws against it unless you have an HOA so you can have your venomous reptile permit legally inspected by the state and legally keep venomous you don't even have to be an educator you can just have the permit um I do exhibiting so it's a little bit different everything's set up a certain way um but it creates a system of liability and safety for the public and the keeper cuz you have to document the venomous snakes that you bring in you have to document the venomous snakes that go out whether they die whether they give birth whether you give it to a friend there has to be documentation of everything where everything goes and the biggest thing is you can't have a venomous reptile permit without a bite protocol you have to have a bite protocol for every species you keep and it's up to you whether or not you want to keep antivenom in stock uh but they do have it in Florida in a couple different facilities so there's that so at least like it keeps you safe in these other states it's a free-for-all and most Keepers that keep exotic venomous snakes understand that even though it's a free-for-all I should have a bike protocol I should have a snake proof room I should keep myself safe because it's for your safety at the end of the day and everyone's safety around you but that doesn't mean everyone follows the safety protocols that doesn't mean everyone wants to be safe this guy didn't have bike protocols this guy I don't know if I don't know how his place was set up so I can't speak too much on it I'm sure it wasn't snake proof room it was Tupperware they just want to get his snakes they were all in tupperware good they're already packed up ready to go go they're ready to go and they're all putting getting put down that's [ __ ] what that's yeah that's what I heard I don't know 100% but from what it from what I've been hearing yeah it sounds like they already got euthanized or they're going to all get euthanized which is a shame because they should have been brought to a zoo or another keeper that's responsible um but yeah that sucks dude you freaking get bit and then I mean he might die he might not make it so that's the really messed up part about all this he might die but if he doesn't die and he wakes up all his animals were euthanized so he's going to feel like crap yeah at least I would think he would feel like crap I mean the way he tries to talk about them I sure hope he I think I think I think he does care about his animals I think he's just mentally off and I think whoever sold him the Inland taian originally um I don't know if it was malicious or not because cuz how how do you follow this guy on social media know who he is and think it's okay to give him the world's most venomous snake knowing he's going to push it to the Limit and it's not a snake that will tolerate that [ __ ] Inland Tai pants especially when they're small and their hatchlings they're [ __ ] defensive they s up they open their mouth like a Mamba and they strike out they're really cranky snakes uh sometimes they Mell out as they get older but not all the time but when they're young like the one he was playing with dude he was like saying he was pinching it but dude was grabbing it right a couple inches below its neck it could have bit him on camera but apparently it bit him when he stopped filming so he was doing all this at like 2 in the morning filming tutorials on how to play with an inland taian and got whacked and then he's looking for antivenom on Facebook at like 2 a.m. after talking [ __ ] for all of that [ __ ] oh my God yikes Big Time yikes yeah calling everybody up and now there's he's in renal failure he's he's all [ __ ] up because he didn't get antivenom right away not that the antivenom is always going to save you it's the world's most venomous snake it's going to drop you dead people will get bit and they walk freaking 5 10 ft and they start dropping to the ground it's literally a shot of crystal clear like the mo the most powerful venom in the world neurotoxic Venom damn it's crazy it's a crazy topic to talk about somebody's life this is somebody who's dying right now in the hospital and we we all have friends that have been bit by venomous reptiles in way worse situations than my situation where they go unconscious in and out this guy is unconscious on a on a ventilator so his body cannot breathe on its own yeah and I say like the experiences of it too like people around him like his family is all it's very traumatizing to see somebody in that yeah in that way and like I know a lot of people are making memes and like dude sorry I don't mean to cut you off but bro you guys got to hear this part so they uh he posts that thing at two in the morning yeah then somebody else sees it like at 4 in the morning made a meme about it and then all these reptile groups are making memes and making jokes about this guy getting bit and then way later in the afternoon like later in that because it was like 3:00 4 in the morning then at like 12: in the afternoon Tom crutchfield's adult daughter Vanessa Crutchfield comments and is like has anyone given him the Venom one number or the poison control number or the hookup for antivenom and everyone's like oh we just make we've been making memes this whole time and he's in the hospital dying not that it's everyone's responsibility to save this guy's life he should have had a freaking B the reality he should have had a bite protocol he should have had a game planned if he's going to keep these freaking animals and uh there should have been an antivenom and Route because he should had his bite protocol ready um but yeah everyone was making memes that's how sick and twisted the reptile world is yeah everyone always says it's a community that's [ __ ] okay the community thing is like how everyone wants to talk online like oh we're all we're all heartwarming Community like no it's a bunch of Ruthless People attacking each other and then there's friend groups scattered throughout it itn't matter who it is cuz that this time is him but when you got bit I was in the hospital um people didn't even know was about the snake bite it was about the anesthesia I had four surgeries and all the anesthesia made my brain bleed and the hospital didn't know and they sent me home and my brain bleed progressively got worse and I became like a little delirious and I was literally about to die at my house uh when I got taken to the hospital the next time they scanned my brain they said if I hit my head at my house I would have died so literally your coworker and a couple other co-workers some of my best friends came together and they saved my life and they brought me to the hospital and got my brain checked out and um people were making memes about me I didn't have a phone for a month people are saying there's uh there's memes about your hand rotting off and necrosis and all that and literally I was like wondering if my hand was going to rot off not because they said it but because I just got bit by a cobra that roted my finger off and it might not be over and I had all these people making jokes about me being handicapped for the rest of my life because the second you fall or something no matter how good you are people like to jump on you and it didn't it didn't bug me I knew it was going to happen there's so many haters out there it just sucks it's just in general but like this guy this guy with the in taian bite he's like please somebody contact the hospitals contact this number send antium send Poison Control somebody please help everyone's making memes and jokes about it nobody even said anything yeah nobody even tried to help yeah the why old dude even though this guy hates me for some reason which is crazy cuz like the way he is and and how he is with the snakes and stuff you would think he would be like a super fan like trying to like he You' think he'd be kissing my ass but no he's like he's like a fan turn evil like I would [ __ ] you like um but I don't dis I don't hate him um I definitely I'm like why you [ __ ] attacking me over here but uh I don't want him to die I feel terrible for this and it sucks when uh it shows how ugly some of this some of these people in the reptile world are and how much they don't give a [ __ ] about life because the guy who owns Kentucky reptile zoo I was going there is a big time um milker he's an ex cop he used to wrestle alligators he got bit a bunch milking snakes he's missing a bunch of fingers he's had a bunch of surgeries he's been hit by cars dude's been brutalized he was in a back in the day Nat Gio had a documentary series called snake wranglers and it would follow different biologists and snake enthusiasts around the world and that did an episode on him catching boas so that's how I know who this guy is and I learned about him but over the years he's verbally on cell phone calls and text messages and uh publicly on Facebook and different internet [ __ ] he's just publicly bash people who freeh handle and apparently he publicly said I have the antivenom but I'm not going to give it to him because he because people like him don't deserve it oh that's [ __ ] up man it's pretty [ __ ] up yeah yeah don't you think he's learning his lesson right now if he survives it he might tighten up and [ __ ] be better I hope but you're going to deny him of the opportunity to live yeah like you're denying a daughter a son a father to a daughter he has a daughter yeah like a you're you're you're denying them the life of their family member mind you his excuse was I have to hold on to this anti venom cuz I don't know like what if I need it for one of my people I get that I do get that but real careful bro somebody's dying right now but you know what if you're not going to give it to him shut the [ __ ] up why are you going to publicly say you have and you're not going to give it to him you're saying I can save your life but [ __ ] you I don't like you [ __ ] up so if you're watching this dude drop the [ __ ] ego that that's crazy like you're denying somebody life right now like think about what you're doing yeah I don't know if he's going to watch this or not but like bro I I get you don't like free handling but like bro do you hate people that much where you publicly let everyone know that you're going to let him die like it makes you look terrible Bro think about that Kentucky reptile zoo you know you they do good they make antivenom they save people's lives they're doing good [ __ ] but you can't pick and choose but it's like bro you're going to you're going to make antivenom save people's lives but then somebody's dying and you're publicly going to looks bad it looks [ __ ] terrible it's like a doctor they get they don't get to choose who they're going to save in their room they just show up and they [ __ ] do the thing cuz that's what that's what