YouTuber ALMOST DIES Handling Worlds Most Venomous Snake!

Published: Sep 11, 2024 Duration: 00:13:58 Category: Pets & Animals

Trending searches: inland taipan
in life there are three guarantees death taxes and free handlers getting inv venomed by their snakes everybody says it and everybody agrees with it if you keep pet snakes you will eventually get bit by a snake everybody agrees with it well except for this guy right here now keep in mind for context I get bit very rarely and I never show it on the channel it's just a bad look in my my opinion and the reason is I'm careful and with snakes I know that are going to bite me even I don't keep venomous ones just ones that aren't venomous I use hooks so really the phrase should be more like people who carelessly handle snakes that are apt to bite without hooks to protect themselves are going to get bit or something like that you get the point and this isn't to say snakes are going to try to hurt you I mean how many times has my golden retriever Bit My Hand by accident when I handed it or a treat you know accidents happen and sometimes you get bit by snakes anyway to set this up freehand is the act of handling venomous snakes with your hands and nothing else that's the definition I made up on the spot anyway I think that's how we all see it and in my opinion a grown adult should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it's not hurting anybody else the problem is when you freeh handle a venomous snake you show it on the internet and then you get bitten by that snake and then sent to the hospital often times what happens foreshadowing here your entire collection gets seized and then put down so they euthanize all the animals that did nothing wrong but you're the one who made the mistake and then they change a bunch of laws which will affect negatively a giant population of people sometimes closing down businesses so is free handling right should we Outlaw it should there be something done that's something that I want to discuss in this video as well as well we all know why we're here right but before we talk about that guy why freeh handle at all well over the years I've been very lucky to cross paths with a lot of people who do keep Venom snakes and free handle their animals and I just candidly ask them because I'll be honest I don't really agree with it but there's a lot of things I don't agree with and I that doesn't mean that I'm not going to be friends with these people or make videos with these people I'll just say hey I don't like the way this guy does this but it doesn't mean that that one thing discludes them from being part of my friend group or me respecting them for other things that they do so the answer I get most commonly when asked why do you freeh handle venomous snakes is something akin to cuz it makes me more like part of the snake bro like I feel so connected to the animal bro or something along those lines and maybe that is true and let's just be honest here I've never handled a snake like that freely I do think that handling a ball python obviously makes you feel connected to the animal so I know I kind of mocked it but realistically the answers that I get when it's not on the record or someone who I know pretty well who I consider good friends with is usually because bro you get tons of views that's basically it and this is true some of my friends like I would consider will nce a friend of mine I respect him I love what he does I don't have a bad thing to say about the guy but to prove my point there's this thumbnail right here with a bunch of baby cobras who probably can't open their mouth yet cuz they haven't gone through their first shed right in front of them and look at the view count right so it's true when you're free handling the snakes it gets you a ton of views and those views make money and then all of a sudden you have millions of followers like realistically is there anyone out there who's going to dispute the fact that if someone like me or anybody else who doesn't do venomous stuff started all of a sudden freeh handling gaboon vipers we wouldn't be three times the size we are basically overnight I mean obviously yes but there's reasons that we don't do those things all right let's get to the point the third category of people who freeh handle snakes are just arrogant there are people who think they are above us all looking down on us peasants who keep kids stuff yes that's a real phrase a real quote from a real arrogant so and so who does this and that brings us to this absolute Beauty right here Jeffrey libowitz is a newly minted South Carolina resident whose entire personality is freeh handling very venomous snakes with just as hands very carelessly putting it on the internet and then taking a massive dump on anybody who comments on his reals saying anything that he doesn't agree with Jeffrey lebowitz's claim to fame and his credentials are as follows and I quote I've been handling venomous snakes for for 40 years and I have never been bitten I know what I'm talking about and you don't end quote real quote real thing he said over and over and over again so where is Jeff today he is at the McLoud Hospital in Florence South Carolina on a ventilator and dialysis right now I want to clarify very clearly I do not wish death upon Jeffrey I really do hope with all my heart that he recovers and no matter what happens afterwards I would hope that he recovers fully and then comes back with a I told you so like to himself publicly but either way I wish no ill I really do hope that he has nothing but a speedy and perfect recovery and he's back to his normal self as soon as possible yes he is a massive burden on the Health Care system and on the reptile Community now but that doesn't mean that we should wish death upon him and all of you who did you do you you're an adult but it is a little horrifying to me that people are openly on social media wishing death upon someone for making which is a really dumb mistake but still like let's not wish dep upon the guy so let's talk about Jeff and then Circle back to free handling as a whole I commented a few months back on a reel that I came across of a middle dude handling a very venomous snake that if he were to get bit and didn't find antivenom he would likely die he was speaking in this real not in a you know this is really cool and look at this beautiful animal type way but more of a I freeh handle cuz I can get away with it and anybody who knows anything about anything anyone who's worth their salt will never get bit if you know what you're doing blah blah blah blah blah blah it was very much a challenging you should try to do this you could do this unless you don't know what you're talking about type of way and I don't really agree with talking about handling venomous snakes that way I commented on the video something along the lines of hey if you're watching this real please don't do what this guy is doing he's going to get bit and so will you if you try this dangerous practice he replied almost immediately telling me that I've seen your work you're not qualified to make statements like this you don't know what you're talking about and a derogatory way now Jeffrey talking in a derogatory way shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody who's seen his Facebook post however just a week ago he made a post saying and I quote well sort of I'll paraphrase here because I don't like to use this language in videos antivenom is for cowards but instead of the word coward he used a word that starts with the letter p and ends with usies so anyway that's just great foreshadowing from this ray of sunshine now I don't think it is inherently your fault if