Have Wrexham AFC Made a HUGE MISTAKE Which Has ANGERED Fans…

welcome back to the channel today of course as always we're back talking about Rex MFC we're back with another Rex MFC news update video we got plenty of stuff to talk about on today's video a potential free agent Sig in that has progressed in the past couple of days we're going to be talking about the youth team we're going to be talking about a very controversial topic that has definitely brought mixed opinions amongst Rex and fans and we're just going to be having a review on that incredible 3-0 win on the weekend over shown but before we get going into today's video if you do like what you see make sure to get down there and click the red subscribe button if you haven't already on the road to 26,000 subscribers so any support is massively appreciated going forward and of course if you want to support the channel further there will be the first link in the description down below of course as always I'll put it on screen now the absolute legends that have supported the channel further and let's go for 650 likes on today's video and let's get talking about the first topic so we're going to start things off by talking about some Chan news regarding Rex of course you might have seen in the past couple of videos me talking about Josh Adam he's a name that a lot of rexon fans will have heard of in the past couple of weeks but Parky has confirmed that former Manchester City Academy graduate Josh Adam is training with the club and a deal is expected to happen in the next coming days as he has set to pen a 2year contract at rexon football club Parky did confirm this in the postmatch press conference after Sherby town on the weekend and he said Adam is a real talent that he'd like to keep at rexim and of course things have progressed since Saturday but according to a few sources it's reported that Josh Adam was training with the rexim for battle fortnite now just to regain his Fitness and of course ahead of a permanent move to rexam which does seem to be the case and something that will happen in the next coming days so that's probably why the deal hasn't been completed and announced it's possible that he could have played behind closed doors games or you know youth games just to regain his full fitness and get back to the Quality that he did show at Manchester City so the deal is still very much on as for Brit Romano would say here we go it's probably going to be Josh Adam to Rex him so he's a very promised addition to this squad we're adding that youth into the Midfield he's definitely a player that has high quality and a player that has massive massive potential so there's no better place to unlock that potential than at Rex FC and of course most importantly under Phil Parkinson and next up we're going to be talking about the weekend we could not talk about this rexon 3 Shrewsbury Town nil a beautiful three points to send us top of the table in League one who would have thought those words would have come out of my mouth in 2019 when we were you know struggling to keep our status in the National League and here we are four years on saying that Rex them are top of the league in League one I'd have probably believed if You' have maybe said top of the league in the national league but to say we're top of League one as things stands there's a long way to go but just to say that five games in rexim at top of League one crazy crazy times so from the atmosphere to the performance it was just the perfect day all around for rexen it was a very convincing performance as well I thought all over the pitch there were some top performances from Elliot Lee to Tom o Conor to Ryan Barner every player turned up for this it's the local Derby if someone wants to call it the crossb Derby they can but that's all we wanted from the fans we wanted the players to turn turn up and they did exactly that I couldn't name one player in that team that had less than a seven out of 10 performance and you know they all turned up to make sure it was a routine Victory we went into this sort of expecting to win not expecting but we definitely had high chances of winning this game and we knew if we'd have played like we did against reading you know against peterb United we'd have a routine Victory and we did exactly that of course we won 3-0 and yes there were periods where shwb had possession of the ball for periods of time and if I cast my mind back I think there's one chance that I think really tested after the second half free kick which he tipped over the bar apart from that yes they had spells of possession they didn't test this at all and there's one player I would like to highlight his performance and that is Tom okona at Center back what a performance Tom okon had a very very impressive display it looked as if he was playing with his mates in the park at times he completed the most passes in the match out of any player on the pitch 64 he just looks so composed on the ball I said it in the video I did a couple of days ago it's just looking at Tom o Conor looking at his composure on the ball his passing his ability to find that pass you know through the lines to thread it to the final third or the Midfield to get that attack going and you know we just have seen a very consistent tom o Conor to this start of this season he's had some really good performances already against some teams that have had good Strikers and just good outfits in general going forward so you know he's had a really really good start and of course we saw a dribble or two here and there from Tom o Conor so just a brilliant performance all around and you know he's still very very young and if he continues this form going up the leagues and he's probably destined to be a championship Premier League player in a couple of years time so don't be surprised if you see him in the national squad for irand in the upcoming years and of course I think it's important to note as well oeno Connell and Max kwith both had very good games