it is like doesn't matter this guy could be a [ __ ] murderer but oh you support Trump I'm not going to do the surgery on you I'm not going to save your life like what the [ __ ] yeah that's just opinion it's politics absolutely yeah he could have totally avoided getting bit I definitely agree with everyone on that it was very avoidable so it is a waste of anti vening but he needs it yeah you know I agree now what would suck is if this guy who got bit by the atlantian a couple weeks back he got bit used up most antivenom then this guy gets bit and I was feeding my venomous the other day I'm like holy [ __ ] what if I [ __ ] were to somehow accidentally get bit feeding this tie pan that I own and now I'm dead cuz these other guys just got bit and there's no antivenom available and I don't think the Kentucky guy likes me because about freehand one so he's he's definitely like and it's crazy cuz like I'm a professional I don't give a [ __ ] what anyone says even though I'm cursing um uh I I I earn these permits I worked my ass off to have these animals and I gave them a beautiful home and I do everything for these animals and I use tools for the most part once in a while yeah I freeh handle you try picking up you try using a one snake hook on a freaking 15 16 foot king cobra it's absolutely ridiculous if you can't deal with it don't don't deal with them don't handle them you know that's why I [ __ ] don't yeah I mean bro there's nothing wrong with that not everyone in the world wants to mess with a venomous reptile it's respectable if you don't want to do it you mess with Crocs that's even that's that's super dangerous yeah so you know one crazy thing out a time crocodile can just pull you in and Eat You Alive them Niles bro yeah yeah I don't what you guys think about this inland taipan bite no I mean I think you guys from the perspective of you know like yeah working with what you work with having to shop and your angle of the world no I mean dude it's I I'm not going to lie to you I didn't know about the Kentucky Zoo guy I didn't pretty [ __ ] up yeah I I think it's extremely unfortunate show how ugly these people can act yeah yeah and I think that what you said about the whole like Community part of the reptile Community it is very true you know uh when we did the podcast with you at Daytona which I actually think that I'm going to release this one this week uh and then push the other two back um something that we had something that I had asked you was like how did you feel about the response that people had about you and you know it just makes me think about that it's just like we could we could joke about what's happening about this guy but right now is not the time to joke about it because it's it's real it's going on it's you family hurting exactly um and you know I just I hope that even though that maybe what he did was dumb or not maybe it is I hope that 100% yeah I hope that that it it passes and that he's okay you know as okay as he can be yeah you know now they're worried that the Carolina's going to change the rules for venomous that's what the big discussion is now honestly they should they should though at least adopt the permit system don't don't flat out ban anything but if you adopt a permit system like Florida where there's accountability and everyone knows where everything's at cuz I wouldn't want to live next to people that have a bunch of crazy exotic animals and they're not documenting everything and being transparent with the public cuz that means if they lose something they're going to keep it a secret and then it's crawling through my yard or or walking or swinging through my yard whatever the [ __ ] it is yeah dude seriously like there could be a guy down the street oh for example right here where we live where I live I have a chimp Sanctuary down the road I'm very happy that there's FWC permits cuz they have to document and make sure every animal is there and if any animal disappears it has to be documented there's 230 something chimps that live on Islands no cages islands with water around that's seven minutes from my house that's Jane's place no it's called Save The Chimps uh and they've saved a lot of chimps including the chimps from the chimp craze documentary or chimp crazy documentary you want me to see yeah yeah that's a crazy topic anything else you guys wanted to discuss on the taian bite I think no just I I think we need permits I think that people get hung up on the quote unquote rights to keep these animals when it's more of a privilege yeah it's a privilege we also have to respect our neighbors in the sense that yeah if something gets out you're you can harm somebody so we might as well keep those my neighbors were pissed when I moved here bro my neighbors were all pissed they didn't know me and they just knew that I had black mambas king cobras the most famous deadly snakes in the world and they weren't about it and I understood I could totally understand their perspective of not liking it yeah um and I had to prove to them that this is all safe and and earn their trust and over time they kind of just like yeah you're like all right he's just the snake guy I had my neighbor uh about a month ago send me a text um cuz I was cleaning all my bins outside you know water whatever and she says me a message she's like so I'm not trying to be super nosy but what's up with all those bins like that was a lot of you know like Tupperware that you were cleaning and I was like oh it's it's for some animals that I have and then she didn't want to drop it she was like oh what animals and I was like reptiles she didn't want to drop it and she was like what reptiles and I was like well some lizards some turtles lowercase some snakes never heard back from her again yeah doesn't make eye contact with me to this day for you it's better you tell her what's up cuz you wouldn't want her to think you had like venomous crocodiles and [ __ ] and then she calls FWC and then you had to even though you're trying to hide you get search for no reason all right let's talk about these chimps dude chimp crazy yeah you've you've been you know talking a lot about this show I thought we're going to leave that for the other podcast oh I mean we can no let's talk about it okay cool cool cool so give me the information about this you were showing Chuck some of the stuff it's like a tiger King situation it is I heard about this because Joe Rogan posted a picture and it was like everybody needs to watch you have to watch this look at these chimps with chimp yeah what's going on with this this chimp situation so Eric good is the producer of Tiger King okay which was wildly successful because how outrageous it was M uh he financially recovered from that yeah yeah oh yeah he financially exploded from that to the point where he's like I got to make more documentaries cuz there's different angles of this animal world reptiles monkey people all that stuff yeah monkey people people who keep capuchins and whatever you know so anyways uh Eric good is the director he produced Tiger King and Tiger King started with the reptile documentary so there is a reptile documentary that will come out with Tom Crutchfield Joe walosi um Tyler Nolan my friends going be in it a bunch of people are going to be in it from the reptile world and it's really not going to look good cuz his angles to show all the outrageous stuff and I think that documentary is actually focusing on smuggling and and different aspects of keeping crazy reptiles but anyways in between filming Tiger King and the reptile stuff he started filming chimps yeah and he started this documentary on uh different people who have kept chimps in the United States and got them back in the day when it was perfectly legal to buy a a poached chimp from the wild literally the parents are shot the babies are sent over to America and they get sold for like 50 Grand or 65 Grand that's how people were getting their chimps in the first place and they explain all that and they're talking about they're interviewing all these crazy people keep chimps in their trailers people who used to keep chimps in their house and then ship went South and one chip attacks Somebody's Daughter and pulls chunks out of her leg and they shot the chimp another person the the lady had a chimp babysitter that used to come and babysit for her chimp when it was full grown it was causing some Havoc it took the car keys and she's like I'm running late to go out to dinner with my friend sorry uh but he took the keys he wants to go for a ride and then the friend's like what the [ __ ] are you talking about so the chimp's like ran around the house like and uh she calls over a help the a friend to that helps babysit the chimp when she goes out of town the chimp wasn't having it it was sick of being locked up in a house and the chimp ripped her friend's face off that's actually like one of the most famous chimp tag story in history in America so they they cover that one but the main part of the story is Connie Casey I believe it's Connie Casey her first name is Connie for sure Connie Casey uh when they made the Lacy act protecting all these animals from being taken out of the wild and brought into the United States they cut off the supply of illegally sourced or legally at the time sourced chimps from the wild poach from the wild yeah so then it made it where this lady Connie Casey who already had like 15 to 20 something chimps at the time it made made her the chimp breeding lady so now people couldn't get them from outside the country cheaper so she became the chimp lady and started breeding over chimps like a puppy mill and listing them for anywhere from 50 to 65,000 plus dollars so she became known in all the United States as that's the lady you buy your chimpanzee off so she supplied all the TV shows with their baby chimps she supplied everyone people who just wanted them as a pet didn't even have to have like a facility or anything like straight up I want a chimp I live in a trailer in Kansas I'm going to buy a Shimp is going to live with me in the in the trailer and and these are real stories they cover it's like it's three episodes out right now and I think the finale is tonight it's going to be four episodes total [ __ ] and the big story is this one Sanctuary or it's not it was a puppy mill for chimps yeah turned to a sanctuary because it didn't look good over time and then she just kept her chimp stopped breeding them and now they're all in these little enclosures with one playout area that they get released into I believe and then Peta was working so hard to get these people to shut them down and uh eventually they win they pull out the chimps and then they're like all right one of The Chimps are missing and that's where the documentary gets bat [ __ ] [ __ ] crazy