Bitten By The World's Most VENOMOUS SNAKE!!!

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 00:26:40 Category: Pets & Animals

Trending searches: inland taipan
all right class it's time for a pop quiz let's say you're face to face with an inl typan the world's most venomous snake do you a leave it alone or B [ __ ] with it until it kills you most of you guys probably picked a unless you're this guy this is going to be an interesting video Welcome Back to the channel everyone thank you so much for being here um today's video is a bit different than most my videos normally I don't talk about this kind of stuff um you know the negative stuff I like to keep it positive here but today like this dude just pissed me off and I I really do think that there's there's a lot of teaching moments here so might as well capitalize on it but without further Ado guys let's get started so what the hell happened basically this man from Florence South Carolina got rushed to the hospital on Friday it is Sunday by the way at the time I am recording this got rushed to get treated for a snake bite the snake that bit him was one of if not the most venomous snake on the planet the Inland typen this was a snake that was not obviously a wild animal they're not from you know the states it was just one of his pets that he had bit him got rushed to the hospital from what the family has been posting posting on Facebook he's not dead yet I guess maybe he'll survive who knows but he's on uh a ventilator not doing so well who knows what the [ __ ] going to happen to him he has got an anti venin but yeah that's pretty much what happened so who was Jeffrey my name is Jeff um honestly I've read a lot of things about him I've seen some of his posts the dude was not very well-liked honestly I have no respect for him I frankly don't care that he's probably dying or about to die I have no [ __ ] respect for him I'll just pull up one of his posts these are his own words um I'll just pull it up let you guys make your own opinion on him there's more reasons why I don't respect him the main one I I'll talk about in a few minutes but let me just read you guys a post um by Jeffrey leoo witz mind you this is the guy that got bit by the venomous snake so keep that in mind while you read this it kind of makes it a little bit funny right let's hear I'm only I'm only going to say this once people who can't use their hands when necessary with venomous trip the [ __ ] out when the snake climbs up the hook towards them then they die and their [ __ ] families blame us shut the [ __ ] up these are the same puss puss people who never shut the [ __ ] up about a snake never attacking person a snake never attacking a person these are the teachers the Educators who help others get over their fear of snakes meanwhile you're too punked out by your own snakes to interact with them and only do so when absolutely necessary and and you're an itchy yeast infected art collector giving advice about testosterone through estrogen filled [ __ ] lips you should certainly shut the [ __ ] up you can't do what we do we can do what you do if you nevertheless have an opinion then you have no business in my hobby or my country get the [ __ ] out of both and eat a dick you say we're Macho Man well you're godamn right we ain't the ones getting [ __ ] up our ass reving at the thought of one day wearing Grandma's dress jacking off to the dead Squirrel pop pop gave you but don't worry Daddy isn't mad at you Daddy knows that one day you'll wear Grandma's girdle hold your fishing pole hook and have your fair shot at menopause 2 in the meantime suck my [ __ ] [ __ ] that was Jeffrey um it's the kind of guy he was is don't know um Jesus Christ honestly just reading that right off the bat I can just tell like this is a very my snake [ __ ] is crawling away hold on anyway just reading that um you can tell he's a very bitter just angry person always thinks he's somehow better than everyone like dude what the hell was that man like you're going to jack off to a dead squirrel you have I I don't want to repeat like half the [ __ ] I just read but you can he called himself daddy twice which is just the cringiest [ __ ] ever and just the sign of very fragile fragile ego um probably very small penis as well but Jesus Christ man that that was the kind of guy he was but I want to point out the fact that this dude was acting like he was [ __ ] Untouchable he was clowning and I'm not talking about just this post I'm talking about other posts and stuff clowned people that use hooks with venomous snakes that by the way using hooks there's still a lot of danger right but at least you're taking some sort of you know precautions to minimize an already just inherently risky activity um just free handling like the dude thought that he had the biggest nuts on the planet because he freeh handles right he even has a post where where he says anti venin is for [ __ ] the guy would literally clown people for having stock of anti venin just in case you know they were to get bit or something Jeffrey you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] because you the first thing you did after getting bit was go on to Facebook and cry for help like a little [ __ ] oh anyone with anti venom please deliver it to this Hospital mind you I would have done the same if I [ __ ] up and I was dying too however this didn't happen to me it happened to you therefore you're the [ __ ] it's just so funny man like everyone is hard and everybody acts tough until they get hit in the [ __ ] mouth and then your true character shows dude was acting like he was Untouchable oh anti Von is for [ __ ] never going to get bit look at what [ __ ] happened bro now you are the laughing stock of the reptile Community dude the reason I I [ __ ] dislike this guy so much aside from his just disgusting [ __ ] God complex is the fact that he just spreads so much just misinformation