Alex Edelman & Conan’s Dads Work At The Same Hospital | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

I saw your special uh of your show Just For Us spectacular absolutely amazing and uh I know that it is Emmy nominated and that's why I wanted to get you in here but I think before we begin H to move on to I think uh more important areas we should discuss the fact that you and I have a lot in common which I found out the first time you were on my show yeah you leaned over and you like I'm from Brooklyn Massachusetts and my dad's a doctor and knows your dad and my I'm from Brooklyn Mass my dad's a doctor and we both fled that legitimate profession my father called me the next day and he went oh you were on Dr O'Brien's Sun show the other yes what and he went yeah Dr O'Brien son's also a comedian I went this is a criminal misuse of the word also I like yeah and he went you know he's a good doctor and I was like well his son's a good comic and he went yeah I would expect that cuz the dad's such a good doctor you know I love this struggle over what our true identities are it was truly that though he was like you know he still practices really comes in it's a different my dad with as if it was he's part he's in a different grade at the school he was like you know it's a different department but he's got a lot of respect like my dad's a cardiologist so my dad is a microbiologist yeah so the way I've heard it my dad's first day kind of working at brigam Women's Hospital in Boston was the uh I think 1954 wow and my dad is I just saw him two days ago I hear that was two days before they let the women in it was just Brams it was just bighams before ex it was the it was the Peter bent Brigham then then they changed it to briam women's and the whole world went to hell um but uh but yeah he he worked there from like I think he worked there for something like 65 years something crazy but it's cool cuz every now and then I bump into people who sort of obviously they know my father and they respect my father and um they're not that interested in talking to me yeah I get the same thing where who will come up to me on the street with a craz look in their eyes like and I'll be like hi and they're like your father saved my life and I'm like oh cool check out my special yeah how' you like the show uh My Father by the way if I ever uh if I ever referred to it growing up I would say bighams and my father would go and women's and I'm like What's the difference he well bighams is an ice cream parlor and Brams and women's is the finest uh Medical Institution in the united stat like he was very serious about it but my my dad's been practicing there for a very for a long time not nearly as as long as you're your father but um but feels great a any uh for it it's funny cuz all my memories are there six kids and my dad drove this uh really rusting out uh Chevrolet andala four-door with a squeaky steering wheel and my childhood memories are my dad getting us in the car to run a quick errand me and a couple of my brothers maybe and what he would do is he he'd go to the laundromat he'd go to this place and then he'd say I'm just going to he he abbreviated minute he'd say I'm just going to take a Min and pop into the Brigham and so he would park the car and he would go into the bring Women's Hospital to like check on his bacteria see what they were up to and he would leave us in the car and sometimes 45 minutes to an hour would go by and then he'd come back and we'd be pissed but you couldn't complain cuz he was doing you know he was saving lives you said it was going to take a Min but it took an ER it took an ER yeah it took an ER that was a full ER so no Miller Light keeps it simple yeah they do unbeatable quality Great Taste only 96 calories I've counted not7 count the calories in it yep I have a special machine only 96 calories it's the beer that strips away everything you don't need and holds on to what matters most people always think is it great taste or is it less feeling hey how about both hello ding dong can I come in my name's hello you don't have to choose what's best Miller Light has great taste and is less feeling tastes like Miller time oh yeah I love Miller time yeah I look at a clock my favorite part of the dial Miller time okay if people ask you what time it is do you just say Miller time every single time I say two hours to Miller time hour to Miller time Miller time minus two it's TR my kids so when people say what time of the day were they born I say well my daughter was born Miller time plus 4 my son was born Miller time minus three and then my wife's in the corner crying you don't have to choose what's best Miller Light has great taste and it's less feeling tastes like Miller time to get merite delivered right to your door God I love America visit miror Conan or you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer celebrate responsibly Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee Wisconsin 96 calories per 12 oun fewer cows and carbs than premium regular beer but that was my memory of is and I was thinking you wouldn't leave a dog in a car that long these days but I have this