and they believe that this volunteer turned part owner of the chimp facility uhuh they they're they're thinking she took the chimp she stole it a full-grown male chimpanzee named Tonka and they think that she has it but there's no way to prove it cuz she lives in a house in uh the Ozarks or whatever in the middle of nowhere and they're like we've seen Ariel of her house house and this and that and there's no way she'd be keeping a chimp at her facility there's no caging there's no way to house a full grown chimpanzee a room and they're like there's no way she's just living inside the house with the chimp you walk in there so they left it alone right smoking a cigar just watching TV just dude so they left it alone watch chimp crazy and then then doc documentary just gets crazier and crazier to the point where like she might actually have the chimpanzee I wonder so Eric good kept filming with them kept filming with this lady Tanya doing like updates on her because the way that Eric good films from what I've seen is he'll film like early 2000 then he's filming in 2018 then he's getting a video like he's getting interviews with these all these different people uh throughout TW 2020 to 2024 so he's all these updates over the he keeps going back and getting like updates so he has a story over the years and that's how Tiger King looks so crazy because he had years of compiled footage uh so he compiled all this footage over the years of interacting with these chimp people and going to court winning losing ABC and then uh it got crazier Andra I don't want to reveal everything for you guys cuz the finale is tonight and you haven't even seen the the major episodes but basically um some people in the United States would pay 50 $65,000 to buy a pet chimpanzee and then it kills their friend or mangles them and then there's one lady who just [ __ ] obsessed yeah and she literally is being accused of keeping a full grown one in her house how do you guys feel about keeping animals like that versus keeping what we normally keep cuz I feel like that's something that's a little bit more knowledgeable say it say it go ahead [ __ ] no yeah yeah I don't think it's okay uh if an animal has no habitat in the wild it's all been destroyed there's nothing left and you have no choice to breed them in captivity then yeah there needs to be some freaking shangu law beautiful giant estate where they can live which is the gy sanctuary down the street from me um this place has literally like 3 Acre Islands surrounded by water with giant play areas it's not even open to the public it's just a sanctuary for chimps that were used for NASA so they got PTSD from being in a rocket like and uh no literally they have a model of a shuttle a mini shuttle uh portion where like the chimp would sit and they'd send it to space and I saw it I was like how did the chimp Not freak the [ __ ] out oh it did I'm not going to lie I never even thought about what happens to those an after they're here they're down the street that is Circus chimps here there's chimps from the chimp crazy documentary I think almost all of them are at my uh at the chimp Sanctuary down the road for me that is wow I've been lucky enough to get two Private Tours there cuz there's a few people there that I'm friends with they were fans of the show and then they became friends and and I've been able to go there on one or two Private Tours and they've shown me how they run everything it's it's beautiful these animals are not in cages they're in giant free roaming areas they get to be wild it's uh it's the best case scenario for animal that can live to be like 80 in captivity um and and then they have a few that don't live on the island that are kept in these gigic enclosures and it's be they're separate because they're special needs chimpanzees so they do a little dance they like juice no seriously dance for the juice they're really funny they're what the juice for the juice the juice yeah let me liquid he's like you want juice you want juice and then he goes a little shimmy Shuffle that's great but it's an amazing place cuz like all those animals needed homes they're all rescues it's not they don't breed them and sell them they don't do any of that [ __ ] they literally just save animals I think it's a difference too like reptiles like there's an intelligence difference for me of like that's that's a [ __ ] that's almost a person like it's too close reptiles like they have a lot of needs but the needs are a lot more like you can reach those needs a lot easier than you can like a chimp you would never even get 1% close to what mean a Croc give him some water give him some land he's [ __ ] fine throw him a pig to thrash around that's in Richmond that's it whereas the ape it's a human it's it's a complex mind they start pacing and like they go nuts if you don't give them what they need here's a good example of how intelligent they are in this documentary at one point uh the main character or one of the main characters Tanya she's the craziest looking one in the documentary beautiful woman um but uh actually yeah okay anyways um I'm not trying to be or anything I feel I feel sorry for her she's just a lady who really likes animals and gotta the only thing I didn't like is she was you'll see in the documentary she like flips monkeys she's a monkey broker or an animal broker she goes and gets all these expensive mammals finds random people want to buy them permit or no permit I feel that's so weird for Mon and flips it and she makes a [ __ ] ton of money and she has a nice place so she's driving baboon baby baboons in a cage around to go drop them off at a facility cuz she's going to flip them it's pretty crazy um but back to the chimps in captivity uh you see this lady on the other side of an enclosure and she's talking to the chimp and she's just like no hand signals nothing just speaking so the animal understands English perfectly it just can't speak and she's going clean the window clean the window and he's going and he's getting every spot she ask she's like hand me all the trash gets all the trash out of the enclosure and makes sure she's handed everything it's a freaking human that doesn't speak that's it so it's sad and then you see them in these small enclosures it's literally prison it's it's how you treat people in prison they have a small little area and they're not mentally enriched they're just entertained by the keeper and that's it yeah it's really sad that is [ __ ] Eric how do you feel dude there is there's an entire movie like series that no one has watched apparently because they're not understanding what's going on here like for me personally I draw the line with primates maybe not lemur cuz they're they're cool but like what you guys were saying like the intelligence and like DNA wise we're like 98% or something like that or yeah it it's too much for me to be like how can I not like see how close this is and I could never at least coming from me and I guess from everyone here like animal people you don't have that wall no like it's weird I'll tell too much for the rest of it life H yeah there's literally chimps that are in rooms barely bigger than this and it's all concrete um to really like knock it on the head how [ __ ] up it is the whole chimp world and all that [ __ ] so think about it like this in the documentary uh we should do another podcast where we all had watched it in the finale and we talk about it we should let's come back together and talk about it again um yeah review um but yeah remember the Lacy act happened and then there's no more taking chimps from the wild right uhhuh that was for America the rest of the world is still allowed to shoot mother chimp or a mother orang some of the most endangered animals in the world take the baby and sell it and guess where they're getting sold to you ever see all those viral videos in Dubai of everyone playing with their their chimps on the [ __ ] ATV or whatever and like oh this is so cool and then all the sles go hang out they're like oh this is so sick chimps we can hang out with a chimp oh let's get a quick viral clip those were all poached from the wild yeah and you going out there and you filming with them you're supporting those uh those wealthy people who are paying for those animals to get poached from the wild yeah that's [ __ ] so think about that the Lacy act happened in America and Casey Connie made all that money cuz they couldn't get chimps from the wild yeah so it stopped happening for America but Dubai Asia all throughout the world they can still Source these animals illegally or legally technically depending on what country it comes from but it's literally shooting the parents of the animals and taking The Offspring and flipping them already endangered animal that's [ __ ] you're you're it's it's we were just talking about them like they're people that's like if Christopher colum well he did that actually but you know I'm trying to say like like yeah uh Foreigner comes in yeah shoots a native tribes like some kid's parents takes the kid and makes him a slave that's what's happening with the chimps and the orangutangs [ __ ] yeah so yeah slavery and all this other [ __ ] doesn't exist anymore but it technically still exists for these [ __ ] animals and they're still being treated like like objects it's [ __ ] terrible it makes me want to cry honestly and and it's crazy cuz some of these super [ __ ] wealthy people in the world are supporting it like crazy and they're buying the animals cuz they want a chimp to show off to their friends and look at my [ __ ] Bugatti and my chimp hanging out in it and then you got like these [ __ ] idiot influencers from our country going out there and filming with them to get these cool Clips little do they know they're [ __ ] supporting these animals parents being shot and all this [ __ ] yeah you know I saw the kid who just fought whoever the hell the boxer kid which one one of the him I saw him hanging out with a chimp in a [ __ ] Lamborghini or whatever and I'm just like little do you know bro little do you know that thing's parents were shot for it to be there you know the worst part is that people are so disconnected from animals that even if you were to tell them that I don't think that a lot of people will sympathize with it no I think that people be like oh whatever like it's well then [ __ ] those people I don't want to be around those [ __ ] people they make me [ __ ] dis disgusted what you you bury that in the back of your head so you can have a cool clip for your Instagram [ __ ] your Instagram nobody cares bro like age it pisses me the [ __ ] off social media makes me [ __ ] sick sometimes like I it's it's awesome we do this for a living it's awesome I get to have this property and take care my animals but I'm only