and just recklessness he has a video I'll probably put it up on the screen where essentially he has the Tian mind you the Tian that bit him he just got that I don't know if he just got that snake but hours earlier he had posted a video of essentially grabbing the snake and forcing it to or trying to make it so that it doesn't bite you by like not letting it turn its head so number one you're restraining the [ __ ] out of the snake that's not cool it's it's not like it doesn't make you any more of a [ __ ] man like being in control he talk he used that word a lot like you can control it know its limitations y y like dude you're you're just not that guy you never were you never [ __ ] will be if you survive you're not that guy pal trust me you're not that guy okay like like you were doing stupid [ __ ] and you paid a [ __ ] price um that snake bit him literally hours later like mind you comments telling him bro this is dangerous this is stupid always Shrugged it off always antagonized everyone because he thought he was Untouchable and then this [ __ ] happened but the reason why I have such an issue with this guy is he just has like he he just treats everyone like [ __ ] he treats everyone like [ __ ] and not only that like you can treat people like [ __ ] fine but I have no respect for anyone that is just selfish towards animals the dude has and mind you this is something I've seen with venomous Keepers in general not in general not all obviously but they all keep them in the same crappy [ __ ] Vision cages with bunch of mulch one water bowl and maybe a hide like bro do something better for your snake man like if you care about these animals as much as you say you do don't just take him out and feed your [ __ ] king cobra like a python or whatever the hell and then just be like oh cool guys like do something nice for it man build it a nice [ __ ] enclosure like like it's just so boring man like people just get these animals dude for the [ __ ] views the clicks that's why the people that do have them like they'll put venomous and like caps like on every video but this Jeffrey clown he got bit right you want to risk your own life you want to be a [ __ ] idiot despite everyone telling you hey it's stupid go ahead but because he got bit right um they ended up confiscating his 14 other snakes and they got euthanized they got put down like just straight up went into his home euthanized the rest of his collection and yeah it it just sucks man he had some beautiful snakes and they had to suffer because this [ __ ] guy who mind you isn't a researcher he's not you know doing anything with with Venom he's literally just some old entitled [ __ ] that thought he was God thought he was touchable and he was just a [ __ ] venomous hoarder that kept his snakes in shitty conditions mind you I just said this stuff about these YouTubers and division cages whatever bro that what they're doing looks like heaven compared to this dude like this dude didn't even have Vision cages he just had his [ __ ] in tubs like ugly like horrible horrible conditions um no room and mind you he's just constantly terrorizing his animals for his own enjoyment like he has a video where he's just going like this like scaring his uh the typend that bit him actually [ __ ] loser um the typend that bid in he's doing this thing like just going over the enclosure dude again I'm no uh expert with venomous but bro any snake or most animals are going to freak out dude if you're doing this the snake is like is like [ __ ] arched up like freaking out um he's just selfish man he's selfish and because of that 14 snakes had to get killed so I I don't really care honestly like I I know whenever something like this happens most people are like oh you know I didn't agree with him but you know you'd hate to see this happen you know I'm praying for them wishing the best of them yada yada I genuinely do not [ __ ] care I'm not wishing that he dies realistically like I'm not actually wishing for that but I do not care if he does or doesn't like if you're a shitty person you're still a shitty person if something tragic happens to you you know what I mean I'm not going to just you know give you pity and love just because something bad happened to you um if he does make it hopefully this is a wake up call um if he doesn't hopefully somebody can you know learn from this but aside from the the whole Jeffrey thing um I do kind of want to talk about some other issues so before we keep going I want to give a huge shout out to my patreon members you guys are the absolute best I love you guys all very very much um if you want to sign up for the patreon you can sign up for res it is $5 a month it will probably help me cover the upcoming lawsuit that Jeff's family is going to send at me um Jesus [ __ ] Christ but no seriously I appreciate all of you guys over there feel free to check it out link is in the description but let's get back to the video before I share my thoughts on what this case could do for the Hobby and whether or not I think people should even keep venomous in the first place I do want to briefly touch on the indent Taipan it's venom and what makes this the most dangerous snake in the world um and just the worst one you could have possibly been bid by the info that I'm about to share with you guys now came from Brian Frey on Facebook he has a PHD and he said that this was the focus of his studies um he left this on a on a post so I will leave the link to that post if you guys want to read everything for yourselves I've kind of just you know taken notes and synthesize everything um to just make it more quick and digestible for you guys so let me pull up the notes that I have on this so again he did his PhD and I guess evolutionary studies on the uh the indent typen but he says that basically one of the reasons why this animal is so dangerous is because they've evolved to well they they eat