memory of my father shaving in the car on the way to work with an electric razor but with both hands in the mirror while we're going down Route n and I was like Dad uh uh Road he'd be like my knees I got it and but he's like shaving like shaving like this always so busy always I think my dad has been on call for 32 years y I don't think my father has never my father had a beeper until like unre my my father had a beeper and I thought I remember as a kid like in the 70s my father had a beeper because he was on call and I thought technology will never Advance any further than that box on his hip that makes a noise so he can go to a pay phone we were growing up in synagogue like on S I went to an Orthodox Jewish synagogue and my father's beeper would go off in synagogue and you could tell who was new based on who turned on be like what is that very electronic noise in the No Electronic day time frame so people would turn around and my and my brothers be like he's a doctor he's a doctor don't worry about it chill just chill he's saving life re chill Reby suck shut the up you know I had um I had interesting experience cuz I'm obviously super Irish Catholic I'm growing up in Brookline Mass and uh the different um Public Schools they had real identities and the one I was supposed to go to Heath school was very kind of Irish Catholic all the kids played hockey it was all it was kind of where I was supposed to go I don't know why I think my mother had got into a fight with someone at the PTA something happened and it started with my brother Luke he was sent to the Driscoll School the Driscoll school in Brooklyn was surrounded by four literally on on four sides there are like four temples and so it was predominantly Jewish and I was the kind of oh look there's this orange-haired kid named O'Brien yeah um and isn't this funny he's Catholic so it I was suddenly I was invited to I think I went to definitely many many many more Bar Mitzvah than any other confirmation or anything like that and the the parents all thought it was hilarious that I was there and they would like pinch my cheeks and go look at this you know Go's here this is crazy look at his hair and I just I don't know the whole thing was I remember feeling very exotic in a town where there are plenty of Irish Catholic kids but I all my friends all my friends were Jewish kids it was so funny cuz you went to BHS yeah yep so Brooklyn high school was like it was 2 minutes and a whole world away from me cuz I was raised Orthodox and so I remember watching the show when I was like 9 10 years old me like he went to BHS and and I was so jealous of the kids who into BHS because in my mind not only did they not have to pray three times a day they also let you host a talk show on National Television like that was my conception of everyone who went to BHS I'm like eventually they get to either General manage the Red Sox or or have their own television show pretty much the entire class yeah it's like wait does everyone take a turn cuz there like hundreds of kids in that school you know no we all got it was guaranteed if you went to Brooklyn High uh and so but that was that was a great lucky thing for me because I I think very early on got very comfortable around Jewish kids and really kind of which helped with like Jeff Ross and stuff like that exactly cuz who knew they run show business with an iron hand I've got to make a phone call real quick but our producer yes it did no but it it it was it was a nice uh accident for me that I went to Driscoll school I think and then just I I I and and became sort of more involved in going to Bar Mitzvah things like that because I remember thinking um and this may sound strange to you but it all felt so much more relaxed than Catholicism it felt a little more I don't know what and and you may not feel that way but it felt I definitely don't but yeah you're but like I I totally um it's so funny Brooklyn does feel like um like sometimes people say that New Yorkers seem Jewish even if they're not Jewish or's something about the millu of it and I always felt sort of similarly about brookln which is that it was um if you were from Brooklyn you were both Jewish and a little bit sort of Boston Irish C like at the same time like you had cuz you go to you go to synagogue and you have these thick Boston accents you know my uh I have like a fervent memory of like being in synagogue and there's a part on Friday night services where you turn around and they open the door in the back of the synagogue and everyone says a brief prayer towards the back of the door and then you turn back but I just remember uh uh I just remember someone hesitated getting the door and someone in the congregation in the middle of very very like distinct Hebrew prayers they went Stephen get the D and I was like and I was like how someone with like the voice of like a father o stepen get the like six syllables in door get the how did this guy get into the temple yeah I was like wait that's the rabbi yeah the rabbi the rabbi Sean Sean Hanan oh my oh I just love the idea that the the rabbis going on and on about the Bruins he's like all right kid so Hashem