doing it so I can pursue the dream of the animals social media all the different [ __ ] influencers and all these people who put up a front like they care about the animals and they don't it's [ __ ] disgusting I hate it yeah I really hate it get he gives everybody a a form of a mask to be able to uh do whatever it is that they want to do bro we've know so many influenc here influencers in America that pretend they care about animals and they go hang out with those scumbags and they support them not even that you know the influencers you going to know I'm say it you know the influencers that are like oh my God conservation this snake is in danger so crazy we need more of these camera turns off hey $2,000 is yours they just poach it right away snakes lizards like whatever they they make a video with it talk about conservation and then put it in their pocket yeah that's why I don't really like to sell snakes or anything like that especially not crocodilians I don't like I don't want to sell anything it's or rather donate them to Venom Labs or just you know give them to my friends that are licensed it's it's crazy cuz also like if you were to sell them you don't know where they're going what's going to happen or somebody might die you think I'm going to give a [ __ ] [ __ ] baby black mama to Jeff LTZ dude imagine if somebody a Mamba he would have [ __ ] sure for sure been dead already dude a big king would chew on him for like I think he maybe get away with the king for a bit if it tolerates him but dude it would chew on him I just can't believe he did that with that Tian yeah oh so back to the chimp crazy documentary like dude it's not over the chimp crazy documentary there's the finales tonight yeah and then there's the reptile documentary that's coming yo back that's definitely not going to be four episodes that's probably going to be a full-on [ __ ] season oh God and it's going to have all of these people that we know or know of yeah and it and it's it just it's ugly it's going to be ugly yeah you think it's GNA [ __ ] up our 100% well let me put it like this Tom Crutchfield and Joe was aloi mhm um they both basically told me like yeah I did it and they paid me to do the interviews and it's probably going to change everything in the future but I figured by the time it comes out I'll be retired I was like damn bro thanks appreciate appreciate that guys appreciate that guys thanks for looking out for us thanks for looking out for the next gen yeah doesn't matter at the end of the day none of us here [ __ ] smuggle animals we all don't like wild caught [ __ ] what [ __ ] with we support captive breeding and we don't support smuggling and that's all we can do as new generation try to do it right and not try to do all this dumb [ __ ] the old heads were doing yeah it's gonna make laws like something's goingon to change once it comes out because it happened with The Chimps some shit's about to be put down because of the chain I thought there was a great ape act already but I guess there's one in the works yeah it's one in the works right they're trying to push the big cat act yeah exactly but the thing is like yeah some parts of it don't help the animal world but the fact that they could stop people from treating Tigers like puppy mills for photos dude I grew up seeing that kind of [ __ ] and it always bugged me and then when the Tiger King came out I wasn't surprised I was like yeah um I've been waiting for something like this to come out how has nobody made a documentary yet I wasn't surprised when it came out I was like holy [ __ ] somebody actually put a big old piece together on this and it helped push the big cat act and that that's finalized there's no more breeding and selling of big cats in America now they're coming for the Apes what's going to come for us once the reptile one comes out you know I don't know how much it would actually come for us like what can they change yeah I don't think that they're going to do anything that we can't you know keep or breed some of these animals yeah the the biggest concern with Peta and all these other groups in their agenda is typically the furry stuff not saying they won't ever go after reptiles but you know when you said furry stuff I was like they don't like furries like huh like people that dress up like animals no they go after the fur they want to they want to protect well they probably do too um I wouldn't be surprised if Peta members dress up as furries at Comic Cons or whatever um but you know at the end of the day they're they're trying to do the right thing but that organization has some [ __ ] up parts to it too so I don't know I don't know all the facts I don't know all the things but all I know is that they pushed the big cat act and that helped protect cats so that's nice um and the The Chimps bro get them the [ __ ] out of private keeping why the [ __ ] would anyone all right Whoever has chimps and if they're in good condition they're being kept right let the owners keep them if they're not [ __ ] but anyone else like [ __ ] them like it's a human get it out of it shouldn't be in your house yeah I agree a lot of people for [ __ ] like that like cats Apes everybody wants to say it's oh it's conservation I help conservation I give this it's all [ __ ] [ __ ] it it can be if they're actually doing it I doubt but most people aren't doing it no I doubt who's been doing it the like I always try to promote conservation and the only ways that I can see that I can actually do stuff is is a raising funds for the conservation groups for the people who originate in the countries the animals are from so like that's real we're supporting these people who are protecting like the Oro crocodile in Venezuela we support them so they can keep them preserved in the wild because they live there that makes sense another way to do conservation is to bre in captivity if you're doing it proper Bloodlines you're not inbreeding them you're not making hbds that's another form of conservation even if they don't go to the wild it is technically conservation I disagree it's conservation of species like preservation in the wild preserv they're purely bread in captivity they're still it's preservation but they're still there yeah but it's pres they're not gone forever conservation is protecting if you start Ting them and making hybrids I totally agree with you it's not conservation it doesn't make sense anymore I think it's preservation because they have no effect in the wild anymore that's true uh but I rather breed them captivity not have them at all no I don't think it's a bad thing I just think it's a different thing from helping what it is in well the end goal is for them to go to the wild but there's only like a few species you can actually do that with and now it's like iffy with the oroko Crocs if they can be bred in some to the wild now so I don't know what's going on with that but they've done it with Siamese Crocs they've done it with oronoko Crocs they've done it with Chinese alligators they've done it with a bunch of [ __ ] so that's conservation breeding them in captivity and trying to get them to the wild raising money for the groups and just trying to educate people in person and trying to get them to like the animals and not hate them yeah and not [ __ ] kill them and chop them up when they see them you know and that's like I think I think that's educational basts yes some people abuse that [ __ ] but they educational ambast do work Kevin the king k people liking that snake prevented a lot of wild canob from getting chopped up in villages a lot of people Chang their perspective on that snake yeah so it's all about how you push it you know like there are a lot of people who [ __ ] it though yeah I agree I think something that we miss a lot is the fact that a lot of conservation that we focus it outside of our own areas you know what I mean like outside of Florida or the us we want to look out over there [ __ ] China over there and then while at home we're getting [ __ ] go tortois is getting ran through you know what I mean yeah it it's all rough because like FWC does good but FWC sometimes doesn't do anything and then and then [ __ ] gets chewed out and you lose a chunk of habitat and then that's just one more chunk gone you know the the straight up Everglades that we have right now that's actual Everglades like that's supposed to be protected they're not supposed to touch any of that forever even though the natural flow of things have been altered forever and there's cane Fields below the lake oobe which is supposed to be the beginning of the natural flow into the Everglades so technically speaking Florida has already been altered and [ __ ] up to the max could it get worse yeah it could probably get a little worse but look at my yard I didn't put these [ __ ] lizards here there's like six different species of lizard from around the world running through my yard I didn't put them here they're just here yeah most of the plants most of the fish in the water and the canals around here like dude a lot of shit's not supposed to be here everyone in this room is probably a their family members originate from another country we're all not supposed to be here technically my my dad's a foreigner from Hungary yeah you're Cuban yep Puerto Rican right and Pakistani um but like if you want to like get down to it like bro everything's not supposed to be here so it's already kind of it's already kind of it's already a mess it's [ __ ] chaos and all you can do is just protect what's left you know it's turned over but I think that was one of like 10 or 20 Parks or something that were on the docket yeah yeah yeah it's a bunch bro it's a bunch it's sad bro I want to do more Chandler then do more how dude I don't know hey let me tell you how you get deeply involved in politics and that's what my dad actually wanted me to do he wanted me to to get deeper into this FWC stuff and he wanted me to go to try to be a part of the commission and stuff I don't know if I'll ever do that I think it's a conflict of interest being who I am um but we need more people like us to be working for FWC or with FWC instead of like everyone hating on F which I know you guys don't hate on FWC but um we need to be more embedded in FWC cuz people worry about like oh we're losing our rights for Animals p is embedded in FWC this and that all right [ __ ] stop complaining about it you put your ass in in the council you start making decisions and everyone starts showing face I don't think going to every Med is going to help with anything though um but I think being more part of the system in a sense yeah I would love to run FWC if I could but man that sounds like a headache sounds that sounds like being the president you know I never sleep yeah cuz you know they're trying to