Conan Triggers Jeff Bridges | Conan O'Brien Needs A Friend

my name is Jeff Bridges and I feel well very open very um a lot of love man lot of love feelings are surfacing now about being Conan O'Brien's friend and being here with him actually good Lord this is the most thoughtful and and and and and also uh beautiful you're a lovely you're a lovely guy thank you man I feel the same about you I mean I can't remember uh all the times that we've encountered each other over I've come your house i' be about four five six seven dozen times I don't know but I've come to your house plenty of times at night when you're sleeping you that's me yeah and I always take I always take a little something when I go but you leave a little something too I leave a little something too uh so I you know it's so funny because I mean you've done so much incredible work and I've also thought about how I just have this bond with your family because when I was a kid they would show reruns a lot and my brothers and I there was one thing that we watched in the summer and it was we would watch SE hunt and uh of course your dad the great Lloyd Bridges was the star of Sea Hunt and so I remembered when you first came on the scene and I'd see you in movies and people I would think of you as Lloyd Bridges that's Lloyd Bridge's son because he was on Sea Hunt and that's the show we I would watch with my brother Neil and Luke we thought that was the coolest show in the world and of course we were watching it long after it had been on we're watching it in the 70s oh right no the it was the late of the early 60s now you've triggered a story can I tell that's what I do I trigger people you've triggered me okay se you mentioned Sea Hunt now this uh this is also a plug for a fell named Richard Peterson okay uh and people can Google uh Richard Peterson's first movie Big City dick it's called oh big city dick that's the official title and I met this fell maybe uh 30 30 years ago in Seattle I'm getting dressed to go down and do uh this movie America heart and uh I hear this outside my window I look out there and there's this ball kind of heavy set guy a tight madress sport coat and it's like I know I know I go down there uh I forget all about the guy and he comes up to me he goes oh Lloyd Bridges son son of seun and say you got me and then I realized what he was playing on his trumpet was Sea Hunt music yeah and he comes up to me and he says these are the cues I need the other qes these cues and I said what is this he says the cues from seah hun you know every time they go he saw it yeah yeah yeah he would so this fell Richard Peterson is a savant and his his subject SE Hunt No No Yeah all all ziv music and also what's crazy is his connection with you as as mine was just like like early early on was through your dad and then you've gone on to have this insane career but doesn't matter what you do to this guy you'll always the connection will always be SE son of seah hunt son of seah hunt Super Cuts knows what you think it's a quick cheap haircut you can get almost anywhere well you're right about quick okay I'll give you that yes I'm give you that one but Super Cuts is not that cheap it's not a Bargain Basement Chop Shop like some discount options out there you got the wrong idea about Super Cuts if that's what you're thinking Super Cuts just happens to have 2,000 reputable salons full of trained proficient stylists who give Great Haircuts at reasonable prices right not some cheap Chop Shop Super Cuts is super convenient their salons let you check in at a time that works for you that's what I like too sometimes I try to make a an appointment at a salon yeah and I say you know what time works for me and the person on the phone says I don't care you're going to come in when we tell you tell you to come in that's when you're going to come in okay yeah and I'm like well this doesn't sound like a salon for me do you happen to know where Super Cuts is good and they go girl Super Cuts wins again super cut super convenient their salons let you check in at a time that works for you it's or just walk right in it's your hair it's your goal so now years later I'm about 20 years later I'm doing a Sea Biscuit in pasaden have a big Suite have a piano in the room and these guys come over and say do you know Richard Peterson where some documentary film uh directors the three of us have gotten together I oh yeah I tell them this story and they now Richard's downstairs can he come up I said oh wonderful I've always wanted cuz he's really a piano player I said we got a piano and we get down there and we start playing sea hunting music you're playing the stings to an early 60s television show and that's hilarious as I'm walking him out the door saying Richard you know are you into jazz cuz it's kind of you know out there music playing and I do like fonus monk for instance and he looks at me I dig Sea Hunt have you heard of mozark was he on Sea Hunt SE hunt so SE hunt no it's wild but you know I don't know I know that you you're in the business uh you did obviously some cameos on seah hunt with your brother Bo and then I remember a movie came out that to this I love this movie Thunderbolt and light foot and my my my have you you know this film and uh it's Clint Eastwood it's you uh it's George Kennedy you popped so much in that movie uh you must have been a young kid at the time yeah I can't remember how old I was I think it was the mov is 1974 they probably shot it in 73 but you're just such a great character well it was it was um Chino's first movie Mel Cho Michael Chino's first movie he's the guy who directed Heaven's Gate yep yep completely different experience you know in Heaven's Gate we would do up to 60 takes you know but you know we're here we're show up and I'm not sure if I really dug that approach because nobody you never know it's going to take you know are you in into it you know but uh with Thunderbolt and Lightfoot Clint always only liked to do you know one take maybe two you know and I was the kid who'd go up to chimo say Can I oh that's the boss and Clint would say yeah give the kid give the kid one more take yeah but I but uh that uh film is very uh close to my heart because that's the first film I did on Montana yeah and uh man that's I just came back from Montana so I'm a little countryfied well there is uh I know a movie is great when the loss of a character uh upsets me on an emotional level uh or the the or if a character's hurt it upsets me cuz you know there's a lot of violence there's a lot of things that can happen in movies and television and you just don't feel anything and George Kennedy gives your character a beating and it upset me because I was so invested in your character and I I thought that's a good movie and that's a good that's proof to me that the acting here is top level when I'm upset I mean you see if if you just casually watch anything you'll see people getting the kicked out of them a million times you're numb to it but I I I don't know I felt a real loss there when your character was was beaten like that it just upset me and it still does I'm smiling because I it's funny when I see movies that I'm in they're like home movies you know I remember so many different things about it when I watch it and as you're telling that story my mind like very much like the Richard Peterson story I just shared with you that was perhaps too long do you like uh longer uh and you edit this right so from you long leave Jeff I assure you I assure you this is all gold this is a great day for me I love that you're here you can do no wrong uh you're the dude you know I think we have to acknowledge are the and you know what so crazy you came on my show once and you were wearing sandals jelly sandals and then you revealed these are the same ones you wore as the dude and I felt like I was in Rome watching looking at like a religious icon you know it was just crazy that you had those and yes what not them my these are my these are my hokas you guys are hip those are the dudes 2000 sandals oh yeah the is the dude is evolved the dude evolves yeah the dude so let me let me the dude that should be the new one the dude of Alles the dude evolves there you go it's all set up yeah you leowski too right yeah and in this one he's got a he's pregnant with Mod's got a baby on his way the stranger set it up and the one and the one difference is his his Footwear it's still open toed but it has more support orthopedic it's Orthopedic that is right that's really the only difference like it I like that I uh you know I was gonna oh go ahead I he had that story yeah I was going to tell the story so what that triggered when you were talking about the Thunderbolt in life but that scene that you're talking about where I die in the car with Clint I go up to Mike and I say Mike yeah I've got an idea Mike now I can do this with my eye I don't know where the camera you see yeah oh yeah see like that I can hold a half blank pretty good see so I said to him why don't we get a dentist CU I'm supposed to die of a brain hemorrhage brain hemorrhage you've been beaten really badly and and Clint thinks you're going to be okay yeah I say let's get a dentist up here and shoot me with Nova cane in the side of my face and I'll go like that yeah yeah yeah yeah and he said okay so we did that and it worked great and they uh they lost the film what and we had to do the whole thing again you know I love being that who comes in and tells you that you know the thing where you the dentist has to come in uh that's unbelievable

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