has this problem you know but first he's got to go to Duncan what dun there was a kosher Duncan down the street and when it opened up it was like oh my God the headline in the synagogue newsletter was like man lands on the moon like kosher Duncan opens on n koser Duncan there's a kosher Duncan on Route 9 and we were just blown by the way I everyone was excited I was like wait what's not Kosher about Duncan like finally someone got the shellfish out of the donuts it's lard apparently it's lard lard in the donut no I've gone to that Duncan I think I know which one you're talking about and I've enjoyed the donuts not knowing that they were kosher we the first time I was lucky enough to do uh to do the show the TV show I you I I did stand up and then I and then you were like come over and sit on the couch by the way blew my mind and I remember being like don't cry don't throw up just like do the thing and I sit down and we're sitting there talking about like little Brookline landmarks and stuff like that I'm like oh the house with the yellow roof he's like yeah the house with the yellow and like and afterwards I came out I came off for my friend Morgan who came with me was like what what were you guys talking about like if I told you you'd either be upset or think I was lying to you or just like wouldn't make sense like little tiny places in Brooklyn there was such a neighborhood it's such like thing and I still get sentimental I I as I said I was just there this weekend and still driving around and stopping off and going to the old uh spots and uh it's it's it's very powerful it's a very but I don't know if you had this experience it's a wonderful place to be from but when I was 16 years old couldn't wait to leave all I did was and I actually said to people uh I can't wait to get out of this dump and it was because I was very ambitious in 16 17 like I got to get out of this hole you're like like I'm from some which you immediately accomplish by going to Harvard away exactly yeah boy you really fled the coup I sure did you know what I did I hopped on a train like a hobo and I went six miles to Cambridge I got to spread my wings and take the 60 bus seven STS literally I know how they do you know by the way B atin that was a great place for me to grow up because I think maybe it's a specific time God maybe it's a specific time I grew up in but people like my parents genuinely um were just like they gave me a pair of rollerblades and let me go and when I was like 11 years old I were just like rollerblade around and like take the train and take the bus and like if I was interested in comedy I would like sneak into the Lampoon archives CU those kids were always uh drunk guarding the door and I would like to like uh go to the candy library and see like Sergeant Shriver and Doris K Goodwin speaking like it was that time and I was at the Red Sox all the time cuz I got a job there and that was the perfect time the city was just mediumsized enough that you could eat almost all of it if you were like curious enough and I worry that like I don't know there aren't many cities where where like parents give their 11y olds a pair of rollerblades cuz nobody roller blades anymore anyway that one homophobic joke killed it and then like you just like and and just be like get get out of here go find something that you're interested I don't think it's the city though I think it's the time because I was just driving down Route 9 two 3 days ago my brother knels in the car and we pass this little shed and I said oh I used to wait for the bus there when when school was over in third grade mhm myself Virginia Chapman and Isabelle Zimmerman we were just little tiny third graders would walk down to this uh little shed and wait for a city bus to come by not a school bus a regular bus and get on it and then take it down to our to the stop that dropped me off at my house and then them at their houses and I thought my my wife would never let our kids in third grade like when your day at third grade is up wander down to the highway and get the bus that goes into Boston and just make sure you get off on your stop yeah see if you can hitchhike if it doesn't work you know just like try yeah if there's a van just get in it maybe he's got candy I hit hike to all the time genuinely like the tea would stop at like 12:15 and if I wanted to stay I be like I'll just hitchhike I'm like 16y old 15-year-old at like a comedy show right at like a dick dor comedy Vault or something like that and be like the show's going to 12:30 I'll just be like anyone here want to take me a newbile young teen home sorry I'll make it worth your while oh no well come on it's the way to get a ride so he was the actual predator in this situation okay so um so uh for for the people from Brooklyn listening this has been a thorough thoroughly enjoyable yeah sorry can we put this at the end and everything else this episode is actually just going out regionally yeah now for Newton um so what do you think of Wellsley and Sharon yeah we're going to work our way slowly out until we get through the entire United States

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