and they all get the best out of each other in the back line so I think that's Testament to all three of our center backs for having such a good start to this season and a word on our opponent shrews town now I thought they're definitely the poorest team yet to come to the race course they lacked a real Outlet up top and that's me being honest as a rexon fan as much as I don't like shrewbury my honest thoughts are they did like that outlet up front they had George Lloyd I think the former chelam Striker and you know I don't think he did all that much and I don't think he will do that much this season I don't think you're getting a striker in George Lloyd who's going to score 10 15 goals that will you know be the main source of goals for you as you look to survive in the League this season and I think that is going to be a real concern for shuby toown this season yes they had spells in possession on the ball but that counts for nothing at fulltime especially when you've been defeated 3-0 by your Rivals so and of course being 100% honest again I would not be surprised if we saw shuby toown in the bottom four come the end of the season especially when we've seen some of the quality in the league so far you know there's some real quality and it's probably the best this division has been for the past couple of Seasons so do think shuby town will be down there there's a long way to go don't get me wrong but from what I saw on the weekend I can't see them pushing for anything above midt yeah and a word on the atmosphere now I think a big shout out is needed for the 12th man and of course everyone inside the race course ground who made sure it was a vibrant and electric atmosphere in the race course before and during the game it was just quality it was brilliant to be a part of and year on year since the Takeover we're just continuously improving the atmosphere increasing our game when it comes to creating noise whether it be at the race costr or at an away venue we're just brilliant we're brilliant we're absolutely brilliant and you know we know how much of an impact it does have on the players when they're playing so you know we need to keep up this noise as it could have a big big part to play in our season and now a word on the team the under 18s of course continued that impressive start to the season as they defeated Blackpool 2-1 on the weekend which puts them top of their league after five games I think there's 25 teams in the league Rex some lead way so far just like the men's team so hopefully that can be continued right now we're going to be talking about something that I've wanted to speak about on this channel for a while now now I think is the right time after we've seen a couple of people before the shuby toown game comment about this and like I said I think now is the perfect time to speak my thoughts and voice my opinion on the channel like I like to do so we're going to be talking about the fan Zone if you haven't seen already of course that'll be the title of the video now if you aren aware already of course the fan Zone gives that exclusive access to live music food and drink as well as including a seat guaranteed in the temporary stand the prices are as follows adults are 32 under 21's 27 and under 18s 21 the rest of the prices will be on screen as I've just spoken then so essentially you're paying an extra £10 just to have the availability and the option of buying food or drinking of course as you get the live music and I've seen two of the players or a couple of players go in before the start of the match and signs stff you can have pictures Etc so yeah that's a good touch but when you're paying an extra10 just to have the option of buying food or drink it's not like you're guaranteed a drink or guaranteed food when you get in there you're paying that extra10 which you know is a lot of money at this moment in time and you know with the things going on in the world paying £32 you know just for a seat and then not even having like a maybe a free pint or a free soft drink if you want and of course don't get me wrong a lot of overseas rexon fans would happily play that to be inside the race cross ground and to see rexon play on a weekend however paying £32 and having the idea of paying 32 as a hardworking local person in North Wales or wherever you come from to travel to Rex and to see his play who of course might have children or might have a wife or family that want to go and watch rexim and they don't have the option of sitting in the rexim ler stand in the tech end so they're forced to pay that 32 say if there's a family of four that's like 120 130 just to be sat in a 10 preand and not even have many perks given when you buy that 32 ticket apart from spending more money on food or drink or you know buying merchandise Etc so it doesn't really sound financially possible to a lot of people who are wanting to come inside the race car ground but might not be able to get tickets as soon as they come out they might see the temporary stand tickets and think yeah we'll get tickets there but when you see the 32 really steep price yeah it's a bit of a turnoff a big thing that I think is important to speak on is where the issue lies essentially in this whole situation regarding the fan zone is the fact that rexon will put out a block for non-fan Zone tickets and then will put out a block for fan Zone tickets so say all of non-fan Zone tickets sell out and people might not be able to get tickets and they think oh they're in a rush they want to be inside the race course G they panic and they are forced to pay that £32 for the fan Zone and you know you don't have a choice this is where my issue does lie with the fan zone of course you know you're being forced to pay that extra10 pound I think that is something that they should be looking and of course I wouldn't have an issue if all the fans in the temporary stand the option to pay that extra10 pound if they're willing to and they're wanting to be inside that fan