do what's right but there's always something wrong yeah then this person say then this guy's going to put a whole bunch of money or he's going to take it away from you if you don't do that if you do that you can't pay these people and yeah I'm good yeah crazy stuff I just I just want to say that Chandler gave me this cup to drink and says best person ever yeah it does say that you're a good guy thank you but the all all we can do is just teach people to not chop up snakes that are local and you know teach them how not to get themselves killed by an alligator and not get the alligator killed by feeding it so at least you do that your job and I do that here on the tours and I try to teach people how to be safe around these animals um that's like the the very basic of how to help with conservation in Florida just educating the people not everyone listens you know you talk to people sometimes and just one year out the other but um it's hard bro it's either you're edding in the government or you're just doing the dirty groundwork of just talking to every person and trying to change their opinion on these animals yeah you know here's the best way here's the best way I'm sorry I I forgot this part you're buying land yeah just like Steve ruin did get a [ __ ] ton of money and buy a bunch of unaltered land or buy altered land old farmland and and bring it back to its natural state by replanting all native plants and releasing native species on the property legally like uh Diamond Backs or captive bread indigos and working with the state to legally do it that's how I think we can conserve so like I live near Lake okachobee there's still I'm I'm in Fort Pierce where it's not as developed as Jupiter and all these other spots so there's still a lot of natural land all around me and that's why I live out here I like it it's not cramped and city-like um and I look at these properties down here down the road of okachobee and there's just giant giant properties hundreds of Acres thousands of Acres this much for sale that much for sale so my goal is to try and buy that land buy as much of this land before it gets bought and developed because this will be the new Orlando one day yeah so I think that's the best way we can do conservation and I don't have a [ __ ] ton of money I barely I my accounts are in the negative right now I'm waiting to get paid this week so like I'm not loaded I have a property that's worth a lot of money and that's it I put all my money into the animal so I don't have money to throw at this right now but in the future when this place is more built out and established I would like to aim towards buying giant chunks of land and keeping it preserved As Natural land so that I think that's the best way cuz go torch is getting uh barried with legal in tement or whatever it's called and developing on the land the Diamond Backs the indigos the Gopher Tes are using uh I think the only way you can help them is just preserving giant chunks of land because when they do develop the pieces of land that are natural and have the tortoises uh there are contractors that are supposed to relocate the tortoises to keep them alive so you know if you have a giant piece of natural land you protected you could work with the state to take those animals and let go on that property yeah so there's the thing but we both know it's a dirty world and politics is very dirty yeah dirty dirty dirty and and I'm not going to sit I'm not going to like say bad things about FWC cuz like at the end of the day they they had my back when I had all this drama when I moved here in this community didn't understand what I was doing and they triy to uh challenge my permits and challenge the state FWC backed me up the whole time yeah so that's why I love FWC and that's why like USR Florida I've never been a huge fan because back in the day when all that [ __ ] happened uh I called one of their members for legal advice and to get recommended a lawyer and he kind of just talked a bunch of [ __ ] to me and told me to sell my house and go move somewhere else be and be a fake wildlife rehabber and then slowly integrate your crocodiles in ven so people are comfortable with it I was like bro what he's like don't you don't even have to rehab Wildlife just pretend to do it and it's not all of us Arc Florida cuz there's two entities there's usarc and there's usark Florida I was talking to usarc Florida everyone tries to make it out that I hate us Ark it's not true I just don't like certain people from us Ark Florida that totally triy to take a [ __ ] on me and laugh in my face when I was asking for legal advice or or lawyer recommendation yeah and uh this guy basically just gave me some dirty advice and told me I'm [ __ ] sell my product property move to another place become a sanctuary blah blah blah blah blah and uh he was like laughing at me on the phone basically I was like who the [ __ ] is this guy and uh I'm was like I just [ __ ] was supporting you guys and you guys say that you're here to fight for the rights of reptile keep Keepers and all of us and all I asked for was a lawyer recommendation and you just told me to go [ __ ] myself basically yeah and um and I forgot what else he said he said something else and I was like bro you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] and then I think he felt bad and he tried to put me in contact with I think the the president of usark Florida and she was trying to help me but that didn't really go anywhere at the end of the day I just wanted a lawyer recommendation and it's like I thought you guys had lawyers on your team I thought you guys were you were well versed with this because you go to court with FWC and all this [ __ ] yeah so like why can't I get a lawyer recommendation so basically this guy like turned his back on me and he's supposed to represent them and that's what spoiled my relationship with usarc Florida and then it turned into usarc in general so everyone thinks I hate us AR and it's not true I just don't like a couple people who said some very stupid [ __ ] to me for advice yeah it wasn't advice it was like you're [ __ ] move he told me to stop doing my YouTube channel I was like go [ __ ] yourself bro go [ __ ] yourself and like where you where you were going with it to like there's a billion sides to everything with like FWC like I feel like a lot of the officers whenever you see them like it's chill like if you do everything right the only people who talk [ __ ] are criminals yeah literally that bro they're you guys keep taking out of my ass blah blah BL blah like people saying all that like bro you have a criminal record you smuggled [ __ ] back in the day you sold animals that were protected you are the bad guy they don't want around anymore we're the new generation we're trying to [ __ ] cooperate all the stuff that uh what was the guy's name that got all his animals nail gunned a coffee something coffee yeah the reptiles with coffee coffee dude reptiles with coffee try it I drink I drink Cuban coffee though but I'll it's actually modeled after after Cafe did you bring some no I when I'm about to get some more and I'll send you some I'm going to [ __ ] get a nail gun to you [ __ ] no I'm kidding so so the nail gun situation yeah of course those snakes should have been relocated to a facility but he was supposed to get his permits to keep those snakes legally he had the option to liquidate assets which means sell all your snakes to people who can legally keep them yeah uh most likely out of state people where there's no regulation or uh get your uh condition species permit and have him grandfathered and you get to keep him forever that's it but he didn't care about them being alive in his possession bro he had a he had what 90 days or three three months whatever it was I had the same deadline cuz I own yellow anacondas and green anacondas which were a part of the ban making them a prohibited species that you have a grandfather permit for so I had the same window he had he didn't get his permits he didn't apply he didn't do it in the on the body cam footage he tries to blame it on his invest investigator why are you blaming on your investigator your investigator's job is to come make sure you're not doing anything illegal and that all your animals are secure and to and to to par with their rules how you keep them and there's inventory that's looked over that's it he's not your babysitter he doesn't fill out your paperwork for you and do your applications every year that's on you that's on you so he didn't get his permits and he blamed communication errors on his officer for why he didn't get his permits it wasn't his officer's job to make him get permits so he still had the snakes he never got the permits and I guess he was waiting around and apparently a snake got out a retick was out near his facility or from his facility and FWC came to investigate and then they saw a [ __ ] room full of snakes that were illegally owned and then it turned into [ __ ] Y and that's your we have to take these now and I don't know why it had to be euthanization it they should have been relocated that was that was really tough um because I know some of the people I know some of the officers in that video and they're not bad people but you know they I would have talked to maybe higher ups and try to get something pulled for the cuz just a couple years ago when [ __ ] like that would happen they would just get relocated to a zoo or another facility with permits and they just decided to euthanize all those snakes now the weird situation with that with the boa dude that was his room he rented out he had a a buddy who rented out the other room with non-conditional species why was his boa in between all your [ __ ] on your room in your room when you knew these guys were coming to take and euthanize these snakes it's almost like the bow was planted and they left and then coffee put up a camera to film them and he knows the boa was there if the boa was such a high concern you would have [ __ ] grabbed it out before the officer started working and put it in the guy's room who actually owns the snake why was that guy's boa in your room that you rent out hm yeah that's right conspiracy holy [ __ ] wait a minute because F because FWC is try to they they try to paint them like they're always the bad guys and they don't give us they don't give us any wiggle room they just come in and kill our [ __ ] that's not true this guy had 90 days to fill out his paperwork he blamed it on his officer he's a grown man he's a grown ass man he should have filled out his paperwork I'm 27 or well I'm 26y old I can't speak right now I'm 26y old I'll be 27 in January I've been filling out paperwork for FWC since I was [ __ ] 16 I've never had my [ __ ] taken from me the [ __ ] fill out your