someone else gets bit if they watch you handle snakes and you should be allowed to free handle snakes on the internet if that's what you want to do and the reason I don't think that it is incitement or you're responsible if someone else gets bit after seeing you do it is for the same reason that if you watch Jackass and try to blow yourself up but you don't survive it doesn't give you license to sue Johnny Knoxville we all watch Motocross boat racing skydiving all these things that we know are risky and dangerous but if somebody does it and then dies their family doesn't sue the person that they said oh I watched them do it now I want to do it I think the idea that if you're free handling and then you're responsible for someone else getting bit who's trying to do the same thing it's just silly Gooser I don't agree with it at all however I do think it's a little dumb to be like hey you should do this and not so many words but that's a personal opinion and of course some people might say Adam well you go out and you catch king cobras and show them on the Internet and that's true I've done that with trained professionals and bite proof gloves and hooks and getting nowhere near touching them but either way it's a spectrum anyway the point being Jeffrey definitely falls into the category of Reckless arrogant Keepers I mean he's made posts uh do you keep venomous stuff or do you keep kid stuff like just dumb stuff like that being absolutely berading with language I would never show here well I'll show basically the entire post blurred out because of the words that he's using talking about people who are below him beneath him he's an admin of a venomous group on Facebook which by the way you are probably a loser if you're boasting about being ahead of people in a group on Facebook but anyway just using this type of language is bad for the hobby it makes all of us look like idiots we do have a stereotype where Snak Keepers especially venomous snake keepers are well obscure and maybe not the most upstanding citizens in the world and maybe we shouldn't be posting this on the internet for people to confirm their bias so getting to the main story here I noticed that a few days ago Jeffrey was posting for the first time his baby Inland taian if you don't know an inland typan is it's an elapid from Australia the middle of Australia usually where there's not a lot of people and this is the most venomous land snake on Earth this is a snake that if it bites you surely you must die if you don't get antivenin and even if you do get antivenin on time you're going to be in bad shape the interesting thing is Inland taipans have never on record killed a human I'm hoping that doesn't change anyway Jeffrey is handling this Inland Ty and it's a baby it's very small he's holding it by the middle of the body and claiming that well the thing you should know about Australian elapids is if you hold them by the body you can manipulate them and that way look he's trying to bite me but he can't bite me H he can and then the next day after that reel Jeff's on the internet on Facebook posting does anybody have taien venom taien he meant taien just a little mockery that's just a little just a little bit and of course keep in mind he did say anti venin is for so and so and then literally a week later asking for antivenin cuz he needs it to survive outstanding so Jeffrey unfortunately now is experiencing kidney failure which makes sense because what the Venom of an inland typend does is destroys tissue so it'll destroy your Airways it'll destroy muscle tissue and when muscle tissue is destroyed it has to excrete out of your body somehow and that is going through the kidneys muscle tissue is obviously very rich in protein as is the Venom itself so it starts to destroy your kidneys therefore he's on a ventilator cuz it's destroying his Airways and it's destroying his kidneys too it doesn't help that he's on the back nine of his life I don't know how old he is I'm assuming 50 plus just judging by the way that he looks and then of course it was revealed unfortunately that Jeffrey had cancer or at least he claimed to have cancer not saying he doesn't just he's never talked about it it just kind of came out after the fact so his body is already not in the best shape to handle such a lethal dose of Venom in the first place and although he did get antivenom here lies the quandry of morals there was a group who was asked for their Inland typen Venom who refused it straight out said I'm not giving it to him this guy is a burden he is a risk and now we're going to risk our facility if one of our employees gets bit we can't give the antivenom to them cuz we might need it which this is where it lies and I'm not going to get into a moral debate I'll let you guys do that on your own leave it in the comments but be respectful please the idea here is I'm not going to give it because maybe I'll need it when realistically you know that antivenom might save a life so here is the blowback the governor of South Carolina has already been on the phone with a bunch of people who make laws who are talking about this right now and it will destroy businesses and you're ruining the hobby for people who are actually responsible and his entire collection was euthanized as I mentioned so dead snakes because of his stupidity and also he's going to ruin it for everybody else nice execution you're doing terrific keep in mind the people who make the laws are elected officials they need to seem like they're doing something they can't see seem like they're brushing it away and the easiest way to make it seem like they're doing something for the masses is to throw a bunch of laws at it and that's it so to round it out with free handling are free handlers idiots or morons or silly or whatever I called this video no I don't think it inherently makes you an idiot if you're a free Handler I think that it makes you very uh a risk taker I think that you're you're doing something that I I'm way too risk adverse to do but with that said how many people who freeh handle venomous snakes actually die in comp comparison to say in the 1970s of F1 Racers to a year would die right there are things that I don't think you're an idiot if you're doing something that is you know has a high fatality rate but I do think that there's idiotic ways to do things that are very risky and I think that Jeff was definitely one of those people who did a risky thing in a really dumb way so with that said I really do wish Jeffrey Lio the best care that he can get I hope that he recovers fully and I'd be more than open to having a conversation with him once he recovers I also really hope that everybody sees this and it's a wakeup call because guess what have you ever seen a very famous venomous snake Handler who is known for free handling not get bit and this is no shade to these people but look at it this way Chris S bit twice Tyler's been bit Chandler's been bit is there anybody who is more famous for free handling than those guys probably not so all of them have got bit so what do you think is going to make you so special all I'm saying is do whatever you want but make sure you have the protocols in place make sure that if you do get bit you have your own protocol available to you anyway this is a divisive one let me know in the comment section below please be nice to each other I want to say thank you guys so much for hitting like And subscribe the patreon supporters you guys are freaking amazing discounts on merch one-on ones all that and more for little a dollar a month and because I do videos twice a week that means I'll see you on Monday

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