Zone the fact that you're forcing fans to pay that extra10 pound I'm not sure how many tickets are allocated in the fan Zone I can understand from a financial and business point of view why rexman have done this of course to ensure that they don't make a huge loss on the fan Zone you know I've just said it about the prices I think they could have tried it for Wickam Andra seeing how many fans did take up the option to pay that extra10 and if it didn't go down too well decrease the price to five pound or something like I said there's nothing that's out of this world that's going to cause the club to make a huge loss on the fan Zone if no one does turn up or no one does pay that extra10 pound I just don't agree with the fact that it's mandatory for most fans in the temporary stand to pay that extra10 pound what will happen in the winter you know when there's rain wind possibly even snow will fans really want to be in there at 12:00 spend 3 hours in there no I think fans will be wanting to get into the ground as late as possible get in at 250 255 so so that's another question you've got to raise on the fan Zone will he make it cheaper when it's colder weather or will he still Force fans to pay £32 it's bad enough as isn't a temporary stand and I'm not moaning I hate to moan about stuff on this channel of course we've seen some really positive times at rexen but I think things like this are quite important to speak on because say we're playing Steven AG at home on a Tuesday night or on a Saturday when it's raining people are going to be satting the temporary stand and there's a family of four having to pay £130 to watch Rex him in a temp stand without a roof it just doesn't sit right with me and I don't think this whole situation regarding the fan Zone hasn't sat well with a lot of people including myself of course and I'm all for supporting the club financially as we've done as a family now for over a decade now thousands of pounds of our earnings have gone to Rex them into this football club and of course I give any last penny to ensure that the club does stay alive but in this situation don't think this is it Rex them and this hasn't really gone down a hit as as many people as expected and I think there's still time to rectify obviously what they've done to the fan Zone I think there's still time to reduce the prices and make it a cheaper and more enjoyable day out for rexman of course don't get me wrong I've seen pictures on Twitter I've seen reviews of the fanone it looks very very good but and you've got to think the people that might not be fortunate enough to have as much money as you know some families you've got to just maybe think about this you know you'll probably have people working when tickets come out and they'll be wanting really hoping to be inside the race course ground on a match day and of course they see the option to spend 32 and if they want to take their children it'll be excess of90 80 so yeah it just doesn't really sit right with me I don't think they've thought of the fans about on this one of course they've thought about with the fan Zone they've thought about with the additional features there but the price is it's a business strategy more than you know thinking of the fans of course I think this is the perfect time to ask have you been in the fan Zone let me know your thoughts in the comments Down Below have you been in it do you agree with the pric and do you think the pricing is fair or do you think the prices should be cheaper I think the issue does lie of course with the pricing of the tickets and when you're thinking of the fans the hardworking locals in rexam they're not going to be able to for out hundreds of pounds if there's a family wanting to go every single week this is rexon play 23 home games a season if there's a family of foro that's 2,300 a year yeah it's not it for me I'm not convinced by this fan Zone at all and of course like I said I'm open to hear your thoughts and opinions in the comments especially when you've got the turf of course I know they do charge but you've got the turf you've got the myin the myn's free I'm pretty sure but I just I'm not convinced At All by the fan Zone I think it could have been better like I said in terms of pric and don't get me wrong there's some nice features in there I can understand the meet and greet with the players I can see the food Outlets that are in the temporary stand they've got obviously the screens they've got the tables yes that's good but some people can't get there you know for 3 hours before kickoff and some people can't afford to be in that fan Zone I think the main thing that rexam should be doing now is putting all tickets in the temporary stand non fan Zone and add in that extra availability if they want to pay that extra10 to be inside the fan Zone I don't think it's fair at all that they put tickets out that mean you have to pay that extra10 because a some people might spend it in the turf or the mice win B some people might not get that in time to enjoy everything that's in the fan Zone yeah it's quite disappointing and I think it's certain Humphrey Kerr said he wants to you know improve and it's just a trial of what they're doing so far so I think in the winter times when it does start to get colder like it is now I think something will be changed I'm not sure what I'm 99% sure think it's going to be the prices I think it will either go down to 750 or £5 but yeah let let me know your thoughts on this whole situation in the comments below that is it for today's video like I said if you enjoyed make sure to click the red subscribe button make sure to drop a comment down below make sure to like let's go for 650 likes and of course if you would like to support the channel further it'll be the first link in the description and of course check out my new efl channel until then that's enough self-promotion I'll see you in another video take care guys up the town for

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