paperwork I've had conditional species permits since I was 16 then I was like 20 or 21 I started to get my crocodilian venomous CU I was living out my mom's house and I could actually keep it um but yeah he uh he chose to not get his permits he chose not to send those animals to other people cuz he didn't he couldn't sell them dude if you can't get the money for the animal and the animal might potentially die donate those [ __ ] snakes to people out of state that are responsible if I was him I would have legally donated them to a bunch of responsible Keepers or just zoos H all the zoos in the other states give them to them they'll use them for education but no he kept them and then they all got euthanized he still wanted to make his money off of him that's where [ __ ] gets dirty cuz everyone's like like he lost his pets oh this not pets no he cared more about making money off of them and coffee I'm sorry if you don't like what I'm saying if you wanted to have a conversation face to face you'll see me at maybe animal con these reptile shows I can talk to you about it bro I I don't I don't hate you I don't have any Mouse towards you but we're just talking about how you [ __ ] up because those snakes died because you decided not to give them away for free you had a long time you could have figured that out you know if I was put in that position dude money wouldn't be an option I would pay for the shipping and send those snakes for free so it sucks um do you think this is coming on the documentary maybe would I mean I wouldn't be surprised a [ __ ] operation Viper is definitely going to be in that docu documentary it's about people getting busted for doing illegal [ __ ] V yeah H yeah I think I think that would be a move and a half yeah that's a move and a half right there it's going to be a long documentary yeah it could be if they got the right thing things like Viper that they could make a running documentary they could do like Crutchfield back in the day did and he's already been filming with Tom and Tom's lady friends Tom's going to be quite the catch on that documentary oh he's going to be singing that boy oh my God he likes Tom stories bro he likes that [ __ ] yeah no [ __ ] um but back to the sorry I know you guys you guys are cool with everyone but like let me get back to this usar Florida [ __ ] oh you're I don't like them well because I I mentioned in the last podcast we did together how you you were defending me cuz you guys were all talking about all the [ __ ] going on at the time with USR and and Florida laws and stuff like that and throughout the conversations uh what's his face Daniel Daniel Parker Daniel Parker kept trying to make like comments about me and I was dying in a hospital and he didn't know that well he kind of did he kind of thought I was dying and he was making he he was making jokes about me to you guys he was trying to like cut in and then you would kind of like I saw there was Cuts in the podcast so I saw [ __ ] was cut out um but yeah he was being a [ __ ] prick and um yeah I don't know these people they just try to push this agenda that FWC is bad I don't follow usarc on Instagram anymore or any of these people usar Florida because they kept putting propaganda about venomous reptile laws changing and then tagging myself and Tyler Nolan and will nce and I was like stop tag stop tagging me in this [ __ ] that you guys are making up rule changes that aren't real and you're trying to get donations for this you're because that's the thing like I have a big following Tyler has a big following let's get the guys with big followings on YouTube to feel like they're threatened now so they tell all their followers to go push and go donate to this non for-profit that's usarc Florida non for-profits 20% only has to go to the to the effort they're fighting for everything else can get paid out to the board members what do you sorry that's a fact look it up it's if you don't like it if you're a US Arc member and you don't like what I'm saying you know these are true facts you can look all this stuff up and he's not saying like they're doing it we're saying like where is it going I mean just bro look at these people look at the the livings that they do like look at what they do for a living think about how much that person would make doing that living and look at their house and car and whatnot you don't see a [ __ ] Lamborghini in my front yard but some of these people have sports cars and mansions right here in this part of Florida so you know whatever man I'm not going to get too deep into that detail but the what do you think could happen to potentially fix whatever relationship you would have with us Ark Florida well here's the thing they they um members of their group went out of their way to give Kevin McCurley information about me that was false which actually sparked all the Kevin McCurley usar chanler hate videos gotcha and there's text messages screenshots showing that Brian love from USR Florida sent messages to Kevin McCurley with false information getting him to spout [ __ ] online um and it sucks cuz some of the people from unar Florida I like mhm but now they all [ __ ] think I hate them and I don't just don't like Brian love he sucks this Rich prick who wanted to [ __ ] fake every [ __ ] permit he was getting crck hours cat hours he's going around asking people to get hours I'm like get the [ __ ] out of here I spent my whole life earning these perm and you're trying to get you rich [ __ ] you're just trying to get people to sign you off so he can get protected species like crocodiles and what get out of here dude so Brian love is actually the one who tried to give me the the shitty advice and you know what whatever fwc's brought him up to me and been like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this guy and uh he tried to go around telling people after my crock bite that FWC was talking to him about me and saying that I'm I'm they're coming after me next he starts spreading rumors saying like oh he got bit it's over for him blah blah blah blah and I'm like that's hilarious cuz they literally say you're the [ __ ] idiot like they don't say he's a [ __ ] ID they're they're professional obviously they have to be um but they're like yo what the [ __ ] this guy's problem he's an [ __ ] to officers too and the bites are not bites are not illegal dude like they don't really care that's the funniest part about all this like everyone and that's what made Kevin McCurley look so silly cuz they pushed Brian love pushed this information on him and then Kevin mccre is like oh big things about to happen and Florida and uh it's like no nothing's going to happen I got bit I told my officer I filled out report form and that's it nothing did happen nothing has happened I got bit that's it what about every everyone else that's gotten bit you think that changes the laws no the laws change when the public gets hurt CU then that means rules were broken safety rules were protocols were broken so uh no I got bit I texted my officer I'm like yo I got bit I got to fill out a report for him right and he's like yeah yeah and I'm like yep um so yeah that's the whole thing with usarc Florida they they uh they had a bad egg and they probably still have them part of the group they were trying to get me to go to a meeting they're trying to get me to a bunch of [ __ ] I was like I don't have time for this I'm going a [ __ ] wheelchair right now I don't I don't have time to go like I I I get nothing out of this you guys already didn't help me out when I was getting [ __ ] by this County and they hired a team of lawyers to go after me and I wanted one lawyer recommendation Brian love turns it into Chandler wanted us to pay for his lawyer and he threw a fit cuz we didn't pay for his lawyer and that's the [ __ ] [ __ ] information he fed to Kevin McCurley and that's why Kevin McCurley was attacking me and you could see why he wanted to attack me I look like an [ __ ] cuz this guy was making [ __ ] up about me so Kevin mcc's pushing like he got bit now now Florida laws are changing and Donnie was on and they're just like yeah get so many views and it's like guys you're [ __ ] regurgitating [ __ ] that's not true even about the laws that were changing even about facts about animals that exist in the wild here they they were like there's no Rock pip pons in Florida yeah there's a [ __ ] breeding spot of rock pythons there's a breeding spot of rock pythons off tamam Trail in Dade County there's a breeding population of bures pythons from Lake okachobee below it all the way to the tip of Florida in the keys there's a breeding population somewhere in tamami somewhere for yellow anacondas and there's tagu lizards everywhere spectacle Cayman everywhere um redhead aamas bassilus lizards rainbow boas breeding down in Homestead there's not a lot but there there's a little breeding population there's a real large breeding population of red tail Boas in the Deering Estate in Miami and um this is just real life this is real [ __ ] and everyone was throwing a fit when they were Banning teus and everything I just named that's invasive in Florida they were getting upset they're just trying to mitigate the [ __ ] that's already stirring up in the swamps so they're like okay Whoever has them can keep them they just need to get a permit that's what I did I have two green anacondas and I have a yellow anaconda no nail gun no now G hell yeah seriously like that's the whole Kevin M I'm glad I got on this podcast cuz I've never done a podcast where I just like talked about that whole situation cuz they just painted me to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] I was like dude I promote conservation all you [ __ ] attacking me inbreed reptiles for morphs [ __ ] you how are you going to attack me I've spent my whole life generating money [ __ ] they do that not even that when all no it's okay I was going to get a white king cobra I was going to breed Luca king cobras I literally was about to get one but the deal fell through I was going to get an 8ot white king cobra I had a het luuc cystic unrelated and I was going to breed White K Cobra so it's not terrible but the the line breeding and [ __ ] where the animals are so inbred they are literally mentally handicapped and they stargaze you know like I never wanted to make a hate video on Kevin I could have easily dude like your spider ball python genene is banned in the [ __ ] UK cuz they're so inbred like crazy I could have totally went after him and I never did cuz it's not what I promote I don't promote hating on people yeah um in this podcast like I'm just speaking facts dude like Kevin McCurley I never [ __ ] hated you or anything I just I'm just over here wondering why you're [ __ ] attacking me for no reason why your