essentially like dangerous mammals that can fight back and often injure or even kill the typend um he cites specifically that they eat a lot of long-haired rats which I guess could you know pose a substantial threat to them so because of that they've evolved in such a way that their venom is essentially like a nuke like it's just meant to just hit you hit you hard and just so they have they have incredibly long fangs um they have a tendency to bite victims repeatedly he cited an example that he he knows of a case where a young boy was bidden by the taipan like just over and over like both his legs and his grow growing area had bite marks like could you imagine just being bitten repeatedly by a venomous snake that's Jesus Christ H they have the long fangs they can fite repeatedly they have a long strike range but what makes them the most dangerous is their complex Venom um it's made out of four different um Venoms it has cardiac acting toxins cognitive toxins myotoxins and neurotoxins um I'm no expert so I'm just going to be reading off what each of those things do but just off the bat man like four different types of Venom like dude you're [ __ ] man like you that that sucks like that genuinely sucks the and from what I was reading it it's really nice cuz it kind of all seems to work like well together um I'll show you guys what I mean now but the the cardiac toxins um they act quickly and they essentially make it so that the um when a human is bit in they become dizzy or even unconscious and then this gives the slower acting but much more lethal toxins a chance to like really do the job done so step one you get dizzy you knock out the other Venoms are going to kill you now next you have the cogul toxins which renders the person unable to form blood clots essentially what that means is if you get bitten or you have any kind of wound or cut it's not going to stop bleeding you're just going to keep bleeding um which is just horrible the myotoxins then destroy the uh the muscle tissues of course this can lead to just perent muscle loss um disability just necrosis like it's just your muscles are getting eaten away essentially by the Venom um eventually leading to you know the muscles just dying and then you have the neurotoxins that block the signal from the nerves that tell the muscles to contract this means that you can die from suff Suffocation since your diaphrag can't move anymore um that's why the victims are often placed on ventilators uh which is essentially a way to artificially breathe like with the machine so yeah this snake has those four kinds of Venoms just hitting you at once um it is the most venomous snake in the world the last one I would ever want to get bitten by um yeah that's pretty much the end and typen guys don't be like Jeff don't don't get bit by a typan I guess is the um the advice for the day so do I think people just private hobbyists should be allowed to keep venomous snakes yes but there's it's not just a yes it's yes but there there has to be a way to do it right and a lot of the states are doing it right for example here in Florida I forget the number I know it's I think it's at least a thousand it may be even more um of hours working with said animal to get like a permit I'm sure there's other stuff but there's a permiting system where essentially you can't just decide you want a king cobra or a black mamba or whatever it is go out and get one you actually have to have a permit I cannot buy a snake a venomous snake today if I wanted to right South Carolina where he was at South Carolina does not have um laws requiring permits for venomous so apparently anybody can just get them from what I've heard and my D this is just heard on Facebook few people were saying it apparently the town that he was in had an ordinance where you do need a permit for those kind of snakes so even though he wasn't breaking Carolina law he was breaking I guess a city law um again I do not know if that is 100% a fact or not but just so you guys are aware if your state doesn't require it there is a chance that you know your city or or town or whatever may still require it so you may not be out of the woods yet but that's number one I do think that you need a permit typically I am against you know I guess like the government being able to tell people what to do getting involved in their personal private lives whatever I'm kind of of the belief if you want to be a [ __ ] idiot go be an idiot doesn't really affect me the only issue is with venomous snakes it does affect more than just one person unfortunately if Jeff wants to you know go kill himself that's his you know he has the right to do that however here in this situation for example because of his [ __ ] up his mistake 14 snakes had to get euthanized right so it's not like this was just him taking the risk and you know being a man and being like whatever my my actions will only affect me no they affect other people right aside from that he got bit what what would have happened if there was someone else at the home maybe a child or something right you get bit you're on the floor unconscious who knows snake is loose kid opens the door kid dies right or same scenario but the snake escapes and now it's you know in someone's backyard someone [ __ ] sees it picks it up whatever gets bit I think with venomous there's definitely the potential for this affecting more than just yourself and because of that I do think that there should be some kind of regulations kind of um in place for that sort of stuff I also think if you are going to get venomous stuff you have to be way more prepared and more humble than this guy this guy again thought it wouldn't happen to him didn't like I said didn't take any precautions would laugh at people that would take precautions this famous anti Benin is for [ __ ] and then proceeds to beg for it um just [ __ ] kills me but yeah like I think if you are