Category: Comedy
I saw your special uh of your show just for us spectacular absolutely amazing and uh i know that it is emmy nominated and that's why i wanted to get you in here but i think before we begin h to move on to i think uh more important areas we should discuss the fact that you and i have a lot in common... Read more
Category: Comedy
We don't do this often you're you're crinkling papers in the background it sounds like oh we'll try again abide man just ay three two we don't do this often oh my god all of this is staying in yes please you'll never know you really will never know someday i will listen to this podcast as soon as i... Read more
Category: Comedy
Intro i want to talk about this project that you're working on because it's a very cool idea and this is something where you're wearing to you're in you're in the show you're also producing the show yeah yeah okay um sunny it's a it's a fascinating idea do you want to lay out the idea cuz you haven't... Read more
Category: Comedy
My name is jeff bridges and i feel well very open very um a lot of love man lot of love feelings are surfacing now about being conan o'brien's friend and being here with him actually good lord this is the most thoughtful and and and and and also uh beautiful you're a lovely you're a lovely guy thank... Read more
Category: Comedy
I'm going to take these things i want to try that look at that i just matched you huh what do you think man now you got the best you know i i'll keep coming up to these things let's take these off sona do it oh i don't know do it it h they're burning uh hey check me on this who's got better hair than... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Jordian blam su it in a achieving word every a fing girl fing girl hopes for a maring had a rockstar crash and a building and a id idolic life together but after 21 years of a marriage and three childr are a marriage to a four fighters fourth man da a girl has a come to a b fork in the the road after... Read more
Category: Sports
[music] the just calling me under i feel you feel feel feel [music] welcome back into the door report episode 278 on a lovely wednesday evening august 21st 2024 i am will bym joined as always by my co-host trevor huen aka hack squat jim dugen that screwed up my rhythm a little bit but you're fine you're... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
In the history of the united states there's only been three occasions where an inland taian has bitten a keeper or anyone that works with them anything like that first time was uh what was it 2002 i don't remember it was 911 was it was 911 on 2002 or 2001 2001 uh 911 somebody was bitten by an inland... Read more
Category: Comedy
Let's get into it so not for sale podcast coach colin here we got joe rogan and adam ray finally on the podcast didn't know when that was going to happen it is about time and no he is not dressed like dr phil i'm sorry for all the kill tony fans out there he's dressed as himself but it's just as good... Read more
Category: Comedy
We had a question of the week mhm on our socials if you guys want to tap into our socials please do so um extra gravy show on all socials extra gravy podcast on tik tok but um we asked you guys what are some unacceptable first dates yeah this is fun and the answers were quite entertaining oh my god... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Keaton also improvised almost all of his lines so he's just a comedy genius tim burton actually encouraged the actors to improvise and keon was like yep doing that so this is what he actually said quote you show up on the set and just go nuts you rage for 12 or 14 hours then you go home tired and beat... Read more
Category: Comedy
Worst dead jokes of all time go what's the difference between toilet paper and curtains what so it was you that's the one you said was so good it had to go first my dad told me he only drinks on days that start with a tea okay tuesday thursday this day that day sunday saturday did you see in the riots... Read more