camera guy was attacking me and I know you guys don't hate me anymore cuz you stopped making videos but it was [ __ ] man it was so uncalled for like I I've just done Blood Sweat and Tears to get where I'm at today and I have those guys [ __ ] attack me online when I lived in a [ __ ] hole in the wall at the Everglades Outpost saving my money for these [ __ ] animals and then I got this nice house and you guys try to flip it like I'm a [ __ ] Rich piece of [ __ ] like o that rubbed me the wrong [ __ ] way it really did during that time when when all that [ __ ] was going on I remember acting like they weren't attacking me acting like they never attacked me yeah during those podcast you remember he was he talking [ __ ] about you and then he just posted the the feeding the alligator of pizza he just reposted it again no no no that at that time that's when he posted it I'm like [ __ ] like how are you talking running your mouth talking all this [ __ ] about like oh laws are going to change because Chandler is doing this you're beating Pizza to an alligator you [ __ ] idiot God's green earth that's okay it it's so stupid and oh it's not going to hurt it I was oh yeah it's not going to hurt it does it look good first of all what's the what's the purpose does it do anything good for it's not one piece of it was like a whole cheese pizza he f buten the only about that is like he wasting online going like I'm I'm a crocodilian expert I've been I've been handling crocodilians forever I've handled alligators this this and that and it's like dude I got bit by the most athletic crocodile on the planet while I was trying to remove it from a [ __ ] literal cesp of [ __ ] and mud trying to give it a better life and you're you're hating on me because I put my life at risk to get that animal out of that situation sorry I got hurt bro that will not change the laws in Florida for crocodile keeping cuz crocodiles are already illegal to keep you have to have a [ __ ] license to keep them you have to be a zoo an educator a scientific facility to have crocodiles and and all that [ __ ] so there there's no laws going to change after I get bit by an animal you already can't own same thing for the king cobras and the Tai pans it's illegal to own them in Florida without a license they're not going to ban them they're already banned you have to have a permit and uh all the [ __ ] that that that they changed the for the tus this that it's invasive it's literally crawling over the [ __ ] front yard and throughout Fort Pierce and in Homestead everywhere so they're a conservation group trying to preserve Florida that's their [ __ ] job FWC their job is to protect Florida not your teu but guess what they gave you the option to get a permit chip your teu and keep it until it dies so nobody was ever coming in and killing our pets which was the big thing that upset me with us Arc Florida They promoted negative propaganda against f WC acting like they're coming in and going to nail gun your [ __ ] dog it's crazy yeah and they they're coming after your leopard geckos like no there are no leopard geckos breeding in Florida they don't care about your leopard gecko they don't care about your ball python even though ball pythons pop up all the [ __ ] time outside here in Florida anyways what do you guys want to say that boy venting right now yeah I have to cuz the only people I've been able to vent to are my friends the years and they've always been like dude just don't make a video it's just going to make you look bad and I'm just like I think I mean honestly enough time has passed where we can have a Nuance conversation on this yeah so I don't think anything crazy is going to happen talking about it if it happens we can also go back and forth and I think that's the best it it fixes everything you have to have bot sh in bottling [ __ ] in does not work yeah you have to have the conversation having one person like paint you whatever way they want and then you can't even say anything cuz that's going to happen whether you're quiet or not and and you know the the pipe meme of Kevin mccy with the pipe yeah dude he thinks I made that or he thinks or he thought Stone made it or whatever we never made it that was like an actual photo going around and whether it's photoshopped or not we didn't make it it was just sent around CU it's already been in the Community Cycling for years yeah so that she was kind ofun I didn't go after it was funny I all I did was get on Instagram once and make a couple stories saying stop listen I didn't even say his name I was like stop listening to these clowns about what's happening in Florida if you have an animal that's getting banned get the license get it chipped and you can keep your animal no one's coming to kill your pets CU there was a lot of people getting on social media that are just pet Keepers that were scared and they were being fedal this propaganda by Kevin McCurley and uh usark Florida they were hate Monger they're fearmongering everyone fearmongering equating to getting the donations to the non for-profit to fight for our rights for something there's nothing to fight for yeah take that money and [ __ ] preserve some land why are we [ __ ] fighting for the the rights to breed ball pythons we're already allowed to do it nothing's being taken away than God your blue tongues are fine let's go yeah I I you know what crazy with the with the coffee stuff all that [ __ ] happened and that was their best that was their Peak moment for USR Florida Peak I know because it it was it looked very staged because it was it was almost well planned it was Peak but boa shouldn't have been in that room but it wasn't his boa dude Peak for usar Florida Peak MoneyWise where did that money go what did they do what happened with coffee what happened with all that [ __ ] is there a lawsuit what happened dude you can keep your reptiles today BR no no no no no what happened everybody they wanted they wanted donations cuz they were going to do a lawsuit and all this [ __ ] what happened what happened FWC reimbursed him for the boa so there's nothing to happen o and if he takes that money I'm pretty sure PR sure if he took that money got a took that money then he can't argue can't say anything bro I Haven a while so so why did people donate to us Arc if he's going to take money for the boa do donating to us Arc Florida did not change the laws being put in if the state wants to make a law they are the sole say on anything with captive Wildlife it's up to them that's why when this County got upset and they hired a team of lawyers FWC stood their ground and protected me cuz they have the last say on exotic animals and how they're managed kept and licensed and I never broke the rules so I had nothing to fear except for wasting my money on a lawyer that didn't know [ __ ] about animals because usark Florida didn't want to recommend me a lawyer so sorry I'm getting off in a different no sometimes I get I I hope I stay on the topic perfectly because I feel like I get everywhere you're doing you're good I'm in this I'm in this I'm like dude and I hate it the most because presidents president and members of usark Florida and usark look at me like a bad guy when I see them at cck Fest or except for Kurt hosm he's a part of uh usark and usark Florida I believe uh he's always nice to me but like everyone else like dude they they look at me like I'm the bad guy like I'm I'm the like they're the heroes and I'm the I'm the dude who's [ __ ] everything Green Goblin yeah like like bro I was at crock Fest wild Florida you weren't there at that one it was your [ __ ] job and you weren't there um but anyways I was there and the president of US Arc Florida was there and then Daniel Parker and he's like hey Chandler this is the president of of usark Florida I'm like oh nice to meet you and being an adult mature [ __ ] adult nice to meet you and she's like yeah yeah and she got all weird and then he's like she knows uh Muay Tha or some [ __ ] martial arts or something some stupid [ __ ] he said like like you better watch out she'll kick your ass and I'm like nice to meet you and I walked away I was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with these people this really upsets me and this is probably going to get into a weird topic and I hope I don't get chewed out for this because I like Kurt hosm and and he runs the Croc Fest event and Colette does too and I like those people but uh The Croc Fest at Wild Florida had an auction like they always do where they raise money for critically endangered crocodiles and they target a certain species they raise up the money and they give that money to the group of conservationists that are there in the country visiting for the event and they go back to the country and they preserve the animal so that's the whole point of crck Fest but it's a fun time you drink there's an auction whatever you get to explore a Wildlife Park whatever it's at and uh at the auction they had a galpagos tortoise and your manager told me not to get it so then I got it uh in the auction cuz I drank a little too much and I'm like me with my paper plate and then after I got it remember this is supposed to be for Croc conservation Daniel Parker walks over and put puts an iPhone in my face and goes oh you just you just donated $3,000 to usark Florida how how do you feel and he stuck the iPhone in my face I like slapped the iPhone away I'm like get the [ __ ] away from me that was supposed to be for Croc conservation like how do you feel taking that money putting it towards ball pythons or whatever the [ __ ] no seriously that's [ __ ] up I agree I agree $3,000 are my hard-earned [ __ ] money that I wanted to go towards Croc conservation for that tortoise to go to my place went to us Ark Florida and he tried to rub it in my face sticking iPhone I almost grabbed his iPhone and threw in the swamp right next to us but I didn't want to create more [ __ ] problems with these people they always look for something yeah I think that's [ __ ] I think you shouldn't you shouldn't like I don't know I think we allow too much bro I think the lot that generation and back bro is [ __ ] huh like that whole generation of people in back is [ __ ] like like the original like Crutchfield and even like that that middle like I feel like 50s and up them [ __ ] are it's all money and I think we got to we got to work together on a lot of things I I think there's so much drama I mean I like Daniel Parker I like as a friend he's done the I tried to be nice to him I Tred to be his buddy and then he was [ __ ] making front of me when I was dying I'm like you're a piece of [ __ ] yeah I think that we got to put a lot of these uh like egos aside I think that we got to understand that I mean we all keep a lot of these [ __ ] animals we