going to keep venomous snakes I think you have to have or at at least have access to have like a supplier maybe somebody at a hospital at a zoo whatever someone that with antivenin with your name on it in case you know [ __ ] goes down how do you have the most dangerous snake in the world or any venomous snake really right especially one that's not native because for example here in Florida if I get bit by a diamond back odds are if I go to a hospital they probably will have the the antien in or at the very least there's going to be someone nearby with rattlesnake antivenin because it's a it's a local snake you know what I mean it's not like if I get bit by a king cobra my pet king cobra that someone's going to have it right with this typend it took him hours to get the Venom that is something that he should have had a contingency plan for ahead of time right so on the same breath I personally think if you are going to have these animals and you're going to be allowed to have it you got to show like hey I do have access to antivenin or hey I have so and so connect with access to this stuff like this dude didn't have a plan like at all if he had a plan he wouldn't be on Facebook begging people to [ __ ] save him you know what I mean he asked this one person I'm not going to name because they don't need you know to kind of get [ __ ] but he asked someone who basically runs like a zoo a Zoological foundation for the antien and they said no rightfully so they said no because you you give him the antivenin that stuff is super expensive and to replace it could take weeks or even months she has her own workers at her Zoo working with these animals so if they were going to send it over for Jeffrey she's now putting her own employees at risk which I wouldn't have done either especially not because of someone idiot's [ __ ] up you know what I mean so that's the other thing where are you going um is I think I think you got to prove that you have access to antivenin sorry guys my camera died but yeah essentially on the whole issue of should we keep venomst or not I say yes I just do think that since there are other people involved it's not just you taking the risk I do think that we need to have a permiting system um which again Most states do or at least a lot of them do and I think that you should be required to have antivenin or at least prove that you have someone that will uh give you the antivenin for every snake that you have um or every species are I guess snakes that have the same you know kind of Venom uh it's not anti venon is like very specific like you don't you can't just use one anti venon for all snakes but yeah and then I guess this isn't like a requirement but I I really do wish that Venom MERS would just do a bit more with their husbandry you guys have some of the most beautiful snakes on the world and it's always the same [ __ ] man always in you know little tubs or [ __ ] Vision cages that you guys don't even deck out and make look cool I don't know man I want to see you guys just really [ __ ] up it man again I think venomous snakes are cool I just you know wish people would would do a bit more for them I I don't know man I'm kind of going on a tangent today as far as what this means going forward and kind the kind of one of the reasons why like this case just really pissed me off man is because this always happens man always this is textbook you know one bad app Apple ruining it with a whole bunch like because of this [ __ ] guy I guarantee you the laws concerning reptiles in uh South Carolina are about to get more strict they may decide to do a permiting system for venomous snakes which again I'm not really opposed to but I have a feeling it may affect other areas aside from from Venoms which would be unfortunate like this this one guy just makes the whole Community look bad you know what I mean like to us that are in the community we understand hey it's you know it's one [ __ ] idiot in South Carolina that made a dumb mistake to the whole world it's you know oh man these reptile Keepers look at how Reckless look at how irresponsible um you know what I mean like we have to remember we are in the minority like most people do not like reptiles don't keep them um we're already in the minority and anytime that anyone [ __ ] up in this community everyone else just paints us all with the same brush so that's why I hate this guy he's making the rest of us look bad he's making venomous Keepers specifically look bad and I really don't think that they're they're bad like I think most of them are actually pretty cool so sucks that this guy did it sucks that he's kind of ruined for everything you know people are going to talk they're going to probably cite this when they go to pass on policies or laws um as is they just want to get rid of reptiles but they don't want people to keep reptiles this is definitely going to get cited he's going to [ __ ] it up for everyone man they're going to say that we we can't regulate ourselves that we're irresponsible because this guy decided to [ __ ] with his snake and get himself killed maybe who knows I don't know we'll we'll see what happens with him but yeah just wanted to update you guys um I guess if I if there were some takeaway messages it's don't harass venomous snakes don't get bit by them um don't say antien is for [ __ ] and then beg for it um and just just be good to your reptiles man just treat them right they're going to they'll treat you right um don't think you're Invincible you're not I'm not nobody here is um and you know just try to just try to not be like Jeff that's the uh that's the take- home message for today try not to be like Jeff but yeah that's all I got guys I've been rambling for a while um thank you all so much for being here but I'll see you guys in the next one as always thanks for watching and enjoy your reptiles n

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