should it's not it's not that deep a lot of people take this stuff a little bit seriously we're just like a bunch of a bunch of nerds when we should care a lot more about you know the the health and the safety of these animals especially where they're from um you know a lot of the stuff that that I've that I work with I only worked with it because I was like well if I get to get to a certain amount of money where I can support myself I can put a lot more attention on like turtles and stuff like that like conservation for stuff like that you know and I thought as like the in ception of me getting into this hobby that a lot of people thought like this and it's crazy to see how much people don't even think about that stuff no one gives a [ __ ] except for people like me and him and and our friends that are like obsessed you know I'm not saying you guys don't give a [ __ ] but uh there are a lot of people who just get caught up with how much money they can make off these animals whether whether it's selling them or being in front of a camera yeah so there's a lot of people who just jumped on YouTube and said I'm just going to do it cuz I see that guy doing and I can do it but they're doing it for the wrong reason like dude the reason my [ __ ] works is because I give a [ __ ] about these animals and I care about [ __ ] conservation and people can see I I give a [ __ ] the reason other people don't work is cuz they don't know what the [ __ ] they're talking about they get in front of a camera and they're not even sure what they're doing they just know they have a cool animal and they want that animal to make them money on camera yeah that's not how life Works people can see right through your [ __ ] mhm and it doesn't work at the end or it works for a little bit and then falls apart o damn should I do that I should do it f it dude nerd put out a video they're going they losing money bro what are you talking about I watch that video the video was not that deep wait wait wait what not I don't watch any of his stuff unless it's me whenever whenever something H comes out like no matter what the channel is if it's like anything close to like a drama like I have to watch it because of this podcast it's like no choice at this point so stupid yeah no but what's going on over there is that it's going on with a lot of people that keep a lot of animals is we're looking at the the price of rodents go up we're seeing what the overhead is now and we're just like hey we need to understand that the demand and what we're producing is not meeting and then the overhead is at an alltime high so it's like we need to get rid of a lot of these animals that's what they've realized and I think that's very sad and [ __ ] up in in what way because now all the animals that you're supposed to take care of are going to a whole bunch of different places to people that don't how to especially when we're talking about animals like RS that get [ __ ] huge take care of animals that size properly even if he couldn't find private people there's so many [ __ ] zoos in America yeah there's so many zoos Aza non ASA that would have are you talking about coffee no no nerd like they're cuz they're liquidating a lot of their collection oh sorry sorry I thought you were going back to coffee no no no you're yeah so they're liquidating a lot of their collection because of just the state of the world different things Kevin yeah it's it's not making sense it's not making sense anymore morph don't make sense yeah so but but that's don't make sense anymore that's what it does come out to just like what happens to all all of these animals like are these animal is going to go you know you're so when when you purchase an animal like you have to come to the understanding that okay if you're coming at it for money whatever you you you got your own thing but you should understand that you may be taking care of this animal for the the long it of it life you know and just because things aren't making sense now it's just like just push it aside push it aside push it that's what a lot of people do and they have to don't get me wrong they have to but it's like that's what happens when you go in with that mindset yeah that's just what that's just what it is if you go in with the mindset I'm going to breed all this [ __ ] and I'm going to make hella [ __ ] money out of it when you don't make money out of it guess what you have to send these animals to shitty ass [ __ ] uh uh situations it's a terrible thing it's a terrible terrible thing what they're doing um you know he has a lot of [ __ ] or he did have a lot of [ __ ] yeah so I I can imagine he probably had a lot of like ball pythons and stuff like that the Rix monitors yeah if he's smart he'll just he'll just keep the cool stuff that he really likes and just read cool stuff like monitors and cuz it's like one thing like re like figuring that stuff out in the ball python realm because it's like there's a bunch of ball python readers but then it's like retakes like that' be cool if he pulled a Tom Crutchfield and got rid of the Clutter and kept some stuff for big exhibits and just like got rid of his old school way of doing things because you know Tom went from keeping the everything in like a vision cage right like [ __ ] like that to having giant custom wood cages outdoor indoor giant waterfalls and stuff like now he if he gets rid of a bunch of [ __ ] he can make space to make like Walkin retick enclosures so he could turn it around make it even more badass and that would probably help his channel if if he presents everything nicer yeah I don't doubt that that's kind of what's going to happen I hope so that would make him better cuz I yeah I dude I don't want to not like this guy I really don't I know they've tried to like destroy my business likeliness and everything for like six years and they finally stopped but like I don't [ __ ] hate them I don't care I just ignored it you know as much as I could over the years yeah just a speed bump here and there like they'll have to realize like everybody has to realize like everybody's on the own lane you stay on your own they yeah know I'm sure people came up to them were like why you such a [ __ ] why you so mean to that guy what do you think he said well well you got to understand the laws are changing he starts playing guitar for him real quick I wanted to know if he can really shred I've never actually seen hear on who do you think is better you or you or him Fu about on at [ __ ] day I would I would love to if you get if you sorry the otter on my back window right now rubbing his snout on the window that's the um but if you did a thing at animal con if he's going to animal con imagine if you did a podcast and then you end it with you guys ripping that'd be cool I'll join the podcast that would be late yeah yeah let me let me jump on he could play he could play he could play for real yeah yeah uh Jeremy actually showed me one of the times that he went to the shop he showed me some of his music and I mean it's old [ __ ] metal from the 80s but he could play he could play he plays very good I don't hate Kevin McCurley I don't think he's a bad person but his guitar playing AB C tormented me for years Donnie Rapture he he tormented me um it's going to be fun when I meet him I've never met Donnie I've never met Kevin either actually really yeah everyone keeps telling me they're really tall they are they are yeah I mean that's a you know not saying much for me but are they going to be on animal con I don't know oh yeah oh there it is there go and Don's not with Kevin anymore no yeah I knew that sexually like what do you mean they divorced yeah I knew that part but nerd is going man let's so if Jeff lewitz makes it or tyan bite oh I don't know he's probably dead by now but we'll see we'll see later oh re yikes yeah I don't I don't know I don't I don't see it I honestly don't see it if he does he's probably going to come back like [ __ ] up he was already pretty sweaty and [ __ ] up looking if if I'm not mistaken could be super wrong about this but I think somebody had posted that that he had been going through like cancer stuff or whatever oh my God [ __ ] maybe that's why he doesn't give a [ __ ] maybe that's why he freal the way he does which which it would be nice if you could clarify cuz you're just like showing everyone like ah I'm just going to do it like this which is like totally taken any opportunity for a shot of a bite yeah when it's like oh you're already dying which we don't know we shouldn't list but if he is he shouldn't be acting honest think he's mental bro I think mentally he's not there yeah it's just his logic behind what he does and how he approaches the snakes does not make sense doesn't make any sense no it doesn't I don't think he's all there he puts his fingers like right in the strike zone and the periphal vision of certain animals it's like nobody would ever do that yeah like he thinks like he has control that's where I'm like like if you do it knowingly whatever but he thinks in his head he has control over this thing you know like he they feel for him they understand him like they sense his Aura yeah yeah all right like off like something's off and I wish there was like some type of Permitting or a process to get those things cuz then those people would not be allowed you know what I mean yeah I I still can't believe somebody sold him that taian like do you not know who this guy is and what he does in his bedroom literally he does other things too but allegedly allegedly he thinks I'm very handsome gu you say something uh law South Carina yeah we we spoke about it yeah oh yeah we did yeah I think we're good we're good you got notes what are the notes you got oh I just divided it cuz I thought we were going to do two different ones but we ended up break you didn't talk about the C break we could leave it for the other one yeah yeah all right goodbye wait wait wait go wait chimps don't belong in captivity they're not pets fill out your FWC paperwork don't sell venomous to people who shouldn't have venomous and also do not grab venomous snakes with your bare hands unless you're professional

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Sea Animals Review: Shark, puffer, Starfish, Clown, Tang, Eel, Gold fish, Sea Horse, Dolphin LIVE 13

Category: Pets & Animals

आर सो मेनी वाटर एनिमल टॉयज वाओ ओके फर्स्ट वन व्हाट इज इट्स नेम दिस इ डॉल्फिन फिश डॉल्फिन फिश वाओ आई लाइक प्लेइंग डॉल्फिन वाओ माय फेवरेट दिस इ स्टार फिश स्टार फिश लुक लाइक अ स्टार सो स्केरी दिस इ शक फिश शक फिश यू कैन सी शार्प टीथ दिस इ सो डेंजरस दिस इज राउंड शेप स्टिंग रे फिश राउंड शेप स्टिंग रे फिश क्लाउन फिश क्लाउन फिश ब्यूटीफुल दिस इ पेंग्विन पेंग्विन आई लव पेंगुइन दिस इज डक डक क्वक क्वक आई लाइक डक साउंड दिस इज ऑक्टोपस ऑक्टोपस सो मेनी... Read more